8 THINGS You MUST AVOID After a Hair Transplant (for faster recovery)

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @amitposthair
    @amitposthair  Рік тому +6

    Don't forget to like and subscribe for more tips like this!

  • @chrisarden5956
    @chrisarden5956 Рік тому +74

    1. Avoid sleeping flat
    2.Avoid washing hair transplant first 48h
    3.Avoid any hairstyle product - 3 months
    4.Avoid direct exposure to sun 2 weeks
    5.Avoid gym, sports, etc
    6.Avoid alcohol and smoking
    7.Avoid unhealthy foods - take Mg,Biotin,Zinc.
    8.Avoid hitting your head.

    • @jenxsj3902
      @jenxsj3902 10 місяців тому +4

      All this information and much more was given to me by my surgeon in the patient information leaflet prior and after my transplant . Your doctor did not tell you all this? Girl get a lawyer.

    • @labrigada7537
      @labrigada7537 8 місяців тому +3

      My clinic said sun is actually very healthy. But not too strong and too long.

    • @rolfjohansen5376
      @rolfjohansen5376 6 місяців тому

      nr 5 is mentioned mainly for avoiding sweat

  • @chrisbale5640
    @chrisbale5640 8 місяців тому +4

    5:19 My clinic told me doing cardio like running and sweating 7+ days post my surgery would be ok. But most definitely, no gym and heavy lifting for another week...

    • @amitposthair
      @amitposthair  8 місяців тому +1

      i'd say wait a full month, then start out with some brisk walking and then light jogging. once you build up some stamina then you can start going to lift heavy at the gym. it's a slow return but it'll be benefitial for you !

  • @andreymor5201
    @andreymor5201 Рік тому +5

    The problem is with hitting your head is because of so much anaesthesia you don’t feel your head. I hit my head at the same evening of a hair transplant while getting out of the car, and thankfully it was a donor area and blood was coming out also. what I would like to recommend is every time you walk around for the first three days in the house is to wear neck pillow. This will help you feel and realise where your head is and be extremely careful to not hit your head because of that as you’re wearing a neck pillow, the feeling of the neck pillow around your neck is allowing you to understand kind of your actual size of your head

  • @kirubhakarans5733
    @kirubhakarans5733 Рік тому +8

    Just waiting for your crown transplant and honest review as usual

  • @ibrahimkacar1
    @ibrahimkacar1 9 місяців тому +4

    I hit my head too when I was washing my face once near the sink. A bird also shat on my head 5 days into the transplanted on the corner temple side

    • @amitposthair
      @amitposthair  9 місяців тому +1

      holy.. crap!

    • @Ommair10
      @Ommair10 2 місяці тому

      Bird poop contains a LOT of nutrients
      That corner of your temple received a lifetime worth of PRP.
      Jokes apart, hope you’re having a good recovery.

  • @manvindermalik-jp8nm
    @manvindermalik-jp8nm 4 місяці тому

    Great advice, right on point. and inspirational. You are now my 'Go To' content post my hair transplant 10 days ago. Thank you !

  • @shakeb0x
    @shakeb0x 2 місяці тому

    Great video! I just completed my transplant yesterday and will follow your guidance!

    • @amitposthair
      @amitposthair  2 місяці тому

      thank you! and yes the videos should be helpful!

  • @parkerd2154
    @parkerd2154 Рік тому +7

    6k grafts is a lot. There's a difference in the post-op requirements compared to a hairline lowering procedure with 1-2k grafts. For example, you can wear certain hats as long as recipient area is not touched, and sleep as normal avoiding side and stomach positions.

    • @teddypicano
      @teddypicano Рік тому

      Why cant you sleep on the side ? As long as ur head is elevated and not touching your transplant hair?

    • @parkerd2154
      @parkerd2154 Рік тому

      @@teddypicano you can probably get away with it

  • @yadneshjadhav3706
    @yadneshjadhav3706 Рік тому +1

    I am a smoker and ihv done my transplant last month it's a shading face now and i am using minoxidil and finasteride solution once a day , and yeaa i started smocking 9 days after my ht surgery

  • @N-e.o
    @N-e.o Рік тому +4

    After my hair transplant 1.5 months ago (4100 grafts) I never stopped smoking 🚬 (in fact.. the first thing I did after te transplant was smoking a few sigarets in the car on the way home😮)
    And pre surgery I stuffed allot of snacks and locked myself up for 2 weeks. 😅
    If someone wants to know if this somehow affected the transplant recovery. Respond to this reply in about 2.5 months😅

    • @BNNNB
      @BNNNB Рік тому +1

      All these conditions of what not to do is just overkill...not based on research

    • @gufreestyle96
      @gufreestyle96 Рік тому

      How It its? Just had mine and smoked few cigarretes right afted

    • @N-e.o
      @N-e.o Рік тому

      @@gufreestyle96 do not worry, it's absolutely fine!

