Hitler driven crazy by ham radio

  • Опубліковано 29 вер 2024
  • Hitler and ham radio, see my newest Hitler video, Hitler infiltrates ham radio.'
    My newest video • K1OIK comments on the ...


  • @davidlisney2059
    @davidlisney2059 9 років тому +2

    Amateur radio is far worse than this! 73 de G0FVT

    @zLOSTNOMOREz 12 років тому

    @goodgrendl I have a friend who has a room full of old ham gear,Collins,Heathkit and so forth. In my opinion nothing can match the sound quality,not only TX but RX as well of these older rigs.Before i would drop $15K on a high end rig i would stop by another friends house and spend the money there.He has boat anchors stacked floor to ceiling,fully restored. Then put up a nice wire and be done with it.Just because you pay alot for it,doesn't mean your going to get a lot of performance out of it!

  • @WA4RRN
    @WA4RRN 15 років тому

    WTF??? How about Charlie "RED" Chaplin?

  • @hanslof4608
    @hanslof4608 10 років тому +4

    Hi and once again, for.....H I L A R I O U S! Excellent! THANKS! 73/SM0BYD

  • @Capecodham
    @Capecodham  13 років тому +1

    @GrizzledGeezer I do not have to belittle ham radio, it does it all by itself

  • @arthurhunt5955
    @arthurhunt5955 11 років тому +1


  • @dieselscience
    @dieselscience 16 років тому +1

    Fictional account with a fictional translation.

  • @Capecodham
    @Capecodham  15 років тому

    Actually the word is "racist." My parents were married. I never failed ANY FCC exam, including commercial exams. Also the word is "their" nit "thier." I thought you were a nice person. Clearly I was in error, have you graduated ANY school?

  • @Capecodham
    @Capecodham  14 років тому

    @AmericanAcquiescence Should say, "You have a point but Hitler invaded more countries and killed more people other than those only whose reason was religion"

  • @Capecodham
    @Capecodham  15 років тому

    You do not get ANY point. It is not important that there be synchronization. Hams find it funny, over 17,000 views, far more than most of my videos.

  • @Capecodham
    @Capecodham  14 років тому

    @minimaluhftv Most hams are old men. The average age when I came in was 28, now over 60.
    What proof do you have that hams participated in 9-11?

  • @Capecodham
    @Capecodham  15 років тому

    You need to read the book, "Hitlers Willing Executioners" ordinary Germans did Hitlers bidding. The people, like you, enabled Hitler.

  • @goodgrendl
    @goodgrendl 12 років тому

    So, you aren't going to go HAM because you don't want to fight the contesters? Well, either you want to work HAM or you don't. Not much radio going on here. I guess the best way not to run into contesters is to never get on the air. I haven't heard a contester for maybe 15 years because I decided to volunteer with emergency services, VHF - digital - agency work with SAR and DHS. Some day I'll go back. Don't spite your face due to some jerks. Take the road less traveled!

    @zLOSTNOMOREz 12 років тому

    @goodgrendl "CB and HAM are apples and oranges."
    The equipment used in each may be vastly different but an Ass is an Ass no matter if it's behind a $15 CB or a $15.000 HAM rig.I have wanted to go ham for years and after getting everything together to do it,i find that the same assholes that used to be on the CB have taken over Amateur radio!There is a reason that new licenses have been on a steady decline for the past few years and all you need do is listen to a few different freqs to hear why.

    @zLOSTNOMOREz 12 років тому

    @goodgrendl Are you in denial about the state of your hobby? It's not just one or two,it's on nearly every frequency. Not giving their call,adjacent channel interference and after being told about it they continue to do it. Playing music,talking over others,talking on SSB while others are talking AM. I mean its just on and on. Yeah, it's a rant about hams who act as though they are above others and make excuses for the inconsiderate things they do, just to satisfy there own selfish desires.

