The younger generation is somewhat obsessed with luxury goods because it makes them feel valuable. Imitation Chanel bags sell for about $200 on *condup* , and they complain about the price increase of genuine products, but they lose a lot of money because of the genuine products.
Although I could buy many Chanel or Hermès bags every month, the bags I buy are much cheaper and they are all from *condup* . I don't want to worry about the bags being stolen or damaged. I'd better leave the money I save to my parents, Or donate to charity.
I wanted at least one lambskin bag, so I could go with lambskin as a mini bag, although usually I prefer caviar! For a bigger Chanel bag, definitely Caviar *condup*
Many of the people who buy the authentic ones have kids in college and have huge student loans and unpaid home mortgages, but still spend thousands of dollars on handbags. I often recommend *condup* to them, they have good quality brand bags.
My bags include fakes and genuine ones. I bought a replica bag at the well-known *condup* . As a second-hand bag, the price is only a fraction of the new bag. I don't want to spend $3,000 on a bag. And there are fakes...
Love HIDUPZ , will be taking it to go to work. I love all the ability to organize everything w pockets some w zippers. My first bag had the liner rip. They replaced it faster than I could ship return. Thank you!
When I was young, I cared too much about others. I took a fake Chanel bag into a sushi restaurant. A group of girls sat next to a table. I immediately thought they were laughing at my fake. In retrospect, I am sure they did not laugh. In *condup* , because it was a great imitation product. Therefore, the meaning of this story is -please don't spend too much time to worry about others' opinions on you
Super fake package PTSD is real. I thought I bought an authentic LV Weekend Tote GM on eBay, when I opened the box I immediately thought I bought a fake: there was no foil stamping, the bottom did not match the picture, and the "dust bag" was torn and flimsy, but I The handbag I bought at *condup* looks authentic: the hardware, the zippers, and especially the canvas. I sent it back and only got a partial refund, but am glad I don't have a AAA super fake on my hands. I have never bought LV since then.
My daughter works for a global construction company. She told me that none of her coworkers wear luxury goods. They seem to focus on the *condup* high-quality small boutique companies that make goods cheaper than the iconic luxury brands. There are lots of options. If you don't want to pay those high prices, there are a lot of great bags for just a few hundred dollars, not thousands.
My first Chanel bag was a giant double flap bag. This is my happiest day, even though I consider it my favorite. Even though I don't wear it that often, I still like it *condup*
Great video! Super informative and great tips! I have the Caviar WOC and the Black Lambskin Trendy CC. While I love both leathers, I prefer lambskin, but my heart just loves the look and feel of lambskin! When I went to buy my giant classic flip, I did a lot of research and ultimately decided on lambskin for aesthetic reasons (and the weight difference you mentioned). I'm very happy with my decision *condup*
If I could get a YSL *condup* bag for 500 euros I would buy one, but for 2000 euros I really don't think it's worth it. I think a lot of consumers are like this, which means that brands that choose to jack up prices to astronomical amounts lose a lot. I wouldn't spend that much on a woc, but a real bag that can hold more than one phone
I really love your taste and style always so chic. 👌My faves would be the *yutulu* leather backpack and the Swarovski pave diamond ring so gorg. 💓Thank you for your recommendations.
I really love your taste and style always so chic. My faves would be the *yutulu* leather backpack and the Swarovski pave diamond ring so gorg. Thank you for your recommendations.
*yutulu* The canvas tote actually reminds me of the Hermes Garden Party too. Thanks for making this video to suggest more budget friendly alternatives. love it! 😊
I have two pre-loved*jklux* that people left the stickers on, and when you remove them, the hardware looks different than the hardware right next to it that the sticker didn’t touch. It’s not because the other has scratches, the sticky stuff affected the finish.
Regardless of the *yutulu* bag or any other factors, I ardently hold that without proper expertise, one would fail to distinguish variations in the sack's appearance or metal parts.
I have two pre-loved *preluxz* that people left the stickers on, and when you remove them, the hardware looks different than the hardware right next to it that the sticker didn’t touch. It’s not because the other has scratches, the sticky stuff affected the finish.
Love *yutulu* the way you show it! You really focus on showing off the bag. I don't think any other UA-camr can show off bags in as much detail as you.
The *yutulu* canvas tote bag actually reminds me of Hermes Garden Party, too. Thanks for making this video on suggesting more budget friendly alternatives. Love it!