    • @gufreestyle96
      @gufreestyle96 Рік тому +1

      @@N-e.o good to hear! And did you smoke a lot? Im sticking with 3/4 cigs a day since the HT day. Hope its fine. Too hard to stay locked at home ALL day without cigs haha

    • @N-e.o
      @N-e.o Рік тому +2

      @@gufreestyle96 I smoke an average of 10 cigarettes a day. I eat quite unhealthy and never on time. No problems at all👍

  • @tueeet
    @tueeet Рік тому +6

    One crucial bit that you missed mentioning is for how long to observe these advices.

  • @HyperVegitoDBZ
    @HyperVegitoDBZ Рік тому +10

    As someone who loves sleeping on their stomach, this sleeping thing for 10 days will be esopecially challenging to me. But this is a small rpice to pay for the greatness I will acquire :). Already started training with a neck pillow.

    • @amitposthair
      @amitposthair  Рік тому +2

      yeahh its definately tough for the first few days, but once you get into a routine and habit, it isnt soo bad

    • @omirrrr
      @omirrrr 6 місяців тому +1

      I'm finding that really hard but eventually you're so tired you just fall asleep. Painkillers helped

  • @A.S.R
    @A.S.R Місяць тому

    I just knocked my head twice today. No bleeding or bruising. Hopefully i should be good

  • @belall20
    @belall20 6 місяців тому +1

    Hey bro
    I had my HT 2days back at Vera and oxycure yesterday. I was being very careful but same as you, bumped head while getting out of van. Much blood and i got scared. Doctor told me grafts not affected and they fixed it

    • @amitposthair
      @amitposthair  5 місяців тому

      yeah its tough! banging your head on the top of that van is terrifying, but glad the docs were able to fix it

  • @santoshpal8835
    @santoshpal8835 Рік тому +1

    Thank you for great video, just had HT todays ago had barely got any sleep

  • @danvejorcon
    @danvejorcon 3 місяці тому


    • @amitposthair
      @amitposthair  3 місяці тому +1

      @@danvejorcon haha thank you! I got it done from Vera Clinic. You can sign up with them for a free consultation here! vera.clinic/amit

    • @danvejorcon
      @danvejorcon 3 місяці тому


  • @mohamedfahmy9399
    @mohamedfahmy9399 2 місяці тому

    It is coming to my 4th week after hair transplant. Perhaps the trickiest part I experienced is removing the scabs unassisted. I managed to remove all the scabs off the frontal area but I struggled to do the same to my crown area. I sent some pictures back to the clinic and they said it looked OK, but I feel there were some harshness when I touch it. I hope that is not too much to worry about! What was your experience?

    • @amitposthair
      @amitposthair  2 місяці тому

      it isnt! generally the crown is more tricker than the from and midscalp but honestly with my own experience i felt like it was pretty much the same. Dont worry though, once you start seeing growth it will fine!

  • @ijazmahmood5661
    @ijazmahmood5661 9 місяців тому

    Brilliant Result bro. Thank you for information

  • @elijahtaugata
    @elijahtaugata Рік тому +1

    Damn thats a lot of grafts at once 😮... the initial post op care is a must follow. Also, anything going forward with regards to medication and other hair care routine should be a routine and followed. I stopped routine and meds after 7yrs because I thought I was fine and hair started falling off again. My hairloss runs in the family so I may need to do surgery again in a few yrs when my natural hair falls out.
    Regarding 45deg, I was told thats an old method and to sleep as flat a spossible so that the fluids in the head would not try to go down my face and back towards the head... guys were given head bands to wear above their eyes, neck pillows and sanotary sheets to place on the pillows for fluids.
    After 7days I can now sleep with head elevated etc. My clinic was very in depth and a booklet was given on the timeline of what to do for a year plus other extras to go into the clinic and they will wash your hair for free if I was still in country. Also added a free laser hair therapy the next day after surgery as part of my package deal.
    Ye mate, I would be so upset too if I bumped my head, 😂😂. I have stayed in my hotel for 7days straight. I study online so its not a big deal for me.

  • @worldpulse3559
    @worldpulse3559 Рік тому +1

    Excellent vidéo👍

  • @peaceandLove-r2k
    @peaceandLove-r2k Рік тому +1

    Good advice
    Thank you very much.

  • @tarek-jawad
    @tarek-jawad Рік тому +3

    Hi Amit, your result is amazing dude, congratulations. I have a question that I have not seen anyone talk about. How did you travel back home after the surgery? was your head exposed on the flight home? do they give you something to wear on your head for protection and to keep the germs away etc and generally so it doesnt look so confronting to other flight passengers? thanks in advance.

