Thank You, I have 100-300mm SD and it has some dirt/smudges on the middle element - I can see it rotate when moving the zoom - luckily it doesn't seem to be "even haze" . You have given me courage to try to do it myself. what is the cleaner liquid you are using? Thank You Craig
This video is truely informative.. Thank you.. I have a problem opening second component from front.. can u please guide me? In this video, at 3.40 minutes, you have shown opening of the second element and it seems very easy.. but i am finding it difficult.. is there any other way?
Thanks much!!
Do you like that lens? How is it next to other ATX or Vivitars?
Thank You, I have 100-300mm SD and it has some dirt/smudges on the middle element - I can see it rotate when moving the zoom - luckily it doesn't seem to be "even haze" . You have given me courage to try to do it myself. what is the cleaner liquid you are using? Thank You
99% Ethanol
This video is truely informative..
Thank you..
I have a problem opening second component from front.. can u please guide me?
In this video, at 3.40 minutes, you have shown opening of the second element and it seems very easy.. but i am finding it difficult.. is there any other way?
slightly heated using Hot Blower it will be easy to open👍🏻
Is that same way to open 24-70mm sd?