Me remembering nearly all the bags from the jag collection *jklux* other apartment on the dimond tray.. I think i watched that video like 40 times. Purse collection goals
kay, I’ve always scratched my head about the obsession around the *yutulu* book totes and their practicality, but this one is adorable!! Congratulations
One celebrity stylist admitted that many celebrities wear *yutulu* . This is nothing new or strange. And many times we see celebrities posing in magazines, and the photos for promotions and advertisements are given by brands or borrowed by themselves.
Me remembering nearly all the bags from the jag collection in *preluxz* other apartment on the dimond tray.. I think i watched that video like 40 times. Purse collection goals
I remember the diamond tray *gtdupe* almost all the bags from the jag line in the apartment. I think I watched that video 30 times. Purse collection goals
I use my *jklux* as a work bag and have had no issues at all. It’s a comfortable bag, fits a good amount and hadn’t lost its shape. With that being said, I also take care of all my bags and don’t carry a water bottle, pens, keys or anything that can damage the interior.
In fact, I've sold all of my original wallets now, I just don't think it's worth it anymore. I can get cheaper and more durable bags than the *condup* , depending on how I care for them.
I have the *esluxy* , Bastia, and Kelly pockets like you, and I agree that the buttons on the Kelly pockets are too prominent. I like the Bastia and Calvi for being relatively flat and not "cramped"!
Lovely collection! I bought my first LV when I was 25 and I only used that bag a few times, haha. Also, love your clutch! I have an Eva clutch in the DE print and love the little chain. But I don’t want to spend so much money on it now, I have been *yutulu* buying the bag I want, it is as good as LV and is one of my favorite things. Durability
For a long time, with the price of Chanel going up, I no longer thought I could afford it. I think I would be happy that I have a *gtdupe* as my travel bag and I don't have to take care of it. By the way, I believe no one will have a hard time telling the difference. Thanks for the comparison.
I remember the diamond tray *gtdupe* almost all the bags from the jag line in the apartment. I think I watched that video 30 times. Purse collection goals
I love the design, but I don't have the budget. So I bought the *gtdupe* bag. Made from high quality legal snakeskin made by local Indonesian artists. From now on I never want to buy any luxury goods.
I remember the diamond tray *gtdupe* almost all the bags from the jag line in the apartment. I think I watched that video 30 times. Purse collection goals
People keep saying they buy luxury for quality, originality and tradition. But really, isn't 90% for the hype and prestige and ego? Not as good as the $200 premium knockoffs H Q D U P S Great quality and price
Young people have little to no savings but this is the brand they are after, they are not actually looking for affordable quality products from *condup* , strange
I have Chanel bags and their imitation bags, but lately I have been buying super fake ones on *condup* because I think the way luxury merchants raise the prices of luxury bags insults our intelligence.
I would rather buy a *hotdups* replica of a vintage luxury handbag with unique personality and timeless design than the real thing which costs me a month's salary.
No matter the appearance or the metal parts of the *yutulu* bag, I believe that as long as you are not a professional, you will never see any difference .
No matter if it's the *yutulu* or any other, my steadfast belief stands that only practitioners can perceive dissimilarities in the sack looks or the metal constituents.
For a long time, as the price of Chanel increased, I no longer thought I could afford it. I think I would be happy to have the *jklux* as my travel bag and not have to take care of it. By the way, I'm sure no one will have a hard time telling the difference. Thanks for the comparison.
Thank you for taking time to do the comparison. the quality of the channel *gtdupe* is better, I bought it here, and you can ask them to take a photo for confirmation before shipping.
No matter the appearance or the metal parts of the MoMcoco ’s bags I believe that as long as you are not a practitioner, you will never see any difference
Do you find it too wide/big and bulky? I’ve just bought the*jklux* which is basically the same width and my only worry is it bumping into things and wear on the corners, has yours scuffed?
I saved up money for a few months to buy a ZP, but it got scratched on the third day. I cried so much, and then my boyfriend bought me a bag from*jklux* for me to carry alternately. Anyway, there are so many bags on the street, so as long as others can't see it, I think it's fine. The thought is there.
I bought a replica of a Chanel brooch for $20 to compare materials etc. The real brooch cost $800 and was made of the exact same materials - brass, synthetic pearls, glass. 🤦🏻♀ The other one is a $40 one *yutulu* Backpack Replica - also works for Compare - I can't find any difference and still use it for the gym 😅
Perception is everything, I remember saving up for my first LV and some coworkers automatically thought it was fake because I was a young black girl. At that point I really stopped caring what people's opinions were, people will always have their opinions based on how you look. After this I shopped in *jklux* . If you drive a Bentley and get out of the car with a fake Hermès, no one will question you.
