Thank you so very much for doing this video as I requested and if not others lol ..he’s has grown a lot and 10lbs way to go .. I loved his belly time he did awesome with his neck 😊 you poor mommy with no sleep I recall them night don’t think 🤔 we forget about it once you see new parents going threw it ..I hope you find out what Louie issue are poor baby .. my granddaughter had acid reflux at 2 wks old she was screaming it was so heartbreaking never forgot that painful cries /screams she was put on Zantac twice a day and after each feedings was told not to lay her flat down right off oh she was a bottle fed baby too .. with hardly any sleep your getting your still looking awesome.. Hi Max love your daddy baby holder so cute 👍 baby Louie is so so cute oh love the pictures too
I’ll never forget my husband taking our daughter, taking my phone away from me and demanding I go to sleep. I woke up 2 hours later and realized it was the greatest gift he could have given me. I felt so much better!
O I remember the beginning days....momma it gets easier. You're doing a great job! Louie will get eventually get on a routine. Cherish this precious goes by so quick.
Currently sitting here with my 7 week old sleeping on me watching UA-cam while my toast is sitting on the bench going cold. So glad to see someone keeping it real as so many people on UA-cam glorify having a newborn, so all this time I thought that I was doing something wrong!! I’m with you girl! We just have to try remember to enjoy this time as they grow so quick and it will get easier ❤️ all my love to you mama.
Awesome video. His 1 month photo is just to cute. He is precious. No matter how tired you are the smiles & joy still shine thru. I would try to keep him awake if possible during the day. Little man is a cuddle bug. Love it. Much love,buckets of hugs & wishes for a better sleep at night.
Mommy’s bliss gripe water, daytime and nighttime will be your best friend. My daughter is three months now, and I can’t imagine life with out it. It help their tummy’s sooooo much.
Absolutely appreciate you guys posting such a raw and very truthful day in the life with a newborn video!!! I totally felt like I was dying the first 2.5-3 months before sleep training and this took me back to that time!! Haha. Hang in there mama, it definitely gets better once they start sleeping longer!! You guys are doing amazing!!!!!!!
Yes I too had a son who wasn't happy during the night. Sleep whenever you can, lay him down even when he is crying if you get overwhelmed. Take 5 minutes to yourself, then go back and pick him up. It will give you the strength to get through the night. The best suggestion our Pediatrician ever gave us!
I just had my baby girl on Jan 28th and we found out when she was a week and a half old that she has a milk protein allergy. I had to go dairy free or switch to formula. We just made the switch to formula. It sucked to give up nursing but she needed it to make her poor little tummy feel better. Shes now able to sleep for longer and shes so much more comfy.
My baby had a sensitive tummy at the beginning too. I did non dairy for about 1.5 months and then at his 2 month appointment, his dr recommended us try to slowly bring it back in and he has done amazing. It has been 2 weeks and he doesn’t have the severe tummy issues he had before. He does still have some painful gas, but it is significantly less. The dr said some babies just have really underdeveloped digestive systems in the beginning. You’re doing an amazing job!!!
He is so sweet 💙 Really strong and alert too! Try not to worry too much about his belly. This stuff is so common with newborns. They just like to scare their poor sleepy parents. You and Max are killing it! Enjoy these precious days and you WILL sleep again 😍
The new stage is so rough! It gets better once they figure out their own routine and what you figure out what's best for the both of you. I was a living zombie for so long. You are doing amazing and Louie is seriously the cutest baby!! Congrats and enjoy every little moment you have with him because it goes so fast. My youngest is turning 2 this year and he's my last baby. I miss it so much.
Yes I hear ya. It is so so hard. I had my Louie in July last year. We had an awful time with colic and or reflux. We tried everything. It's a killer. Stay positive because It really can bring you down but I promise it does pass. Louie is nearly 7 months old now and hes a beautiful happy boy. Good luck!!
Sasha u r doing a great job! Cherish all these moments till u have the next...😊😊I had kind of back to back pregnancies but still miss the newborn stages... Its such a beautiful thing to watch your baby grow with all the messes including us 😀 good to see u guys are taking turns. Luckily for me my mom gave a helping hand for a month or so...I am sure u must be missing ur pregnancy. 😊😊
Hi, I had to co-sleep for my baby to sleep and to nurse during the night. We had a bed railing with body pillow against it and a pillow between us and hubby. Then, all night I just flip-flopped sides to nurse. I nursed all four for a grand total of 7 years of nursing. Co-sleeping was the only way I could nurse and survive. I would sleep on my side with my bottom arm bent under the pillow, so I couldn't roll. When time to turn over to switch sides, just slide the baby toward you and you go to the other side of baby. Also, sleep during the day, so you don't get burnt out. That saying, sleep when the baby sleeps has validity. Good luck! So happy for you guys!
Mama, those first few weeks/months are so hard. My boy is 8 months today and it gets easier, but I would do anything to go back and lie with him during the night feeds or cuddling him when he just wanted to be held. Treasure the night time (despite the tiredness!). Louis is so precious! Xx
The newborn stage is hard, but you’re doing an amazing job!! I know things seem impossible right now but enjoy the little moments because before you know it he will be older and not want cuddles anymore. My son is 2 years old and he won’t let me hold him much, he just wants to run around and play. He’s already so independent, he don’t want mommy’s help anymore and it breaks my heart. Enjoy the short amount of time you have, because soon he will want to do things by himself.
Sasha, it was so sweet to see you in momma mode! I really enjoyed watching a day in the life of a fellow new mom! My daughter is 4 months old. I miss when she was this itty bitty!
The newborn stage is hard. I remember being so miserable because I was so sleep deprived living in 3 hour increments lol. Looking back though it is the most precious time of their lives and I miss having a tiny baby... :)
Thank you for a video that shows the difficulties of having a new baby and not just the happy perfect parts. My baby girl is formula fed and doing great so if you switch it’s great too. You always know if baby is eating enough and they do sleep a bit longer.
I remember these days. I have done the newborn stage twice now and as cute as these babies are it’s tough!! You’re doing a wonderful job! They call the first 12 weeks the fourth trimester but it definitely gets easier as they grow and get into a routine ❤️
I remember those days and as hard as they are it really does go by fast now my baby is a junior in high school...and I totally thought max was home with you on a type of paternity it’s rough doing it alone all day, it’s amazing how one little tiny human can demand so much time...but it’s so worth it and he is seriously the cutest baby ever!!!
