The Pomaks of Thrace (Greece-Turkey-Bulgaria)

  • Опубліковано 29 вер 2024
  • Imagine a people who have lived here for more than 3,000 years. A people whose past all historians would trace with almost scientific certainty. A people wishing to live in peace.
    But recent history, religion and politics have decided otherwise. Indeed, for centuries, the north-east of present-day Greece has been the scene of endless conflicts between the capitals of empires eager for expansion and supremacy.
    Director: Despina PANTAZIS


  • @pumbalaura
    @pumbalaura 2 місяці тому +10

    Това видео е абсолютно невярно. "Помак" е дума, която означава " потурчен" българин. Внушението, че това е отделена етническа група е заплатено от чужди правителства, които имат интерес да създадат етнически проблем в България и Гърция. Тази каша от информация е абсолютно невярна и злонамерена. Всички потурчени, т. е. насила ислямизирани села, имат запазени своите предишни български и гръцки имена. Не съществува език на помаците. Те говорят само своите родни езици - гръцки и български, а Турция се опитва да заграби територии. Създаването на изкуствени нации е стара западна практика. Но такава етническа група никога не е съществувала. Не използвайте невежествотопна западната публика. Помаците, специално в България, са принуждавани, с масови кланета на цели села, да приемат исляма и тези кланета над това, чисто българско, население, са документирани, от българите, но и от турската тогавашна власт. Спрете да разпространявате лъжи и се справяйте с исляма в собствените си страни, а ако желаете, ппеподавайте във Франция на турски и арабски език. И как така наричате България и Гърция Тракия. Държава Тракия не е съществувала, това е Обединено название на над 120 племена на траките, всяко със свои царе, столица и отделно име. Те не съществуват като етническа общност от над 1700 години. Поредното френско безсрамие.

    • @ДнкоДудин
      @ДнкоДудин 2 місяці тому +1

      Това е абсолютно несериозно и предубеден опит за направа на някакъв филм....пародия! Гротеската!
      Пълна подигравка с хората и с реалността.
      Да не говорим за исторически факти,аргументи и т.н.

      @ΣΤΕΦΑΝΟΣΠΑΟΚ 2 місяці тому

      Είναι ελληνική φυλή της Θράκης η οποία Θράκη σαν έδαφος βρίσκεται στα βόρεια μέσα στη Βουλγαρία και ανατολικά μέσα στην Τουρκία κάποτε ανήκαν εξ ολοκλήρου στους Έλληνες εδώ και 10 χιλιάδες χρόνια αυτό το αρχαίο ελληνικό φύλο δεν ανήκει πουθενά αλλού πάρα μόνο στην Ελλάδα η γλώσσα στα άλλα μέρη χάθηκε λόγο κατακτητών ξένων σε αύρα τα μέρη

    • @nermigunes2566
      @nermigunes2566 25 днів тому +1

      Pomaklar, Bulgar kökenli insanlar, Osmanlı zamanında zorunlu müslüman yapılmışlardır,boş yorumlar görüyorum burda..

  • @chrystodouloschrystodoulak7067
    @chrystodouloschrystodoulak7067 3 місяці тому +16

    Greek government has abandoned all the Greek people not only pomaks.

    • @elisavetd381
      @elisavetd381 3 місяці тому +4

      C est EXACT MERCIE

    • @TUNC66
      @TUNC66 2 місяці тому +2

      Pomaks are not Greek, don't be ridiculous.

    • @chrystodouloschrystodoulak7067
      @chrystodouloschrystodoulak7067 2 місяці тому

      @@TUNC66 μην είσαι ηλιθιος. Ανήκουν στην ελλ επικράτεια, έχουν ελλ ταυτότητες. Μήπως είσαι το Τουρκία προξενείο;

    • @pantheon56
      @pantheon56 2 місяці тому +8

      Pomaks are indigenous Thacian populations known from Alexander the Great time. in fact, Greek historians mention their association with Alexander.
      There has nothing to do with Turks!
      Original Turks are from Mongolia.
      Speaking Turkish does not make one Turk !!
      In fact, most of the people in Thrace who speak Turkish are islamofied Balkan people!!!

    • @TUNC66
      @TUNC66 2 місяці тому +2

      You did not understand my comment at all, first of all, I never used the word Turk for Pomaks, Pomaks are not Turks, but they are not Greeks at all.And let me tell you, there are many Pomaks in Turkey and Pomaks are Muslims, most of them speak Turkish, and this is enough for us, you Greeks, do not take credit for yourself from the Pomaks, you will be disappointed.

  • @s.s.3433
    @s.s.3433 2 місяці тому

    Which are the 3 religions?

  • @noahautumn7611
    @noahautumn7611 2 місяці тому +1

    Peace and love ☪️

  • @June-dm8dc
    @June-dm8dc Місяць тому

    οι Πομάκοι είναι Έλληνες

  • @mahoaga6626
    @mahoaga6626 2 місяці тому

    Ce sont des turcs arrêtez d’inventer des histoires

  • @peterlampropoulos3505
    @peterlampropoulos3505 2 місяці тому +10

    Greece has them under pressure? See if the pomacs can live this life in turkey or bulgaria.

    • @southepirote7676
      @southepirote7676 2 місяці тому

      Çam genocide

    • @nermigunes2566
      @nermigunes2566 25 днів тому +1

      Pomaklar, saf Bulgar kökenli insanlardır. Osmanlı zamanında, zorunlu müslümanlaştırılmıştır.

  • @olbiomoiros
    @olbiomoiros 2 місяці тому +7

    Their language is Pomak, yet they're taught Turkish, Greek and Arabic. they should be taught Greek and Pomak.

