I have one cichlid tank and I just try to break every rule and tradition with cichlid keeping. Americans with Africans, convicts with other species, peacocks and mbunas, you name it! They are all alive and healthy with no problems whatsoever.
@@AdamUS123-j7q I’ve had a peacocks and mbunas in a 75 for 2 years and you just gotta make sure you have over 6 fish and they are around the same size keep decorations and hiding limited so no fish can have a territory. Feed twice a day a healthy food and you should be fine water changes every other week if you have good filtration.
@@c4onmylip It went amazing I mixed a 2 peacocks with 25 mbunas and a blood parrot and the only thing is that sometimes the mbunas get a little aggressive but it’s only temporary and I have had no deaths and things are going well!!
All good points, but the funny thing about this hobby is that sometimes violating the rules just works. I have an overstocked 56 Gallon planted tank with Peacocks and Mbunas that's been doing well for about a year now. I just feed them the basic flakes and pellets from my LFS (no fancy cichlid formula) and they all seem happy and healthy.
Great debate! I have a mixed 125 gal of peacocks and mbunas. Really haven’t had many issues. One thing I noticed is the mbunas are sometimes aggressive to the other mbunas and leave the peacocks alone and vice versa with the peacocks!
Zenzo (video) is it? He's absolutely right. About diet also. Tho I've found 50/50 mix of flakes/grated frozen shrimp does quiet well for peacocks/mixed tank. @Quality I sell imported cichlids, and I always tell people there are exceptions to every rule! But description in video is bang on general guidlines. Mbunas and large predator Haps together. Peacocks, Tanganyikans and some of the smaller, more docile Haps together. Electric blue Acara, Blood parrot and even discus can be kept with peacocks and Tanganyikans also for that matter... ...but it's risky!!
I've had mbuna now for a couple years. 3 weeks ago I added some peacocks. I added 4 at one time. I recently added 4 more. I feed mine a mixture of Omega One Super Color pellets, Northfin Veggie Pellets and Ron's mbuna mix. Mine are all doing great! My tank has tons of rocks down low and then plenty of space up top for my peacocks to swim around. Only had one mbuna die, it was under 2 inches so not sure what happened with that one. My dragon blood and my yellow metraclima hybrid are keeping everyone in check. My fish seem to be more active and swim around more since adding the peacocks.
Still not convinced that you didn't move the goods before your filmed! I know what you SF area people do! 😂😂😂 (Just kidding, curtains look nicer than junk)
I have a 220gal all male community tank with 18 various aulonocara, about 15 mbuna(bumblebees, yellow labs, rusties, estherae, elongatus, acei), 3 blue dolphins, 2 taiwan reefs, 2 fryeri, 2 red empress, 2 livingstoni, 1 venustus and 10 petricolas.(this video actually made me do a physical headcount for the first time in years!) Anyway I've had it for about 6yrs without much issues. Prior to that I had 2 65gal tanks, 1 was peacocks only and the other was haps and mbunas, I basically combined the 2 tanks when I upgraded to my 220. I don't do anything complex for food, I started out with just NLS Thera A then moved to a 50/50 mix of NLS and hikari excel about 4yrs ago, and over the last couple of months I switched to a 50/50 mix of 2mm northfin cichlid and veggie. I autofeed the tank twice a day and have the amount set to where the each feed is eaten in 8-10 seconds. I was initially worried that my tiny petricolas werent getting any food but it's been years and they are about 4.5-5.5" now and plenty heavy in the mid section(Yes, I am 1000% sure they are petricolas). I had heard the same thing back then as I do now where some folks think mbunas and peacocks can't/shouldnt be kept together and I can say wholeheartedly in my personal experience it can indeed be done. Maybe I got lucky, I don't know, my stocking just works. Whether they should be kept together on the other hand I think is debatable, the idea is not to just survive together, they have to thrive and to me that means healthy, well fed, not stressed, not getting beaten up 10 times a day, good color, good fins etc. Based on that, I think they are thriving fine in my tank, though they may not in someone else's. Have I experienced bloat? Not in any mbuna I have ever kept, and I didnt always feed my mbunas "veggie" foods. On the otherhand, I have gotten bloat in 2 peacocks over the years, 1 died because of my own negligence(i didnt notice it til it was too late), the other survived treatment and is still in the tank today. Have I had aggression issues? Of course but it was never anything I couldn't manage. Most of the aggression in my tank has been between conspecifics rather than cross species. Also, having a 220 with over 100kg of rocks definitely helps with that.
A white umbrella behind the curtain has me very concerned😂🤣😂 I tried to keep them together but when the Mbuna put on size then got way too aggressive. Granted, that was in a 60 gal and maybe it would have worked in a bigger tank like my 150? But due to diet requirements and aggression I ended up rehoming the Mbuna.
I was gifted a 75 gallon and a 55 gallon setup with big canister filters and African cichlids, I have Mbuna and Peacocks mixed and definitely overstocked. I’ve seen no REAL aggression or problems other than just common cichlid pecking order stuff that dissipates quickly. I will say that with the Mbuna I am target feeding so that they get some plants in their diet and it doesn’t consist of just total protein based foods.
Zenzo, you included, I'm going with what UA-cam University has taught me, two different tanks, one Mbuna and one Peacock/Hap. I'm currently stocking a 55 with Mbuna and then working on rebuilding a used 150 for my Peacock/Hap tank. I kept a Jack Dempsey in the 55 for 14 years and had to euthanize him due to old age, and that inspired me to set up the two separate Malawi tanks. Thank you for being one of my teachers!
I have African cichlids Aquarium with Haps Peacocks Lake Malawi and lake Tanganyika living together with no problem just making sure water parameters are set for Lake Tanganyika PH, love them all 🥇 Thank you 🙏
I just recently learned this.. I jumped in both feet first and had no idea about this.. and I have a mixed tank. I also didn’t know the diets were different.. but I do now. Thankfully there is no fighting but, I’m looking into getting another tank to separate if I have to.. but so far I do feed a veggie base diet in the morning and a more “meat” diet in the evening. All seem to be doing well! But, as I learn more I will know better for next time.