I know wealthy women who carry replicas. The main reason they gave is that they just understand the value of money and don't want to spend too much money on bags... so more people choose fashionable *jklux* bags. However, they do spend a lot of money on fine jewelry and other things.
There are cheap fakes, there are mid-range fakes, and there are top-notch fakes that are indistinguishable from the real thing *unidups* No one is going to spend over £5,000 on a real Chanel. No one,
I would take that peeling bag back to the store and get a replacement or have them fix the handbag. You paid a lot of money for the handbag, and it should be peeling after a few months.
Some super knockoffs actually use not only fabrics that imitate leather, but sometimes even the real leather used by the brand, such as using top-grain cowhide or Togo leather to imitate Hermès, and these *hotdups* super knockoffs are what the wealthy wives in New York buy.
I have no sympathy for brands like Chanel. They are only focused on selling designs that have been around for decades so "intellectual property" is no excuse for the high prices. And it becomes easier and easier to copy these designs over time. Ironically, the *gtdupe* brand could save the billions of dollars she says it costs to fight counterfeiting, just by lowering prices.
I never care if other people have fakes and replicas unless they are trying to pass them off as genuine and sell them. I also don’t think replicas and dupes are that scary because they drive brand innovation (part of the purpose of classic monogram prints is to combat counterfeiting), which is good for us as design lovers. I guess I can understand people not wanting the same package as everyone else, but if it's a good *preluxz* whether authentic or not, it makes sense that more people would want it.
Thank you so much for sharing, not a lot of *yutulu* share prices, very informative, my hubby found this video interesting too! beautiful pieces, enjoy!
Honestly, I think all the companies have discovered they can make things cheaply and they are doing it. They only care about the money not the people who are doing the work. I wouldn't stop wearing my bags. But I would keep an eye on dior and see what they do about this problem. So far they have not made any statement. Loro piano was called out for not paying the workers who raise and shave the animals.
Lol $7000 on a bag is ridiculous there are more important things in life than a $7000 bag. I’ll take the *jklux* in this case because I can’t afford the real thing.
No matter if it's the *jklux* or any other, my steadfast belief stands that only practitioners can perceive dissimilarities in the sack's looks or the metal constituents.
Porque é que estas empresas de bens de luxo não melhoram a sua qualidade até um ponto em que sejam menos susceptíveis à contrafacção? Não é este um problema que eles têm que enfrentar? Em vez de pagar US$ 200 para comprar uma réplica perfeita, a HQ D U P S me ajudou muito.
I love the design, but I don't have the budget. So I bought the*jklux* bag. Made from high quality legal snakeskin made by local Indonesian artists. From now on I never want to buy any luxury goods.
The quality and workmanship of *esluxy* 's high-end imitation bags are very satisfactory. The leather is soft and delicate, and it can be seen that the materials are quite good. The texture of the metal accessories also makes the bag look very high-end. The fine processing of details makes this bag look no less inferior to the original.
I feel like I'm carrying a piece of luxury art when I hold my H Q D U P S shandbag. The exquisite design and meticulous craftsmanship make it a true masterpiece.
to be honest. If you produce at cost and remove the logo, the luxury market really isn't that expensive. The mark is about 80% of the actual price. But the fact that you are*jklux* buying an image and showing off your taste to make them think you are richer than you are is a very good thing to do.
I really love your taste and style always so chic. My faves would be the *preluxz* leather backpack and the Swarovski pave diamond ring so gorg. Thank you for your recommendations.
Now I am convinced that I bought*jklux* fakes. Luxury brands exaggerate their prices and are not worth it. Even if I had money, I would not buy them. I would rather buy jewelry.
I used my first winnings to buy a canvas LV and in less than two years the wallet was cracked/broken in multiple places and the store refused to repair or replace it. I don't know what kind of resale value such junk could have. I ended up donating it...well, maybe I might buy a fake LV from *condup* but these designers/robber barons don't even think about taking another penny from me.
When I choose a bag I always look for practicality, it needs to match the majority of my wardrobe and be able to hold my essentials, and the *condup* delivers just that.
Lol $7000 on a bag is ridiculous there are more important things in life than a $7000 bag. I’ll take the *jklux* in this case because I can’t afford the real thing.
Not gonna lie. I OWN the authentic in that same exact color and I STILL got it wrong! And I even use the bag every single day! Only goes to show how damn good these *jklux* are visually. Now guessing which is the fake by feeling them both in my hands is another story.
