How to make a viral video

  • Опубліковано 6 вер 2024
  • I hope that I do not sound too bleating in this video, in which I relate my experiences of having a video 'go viral'. The experience has been far more good than bad.
    The promised link:
    Original version:
    Stolen (?) WIMP version:


  • @lindybeige
    @lindybeige  11 років тому +28

    It took me five or six years to get 12,000 subscribers. After Reddit it took me about three days to get another 8,000.

  • @vengervoldur6534
    @vengervoldur6534 10 років тому +79

    How to make a viral video:
    Step 1: Make a video
    Step 2: See step 1

  • @NorticFox
    @NorticFox 10 років тому +71

    A tumbler is a device used to clean shell casings during the reloading process. No idea how people are putting photos in them that other people can see. (lolz)

  • @lindybeige
    @lindybeige  11 років тому +19

    It is not my best collar, but the others were in the wash.
    Yes, the house is a metaphor for my channel, and if I make a thing then I own it. If you go to my channel and take one of my videos without asking and use it to further your own website, then this is a pretty close analogy to burglary.

    • @GooglyEyedJoe
      @GooglyEyedJoe 6 років тому +1

      I know this sounds strange but you sound like Clive Anderson aka the host of Whose Line Is It Anyway UK.

  • @isgdre
    @isgdre 9 років тому +20

    A tumbler is a type of glass.

  • @CrackingPearPrd
    @CrackingPearPrd 10 років тому +30

    I think a Tumblr is what Batmn drives in the Christophr Noln films.

  • @jlandles
    @jlandles 9 років тому +18

    In response to the comment by K Uye who has also disabled replies to his post, presumably to avoid any accountability for his statement in the form of debate or contrary comments:
    All copyright laws include the concept of "fair use". Fair use allows an organisation or an the individual to copy no more than 10% (usually) of the content in order to discuss it, critique it, or even to use it to produce a new work. It does not take much of a genius to see that Lindybeige's use of movie scenes falls well within the fair use provisions and could not be constituted even remotely near a breach of copyright.
    It only takes five seconds of thought to realise that if Lindybeige is breaching copyright, then so are all the movie reviews, all the excerpts made in any broadcasting form, all the student essays that reference movie dialogue and so on and so forth. In short, the statement is utter nonsense. Or to use a good Lindyism, "Rubbish."
    On the other hand, a website that copies the entirety of a work - 100% - is clearly in breach of copyright since that cannot be constituted to be fair use. To make money by doing so, is an even more egregious breach of copyright.

  • @vampirica89
    @vampirica89 11 років тому +1

    A facebook friend of mine linked the wimp version of your video on his profile few days ago. What I immediately did (as I always do) is a youtube search for a video with the same title. I found about 3 or 4 of them with very little view count and then below it all, there was your original video with a different title than those fake ones. Since then I have seen almost all videos on your channel and I immensely enjoyed them. You're now one of my favourite youtubers, so glad that I found you!

  • @HrRezpatex
    @HrRezpatex 5 років тому +1

    I love the serial you made about "The Adventures of Stoke Mandeville, Astronaut and Gentleman".
    I was hoping for more like it until i saw this video, and now understand why that is not likely to happen.

  • @historytab2479
    @historytab2479 7 років тому +2

    Don't worry, Lindy. Some of us, including me, very much appreciated the witty humor of Stoke Mandeville.

  • @lindybeige
    @lindybeige  11 років тому

    But it was taken from UA-cam. Every video has the name of the channel as a clickable link, and people can message me directly through UA-cam, or visit my website which is mentioned in every video description. Yes, sometimes a mistake might be made, but on this occasion I don't think anyone with the computer skills to rip a video from UA-cam could also lack the skills to message the channel owner. I don't know how to rip a video from UA-cam.

  • @lindybeige
    @lindybeige  11 років тому +2

    The frame rate of the original is 25, with 50 fields per second, but UA-cam compresses it.