  • @kloiko7917
    @kloiko7917 2 місяці тому +16

    The European Union destroyed tobacco production in Bulgaria and now the Pomacs no longer produce tobacco, the Pomacs became emigrants in Europe, they now work in Germany, England and France

  • @kloiko7917
    @kloiko7917 2 місяці тому +27

    the footage is from 40 years ago, now the reality there is different , the Pomacs became emigrants in Europe, they now work in Germany, England and France

    • @danchokonstantinov6735
      @danchokonstantinov6735 2 місяці тому

      This is what westerners practise - divide & destroy local cultures and ethnic identities and get the bright, beautiful and brainy to work for them .

    • @giorgiodifrancesco4590
      @giorgiodifrancesco4590 2 місяці тому +2

      27 years ago.

    • @pumbalaura
      @pumbalaura 2 місяці тому +1

      Това са чисти българи и гърци, насила потурчени преди 2 века от османската империя. Спрете с френските глупости.

    • @danchokonstantinov6735
      @danchokonstantinov6735 2 місяці тому

      ​@@giorgiodifrancesco4590 greeks are habitual Liars .

    • @petra2135
      @petra2135 2 місяці тому +2

      it's not 40 years ago, but 27!

  • @simeonsimeonov5205
    @simeonsimeonov5205 2 місяці тому +13

    Really disgusting politics of all Europe. These people have the traditions, the songs, the language and the history of all Bulgarian people.They speak a beautiful Bulgarian dialect, they sing the same traditional songs of all Bulgarians and traditions and we share the same history except that they are Muslims. Don't invent false history for these people. God sees your doings!

    • @TRBs20_
      @TRBs20_ Місяць тому

      No Pomaks are not Bulgarians.

    • @simeonsimeonov5205
      @simeonsimeonov5205 Місяць тому +3

      @@TRBs20_ Prove me wrong? They speak Bulgarian language, they have the same traditions, they sing the same songs and play the same traditional dances as their orthodox brothers in Bulgaria yet they are Muslims, who are they then? Do you think that being a Muslim changes their nationality? First you are offending all Muslims then you are offending all Bulgarians? Why they can be everything else except Bulgarians, you are denying fundamental rights of people living in European Community that's to recognise their nationality? Why?

    • @TRBs20_
      @TRBs20_ Місяць тому +3

      @@simeonsimeonov5205 they have similar language with Bulgarians yes, due to the forced bulgarisation on Pomaks during the first and second Bulgarian empire. Pomaks have suffered a lot because of Bulgarians and they know that and will say that to u if u tell him « Bulgarians Muslims ». A long time ago when u would say to a Pomak « bugar » it was considered as an insult. Moreover Pomak culture is one of the unique in the world with some Turkish Persians and European pagan influences. DNA prove it too.

    • @TRBs20_
      @TRBs20_ Місяць тому +1

      @@simeonsimeonov5205 u are the one who offend the entire Pomak community with deny Pomak history and identity by calling them Bulgarian. I know about what im talking about. No need a strange guy or girl to talk about Pomaks the better would be to stay away from what u don’t know. Selam alejkum.

    • @simeonsimeonov5205
      @simeonsimeonov5205 Місяць тому

      @@TRBs20_ Ha ha ha, during the 500 years of Ottoman rule and presence on the Balkans, where have you been man? I tell you man nowhere because you never existed as a separate ethnic group. Also the Ottomans were bad guys, ha ha ha? Why you didn't figure in any official document of the Ottoman empire or in the historical documents of western historiography? During this period of the Ottoman rule there was not the Bad Bulgarian empire to hide you isn't it, so your so called identity and history was invented later! Everyone knows that, who are trying to deceive? Also the Bulgarian traditions were forced on you, also the traditional Bulgarian music was forced on you, everything was forced on you and since 1398 you never manage to liberate you from the bad Bulgarian habits? Finally, you are anonymous person and is clear to everyonethat you lie or not? Show me your original historical documents to prove your point, man? Cheers

  • @mickeymouse1697
    @mickeymouse1697 3 місяці тому +40

    Greetings to the Pomaks of HELLAS

    • @jasminehasan890
      @jasminehasan890 2 місяці тому +5

      And to all other Pomaks

    • @ayhankaracaoglu6845
      @ayhankaracaoglu6845 2 місяці тому

      Hell ass. You are not people of Balkans but Kayseri Kappadocia, Trabzon etc.

    • @123skillax
      @123skillax 2 місяці тому +1

      Поздрави брате , баба ми беше изгонена от Южна Тракия, не сме забравили !

    • @ayhankaracaoglu6845
      @ayhankaracaoglu6845 2 місяці тому

      @@123skillax unutsan ne yazar unutmasan ne yazar. Alt tarafı Bulgarsın. Etkin yok gücün yok. Rus destegi ile aldıgınız toprakta tutunamazsınız.

    • @ΣοφίαΛινού-ψ3γ
      @ΣοφίαΛινού-ψ3γ 2 місяці тому +4

      Pomacs live only on the Thrace mountains.
      If they don't live there they come from there.
      Thrace is a Greek word for thousands years now,
      as the name of these mountains, Rodopi.

  • @JacquesDestiu
    @JacquesDestiu 3 місяці тому +13

    De quand date ce reportage ? Presque 30 ans (1997 !) On aimerait savoir comment à évolué leur situation aujourd'hui, en 2024.

    • @ejcash7234
      @ejcash7234 3 місяці тому

      Si tu me permets. Je peux te donner un bref résumé des 27 dernières années. Le gouvernement grec avait initié un program clandestin d'assimiler les Pomaks, surtout les jeunes femmes, à la culture grecque pour qu'elle puisse s'éloigner des griffes des Imams et du gouvernement turc (voir le Traité de Lausanne). Donc, le gouvernement grec a subventionné ces jeunes madames pomak en les emmener étudier à Athenes pourqu'elle puisse s'accomoder à la cultures de l'ouest et de s'évader des menottes musulmanes. Je croix que la mission a réussi car j'avais revisité ces régions en 2015 avec ma famille québecoise depuis mon service militaire en 1988 et j'étais étonné comment la culture a changée. Les jeunes femmes ne sont plus voilées (sauf quelques exceptions), les pomaks ont leur propres emissions radiophoniques, il me semble qu'ils sont plus libres sans être acharnés par les leader musulmans d'origine turc. Est-ce qu'il y a encore de l'amélioration à faire, c'est certain; cependant, l'assimiliation dans la culture grecque est prévalante malgré à ce que des réseaux de propagandes provenant d'Istanbul, comme TRT World disent.