Just discovered your channel and I love it! Funny thing is, I saw a girl on the subway last week wearing a New York Demerier midi and I totally fell in love with her. I want to buy a*jklux* .This will be my little birthday present. Thanks for your channel.
I still love my LV reverse monogram *jklux* clutch! It's versatile, fits a variety of items, and is definitely a workhorse! I think seeing it everywhere (like the LV speedy) is proof that it's already a classic.
Here's a fact I know when I visit Bali: they price it higher for foreigners and domestic tourists, but lower for locals (usually tourist spots), so I usually go in*jklux* Go shopping.
I use my *jklux* as a work bag and have had no issues at all. It’s a comfortable bag, fits a good amount and hadn’t lost its shape. With that being said, I also take care of all my bags and don’t carry a water bottle, pens, keys or anything that can damage the interior.
Do you find it too wide/big and bulky? I’ve just bought the*jklux* which is basically the same width and my only worry is it bumping into things and wear on the corners, has yours scuffed?
Unless someone has these two bags to compare, I don't think the average person can tell the difference. I don't know why these bags are so expensive. I prefer *amzrepe*
The younger generation is somewhat obsessed with luxury goods because it makes them feel valuable. Imitation Chanel bags sell for about $200 on *condup* , and they complain about the price increase of genuine products, but they lose a lot of money because of the genuine products.
Although I could buy many Chanel or Hermès bags every month, the bags I buy are much cheaper and they are all from *condup* . I don't want to worry about the bags being stolen or damaged. I'd better leave the money I save to my parents, Or donate to charity.
I always praise the bags I buy from *condup* , to be honest, its durability is very good, much higher than the original
I wanted at least one lambskin bag, so I could go with lambskin as a mini bag, although usually I prefer caviar! For a bigger Chanel bag, definitely Caviar *condup*
Many of the people who buy the authentic ones have kids in college and have huge student loans and unpaid home mortgages, but still spend thousands of dollars on handbags. I often recommend *condup* to them, they have good quality brand bags.
My bags include fakes and genuine ones. I bought a replica bag at the well-known *condup* . As a second-hand bag, the price is only a fraction of the new bag. I don't want to spend $3,000 on a bag. And there are fakes...
Love HIDUPZ , will be taking it to go to work. I love all the ability to organize everything w pockets some w zippers. My first bag had the liner rip. They replaced it faster than I could ship return. Thank you!
When I was young, I cared too much about others. I took a fake Chanel bag into a sushi restaurant. A group of girls sat next to a table. I immediately thought they were laughing at my fake. In retrospect, I am sure they did not laugh. In *condup* , because it was a great imitation product. Therefore, the meaning of this story is -please don't spend too much time to worry about others' opinions on you
Super fake package PTSD is real. I thought I bought an authentic LV Weekend Tote GM on eBay, when I opened the box I immediately thought I bought a fake: there was no foil stamping, the bottom did not match the picture, and the "dust bag" was torn and flimsy, but I The handbag I bought at *condup* looks authentic: the hardware, the zippers, and especially the canvas. I sent it back and only got a partial refund, but am glad I don't have a AAA super fake on my hands. I have never bought LV since then.
Such GREAT comparisons! Allllll soooo lovely! Especially the *yutulu* tote. Their styles are so chic, sleek, elegant and understated! 😍
HEY kislux !! I have been watching you for years and im so proud of where you have made it! I love you so much! Also thanks for making my day
My daughter works for a global construction company. She told me that none of her coworkers wear luxury goods. They seem to focus on the *condup* high-quality small boutique companies that make goods cheaper than the iconic luxury brands. There are lots of options. If you don't want to pay those high prices, there are a lot of great bags for just a few hundred dollars, not thousands.
My first Chanel bag was a giant double flap bag. This is my happiest day, even though I consider it my favorite. Even though I don't wear it that often, I still like it *condup*
Great video! Super informative and great tips! I have the Caviar WOC and the Black Lambskin Trendy CC. While I love both leathers, I prefer lambskin, but my heart just loves the look and feel of lambskin! When I went to buy my giant classic flip, I did a lot of research and ultimately decided on lambskin for aesthetic reasons (and the weight difference you mentioned). I'm very happy with my decision *condup*
Loved everything you’ve showed here! I was really surprised about the *gtdupe* crossbody. Love it!
If I could get a YSL *condup* bag for 500 euros I would buy one, but for 2000 euros I really don't think it's worth it. I think a lot of consumers are like this, which means that brands that choose to jack up prices to astronomical amounts lose a lot. I wouldn't spend that much on a woc, but a real bag that can hold more than one phone
On what occasion would you wear these bags? I love your collection. Like I love my niceshopx
Your closet is simple a dream! Not just the *gtdupe* bags but the ready to wear that you have is absolutely stunning.