  • @jonbar18
    @jonbar18 11 років тому

    I actually found you this way. On my first day of trying reddit, one of the first threads I read was about "what is something movies always get wrong?" One of the answers (actually, around half of them) talked about drawing swords and had a link to your video about it. Now I'm watching about a dozen of your videos a day and haven't looked at since. Although maybe I should, because I might just find another gem.

  • @WishMasterPtolemy
    @WishMasterPtolemy 11 років тому

    As far as I'm concerned, all of your musings on ancient armour and weaponry should go viral, you're a fascinating man to listen to.

  • @grayburst
    @grayburst 11 років тому

    It was that viral video that brought your contemplations to my attention. I have now watched through all your videos and read through your website. Keep up the get work.

  • @RaineAlgessar
    @RaineAlgessar 11 років тому

    To look on the bright side of it, people will start wondering who the guy with the good points were, and those interested will hopefully find you here. Well deserved on the viral video, stolen or not. If the goal is to educate people, a viral video seems to be one of the best ways to do it.

  • @rubenskiii
    @rubenskiii Рік тому +1

    UA-cam’s algorithm always has been a dice roll, uploading to UA-cam is a bit like a game.

  • @RincewindIsMyHero
    @RincewindIsMyHero 11 років тому

    I came from that link on reddit and stayed because, as an ex-fencer, I am very interested in weapons and how they were used! I wish he'd consider making more videos about history and such, his rambles are incredibly interesting!

  • @LD25011
    @LD25011 11 років тому +1

    I quite enjoy your seemingly vast collection of sweaters.

  • @Xearrik
    @Xearrik 11 років тому

    I'm responsible for it going viral I think. I got into an argument in a forum about drawing swords. And I posted a link to your vid. It was a new popular video game that just released. But who knows it could just be a coincidence. Congratulations by the way, it was a lovely and fun video. It's why I subscribed to your channel.

  • @moonrazk
    @moonrazk 11 років тому

    I got into your channel through Reddit and spent a night watching your videos, so thanks to both you, for your really entertaining videos, and Reddit, for showing them to me.

  • @ScipiPurr
    @ScipiPurr 11 років тому

    I saw some of the Facebook pages I follow start sharing your videos. It was cool seeing you and your videos start to gain more popularity.

  • @lindybeige
    @lindybeige  11 років тому +1

    Yes, I was aware that this was possible, but the site is hardly dedicated to such redirection. It would be interesting to know how many people watch WIMP videos, and what proportion bothers to seek out the originals. If both numbers are high, then I might in the long-term gain more viewers than I lose

  • @Ymbirtt
    @Ymbirtt 11 років тому

    There is the whole "make something good" part of it as well. That usually helps videos go viral.

  • @sniperquasi
    @sniperquasi 11 років тому

    Been with you for a long while lindybeige, happy to see your success

  • @gorgon825
    @gorgon825 11 років тому

    One viral video won't be quite enough to convince the bank to give him a loan, unfortunately. I do hope he continues to gain recognition, though; his videos are all interesting and enlightening.

  • @lindybeige
    @lindybeige  11 років тому

    I don't think I'm on Reddit. I don't know how Reddit works and never use it. I had to ask what it was when a friend said that I was mentioned on it. If people are able to post links to their own videos on the site, then surely it would just dissolve into a mass of self-promotion?

  • @imacoda
    @imacoda 11 років тому

    I'm a new fan. I found you on reddit the other day. I've seen a good amount of your videos now. PLEASE keep doing what you're doing. I love watching your videos.

  • @MeanYellowBall
    @MeanYellowBall 11 років тому

    I'd like to see you doing a video about the most inadequate pieces of equipment you found on pop culture / video game, giving us an insight of how bad they would perform in an accurate combat situation.

  • @MJLabunda
    @MJLabunda 11 років тому

    I had faith in you Lindybeige. You have pulled through. The greatest guy.

  • @Arquinsiel
    @Arquinsiel 11 років тому

    "A mass of self-promotion" is a pretty good way to describe the entire internet to be fair.

  • @lindybeige
    @lindybeige  11 років тому +1

    Available soon!