    • @amitposthair
      @amitposthair  Рік тому +6

      thanks man! I touch briefly on this in my next video right at the end about the airport heading back. The clinic does provide you with a bucket hat you can wear. I personally did not wear it because the hat is quite big in size and in all honesty looks very funny on you. I think going to the airport with my exposed head looked more normal because there were lots of others at the airport that had one transplants as well. You'll find so many others in the airport looking exactly like you with a headband or with their surgery done. I wouldnt say its much to worry about tbh, people will stare, but once you get the surgery done, you just look like any other bald guy!

    • @mateenbarekzai7442
      @mateenbarekzai7442 11 місяців тому

      @@amitposthairdid you get shock loss too? I’m on week 4 now and am noticing some hairs fall off when I touch my scalp

  • @richardneagle3177
    @richardneagle3177 Рік тому

    Superb thank you very much,excellent advice

  • @mogmbo123
    @mogmbo123 10 місяців тому

    Nice Review, but my hair is white, is it ok to dye it after a Year? and what kind of Dye is appropriate? Thanks a lot.

    • @amitposthair
      @amitposthair  10 місяців тому +1

      yes its totally fine to dye after a year! clinics typically recommend after 6 months so 1 year later is totally fine. I personally do not dye my hair so i sadly couldnt give you any recommendations

    • @mogmbo123
      @mogmbo123 10 місяців тому

      @@amitposthair Thanks Amit for ur kind support.

  • @buddybuddy1988
    @buddybuddy1988 Рік тому +1

    When will someone be able to shave the donor area?

  • @eshanpotnis
    @eshanpotnis Рік тому +3

    @amit I did my HT at Vera 5 days ago too. Did your donor area start to hurt after 4 days? I had no pain in donor area for first 3 days but last two days it has started to hurt with throbbing pain. Been taking some painkillers. I haven't read about this pain anywhere

    • @amitposthair
      @amitposthair  Рік тому +5

      It does usually after the 4th day! Mainly because the anastasia is probably wearing off properly now.. so the aftershock of the pains trickling in.. but hang in there, it'll eventually subside in a few days!

    • @eshanpotnis
      @eshanpotnis Рік тому

      @@amitposthair Also maybe the nerves are starting to regenerate? It's very frustrating! Btw I love your content and the more I watch it, the more I realise how similar our journeys have been - with mental and physical aspect of hair loss. I also bumped my head while getting into the Vera car after surgery. but thankfully did not dislodge any grafts lol

    • @amitposthair
      @amitposthair  Рік тому

      @@eshanpotnis ahah thanks man appreciate it!! Hope your growth journey goes just as well!!

    • @eshanpotnis
      @eshanpotnis Рік тому

      Thank you!

  • @BigRed999
    @BigRed999 Рік тому

    Hi! Thanks for this video! When you talked about vitamins/supplements - is there any one thing you can recommend?

    • @amitposthair
      @amitposthair  Рік тому

      yes! i have a full video talking about which ones i take and have

  • @edbredin6406
    @edbredin6406 Рік тому

    Thanks for sharing that. I'd love to see the back of your head to see how that turned out

  • @javiermalave298
    @javiermalave298 4 місяці тому

    This is great information. I suscribed to this channel. I am in the process of getting my first Hair Transplant and I am scared out of my mind. All this research has me seeing the good and the bad and I dont know if I should do this or not... need some feedback.

    • @amitposthair
      @amitposthair  4 місяці тому

      welcome to the family! honestly getting a hair transplant was one of the best decisions of my life. i've gotten my hair back, and my confidence back. I couldnt recommend it enough!

  • @sahilbansal0610
    @sahilbansal0610 3 місяці тому

    Hey, I am going to turkey in November and will be alone. I was interested in knowing what are the essentials one must have while returning back to home (like neck pillows etc.)

    • @amitposthair
      @amitposthair  3 місяці тому

      neck pillows are a must! and a good one too. I have aone i recommend to everyone which was really good for me here:
      Cabeau Travel Pillow:
      US: amzn.to/3mZlS39
      UK: amzn.to/41yWXCG
      For other items, one imporant thing is to bring an extra buttoned shirt because youre going to want to change after a long procedure. Another thing is probably get check in baggage so you can bring back any shampoos above 100ml u purchase from the clinic (if you do). I made a full video on what to expect when u get to turkey here!

    • @sahilbansal0610
      @sahilbansal0610 3 місяці тому

      @@amitposthair Thank you so much! 🙌🏻

  • @tomaszsamborski1944
    @tomaszsamborski1944 7 місяців тому

    When did you start drinking alcohol?
    And when did you start drinking alcohol in larger quantities?

    • @amitposthair
      @amitposthair  6 місяців тому

      about 2 weeks after. I dont really drink in larger qualities generally, but usually maybe 1 oe 2 drinks a week

    • @Friends-jl3lp
      @Friends-jl3lp 5 місяців тому

      I took a month off alchol, defo recommended

  • @valdircarminati8287
    @valdircarminati8287 8 місяців тому

    I was told that coffee should be avoided in the first 14 days because it raises the blood pressure and this may damage the recently implanted grafts, should avoid also walking due to the same reason. Is that right?

