I have schizophrenia and it's hell. Seeing people that's not there, spiders that aren't there, and when it's really bad and at it's worst I hear voices screaming horrible degrading things at me.
Schizophrenic here - I laughed so hard when you asked about "positive" hallucinations. Nope. The closest hallucinations ever come to being "positive" is when they're not mind-numbingly horrific. One of my earliest was watching my fiance walk through a wall. That was about the best hallucination I've ever had. Other than that it's all about people coming to kill me, insects crawling all over my body and black monsters lurking in the corners of the room, waiting to pounce. The auditory hallucinations include whispering that goes on for hours and then there's a strange, unpleasant smell of rotting that happens occasionally. Not nice at all. Ever.
@@CathySW it's mainly set off by stress or just becoming too tired. Now that I'm in my 40s I'm able to avoid the triggers most of the time. I'm really lucky that I have a supportive family who help me in any way they can. But, by "stress" I don't mean something that others might find overwhelming, I just mean little things like going shopping and having the stress of deciding what loaf of bread to buy. That was because my overall stress levels were always in overdrive, so little things pushed me over the edge. But, having said that, I never know what the next day might bring. I might wake up tomorrow and feel well, or I might feel awful and have an episode. It's difficult to plan things with certainty.
Your experience is most certainly not universal. Other people who hallucinate do report hallucinations that help them cope, particularly of people/beings who emotionally support them. This is usually a trauma response and, of course, still very unhealthy.
The “porn is cheating” mindset is pretty common. I used to have a friend whose church explained to her and her husband that “ultimately, there is no difference between masterbation and going to a prostitute, because you are deriving sexual pleasure with someone other than your spouse.” I (not religious and pretty lax about sexual stuff), blinked a minute and said, “But… masterbation is done alone. So how is someone else giving you pleasure?” She said, completely straight-faced, “Well, our pastor explained that you’re basically cheating with yourself.” I’m sad to say I BURST out laughing. I immediately apologized and she was chill about it because we were good friends. She said she knew it sounded silly, but it was true “if you think about it.” I’ll give the church credit that they weren’t saying only the woman couldn’t masterbate. The husband wasn’t supposed to either. So… yay equality? EDIT: Oh no… the comments…
yeah that's pretty wild. I don't know anyone who thinks porn/masturbation is cheating but everytime I hear a story like this I wonder why that person is so insecure and also out of thouch with their own body.
It is a betrayal, like emotional cheating, or lusting after someone that isn't your partner. If you can't understand why, then you clearly lack any sense of empathy. Masturbation isn't cheating, it's just super gay. You derive pleasure from playing with a dick, and your dick gets hard and you climax to your masculine hand tugging on it? Yea, big gay. It's also pathetic and a sign of poor impulse control.
@@johnnyjoestar1909 your cheating on your spouse with yourself and your spouse I would have to assume. If not I think the way you get around that rule is make your own porn
I don't know if I have schizophrenia, but I know several people who do. They can be positive. I had one friend that had a voice they called "mama". As the name suggests they acted as if it where their actual mother. It would calm them down when having a bad episode, and would say stuff like, "it's okay hun. I'm here for you. Just try to control your breathing. Everything will be okay." And just overall be really sweet towards them. Although there were several voices that would tell them to kill themself. It was a living hell for them for the most part, and very seldom the good voices would shine through. Sorry if this is bad, english is my third language.
Patient with schizo effective disorder so border line schizophrenia. It is actually terrifying. It causes a lot of paranoia and sometimes I fight off my own husband from coming in the same room as me because if I forget to take my meds, thanks adhd, then I believe he is the voices or a hallucination.
19:02 I’m Schizophrenic. I can’t say that this happens to every schizophrenic, as only known 1 other schizophrenic, but my family and I picked up that my hallucinations usually manifest with strong emotions. If my emotions were positive, my hallucinations would most of the time, but not always, be optimistic. But if my emotions were negative, my hallucinations would usually be just as pessimistic.
Yes they do. But they also see some shit, so it’s understandable. Mine tells me up front what she tells others about me, and I’m cool with it. Also, we teachers totally shit talk our students when no one is looking.
I had a patient once who had empty sealed plastic bottles everywhere. I asked him about it and he informed me that they were full of molecules that he’d gotten out of the air. He had 1 too many acid trips from the 60s
@@karlzaunbrecher8241 He thought that he could actually see them. As I would be talking to him, he would constantly be grabbing them with his thumb and index finger and put them into the jar until he thought it was full. He would then put it on a shelf and get another bottle or glass jar.
Apparently, there are certain cultures in which is more common for people who suffer from schizophrenia to have "positive" voices inside of their heads. It's also known that they are usually way more stressed than people with negative voices, because they feel permanent pressure from the voice's expectatives. Source: Clinical Psychology student.
Not a therapist but had a therapist say “are you kidding me” so the story goes like this. Ontario has very few certified therapists, lots of therapists who get in under the radar and who are uncertified. I’ve had 4 of these uncertified therapists before and so I’m taking to a therapist who is fully certified. we’ve gotten to the part where I explain my history with therapy and I mention that a therapist told me that I didn’t deserve to get better (thanks deb) anyway the therapists eyes widen and she says are you kidding me. She then explains that Ontario is more concerned with pushing out therapists whether they’re certified or not. Basically quantity over quality, meaning we can’t trust that a therapist is going to be good right off the bat. It fucking sucks.
I have a friend who is schizophrenic, and her hallucinations tend not to be either helpful or harmful necessarily. She says they used to frighten her, but since she's given them names and started drawing them as characters in her own personal art, it's helped her to be a lot less afraid of them.
As someone with a form a schizophrenia the voices for me can be positive or negative depending on the situation. Personally I see the negative as something to be ignored and the positive as something to build upon. To be frank it doesn’t always work but it is a good practice
My therapist has issues with young people coming into her practice for the first time to get obscure diagnoses, outrightly asking for them, for their social media pages. Apparently where I live, having rare and debilitating mental illnesses is the new emo. Kids treat illness like playing cards and order them as if they were in a drive-thru. I am still the only non-military member of her clientele who has PTSD, and it makes her mad that young people are using the term so flippantly. It sucks.
0:18 it is actually possible. Although I wouldn't call it "overdose" per se and it takes a really long time. Basically what he tried to do is increase the amount of water in his body so his blood would thin out, The salt on his blood would get diluted and this would make the water enter his cells directly, swelling them. Brain included. This would lead to seizures, irreversible brain damage and ultimately death. Taken from 1000 ways to die, death #529.