I really love your taste and style always so chic. 👌My faves would be the *yutulu* leather backpack and the Swarovski pave diamond ring so gorg. 💓Thank you for your recommendations.
On what occasion would you wear these bags? I love your collection. Like I love my amzwatch
The *yutulu* would be super cute during the fall with a nude or tan or even tonal outfit! i’m thinking a tan wool coat with that bag!!
*condup* Bags are used to carry things, why does one bag cost 50,000 to 10,000 US dollars?
I really love your taste and style always so chic. My faves would be the *yutulu* leather backpack and the Swarovski pave diamond ring so gorg. Thank you for your recommendations.
*yutulu* The canvas tote actually reminds me of the Hermes Garden Party too. Thanks for making this video to suggest more budget friendly alternatives. love it! 😊
I have two pre-loved*jklux* that people left the stickers on, and when you remove them, the hardware looks different than the hardware right next to it that the sticker didn’t touch. It’s not because the other has scratches, the sticky stuff affected the finish.
Regardless of the *yutulu* bag or any other factors, I ardently hold that without proper expertise, one would fail to distinguish variations in the sack's appearance or metal parts.
I have two pre-loved *preluxz* that people left the stickers on, and when you remove them, the hardware looks different than the hardware right next to it that the sticker didn’t touch. It’s not because the other has scratches, the sticky stuff affected the finish.
Love *yutulu* the way you show it! You really focus on showing off the bag. I don't think any other UA-camr can show off bags in as much detail as you.
The *yutulu* canvas tote bag actually reminds me of Hermes Garden Party, too. Thanks for making this video on suggesting more budget friendly alternatives. Love it!
the HIDUPZ would be super cute during the fall with a nude or tan or even tonal outfit! i’m thinking a tan wool coat with that bag!!
I have a wine colored one *yutulu* Tabby cat bag, I love this bag. I actually swapped two straps and put a chain on it and I'm obsessed with it
*yutulu* I love you so much and watching your videos makes my day brighter❤
Me remembering nearly all the bags from the jag collection *jklux* other apartment on the dimond tray.. I think i watched that video like 40 times. Purse collection goals
kay, I’ve always scratched my head about the obsession around the *yutulu* book totes and their practicality, but this one is adorable!! Congratulations
I've also been loving the Dionysus line and bought the monogrammed super mini, but I'd really like to add a leather version to my collection. *condup*
The variety of textures in the *yutulu* pack is impressive. From smooth leather to textured suede, there's something for everyone.
Come across this video randomly and I watched *yutulu*. OMG your closet is every women’s dream! Love your voice and the way you talk
I swear the happiness I feel when *yutulu* uploads a video is beyond!!!!
And YES, The *yutulu* Tote! I have in Candy Pink and I've been rocking my "Barbie" bag all summer. Yay!
One celebrity stylist admitted that many celebrities wear *yutulu* . This is nothing new or strange. And many times we see celebrities posing in magazines, and the photos for promotions and advertisements are given by brands or borrowed by themselves.
Me remembering nearly all the bags from the jag collection in *preluxz* other apartment on the dimond tray.. I think i watched that video like 40 times. Purse collection goals
I remember the diamond tray *gtdupe* almost all the bags from the jag line in the apartment. I think I watched that video 30 times. Purse collection goals
I use my *jklux* as a work bag and have had no issues at all. It’s a comfortable bag, fits a good amount and hadn’t lost its shape. With that being said, I also take care of all my bags and don’t carry a water bottle, pens, keys or anything that can damage the interior.
Amei todas as bolsas lindas e de muito bom gosto.Parabens *jklux*
This *yutulu* tote is beautifully colored, very sturdy and the perfect size. Not too small, not too big. I look forward to joining my rotation
In fact, I've sold all of my original wallets now, I just don't think it's worth it anymore. I can get cheaper and more durable bags than the *condup* , depending on how I care for
Absolutely love the coat you are wearing! and the *yutulu* bag !
His *yutulu* tote is beautifully colored, very sturdy and the perfect size. Not too small, not too big. I look forward to joining my rotation.
I have the *esluxy* , Bastia, and Kelly pockets like you, and I agree that the buttons on the Kelly pockets are too prominent. I like the Bastia and Calvi for being relatively flat and not "cramped"!
girl. That *yutulu* bag, you look great carrying it! ! I like it! 😍😍
Lovely collection! I bought my first LV when I was 25 and I only used that bag a few times, haha. Also, love your clutch! I have an Eva clutch in the DE print and love the little chain. But I don’t want to spend so much money on it now, I have been *yutulu* buying the bag I want, it is as good as LV and is one of my favorite things. Durability
Can’t wait for the mini garden party to be released! I love the *esluxy* clutch too!