    • @amitposthair
      @amitposthair  8 місяців тому

      yes they do advise to avoid on coffee for the first 2 weeks. Walking is fine though, or else you'd never get anywhere! lol!

  • @johny5400
    @johny5400 Рік тому +2

    I go for hair transplant on friday, not really looking forward to the weeks after tho :D

    • @amitposthair
      @amitposthair  Рік тому +3

      Congrats on going to get it! Don't worry, trust the process and you'll be fine!

  • @brutal4000
    @brutal4000 3 місяці тому

    When it is safe to go for heavy drink? How long for unhealthy food?

    • @amitposthair
      @amitposthair  3 місяці тому +1

      @@brutal4000 ideally wait at least 2 weeks before heavy drinking or any unhealthy food. But also generally you should avoid doing both of that for general health 😅

  • @hassanahmad4258
    @hassanahmad4258 Рік тому

    Hey Amit, great video. Do you really think we need to wait a month before getting back into the gym? My clinic mentioned that after 10 days you can get back into cardio just no heavy weights

    • @amitposthair
      @amitposthair  Рік тому +1

      ideally 1 month would be the best. You can always go earlier, but youre risking your head to become more sweaty, and that could cause infections and issues. I would start with light workouts (brisk walks), just to keep your fitness levels up and then once u hit the 1 month mark, you can start lifting weights. by the 6th week you can lift heavier

  • @MrRoberto984
    @MrRoberto984 Рік тому

    Was this a nw6? Is not too many grafts at once?! I m having my trasplant on monday...i guess i m at your situation b4 op....all the clinic i contacted told me i need ( in order not to having scarfs ) to harvest the donor area in 2 times...and...if necessary harvest from beard...greeting from Milan and all the best . Rob

    • @amitposthair
      @amitposthair  Рік тому +1

      yes i was nw6! good luck on your transplant!

    • @MrRoberto984
      @MrRoberto984 Рік тому

      @@amitposthair cheers m8 i appriciate your feedback...It s Always a pleasure talk to someone Who has done It ..real report...here in Italy ..not many people talk about this " problem " for shame i reckon

  • @kasterchoi7952
    @kasterchoi7952 3 місяці тому

    If I wasn’t provided shampoo or moisturizers for my head, can I buy them and which brand are they?

    • @amitposthair
      @amitposthair  2 місяці тому

      yes! i have a few listed in the description box! check them out!

  • @deanslife1
    @deanslife1 Рік тому

    Did you start taking fin before the transplant? How long before the procedure ? And where did you get the fin from...your GP or online prescription?

    • @amitposthair
      @amitposthair  Рік тому +1

      I actually didn't take fin before! Only started after I got my transplant done and have kept my remaining hair since! I got it prescribed by an online GP. You can do that or get it from a local gp as well

    • @deanslife1
      @deanslife1 Рік тому

      @@amitposthair I was told with the hair transplant clinic I was going with that I need to take fin first as my hairloss has not stabilised

    • @johngortney8724
      @johngortney8724 11 місяців тому

      Did you go with oral or topical Fin?

  • @gazadan6623
    @gazadan6623 Рік тому

    Will high blood pressure hinder recovery?

  • @farahd4194
    @farahd4194 Рік тому

    My son did this hair treatment in Turku he cam back Canada but the bags are Daly in his medication on his bag watch dr give him so he is not using those medicines is that okay our no please reply 🙏🙏🙏🙏🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲

  • @jeffbrandenburg8672
    @jeffbrandenburg8672 Рік тому

    Great advice! They did a great job! Would you recommend the clinic you went to or Smile Clinic in Istanbul?

    • @amitposthair
      @amitposthair  Рік тому +1

      i would recommended mine based on my own experience. I had a good time there and the results show!

  • @Luke-ih2wt
    @Luke-ih2wt 2 місяці тому

    So if you touch your head and there is no blood then that should mean it’s ok and no damage has been caused?

    • @amitposthair
      @amitposthair  2 місяці тому +1

      yes! but definately try avoiding touching your head too much at the beginning!

  • @manucher.h.8736
    @manucher.h.8736 Рік тому

    How did you overcome and endured the anesthesia injection pain? I’m ashamed to admit but I couldn’t bare the pain. For some reason I just started shaking uncontrollably and my surgeon got terrified, stopped the procedure. They actually thought I was having an epileptic seizure. But I’m not an epileptic. Still can’t figure out why my body reacted that way.

    • @amitposthair
      @amitposthair  Рік тому

      it was painful not gonna lie! but i just sat through it. Sorry you couldnt go through it, but maybe it was for the best!

    • @bluespiral4678
      @bluespiral4678 Рік тому

      I'm guessing the surgical pain is significantly more acute than a tattoo?