Thanks for sharing. I was thinking about this topic earlier today. I have a 55 with some young Peacocks and a Mbuna and noticed that she remains in the corners recently, and only comes out for feeding. I think she also carried eggs recently, but I wasn't aware of the process. Now I'm learning about the difference between them two and am wondering, is it natural for a Peacock to fertilize a Mbuna's eggs? Great video again, I look forward to others on your channel.
I made it work with 72 gallon bowfront. No dietary issues I can see in a few years. NLF food and many others I use. It is my staple with lots of research. Lots of veggies also. Peas now and then. Two tropheus and several demasoni mbira. I always tell people I rent fish lol. And yes I go against the grain and have hybrids lol. Love my blue polars and parrots.
Everyone has their opinion ! I my self have a 90 gal bowfront aquarium with Embunas , Peacocks & Haps they seem to get along well & yes feeding them is challenging at times ! Been doing this for about 4 years now , with success . It can be done ! 👍🐟🐟🐟😃
I have a 4 in male yellow lab in my 75 gallon peacock tank and they get along just fine. I really don’t have any aggression issues. I was thinking of growing out a johanni and adding one but they tend to be on the more aggressive side.
I keep an ob peacock in with a red zebra, pombos rock, red fin, jewel, an nmbuna hybrid cichlid and a pictus cat and an angel in my 55. Theres a little pushing and shoving but all in all they get along pretty well. My peacock is the second biggest behind the jewel so I think that helps. I also rotate food between flake one day, pellets the next, then blood worms the third so everyone gets something they like. Just my experience seems to work out alright. I have plenty of plants, drift wood and rocks though too so I'm sure that helps with spacing everyone out
I have both and I feed veggie flakes, brine shrimp,and spectrum pellets they are doing great and tank scape is perfect for both. Malawi Buffer and Cichlid Salt does wonders with weekly water changes. Also make sure your tank is properly stocked so it reduces aggression. Great Video Zenzo 🤙🏼
Will your general cichlid pellet that has say 45% protein be ok for your mbuna if fed every other day? While also feeling veg and spirilina flakes ect? The other day
I currently have 4 tanks, various tropicals and planted. Jumped into cichlids with a 40breeder given to me. Went to my lfs and accidently bought 2 haps and 2 peacocks out of 12 fish. The lfs had them all listed as african mbuna. Yes i should have double checked but wife wanted them and i didnt use google image until later at home. I will grow the haps out and get a bigger tank. However i have 2 tidal 75s and a 307 and my tank seams perfect. I have lots of rocks, they dig hiding places and show minimal fighting. I currently use a mix of herbivore cichlid excel and sera cichlid granugreen *sera is an excellent brand* with kavemans recommened dosing of garlic guard, nourish, and vitachem and the health and colors are amazing. Now i also give frozen spirula and brine every 3-4 days. All is doing great. I'd love to have a 120 it justs not in the budget at the moment.
I just started in a hobby and someone was helping me, unfortunately I believe they had their own interests. I have a 90 gallon long tank with 24 peacocks and two mbunas. I just added 3 medium size peacocks and some of them got much bigger in a tank. I saw them try attacking a mbuna as a group, one large peacock that grew in the tank starts and others then follow. Is this normal? What should I do. I had this tank for 7 months and the aggression always existed to some degree, however mbuna usually was the one attacking peacocks. Thank you.
In my seven foot 160 gallon I have mbuna, peacocks, Haps, frontoza,and victorians ( males and females). It's been going that way for about 5 years with no problems
Fixing to put some peacocks with my mbunas ,are there any peacocks that you guys would recommend? I jus love my fish but I need some peacocks!!!!!! At least a couple .I love ur videos!!!! 💗 I'm learning as I go .lol
I have a 90 long set up for 5 years and have had no issues with peacocks and Mbuna and other cichlids and a few random tank mates. Lots of hiding spaces and even had a Pacu that got way too big and had to adopt him out. Feeding a mixture of foods for all to get what they need. Guess I have been lucky.
I have two mixed tanks with African and American cichlids and it's working great no problem at all very healthy fish in my two tanks, I wish I had room for a 125 tank, bit I have a 55 and 75 gal tank
Hey I have a 90 gallon tank mixed mbuna and peacocks - I only have 5 peacocks and 20 mbuna. I do exactly what you recommend here in feeding, I do spiralina and algae flakes in am, bloodworms / pellets in afternoon and a bit more vegetarian food in evening and everyone is thriving. They do cause each other occasionally but I have over 50lbs of rock with MANY hiding places, including plants with suction cups on the sides for hiding up higher. I have 2 large canister filters one with a uv sterilizing bulb, and lots of oxygen going in. My ph is consistently at 8.0, temp 78, Nitrites and Nitrates at 0, GH and KH at maximum levels perfect for cichlids. They are amazing! I do small often water changes with the syphon to remove excess waste. I have a Cory cat, small spotted cat, 2 columbian sharks and a pleco for bottom cleaners and 5 tiny danios that swim in a small school way at the top and everyone gets along amazing!
Nice topic. I am a beginner in African Cichlids hobby. I have mix of Mbuna and Peacock cichlids in the same tank. I do feed then the same way you have suggested in this video. I feed them Hikari Cichlids Excel floating one time and Hikari Cichlids Bio Active plus at another time. They are happy and playful and enough Rocky hiding places in tank. One thing I have noticed that colours of all Mbunas has enhanced however yellow peacock's colour not enhanced yet but it's not in stressed, however healthy and playing around the tank. Anyway thanks for the video, learnt a lot from your video.
I keep a yellow lab and yellow tail acei w several peacocks, few haps, and 2 parrots and they get along fine. I feed omega one kelp flakes and mix their color pellets w veggie pellets and the fish love it.
My mubuna cichlids are very aggressive and territorial and they are always moving coral sand around the tank which look very untidy. I also have a tank of peacocks with a few haps. I was going to mix them all together but after researching the issue, I’m not going yo mix them as it will cause more problems, my mbuna fish are going to be sold . I love the color of the male peacocks so going to keep them. I’m used to having a traditional peaceful aquarium with tetras, danios, swordtail ect. At the end of the day it’s weather your prepared to tolerate the fighting and aggression.