Oh enjoy all the moments! I miss my tiny guy and hes only 2 1/2 months old. I was very lucky he was not sensitive to caffeine. That's how I survived! After about 6 weeks he started sleeping about 6 hours a night. I've been back to work just over 2 weeks and miss being home with him. You're doing good mama! ❤😘
You got this mama. I know you must hear this all the time... but it honestly does get easier! Keep it up, you’re doing amazing! My boy is 4 months old in 4 days and he’s been sleeping through the night from 7:30 till 4:30/5:00 for a feed and then goes back off until 6:30. He’s been doing this since he was 3 months. 💙💙💙
Hey mama! You’re doing an amazing job and it does get easier I promise and you got a great husband who recognizes how hard it is to stay at home with a baby and helps out as much as he can! Y’all are awesome!
Good job momma, Louie is a mini me of Max... Time will flies so fast, just enjoy every minute of his being tiny. I have 4 kids and now they all grown up 3 boys and my youngest is a girl aged 22,21,18 & 7,I miss them being a baby.. God bless u guys ❤️
We switched to formula too after 2 months he slept so much better at night and I was a much happier human I honestly wished we would have done it sooner ...and his jaundice cleared up immediately too ! Good luck you’re doing awesome
Not sure if you have one yet or not, but if not, definitely get a baby shusher! It “shushes” baby for you and even has a timer on it, and it helped me so much. It’s going to get easier mama! You’re doing so great.
It's called the 4th trimester and it's the hardest 3 months EVER!! Been there, done that. It's part of the reason I'm okay with not being pregnant again after trying for several months. I don't miss that stage. It was VERY hard. Hang in there. Stay consistent, teach good sleep habits and they will be a year old before you know it!
I have a 5 year old, and a 6 month old. I’m watching this and crying with you I know this pain so much lol barley got out of the new born stage and I couldn’t be happier lol 😂 wish my babies would stay little but man I am happy when they get past the newborn!! Your doing so amazing praying you get sleep 💤
My second son is around the same age as yours. My tips as a second time mom for more nighttime sleep would be nursing in your bedroom - I kinda doze off while he’s nursing in bed and not getting up helps me get back to sleep faster. Also, when he’s done nursing I hand him off to my husband to diaper change, swaddle and soothe back to sleep. You can also do this in shifts so you can go get one long stretch of sleep and just nurse in between and hand the baby back off. It really does help to have someone else’s help in the middle of the night. I know he works but let him help for a few hours at night and more so on the weekends.
Oh i remember those times. My son is going to be 7 months on the 24th this month and he wakes up sometimes at 3am and won't go back to sleep until 5 or 6 am . It will get better. He's beautiful love ❤❤
I started to sleep train my newborn at 4 weeks. Wake him up during the day believe me he will start taking long naps during the night instead of during the day. My 3 month old sleeps from 9-10pm until 6:30am when my older kids wake up for school.
Watching this as I’m trying to get one of my 6 week old colicky twins to sleep. It’s hard and exhausting but I know one day I’ll miss my tiny babies at this stage and try to enjoy it. You’re doing amazing! ❤️
My son had his days and nights mixed up. We decided to adjust his sleep pattern,and for us,so, it took was one day to get him switched. He then slept at night, with one or 2 wakeups. If his largest sleeping stretches are during the day, you could be dealing with the same thing. You do what is best for you and your family,because you will get tons of opinions and/or criticisms. Nursing and I did not work well, I never had enough,was pumping day and night and gave up. Good luck,it will get better and easier.
The 2 dislikes are haters. How can you not like this video? True life with a newborn. It gets easier. Little louie has the best mommy and he’s a adorable!
Louie is precious, and dont take this to be harsh, I had 3 newborns at once, its not about you anymore. You grab food when you can even if its cold, you take a shower whenever you have a couple free moments, I even put the babies in the bathroom with me so I could keep an eye and freshen up. My husband some nights loaded the babies in our van to drive around for a bit which soothed them but allowed me to get an hour sleep. Louie will learn how to wrap you around his little finger, not jumping the second he squaks is fine, he will learn to wait a minute. :) No 2 days are the same. I must say I completely agree with Max 100%, the only foods I was cautious about eating was cabbage, brussel sprouts, gassy. My monkeys had colic and gripe water helped worst case scenario. You're going to get on a routine and remember to enjoy every minute. Time goes by so fast. xo Dont be hard on yourselves
I really enjoyed your video. I felt so bad for you not getting hardly any sleep. But proud of you too for nursing. Baby boys sure can drain you tho. I nursed 4 of them. I hope you can start dairy again.. Louie is so adorable and has very good neck muscles for being so young. I love his little cute faces. Your hubby is wonderful for doing his share after work and cooking. Sasha your amazing...
Hey so this is totally my favorite video from you guys ( other then your birth vlog ) because I’m a stay at home mom and love relatable videos like this! Makes me feel more normal! Things will get easier day by day!
Oh I feel for you mama, the sleeplessness is hard. Definitely try to fit a nap or 2 in each day, that was my saving grace. We’re 2 months ahead of you here and out of nowhere got a 9 hour stretch of sleep the other night and regularly getting 5-7 hours now. You will sleep again!
My 14 mo old son struggles with eczema, Candida, and a nut allergy. I’ve had to cut out dairy, sugar, gluten, and nuts. I eat a lot of soups that I make and roasts, salmon, steamed veg, green smoothies. It’s hard but you learn to get used to it. I hope his little tummy feels better. I remember dreading the night like you said. I actually remember crying because it was getting close to bedtime. It was so bad at the beginning. My mom came and stayed with us for a bit and it helped soooo much. Good luck ❤️
Your so beautiful 😍 and Louie is such a ham. My 10 pounder was Allergic to milk also so we had to switch to formula it helped 100% these moments do pass hold him tight he’ll be so big within a couple of weeks time flies so fast.
Don’t miss those times I hated new born stage love my kids but hated 0-6mths after 6 mths than I loved it’s bloody hard work such a shock to system nothing nothing prepares you no books nothing as every baby’s different but your doing amazing job will get beta I promise 💕💕💕 don’t be afraid to ask for help hon....Louie so adorable.... mini max
If you want easy look for vegan frozen meals which are usually in the “healthier” section. They have non dairy Mac and cheese and lots of other yummy things. If you wanted to eat meat you could just buy some frozen chicken strips (or “fresh ones”) or fish or what have you and add that to your meal.
You’re doing great mama! Going dairy free is soooo hard! I’m on week 3 and dying here too :( the worst thing is that it takes so long to know if it’s actually working. This is my baby #2 and what helps me is reminding myself that the sleepless nights are just a stage and they grow up so fast! You got this girl!