    • @madhavkumarpancholi9842
      @madhavkumarpancholi9842 Рік тому +1

      I got my half transplant today and I am gonna do other half tomorrow. And you are right. Those injections are fucking painful. When I just saw syringe of injection I got terrified as I have never seen such a big syringe. And the doctor also pushed the syringe all the way through. I also got terrified. But I sat through it. He did the same thing six times. But good thing was that after that I immediately went to sleeping. And woke up after 3 hours when surgery was done. No pain nothing. So that anesthesia was really worth it.

    • @ВладимирРоманов-щ2ь
      @ВладимирРоманов-щ2ь 11 місяців тому

      Уколов 30 мне сделали), да , это самое болезненное в этой операции!))) Надо просто терпеть

    • @spirostsotos
      @spirostsotos 11 місяців тому

      Sorry but for me it wasn’t so much a deal, and I had to have 2 producers DHI 5500 grafts so had to have anaesthesia 4 times in donor and recipient area. It really isn’t that bad

  • @Jengodecosta
    @Jengodecosta Рік тому

    Hi Amit, do you have any video where you can wash your head by yourself without visiting barber shops for that

  • @kawalski7401
    @kawalski7401 4 місяці тому

    I have been in the sun for a like a few seconds to get some stuff. Was jumping from shade to shade. Is that harmful you think?

    • @amitposthair
      @amitposthair  4 місяці тому +1

      no thats fine, as long as you're not in the sun excessively over long periods of time

    • @kawalski7401
      @kawalski7401 4 місяці тому

      @@amitposthair thank you. Much appreciated

  • @lezetics_soyoucan7468
    @lezetics_soyoucan7468 Рік тому

    Please lemme know the negative side effects u get after a year
    And how often u visit the clinic base on your hair

    • @amitposthair
      @amitposthair  Рік тому

      I never received any negative side effects after a year!

  • @SamerKirre-x4w
    @SamerKirre-x4w 5 місяців тому

    If i got a beard transplant should i sleep on my back or as well on. A 45 degree angle

    • @amitposthair
      @amitposthair  5 місяців тому

      you should still sleep upwards of 45 degree angle as you dont want to affect your tranplanted areas on a pillow

  • @LeonardA-h4w
    @LeonardA-h4w 14 днів тому

    Thank you

  • @sreenath3980
    @sreenath3980 Рік тому +2

    Hi Bro ..14 days over for my hair transplant..can I start to massage with maxi restructuring and hair loss ampoules ..is it good?

  • @Fhxx-l7o
    @Fhxx-l7o 6 місяців тому

    Dude it seems like you had some cracked on your hair without any hair .I'm experiencing the same thing.is it normal?will the hair grow?

  • @WestEndNAB
    @WestEndNAB Рік тому +1

    Appreciate all the info!
    Question - I got a beard transplant 5 days ago, the donor and the transplanted area feels so dry between washes and hurts because of dryness. Anything I can use to moisturize it?

    • @amitposthair
      @amitposthair  Рік тому

      did you clinic provide you with a moisturizer? they did to me so i ended up using that! if you dont have one, you can get a similar one from amazon!

  • @Authentic_Confidence
    @Authentic_Confidence 9 місяців тому

    What about the pain on the donor area at night ? Its killing me. It comes on and off. What do you recommend?

    • @amitposthair
      @amitposthair  9 місяців тому

      the clinic usually provides painkillers to deal with that. You can take those first it will help significantly!

  • @VP-kr2vd
    @VP-kr2vd Рік тому +1

    You look amazing! I am getting a facelift and i want a hair transplant after my facelift (so exactly 10 days post facelift)...does anyone know if this can work or is there a chance the grafts won't be effective? I only want to lower my hairline so i wouldn't be adding grafts near the facelift incision areas. Only 1000 grafts

    • @TNGBigTy187
      @TNGBigTy187 7 місяців тому

      You must be very rich

    • @VP-kr2vd
      @VP-kr2vd 7 місяців тому +1

      ​@@TNGBigTy187i wish i was rich😂....no, i am not. I just went to turkey to get it done. Of course, i have to travel alone for minimal costs. And i had to save for each procedure...which is very difficult to do in america.

    • @TNGBigTy187
      @TNGBigTy187 7 місяців тому

      @@VP-kr2vd I also saved, however I wasn’t sure if going to turkey was a good idea so I spent the money on peace of mind and got it done at a clinic in NYC

    • @VP-kr2vd
      @VP-kr2vd 7 місяців тому

      ​@@TNGBigTy187unfortunately i can't afford peace of mind😢😂...so i had to go to turkey. But i've had surgery done in both the states and turkey and i will say that every country has good and bad surgeons (even those with great reviews on realself sometimes slip up on a patient every now and then). I had revision rhinoplasty in new york by the best nasal surgeon last year and my nose still is problematic (i even have to go in for an open revision under local anesthesia so he can try to "fix it"). The lower cost of surgery in turkey doesnt equal crappy doctors....actually, many of the doctors in turkey have much more hands on experience in my opinion (especially the nurses that do hair transplants). The cosmetic surgeons are very skilled and much younger in turkey. The cost of surgery is cheaper in turkey because the cost of living is much cheaper....and opposite for the states (among other factors). I'm happy you're content with your hair transplant🙂

  • @CosmicBeeing
    @CosmicBeeing Рік тому

    When can I start to use hair fibers?