  • @goodgrendl
    @goodgrendl 12 років тому

    Nonsense! I worked QRP exclusively for several years. I used to find a pileup and break in with my Zepp and Argonaut. I enjoyed the heck out of knowing that those mega-buck stations had to wait. HAMS run a great risk by abusing privileges, are licensed and required to operate legally. There are bad a few HAMS out there who drag the hobby down. The danger is to group everyone in with these few turkeys. Is this a CB rant against HAM? CB and HAM are apples and oranges.

  • @goodgrendl
    @goodgrendl 12 років тому

    Contesting of course proves the point that highly tuned communications networks can communicate with each other under varying condx. They refine their technique, their devices, their antennas in order to actually make contact with others. That's what communication is. Making a game of it isn't any different than chess. One can't be narrow minded and enjoy themselves if their vision of what should be is myopic.

  • @jlastre
    @jlastre 15 років тому

    One is lothed to reply to the UA-cam intelligencia, but what is the comment, "Stalin was no angel, but he invaded no country " based on? Perhaps the histories of Finland, Esontia, and Poland would be counter examples? Arguing about who was worst (Stalin or Hitler) is akin to asking how many angels can dance on the head of a pin.

  • @goodgrendl
    @goodgrendl 12 років тому

    Just trying to educate you about some good that contesting provides but you are enjoying the argument too much. It reminds me that "when you wrestle with a pig you both get dirty - but the pig likes it". You have a fine Christmas Burt2481

  • @gtc1961
    @gtc1961 13 років тому

    @burt2481 I tend to agree that hams provided assistance during the 9/11 attacks. It is a wwell known fact that the police and fire depts. had all kinds of communication problems during those hours and days after. Sadly, I just heard a report recently that a lot of that hasn't been fixed yet.

    @SALTYCOMBATDIVER-ExInstructor 13 років тому

    @burt2481 The local police and fire department antennas were on the towers. HAMs were involved in the aftermath/cleanup search and rescue efforts. Don't believe me, do your own research. As far as age, something is going on. Licenses are up and the newer HAMs are around the 20-30 age group.

  • @N6NZE
    @N6NZE 15 років тому

    Schickelgrubber his "true" name kept
    a shortwave station near the salt caverns not
    too far from his estate in the Austrian Mountains,
    He was only five countries away from his DXCC
    a subversive poured estrogen in his carrot patch
    and he was not aggressive enough to bring in
    his final five countries!

  • @911fever
    @911fever 14 років тому

    at 0:34 "Steiner lies about signal reports"
    Too f#(kin funny !!! Had to stop the vid cos I pissed myself.
    Ah, better now, so I can finish watching this vid. Can't wait to see what other zany hijinks occur;
    Thanks for posting !!!

  • @Capecodham
    @Capecodham  15 років тому

    You have a point but Hitler invaded more countries and killed more people with the only reason being religion

  • @Capecodham
    @Capecodham  15 років тому

    Oh the translation is wrong? You must be a genius, oh by the way my 5th graders could have figured that out

  • @61pickgun
    @61pickgun 15 років тому

    That's funny as hell. And for all the guys that don't this is funny - it's supposed to be a PARODY. Lighten up - have you seen all of the other Hitler mashups on U-tube? Hitler mad at ebay, Hitler loses his bike, Hitler mad at Vista, mad at xBox.
    I've been a ham for 19 years and I'm still amazed at the all of the self-important, pointy-headed dweebs in the hobby.
    I still remember taking my ham test @ the Red Cross & watching two guys talk to each other across the room - using 2 mtr HT's.

  • @on3jt
    @on3jt 16 років тому

    The movie is called Der Untergang, filmed in 2004. The guy who plays Hitler is also from Switzerland. In my opinion it gives a pretty good picture of Hitlers last days

  • @utubeaccess7
    @utubeaccess7 13 років тому

    @burt2481 Then there is this lowest form of ham radio operator - called contesters. These are ahms who get on the air and see how many hams they can work in a short period of time. They don't exchange any useful information, they don't say their say their name, they don't say their location, they don't say anything about their family."

  • @Moreoff
    @Moreoff 12 років тому

    Mel Brooks would enjoy this too. Right up there with Springtime for Hitler & Hitler on Ice.
    "I lieb you, baby. I lieb you. Now leave me alone."