To reset his clock for recognizing days and nights, try to expose him to as much natural light as possible during the day, then no lights at all at night. Turn off the TV, and do not pay with him or even give him eye contact at night (eye contact= playtime for a newborn). You want to limit stimulation as much as possible at night. Just feed, change, then back to sleep. We used a yellow light night-light for changes. Blue light from devices or the TV limits melatonin production, which inhibits sleep. Regular daytime sleep is important too. Babies who are well-rested during the day sleep better at night. If you limit daytime sleep, he will become over-tired. Over-tired babies have a harder time falling asleep and sleep more poorly at night. Good luck!!
Beautiful Louie is growing fast! it can be the hardest job, but also the most rewarding.. especially when u get those first little smiles. Think ur both fab.. much love xxx 🇬🇧
Those first few months where difficult! My little Mags would only sleep on me. Till I needed to get some sleep stretches for work, I started “sleep training” I do quotations because I didn’t let her CIO. You will find a good rhythm. I worked with our pediatrician and I found that helped. Keep up the amazing work!!!
The first month and half was the hardest for me. After a few weeks of me doing no dairy and baby on probiotics things started getting better. I also took the taking cara babies class that helped give me the confidence to start getting her on a routine that made a world of difference! Anything I could do to help us all sleep more was worth it. Also not sure if he has his days and nights confused but my girl did and it took a few days to help her flip them. Lots of trial and error in this stage but it will pass and he will never be this tiny again. So much love and hugs mama you are doing amazing!!
I'm still pregnant (40 weeks 2 days), but I have been dairy free for about a year. If you can get used to eating a meat, veggies, and rice or some sort of carb for your meals that will make it easier. It's an adjustment for sure. You will figure out how to cook with almond milk and olive oil instead of butter :) if you like Oatmeal, that has been my lifesaver this pregnancy! It is also great for milk production. Pinterest has some good recipes too! Good luck mama!
Hang in there Mama, you're doing a great job! Soon enough he will be sleeping longer stretches at night. Taking Cara Babies and Happiest Baby on the Block were great sleep resources for our rainbow baby!
Ye are doing an awesome job he is so cute. I'm past the newborn stage now my youngest is 4 but when they were small I always found they settled at night alot better if I stayed in bed with them at night I used only disturb them if they needed a change. Poor hubby got the spare room and I fed them lying in the bed next to me.
If u try to keep him awake as long as possible during the day and try to keep him up as long as possible from 3p.m till 7:30 ( bed time ) for couple days or a week I promise your baby will not be a night owl anymore. My kids were and I did this and it worked!! YAll are doing amazing job!! He’s so handsome 🥰🥰🥰
I had to be dairy free for my son too, I made these lactation-friendly energy balls that were my ride or die 😍 Hemp protein powder, oats, coconut oil, chia seed, flaxseed, sesame seeds and hemp hearts.. and a little bit of water, and then a jar of peanut butter and half a jar’s worth of honey, melted, and stirred together to make the balls stick. Then store them in the fridge. Healthy and filling and a great dairy free snack! ❤️❤️
You're doing so amazing, you're so patient, and barely cranky...Hubby would have to stay out my way for sure lol...Louie is just the cutieat little man.
From 2-4 weeks ish, my son had his witching hour and he would scream from about 9pm-midnight or 2 am. It was hard and I hated bedtime. Around 6 weeks I started waking him up regularly during the day to avoid those long stretches of sleep and started doing the SAME exact bedtime routine around 7-7:30 every night. We did a bath (with no soap most nights, just ran the warm water over him), pajamas, feeding, and rock him to sleep then lay him down in a dark environment with the white noise on. It took a little bit but he eventually began to anticipate that 7-7:30 bedtime. By 6 weeks we were getting 6-8 hour stretches and at 6 months old we still do the same routine before bed and he is sleeping through the night pretty much every night. Also, baby’s digestive system is the last to develop. It doesn’t sound like he has a dairy allergy. However, if you’re seeing blood/mucus in the stool, that is an indication that there is definitely a dairy allergy/sensitivity. Fussiness could be from over stimulation, hunger, or just him still being in that newborn phase and having no other way to communicate. Each week got easier and easier and you guys will get into a great routine soon! Keep up the good work guys. It seems like just yesterday I had a 4 week old and now he’s 6 months!!
Also, we switched to formula after a month or so due to supply issues, but it has been GREAT! I love breastfeeding and the nutrients he got, but I must say I also loved being able to have help from my husband for feedings.
He looks so cute in his one month old photos! I loved this vlog! It’s crazy to think back to your TTC videos! I can’t believe he’s one month! Hinoki will be home in a few days and I can’t wait to start my own routine with her! She will be one month in three days! Ah, where does the time go?!
I went to all kinds of specialists as my little one cried all the time. In the end reflux meds helped a little and some gripe water but he was diagnosed as “colicky”, yes it exits. Nothing to cure it just time. I would say around month 4 it got better. Hang in there!
Lewie reminds me so much of my baby as a newborn! Always trying to poo and only sleeps on mum or in the swing 😂 good news is she's way better now (3 months old), so there's light at the end of the tunnel! You're doing so good, hang in there mumma ❤❤❤
Both my Twins had reflux and they were both allergic to cows milk. So they were on a special formula .. They were so fussy but hang in there by the time he's 3 months it should all work out..
It was so rough when my little girl was a newborn. She only slept at night if I held her.. & even sometimes that wouldn’t work! I was so miserable and tired feeling. I promise it’ll get better! Hang in there!
Louie is adorable. 😊💙 Yip new born stage is hard work alrighty but it's worth every second of no sleep just to have them here to cuddle, kiss and love.. 💖💙 Your doing a great job. 😉👍💕
My baby hated the bassinet and all ways wanted to sleep in the swing that or be held now he is 4 months old, and he will roll him self over and the only way he will sleep is on his belly and I just stoped fighting trying to keep him on his back and I just check on him constantly
Awww your so adorable, I remember these days, I hated them, i think i had a record of 4 days no sleep. He's a little gem though so worth it. My kids are 3 and 16monthd
I wish I had thought to film a day in the life when my daughter was a newborn. I don't have a UA-cam, but those days really do go by so fast. I cried many times out of exhaustion.
What a relatable mom vlog! Yeah you won’t see any improvements with a dietary change for at least 3ish weeks. With my first I had to cut gluten at 3 months. Both of us were reacting to it. I nursed him until he was 21 months old and I was 20 weeks pregnant with baby #2. I’m still gluten free so it’s been over two years now! I had to go dairy free for the end of my second pregnancy. So I was gluten and dairy free it was brutal. I am back on dairy (my second is 2 weeks old). I might have to get back off dairy again because he’s been extremely gassy and spitting up a lot. Don’t go to crazy cutting stuff out! My doctor wouldn’t even test my son until he was 1. Have you tried gripe water? I’m using it for the first time with my second. My sister in law had good luck with that with my niece. She screamed all day and all night for three months. Ultimately the chiropractor is was helped. You should try taking him to someone who specializes with babies.