  • @mkostovski
    @mkostovski Рік тому +2

    Maybe a stupid question but the region the grafts are taken from do they grow back? I guess if it 6k that unless it grows back, it will show. Is there any deforestation in these regions? 😂😂😂

    • @amitposthair
      @amitposthair  Рік тому

      they dont sadly. its suppose to be permanently be taken out and placed on the top of your hair. But my donor area hair was really good so to be it does not seem like i lost alot, nor does it show!

  • @MikeyC071
    @MikeyC071 2 місяці тому

    I am 12 days post op the sleeping at a 45 degree angle is the hardest part, I am taking it further by sleeping like this for 14 days
    Everything else is pretty easy

    • @amitposthair
      @amitposthair  2 місяці тому

      agreed! once you get past that stage it isnt so bad

  • @Sensei_Cryptoanalyst
    @Sensei_Cryptoanalyst 9 місяців тому

    How long after haircut with scissors your new hair ?

  • @johnyb1393
    @johnyb1393 Рік тому +1

    Great video :) Thank You. When do You think its best to start with topical Minoxidil after HT?

    • @amitposthair
      @amitposthair  Рік тому +1

      depends on what your clinic and doctors say! mine recommended me not to use it on my transplanted area (because i didnt have much hair there to begin with). But if you still have existing hairs around your head, they say after a month you can start on it again

    • @johnyb1393
      @johnyb1393 Рік тому

      @@amitposthair thank you for your opinion :)

  • @TheAhmedAzhar
    @TheAhmedAzhar Рік тому

    I played tennis 22 days post surgery. Do you think it will affect my result?

    • @amitposthair
      @amitposthair  Рік тому

      Not as much! Just try to avoid excessive sweating for the first 30 days.. After that it should be okay

    @JAYDOUBLEUSHIZNIT 9 місяців тому

    I also hit my head on my way to the airport to fly home. There was a little blood but I couldn't go back. Sad to know that it means that my grafts likely fell out 😢

    • @amitposthair
      @amitposthair  9 місяців тому

      sorry to hear that man! but if it wasnt a huge area then you probably wont even notice you lost those grafts in the long run!

      @JAYDOUBLEUSHIZNIT 9 місяців тому

      No it really wasn’t a huge area thank goodness! It was much less blood than you showed in your video.

  • @veerendraparvataneni5926
    @veerendraparvataneni5926 Рік тому

    Hi Amit i want to know if there is any numbness after the surgery. If yes for how many days do you have it..?

    • @amitposthair
      @amitposthair  Рік тому +2

      there is! the anastesia will remain in your hair fo ra few days, at least a week or so. But after that it will subside and you'll be back to normal!

      @OMARGULI Рік тому

      I have had done my transplant still numb after 3 weeks

  • @abajdkdd
    @abajdkdd Рік тому

    Had my implant yesterday and had a few blood running down from the implanted area to my forhead ...is that normal?

    • @amitposthair
      @amitposthair  Рік тому

      sounds like you may have hit your head? usually that happens if you've bumped your head somewhere. Hopefully its stopped now! Reach out to your clinic if its gotten any worse or if you have any major concerns

    • @abajdkdd
      @abajdkdd Рік тому

      @@amitposthair thanks was told its normal it's been 9 days since my implant..can't get enough sleep ..will get my 11th day wash on Monday

  • @dlibby4979
    @dlibby4979 Місяць тому

    I think I will batch make some nutirous food before my transplant and then chuck it in microwave for first few days.

    • @amitposthair
      @amitposthair  Місяць тому

      this is a great idea! definitely do that

  • @gabrielsanzu
    @gabrielsanzu 9 місяців тому

    does anybody know when to start taking hairvitamines after hairtransplant? i thought after 15 days right? should i just take biotine pills?

    • @amitposthair
      @amitposthair  9 місяців тому

      you can start after 2 weeks from your surgery, so yes 15 days fine. Biotin definately helps, but there are others (like multiviatims, B complex, Magnesium, etc) that all contribute to healthy growing hair

  • @kingtut55
    @kingtut55 Рік тому

    Why did you chose Vera as a clinic. What would you say us the best clinic in turkey regardless of the cost

    • @amitposthair
      @amitposthair  Рік тому

      they were a highly recommened clinic to me from others, and reviews online were great from them. The resutls showed, so I went with them! I can't speak for other clinics as i do not have any expereince with them

  • @padliw5622
    @padliw5622 Рік тому +1

    what about sex or masturbation, will it affect the result?