You answered my question..I am looking and doing research before diving into mbunas and peacocks but it makes sense to keep them separate just for the fact they need a different diet….
I didn't know that in the past that the mbunas require plant base because i gave them pellets and algae wafers. It was bloat and acidic water do to some food particles. I'm scared to mix them do to size to mouth ratio.
Hi it might be late I am commenting on this video..but it's a nice information..I always kept peacocks and Mbuna along with some south American cichlids like salvini,red tiger motaguense..but they are fine ...but sometimes like you said my Mbuna chase my peacocks...and there will be lot of lip to lip fighting among Mbuna..As far is feeding i feed a mixed diet including cichlids pellets,freeze dried worms,frozens peas,tetra flakes etc..
I have Mbuna and peacocks in a 40 breeder. Have had them for almost a year now. They are actually doing quite well. I cannot complain. My male Mbuna still thinks he’s the king of the tank, but other than that, they get along decently.
@Drinking Water mostly O.B.‘s they still get along really well, I also put in a red zebra, and he does just fine with them too. I also have a few red empresses but they’re in their own tank.
I’m setting up a 40gal with mbunas. How many do peacocks and mbunas are in the tank ? Also what do you feed them ? Thanks in advance if you see this 😅 🙏🏽
Same here using 40 breeder they pretty much all pick on each other no one fish is getting beat up them only just chase others out of a cave then repeat all day fun tank to watch
Thank you so much for your videos! Please keep making them, I have learned so much from them, they are awesome. I am a new African Cichlid keeper, I'll be honest, I killed the fist few fish I got....then I decided to research what was wrong. Now I have a happy tank full and things are going well. Kudos to you and Lisa!
@Weston - Thank you. No, definitely not. Mbuna are actually omnivores, leaning heavily towards plant and algae matter. It would be better to feed them some blanched zucchini or spinach than any fish.
I have recently started keeping cichlids I probably should have done more research as the pet store said all cichlids would go together so of course I wanted 1 or 2 of everything rite now they are all juvenile but there are some 10 African, 2 peacocks, 1bloodparot,1 convict and 2 green severum in a 60 gallong now dont beat me up but am I going to have problems when they mature? As of now they have all been peaceful?
how do you tell male vs female? Our 75g has 5 peacock, 2 mbuna, Pollini, Venustus, large frontosa, Red jewel, tropheus Mooori, and a flameback. 1 of the mbuna's can be a bit aggressive toward others. The Frontosa is mellow
I have no problems. I have a 55 gallon with mbunas, peacocks, and haps. I feed them a mix of NorthFins cichlid and veggie pellets and once in a while I throw in some algae wafers for the mbunas and the pleco.
Also let's not forget there are a lot of mbunas labeled as carnivores. If you can pick and choose the type of mbuna to put with peacocks, as far as diet goes, you will be fine. For me, the aggression is the main concern, although you can avoid the more aggressive mbunas. And as far as size size goes, they say make sure the mbuna has a size disadvantage. But in my experience, I've introduced smaller juveniles in my tank and the bigger mbunas dont pay them any attention.
I inherited a tank … I’m new to this … and I have mbuna and peacock some mixed together … I’d like to separate them but I can’t tell them apart. How do I know which are mbuna and which are peacock?
I was new to the hobby Bought fish because I liked the way they looked Didnt know much about mbunas or peacocks Ended up with mostly peacocks and some mbunas in my 120 Everythings going well so far but if I were starting out I would have went with all peacocks
Yeah I used to have a sweet looking electric blue johanni and he was a giant ahole around 3 yrs old and had to trade him to the LFS for a couple juvies
I want Peacocks in the large indoor pond I'm building but would also like Lemon Jakes , Aulomocara Firefish & Yellow Benga will this work? Good video Thanks from England 🇬🇧
Forgot to say (edit button didn't appear). I just love Yellow Labs/ Aulonacara Firemouths/Benga & Yellow Jakes (to name a few), MY INDOOR 'pond' will be: Outdide edges: 7.3 long. 2 feet wide. 3.3 high BUT the water area will be: 6.6 feet long 1.6 feet wide 3 feet high. I will have a section with a bog filter & canister. Will poted aquatic pond plants be ok or will they destroy them? I want them ad they look nice & help with water quality.
Great video bro! I totally agree with this. I think if your guna do a mixed tank your guna need a really big tank to give the mbuna their rocky habitat and the peacocks open water. Btw your almost at 20k!!! So awesome seeing your channel grow I've been watching you for a while now and your a favorite of mine forsure!
I'm so happy I live in the Netherlands, my lps isn't retared and cares for the fish and birds and every LIVING ANIMAL. I would love to see petco and petsmart go bankrupt
I have 1 Mbuna in with my haps an peacocks. He only steps in with the others are fussing . He chases the aggressor off , then back to minding his business lol
I have a question for the pro. My OB and ruby red made babies. They are only 1/2 inch long at this point. Do you know what they may end up looking like?
@@TazawaTanks Thanks you for the reply. I'm really excited to see what colors come from this. I thought my ob's were males. Whoops. Love your channel keep up with the great vids.
Hey so I was wondering where you sell your fish because I don’t have a fish store to sell them at and I have a mbuna in my peacock tank and I don’t know what to do with it
I have a mixture of both, peacocks mostly with 3 Mbunas, 2 years 4 months no issues. I let algae grow on the sides of the tank and know the Mbunas are constantly eating the algae. They also like deshelled peas, so do peacocks apparently.
I have 6 1" Yellow labs, 1 3" Peacock, 12 Tiger barbs with 10 cory cats in a 55 gallon. Can I add more Yellow labs? It is a planted tank for various hiding places. Thx for videos and knowledge you provide.
What brand of tanks do you use? And where do you get them. Reviews at Petco are scary for Aqueon with leaks. And petsmart Marineland is the same. Thanks
Zenzo, that is exactly how I feed my Mbuna and Peacocks. I have them both, the Mbunas in the morning and the Peacocks in the evening. I think I have a balance at this time in moment. If I start to see a change, I will adjust. My tank has been this way for about a year. 65 gal currently but getting switched to a 120 in the coming months 😊 Thank you for this video.
