7:28 nah He was mocking one of his opps which he left in a wheelchair after stabbing him Suspects 2 closefriends were killed when he was in jail thats why he had to get back
If you want to learn more about certain beefs you should watch some videos that explain it like the deadliest gang in London woodgreen mob or the deadly war in Camden active gxng vs 51st
There's some UK slang so you can more understand what they talking in the future: Ching/Ying/Cheff/Bored: Stab Splash: Stabbed so badly that he can swim in his own blood Rambo/ZK/Cutter: Shanks and big knifes Skeng/Dotty/Woosh: Gun or firearm Corn/Teeth/Bells: Bullets Spliff/Zoot: Joint or Blunt Benz: bag of weed Dinger: Stolen car Trident: Armed Police Ped (Moped): Motorcycle
the guy suspect u was talking about in the beginning killed culprit 17:25
and he stabbed him with a knife so long it came out his back
@@baccoutwiththemacout120 He used zk on lil bro😭
@@baccoutwiththemacout120 Weren't it 1 foot long too?
16:30 Broski why are you staring at me 😭
7:28 nah He was mocking one of his opps which he left in a wheelchair after stabbing him
Suspects 2 closefriends were killed when he was in jail thats why he had to get back
16:17 that is PR SAD
If you want to learn more about certain beefs you should watch some videos that explain it like the deadliest gang in London woodgreen mob or the deadly war in Camden active gxng vs 51st
Coming soon fosho appreciate the support
@@VonnoFrmDBM cheers man
There's some UK slang so you can more understand what they talking in the future:
Ching/Ying/Cheff/Bored: Stab
Splash: Stabbed so badly that he can swim in his own blood
Rambo/ZK/Cutter: Shanks and big knifes
Skeng/Dotty/Woosh: Gun or firearm
Corn/Teeth/Bells: Bullets
Spliff/Zoot: Joint or Blunt
Benz: bag of weed
Dinger: Stolen car
Trident: Armed Police
Ped (Moped): Motorcycle
63 grams is 2 & a q which is a common amount
2 (oz) & a Q (quarter)
btw u was groovin to the outro song its called lil dotz x broadday - super demons it slaps heavy
Coming soon
W vid bro can u react to most disprectful uk lyrics
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W vid bro can you do suspect - no filter 🔥
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yo btw dey never found Lampz killers. we all know who it was but shhhhhhhhh
react 2 some older drill out here .. Harlem Spartans - Kennington where it started . UK anthem fr
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The last tune Lil dotz X broadday super deamons
Coming soon
Can you react to pr sad 3/9 🔥
Idk who you been listening too , suspect has 2 bodies not 12 , he is OJ but there are a lot worse GM's
React to rudest gangs in uk drill or most mentioned deaths pt 2.
Coming soon
Appreciate the support
bro stop waffling
wtf that mean😭😭
@@VonnoFrmDBMmeans yapping
To improve your clips, stop wasting 5mins chatting shit .
Appreciate the support 💯