  • @zarni000
    @zarni000 Місяць тому +3

    Here is the most important part. 13:58. "Here the mother tongue is pomak". In other words bulgarian. They are trying to convert these people even though they already mixed up with the muslim conversion during the middle ages. "Pomak" in bulgarian means a confused person.
    They are trying to turn Europeans into middle easterners

  • @rogermangela9405
    @rogermangela9405 3 місяці тому +14

    God bless Pomaks🙏

  • @gabrielfox5017
    @gabrielfox5017 3 місяці тому +10

    I'm guessing there will be a few very smart kids that absolutely can learn the challenging curriculum. There are a lot of Europeans that can handle three or four languages just fine.

    • @zarni000
      @zarni000 Місяць тому

      @@gabrielfox5017 useless curriculum with useless languages

  • @atanasstoilov421
    @atanasstoilov421 2 місяці тому +8

    There are christian and muslim bulgarians in greece. The pomaks are the muslim bulgarians.

  • @GaryfaliaLaz
    @GaryfaliaLaz 3 місяці тому +34

    Greetings to our fellow Greek Pomaks

    • @jonahartistdavis1858
      @jonahartistdavis1858 3 місяці тому +3

      Not Greece, never.

    • @udififkfkfck
      @udififkfkfck 3 місяці тому +10

      Not really Greek but Bulgarians. Macedonia & Thracia ones were Bulgarian!

    • @mariakocini9312
      @mariakocini9312 3 місяці тому


    • @AresMares_Maria
      @AresMares_Maria 2 місяці тому

      ​@@udififkfkfckthese bullshit you are learning in Bulgaria? Macedonia is Greece.
      And there is not any Greek Muslim. Greeks are not Muslims.

    • @ayhankaracaoglu6845
      @ayhankaracaoglu6845 2 місяці тому

      Greece is a project vassal state whose people formed later on according to Greek Project from Rums of mid and east Türkiye. Natives like Slavs, Macedonians, Vlahs, Arvanites, Albans all are victims of this project. in 1930 no1 was speaking any Rum language. Ask Prince Otto of Bavaria.

  • @tubajem
    @tubajem 2 місяці тому +16

    What language do they speak, it did sound as Slavic!? North Macedonia's 30% of population are Pomaks, not assimilated, while genetically they much more! They are the first to accept Islam!

    • @IlianNachev
      @IlianNachev 2 місяці тому +4

      Their native language is Bulgarian.

    • @zeljkomikulicic4378
      @zeljkomikulicic4378 2 місяці тому +7

      Bulgarian slavic language. It's balkan. Religion is very connected with nationality. Bulgarian, serbs and greeks are orthodox christians. That's why this people can't be pure bulgarians. But they can't be turks because language. So they stuck somewhere in between. And they are not isolated case in balkan. In Macedonia live people who call them selfs goranci. They speak slavic lenguage but they are muslims like albanians.

    • @ashlyirvyn2917
      @ashlyirvyn2917 2 місяці тому +4

      They speack Greeks. But some Pomak may speak Slavic. Et least music is more Slavic when they play begpipe or gajde but if they play tamburas struna playing instrument, they are Greeks.

    • @miralemmehanovic5999
      @miralemmehanovic5999 2 місяці тому +3

      They are the Slavs who like Bosnians accepted islam but there is a twist they used to be Bogomils too!

    • @myowngenesis
      @myowngenesis 2 місяці тому +2

      ​@@zeljkomikulicic4378this is true. We have goranci in Kosovo as well.

  • @sotiriatoronidou3001
    @sotiriatoronidou3001 2 місяці тому +7

    Beautiful and clean people

  • @ΕυθύμηςΝουφράκης-δ5λ
    @ΕυθύμηςΝουφράκης-δ5λ 2 місяці тому +4

    είχα δουλέψει με πολλούς σε Ελληνικά πλοία, παραδοσιακοί και φιλότιμοι

  • @ПеткоГеоргиев-б7д
    @ПеткоГеоргиев-б7д 2 місяці тому +2

    Do you know the meaning of the word - Pomak. This is a word from the Bulgarian language - pomachen or "pomuchen", pomachen - a person who forcibly becomes someone else. All waves of forced Islamization in the Rhodopes are documented and available in the Ottoman archives. The population is mostly of Bulgarian origin, but there are of course Greeks and Serbs in ader part of Bolkans. A large part of these people have relatives who are still Christians in Bulgaria. I am a Bulgarian Christian and I have Greek roots from Thrace and Constantinople. There is no nationality - pomak, no language - pomak, this is a not tru.

  • @fernandoscrenci4874
    @fernandoscrenci4874 2 місяці тому +15

    A Very Sick Situation !!! A Nomad Status should be given to these people , and let them decided there Language and faith !!!

    • @IlianNachev
      @IlianNachev 2 місяці тому +6

      Their native language is Bulgarian.

    • @ДнкоДудин
      @ДнкоДудин 2 місяці тому +3

      They know, which ethnic group they belong to. Their language clearly shows it 😉
      Btw, did you know there are pomak people not just in this region....and guess which language they speak although they are hundreds of kilometres away from the Rhodopi mountains and Trace...
      Greetings from Bulgaria
      People should educate themselves 😊

    • @PAN-hi7bn
      @PAN-hi7bn 2 місяці тому +4

      they decided already by staying in Greece. They are Greek citizens having all opportunities that any Greek has.