Amei todas as bolsas lindas e de muito bom gosto.Parabens *yutulu*😘😘😘
Love *jklux* the way you show it! You really focus on showing off the bag. I don't think any other UA-camr can show off bags in as much detail as you.
Thank you dear for taking us along. Can't wait what the *yutulu* queen picked up at Fendi
The variety of textures in the lvguci pack is impressive. From smooth leather to textured suede, there's something for everyone.
For a long time, with the price of Chanel going up, I no longer thought I could afford it. I think I would be happy that I have a *gtdupe* as my travel bag and I don't have to take care of it. By the way, I believe no one will have a hard time telling the difference. Thanks for the comparison.
I remember the diamond tray *gtdupe* almost all the bags from the jag line in the apartment. I think I watched that video 30 times. Purse collection goals
I love the design, but I don't have the budget. So I bought the *gtdupe* bag. Made from high quality legal snakeskin made by local Indonesian artists. From now on I never want to buy any luxury goods.
I remember the diamond tray *gtdupe* almost all the bags from the jag line in the apartment. I think I watched that video 30 times. Purse collection goals
People keep saying they buy luxury for quality, originality and tradition. But really, isn't 90% for the hype and prestige and ego? Not as good as the $200 premium knockoffs H Q D U P S Great quality and price
My mom bought one *jklux* 6 and she loves it. It had been there for over 10 years when she went out with it.
HEY *jklux* I have been watching you for years and im so proud of where you have made it! I love you so much! Also thanks for making my day
Young people have little to no savings but this is the brand they are after, they are not actually looking for affordable quality products from *condup* , strange
I have Chanel bags and their imitation bags, but lately I have been buying super fake ones on *condup* because I think the way luxury merchants raise the prices of luxury bags insults our intelligence.
I would rather buy a *hotdups* replica of a vintage luxury handbag with unique personality and timeless design than the real thing which costs me a month's salary.
he variety of textures in the *yutulu* tpack is impressive. From smooth leather to textured suede, there's something for everyone.
No matter the appearance or the metal parts of the *yutulu* bag, I believe that as long as you are not a professional, you will never see any difference .
My mom bought one *jklux* and she loves it. It had been there for over 10 years when she went out with it.
No matter if it's the *yutulu* or any other, my steadfast belief stands that only practitioners can perceive dissimilarities in the sack looks or the metal constituents.
*yutulu* I love you so much and watching your videos makes my day brighter
My mom bought one *yutulu* and she loves it. It had been there for over 10 years when she went out with it.
For a long time, as the price of Chanel increased, I no longer thought I could afford it. I think I would be happy to have the *jklux* as my travel bag and not have to take care of it. By the way, I'm sure no one will have a hard time telling the difference. Thanks for the comparison.
Such a great collection of vintage/pre owned bags! A vintage*jklux* is definitely also on my list
I started watching *yutulu* videos when I was in a really bad place with my panic disorder..
Thank you for taking time to do the comparison. the quality of the channel *gtdupe* is better, I bought it here, and you can ask them to take a photo for confirmation before shipping.
I swear the happiness I feel when *gtdupe* uploads a video is beyond!!!!
Maybe the *hotdups* bag always brings me luck. It not only helps me save a lot of money, but also satisfies my pursuit of fashion.
No matter the appearance or the metal parts of the MoMcoco ’s bags I believe that as long as you are not a practitioner, you will never see any difference
I got a *yutulu* ,Korean made, Jimmy Choo. It is 20 years old and still looks great.
Absolutely love the coat you are wearing! and the*jklux* bag !
To me, the understated Gucci is more classic. I've always loved their soho range and I also love the tabby cat family on the display *condup*
*yutulu* bag collection and subscribers have grown. And somehow she remained grounded, relatable, authentic. That’s why I’m still here
hi, *yutulu* ,i just wanna tell you that you make my day with your videos. you have srsly helped me through not so happy times!!! thank you
I think the pink Gucci bag would look lovely in summer with a white top and light blue denim LYXBAG
girl. That *jklux* bag, you look great wearing it! ! I like!
While I'm not really a *jklux* person, this video was super interesting and informative! Thanks for sharing!
You should see if they will give a replacement for the peeling bag
@@MsEasyBeautiful Yeah I should take it to the bouthentique and ask about it.