I have a mixed cichlid tank and they are healthy as horses. Plenty of hiding spots and room to swim. It’s a 55 gallon but my next one will be a 125 so they can stretch out and swim longer distances…
Nice video , good topic. I have kept them all together. If you mix the red zebras bring good contrast in color to a peacock tank an they are not as aggressive
I have Peacock, Haps, Labs,Texas,Blue Acari, Convict (female) 21 in all, all in my huge tank. I watch them for hours everyday. All get along well. My Mbuna is the tank cheif, but seems to share power with my fire red peacock cichlid. The only trouble I had was trying to keep a male convict with them. The convicts constantly tried to breed, becoming territorial over one end of the tank. I removed him, rehomed to my 75 with young Oscars. Now both tanks are great. I've learned all fish are different. I quit listening to people, and started observing each individual fish.
Will African cichlids peacocks and haps eat ground beefheart mixture like discus and angelfish and American cichlids? Of is it fish invertebrates only for protein. As I use a beef heart, shrimp tilapia all ground up with a commercial made flake fish, spirulina, peas, spinach and vitamins and minerals. Then frozen. The fish love it been thinking about African cichlids leaning more towards mbuna but do like peacocks and haps but they require such a large tank to house them properly. My favorite is the Mdoka White Lips but they need at least 180 gallon tank because of their size at adulthood. I have been hesitant for a long time because of so many requirements that are so different than American cichlids. And I do like naturally planted tanks. All rock landscapes seem so hard and less inviting. Maybe missing something. I like the colors of mbuna as the female also have great color, but some peacocks like red/pink dragon bloods are hard to beat for color. It's been a hard decision as both have their ups and downs but the major is tank size requirements and rocky landscapes. Thought about shell dwellers as a comprise. But they don't have the flashy colors that the others have.
Hey Zenzo,I'm going a little nuts. I watched a video of yours where you explained how many fish to stock a tank with. I am trying to find it again. Can you direct me to it please? Thank you
I made a few of those, so I am not sure. On my channel, one of the videos under "popular uploads" is about that subject. What size tank, and what are you stocking?
@@TazawaTanks I currently have 10 mbuna in a 40b. I'm beginning to see a little more aggression than I'd like. I'm thinking of moving them to the 125 where I have 2 haps. If I do I'd like to add some peacocks. Any input is appreciated. And if you have time to check the 1 feeding I have of them on my channel, I would appreciate any input on what I can do with decor to maybe calm the aggression. I'm sorry if it seems like I'm trying to promote myself.
I have one peacock and one Johanna mbuna in a 30 gallon. I didn't know that my mbuna would bully my peacock and now my pecock is always stressed. I now want to try and separate my peacock and mbuna but I only have my one tank. What should I do? please someone help, I don't want any of my fish to die.
Interesting comparison to me, of the two kinds, as I know next to nothing about Africa Cichlids. Mbuna’s diet sounds very similar to Goldfish. No wonder you can’t keep plants with them! 😁
I have one cichlid tank and I just try to break every rule and tradition with cichlid keeping. Americans with Africans, convicts with other species, peacocks and mbunas, you name it! They are all alive and healthy with no problems whatsoever.
Do you have any tips for a peackock and an mbuna mix tank I might do it soon in a 75 gallon?
@@AdamUS123-j7q I’ve had a peacocks and mbunas in a 75 for 2 years and you just gotta make sure you have over 6 fish and they are around the same size keep decorations and hiding limited so no fish can have a territory. Feed twice a day a healthy food and you should be fine water changes every other week if you have good filtration.
I have a 75 gallon and I’m going to mix mbunas and peacocks
@@AdamUS123-j7q did you ever get started out with your mixed tank? How'd it go if you did?
@@c4onmylip It went amazing I mixed a 2 peacocks with 25 mbunas and a blood parrot and the only thing is that sometimes the mbunas get a little aggressive but it’s only temporary and I have had no deaths and things are going well!!
Made me laugh when he looks behind the curtains because people been saying he's growing weed 🤣🤣🤣🤣
All good points, but the funny thing about this hobby is that sometimes violating the rules just works. I have an overstocked 56 Gallon planted tank with Peacocks and Mbunas that's been doing well for about a year now. I just feed them the basic flakes and pellets from my LFS (no fancy cichlid formula) and they all seem happy and healthy.
cajanir can I see your tank
Haha that curtain conspiracy made me laugh! 😂😂 Good info as always Zenzo!
When people say something can't be be done or shouldn't be done there's always one daredevil that starts a whole new world of excitement.
Don't see why it shouldn't be gone most of this african chichids never even seen a lake before all this fish been bred in someone basement tankq
Sometimes people do things purely out of spite
Great debate! I have a mixed 125 gal of peacocks and mbunas. Really haven’t had many issues. One thing I noticed is the mbunas are sometimes aggressive to the other mbunas and leave the peacocks alone and vice versa with the peacocks!
I have about 15 peacocks and a yellow lab . Had a kenyii but he chased every fish in the tank pretty much non stop. Same size , 125g
Yh sane that's what I have
Zenzo (video) is it?
He's absolutely right.
About diet also.
Tho I've found 50/50 mix
of flakes/grated frozen shrimp
does quiet well for peacocks/mixed tank.
@Quality I sell imported cichlids, and I always tell people there are exceptions to every rule!
But description in video is bang on general guidlines.
Mbunas and large predator Haps together.
Peacocks, Tanganyikans and some of the smaller, more docile Haps together.
Electric blue Acara, Blood parrot and even discus can be kept with peacocks and Tanganyikans also for that matter...
...but it's risky!!
I have one peacock and he doesn’t bother anyone and Mbuna do not even acknowledge his presence.
Hahaha I love how you had to prove the contents of that back room, that was brilliant.
I've had mbuna now for a couple years. 3 weeks ago I added some peacocks. I added 4 at one time. I recently added 4 more. I feed mine a mixture of Omega One Super Color pellets, Northfin Veggie Pellets and Ron's mbuna mix. Mine are all doing great! My tank has tons of rocks down low and then plenty of space up top for my peacocks to swim around. Only had one mbuna die, it was under 2 inches so not sure what happened with that one. My dragon blood and my yellow metraclima hybrid are keeping everyone in check. My fish seem to be more active and swim around more since adding the peacocks.