  • @cm2071
    @cm2071 11 років тому

    Hopefully more of your videos take off, I personally have enjoyed nearly all your videos

  • @DrPracticleHat
    @DrPracticleHat 11 років тому

    I like Wimp too. They usually link the source of their videos in the bar bellow it, so even though the videos aren't embedded, i do try to go to the source afterwards.

  • @MnemonicShawn
    @MnemonicShawn 11 років тому +1

    For what little it's worth, WIMP posts the original source URL of the video as well as the ripped version. Personally, if I enjoy the video, I trace the URL back to see what else the person has posted of interest. That led me to your channel of course. :)
    As a long time D&D player, I've found your videos both interesting and informative. You've shattered more than one "myth" in my mind, for which I am thankful.

  • @fuzzwarmy
    @fuzzwarmy 11 років тому

    I liked that sword video, and some reasons I liked it were because I hadn't thought about it, it was immediately obvious to me that your point was correct, and I hadn't seen anyone else make that point. It also added a few moments of hilarity for me to nearly any movie with swords in it, especially since the actors are usually at their most serious when that silly sound occurs. It's almost as funny as the kung fu punch/kick sound effects or the actors flying around as they fight (Weeeeee!!!).

  • @WishMasterPtolemy
    @WishMasterPtolemy 11 років тому

    My favourites are the ones on slinging - since those motivated me to start slinging myself. But also points on the Khopesh, ancient wooden traps and under-arm spear usage in particular come to mind.

  • @AlwaysPlanAhea
    @AlwaysPlanAhea 11 років тому

    That happened to me! 3 years ago I made a video of dead bugs in my water-bar, after the company refused to send me a replacement. I made it just to show them that people are going to know what their word's worth. They finally sent me a replacement. I forgot the video was uploaded, and a few months ago its hit count rocketed for no apparent reason. It reached national TV! Turned out I caused them some commercial damage, 3 years too late. They now sell their product with an anti-bug kit included.

  • @ZachariasClub
    @ZachariasClub 11 років тому

    I remember finding it on Wimp. My first reaction was "Lindybeige isn't a viral video person! What's he doing here! Get off!" I then proceeded to watch the ripped version, and I was entranced by your lovely voice once more.

  • @lindybeige
    @lindybeige  11 років тому +1

    Well, possibly the camera at least...

  • @dajolaw
    @dajolaw 11 років тому

    Actually, that bit about drawing swords was one of the first videos of yours I watched, years ago. Glad other people have a chance to appreciate your work.

  • @ashermcguffin170
    @ashermcguffin170 10 років тому +1

    Regarding the take down of videos, this is an important right under the European WIPO treaty and the US DMCA. As with other copyright law, you CAN seek financial restitution in a court if you feel this is somehow worth your time and money. However if you want to stop them in the meantime while you sue them or more likely just don't want a legal battle in the first place, they have a further legal obligation to comply quickly with all take down notices they get. They will do this, whether or not you ask nicely, because if they do not and you sue them they would face a significantly inflated liability and fines.
    I think this is generally to the benefit of all producers of copyrighted content as long as it is not abused (which is sometimes is, but that is another story).

  • @erock4973
    @erock4973 11 років тому

    It's great, I've been watching them for some time but when I saw his link on Reddit I thought it was really cool to see Lloyd become more well known.

  • @MikeDaner2630
    @MikeDaner2630 11 років тому

    in wimp's defence it would be an unmanageable job to control EVERY single video on their site

  • @DaveMakes
    @DaveMakes 11 років тому

    The (r/AskHistorians) area of Reddit is a bit of a shining light. Heavily moderated to stay on topic, with lots of varied insight. If you were inclined to have a look at the best of what site has to offer, that area there would probably be it. Also, glad to hear of your good fortune.

  • @TornadoCreator
    @TornadoCreator 11 років тому

    I hope this gets you more recognition for your channel. I do enjoy your stuff, although I do feel your Stoke Mandeville stuff gets less attention simply because it's more niche. I know I prefer your informative vlog style posts simply because that's the kind of thing I like to come to UA-cam for. All in all though, I'm glad for you.