  • @Capecodham
    @Capecodham  15 років тому

    Since Hitler documentted, he is OK by you.
    Stalin was no angel, but he invaded no country

  • @WV6Z
    @WV6Z 16 років тому +1

    Very good Burt! "Hi, hi and fine business!"

  • @crypto-radio8186
    @crypto-radio8186 3 роки тому

    My Gawd! I just found this, 13? Years ago? W5AWG this is harryouless

  • @zerogravity11
    @zerogravity11 15 років тому

    yeah hes ok im german -.- i really dont care much cause if you knew it was comeing you could of just left

  • @powertube5671
    @powertube5671 6 років тому

    That was funny! HI HI. I like your sense of humor, Burt. 73SSSSSSSSSSS, WA2WHV for I.D.

    @VKQLDHAM 15 років тому

    as much as I disagree with nearly every thought you have this is really funny.
    Well Done Burt.

  • @Big-Show1
    @Big-Show1 15 років тому

    This is from the movie "Downfall". It's worth watching for all those who have not seen it.

    @UZI9MMAUTO 5 років тому

    Found it funny- but couldnt share it on the SW group. Not cause I didn't want to.

  • @VE3RKP
    @VE3RKP 16 років тому

    Why would a Radio Ham talk trash about his wonderful hobby???
    Your not funny at all.

  • @ScottAReid
    @ScottAReid 9 років тому

    figured Hitler would be upset over ham radio. guy was a real jerk all the way around!

  • @dermengi
    @dermengi 16 років тому

    hi......very nice....but is interesting to make some one with president ceausescu

  • @cooker4409
    @cooker4409 8 років тому +2

    I'm not as big of a contester as I used to be......I do SOTA's when the weather permits......take my K1's camping in the Summers in Montana.....trying to do different things in the hobby now since I'm getting older.....you will always have the haters/trollers here on the internet, and on the air......in the mid 90's, it was the "NO-CODERS" hating since the Morse requirement was lifted......the "Rubber-Duck Commandoes" on 2 and 440......the "contesters".......I'm getting back into QRP, and even gonna try some kit-building again...had old tube gear when I started in Ham Radio.....Hallicrafters S-53A, Heath DX-40, and a Knight VFO......1980...then an old Swan 350D....was a novice for 9 years.......did lots of CW Rag-Chewing....4 countries short of Novice DXCC, then Upgraded.......still have tube gear, and QRP rigs now.....but never ran AM or RTTY, or any of the digital modes....maybe this winter.....love your vids Burt.......don't always agree, but still like the videos....

    • @jimbeck3230
      @jimbeck3230 8 років тому +2

      cooker440 they need to reinstate code @ 20 WPM and have oral exams. I have talked to several amateur extras that could not do a simple ohms law problem.

    • @TheRudydog1
      @TheRudydog1 7 років тому +1

      Jim Beck: If you are talking about the no code Amateur Extra I totally agree. What a disgrace to what once was an achievement to be proud of. When the incentive licensing came about I studied hard, drove 200 miles to the Kansas City Federal Building, sent and received the required 20 WPM code and passed the exam. The FCC, ARRL and equipment manufactures are all in bed together these days. The more unqualified the Hams the more crap they can sell to them, more ARRL memberships and the FCC can forget about enforcing the rules and get paid for doing nothing.

    • @TheRealLaughingGravy
      @TheRealLaughingGravy 6 років тому

      In the 1970's, I listened on my shortwave to local hams on 160 meters every night. They transmitted on normal AM and derided anyone using SSB, whom they called "mushmouths."
      In every age, the old guys think the new guys don't know enough, and that their new technologies are worthless gadgets.