On top of everything else that happened to her because she was the family scapegoat? She literally didn't know any information including the name of her public defender that was representing her in the court case less than a week away
Honestly if I were OP, my next step after getting the charges dropped for the lady would have been to tell her "Hun, now it's time to sue these bastards."
I am not a schizophrenic, but I work with people who have hallucinations. Some of them have trouble understanding that the voice is not external (either think it's their own thoughts, think you actually said something when you didn't, thoughts of a god, etc). I have a lot of problems with that one insisting I'm saying mean things when I said nothing. One of them seems to only have negative, angry voices and most likely visual hallucinations that threaten and yell at him, but he seems to have trouble understanding that they are hallucinations (as in, he confuses people for the images in his head, and can get a bit frightening when he gets in your face and demands you stop threatening his family). One of them gets distinct "mean" and "nice" ones, and can distinguish between them, knows they are not normal, and knows that if he should listen to any, it's only the ones encouraging him to tend to his hygiene or the like. It seems that positive auditory hallucinations are possible, but given my experience and the other commentors, rare. Although on that note, the one we have with positive hallucinations is also the only generally cheerful client we have. I wonder if that's because he gets positive voices and less negative ones, or if positivity leads to more positive voices?
I’m bipolar and the dream people only can talk to me in my sleep or when I’m having sleep related hallucinations, never when I am fully awake. Antipsychotics don’t prevent these kinds of hallucinations. I don’t know what they are as a whole and why they are in my head, only that my goal of being something other than me in my dreams might be something that they could help with and some of them try their best and others just flat out prevent me it seems like. Some trick me into thinking they can give me what I want if I like sell them my soul or if I wake up and do what they ask but they are liars. I do sometimes act out what they tell me to do but once I am fully awake I’m fine. I also have these sleep attacks where I fall in and out of sleep so quickly and often I can’t tell which way is up, my therapist and psychiatrist have been no help in explaining this. It’s not narcolepsy for sure, and probably not nocturnal seizures. Psych just says it’s a parasomnia but that’s so vague
You mentioning that they're inside your head, and being someone else in your dreams makes us wonder if you're plural maybe? We're a plural system too and headmates can get confused with hallucinations, and many plural systems find the space between waking and sleeping it's easier to access inside and talk with their others. This has always been the case for us, and only realised in adulthood that our elaborate daydreams and stories in our head before sleeping was our headmates and headspaces We're also diagnosed with narcolepsy and cataplexy. We do sometimes get like dissociative episodes that can look like sleep attacks, and it's more like noone is driving our body for a moment more than anything else We're also diagnosed with bipolar but think this is a misdiagnosis, cos looking back many of our "mood swings" were actually switches, we only know that cos we know what those feel like now. Our mood could flip instantly with switches. Strong emotions can often trigger switches in many plural systems too Plurality is often confused with bipolar, schizo-spec, and things like BPD. It's painfully overlooked due to lack of awareness or understanding by most doctors, unless they're specifically trained in dissociation most doctors can't recognise dissociative disorders/issues or plurality Plurality in of itself isn't a disorder, just a different way of experiencing life really. Disorder usually stems from traumas and poor teamwork really
@@WolfgangDoW Given y'all's plurality, I love y'all's user name. I'm going to make a public display of ignorance here. Are "plurality" and "plural system" terms for the condition which used to be called Multiple Personality Disorder, and often *(very incorrectly)* called schizophrenia by laypeople? If it is, I like the change. In fact, the more I think about it, the more I like it. It addresses y'all's unusual experience of selfhood not as something to be fixed, but something to be understood and worked with, rather than against.
@@WolfgangDoW I can totally understand where you are coming from, but I am not sure I am? The dream people seem to only repeat on the same night, otherwise as far as I know they are different entities every time. Wanting to be someone else is actually code for ‘I want to be a monster’, haha. My talks with them are pretty much me trying to convince them to let me be my monstersona, usually they say they can’t (which I think some are lying) or they say they can but they just are fucking with me (I have nearly hurt myself or others when told to). I have always wanted to not be me, and monsters are one of my passions, so why not both? My therapist does say it’s a defense mechanism since I disassociate in general when daydreaming about being not me, he’s asked multiple times if I ever feel like someone else or I’m being controlled or forget chunks of time during those times, seems he is familiar with plurality. Being me is the problem! I do think I qualify for having delusions regarding this (some times I get convinced the people CAN change me if I sell them my soul and get upset I didn’t take them up on the offer), but it seems so real. They are so real. You did give me a lot to think about, your experience is really interesting! Thank you for sharing! I’m for sure bipolar, it runs in my family, but since my hallucinations are sleep related my antipsychotics don’t touch them. A friend suggested I could be nonhuman, but that actually upsets me as my problem is that I AM human mentally and physically and do not wish to be.
hi! not schizophrenic but have a different schizo spectrum/psychotic disorder. some hallucinations/delusions are "positive" some "negative" some "neutral." Although with delusions most of the positive ones are not very safe but luckily they are exceedingly rare and generally manageable. hallucinations are different for every psychotic person, and even vary in level of induced distress and/or manageability within one person. for people with mild to moderate and rarely severe psychotic symptoms, it's possible to be "reality checked" into realizing something isn't real-- or just having something called "insight" into your disorder and sometimes or usually knowing when you are hallucinating. i've seen, heard, smelled, felt, tasted many a thing that simply was not there. i know to ask people if something is real if it seems out of place or extreme, and my close friends know to reality check me if i ask a seemingly nonsensical question like "was ___ just in the room? where did they go?" they know to be kind and just calmly explain that ___ has been out at the supermarket for the past hour or so. positive hallucinations are rare and i usually don't care to try to minimize one if it happens
This isn’t my story it’s my mom’s and she isn’t a therapist, but I feel like it still counts. Back way before I was born my mom was medic in the Air Force, and would look after a lot of mentally unstable patients. This is the top story she has told me and my sister (multiple times) to teach us to be couscous around strangers because and I quote “you never know what maybe wrong with them or what they can do”, and “don’t understand or judge people because everyone has the potential to whoop your @*s”. Anyways the story goes like this. She was doing her work like normal when she heard screams and then an announcement that the said that a mentally ill patient had escaped and they needed help finding him. Mom ran to the screams to see if she could help. She opened one of those big door, from what I remember it was one those doors in hospitals and schools, where if you could get seriously hurt if you got a part of you stuck in it (you’ll see soon why this info about the door is important). She barely got in still had her in the way of the door, the patient had barreled pass her and slammed the door on mom’s arm breaking it. Thankfully shortly afterwards they did manage to get the patient back and calm them down, but d@mn all my mom wanted to do was help and got her arm broken instead.