  • @jeremiaas15
    @jeremiaas15 11 років тому

    Congratulations on 'going viral', personally though I feel strangely disappointed (or somewhat scared, perhaps). Turns out I'm no longer just fond of a certain pleasant bloke off the internet, but rather a fan of an internet "star", which changes the improbable though not impossible wish of having a chat on militaristic history into a desire to get an autograph (or at least, I think I'm supposed to have such a desire; haven't yet figured out this whole celebrity "culture" we're currently having)

  • @Daedkro
    @Daedkro 11 років тому

    very right, there are some incredibly hard to enforce rules against self promotion on reddit.

  • @it13455
    @it13455 11 років тому

    For no particular reason I looked at the statistics for the Katana video a few days ago, and I thought the bar must have been glitching out. Congratulations on the video Lindy, and you may want to invest in some microphones for Stoke Mandeville. I think if the simple quality issues with it are worked out it'll do much better.

  • @combatplayer
    @combatplayer 11 років тому

    i don't see why you would change your view of him just because more people now know about him. to me he's still "just" a pleasant bloke that makes interesting and often amusing videos. the little number showing how many others are enjoying the same thing doesn't matter. i wouldn't be much interested in an autograph, i would rather approach him as if i knew him, of course keeping in mind that he doesn't know me. but he seems like that kinda guy that would be perfectly ok with such approaches.

  • @lindybeige
    @lindybeige  11 років тому +1

    I don't know how many people run WIMP, but they only have to check five videos a day.

  • @Ana65belle
    @Ana65belle 11 років тому

    I just found you via the "viral" video and as I write fantasy and historical fiction found your videos extremely helpful.

  • @SkidMcmarxx
    @SkidMcmarxx 11 років тому

    I'm happy your video went viral. That's how i found your channel and i think ive watched about sixty of your videos now. Well, probably less but you get the idea.

  • @Ederick1936
    @Ederick1936 11 років тому +1

    talking about irony for videos about swords.... heh... IRONy

  • @SwordsAndRavens
    @SwordsAndRavens 11 років тому

    I'm happy for you, you deserve recognition for your videos, in which you do not spew nonsense, or rely on your cat.

  • @Xearrik
    @Xearrik 11 років тому

    Upon further research I think that I may not be responsible.

  • @Jotun184
    @Jotun184 11 років тому

    He made viral videos for the best reason there is: actually making them interesting...

  • @sinistersharkfish
    @sinistersharkfish 11 років тому

    I love Stoke Mandeville Lindy. Keep on keeping on

  • @Yarahaha
    @Yarahaha 11 років тому

    On one of the podcasts I listen to the host host has said that companies and TV shows/movies have approached him in the past to make a web video. They all inevitably say, "I was our video to go viral..."
    I think if you make a video with the intention of it going viral you almost guarantee it will not. Those trying to push themselves to viral status get a backlash from the internet. Best hope is simply to make good videos and maybe one of them will click with people for some random reason.

  • @UberDreww96
    @UberDreww96 11 років тому

    I saw your video on Wimp, and followed the link at the bottom of the page to your channel.

  • @GetterRay
    @GetterRay 11 років тому

    It kind of did though. It had like 100,000 videos 5 years ago, which was a lot for back then. At least Lloyd didn't put that copywritten soundbyte on the sword drawing video so he's actually getting something out of it unlike the katana one.

  • @myr0017
    @myr0017 11 років тому

    Reddit is a conglomerate of sub reddits, which are basically mini forums. You can create one and moderate the way you like. Each sub reddit has it's own rules and subject, I think you were probably mentioned on some sub reddit like /r/History. Sometimes there are really interesting discussions, you should check it some day.

  • @tgillies101
    @tgillies101 11 років тому

    I wish your "Built for the Stone Age" went viral. I watch it about once every 6 months or so.

  • @perspectivedetective
    @perspectivedetective 11 років тому

    Welcome to the confusing and often bizarre world of intellectual property law! Wimp's video removal policy is there to shield the site from being held liable for what its users post, without anybody from Wimp actually having to check each and every video that gets posted. UA-cam has a similar policy, albeit a more complex (and sometimes, more proactive) one.