I remember these days well. I've done it four times so obviously it gets easier or I would've have stopped with one 🤣 Hang in there, Mama. Sleep deprivation is one of the hardest things to go through. Both mentally and physically but you're doing an amazing job.
Omg I’m glad I wasn’t alone with the evening anxiety with a newborn 😩 I would get anxiety every evening for the first 8 weeks after my third son was born because I didn’t know how my night was going to be. Just know it gets better and he’ll eventually learn the difference between day and night
Snack/meal ideas!: Baked sweet potato, add a bit of coconut/olive oil (no butter) and sprinkle with cinnamon. Yum!! Bake thick cubes of white potato mixed in olive oil, salt, pepper and chopped fresh rosemary at 425F for 60-75 min (until golden)= delicious! Salads with oil and vinegar, or oil and lemon juice dressing. Homemade bread has no milk- ask your mom to make 😍 Delicious chicken bake with no milk: Throw chicken thighs, cubed potatoes and carrots and celery Into an oven dish. Coat with olive oil, your fav seasoning. Cover and bake 375 for 75 min. Prep is just 10 min and it makes a delicious meal for 2 dinners! (My go to) Lactose free milk will help you make mashed potatoes, scrambled eggs etc:-). Best tasting one is by organic valley (trust me, we’ve tried the entire isle of this stuff) Purple Carrot meal prep is lactose free!!!!! And yummy!!!!! Give them a shout out, maybe they’ll sponsor you😉. Max, help her cook this stuff!!!! Pls msg me for extra tips to make your DF life easier. I’ve been learning to cook for my hubby for years and am getting better. Always a challenge. Xoxo
You're doing a great job Momma!! Life with a newborn is hard especially when it's your first. He will eventually start sleeping longer. You won't always be so tired!! Keep up the great work!!! 💖
I remember those days well. So hard on us mama's - daddy's too but nursing mom's really get worn out. Love you honey - reach out whenever you want! Been there - 3 times! lol
My 11 month old would do the same, waking up screaming. Idk how but she put herself on a schedule by the time she was like 3 months and she finally started sleeping most of the night, bed by 7 and then she would wake up at 4 am to eat (when I was breastfeeding). Her doctor told me most breast fed babies cluster feed at night in the first few months. Unfortunately I drank mothers milk tea and my supply dried up completely at 7 months 💔 but she sleep all night now. You are doing such an amazing job! If you decide to switch, always remember your feelings matter too, fed is best and he’s a healthy, happy, handsome little guy!
My daughter never slept in her bassinet. 6 months in and we still bedshare. I used to have really bad anxiety about it, but I researched safe co sleeping and it’s been the best thing. Get a chillys cup - keeps your coffee hot for 12 hours, godsend. Cranial osteopath helped my daughter with her tummy problems. Xx
The first six weeks there day night ritme is switched. After six weeks during the day I did the waking, feeding, playing napping routine. And then at night just feeding and napping. I also learned to put them in there bed after playtime, (not after every feeding but some feedings during the day) when they started to get tired, so they learned how to fall asleep by themselves (sometimes they would cry a little bit, but never longer then 15 minutes) Worked like a charm with al four of my kids
Honestly if you have to switch to formula don’t feel bad. You’d probably get more sleep too. My daughter was formula fed and could sleep 4-6 hours at a time by 2 months. I’m just saying don’t guilt yourself out if you have to make changes for your own well being too. Louie’s so cute!
Also people always told me to sleep when baby sleeps. With my daughter I never did that and was miserable. I am 30 weeks pregnant with baby #2 and I will definitely nap when I can this time around. Laundry and dishes can wait!!
Hi guys it's Janice I went threw the dairy free while nursing my daughter yes so fustrating huh must tell you your little man is so adorable just when you think can't get any cuter ..he does🥰love the little grunts and noises so precious enjoy him even though doesn't seem like it at 1am this phase flys by!
It does get easier mama! Please don’t be discouraged 😩 I know it feels like this will be forever but I promise it’s not. You’ll eventually look back on these days and say “wow.. that was hard but so worth it. & we made it!” You’re doing AMAZING! I have three kids, & my youngest is now 6 months old. But when she was born, she had her days and nights mixed up. She would want to party all night and then fall asleep at 5am before my s/o went to work. It was terrible 😂 But I adjusted my schedule and got her on track. I know you got this!! You’re a strong mama & Louie loves you so much ❤️❤️
It does get easier. Just a thought...have you tried a sound machine? I was surprised how much it helped our last lo sleep when she was so little. Maybe you already do use one...Just a thought!
Yep!! We have one in his room, usually have white noise going in the living room/kitchen and his bassinet has some white noise that plays when it’s on too and it definitely helps 😊
We will be posting a bunch of the newborn photoshoot pics on Instagram @FamilytaleVlogs |
Thank you so very much for doing this video as I requested and if not others lol ..he’s has grown a lot and 10lbs way to go .. I loved his belly time he did awesome with his neck 😊 you poor mommy with no sleep I recall them night don’t think 🤔 we forget about it once you see new parents going threw it ..I hope you find out what Louie issue are poor baby .. my granddaughter had acid reflux at 2 wks old she was screaming it was so heartbreaking never forgot that painful cries /screams she was put on Zantac twice a day and after each feedings was told not to lay her flat down right off oh she was a bottle fed baby too .. with hardly any sleep your getting your still looking awesome.. Hi Max love your daddy baby holder so cute 👍 baby Louie is so so cute oh love the pictures too
Do the online newborn course on it saved me and my husband.
I’ll never forget my husband taking our daughter, taking my phone away from me and demanding I go to sleep. I woke up 2 hours later and realized it was the greatest gift he could have given me. I felt so much better!
O I remember the beginning days....momma it gets easier. You're doing a great job! Louie will get eventually get on a routine. Cherish this precious goes by so quick.
Aw thanks Brandy!
Currently sitting here with my 7 week old sleeping on me watching UA-cam while my toast is sitting on the bench going cold. So glad to see someone keeping it real as so many people on UA-cam glorify having a newborn, so all this time I thought that I was doing something wrong!! I’m with you girl! We just have to try remember to enjoy this time as they grow so quick and it will get easier ❤️ all my love to you mama.