I mix them right now and they get along perfectly with each other
Anyone thinking of keeping African Cichlids should watch this! Great informational video!
"Human sacrifice, Mbuna and Peacocks living together, mass hysteria!"
Still not convinced that you didn't move the goods before your filmed! I know what you SF area people do! 😂😂😂 (Just kidding, curtains look nicer than junk)
I have a 220gal all male community tank with 18 various aulonocara, about 15 mbuna(bumblebees, yellow labs, rusties, estherae, elongatus, acei), 3 blue dolphins, 2 taiwan reefs, 2 fryeri, 2 red empress, 2 livingstoni, 1 venustus and 10 petricolas.(this video actually made me do a physical headcount for the first time in years!) Anyway I've had it for about 6yrs without much issues. Prior to that I had 2 65gal tanks, 1 was peacocks only and the other was haps and mbunas, I basically combined the 2 tanks when I upgraded to my 220. I don't do anything complex for food, I started out with just NLS Thera A then moved to a 50/50 mix of NLS and hikari excel about 4yrs ago, and over the last couple of months I switched to a 50/50 mix of 2mm northfin cichlid and veggie. I autofeed the tank twice a day and have the amount set to where the each feed is eaten in 8-10 seconds. I was initially worried that my tiny petricolas werent getting any food but it's been years and they are about 4.5-5.5" now and plenty heavy in the mid section(Yes, I am 1000% sure they are petricolas).
I had heard the same thing back then as I do now where some folks think mbunas and peacocks can't/shouldnt be kept together and I can say wholeheartedly in my personal experience it can indeed be done. Maybe I got lucky, I don't know, my stocking just works. Whether they should be kept together on the other hand I think is debatable, the idea is not to just survive together, they have to thrive and to me that means healthy, well fed, not stressed, not getting beaten up 10 times a day, good color, good fins etc. Based on that, I think they are thriving fine in my tank, though they may not in someone else's.
Have I experienced bloat? Not in any mbuna I have ever kept, and I didnt always feed my mbunas "veggie" foods. On the otherhand, I have gotten bloat in 2 peacocks over the years, 1 died because of my own negligence(i didnt notice it til it was too late), the other survived treatment and is still in the tank today.
Have I had aggression issues? Of course but it was never anything I couldn't manage. Most of the aggression in my tank has been between conspecifics rather than cross species. Also, having a 220 with over 100kg of rocks definitely helps with that.
Sounds like you have a beautiful tank!
A white umbrella behind the curtain has me very concerned😂🤣😂
I tried to keep them together but when the Mbuna put on size then got way too aggressive. Granted, that was in a 60 gal and maybe it would have worked in a bigger tank like my 150?
But due to diet requirements and aggression I ended up rehoming the Mbuna.
The real question...Can you mix grow rooms with fish rooms? ;p
water your plants with your waste water!!
Lololol .. omg I'm over here crackin up .. but, i need to know
Mile high. 100%
I was gifted a 75 gallon and a 55 gallon setup with big canister filters and African cichlids, I have Mbuna and Peacocks mixed and definitely overstocked. I’ve seen no REAL aggression or problems other than just common cichlid pecking order stuff that dissipates quickly. I will say that with the Mbuna I am target feeding so that they get some plants in their diet and it doesn’t consist of just total protein based foods.
Zenzo, you included, I'm going with what UA-cam University has taught me, two different tanks, one Mbuna and one Peacock/Hap. I'm currently stocking a 55 with Mbuna and then working on rebuilding a used 150 for my Peacock/Hap tank. I kept a Jack Dempsey in the 55 for 14 years and had to euthanize him due to old age, and that inspired me to set up the two separate Malawi tanks. Thank you for being one of my teachers!
I have African cichlids Aquarium with Haps Peacocks Lake Malawi and lake Tanganyika living together with no problem just making sure water parameters are set for Lake Tanganyika PH, love them all 🥇
Thank you 🙏
Nice video and great info as always congrat on 19k
There is definitely weed back there
you can smell it!
Salmon buds in the back
Man I really love the Mbuna. I saw the teeny tiny orange one in my tank whooping a larger corydoras this morning 😂
Been having mbuna and peacocks together for over 20 years, never had an issue.
I got a 170 gal mixed with MOSTLY peacocks, some mbuna, and 5 bala sharks! Its fine and I'm loving it!
I've learned a lot from you, thanks for making these videos!
Yes ,me too and I need all tha help I can get lol
I just recently learned this.. I jumped in both feet first and had no idea about this.. and I have a mixed tank. I also didn’t know the diets were different.. but I do now. Thankfully there is no fighting but, I’m looking into getting another tank to separate if I have to.. but so far I do feed a veggie base diet in the morning and a more “meat” diet in the evening. All seem to be doing well! But, as I learn more I will know better for next time.
Thanks for sharing. I was thinking about this topic earlier today. I have a 55 with some young Peacocks and a Mbuna and noticed that she remains in the corners recently, and only comes out for feeding. I think she also carried eggs recently, but I wasn't aware of the process. Now I'm learning about the difference between them two and am wondering, is it natural for a Peacock to fertilize a Mbuna's eggs? Great video again, I look forward to others on your channel.
I made it work with 72 gallon bowfront. No dietary issues I can see in a few years. NLF food and many others I use. It is my staple with lots of research. Lots of veggies also. Peas now and then. Two tropheus and several demasoni mbira. I always tell people I rent fish lol. And yes I go against the grain and have hybrids lol. Love my blue polars and parrots.
Everyone has their opinion ! I my self have a 90 gal bowfront aquarium with Embunas , Peacocks & Haps they seem to get along well & yes feeding them is challenging at times ! Been doing this for about 4 years now , with success . It can be done ! 👍🐟🐟🐟😃
I have a 4 in male yellow lab in my 75 gallon peacock tank and they get along just fine. I really don’t have any aggression issues. I was thinking of growing out a johanni and adding one but they tend to be on the more aggressive side.