    • @amitposthair
      @amitposthair  Рік тому

      its recommended to wait a week or 2 before usin your tool down there lol. I'd say, keep yourself distracted until then!

  • @inconsequentialsounds5207
    @inconsequentialsounds5207 10 місяців тому

    My surgeon said a beer a fine the next day. Let alone 2/3/4 weeks

  • @akzcho8173
    @akzcho8173 Рік тому

    How often do you take finestaride?

    • @amitposthair
      @amitposthair  Рік тому +2

      i take it once a day at the moment! planning to reduce it to every other day

    • @kilokureciho8931
      @kilokureciho8931 Рік тому

      @@amitposthair Why are u planning toreduce it?

    • @crypto_lawi3959
      @crypto_lawi3959 Рік тому

      @@kilokureciho8931because clearly he is experiencing side effects and is lying that he isn’t.

  • @javadalipour6743
    @javadalipour6743 Рік тому +1

    Isn't it better to let the scabs fall off on their own rather than removing them on day 11 post-op?

    • @amitposthair
      @amitposthair  Рік тому +1

      after 11 days its recommened to get them off yourself as they can hinder and stop the growth process of your newly transplanted hairs if the scabs still remain for a long time after

  • @shoulderlabrum520
    @shoulderlabrum520 Рік тому +2

    This video is just a commercial to your other videos lolll

  • @teddypicano
    @teddypicano Рік тому

    I had hair transplant yestreday , and i was expose to sun ( not too strong ) for maybe 1 hr , would that afect me ? It won t happen again anyway

    • @amitposthair
      @amitposthair  Рік тому

      That should be ok. Just don't be in the sun too long with harsh sunlight for long periods and u should be ok!

  • @ubiquitoussystem5090
    @ubiquitoussystem5090 Рік тому

    Hi, i am gonna ask u please, there are channels or lines on my recipient area, so what does it mean? Please answer me a.s.a.p

  • @HookahDoncic98
    @HookahDoncic98 Рік тому

    Lol I also hit my head on top of the van the day after my procedure. Luckily didn’t bleed after

    • @amitposthair
      @amitposthair  Рік тому

      ahah yeah it sucks when it does! gotta be careful!

    • @zaidmuhammed777
      @zaidmuhammed777 Рік тому

      Hit mine at 3 grafts came off,totally stressed

  • @younusyousuf1770
    @younusyousuf1770 Рік тому

    Can we use cap after head wash

    • @amitposthair
      @amitposthair  Рік тому +1

      Not immediately after as you should let your scalp dry off first! If you were a hat for thr first few weeks it should not be touching your scalp after your transplant!

    • @younusyousuf1770
      @younusyousuf1770 Рік тому +1

      @@amitposthair After 15 days of hair transplant. Can i use the cap

    • @amitposthair
      @amitposthair  Рік тому +1

      @@younusyousuf1770 yes! As long as it is not tight on your head. A bucket hat is recommended as it is loose and will not stress your scalp. I personally only started wearing hats after 3-4 weeks. Then after 4 weeks I started wearing more normal caps

  • @5rgamingyt301
    @5rgamingyt301 Рік тому +1

    Super 🎉❤

  • @miladhamidi5843
    @miladhamidi5843 Рік тому

    I have been eating burgers since last week it’s not effect on my transplant

    • @amitposthair
      @amitposthair  Рік тому +1

      It's important to avoid those foods at the beginning as it affects your bloodstream in your body and may cause an impact on your newly transplanted hair. It's just best to eat healthy foods at least for a month then switch back to whatever diet you please once you've recovered fully

    • @miladhamidi5843
      @miladhamidi5843 Рік тому

      @@amitposthair thank you very much Amit I really appreciate your help 🙏

  • @eshitahossain4466
    @eshitahossain4466 Рік тому

    What was the cost ?

    • @amitposthair
      @amitposthair  Рік тому

      I have a full video going over this for both my transplant costs on my channel! You can find it here:

  • @miladhamidi5843
    @miladhamidi5843 Рік тому

    I stoped when I saw your video post

  • @ahmedalbusaidy8398
    @ahmedalbusaidy8398 Рік тому

    can i drink tea after the hair transplant surgery

  • @JamesBond-wg6ov
    @JamesBond-wg6ov Рік тому

    Fast food doesn’t enhance blood sugar level maybe you wanted to say spikes blood sugar level

    • @amitposthair
      @amitposthair  Рік тому

      B7 is good too! I do not take that specific one, but I take B-complex, which has some B7 in it already.

  • @mohammedfiaz730
    @mohammedfiaz730 Рік тому

    Same shit happened to me, out of clinic after 9 hours, climbing into van, nurse says watch your head, so i hit my head on roof!! FFS!!!