Awesome video. His 1 month photo is just to cute. He is precious. No matter how tired you are the smiles & joy still shine thru. I would try to keep him awake if possible during the day. Little man is a cuddle bug. Love it. Much love,buckets of hugs & wishes for a better sleep at night.
Mommy’s bliss gripe water, daytime and nighttime will be your best friend. My daughter is three months now, and I can’t imagine life with out it. It help their tummy’s sooooo much.
Absolutely appreciate you guys posting such a raw and very truthful day in the life with a newborn video!!! I totally felt like I was dying the first 2.5-3 months before sleep training and this took me back to that time!! Haha. Hang in there mama, it definitely gets better once they start sleeping longer!! You guys are doing amazing!!!!!!!
Yes I too had a son who wasn't happy during the night. Sleep whenever you can, lay him down even when he is crying if you get overwhelmed. Take 5 minutes to yourself, then go back and pick him up. It will give you the strength to get through the night. The best suggestion our Pediatrician ever gave us!
I just had my baby girl on Jan 28th and we found out when she was a week and a half old that she has a milk protein allergy. I had to go dairy free or switch to formula. We just made the switch to formula. It sucked to give up nursing but she needed it to make her poor little tummy feel better. Shes now able to sleep for longer and shes so much more comfy.
You guys are such great parents! I'm so happy and proud of you!
Good job mama! Those days are SO hard, but precious.
My baby had a sensitive tummy at the beginning too. I did non dairy for about 1.5 months and then at his 2 month appointment, his dr recommended us try to slowly bring it back in and he has done amazing. It has been 2 weeks and he doesn’t have the severe tummy issues he had before. He does still have some painful gas, but it is significantly less. The dr said some babies just have really underdeveloped digestive systems in the beginning. You’re doing an amazing job!!!
He is so sweet 💙
Really strong and alert too! Try not to worry too much about his belly. This stuff is so common with newborns. They just like to scare their poor sleepy parents. You and Max are killing it! Enjoy these precious days and you WILL sleep again 😍
Thank you so much!! ❤️
The new stage is so rough! It gets better once they figure out their own routine and what you figure out what's best for the both of you. I was a living zombie for so long. You are doing amazing and Louie is seriously the cutest baby!! Congrats and enjoy every little moment you have with him because it goes so fast. My youngest is turning 2 this year and he's my last baby. I miss it so much.
Yes I hear ya. It is so so hard. I had my Louie in July last year. We had an awful time with colic and or reflux. We tried everything. It's a killer. Stay positive because It really can bring you down but I promise it does pass. Louie is nearly 7 months old now and hes a beautiful happy boy. Good luck!!
Sasha u r doing a great job! Cherish all these moments till u have the next...😊😊I had kind of back to back pregnancies but still miss the newborn stages... Its such a beautiful thing to watch your baby grow with all the messes including us 😀
good to see u guys are taking turns. Luckily for me my mom gave a helping hand for a month or so...I am sure u must be missing ur pregnancy. 😊😊
Hi, I had to co-sleep for my baby to sleep and to nurse during the night. We had a bed railing with body pillow against it and a pillow between us and hubby. Then, all night I just flip-flopped sides to nurse. I nursed all four for a grand total of 7 years of nursing. Co-sleeping was the only way I could nurse and survive. I would sleep on my side with my bottom arm bent under the pillow, so I couldn't roll. When time to turn over to switch sides, just slide the baby toward you and you go to the other side of baby. Also, sleep during the day, so you don't get burnt out. That saying, sleep when the baby sleeps has validity. Good luck! So happy for you guys!
Mama, those first few weeks/months are so hard. My boy is 8 months today and it gets easier, but I would do anything to go back and lie with him during the night feeds or cuddling him when he just wanted to be held. Treasure the night time (despite the tiredness!). Louis is so precious! Xx
Louie is so cute. Thanks for sharing your day with us. 😍
The newborn stage is hard, but you’re doing an amazing job!! I know things seem impossible right now but enjoy the little moments because before you know it he will be older and not want cuddles anymore. My son is 2 years old and he won’t let me hold him much, he just wants to run around and play. He’s already so independent, he don’t want mommy’s help anymore and it breaks my heart. Enjoy the short amount of time you have, because soon he will want to do things by himself.
Sasha, it was so sweet to see you in momma mode! I really enjoyed watching a day in the life of a fellow new mom! My daughter is 4 months old. I miss when she was this itty bitty!
Awe that was like my favorite video yet! You guys are adorable I love watching your channel💙
The newborn stage is hard. I remember being so miserable because I was so sleep deprived living in 3 hour increments lol. Looking back though it is the most precious time of their lives and I miss having a tiny baby... :)
Yes, the beginning was awful. Thinking about it gives me anxiety but now that my son is 6 months, it’s the absolute best and it gets better ❤️❤️❤️
OMG I miss d the heck out of you guys!!!! Again, Max you always crack me up lol. He's so beautiful....Louie lol!! ❤️❤️❤️
Thank you for a video that shows the difficulties of having a new baby and not just the happy perfect parts. My baby girl is formula fed and doing great so if you switch it’s great too. You always know if baby is eating enough and they do sleep a bit longer.
I remember these days. I have done the newborn stage twice now and as cute as these babies are it’s tough!! You’re doing a wonderful job! They call the first 12 weeks the fourth trimester but it definitely gets easier as they grow and get into a routine ❤️
I remember those days and as hard as they are it really does go by fast now my baby is a junior in high school...and I totally thought max was home with you on a type of paternity it’s rough doing it alone all day, it’s amazing how one little tiny human can demand so much time...but it’s so worth it and he is seriously the cutest baby ever!!!
Oh enjoy all the moments! I miss my tiny guy and hes only 2 1/2 months old. I was very lucky he was not sensitive to caffeine. That's how I survived! After about 6 weeks he started sleeping about 6 hours a night. I've been back to work just over 2 weeks and miss being home with him. You're doing good mama! ❤😘
You got this mama. I know you must hear this all the time... but it honestly does get easier! Keep it up, you’re doing amazing! My boy is 4 months old in 4 days and he’s been sleeping through the night from 7:30 till 4:30/5:00 for a feed and then goes back off until 6:30. He’s been doing this since he was 3 months. 💙💙💙
Such hard work but so so worth it. You're both such wonderful parents, he's a very lucky boy 💙
Hey mama! You’re doing an amazing job and it does get easier I promise and you got a great husband who recognizes how hard it is to stay at home with a baby and helps out as much as he can! Y’all are awesome!