As a school counselor for tiny humans (ages 4 to 9), the amount of wtf moments is ridiculous. There's the prek kid who bit me immediately after a personal space lesson. Or the kindergartener who kicked me twice and tried to joke me bc we had to sit somewhere else.for breakfast. Or the gifted 2nd grader who had to bring home 4 lunch boxes bc they kept forgetting them at school then had a meltdown about the smell and bc her socks were "wet" (her feet were actually just sweaty & yes she's absolutely adhd). Or the parent who thought I was building a profile on her kid. Or my prek student who would purposely do things so the autistic student would copy him. There was also the parent who tried to appeal her kid being retained in kindergarten after missing 80 days and not having the foundation of letter sounds. There is never a dull day🤷♀️
honestly i'm five feet and 200 lb, but also EXTREMELY mentally ill (to the point where i can't go too long without being checked on in some capacity). i literally can't lose this weight for the life of me, and i'm so exhausted from being sick that i can barely find any energy to exercise. i take three medications, missing one is VERY dangerous, but they all cause weight gain. honestly i'm just resigned to being fat forever because i can't stop taking my medication, and i'm permanently disabled because of the disorders that i have. and it's so humiliating and frustrating.
@@guitarfox8316 Rabbits eat their own poop for added nutrients they didn't digest the first time. That's why I think that lines up better than aliens. Because anything that resorts to eatting it's own feces to survive. Couldn't possibly manage intergalactic space travel.😄
@@blackmagician7645 lol good point I don’t know too much about rabbits bc I’m a fox so typically stay in my own part of the world lol I have a pet rabbit but I don’t observe it much as adhd sucks
Royally fuck this new youtube interface. It's 90's overdrive for the game, more impresive on New 3DS XL with 3D on. Be sure to savestate to avoid paying irl cash if you miss manage game point or fail too often a race.
I might have mild schizophrenia, but I haven't said anything about it to anyone yet, because it is really very harmless. I hear music- all kinds of music- some I've heard outside of my head, and some stuff that I know my brain has just completely made up. Sometimes my brain will play a whole piece/song from beginning to end, sometimes I just get a chorus over and over for hours. When it's something I don't like, like Justin Bieber or One Direction, I drown it out with something else if I can. Sometimes the only way to make it go away is to sing along until the song changes or stops. My family just thinks I love singing a capella. 😅 Recently, I've had to go on specialised pain medication (for a completely unrelated condition) that can also be prescribed off-label to treat a couple of mild mental illnesses, and an unexpected side effect of that is that I haven't had a bad episode in months- that is, no Bieber/etc, and no repeated chorus for hours. I still hear music, but it's just full songs/pieces now, and quite enjoyable at times- like having a private orchestra in my head.
That kid who was mad about Dennie’s reminds me of myself but I’m Not nearly as violent but I’m autistic and if my routine changes pretty much everyone within earshot is hearing lots of f bombs and other unsavory things
On the guy who removed his eye: oh, some eye pains... I hope you NEVER experience it. It is so bad you start allucining. lmao (it is not funny, it's a nervous laugh because I'll probably know it someday due my eye conditions.)
My best friend from high school has schizophrenia and when i first met her she had some crazy stories. We were both in special edd and practically "forced" to talk to one another because were both very antisocial. Come to find out we both had alot in common. She always refered to herself as "emo" and "blackanese" basically black and Japanese, though she had no Japanese in her. She said she had a family of friends from japan that lived in town. And she practically discribed a mixture of anime, twilight, and the Adams family. Id write a book about it, but id probably be charged for copyright. When i bring those stories up these days, she has no idea what I'm talking about. So i never bring up her crazy stories from high school to her.
Story 3 make me gag Story 5, the one who has problems was the gf, not him at all. She said "pron addiction" i see it really normal. She doesn't know anything about it. And this is from someone whos entire work revolve around making +18 artworks. Also i had a GF who actually supports that too.
Just because you are involved in that work and that you had a girlfriend who supports that (either your work or you consuming pornography, not sure what you were pointing at) doesn't mean that those things are grounds for it being 'ok' or normal. Girlfriend in the story didn't want her boyfriend thinking about other girls. Girlfriend wanted to be found attractive, desireable, and wanted by her boyfriend. That's a need on both ends. Pornography does not meet that need, but rather, gets in the way. That's unhealthy.
@@TheUA-camGame if is consumed religiously yeah! you had a point there. I mean i had, but stop to like RL pron long ago due my work too. So i guess i became more "normal to see it", plus my work requires to at least look for a lot of hentai fanarts as well in order to get references of what the costumer wants too. Heck! we take some of those for our "private time" too. Mainly because we know to differentiate everything and nothing replace her as well. I see it more as a her problem because she doesn't see herself better than the girls on the thing he watched and i think that is the reason why they were suggest couples therapy. AGAIN i don't dismiss your concern to because they are also valid as well and something i would think if the bf consumes a lot of it.
my brother have schizo+autism became in 25Y.They made him do some very stupid/unnecessary stuff (boil water in bowl placed his neclase on top of it); he laugh very noisy/evelish with no reason, the issues come in a wave form (etc one week normal, second week obscure/ill), he mix his food with very different ingredient, made/ask some weird question. the worst was he thinked that we will kill him, he is very agresive tovards us and mental abusing(say hurtfull things)
Well it is possible. I think the most famous case is that Hold your wee for a Wii case. Crazy part is they were warned multiple times. Also I would say it depends. If a kid can handle it yeah, if not then no. My bro and I watched horror movies when we were little and we're both fine.