    • @fernandoscrenci4874
      @fernandoscrenci4874 2 місяці тому +1

      That's what you decide for us to believe!!! This a very sick situation!!! But keep in mind God is recording all of it around the world for his judgment!!!

    • @andromeda-p8b
      @andromeda-p8b Місяць тому

      Turkey and Greece are doing everything possible to assimilate those people- and we all know they are bulgarians. All historical records clearly show they are bulgarians. What Greece and Turkey want to repeat the macedonian experiment.

  • @JimySlow-wq9bw
    @JimySlow-wq9bw 3 місяці тому +24

    Amazing documentary video pomak traditional dress look so beautiful respect to pomak muslim community

    • @yakupkeser248
      @yakupkeser248 2 місяці тому +3

      24.3.2024 In Etnos newspaper, Nikos Gianidis says, "Our identity is taken out of the garbage dump of history." In that garbage dump of history, there are also Hittites, etc. There is no one who denies ancient Greece. However, in his book in 1834, Jacob Philipp Fallmerayer also says that these so-called Greeks have nothing to do with ancient Greece and are a Slavic state. Dr. Georgios Nakracas also says the same thing. Now Edi Rama and Macedonia are saying it openly... It is not possible to keep Greece alive with the Greeks remaining in history. Bulgarians are the first Turks to become Muslims. Pomaks and Çıtaks were Turks. 500 since There were Avar, Pecheneg, Bulgarian, Cuman-Kipchak and Uz Turks in the Balkans, Central Europe and Anatolia. Since there was no Islam, they became Orthodox.

    • @georgianakopoulou6339
      @georgianakopoulou6339 2 місяці тому

      ​@@yakupkeser248Read about Jakob Philipp Fallmerayer's political convictions eg. his fear of Russian expansion,etc. because without reading up the politics of the time you will never know why he wrote the propaganda that he wrote.RememberCapo de Istria's death was no accident,either,as he had great connections with Russia,of course, that's why the Brits still won't open their secret files about who REALLY murdered him! Remember the the various lodges at the time (especially German,French and British) had important conflicting political interests.

    • @zarni000
      @zarni000 Місяць тому

      @@yakupkeser248 bulgarians are not turks. Wtf are you smoking dude

    • @zarni000
      @zarni000 Місяць тому

      @@yakupkeser248 you are confusing volga bulgars with Danubian bulgarians

    • @yakupkeser248
      @yakupkeser248 Місяць тому

      @@zarni000 I am not confusing them. One of them continued walking, the other did not continue and stayed there. There were also those who came to Anatolia via the Caucasus.

  • @sinansinanov3413
    @sinansinanov3413 Місяць тому +3

    Това видео е абсолютно невярно. "Помак" е дума, която означава " потурчен" българин.

  • @nikolainikolov4620
    @nikolainikolov4620 2 місяці тому +7

    Pomaks are Bulgarians with Muslim religion!

  • @ChristopherBowly
    @ChristopherBowly 3 місяці тому +8

    Fascinating documentary - very interesting & informative. About a lovely people.

    • @ДнкоДудин
      @ДнкоДудин 2 місяці тому

      It doesn't reflect the objective truth. Do not be fooled!

  • @wewenang5167
    @wewenang5167 2 місяці тому +2

    Their only right is to remain silence? wtf is this nonsense? I'm pomaks women and cant talk when ever i want where ever i want except while chewing food. This is so funny!

  • @tracycombs1484
    @tracycombs1484 2 місяці тому +4

    I had never heard of this ethnic group but it's interesting to learn. Fahri is a nice looking man..I hope he finds a teaching job.

    • @alx_gr1
      @alx_gr1 2 місяці тому

      That's very old footage, from 30-40 years ago. Much has changed, most Pomaks emmigrate to Germany to work or study in uni, some in Greece and some in Turkey.

    @LIFESTDNT 2 місяці тому +3

    Greetings to our fellow Greek citizens of Muslim faith. Greece has three distinct indigenous Muslim ethnic groups. The largest is the “Turkish background” Muslims which make up approximately 57% of all indigenous Greek Muslims. Next are the Pomaks which make up approximately 33% of indigenous Greek Muslims. The third, final and smallest group of Greek Muslims are Roma who have adopted Islam. (Northern. Greek Roma. Southern Greek Roma tend to be Greek Orthodox.) And make up the remaining 10%. Those are the three indigenous Greek Muslim groups in Greece that make up the “Greek Muslim community.” (These groups are indigenous Greek citizens. And don’t include Muslim migrants from Albania and the Middle East of which there are many in Greece.)

    • @ayhankaracaoglu6845
      @ayhankaracaoglu6845 2 місяці тому

      You are a Rum (false Greek) you are an outsider to GR as an immigrant from mid and east Türkiye. if you are not a Rum you are a native arvanite slav macedon vlah etc whose identity and language is denied.
      You are leg, your giving confort to head not accepted. Pomaks and Turks are natives of that land and they dont need the suffix Greek.

    • @southepirote7676
      @southepirote7676 2 місяці тому

      "Migrant" you poor deluded Greek nationalist. The Albanians are an indigenous group in Greece which Greece had genocided for years starting from Arta all the way to Athens. There many local ethnic Albanians in Greece such as Çams, Arvanites and Sulis.

    • @BETOETE
      @BETOETE 2 місяці тому

      creful, Pomaks are NOT indigenous Greeks in origen, they have Slav roots from Bulgaria. living in Greece.

      @LIFESTDNT 2 місяці тому +1

      By indigenous I meant not imported recently. Pomaks have lived in Thrace for centuries as Thrace has changed borders between Greece, Bulgaria, and the Ottoman Empire. But the Pomaks have always existed on both sides of the borders of Greece and Bulgaria. Although Bulgaria previously had more Pomaks than Greece. Don’t know now since many left Bulgaria for Turkey in the 90’s.