    • @powertube5671
      @powertube5671 6 років тому

      I don't have a problem with the no-code because it is self limiting. Many hams who take the exams now want to learn the code later because they are excluded from the code part of the band. But, I do have a problem with hams that memorize the tests and pass by trial and error. Becoming a General or Extra class should be a thing that one is proud of because they actually studied and learned the material. How many know how to calculate reactance or know why impedance is different along an antenna or a transmission line? What polarization is, what phase relation the E and M fields have once radiated. What is a Hilbert transformer? Without the given answers, the test really isn't that easy.

  • @bainElvellon
    @bainElvellon 16 років тому

    I could not laugh about this. Maybe it is because I'm German.

  • @captlarry-3525
    @captlarry-3525 8 років тому

    does mamma know you are playing with her computer again ?

  • @Capecodham
    @Capecodham  16 років тому

    You think? You are smarter than a fifth grader.

  • @jimbeck3230
    @jimbeck3230 8 років тому

    Great Burt, I love it! Even better than the Yellow Raincoat. I amgoing to steal it.

  • @LeeG7953
    @LeeG7953 14 років тому

    @woodycharlie Hell the sex stoped after I got married.

  • @Capecodham
    @Capecodham  15 років тому

    Contesters even infiltrate digital areas

  • @Capecodham
    @Capecodham  13 років тому

    @utubeaccess7 This sounds just like me

    @SALTYCOMBATDIVER-ExInstructor 13 років тому

    @AKUSER1968 The women you meet on HAM don't count.

  • @Capecodham
    @Capecodham  15 років тому

    I am very poor at learning languages.

  • @w1wcn
    @w1wcn 13 років тому

    OK...I'm crying from laughing so hard. Thanks, Burt. Very clever!

  • @barefooboy17
    @barefooboy17 6 років тому

    I have this movie on DVD. It's called Downfall. That scene has nothing to do with Ham radio. Someone doctored that scene up to post here

    • @Capecodham
      @Capecodham  6 років тому +2

      You are so quick, how did you ever figure that out?

  • @chazfensk
    @chazfensk 15 років тому

    Burt doesn't make hams look bad. Hams make hams look bad!

  • @Solocat1
    @Solocat1 8 років тому

    Outstanding, so Truthful.

  • @Capecodham
    @Capecodham  15 років тому

    Check my new video on Hitler

  • @564955charlie
    @564955charlie 16 років тому

    this was frickin hilarious man

  • @Capecodham
    @Capecodham  13 років тому

    @AKUSER1968 most rare

  • @Capecodham
    @Capecodham  14 років тому


  • @rattinox
    @rattinox 13 років тому

    Pure genius, Burt!!

  • @news_internationale2035
    @news_internationale2035 2 роки тому

    I despise contesters.

  • @SirSmartyPants
    @SirSmartyPants 16 років тому

    ROFL-Funny on a couple of levels.

  • @adelarsen9776
    @adelarsen9776 9 років тому +1

    Walter in Germany would be proud.

    @MRBIGBANDMAN 13 років тому

    Wow HA HA HA

  • @Dwg67
    @Dwg67 9 років тому

    That's funny,hi hi

  • @Capecodham
    @Capecodham  15 років тому

    Do not know.

  • @dorslv
    @dorslv 14 років тому

    Sounds like burt2481 ;-)

  • @Capecodham
    @Capecodham  16 років тому

    You think

  • @Resdon111
    @Resdon111 16 років тому

    epic, nice

  • @N2RRAny
    @N2RRAny 13 років тому


  • @Jon-jk8vd
    @Jon-jk8vd 6 місяців тому


  • @EquipmentReviewer
    @EquipmentReviewer 11 років тому

    Hilarious! Hi Hi

  • @gus4CHRIST
    @gus4CHRIST 4 роки тому

    Too Funny !!!!

  • @asbjay
    @asbjay 15 років тому

    It's 'you're' not your.

  • @jumpinprods
    @jumpinprods 15 років тому

    This is BRILLIANT!!!! I LOVED it!

  • @joeturnip4216
    @joeturnip4216 7 років тому

    Hi-Hi !!

  • @perrylusk7428
    @perrylusk7428 9 років тому


  • @MrVWQ
    @MrVWQ 13 років тому

    73, and hi hi...