Schizophrenic hallucinations have a cultural Bias, Schizophrenics from abrahamic cultures tend to have very negative Hallucinations But from Hindu and Buddhist cultures tend to be positive hallucinations
I have had schizophrenia my whole life and i have it with all the five senses and let me tell you its a trip i thought the voices were normal until i was told they were not. Id have to say that most them are positive but alot are negative too. Sometimes its just gibberish or sounds. Either way its annoying.
possible schizophrenic (still trying to get diagnosed but the system where I live is slower than tar in a fridge). And no it's not positive, Sure some of the voices in my head aren't overly bad, just mindlessly chattering random phrases. But, at times I hear the voices of my friends, family, characters, random people etc. telling me to do horrible things to myself like ending my life, and plenty of other harsh words. And occasionally it's just straight-up screaming for a second or two, or voices loudly arguing with one another, that keeps me up at night.
The story at 13:10 it talks about a person that lost and fucking ate their eyeballs that had yo be the most stupidest thing that person can ever do and also he could’ve sell that eyeball and made more than 700k up to a mil
On the Schizophrenia thing, research has shown that the voices and what they say etc. depends on culture. Western cultures tend to be more... Freaky. You'll probably not get many, if any, tellings of positive experiences
Apparently the voices is dependent on where in the world you are. Western world is more negative voices. Other places have more positive. There isn't a single rule from what I heard. It just tends
Sure sounds only like brain damage to me. Extreme sleep deprivation while continuing to swim across the English channel has some weird effects on your perception and on your thinking too. Well at least that is what more than one long distance female swimmer has said. I could never swim the English channel. No long distance swimmers are like the kind of mythical mermaid which a lot of elementary school children like to wonder about. No long distance swimmers instead who experience similar signs and symptoms of schizophrenia when swimming the English channel end up with schizophrenia for rest of their lives.
I just want to say that the one They had the father that said that he got spanked and he turned out OK. But therapist made him realize that he was not OK. Yeah this may be due to spanking but probably has more to do With a combination of other neglect and abuse. Spanking your child in itself does not ruin them to that extent. It's that in combination to a bunch of other stuff. Spanking does not equal abuse, how you spank your child determines whether it's abuse or not. There is a right way, and a wrong way and not every child needs the same Consequences. My daughter didn't need to be spanked, my son did. But once he got it and stopped running out into the road he didn't need to be spanked anymore hasn't since. And no it's not always lazy parenting. I did the repetition I did all the other Options 1st. None of them would get through to my kid. He learns the hard way. A quick little spank to the butt is Less damaging Then being hit by a car. Also you can't just spank your child and leave it at that. You have to have a conversation with them, Down at their level and explain in terms they can understand. This is different than how when I was brought up, I was spanked to the point of bruising for anything in everything and nothing was explained. There is a difference between discipline and abuse. My son is 10, He is loving affectionate and has no fear towards me. And for those who'll say oh it'll teach your kid to hit others Yeah if you do it wrong. Also don't use spanking as a punishment for behaviors. Never use physical consequences to behaviors. If your child is acting out there is a reason for that. Explore that reason with your kids. I chose to spank my son, Because he needed that extra emphasis To make him stop and think about what hes doing. I needed him to hesitate towards the road. Because at 2 years old he was fast And did not stop for anything. To the point where he'd even run into walls like he could phase through them. I never wanted to be a parent to spank my child. I do not regret it. 10 out of 10 I do it again. It kept my child safe Alive. Thank God my daughter wasn't the same way. And now that they're both older. Consequences to their actions involves Thorough discussions. Ah that my son is so gentle, And my daughter is such a brute. 5 years younger than Her brother, She's a rough tough cream puff. I have great kids I'm so lucky.
I have schizophrenia and it's hell. Seeing people that's not there, spiders that aren't there, and when it's really bad and at it's worst I hear voices screaming horrible degrading things at me.
While not schizophrenic, I experienced much of the same when addicted to M@+&. I feel for you, it was hell.
That’s demonic
I have all of these except the disease, wait why is the basement door open
Is it the same as dreaming? I heard that people who miss sleeping for days experience hallucinations and waking dreams.
oh no
Schizophrenic here - I laughed so hard when you asked about "positive" hallucinations. Nope. The closest hallucinations ever come to being "positive" is when they're not mind-numbingly horrific. One of my earliest was watching my fiance walk through a wall. That was about the best hallucination I've ever had. Other than that it's all about people coming to kill me, insects crawling all over my body and black monsters lurking in the corners of the room, waiting to pounce. The auditory hallucinations include whispering that goes on for hours and then there's a strange, unpleasant smell of rotting that happens occasionally. Not nice at all. Ever.
Thank you for sharing that with us. That sounds horrific. Can I ask if there's anything that sets these off or does it just happen randomly?
@@CathySW it's mainly set off by stress or just becoming too tired. Now that I'm in my 40s I'm able to avoid the triggers most of the time. I'm really lucky that I have a supportive family who help me in any way they can. But, by "stress" I don't mean something that others might find overwhelming, I just mean little things like going shopping and having the stress of deciding what loaf of bread to buy. That was because my overall stress levels were always in overdrive, so little things pushed me over the edge.
But, having said that, I never know what the next day might bring. I might wake up tomorrow and feel well, or I might feel awful and have an episode. It's difficult to plan things with certainty.
Your experience is most certainly not universal. Other people who hallucinate do report hallucinations that help them cope, particularly of people/beings who emotionally support them. This is usually a trauma response and, of course, still very unhealthy.
I'm sorry you need to deal with this. I hope you find some solace some day.
@@Comet_Teaser You must be so strong to deal with all that. Thanks for helping me understand
The “porn is cheating” mindset is pretty common. I used to have a friend whose church explained to her and her husband that “ultimately, there is no difference between masterbation and going to a prostitute, because you are deriving sexual pleasure with someone other than your spouse.”
I (not religious and pretty lax about sexual stuff), blinked a minute and said, “But… masterbation is done alone. So how is someone else giving you pleasure?”
She said, completely straight-faced, “Well, our pastor explained that you’re basically cheating with yourself.”
I’m sad to say I BURST out laughing. I immediately apologized and she was chill about it because we were good friends. She said she knew it sounded silly, but it was true “if you think about it.”
I’ll give the church credit that they weren’t saying only the woman couldn’t masterbate. The husband wasn’t supposed to either. So… yay equality?
EDIT: Oh no… the comments…
yeah that's pretty wild.
I don't know anyone who thinks porn/masturbation is cheating but everytime I hear a story like this I wonder why that person is so insecure and also out of thouch with their own body.
It is a betrayal, like emotional cheating, or lusting after someone that isn't your partner. If you can't understand why, then you clearly lack any sense of empathy.