    • @ayhankaracaoglu6845
      @ayhankaracaoglu6845 2 місяці тому

      @@LIFESTDNT Rums (false Greek) are imported people .They are outsiders. Present statusquo is not sustainable.

  • @kostastsa
    @kostastsa 2 місяці тому +15

    Στο στρατο ειχα γνωρισει αρκετα παιδια πομακους.. ηταν πολυ καλοι ανθρωποι ευγενικοι και με ελληνικη συνειδηση... θυμαμαι πολυ καλα το 1997 στα συνορα με Σκοπια σε φυλακιο προκαλυψης στρατιωτικο ο ενας ζωγραφισε απο μονος του σε βραχο ακριβως στα συνορα εναν τεραστιο ηλιο της βεργινας και απο κατω Η ΜΑΚΕΔΟΝΙΑ ΕΙΝΑΙ ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ.

    • @nermigunes2566
      @nermigunes2566 25 днів тому +1

      Makedonya, Bulgaristan'ındır. Makedonlar ve Pomaklar Bulgar kökenlidir bitti, gerisi boş..

    • @YippieHippie88
      @YippieHippie88 23 дні тому

      ​​@@nermigunes2566 North Macedonia, sure. The region of Macedonia, which is in Greece and has been since antiquity, no.

  • @starshine6472
    @starshine6472 2 місяці тому +1

    The narrator's take on this whole situation is awfully slanted and pessimistic. It would be nice if he could have presented things in a more neutral tone, attempting to understand the points of view of all the groups involved and focusing more on the natural strengths of the people. He really drives home his conviction that the Pomaks are helpless victims and everyone around them are just heartless oppressors. Are things ever as simple as that sort of caricature?

    • @ДнкоДудин
      @ДнкоДудин 2 місяці тому

      This whole thing...the so called a total nonsense.
      Don't even mind it! 😅

  • @ibrahimsuleiman8473
    @ibrahimsuleiman8473 2 місяці тому +8

    The way the presenter speak about the women is like they are in prison, seriously to hell with the presenter .

    • @FishingAdventuresDubai
      @FishingAdventuresDubai 2 місяці тому

      Indeed very biased and an asshole

    • @giorgiodifrancesco4590
      @giorgiodifrancesco4590 2 місяці тому

      You can tell a mile away that they are submissive. You can tell all you want: our eyes are there and our ears are there.

  • @m7627
    @m7627 2 місяці тому +11

    This movie is full of errors (when and how this region become part of Greece, the so called christianization and Bulgarization of the Pomaks in 13th century, tobacco admired by Byzantines - really!?). As the villains in this movie are presented the communist Bulgarians and the muslim Turks, while the good Greeks only forbid the use of Pomak's language in public and in schools and did nothing to improve the quality of life for these people in over 80 years of rule over their lands (at the time when this was filmed). I'm shocked that in 50 minutes not a single word or song in Pomaks language was presented in this "documentary".

    • @milenpetev811
      @milenpetev811 2 місяці тому +2

      The second French film I watch about pomaks. In the previous one there was a girl who sang a song in the "incomprehensible" Pomak language according to the journalist - pure archaic Bulgarian language.

    • @ДнкоДудин
      @ДнкоДудин 2 місяці тому

      This is not even a film....a made up story with 0 knowledge of history, 0 respect for culture and ethical belonging....Full of assumptions and a total nonsense

  • @paolaluchsinger3116
    @paolaluchsinger3116 2 місяці тому +2

    What year is this documentary from? Looks like the 90’s.

  • @bgpobeda
    @bgpobeda 2 місяці тому +8

    Помаци ,,Pomaci” is a not separate nation or another Bulgarian tribe. this is a word / synonym for "Bulgarians with Turkish heads/ self-awareness/ Turcophiles/ or Muslim Bulgarians." For example, there are other Bulgarian words for people who have changed their native consciousness: Влахи/ Власи "Vlachs/ Walachi” = Bulgarians with Roman heads/ Rimophiles. Сърби "Surbi" = Bulgarians with Russian heads/ Russophiles.

    • @almeu433
      @almeu433 2 місяці тому

      Vlachs is not a Bulgarian word. Wlochy in Polish means Italy. Vlachs were named by the Germanic tribes and meant wanderer of Roman origin. Vlachs means now " Romanian" outside Romania

    • @ashlyirvyn2917
      @ashlyirvyn2917 2 місяці тому +1

      Both of you are wrong. Vlahs actually Aromany, are by genetic origin Greeks from South Italy or Anatholia who were implanted around Balkan after Greeks joined Roman Emrire.

    • @almeu433
      @almeu433 2 місяці тому

      This is fake Greek malakia/ propaganda.
      Vlachs adopted Greek words but their base language is Latin..

    • @Jessi_apo
      @Jessi_apo Місяць тому

      ​@@almeu433language Italian dialect or romaians

    • @Jessi_apo
      @Jessi_apo Місяць тому

      ​@@almeu433dialect romaians but bloody nobody now

  • @harunsami2841
    @harunsami2841 2 місяці тому +2

    Wonderful people with rich culture greetings.

  • @matcakodi8899
    @matcakodi8899 26 днів тому +2

    Най много помаци има в БЪЛГАРИЯ

    • @nermigunes2566
      @nermigunes2566 25 днів тому +1

      Pomaklar, saf Bulgar kökenli insanlardır.. Osmanlı zamanında zorunlu müslüman yapılmışlardır..

  • @matcakodi8899
    @matcakodi8899 26 днів тому +2

    Помаците са БЪЛГАРИ❤❤❤

  • @wewenang5167
    @wewenang5167 2 місяці тому +1

    These are Muslims Slavic people who were persecuted and separated by the Christian Bulgarian. They are ethnically slavic same as any Balkans and Bulgarian but because they accepted Islam the other Slave did not accepted them to be one of them. They have no relations to any Turkic ethnic at all. They are pure Slavic just like Bosnian Muslim.