  • @taltamir
    @taltamir 11 років тому

    Also, I just checked and wimp is a crowdsourced site just like youtube. He talks about "wimp" taking his video. That is like saying that "youtube" took your video because some random youtube user reuploads your modified video under his user account (which sometimes happens).
    Wimp didn't do it, someone else did it on wimp.

  • @withey11
    @withey11 11 років тому

    You got a lot of exposure on 4chan years ago. Mostly because it was originally anime themed but the site ended up catering to lots of other hobbies, so naturally the joke of samurai swords being able to cut through tanks come up, where your video was popular.

  • @Njald
    @Njald 11 років тому +1

    I followed you before you went viral! I have now aquired a sense of selfworth thru being pioneering!

  • @livingjustfordying
    @livingjustfordying 11 років тому

    I found you through reddit, and watched every video you uploaded in two days. I really am rather bored. However, viral videos aren't just rolling the dice a lot, it's also doing something original, putting a spin on something, or something completely fucking random which nobody expects.

  • @sirdidymus62
    @sirdidymus62 11 років тому

    I'm happy to hear that one of your videos went viral, you're one of my favourite content creators on UA-cam, keep up the good work with Stoke Mandeville by the way (=

  • @pulcherius
    @pulcherius 11 років тому

    I can proudly say that I knew about him before he was popular.

  • @JoshuaNassir2
    @JoshuaNassir2 11 років тому

    Fortunately, you don't get to decide what activities get compensation and what doesn't. If Google or whatever advertisement want to pay him per view for his video, they have that right as a business. People may be fine with not making a cent on certain activities or jobs, but if Lindybeige gets paid on the views of his videos, he should be able to express discontent over people stealing his work. Just because it is a leisure activity does not mean it should not be paid.

  • @MrMRmik
    @MrMRmik 11 років тому

    It depends on what subreddits you subscribe to. r/AskHistorians for example is a good educational one. If you're selective enough with subscriptions it's fine. UA-cam is pretty awful if you rely solely on the front page.

  • @Wrongroad
    @Wrongroad 11 років тому

    Well done, you sure deserve the attention.

  • @Philosification
    @Philosification 10 років тому +2

    Not sure if you've been informed since you put this up, but you can put a claim on another video on youtube and you'll be attributed as the owner for any revenue it gets. Some people have been scamming using this method, claiming other people stole their videos when they hadn't and stealing their revenue, so it is a mechanism you can use. You clearly have a legitimate case so you should try that.

  • @birth0fserpents
    @birth0fserpents 11 років тому

    It's always a good day when Lindy uploads.

  • @Adjuni
    @Adjuni 11 років тому

    WIMP basically takes "the best" videos online and post them on a big listing.

  • @mcc1789
    @mcc1789 11 років тому

    Actually, it's more like someone made an exact replica of your house without asking first, but will happily destroy it if you wish. Very odd.

  • @deektedrgg
    @deektedrgg 11 років тому

    I got here ages ago from 4chan's /tg/ thanks to the whole katana vs. regular sword drama. Goes to show that Reddit follows where 4chan goes. Hahahaha. Perhaps a video doesn't just go viral, but it's a chain of various videos that become viral in various internet communities until it reaches a threshold where you just get tons of views. Because your video on katana vs. regular sword gets posted a lot on /tg/, which isn't weird for a board for RPG discussion.

  • @mephitofthelake
    @mephitofthelake 11 років тому

    That's awful about wimp; I had no idea that was how they operated.
    But otherwise it's great news! I sincerely hope you continue to rake in the AdSense money because I love your videos.

  • @NorthRainProductions
    @NorthRainProductions 11 років тому

    I may have burgled your channel but you burgled my heart.

  • @SpacepopeSpeaking
    @SpacepopeSpeaking 11 років тому

    I especially like those people, that re-upload someone else's video and write something along the lines "This is not my video, No copyright infrigement intended!" in the description

  • @morallyambiguousnet
    @morallyambiguousnet 11 років тому

    And there you have it; the internet's collective feeling that if it's online, then it's free. Nevermind whatever money, and that more limited resource time, has been put into the creation of something.
    So now that you've gone viral do I need to ignore you completely, in order to retain some cool factor? Well since I've got bugger all of that, anyway, I guess I'll stick around.