Masturbation isn't cheating, it's just super gay. You derive pleasure from playing with a dick, and your dick gets hard and you climax to your masculine hand tugging on it? Yea, big gay. It's also pathetic and a sign of poor impulse control.
What if you’re thinking of you’re spouse while masterbating?
@@johnnyjoestar1909 I didn’t ask lol
@@johnnyjoestar1909 your cheating on your spouse with yourself and your spouse I would have to assume. If not I think the way you get around that rule is make your own porn
I don't know if I have schizophrenia, but I know several people who do. They can be positive. I had one friend that had a voice they called "mama". As the name suggests they acted as if it where their actual mother. It would calm them down when having a bad episode, and would say stuff like, "it's okay hun. I'm here for you. Just try to control your breathing. Everything will be okay." And just overall be really sweet towards them. Although there were several voices that would tell them to kill themself. It was a living hell for them for the most part, and very seldom the good voices would shine through.
Sorry if this is bad, english is my third language.
Your English is quite good! "sweat" for "sweet" was the only confusing error, and I was actually surprised that you weren't a native speaker!
@@Vinemaple Ah, thank you!
Patient with schizo effective disorder so border line schizophrenia. It is actually terrifying. It causes a lot of paranoia and sometimes I fight off my own husband from coming in the same room as me because if I forget to take my meds, thanks adhd, then I believe he is the voices or a hallucination.
19:02 I’m Schizophrenic. I can’t say that this happens to every schizophrenic, as only known 1 other schizophrenic, but my family and I picked up that my hallucinations usually manifest with strong emotions. If my emotions were positive, my hallucinations would most of the time, but not always, be optimistic. But if my emotions were negative, my hallucinations would usually be just as pessimistic.
I always forget that therapists are judgemental and do have a opinion, they just keep it to themselves
Well... they are but only human.
And the good ones do it well😁
that's enough to make me stop going to mine lol
Mine doesn't do that.
Yes they do. But they also see some shit, so it’s understandable. Mine tells me up front what she tells others about me, and I’m cool with it.
Also, we teachers totally shit talk our students when no one is looking.
I had a patient once who had empty sealed plastic bottles everywhere. I asked him about it and he informed me that they were full of molecules that he’d gotten out of the air.
He had 1 too many acid trips from the 60s
Well, technically, he was right
@@karlzaunbrecher8241 He thought that he could actually see them.
As I would be talking to him, he would constantly be grabbing them with his thumb and index finger and put them into the jar until he thought it was full. He would then put it on a shelf and get another bottle or glass jar.
He is scientifically accurate. I’d pull a stunt like that to be pedantic, honestly.
Apparently, there are certain cultures in which is more common for people who suffer from schizophrenia to have "positive" voices inside of their heads. It's also known that they are usually way more stressed than people with negative voices, because they feel permanent pressure from the voice's expectatives. Source: Clinical Psychology student.
Not a therapist but had a therapist say “are you kidding me” so the story goes like this. Ontario has very few certified therapists, lots of therapists who get in under the radar and who are uncertified. I’ve had 4 of these uncertified therapists before and so I’m taking to a therapist who is fully certified. we’ve gotten to the part where I explain my history with therapy and I mention that a therapist told me that I didn’t deserve to get better (thanks deb) anyway the therapists eyes widen and she says are you kidding me. She then explains that Ontario is more concerned with pushing out therapists whether they’re certified or not. Basically quantity over quality, meaning we can’t trust that a therapist is going to be good right off the bat. It fucking sucks.
I have a friend who is schizophrenic, and her hallucinations tend not to be either helpful or harmful necessarily. She says they used to frighten her, but since she's given them names and started drawing them as characters in her own personal art, it's helped her to be a lot less afraid of them.
As someone with a form a schizophrenia the voices for me can be positive or negative depending on the situation. Personally I see the negative as something to be ignored and the positive as something to build upon. To be frank it doesn’t always work but it is a good practice
My therapist has issues with young people coming into her practice for the first time to get obscure diagnoses, outrightly asking for them, for their social media pages. Apparently where I live, having rare and debilitating mental illnesses is the new emo. Kids treat illness like playing cards and order them as if they were in a drive-thru.
I am still the only non-military member of her clientele who has PTSD, and it makes her mad that young people are using the term so flippantly. It sucks.
PSA: if you need to say "and i turned out ok" you did in fact not turn out ok
0:18 it is actually possible. Although I wouldn't call it "overdose" per se and it takes a really long time. Basically what he tried to do is increase the amount of water in his body so his blood would thin out, The salt on his blood would get diluted and this would make the water enter his cells directly, swelling them. Brain included. This would lead to seizures, irreversible brain damage and ultimately death. Taken from 1000 ways to die, death #529.
Bro the eyeball part got me. I thought that was not possible but here we are.
The court story, the part of holding the person for 2 days sounds like a law violation
On top of everything else that happened to her because she was the family scapegoat? She literally didn't know any information including the name of her public defender that was representing her in the court case less than a week away
If I recall correctly, you can be put in holding for up to 72 hours before they're legally obligated to let you go.
@@koneeche Depends on the country.🙂
Honestly the OP in this story is a saint.
Honestly if I were OP, my next step after getting the charges dropped for the lady would have been to tell her "Hun, now it's time to sue these bastards."
4:50 I, still drinking my glass of water: HMM, EVEN MORE INTERESTING
I am not a schizophrenic, but I work with people who have hallucinations. Some of them have trouble understanding that the voice is not external (either think it's their own thoughts, think you actually said something when you didn't, thoughts of a god, etc). I have a lot of problems with that one insisting I'm saying mean things when I said nothing. One of them seems to only have negative, angry voices and most likely visual hallucinations that threaten and yell at him, but he seems to have trouble understanding that they are hallucinations (as in, he confuses people for the images in his head, and can get a bit frightening when he gets in your face and demands you stop threatening his family). One of them gets distinct "mean" and "nice" ones, and can distinguish between them, knows they are not normal, and knows that if he should listen to any, it's only the ones encouraging him to tend to his hygiene or the like.
It seems that positive auditory hallucinations are possible, but given my experience and the other commentors, rare.
Although on that note, the one we have with positive hallucinations is also the only generally cheerful client we have. I wonder if that's because he gets positive voices and less negative ones, or if positivity leads to more positive voices?
Schizophrenia gets better when you have proper treatment, but even then I can still struggle from day to day
Just remember, you are not alone!