    • @ДнкоДудин
      @ДнкоДудин 2 місяці тому

      Don't talk nonsense!
      There's no Bulgarian that separates Pomaks for any reason. We are both same people with the same language, but different religion.

  • @aminechareb6869
    @aminechareb6869 2 місяці тому +1

    Donc si je comprends bien : les femmmes Pomaks n'ont qu'un seul droit, "celui de se taire" mais elles peuvent s'exprimer devant la camera d'un journaliste. Drôle de façon de se taire !!!

  • @economidesjeanmichel1783
    @economidesjeanmichel1783 3 місяці тому +18

    Excellent reportage. Tristesse ! 😢😢😢🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷

    • @salih3716
      @salih3716 2 місяці тому +3

      Lol c’est pas des grecs

    • @elizluv
      @elizluv 2 місяці тому

      @@salih3716 Despina PANTAZIS is the director

    • @economidesjeanmichel1783
      @economidesjeanmichel1783 2 місяці тому +2

      @@salih3716 Non! Ce sont des Pomaks. Un peuple de nationalité grecque, carte d'identité et passeport Grecs. Ils ont tourné le dos à Erdogan en se disant Grecs. 🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷

    • @kloiko7917
      @kloiko7917 2 місяці тому +1

      the footage is from 40 years ago, now the reality there is different. Pomacs became emigrants in Europe, they now work in Germany, England and France

    • @economidesjeanmichel1783
      @economidesjeanmichel1783 2 місяці тому +1

      @@kloiko7917 I know. That's why I Say it is a pity .😢🇬🇷

  • @ayseoz9184
    @ayseoz9184 Місяць тому +1

    Is the bias in the tone of the narrator a joke?!

  • @anthonybritti27
    @anthonybritti27 2 місяці тому +1

    Laws attempting to make certain languages illegal should never exist, should never be implemented.

  • @НадеждаСоколска
    @НадеждаСоколска 2 місяці тому +1

    The first 5 min were enough - lies.

    • @ДнкоДудин
      @ДнкоДудин 2 місяці тому

      I couldn't even make it to the third minute!!!!! Unbelievable! I was shocked by the incompetency..... My jaw dropped down the floor 😄🤷‍♂️😳

  • @conorspyridon7008
    @conorspyridon7008 Місяць тому +1

    #7:37 i never knew George Bush was a pomak..

    • @nermigunes2566
      @nermigunes2566 24 дні тому +1

      Sana, bilmediğin birşey daha söyleyeceğim .. Atatürk bile Pomak kökenli birisiydi..

  • @EscudoPadraoPrata
    @EscudoPadraoPrata 10 днів тому

    39:38 Tabak was brough to Europa from the Americas after its maritime discovery, so the Egypcians and the Bysantines could had not had known Tabacco noch could the area produce it. Funy times, when people would believe whatever was said in the television.....

  • @Equal-k7q
    @Equal-k7q 2 місяці тому +3

    Great information and great education

    • @ДнкоДудин
      @ДнкоДудин 2 місяці тому

      The ,,film" doesn't reflect the objective truth. Do not get fooled!
      If you are interested and want to know anything about the pomaks do your own research. There's plenty and all backed up with solid evidences.
      Greetings from Bulgaria

  • @AlbanianLanguageofGods
    @AlbanianLanguageofGods 2 місяці тому +1

    It’s too clear they are. Albanian
    They just said they are forced to lern three languages

    • @HECTORAS_1974
      @HECTORAS_1974 Місяць тому

      Είπα και εγώ δεν θα πεταχτεί κανένας Αλβανός να πει τη μαλ@κια του.

    • @YippieHippie88
      @YippieHippie88 27 днів тому

      Pomaks are a Slavic people, closely related to the bulgarians and the hellenized thracians of Thrace, nothing to do with the Albanians. Stop albanizing everything you see.

  • @mitkodimitrov8396
    @mitkodimitrov8396 2 місяці тому

    those all are bulgarians,forcefuly made muslims,what you speak.Pomak come,from bulgarian word помъчени,pomucheni,what you speack.Old Bulgarian Folk songs,from Rhodophe mountain not lie,as so called historians,mate.Tell the truth,my stara baba and baba died 100 years old,RIP,from Arda,uneducated,those are their relatives,just other religion two centuries before..Is not good to divide peoples,not many bulgarians left,religion dous not matter,we lose two other Bulgaria countries,this is last,oldest never change name country,wich give alfabet,literacy and old-church slavonic is old bulgarian,to many europian slavic nations.Say the truth please.Healt and happynes

  • @julietheodorou5039
    @julietheodorou5039 Місяць тому

    Cotton candy says it all. We are priviledged to have this history fom the time of Alexander the great. All history and all people are to be respected . Let us build and not break down. The world needs the right educated people in the right place but above all God's love and patience 💗

  • @kostastsa
    @kostastsa 2 місяці тому +7

    the Pomaks were and are the ancient Thracians and they continue to live in the area where they lived then. They have nothing to do with the Mongolian origin of the Turks... it's just that the Turks have found a dirty and cunning way to christen those peoples they had subjugated as Turks ottoman empire you know why.......

    • @dimitrifaillard9972
      @dimitrifaillard9972 2 місяці тому +1

      The pomaks are Bulgarians who converted to Islam.

    • @kostastsa
      @kostastsa 2 місяці тому

      what are you and you say it with such certainty??? with what quality??? are you a geneticist??? I have a friend who says what I said...​@@dimitrifaillard9972

    • @nikosmihalo4706
      @nikosmihalo4706 2 місяці тому +2

      Bulgarian is one medivial race from Central asia they came in Balkan in medivial and in one period start to talk slavic language.