I keep an ob peacock in with a red zebra, pombos rock, red fin, jewel, an nmbuna hybrid cichlid and a pictus cat and an angel in my 55. Theres a little pushing and shoving but all in all they get along pretty well. My peacock is the second biggest behind the jewel so I think that helps. I also rotate food between flake one day, pellets the next, then blood worms the third so everyone gets something they like. Just my experience seems to work out alright. I have plenty of plants, drift wood and rocks though too so I'm sure that helps with spacing everyone out
You give me hope .
I have both and I feed veggie flakes, brine shrimp,and spectrum pellets they are doing great and tank scape is perfect for both. Malawi Buffer and Cichlid Salt does wonders with weekly water changes. Also make sure your tank is properly stocked so it reduces aggression.
Great Video Zenzo 🤙🏼
I've currently have a yellow lab and yellow tail acei. Only thing is you have to be careful because mbuna will nip the fins of peacocks.
Will your general cichlid pellet that has say 45% protein be ok for your mbuna if fed every other day? While also feeling veg and spirilina flakes ect? The other day
Great video as usual. I always learn something new when watching your vids. Thank you!
Realy enjoyed this video.Can you tell me how many peacock cichlids can i put in a 100 uk gallons please?Thank you ..
I currently have 4 tanks, various tropicals and planted. Jumped into cichlids with a 40breeder given to me. Went to my lfs and accidently bought 2 haps and 2 peacocks out of 12 fish. The lfs had them all listed as african mbuna. Yes i should have double checked but wife wanted them and i didnt use google image until later at home. I will grow the haps out and get a bigger tank. However i have 2 tidal 75s and a 307 and my tank seams perfect. I have lots of rocks, they dig hiding places and show minimal fighting. I currently use a mix of herbivore cichlid excel and sera cichlid granugreen *sera is an excellent brand* with kavemans recommened dosing of garlic guard, nourish, and vitachem and the health and colors are amazing. Now i also give frozen spirula and brine every 3-4 days. All is doing great. I'd love to have a 120 it justs not in the budget at the moment.
I just started in a hobby and someone was helping me, unfortunately I believe they had their own interests. I have a 90 gallon long tank with 24 peacocks and two mbunas. I just added 3 medium size peacocks and some of them got much bigger in a tank. I saw them try attacking a mbuna as a group, one large peacock that grew in the tank starts and others then follow. Is this normal? What should I do. I had this tank for 7 months and the aggression always existed to some degree, however mbuna usually was the one attacking peacocks. Thank you.
In my seven foot 160 gallon I have mbuna, peacocks, Haps, frontoza,and victorians ( males and females). It's been going that way for about 5 years with no problems
Only problem might be over breeding LOL....... I seriously get a ton of breeding happening
Fixing to put some peacocks with my mbunas ,are there any peacocks that you guys would recommend? I jus love my fish but I need some peacocks!!!!!! At least a couple .I love ur videos!!!! 💗 I'm learning as I go .lol
I have mbuna and peacocks in South Americans all in the same tank for over a year and I've had no problems
I have a 90 long set up for 5 years and have had no issues with peacocks and Mbuna and other cichlids and a few random tank mates. Lots of hiding spaces and even had a Pacu that got way too big and had to adopt him out. Feeding a mixture of foods for all to get what they need. Guess I have been lucky.
I have two mixed tanks with African and American cichlids and it's working great no problem at all very healthy fish in my two tanks, I wish I had room for a 125 tank, bit I have a 55 and 75 gal tank
I've mixed mbuna, Peacocks haps, and south American cichlids together in my pond and it worked out well
I've done it before.. size difference, get smaller mbuna and bigger peacocks. 😉
Hey I have a 90 gallon tank mixed mbuna and peacocks - I only have 5 peacocks and 20 mbuna. I do exactly what you recommend here in feeding, I do spiralina and algae flakes in am, bloodworms / pellets in afternoon and a bit more vegetarian food in evening and everyone is thriving. They do cause each other occasionally but I have over 50lbs of rock with MANY hiding places, including plants with suction cups on the sides for hiding up higher. I have 2 large canister filters one with a uv sterilizing bulb, and lots of oxygen going in. My ph is consistently at 8.0, temp 78, Nitrites and Nitrates at 0, GH and KH at maximum levels perfect for cichlids. They are amazing! I do small often water changes with the syphon to remove excess waste. I have a Cory cat, small spotted cat, 2 columbian sharks and a pleco for bottom cleaners and 5 tiny danios that swim in a small school way at the top and everyone gets along amazing!
Nice topic. I am a beginner in African Cichlids hobby. I have mix of Mbuna and Peacock cichlids in the same tank. I do feed then the same way you have suggested in this video. I feed them Hikari Cichlids Excel floating one time and Hikari Cichlids Bio Active plus at another time. They are happy and playful and enough Rocky hiding places in tank. One thing I have noticed that colours of all Mbunas has enhanced however yellow peacock's colour not enhanced yet but it's not in stressed, however healthy and playing around the tank. Anyway thanks for the video, learnt a lot from your video.
I keep a yellow lab and yellow tail acei w several peacocks, few haps, and 2 parrots and they get along fine. I feed omega one kelp flakes and mix their color pellets w veggie pellets and the fish love it.
My mubuna cichlids are very aggressive and territorial and they are always moving coral sand around the tank which look very untidy. I also have a tank of peacocks with a few haps. I was going to mix them all together but after researching the issue, I’m not going yo mix them as it will cause more problems, my mbuna fish are going to be sold . I love the color of the male peacocks so going to keep them. I’m used to having a traditional peaceful aquarium with tetras, danios, swordtail ect. At the end of the day it’s weather your prepared to tolerate the fighting and aggression.
You answered my question..I am looking and doing research before diving into mbunas and peacocks but it makes sense to keep them separate just for the fact they need a different diet….
I didn't know that in the past that the mbunas require plant base because i gave them pellets and algae wafers. It was bloat and acidic water do to some food particles. I'm scared to mix them do to size to mouth ratio.