I'm going to hell, but I'm going there laughing.
I’m bipolar and the dream people only can talk to me in my sleep or when I’m having sleep related hallucinations, never when I am fully awake. Antipsychotics don’t prevent these kinds of hallucinations. I don’t know what they are as a whole and why they are in my head, only that my goal of being something other than me in my dreams might be something that they could help with and some of them try their best and others just flat out prevent me it seems like. Some trick me into thinking they can give me what I want if I like sell them my soul or if I wake up and do what they ask but they are liars. I do sometimes act out what they tell me to do but once I am fully awake I’m fine. I also have these sleep attacks where I fall in and out of sleep so quickly and often I can’t tell which way is up, my therapist and psychiatrist have been no help in explaining this. It’s not narcolepsy for sure, and probably not nocturnal seizures. Psych just says it’s a parasomnia but that’s so vague
You mentioning that they're inside your head, and being someone else in your dreams makes us wonder if you're plural maybe? We're a plural system too and headmates can get confused with hallucinations, and many plural systems find the space between waking and sleeping it's easier to access inside and talk with their others. This has always been the case for us, and only realised in adulthood that our elaborate daydreams and stories in our head before sleeping was our headmates and headspaces
We're also diagnosed with narcolepsy and cataplexy. We do sometimes get like dissociative episodes that can look like sleep attacks, and it's more like noone is driving our body for a moment more than anything else
We're also diagnosed with bipolar but think this is a misdiagnosis, cos looking back many of our "mood swings" were actually switches, we only know that cos we know what those feel like now. Our mood could flip instantly with switches. Strong emotions can often trigger switches in many plural systems too
Plurality is often confused with bipolar, schizo-spec, and things like BPD. It's painfully overlooked due to lack of awareness or understanding by most doctors, unless they're specifically trained in dissociation most doctors can't recognise dissociative disorders/issues or plurality
Plurality in of itself isn't a disorder, just a different way of experiencing life really. Disorder usually stems from traumas and poor teamwork really
@@WolfgangDoW Given y'all's plurality, I love y'all's user name. I'm going to make a public display of ignorance here. Are "plurality" and "plural system" terms for the condition which used to be called Multiple Personality Disorder, and often *(very incorrectly)* called schizophrenia by laypeople? If it is, I like the change. In fact, the more I think about it, the more I like it. It addresses y'all's unusual experience of selfhood not as something to be fixed, but something to be understood and worked with, rather than against.
@@WolfgangDoW I can totally understand where you are coming from, but I am not sure I am? The dream people seem to only repeat on the same night, otherwise as far as I know they are different entities every time. Wanting to be someone else is actually code for ‘I want to be a monster’, haha. My talks with them are pretty much me trying to convince them to let me be my monstersona, usually they say they can’t (which I think some are lying) or they say they can but they just are fucking with me (I have nearly hurt myself or others when told to). I have always wanted to not be me, and monsters are one of my passions, so why not both? My therapist does say it’s a defense mechanism since I disassociate in general when daydreaming about being not me, he’s asked multiple times if I ever feel like someone else or I’m being controlled or forget chunks of time during those times, seems he is familiar with plurality. Being me is the problem! I do think I qualify for having delusions regarding this (some times I get convinced the people CAN change me if I sell them my soul and get upset I didn’t take them up on the offer), but it seems so real. They are so real. You did give me a lot to think about, your experience is really interesting! Thank you for sharing! I’m for sure bipolar, it runs in my family, but since my hallucinations are sleep related my antipsychotics don’t touch them. A friend suggested I could be nonhuman, but that actually upsets me as my problem is that I AM human mentally and physically and do not wish to be.
I was literally drinking water when the reminder came up it freaked me out ahahaha
hi! not schizophrenic but have a different schizo spectrum/psychotic disorder. some hallucinations/delusions are "positive" some "negative" some "neutral." Although with delusions most of the positive ones are not very safe but luckily they are exceedingly rare and generally manageable. hallucinations are different for every psychotic person, and even vary in level of induced distress and/or manageability within one person. for people with mild to moderate and rarely severe psychotic symptoms, it's possible to be "reality checked" into realizing something isn't real-- or just having something called "insight" into your disorder and sometimes or usually knowing when you are hallucinating. i've seen, heard, smelled, felt, tasted many a thing that simply was not there. i know to ask people if something is real if it seems out of place or extreme, and my close friends know to reality check me if i ask a seemingly nonsensical question like "was ___ just in the room? where did they go?" they know to be kind and just calmly explain that ___ has been out at the supermarket for the past hour or so. positive hallucinations are rare and i usually don't care to try to minimize one if it happens
How is it that nobody seems to understand the difference between "defuse" and "diffuse"?
2:44 made me literally face-palm.
0:12 I, drinking a glass of water: HMM, INTERESTING
Those are some nice dance moves. Look at that car dance lol. Drifting is funny.
0:18 - yeah you can look up the story of the lady that died doing a water drinking competition from a radio
This isn’t my story it’s my mom’s and she isn’t a therapist, but I feel like it still counts. Back way before I was born my mom was medic in the Air Force, and would look after a lot of mentally unstable patients. This is the top story she has told me and my sister (multiple times) to teach us to be couscous around strangers because and I quote “you never know what maybe wrong with them or what they can do”, and “don’t understand or judge people because everyone has the potential to whoop your @*s”. Anyways the story goes like this. She was doing her work like normal when she heard screams and then an announcement that the said that a mentally ill patient had escaped and they needed help finding him. Mom ran to the screams to see if she could help. She opened one of those big door, from what I remember it was one those doors in hospitals and schools, where if you could get seriously hurt if you got a part of you stuck in it (you’ll see soon why this info about the door is important). She barely got in still had her in the way of the door, the patient had barreled pass her and slammed the door on mom’s arm breaking it. Thankfully shortly afterwards they did manage to get the patient back and calm them down, but d@mn all my mom wanted to do was help and got her arm broken instead.