    • @nikolainikolov4620
      @nikolainikolov4620 2 місяці тому +2

      Pomaks are Bulgarians with Islam religion

    • @ДнкоДудин
      @ДнкоДудин 2 місяці тому

      The language spoken clearly shows their ethnicity 😊😉

    @ΣΤΕΦΑΝΟΣΠΑΟΚ 2 місяці тому +3

    Η πιο όμορφη ελληνική φυλή

    • @YippieHippie88
      @YippieHippie88 27 днів тому +1

      They are not greeks

    • @nermigunes2566
      @nermigunes2566 25 днів тому +1

      Yunanlılara göre, Makedonlarda, Pomaklarda, Yunan.. Bazı gerçekler var bu dünyada, öyle her istediğin olmuyor..Makedonlarda, Pomaklarda, saf Bulgar kökenli insanlar..

  • @Alina_59
    @Alina_59 Місяць тому

    Okay guys lets have a clear discussion he tried to make women look suppressed now let me make a few things very clear those women are not interested in getting filmed that's their modesty but he is trying to take their privacy away. Start from ( 3:50) and you will see women are changing their direction after realizing that they are getting filmed.

  • @Lucian0O
    @Lucian0O 2 місяці тому +5

    we the romanians know that the pomaks are islamized bulgars.

    • @ЕлицаЕнева-ж3о
      @ЕлицаЕнева-ж3о 2 місяці тому

      Good for you, you are smart 😄

    • @miralemmehanovic5999
      @miralemmehanovic5999 2 місяці тому

      They are not only Bulgarians or Macedonians, they are themselves Slavic, going by the name Pomak. They used to be Bogomilians too.

    • @ЕлицаЕнева-ж3о
      @ЕлицаЕнева-ж3о 2 місяці тому

      @miralemmehanovic5999 Why do you comment something you know nothing about?

    • @miralemmehanovic5999
      @miralemmehanovic5999 2 місяці тому

      @@ЕлицаЕнева-ж3о I tell you what the Pomak brothers told me! Not you!

    • @nikolainikolov4620
      @nikolainikolov4620 2 місяці тому +1

      Exactly pomaks are Bulgarians with Islam religion

  • @drtassos2
    @drtassos2 Місяць тому

    Whenever the locals speak about one thing the narrator's translation is not even remotely close to what's been said. This is a propaganda! It's absolute sh!t.

  • @pennydink72
    @pennydink72 Місяць тому

    Its refreshing to see so many natural beauties no fake bleach blonde hair and over done make up

  • @syedadeelhussain2691
    @syedadeelhussain2691 2 місяці тому +1

    Best wishes to Pomaks from Pakistan.

  • @chrisevans6270
    @chrisevans6270 2 місяці тому

    A very negative presentation. anti Turkish propaganda.

  • @traianospomar5720
    @traianospomar5720 2 місяці тому

    It's not clear what is the Ahrene's third religion. The narrator mentions three religions of the population several times. Is it Paganism or Heretical Christianity?

    • @ДнкоДудин
      @ДнкоДудин 2 місяці тому

      The narrator doesn't have a clue what they're talking about.
      The whole film is a made up story. It doesn't reflect the objective truth.
      Just don't mind it and don't get fooled, please!

  • @marsmohr1122
    @marsmohr1122 2 місяці тому +2

    Merci pour le documentaire. Und sujet très interessant.

  • @Alina_59
    @Alina_59 Місяць тому

    Lies are included in this video so I would suggest you to do your own research.

  • @sergebourque6239
    @sergebourque6239 2 місяці тому +4

    Ils sont carrément abusés , à visage découvert et sans gêne par les grecs ou qui que ce soit

  • @ЕлицаЕнева-ж3о
    @ЕлицаЕнева-ж3о 2 місяці тому +4

    Pomaks are Muslim Bulgarians!

    • @nermigunes2566
      @nermigunes2566 24 дні тому +1

      Aynen öyle.. 🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬.

  • @MuhammadTahir-lf4hu
    @MuhammadTahir-lf4hu 2 місяці тому +3

    Very informative video thanks

    • @ДнкоДудин
      @ДнкоДудин 2 місяці тому

      It doesn't reflect the objective truth. Do not get fooled!

  • @sergebourque6239
    @sergebourque6239 2 місяці тому +1

    La maman qui sert tout le monde avant de se servir elle-même, on connaît ça, cela n'a été qu'un temps ... trop long

  • @sergebourque6239
    @sergebourque6239 2 місяці тому +1

    Des quotas sur le tabac imposés par l'UE ... tonnerre de tonnerre

  • @thanoskorolis273
    @thanoskorolis273 Місяць тому

    Turky a...tourkales.haw.they..fill..ta.forematatatous..ragiades..for.ever

  • @pennydink72
    @pennydink72 Місяць тому

    Maybe they could plant trees

  • @sergebourque6239
    @sergebourque6239 2 місяці тому +1

    Maudite enfer noire .... lâchez pas les amis

  • @sidimuslim9353
    @sidimuslim9353 2 місяці тому +21

    Love to my Muslim brothers and sisters in Thrace. Salam from Austria, Europa.

