I spent a day in Belém LISBON

  • Опубліковано 7 вер 2024
  • Shot on the new Insta360 go 3
    The personalities sculpted on the monument are:
    Eastern Side:
    - Afonso de Albuquerque - Governor of Portuguese India
    - Bartolomeu Dias - First to sail beyond the southern tip of Africa, past the Cape of Good Hope.
    - Diogo Cão - First to reach the Congo
    - Francis Xavier - Missionary in Asia
    - Martim Afonso de Sousa - The first Royal Governor of Brazil
    - Vasco da Gama - Discoverer of the sea route to India
    - Afonso Gonçalves Baldaia - Explorer and one of the first settlers of the Azores
    - Cristóvão da Gama - Explorer and Vasco da Gama's son
    - Estêvão da Gama - Explorer and Vasco da Gama's son
    - Gaspar Corte-real - Discoverer of Greenland
    - Nicolau Coelho - Explorer who accompanied Vasco da Gama and Cabral
    - António de Abreu - First to reach the Moluccas, Timor and possibly Australia.
    - King Afonso V - King from 1438 to 1481
    - Ferdinand Magellan - The first explorer to circumnavigate the Earth
    - João de Barros - Writer and historian
    - Pedro Álvares Cabral - Discoverer of Brazil
    Western Side:
    - Queen Filipa de Lencastre - Mother of Prince Henry the Navigator
    - Frei Henrique de Coimbra - Accompanied Pedro Alvares Cabral, and celebrated the first Mass in Brazil.
    - Infante D. Fernando - Prince Henry the Navigator's brother
    - Jácome de Maiorca - Cartographer
    - Nuno Gonçalves - Painter
    - Pêro de Alenquer - Piloted the ship S. Gabriel, captained by Vasco da Gama, when traveling to India.
    - Fernão Mendes Pinto - Writer
    - Gil Eanes - The first to sail beyond Cape Bojador
    - João Gonçalves Zarco - Settler of the Madeira islands
    - Pedro Nunes - Mathematician
    - Pêro de Escobar - Discoverer of São Tomé islands
    - Frei Gonçalo de Carvalho - Missionary in India
    - Gomes Eanes de Zurara - Chronicler
    - Infante D. Pedro - Prince Henry the Navigator's brother
    - Luís Vaz de Camões - Poet, author of "The Lusiads."
    - Pêro da Covilhã - Diplomat in Asia