  • @DL6UK
    @DL6UK 7 років тому +1

    absolutely crap

  • @warbywales
    @warbywales 15 років тому


  • @MrVWQ
    @MrVWQ 12 років тому

    Hi Hi

  • @Capecodham
    @Capecodham  12 років тому

    @goodgrendl What you said about contesting was the finast piece of bull I have read in a long time but was sent in a totally classy manner

  • @hailster
    @hailster 15 років тому

    Excellent video Burt! I agree with most of your points. I hate always hearing CQ contest during some of the only times I am able to operate. Really ruins radio, but at least on digital modes there are fewer contests so that's always a nice mode to operate when the contesters shove you out of the voice portion of the band by operating .5 khz away from the frequency that you have been having a ragchew on for a lot longer than the contest started. Screw contesters and their crappy operating

    @VKQLDHAM 15 років тому

    It's nature of the beast Burt - we all get a little hot headed when someone ridicules something we do.
    I do admire your passion against contesting and your "balls" for posting these videos.

  • @radioboys8986
    @radioboys8986 4 роки тому

    yellow vest and a HT

  • @Francois_Dupont
    @Francois_Dupont 2 роки тому

    59 59

  • @Capecodham
    @Capecodham  15 років тому

    I give you credit for saying the positives, it reinforces that I need to pay more attention to all you say.

  • @Capecodham
    @Capecodham  15 років тому

    I looked at Part 1, saw no sub titles, send me the link

  • @Capecodham
    @Capecodham  16 років тому

    I am surprised you found it so fast!

  • @Godhumbledme
    @Godhumbledme 11 років тому

    This is good! thanks

  • @Capecodham
    @Capecodham  16 років тому

    Others, many others disagree.
    What did I say not based on fact?

  • @n8vzl
    @n8vzl 8 років тому

    LOL very funny.

    • @RationallySkeptical
      @RationallySkeptical 8 років тому

      If you think this was even REMOTELY funny, you have the worst sense of humor I have ever encountered in my life. This is depressingly NOT funny - especially after seeing "hitler not in log.mov" - if you want to see what ACTUAL funny is, you'd better get a clue by watching that instead.

    • @Capecodham
      @Capecodham  8 років тому

      I have 61000 views, and your videos?

    • @RationallySkeptical
      @RationallySkeptical 8 років тому

      burt2481 Idiot. See my private message to you. I stopped all promotion and advertising for my videos 3 weeks after making them because I realized I wasn't going to have time to continue making them. I have never even TRIED to accumulate a following. It's absolutely pathetic that your defense for having no sense of humor is that "more people watch my videos." That's not even RELEVANT to what I said. So now all you've done is demonstrate to anyone reading that not only do you have no sense of humor, but you're an idiot as well. Good job!

    • @Capecodham
      @Capecodham  8 років тому +1

      I did see your profanity laced private message, you are so brave as you hide behind a keyboard WITH YOUR POTTY MOUTH.

    • @RationallySkeptical
      @RationallySkeptical 8 років тому

      As I said, I am not hiding. But say it a few more times, maybe that will eventually make it true. And yes, I called you a fucking moron. Because you're a FUCKING MORON. Now get a life and learn how to not get butt-hurt by random comments from strangers on the internet. You apparently have no idea how pathetic that makes you look....lol I am done wasting time on you, Mr. I Need Therapy. Any further responses from you will be ignored.

  • @m0ook427
    @m0ook427 10 років тому +1

    Thank you so much for making this!!

    • @RobBob555
      @RobBob555 9 років тому

      why ? its shit..

    • @joeturnip4216
      @joeturnip4216 7 років тому

      What makes you the shit expert? And what's that spoon you're carrying ??

    • @joeturnip4216
      @joeturnip4216 7 років тому

      Maybe.... But the image I have is still you shoveling down those butt drippings with your spoon....
      Any flavor favorites ???

    • @RobBob555
      @RobBob555 7 років тому

      Joe Rod
      nobody except you, has any clure what your rambling on about // just FYI my dipshit..