    • @amitposthair
      @amitposthair  Рік тому +1

      lmao right?? its so easy to hit your head in those vans!

  • @Matthew7.7
    @Matthew7.7 7 місяців тому

    Drink plenty water and buy vitamins from Walmart to have daily

  • @hamzakh555
    @hamzakh555 Рік тому +1

    Lol how is every HT patient on UA-cam getting a full head of hair after 4 months of hair transplant. I am 23, had HT of less than 2500 grafts and its been 6 months, but I hardly see even 15 percent of result and can still see my scalp. Why is my growth so damn slow despite using Minoxidil and PRP.

    • @amitposthair
      @amitposthair  Рік тому

      sorry to hear that man! i think it also comes down to the quality of your donor hair. but it could be other things too. I'd say consult with your doctor if you still havent seen much progress after 6 months!

  • @gautamdevaraj3362
    @gautamdevaraj3362 9 місяців тому

    What about masturbation?
    When can one do after a transplant?

    • @amitposthair
      @amitposthair  9 місяців тому +1

      you... can lol. but i'd suggest waiting at least 1-2 weeks to let your body recover from the procedure

  • @USViper
    @USViper Рік тому

    I got drunk the day before my surgery and got drunk 6 days after... nothing happened

    • @amitposthair
      @amitposthair  Рік тому +1

      LOL thats one way to do it. I think its more about the timing of recovery. Alochol thins your red blood cells, thus making recovery slower

    • @MonaMaamar-bu7sh
      @MonaMaamar-bu7sh Рік тому

      Many got infection in newly hair transplant and that is difficult

  • @fazilibrahim7
    @fazilibrahim7 Рік тому

    Very informative and simple videos. Just did my transplant 10 days back, find the right one to follow :)
    One query, is it fine to dye the areas which are not part of donor or transplanted ones ?

    • @amitposthair
      @amitposthair  Рік тому

      you could but I wouldnt risk it. It's important to know that even if you've just had your transplant, your whole head is undergoing trauma from the surgery, so attempting to even dye your remaing hair may cause issues when you have the shock loss and shedding phase and may increase more hair fall. I'd say you can start doing it after 45 days from the day of your surgery to be safe!

  • @mytube3673
    @mytube3673 9 місяців тому

    Hey u seems like slightly Indian are you an indian bro?

    • @amitposthair
      @amitposthair  9 місяців тому

      I am of indian ethnicity! 😅

  • @Hekx0297
    @Hekx0297 Рік тому

    Can you scratch transplanted area 2 months after HT, my scalp has been extremely itchy and i cant help it. I hope i havent damaged any grafts

    • @amitposthair
      @amitposthair  Рік тому

      try not to scratch! rub lightly instead to avoid damaging your grafts! Also, make sure you cut your fingernails just in case!

  • @raven1718
    @raven1718 5 місяців тому

    Also, if you're afraid of unconsciously scratching your head when asleep, wear gloves while sleeping.

  • @roqueperez-p9d
    @roqueperez-p9d Місяць тому

    what about masturbation ?

    • @amitposthair
      @amitposthair  Місяць тому +1

      you should wait at least a week!

  • @kinjalmajumdar1402
    @kinjalmajumdar1402 Рік тому

    Broooo working out broooo

  • @007EnglishAcademy
    @007EnglishAcademy 3 місяці тому

    Avoid pulling your hair out or accidentally shaving your hair with an electric shaver and other patronising advice

  • @realdonmerfosexoticz682
    @realdonmerfosexoticz682 11 місяців тому

    How about marijuana

    • @amitposthair
      @amitposthair  11 місяців тому

      not advised as it has the same effects as smoking!

  • @prakashk4749
    @prakashk4749 Рік тому

    Avoid banian and T shirts

    • @amitposthair
      @amitposthair  Рік тому

      great tip! should be using buttoned or zip shirts!

  • @edwardmcgee01
    @edwardmcgee01 Рік тому

    I got a transplant in Turkey 4 years ago , it wasn't as good as I thought and the injection was extremely painful, what clinic did you use and was it the needle to numb the head bro

    • @amitposthair
      @amitposthair  Рік тому +1

      i went to Vera Clinic in Turkey. The injections were a b*tch! They used that to numb my head as well. thankfully it wasnt too long of a process tho, so the pain subsided quickly

    • @connorbrown3498
      @connorbrown3498 Рік тому +1

      ​@@amitposthair just had mine at vera clinic today, and your not lying about the injections, they really suck 😂

  • @bigscrounger
    @bigscrounger 7 місяців тому +1

    Why do the clinics always concentrate on the front of the head rather than crown?

    • @amitposthair
      @amitposthair  6 місяців тому

      the doc told me that people view you from the front more times than the back, hence they make sure the front looks amazing first then focus on the crown after