As a school counselor for tiny humans (ages 4 to 9), the amount of wtf moments is ridiculous. There's the prek kid who bit me immediately after a personal space lesson. Or the kindergartener who kicked me twice and tried to joke me bc we had to sit somewhere else.for breakfast. Or the gifted 2nd grader who had to bring home 4 lunch boxes bc they kept forgetting them at school then had a meltdown about the smell and bc her socks were "wet" (her feet were actually just sweaty & yes she's absolutely adhd). Or the parent who thought I was building a profile on her kid. Or my prek student who would purposely do things so the autistic student would copy him. There was also the parent who tried to appeal her kid being retained in kindergarten after missing 80 days and not having the foundation of letter sounds. There is never a dull day🤷♀️
0:42 Naaaaah enough reddit stories for today
Not gonna lie that nail one grossed me up more than the poop one.
honestly i'm five feet and 200 lb, but also EXTREMELY mentally ill (to the point where i can't go too long without being checked on in some capacity). i literally can't lose this weight for the life of me, and i'm so exhausted from being sick that i can barely find any energy to exercise. i take three medications, missing one is VERY dangerous, but they all cause weight gain. honestly i'm just resigned to being fat forever because i can't stop taking my medication, and i'm permanently disabled because of the disorders that i have. and it's so humiliating and frustrating.
I have a VERY mild schizophrenia and i see things that aren't there sometimes. Its not positive nor negative. Just random stuff
the spit-jar killed me
The guy eatting his poo. Couldn't he gone with thinking he was a rabbit rather than an alien. But who am I to deduce pycho behavior by logic.
That dude was odd but not completely wrong for identifying with something nonhuman I’m a fox in my head but the poop thing is absolutely messed up
@@guitarfox8316 Rabbits eat their own poop for added nutrients they didn't digest the first time. That's why I think that lines up better than aliens. Because anything that resorts to eatting it's own feces to survive. Couldn't possibly manage intergalactic space travel.😄
@@blackmagician7645 lol good point I don’t know too much about rabbits bc I’m a fox so typically stay in my own part of the world lol I have a pet rabbit but I don’t observe it much as adhd sucks
Most of those made my jaw drop and were unbelievably gross!!!🤢🤮
Schizophrenic hallucinations are culturally based. Europeans and Americans tend to be negative, Asian and Indian tend to be more positive.
Yup, voices tend to only be malicious in cultures which demonise voices specifically
Would it really be that hard to include a "Game: _________" in the video information?
Game: _________
Coworker clocked that at two seconds.
Royally fuck this new youtube interface. It's 90's overdrive for the game, more impresive on New 3DS XL with 3D on. Be sure to savestate to avoid paying irl cash if you miss manage game point or fail too often a race.
"doing a bunch of case management because no one else wants to".
You can overdose on water. It's more complicated than that and not exactly what's happening, but she wasn't wrong.
Advice before listening to the video: if you think story 3 is gross I advise skipping story 7....
"a person is most vulnerable when taking a crap." Are you sure he's not a 5 star general?
I might have mild schizophrenia, but I haven't said anything about it to anyone yet, because it is really very harmless. I hear music- all kinds of music- some I've heard outside of my head, and some stuff that I know my brain has just completely made up. Sometimes my brain will play a whole piece/song from beginning to end, sometimes I just get a chorus over and over for hours. When it's something I don't like, like Justin Bieber or One Direction, I drown it out with something else if I can. Sometimes the only way to make it go away is to sing along until the song changes or stops. My family just thinks I love singing a capella. 😅
Recently, I've had to go on specialised pain medication (for a completely unrelated condition) that can also be prescribed off-label to treat a couple of mild mental illnesses, and an unexpected side effect of that is that I haven't had a bad episode in months- that is, no Bieber/etc, and no repeated chorus for hours. I still hear music, but it's just full songs/pieces now, and quite enjoyable at times- like having a private orchestra in my head.
Hallucinations are cultural. Most Western cultures are negative, while most hallucinations are positive in Africa. Not sure about Asians.
Which story is yours?
That kid who was mad about Dennie’s reminds me of myself but I’m
Not nearly as violent but I’m autistic and if my routine changes pretty much everyone within earshot is hearing lots of f bombs and other unsavory things
On the guy who removed his eye: oh, some eye pains... I hope you NEVER experience it. It is so bad you start allucining. lmao (it is not funny, it's a nervous laugh because I'll probably know it someday due my eye conditions.)
4:30 is just a normal woman.
My best friend from high school has schizophrenia and when i first met her she had some crazy stories. We were both in special edd and practically "forced" to talk to one another because were both very antisocial. Come to find out we both had alot in common. She always refered to herself as "emo" and "blackanese" basically black and Japanese, though she had no Japanese in her. She said she had a family of friends from japan that lived in town. And she practically discribed a mixture of anime, twilight, and the Adams family. Id write a book about it, but id probably be charged for copyright. When i bring those stories up these days, she has no idea what I'm talking about. So i never bring up her crazy stories from high school to her.
Story 3 make me gag
Story 5, the one who has problems was the gf, not him at all. She said "pron addiction" i see it really normal. She doesn't know anything about it. And this is from someone whos entire work revolve around making +18 artworks. Also i had a GF who actually supports that too.
Just because you are involved in that work and that you had a girlfriend who supports that (either your work or you consuming pornography, not sure what you were pointing at) doesn't mean that those things are grounds for it being 'ok' or normal.
Girlfriend in the story didn't want her boyfriend thinking about other girls. Girlfriend wanted to be found attractive, desireable, and wanted by her boyfriend. That's a need on both ends. Pornography does not meet that need, but rather, gets in the way. That's unhealthy.
@@TheUA-camGame if is consumed religiously yeah! you had a point there. I mean i had, but stop to like RL pron long ago due my work too. So i guess i became more "normal to see it", plus my work requires to at least look for a lot of hentai fanarts as well in order to get references of what the costumer wants too. Heck! we take some of those for our "private time" too. Mainly because we know to differentiate everything and nothing replace her as well.
I see it more as a her problem because she doesn't see herself better than the girls on the thing he watched and i think that is the reason why they were suggest couples therapy. AGAIN i don't dismiss your concern to because they are also valid as well and something i would think if the bf consumes a lot of it.
my brother have schizo+autism became in 25Y.They made him do some very stupid/unnecessary stuff (boil water in bowl placed his neclase on top of it); he laugh very noisy/evelish with no reason, the issues come in a wave form (etc one week normal, second week obscure/ill), he mix his food with very different ingredient, made/ask some weird question. the worst was he thinked that we will kill him, he is very agresive tovards us and mental abusing(say hurtfull things)
I would love to know the approximate age of the person from story 7, that's not normal for an adult to do.
whats the gane in the bg
Well it is possible. I think the most famous case is that Hold your wee for a Wii case. Crazy part is they were warned multiple times.