Hi it might be late I am commenting on this video..but it's a nice information..I always kept peacocks and Mbuna along with some south American cichlids like salvini,red tiger motaguense..but they are fine ...but sometimes like you said my Mbuna chase my peacocks...and there will be lot of lip to lip fighting among Mbuna..As far is feeding i feed a mixed diet including cichlids pellets,freeze dried worms,frozens peas,tetra flakes etc..
I have Mbuna and peacocks in a 40 breeder. Have had them for almost a year now. They are actually doing quite well. I cannot complain. My male Mbuna still thinks he’s the king of the tank, but other than that, they get along decently.
@Drinking Water mostly O.B.‘s they still get along really well, I also put in a red zebra, and he does just fine with them too. I also have a few red empresses but they’re in their own tank.
I’m setting up a 40gal with mbunas. How many do peacocks and mbunas are in the tank ? Also what do you feed them ? Thanks in advance if you see this 😅 🙏🏽
Same here using 40 breeder they pretty much all pick on each other no one fish is getting beat up them only just chase others out of a cave then repeat all day fun tank to watch
Thank you so much for your videos! Please keep making them, I have learned so much from them, they are awesome. I am a new African Cichlid keeper, I'll be honest, I killed the fist few fish I got....then I decided to research what was wrong. Now I have a happy tank full and things are going well. Kudos to you and Lisa!
You might be confusing me with my friends John and Lisa from KG Tropicals, but I’m glad you like my channel too!
I was talking to you but I guess I had a brain fart! LOL Sorry!@@TazawaTanks
Love the channel just subscribed.
Can you feed mbuna feeder goldfish?
@Weston - Thank you. No, definitely not. Mbuna are actually omnivores, leaning heavily towards plant and algae matter. It would be better to feed them some blanched zucchini or spinach than any fish.
Nah bruh mfer really said you and Lisa 💀💀
i keep them together they work fine if you have a decent amount of hiding spots
I have recently started keeping cichlids I probably should have done more research as the pet store said all cichlids would go together so of course I wanted 1 or 2 of everything rite now they are all juvenile but there are some 10 African, 2 peacocks, 1bloodparot,1 convict and 2 green severum in a 60 gallong now dont beat me up but am I going to have problems when they mature? As of now they have all been peaceful?
Awesome video braddah great advice... I also love that Pakalolo room too nice lolol much love and aloha 🤙🏽🐠🤙🏽
I have a 450l tank of peacocks at the moment but really wanted a couple of yellow labs to go in too. Ok or not ok that is the question?
Should be okay.
Very helpful! Helped me to decide against mixing the two, and I appreciate that.
Great video Zenzo! I keep them both together but I make that decision depending on the species. Assuming the same is true for keeping Mbunas and Haps
how do you tell male vs female? Our 75g has 5 peacock, 2 mbuna, Pollini, Venustus, large frontosa, Red jewel, tropheus Mooori, and a flameback. 1 of the mbuna's can be a bit aggressive toward others. The Frontosa is mellow
I have no problems. I have a 55 gallon with mbunas, peacocks, and haps. I feed them a mix of NorthFins cichlid and veggie pellets and once in a while I throw in some algae wafers for the mbunas and the pleco.
My peacock xed with zebra mbuna can you tell me what breed they've made ????
Also let's not forget there are a lot of mbunas labeled as carnivores. If you can pick and choose the type of mbuna to put with peacocks, as far as diet goes, you will be fine. For me, the aggression is the main concern, although you can avoid the more aggressive mbunas. And as far as size size goes, they say make sure the mbuna has a size disadvantage. But in my experience, I've introduced smaller juveniles in my tank and the bigger mbunas dont pay them any attention.
I just upgraded my 46 gallon bowfrownt to a brand new 75 gallon tank.
(edit) thanks for the heart
@@larsdamen9115 thanks I got it for my birthday!!
I inherited a tank … I’m new to this … and I have mbuna and peacock some mixed together … I’d like to separate them but I can’t tell them apart. How do I know which are mbuna and which are peacock?
I was new to the hobby Bought fish because I liked the way they looked Didnt know much about mbunas or peacocks Ended up with mostly peacocks and some mbunas in my 120 Everythings going well so far but if I were starting out I would have went with all peacocks
I've had no problem mixing mine In my 60 gal. I have similar ones you have. Mine are all still small below 1 year, my johinni are the aggressor
Yeah I used to have a sweet looking electric blue johanni and he was a giant ahole around 3 yrs old and had to trade him to the LFS for a couple juvies
I want Peacocks in the large indoor pond I'm building but would also like Lemon Jakes , Aulomocara Firefish & Yellow Benga will this work?
Good video
Thanks from England 🇬🇧
Forgot to say (edit button didn't appear).
I just love Yellow Labs/ Aulonacara Firemouths/Benga & Yellow Jakes (to name a few),
MY INDOOR 'pond' will be:
Outdide edges:
7.3 long.
2 feet wide.
3.3 high BUT the water area will be:
6.6 feet long
1.6 feet wide
3 feet high.
I will have a section with a bog filter & canister.
Will poted aquatic pond plants be ok or will they destroy them? I want them ad they look nice & help with water quality.
Yep, that’s a good sized pond and should fit all of those fish. Potted plants will most likely be fine as well.
Great video bro! I totally agree with this. I think if your guna do a mixed tank your guna need a really big tank to give the mbuna their rocky habitat and the peacocks open water. Btw your almost at 20k!!! So awesome seeing your channel grow I've been watching you for a while now and your a favorite of mine forsure!
Jacob Chrem I agree ☝️ one of the bests channels
Dang! Should I inform PetSmart & PetCo to stop mixing their Chiclids?
Sy Cook do it
LOL! They won’t listen, but you could try!
I'm so happy I live in the Netherlands, my lps isn't retared and cares for the fish and birds and every LIVING ANIMAL.
I would love to see petco and petsmart go bankrupt
@@cheesechicken1548 Yes as a novice, before I knew what was what, but I know better now.
So far so good in my tank, I’ve done it in the past too and it worked out.
is that a grow in the back with the ducting?????
an upside down umbrella... why? lol in the curtain room.. which no longer exists but yeah.. super cool!!
Also congratulations on 18K.