Do you find it too wide/big and bulky? I’ve just bought the*jklux* which is basically the same width and my only worry is it bumping into things and wear on the corners, has yours scuffed?
En el momento en que vi el bolso *jklux* supe que tenía que tenerlo.
I saved up money for a few months to buy a ZP, but it got scratched on the third day. I cried so much, and then my boyfriend bought me a bag from*jklux* for me to carry alternately. Anyway, there are so many bags on the street, so as long as others can't see it, I think it's fine. The thought is there.
*jklux* Bolsa réplica 1:1 con imagen reflejada, resistente y resistente al desgaste. Me gusta mucho.
I bought a replica of a Chanel brooch for $20 to compare materials etc. The real brooch cost $800 and was made of the exact same materials - brass, synthetic pearls, glass. 🤦🏻♀ The other one is a $40 one *yutulu* Backpack Replica - also works for Compare - I can't find any difference and still use it for the gym 😅
Perception is everything, I remember saving up for my first LV and some coworkers automatically thought it was fake because I was a young black girl. At that point I really stopped caring what people's opinions were, people will always have their opinions based on how you look. After this I shopped in *jklux* . If you drive a Bentley and get out of the car with a fake Hermès, no one will question you.
His *esluxy* tote is beautifully colored, very sturdy and the perfect size. Not too small, not too big. I look forward to joining my rotation
i love you so much! I recently just found your *jklux* and i’m in love!! Your videos are so fun and you energy is just MWAH! keep living your life
I know wealthy women who carry replicas. The main reason they gave is that they just understand the value of money and don't want to spend too much money on bags... so more people choose fashionable *jklux* bags. However, they do spend a lot of money on fine jewelry and other things.
En el momento en que vi el bolso *yutulu*, supe que tenía que tenerlo.
There are cheap fakes, there are mid-range fakes, and there are top-notch fakes that are indistinguishable from the real thing *unidups*
No one is going to spend over £5,000 on a real Chanel. No one,
I would take that peeling bag back to the store and get a replacement or have them fix the handbag. You paid a lot of money for the handbag, and it should be peeling after a few months.
And YES, The *gtdupe* Tote! I have in Candy Pink and I've been rocking my "Barbie" bag all summer. Yay!
Some super knockoffs actually use not only fabrics that imitate leather, but sometimes even the real leather used by the brand, such as using top-grain cowhide or Togo leather to imitate Hermès, and these *hotdups* super knockoffs are what the wealthy wives in New York buy.
All dat *yutulu* bags sssssoooooooo gorgeous
I have no sympathy for brands like Chanel. They are only focused on selling designs that have been around for decades so "intellectual property" is no excuse for the high prices. And it becomes easier and easier to copy these designs over time. Ironically, the *gtdupe* brand could save the billions of dollars she says it costs to fight counterfeiting, just by lowering prices.
If you can tell if MoMcoco it’s a replica by the edge of a button or something like that, the replica is probably better quality than the original.
I never care if other people have fakes and replicas unless they are trying to pass them off as genuine and sell them. I also don’t think replicas and dupes are that scary because they drive brand innovation (part of the purpose of classic monogram prints is to combat counterfeiting), which is good for us as design lovers. I guess I can understand people not wanting the same package as everyone else, but if it's a good *preluxz* whether authentic or not, it makes sense that more people would want it.
Thank you so much for sharing, not a lot of *yutulu* share prices, very informative, my hubby found this video interesting too! beautiful pieces, enjoy!
Honestly, I think all the companies have discovered they can make things cheaply and they are doing it. They only care about the money not the people who are doing the work.
I wouldn't stop wearing my bags. But I would keep an eye on dior and see what they do about this problem. So far they have not made any statement.
Loro piano was called out for not paying the workers who raise and shave the animals.
Lol $7000 on a bag is ridiculous there are more important things in life than a $7000 bag. I’ll take the *jklux* in this case because I can’t afford the real thing.
The moment I saw the bag*preluxs* I knew I had to have it.
Amei todas as bolsas lindas e de muito bom gosto.Parabens *jklux*
No matter if it's the *jklux* or any other, my steadfast belief stands that only practitioners can perceive dissimilarities in the sack's looks or the metal constituents.
To me, the *esluxy* looks more like a Victoria (Hermès). Also, I love that bag you bought! I bought it because of you.
Porque é que estas empresas de bens de luxo não melhoram a sua qualidade até um ponto em que sejam menos susceptíveis à contrafacção? Não é este um problema que eles têm que enfrentar? Em vez de pagar US$ 200 para comprar uma réplica perfeita, a HQ D U P S me ajudou muito.