Good job momma, Louie is a mini me of Max... Time will flies so fast, just enjoy every minute of his being tiny. I have 4 kids and now they all grown up 3 boys and my youngest is a girl aged 22,21,18 & 7,I miss them being a baby.. God bless u guys ❤️
Thank you!! agreed, definitely a mini max :)
You are doing great Sasha amd Max! Hang in there 💕
We switched to formula too after 2 months he slept so much better at night and I was a much happier human I honestly wished we would have done it sooner ...and his jaundice cleared up immediately too ! Good luck you’re doing awesome
Not sure if you have one yet or not, but if not, definitely get a baby shusher! It “shushes” baby for you and even has a timer on it, and it helped me so much. It’s going to get easier mama! You’re doing so great.
It's called the 4th trimester and it's the hardest 3 months EVER!! Been there, done that. It's part of the reason I'm okay with not being pregnant again after trying for several months. I don't miss that stage. It was VERY hard. Hang in there. Stay consistent, teach good sleep habits and they will be a year old before you know it!
Ugh so true! Thanks Heather!!
I have a 5 year old, and a 6 month old. I’m watching this and crying with you I know this pain so much lol barley got out of the new born stage and I couldn’t be happier lol 😂 wish my babies would stay little but man I am happy when they get past the newborn!! Your doing so amazing praying you get sleep 💤
My second son is around the same age as yours. My tips as a second time mom for more nighttime sleep would be nursing in your bedroom - I kinda doze off while he’s nursing in bed and not getting up helps me get back to sleep faster. Also, when he’s done nursing I hand him off to my husband to diaper change, swaddle and soothe back to sleep. You can also do this in shifts so you can go get one long stretch of sleep and just nurse in between and hand the baby back off. It really does help to have someone else’s help in the middle of the night. I know he works but let him help for a few hours at night and more so on the weekends.
Omg I remember being really anxious for night time with a newborn. Keep chugging along it really does get easier !! you’re Doing a great job
Thank you!!
Oh i remember those times. My son is going to be 7 months on the 24th this month and he wakes up sometimes at 3am and won't go back to sleep until 5 or 6 am . It will get better. He's beautiful love ❤❤
I started to sleep train my newborn at 4 weeks. Wake him up during the day believe me he will start taking long naps during the night instead of during the day. My 3 month old sleeps from 9-10pm until 6:30am when my older kids wake up for school.
Watching this as I’m trying to get one of my 6 week old colicky twins to sleep. It’s hard and exhausting but I know one day I’ll miss my tiny babies at this stage and try to enjoy it. You’re doing amazing! ❤️
My son had his days and nights mixed up. We decided to adjust his sleep pattern,and for us,so, it took was one day to get him switched. He then slept at night, with one or 2 wakeups. If his largest sleeping stretches are during the day, you could be dealing with the same thing. You do what is best for you and your family,because you will get tons of opinions and/or criticisms. Nursing and I did not work well, I never had enough,was pumping day and night and gave up. Good luck,it will get better and easier.
Gerber soothe probiotic drops are amazing! If you haven’t used them yet, I would definitely try them!♥️
That’s what we actually have him on and he’s been doing great!! 😊
The 2 dislikes are haters. How can you not like this video? True life with a newborn. It gets easier. Little louie has the best mommy and he’s a adorable!
Hahaha there's always a few of them!
You both are doing amazing...seriously you Guys are rocking it!!!
Thank you!! ❤️
Your journey is so spot on. It’s so hard in the beginning.
Louie is precious, and dont take this to be harsh, I had 3 newborns at once, its not about you anymore. You grab food when you can even if its cold, you take a shower whenever you have a couple free moments, I even put the babies in the bathroom with me so I could keep an eye and freshen up. My husband some nights loaded the babies in our van to drive around for a bit which soothed them but allowed me to get an hour sleep. Louie will learn how to wrap you around his little finger, not jumping the second he squaks is fine, he will learn to wait a minute. :) No 2 days are the same. I must say I completely agree with Max 100%, the only foods I was cautious about eating was cabbage, brussel sprouts, gassy. My monkeys had colic and gripe water helped worst case scenario. You're going to get on a routine and remember to enjoy every minute. Time goes by so fast. xo Dont be hard on yourselves
I really enjoyed your video. I felt so bad for you not getting hardly any sleep. But proud of you too for nursing. Baby boys sure can drain you tho. I nursed 4 of them. I hope you can start dairy again.. Louie is so adorable and has very good neck muscles for being so young. I love his little cute faces. Your hubby is wonderful for doing his share after work and cooking. Sasha your amazing...
Hey so this is totally my favorite video from you guys ( other then your birth vlog ) because I’m a stay at home mom and love relatable videos like this! Makes me feel more normal! Things will get easier day by day!
Thank you!!! Being a SAHM is no joke, you go momma ❤️
Oh I feel for you mama, the sleeplessness is hard. Definitely try to fit a nap or 2 in each day, that was my saving grace. We’re 2 months ahead of you here and out of nowhere got a 9 hour stretch of sleep the other night and regularly getting 5-7 hours now. You will sleep again!
My 14 mo old son struggles with eczema, Candida, and a nut allergy. I’ve had to cut out dairy, sugar, gluten, and nuts. I eat a lot of soups that I make and roasts, salmon, steamed veg, green smoothies. It’s hard but you learn to get used to it. I hope his little tummy feels better. I remember dreading the night like you said. I actually remember crying because it was getting close to bedtime. It was so bad at the beginning. My mom came and stayed with us for a bit and it helped soooo much. Good luck ❤️
Your so beautiful 😍 and Louie is such a ham. My 10 pounder was Allergic to milk also so we had to switch to formula it helped 100% these moments do pass hold him tight he’ll be so big within a couple of weeks time flies so fast.
you're too sweet, thank you!!
Don’t miss those times I hated new born stage love my kids but hated 0-6mths after 6 mths than I loved it’s bloody hard work such a shock to system nothing nothing prepares you no books nothing as every baby’s different but your doing amazing job will get beta I promise 💕💕💕 don’t be afraid to ask for help hon....Louie so adorable.... mini max
Sounds so familiar! Very tiring stage but ours is now 5 months they grow so fast I miss the froggy stage it's so cute! Enjoy it when you can.
If you want easy look for vegan frozen meals which are usually in the “healthier” section. They have non dairy Mac and cheese and lots of other yummy things. If you wanted to eat meat you could just buy some frozen chicken strips (or “fresh ones”) or fish or what have you and add that to your meal.
You’re doing great mama! Going dairy free is soooo hard! I’m on week 3 and dying here too :( the worst thing is that it takes so long to know if it’s actually working. This is my baby #2 and what helps me is reminding myself that the sleepless nights are just a stage and they grow up so fast! You got this girl!