You mean 19K? Lol!
@@TazawaTanks *21k
I have mbunas peacocks and haps. I have xtreme aquatic foods brand flakes as well as northfin pellets. Will these foods suffice for mbunas?
Yes. I would add some vegetables once in awhile.
I have 1 Mbuna in with my haps an peacocks. He only steps in with the others are fussing . He chases the aggressor off , then back to minding his business lol
I have a question for the pro. My OB and ruby red made babies. They are only 1/2 inch long at this point. Do you know what they may end up looking like?
Probably mostly OB. Depends on what the OB is from.
@@TazawaTanks Thanks you for the reply. I'm really excited to see what colors come from this. I thought my ob's were males. Whoops. Love your channel keep up with the great vids.
Hey so I was wondering where you sell your fish because I don’t have a fish store to sell them at and I have a mbuna in my peacock tank and I don’t know what to do with it
I have a mixture of both, peacocks mostly with 3 Mbunas, 2 years 4 months no issues. I let algae grow on the sides of the tank and know the Mbunas are constantly eating the algae. They also like deshelled peas, so do peacocks apparently.
I have 6 1" Yellow labs, 1 3" Peacock, 12 Tiger barbs with 10 cory cats in a 55 gallon. Can I add more Yellow labs? It is a planted tank for various hiding places. Thx for videos and knowledge you provide.
You could, or you can wait until your labs get larger and they will probably spawn and make more.
What brand of tanks do you use? And where do you get them. Reviews at Petco are scary for Aqueon with leaks. And petsmart Marineland is the same. Thanks
I have mostly Aqueon tanks, and I have a couple Marineland tanks too. I haven’t had any issues yet.
I've never had any issues with Aqueon tanks and I have 3 of them
I have to say, you thoroughly covered the topic and I agree with you completely.
I've successfully kept mbuna and haps together in a 100 gallon tank.
Zenzo, that is exactly how I feed my Mbuna and Peacocks. I have them both, the Mbunas in the morning and the Peacocks in the evening.
I think I have a balance at this time in moment. If I start to see a change, I will adjust. My tank has been this way for about a year. 65 gal currently but getting switched to a 120 in the coming months 😊
Thank you for this video.
I feed gold fish flakes to mbuna and peacocks they love it
I have a mixed cichlid tank and they are healthy as horses. Plenty of hiding spots and room to swim. It’s a 55 gallon but my next one will be a 125 so they can stretch out and swim longer distances…
Do you sell pseudotropheus saulosi to Oklahoma or can you recommend a breeder?
Nice video , good topic. I have kept them all together. If you mix the red zebras bring good contrast in color to a peacock tank an they are not as aggressive
Great stuff. I've mixed a few Cichlids they say don't mix and I think it's a hit or miss. Lol honestly keep them all in a happy environment helps.
I mixed demasoni, electric yellow and peacocks together and there fine but I don’t know if that’s illegal or not
Nice job explaining it
My pet shop labeled mbuna as peacocks and I was going to return the mbuna , but I grew to like them so I now have mbuna and peacocks.
I have Peacock, Haps, Labs,Texas,Blue Acari, Convict (female) 21 in all, all in my huge tank. I watch them for hours everyday. All get along well. My Mbuna is the tank cheif, but seems to share power with my fire red peacock cichlid. The only trouble I had was trying to keep a male convict with them. The convicts constantly tried to breed, becoming territorial over one end of the tank. I removed him, rehomed to my 75 with young Oscars. Now both tanks are great. I've learned all fish are different. I quit listening to people, and started observing each individual fish.
If I had a 30 gallon tank what would be a decent ratio I already have a few mbuna and was gonna buy a couple peacocks?
In my opinion, too small except for dwarf species or a very small breeding group.
Will African cichlids peacocks and haps eat ground beefheart mixture like discus and angelfish and American cichlids? Of is it fish invertebrates only for protein. As I use a beef heart, shrimp tilapia all ground up with a commercial made flake fish, spirulina, peas, spinach and vitamins and minerals. Then frozen. The fish love it been thinking about African cichlids leaning more towards mbuna but do like peacocks and haps but they require such a large tank to house them properly. My favorite is the Mdoka White Lips but they need at least 180 gallon tank because of their size at adulthood. I have been hesitant for a long time because of so many requirements that are so different than American cichlids. And I do like naturally planted tanks. All rock landscapes seem so hard and less inviting. Maybe missing something. I like the colors of mbuna as the female also have great color, but some peacocks like red/pink dragon bloods are hard to beat for color. It's been a hard decision as both have their ups and downs but the major is tank size requirements and rocky landscapes. Thought about shell dwellers as a comprise. But they don't have the flashy colors that the others have.
Hey Zenzo,I'm going a little nuts. I watched a video of yours where you explained how many fish to stock a tank with. I am trying to find it again. Can you direct me to it please? Thank you
I made a few of those, so I am not sure. On my channel, one of the videos under "popular uploads" is about that subject. What size tank, and what are you stocking?
@@TazawaTanks I currently have 10 mbuna in a 40b. I'm beginning to see a little more aggression than I'd like. I'm thinking of moving them to the 125 where I have 2 haps. If I do I'd like to add some peacocks. Any input is appreciated. And if you have time to check the 1 feeding I have of them on my channel, I would appreciate any input on what I can do with decor to maybe calm the aggression. I'm sorry if it seems like I'm trying to promote myself.
I keep haps, peacocks, and mbuna together and have for over 15 years and have had very few issues, but I keep all male tanks
what is in that tank behind you? I am so curious lol
I have one peacock and one Johanna mbuna in a 30 gallon. I didn't know that my mbuna would bully my peacock and now my pecock is always stressed. I now want to try and separate my peacock and mbuna but I only have my one tank. What should I do? please someone help, I don't want any of my fish to die.
Welp, u gonna need a bigger tank anyway so, may as well bite the bullet.
I have mbuna, peacocks, and fire mouths in one tank
Interesting comparison to me, of the two kinds, as I know next to nothing about Africa Cichlids. Mbuna’s diet sounds very similar to Goldfish. No wonder you can’t keep plants with them! 😁
They love duckweed!!!!!