Also I would say it depends. If a kid can handle it yeah, if not then no. My bro and I watched horror movies when we were little and we're both fine.
See after these stories I'm going need a Therapist 😂
I bite my nails, but I don't eat them.
you can have audio hallucinations with bipolar not just schizophrenia
Does the poop eater story remind anyone else of that Rick and Morty scene with the guy who eats shit?
Schizophrenic hallucinations have a cultural Bias, Schizophrenics from abrahamic cultures tend to have very negative Hallucinations But from Hindu and Buddhist cultures tend to be positive hallucinations
I have had schizophrenia my whole life and i have it with all the five senses and let me tell you its a trip i thought the voices were normal until i was told they were not. Id have to say that most them are positive but alot are negative too. Sometimes its just gibberish or sounds. Either way its annoying.
possible schizophrenic (still trying to get diagnosed but the system where I live is slower than tar in a fridge). And no it's not positive, Sure some of the voices in my head aren't overly bad, just mindlessly chattering random phrases. But, at times I hear the voices of my friends, family, characters, random people etc. telling me to do horrible things to myself like ending my life, and plenty of other harsh words. And occasionally it's just straight-up screaming for a second or two, or voices loudly arguing with one another, that keeps me up at night.
can someone tell me the name of the game please?
I lost it at 'eating one of the lightbulbs!' 🤣
I cant - not read this as "the rapists" every time i see it
Now I can't not either
Read therapists as the rapists and got super confused
You can die from drinking too much water
It is possible to overdose on water....it is hard to do. It takes many many liters of water
It's just over hydration, so its not really overdosing more like diluting your fuilds.
Also with weight, a lot of parents use food to calm down mentally ill children.
TIL Therapists is spelled exactly the same as The Rapists, and now I can't unsee it. You're welcome :)
17 i heard the person who was screamings pov and the man who did it said that he allways wanted on eye
schizoaffective here :)
sonetimes my voices are positive but thats rare, usually they’re negative
how does one eat fingernails? like physically.. ..how?
my voices only bully me.
The story at 13:10 it talks about a person that lost and fucking ate their eyeballs that had yo be the most stupidest thing that person can ever do and also he could’ve sell that eyeball and made more than 700k up to a mil
On the Schizophrenia thing, research has shown that the voices and what they say etc. depends on culture. Western cultures tend to be more... Freaky. You'll probably not get many, if any, tellings of positive experiences
What game is that??
80s Overdrive
@@LGamerr ok thx
5 ft. 1 200 pounds is not severely overweight so one of my family's 4-foot something 200 pounds not that big at all
Where the hell do you live if you think being that heavy is normal
Apparently the voices is dependent on where in the world you are. Western world is more negative voices. Other places have more positive. There isn't a single rule from what I heard. It just tends
For a moment I thought that the thumbnail said "The Ra**sts" and I got very confused.
Is that game cool run in sega
Skid marks.
Nimiam- you have lost some weight
What's the game called
80s Overdrive
The third one is so gross
1:10 - felipe minha sogra fez aquí também sopa de unhas uma delícia ♥
It’s khat not cot the narcotic
Toe nails were so gross
video game name?
80s Overdrive
Sure sounds only like brain damage to me. Extreme sleep deprivation while continuing to swim across the English channel has some weird effects on your perception and on your thinking too. Well at least that is what more than one long distance female swimmer has said. I could never swim the English channel. No long distance swimmers are like the kind of mythical mermaid which a lot of elementary school children like to wonder about. No long distance swimmers instead who experience similar signs and symptoms of schizophrenia when swimming the English channel end up with schizophrenia for rest of their lives.
Mild voices here. It's more like a guide and counsellor.
Is this just
random gameplay overlayed with reddit posts beimg narrated by text-to-speech?
its not text to speech this is a real voice actor!! her name is in the description of every video she's in!!
The rapists have got to be kidding.
Most of these are so fake bruh
I'll not like those videos. Ew, imagine if someone gets access to my accounts! No no no no
I just want to say that the one They had the father that said that he got spanked and he turned out OK. But therapist made him realize that he was not OK.
Yeah this may be due to spanking but probably has more to do With a combination of other neglect and abuse. Spanking your child in itself does not ruin them to that extent. It's that in combination to a bunch of other stuff.
Spanking does not equal abuse, how you spank your child determines whether it's abuse or not. There is a right way, and a wrong way and not every child needs the same Consequences.
My daughter didn't need to be spanked, my son did. But once he got it and stopped running out into the road he didn't need to be spanked anymore hasn't since.
And no it's not always lazy parenting. I did the repetition I did all the other Options 1st. None of them would get through to my kid. He learns the hard way.
A quick little spank to the butt is Less damaging Then being hit by a car. Also you can't just spank your child and leave it at that. You have to have a conversation with them, Down at their level and explain in terms they can understand.
This is different than how when I was brought up, I was spanked to the point of bruising for anything in everything and nothing was explained.
There is a difference between discipline and abuse. My son is 10, He is loving affectionate and has no fear towards me.
And for those who'll say oh it'll teach your kid to hit others Yeah if you do it wrong.
Also don't use spanking as a punishment for behaviors. Never use physical consequences to behaviors. If your child is acting out there is a reason for that. Explore that reason with your kids.
I chose to spank my son, Because he needed that extra emphasis To make him stop and think about what hes doing. I needed him to hesitate towards the road. Because at 2 years old he was fast And did not stop for anything. To the point where he'd even run into walls like he could phase through them.
I never wanted to be a parent to spank my child. I do not regret it. 10 out of 10 I do it again. It kept my child safe Alive. Thank God my daughter wasn't the same way.
And now that they're both older. Consequences to their actions involves Thorough discussions.
Ah that my son is so gentle, And my daughter is such a brute. 5 years younger than Her brother, She's a rough tough cream puff. I have great kids I'm so lucky.
It may be less damaging than a car, but it is still damaging. Just don't hit children and resolve the problems in a non-violent way.
Y’all I’m first
For once, someone is actually correct saying that they are the first.
Thank you people
Nope. Already called by the fifth person.
That comment was not made when I posted.
@@BenthewildchildE750 Yes it was. All you need to do is sort comments by new.
Women are crazier
Seem the news, lately? It ain’t women shooting up the streets.