Ugh!! Major props to you for that! 💪
To reset his clock for recognizing days and nights, try to expose him to as much natural light as possible during the day, then no lights at all at night. Turn off the TV, and do not pay with him or even give him eye contact at night (eye contact= playtime for a newborn). You want to limit stimulation as much as possible at night. Just feed, change, then back to sleep. We used a yellow light night-light for changes. Blue light from devices or the TV limits melatonin production, which inhibits sleep. Regular daytime sleep is important too. Babies who are well-rested during the day sleep better at night. If you limit daytime sleep, he will become over-tired. Over-tired babies have a harder time falling asleep and sleep more poorly at night. Good luck!!
Beautiful Louie is growing fast! it can be the hardest job, but also the most rewarding.. especially when u get those first little smiles. Think ur both fab.. much love xxx 🇬🇧
Those first few months where difficult! My little Mags would only sleep on me. Till I needed to get some sleep stretches for work, I started “sleep training” I do quotations because I didn’t let her CIO. You will find a good rhythm. I worked with our pediatrician and I found that helped. Keep up the amazing work!!!
The first month and half was the hardest for me. After a few weeks of me doing no dairy and baby on probiotics things started getting better. I also took the taking cara babies class that helped give me the confidence to start getting her on a routine that made a world of difference! Anything I could do to help us all sleep more was worth it. Also not sure if he has his days and nights confused but my girl did and it took a few days to help her flip them. Lots of trial and error in this stage but it will pass and he will never be this tiny again. So much love and hugs mama you are doing amazing!!
Aw thank you Anais! Definitely lots of trial and error!
You are doing such an amazing job. He looks like such a content little guy! The beginning of this video I felt so bad lol.
I'm still pregnant (40 weeks 2 days), but I have been dairy free for about a year. If you can get used to eating a meat, veggies, and rice or some sort of carb for your meals that will make it easier. It's an adjustment for sure. You will figure out how to cook with almond milk and olive oil instead of butter :) if you like Oatmeal, that has been my lifesaver this pregnancy! It is also great for milk production. Pinterest has some good recipes too! Good luck mama!
Hang in there Mama, you're doing a great job! Soon enough he will be sleeping longer stretches at night. Taking Cara Babies and Happiest Baby on the Block were great sleep resources for our rainbow baby!
Ye are doing an awesome job he is so cute. I'm past the newborn stage now my youngest is 4 but when they were small I always found they settled at night alot better if I stayed in bed with them at night I used only disturb them if they needed a change. Poor hubby got the spare room and I fed them lying in the bed next to me.
If u try to keep him awake as long as possible during the day and try to keep him up as long as possible from 3p.m till 7:30 ( bed time ) for couple days or a week I promise your baby will not be a night owl anymore. My kids were and I did this and it worked!! YAll are doing amazing job!! He’s so handsome 🥰🥰🥰
I had to be dairy free for my son too, I made these lactation-friendly energy balls that were my ride or die 😍 Hemp protein powder, oats, coconut oil, chia seed, flaxseed, sesame seeds and hemp hearts.. and a little bit of water, and then a jar of peanut butter and half a jar’s worth of honey, melted, and stirred together to make the balls stick. Then store them in the fridge. Healthy and filling and a great dairy free snack! ❤️❤️
You're doing so amazing, you're so patient, and barely cranky...Hubby would have to stay out my way for sure lol...Louie is just the cutieat little man.
Thank you!! hahaha my afternoon naps definitely help with the crankiness
From 2-4 weeks ish, my son had his witching hour and he would scream from about 9pm-midnight or 2 am. It was hard and I hated bedtime. Around 6 weeks I started waking him up regularly during the day to avoid those long stretches of sleep and started doing the SAME exact bedtime routine around 7-7:30 every night. We did a bath (with no soap most nights, just ran the warm water over him), pajamas, feeding, and rock him to sleep then lay him down in a dark environment with the white noise on. It took a little bit but he eventually began to anticipate that 7-7:30 bedtime. By 6 weeks we were getting 6-8 hour stretches and at 6 months old we still do the same routine before bed and he is sleeping through the night pretty much every night.
Also, baby’s digestive system is the last to develop. It doesn’t sound like he has a dairy allergy. However, if you’re seeing blood/mucus in the stool, that is an indication that there is definitely a dairy allergy/sensitivity. Fussiness could be from over stimulation, hunger, or just him still being in that newborn phase and having no other way to communicate. Each week got easier and easier and you guys will get into a great routine soon! Keep up the good work guys. It seems like just yesterday I had a 4 week old and now he’s 6 months!!
Also, we switched to formula after a month or so due to supply issues, but it has been GREAT! I love breastfeeding and the nutrients he got, but I must say I also loved being able to have help from my husband for feedings.
He looks so cute in his one month old photos! I loved this vlog! It’s crazy to think back to your TTC videos! I can’t believe he’s one month! Hinoki will be home in a few days and I can’t wait to start my own routine with her! She will be one month in three days! Ah, where does the time go?!
Gosh that's crazy I can't believe she will be one month in three days already!! Hope you guys are doing well!
I went to all kinds of specialists as my little one cried all the time. In the end reflux meds helped a little and some gripe water but he was diagnosed as “colicky”, yes it exits. Nothing to cure it just time. I would say around month 4 it got better. Hang in there!
He is so beautiful!! Such a handsome lil guy😍😍😍😍
Lewie reminds me so much of my baby as a newborn! Always trying to poo and only sleeps on mum or in the swing 😂 good news is she's way better now (3 months old), so there's light at the end of the tunnel! You're doing so good, hang in there mumma ❤❤❤
Both my Twins had reflux and they were both allergic to cows milk. So they were on a special formula .. They were so fussy but hang in there by the time he's 3 months it should all work out..
It was so rough when my little girl was a newborn. She only slept at night if I held her.. & even sometimes that wouldn’t work! I was so miserable and tired feeling. I promise it’ll get better! Hang in there!
Louie is adorable. 😊💙 Yip new born stage is hard work alrighty but it's worth every second of no sleep just to have them here to cuddle, kiss and love.. 💖💙 Your doing a great job. 😉👍💕
Thank you!! :)
I hear you, I've a dairy allergy and it's hard work, I'm sure you will get it all figured out x
My baby hated the bassinet and all ways wanted to sleep in the swing that or be held now he is 4 months old, and he will roll him self over and the only way he will sleep is on his belly and I just stoped fighting trying to keep him on his back and I just check on him constantly
You’re doing so amazing 💖
Awww your so adorable, I remember these days, I hated them, i think i had a record of 4 days no sleep. He's a little gem though so worth it. My kids are 3 and 16monthd
Louie is so cute, keep doing what your doing, you have a great routine, supporting one another, enjoy him whilst you can, as they grow up too quick X
you're too sweet, thank you!! :)
I wish I had thought to film a day in the life when my daughter was a newborn. I don't have a UA-cam, but those days really do go by so fast. I cried many times out of exhaustion.
