Sourdough Artisan Boules Autolyse Method (Additions/Inclusions added)

  • Опубліковано 19 вер 2024
  • This is another episode about doing Boules using the Autolyse method this time. We have added much more of the mixing, shaping, adding of additions to the episode making it a little longer than usual in hopes to help anyone who would like the extra details. We thank you all again for subscribing, hitting the like button and commenting. We appreciate all of you, recipe is below. Thank you.
    Artisan style Boules using Autolyse Method
    Into a large bowl pour
    550 grams warm water (Temperature can be up to 110 degrees as dough cools quickly)
    This Recipe calls for 570 grams of water to be mixed in but in order to keep
    From Overhydrating the Dough, 20 grams of water is held back but will be added as dough is mixed with wet hands or by adding the extra water a bit at time as mixed to get rid of all the dry bits for Autolyse (the combining of flour and water then leaving for a rest period before continuing with recipe). Next add the following to water:
    850 grams flour (white and whole grain mix of choice)
    Using wet hands to keep dough from sticking blend together water and flour until combined. Dough will be shaggy but be careful not to leave any dry bits. Press down lightly once mixed and cover to Autolyze in warm area for 45 minutes. Take temperature, it should be ranging in mid 80s to 90s.
    Once autolyzed add 170 grams Fully Active Starter plus 21 grams salt. Work starter & Salt in by using wet hands again through dimpling. Rotate bowl and begin to work dough with hand by pulling up slightly scoop style then pull dough toward side of bowl (into itself) to help push dough together. Grabbing dough using hands that are wet or re-wet them keep using grab and scoop method as shown in episode. (This will add the remaining 20 grams difference from above) Dough will become more and more elastic. Once dough is smooth in appearance, shape into ball and place in bowl to rest again for 25 minutes. Stretch and Fold 3 more times - every 20-35 minutes.
    Pre-shape the dough by dividing equally by weighing to get total dough weight on scale and dividing by two, sprinkle lightly with more flour on lightly floured counter, shape into balls, then bench rest for 15 minutes covered. Do NOT SKIP this step, apologies I don’t think I said this in the episode.
    Shape into the final shaping, roll in rice flour bowl to coat and place in bannetons that are well coated with rice flour. Be generous with flouring bannetons for dough may stick when you try to release them for baking. Cover and seal inside Zip Lock Large bag or with a disposable shower cap. Let rest on counter 1-2 hours and then place in fridge overnight.
    In the morning pre-heat Dutch oven pot at 495 degrees for 30 minutes. Score bread, put in Dutch oven and recover pot. Bake for 20 minutes, remove lid, turn oven down to 465-475 (depending on your oven) degrees and bake another 20 minutes.
    Completely Cool on Cake Racks before slicing as it will make inside of bread gummy with Artisan Loaves. Fed starter twice before beginning. Refresh to remaining starter can be done with 50 grams starter, 100 grams flour and 100 grams warm water.
    Older loaves can be lightly brushed with water (one time only) and refreshed in 375 degree oven for 10 minutes. Enjoy.