  • @balazsbuza7713
    @balazsbuza7713 2 роки тому

    Fair time to make this video viral

  • @absolutesilence
    @absolutesilence 11 років тому

    I honestly can't remember when I subbed so I will tip my hat to you and allow you to be the bigger of two gits.

  • @rayfraser1773
    @rayfraser1773 4 роки тому

    May have been meant as a compliment.... no.. hold on... they edited it !

  • @taltamir
    @taltamir 11 років тому

    He explicitly stated that they made the following modifications:
    1. Reencoded into a lower quality WMV
    2. No youtube embedding
    3. "Editing" to the video itself.
    I am asking what the editing is

  • @DrVitoti
    @DrVitoti 11 років тому

    yes they can, but reddit has a system of "self rating" in which every user can either upvote or downvote each link, so only those which gain a sizable amount of upvotes get to the top and are actually visible.

  • @wozify
    @wozify 10 років тому

    Completely agree with your view on viral videos being a matter of luck, entertainment/interest, catching the mood of the moment (whenever that moment may turn out to be) and, ultimately, getting exposure to a large amount of traffic.
    Quality is a tiny consideration in comparison.
    The songs I've uploaded to UA-cam have a niche audience with a median of 1,200 views. The top four, which pulled in more than double that, were not (in my view) the "best" four - they just caught the mood of the moment amongst the audience and were shared more widely than others.
    The one which I think is the highest quality piece, and which coincidentally has the broadest potential audience? A smidgen over 200 views.
    Anyone who says "We're going to make a viral video" has clearly never been involved in creating and publishing online work before - and is a complete idiot.

  • @zxcv73
    @zxcv73 11 років тому

    When you can make digital copies, theft really isn't the same as tangible goods. You could use your video the same with out interruption when they are using another copy of the video, and you even got paid from their original use of it when they copied it. That's not at all the same if someone steals your sword, and you are left with one less sword. I'm not saying they aren't asshats for using your OC like that, but it's not the same as theft.

  • @pillsburyhomeboy
    @pillsburyhomeboy 11 років тому

    we should kickstart a campaign to get him a better camera

  • @Cyclonusalready
    @Cyclonusalready 11 років тому

    You don;t know how right you are. Love reddit in general, but yeah it has it's downsides.

  • @namanicha
    @namanicha 11 років тому

    I hope we can bury all of this viral nonsense, lest madness, memes, facebook (or other destructive site) and greed overtake us all.
    I implore people to not say "I was subscribed to him before reddid" in a sarcastic way such as "I don't want to sound hipster, but..." and simply comment the video itself. For is that not, after all, what comments are for?

  • @Wanderer_of_Sol
    @Wanderer_of_Sol 11 років тому

    I've been checking wimp near daily for a couple of years now. They've now lost my respect. I'll be sending them a nasty letter letting them know how they've disappointed me.

  • @mejd16
    @mejd16 11 років тому

    This video is so accurate.

  • @taltamir
    @taltamir 11 років тому

    "and don't help the creator of the video in any way."
    That isn't entirely true, there are many people on their site who would have never heard of him otherwise who now do. And there is always a link to the source page on wimp. Which should link to his page.
    If it does not then he should contact them and tell them that he is the original creator and their "source" link is wrong, and provide a corrected source. Now suddenly it does help him as they are directing their users to his site.

  • @davekent6023
    @davekent6023 11 років тому

    Yep. I found Lloyd because of his first katana video.

  • @Zerosixk
    @Zerosixk 11 років тому

    'What is a tumblr?' That's a bloody good question!

  • @KKarron
    @KKarron 11 років тому

    Since you've now gone "viral", you need to start merchandising. Might I suggest that Stoke Mandeville button to start off with?

  • @ksec27
    @ksec27 11 років тому

    mr beige, for being such a romantic you sure are a realist :D

  • @PatGilliland
    @PatGilliland 11 років тому

    congrats, love the badge