What a relatable mom vlog! Yeah you won’t see any improvements with a dietary change for at least 3ish weeks. With my first I had to cut gluten at 3 months. Both of us were reacting to it. I nursed him until he was 21 months old and I was 20 weeks pregnant with baby #2. I’m still gluten free so it’s been over two years now! I had to go dairy free for the end of my second pregnancy. So I was gluten and dairy free it was brutal. I am back on dairy (my second is 2 weeks old). I might have to get back off dairy again because he’s been extremely gassy and spitting up a lot. Don’t go to crazy cutting stuff out! My doctor wouldn’t even test my son until he was 1. Have you tried gripe water? I’m using it for the first time with my second. My sister in law had good luck with that with my niece. She screamed all day and all night for three months. Ultimately the chiropractor is was helped. You should try taking him to someone who specializes with babies.
I remember these days well. I've done it four times so obviously it gets easier or I would've have stopped with one 🤣 Hang in there, Mama. Sleep deprivation is one of the hardest things to go through. Both mentally and physically but you're doing an amazing job.
Thank you so much!! :)
Omg I’m glad I wasn’t alone with the evening anxiety with a newborn 😩 I would get anxiety every evening for the first 8 weeks after my third son was born because I didn’t know how my night was going to be. Just know it gets better and he’ll eventually learn the difference between day and night
Snack/meal ideas!:
Baked sweet potato, add a bit of coconut/olive oil (no butter) and sprinkle with cinnamon. Yum!!
Bake thick cubes of white potato mixed in olive oil, salt, pepper and chopped fresh rosemary at 425F for 60-75 min (until golden)= delicious!
Salads with oil and vinegar, or oil and lemon juice dressing.
Homemade bread has no milk- ask your mom to make 😍
Delicious chicken bake with no milk:
Throw chicken thighs, cubed potatoes and carrots and celery Into an oven dish. Coat with olive oil, your fav seasoning. Cover and bake 375 for 75 min. Prep is just 10 min and it makes a delicious meal for 2 dinners! (My go to)
Lactose free milk will help you make mashed potatoes, scrambled eggs etc:-). Best tasting one is by organic valley (trust me, we’ve tried the entire isle of this stuff)
Purple Carrot meal prep is lactose free!!!!! And yummy!!!!! Give them a shout out, maybe they’ll sponsor you😉. Max, help her cook this stuff!!!!
Pls msg me for extra tips to make your DF life easier. I’ve been learning to cook for my hubby for years and am getting better. Always a challenge. Xoxo
Also omg he is soooooooo cute. But boy is he Daddys twin!!!
You're doing a great job Momma!! Life with a newborn is hard especially when it's your first. He will eventually start sleeping longer. You won't always be so tired!! Keep up the great work!!! 💖
Aw thank you!!💖
Just found your channel I love it 🙏🧘♀️🦋😇💞💞
I remember those days well. So hard on us mama's - daddy's too but nursing mom's really get worn out. Love you honey - reach out whenever you want! Been there - 3 times! lol
My 11 month old would do the same, waking up screaming. Idk how but she put herself on a schedule by the time she was like 3 months and she finally started sleeping most of the night, bed by 7 and then she would wake up at 4 am to eat (when I was breastfeeding). Her doctor told me most breast fed babies cluster feed at night in the first few months. Unfortunately I drank mothers milk tea and my supply dried up completely at 7 months 💔 but she sleep all night now.
You are doing such an amazing job! If you decide to switch, always remember your feelings matter too, fed is best and he’s a healthy, happy, handsome little guy!
thank you so much!! :) fed IS best!!
My daughter never slept in her bassinet. 6 months in and we still bedshare. I used to have really bad anxiety about it, but I researched safe co sleeping and it’s been the best thing.
Get a chillys cup - keeps your coffee hot for 12 hours, godsend.
Cranial osteopath helped my daughter with her tummy problems. Xx
I’m due with a little boy in 11 days! You inspire me so much- love you 💓
Aww you got this girl!! Let me know how it goes!! 💓
Familytale Vlogs For sure ! 💓
The first six weeks there day night ritme is switched. After six weeks during the day I did the waking, feeding, playing napping routine. And then at night just feeding and napping. I also learned to put them in there bed after playtime, (not after every feeding but some feedings during the day) when they started to get tired, so they learned how to fall asleep by themselves (sometimes they would cry a little bit, but never longer then 15 minutes) Worked like a charm with al four of my kids
Thanks for the pointers Clarissa!!
Honestly if you have to switch to formula don’t feel bad. You’d probably get more sleep too. My daughter was formula fed and could sleep 4-6 hours at a time by 2 months. I’m just saying don’t guilt yourself out if you have to make changes for your own well being too. Louie’s so cute!
Also people always told me to sleep when baby sleeps. With my daughter I never did that and was miserable. I am 30 weeks pregnant with baby #2 and I will definitely nap when I can this time around. Laundry and dishes can wait!!
I always kept water wipes by my bed and wiped with that anytime I got spat up on. My skin is still way too dry to shower more than every other day.
Hi guys it's Janice I went threw the dairy free while nursing my daughter yes so fustrating huh must tell you your little man is so adorable just when you think can't get any cuter ..he does🥰love the little grunts and noises so precious enjoy him even though doesn't seem like it at 1am this phase flys by!
Hey Janice! Thank you!!
It does get easier mama! Please don’t be discouraged 😩 I know it feels like this will be forever but I promise it’s not. You’ll eventually look back on these days and say “wow.. that was hard but so worth it. & we made it!” You’re doing AMAZING! I have three kids, & my youngest is now 6 months old. But when she was born, she had her days and nights mixed up. She would want to party all night and then fall asleep at 5am before my s/o went to work. It was terrible 😂 But I adjusted my schedule and got her on track. I know you got this!! You’re a strong mama & Louie loves you so much ❤️❤️
Aw thank you Haylee! Louie loves his nighttime parties hahahaha
It does get easier. Just a thought...have you tried a sound machine? I was surprised how much it helped our last lo sleep when she was so little. Maybe you already do use one...Just a thought!
Yep!! We have one in his room, usually have white noise going in the living room/kitchen and his bassinet has some white noise that plays when it’s on too and it definitely helps 😊