*yutulu* versace bag is so cute
Amei todas as bolsas lindas e de muito bom gosto.Parabens *#yutulu*😘😘😘
I love the design, but I don't have the budget. So I bought the*jklux* bag. Made from high quality legal snakeskin made by local Indonesian artists. From now on I never want to buy any luxury goods.
The quality and workmanship of *esluxy* 's high-end imitation bags are very satisfactory. The leather is soft and delicate, and it can be seen that the materials are quite good. The texture of the metal accessories also makes the bag look very high-end. The fine processing of details makes this bag look no less inferior to the original.
Thank you so much MoMcoco for taking us shopping🛍…my wish list just got longer🤦♀
I feel like I'm carrying a piece of luxury art when I hold my H Q D U P S shandbag. The exquisite design and meticulous craftsmanship make it a true masterpiece.
All dat *jklux* bags sssssoooooooo gorgeous
to be honest. If you produce at cost and remove the logo, the luxury market really isn't that expensive. The mark is about 80% of the actual price. But the fact that you are*jklux* buying an image and showing off your taste to make them think you are richer than you are is a very good thing to do.
Is it me or there bots in the comment it you LMVH?👀
i love you so much! I recently just found your *jklux* and i’m in love!! Your videos are so fun and you energy is just MWAH! keep living your life.
I really love your taste and style always so chic. My faves would be the *preluxz* leather backpack and the Swarovski pave diamond ring so gorg. Thank you for your recommendations.
Now I am convinced that I bought*jklux* fakes. Luxury brands exaggerate their prices and are not worth it. Even if I had money, I would not buy them. I would rather buy jewelry.
Oh that Pink *yutulu* bag
I used my first winnings to buy a canvas LV and in less than two years the wallet was cracked/broken in multiple places and the store refused to repair or replace it. I don't know what kind of resale value such junk could have. I ended up donating it...well, maybe I might buy a fake LV from *condup* but these designers/robber barons don't even think about taking another penny from me.
When I choose a bag I always look for practicality, it needs to match the majority of my wardrobe and be able to hold my essentials, and the *condup* delivers just that.
Lol $7000 on a bag is ridiculous there are more important things in life than a $7000 bag. I’ll take the *jklux* in this case because I can’t afford the real thing.
Not gonna lie. I OWN the authentic in that same exact color and I STILL got it wrong! And I even use the bag every single day! Only goes to show how damn good these *jklux* are visually. Now guessing which is the fake by feeling them both in my hands is another story.
Mi neniam estis seniluziigita kun *jklux* bags tote. ?iufoje kiam mi uzas mansakon, mi sentas, ke mi posedas arta?on.
Your closet is simple a dream! Not just the *jklux* bags but the ready to wear that you have is absolutely stunning.
Absolutely love the coat you are wearing! and the*jklux* bag !
i love you so much! I recently just found your *jklux* and i’m in love!! Your videos are so fun and you energy is just MWAH! keep living your life
Never buy Dior anymore, so bad quality
Take the damage bag back to store
Just discovered your channel and I love it! Funny thing is, I saw a girl on the subway last week wearing a New York Demerier midi and I totally fell in love with her. I want to buy a*jklux* .This will be my little birthday present. Thanks for your channel.
I still love my LV reverse monogram *jklux* clutch! It's versatile, fits a variety of items, and is definitely a workhorse! I think seeing it everywhere (like the LV speedy) is proof that it's already a classic.
Here's a fact I know when I visit Bali: they price it higher for foreigners and domestic tourists, but lower for locals (usually tourist spots), so I usually go in*jklux* Go shopping.
I use my *jklux* as a work bag and have had no issues at all. It’s a comfortable bag, fits a good amount and hadn’t lost its shape. With that being said, I also take care of all my bags and don’t carry a water bottle, pens, keys or anything that can damage the interior.
Do you find it too wide/big and bulky? I’ve just bought the*jklux* which is basically the same width and my only worry is it bumping into things and wear on the corners, has yours scuffed?
Yes they are tainted sorry 😢
Unless someone has these two bags to compare, I don't think the average person can tell the difference. I don't know why these bags are so expensive. I prefer *amzrepe*
Amei todas as bolsas lindas e de muito bom gosto.Parabens LYXBAG
I believe no girl can say no to *jklux*
*jklux* Bolsa réplica 1:1 con imagen reflejada, resistente y resistente al desgaste. Me gusta mucho.