  • @esmabatak8681
    @esmabatak8681 2 місяці тому

    Türkçe dublajda olsaydı keşke 😢 güzel bir videoya benziyo ❤❤

  • @Kingsfbe
    @Kingsfbe Місяць тому

    12:15 greek flag

  • @kemalkemal7993
    @kemalkemal7993 15 днів тому


  • @MrMotown2011
    @MrMotown2011 2 місяці тому

    Summary of the Video on the Pomak People
    The video provides an in-depth look at the Pomak people, an ethnic group living in the mountainous region of Thrace, Greece. It explores their struggles, cultural identity, and the socio-political challenges they face due to their unique position between three countries: Greece, Bulgaria, and Turkey.
    Harsh Living Conditions
    - The landscape is described as rugged and harsh, with winter conditions making farming difficult.
    - Pomak men, women, and horses work tirelessly on the land, hoping to produce enough to survive the winter.
    - The Pomaks are depicted as living under the pressure of three different nations, languages, and religions.
    Cultural Identity and Education
    - The Pomak children learn in three different languages but struggle to gain a solid education. Despite attending school, their learning is compromised due to the complexity of the situation.
    - Women are shown to be largely voiceless and face significant societal constraints, while also expressing a desire for change.
    Historical Context
    - The video explains the complicated history of the Pomaks, who are descendants of the Agrianes and have lived in the region long before modern borders were established.
    - Historical invasions and occupations by Bulgarians, Ottomans, and Greeks have shaped their current predicament.
    - After World War II, many Pomaks sought attachment to Greece to escape communism, but they remain a minority and face neglect from the Greek government.
    Struggles for Survival
    - The Pomaks primarily cultivate tobacco, which is their main source of income. However, government quotas limit their production and income.
    - The video highlights the physical difficulties of farming in steep terrains and poor weather conditions, exacerbated by a lack of governmental support.
    - There is a sense of despair among Pomak farmers as they deal with an insufficient economy and loss of traditional ways of life.
    Cultural Blending and Identity Crisis
    - The Pomaks navigate a complex cultural landscape where Turkish and Greek influences dominate.
    - Many young Pomaks feel torn between their traditional identity and modern pressures to assimilate into broader Greek or Turkish society.
    - Despite attempts to retain their language and customs, the video illustrates the existential threat to Pomak culture posed by external pressures.
    - The video concludes with a poignant reflection on the future of the Pomaks, who are caught between preserving their identity and adapting to external influences.
    - The ongoing struggle for survival amidst political and economic challenges paints a bleak picture, yet the pride in their heritage remains strong among the Pomak community.
    This summary encapsulates the key themes and messages presented in the video about the Pomak people, illustrating their resilience in the face of adversity while grappling with issues of identity and survival.

  • @Barkovsky251
    @Barkovsky251 3 місяці тому +4

    Das ist ein gutes Beispiel dass verschieden Kulturen (drei )zusammenleben können Hoffentlich bleibt das noch lange !!

  • @nphipps9406
    @nphipps9406 2 місяці тому

    these people have to learn to do things that work for them rather THAN OLD TRADITIONS WHICH DO NOT WORK FOR THEIR OWN GOOD. they may need to modernised themselves

  • @GeoffreyMarlin
    @GeoffreyMarlin 3 місяці тому +1

    Je t'aime beaucoup mais la je doit dormir ❤

  • @myhindustan147
    @myhindustan147 2 місяці тому +1

    Soo interested video ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

    • @ДнкоДудин
      @ДнкоДудин 2 місяці тому

      The ,,film" doesn't reflect the objective truth. Do not get fooled!

  • @Mrnosilence
    @Mrnosilence Місяць тому +2

    България е нация, която все още успява да живее

  • @EliasGeorgiou-h7j
    @EliasGeorgiou-h7j 2 місяці тому +1

    Thats why they never change,why they learn turkish if they live in Greece, how they can be successfully if they want to stay a live in Greece when they don't know greek, or to be in university in greece

    • @TUNC66
      @TUNC66 2 місяці тому +2

      Because they are Pomaks, not Greeks

    • @zeljkomikulicic4378
      @zeljkomikulicic4378 2 місяці тому +2

      ​@@TUNC66but also they are not turks.

    • @TUNC66
      @TUNC66 2 місяці тому +1

      I didn't say Turkish anyway, but most of them know Turkish and are Muslims, that's enough for us.

    • @zeljkomikulicic4378
      @zeljkomikulicic4378 2 місяці тому +1

      @@TUNC66 they are slavic people. Not greeks not turks.

    • @ДнкоДудин
      @ДнкоДудин 2 місяці тому

      They are Bulgarians

  • @tommiii4542
    @tommiii4542 2 місяці тому

    Turkish propaganda claims they are Turks😂😂

  • @timstravellingwok
    @timstravellingwok 2 місяці тому +2

    The translation of the narrators, is totally different to what the characters in the video are saying. This video is projecting a false narrative...... Shame!

  • @Arnold-t1z
    @Arnold-t1z 2 місяці тому +1

    If only you had explained what the word Pomak means and where it comes from, then the viewers would have the exact idea of ​​what it is about, and not with your cheap propaganda to deceive the people who watch this staged play

  •  2 місяці тому

    If they call themselves greek then they are greek They know they're on history

    • @southepirote7676
      @southepirote7676 2 місяці тому

      All of Greece is Albanian and Turkish.

    • @ДнкоДудин
      @ДнкоДудин 2 місяці тому

      Do they call themselves Greeks?!? 😂🤔😄

      @ΣΤΕΦΑΝΟΣΠΑΟΚ 2 місяці тому

      ​​@@southepirote7676χαχαχα είσαι ανόητος οι Έλληνες είναι σε αυτά τα μέρη χιλιάδες χρόνια Αλβανοί και Τούρκοι πριν 2 χιλιάδες χρόνια δεν υπήρχαν ούτε ως δείγμα οι Έλληνες ήταν είναι και ονομάζονται έτσι 10 χιλιάδες χρόνια

    • @YippieHippie88
      @YippieHippie88 21 день тому

      ​@southepirote7676 You can say whatever you want about your deluded views on albanian authocthony, but... turks??? Really??? Turks do not deserve any land they currently have or once had, they are immigrants from Central Asia. Puh-lease...

  • @shatuz
    @shatuz 2 місяці тому

    They are not thracians. You should inform better

    • @danchokonstantinov6735
      @danchokonstantinov6735 2 місяці тому +2

      They are indigenous people for millenia and descendants of ancient thracian tribes

  • @fernandoscrenci4874
    @fernandoscrenci4874 2 місяці тому +1

    Fantastic Doc!!!!👍🏻

    • @ДнкоДудин
      @ДнкоДудин 2 місяці тому

      Do not get fooled! The so called film doesn't reflect the objective truth!

  • @felix25ize
    @felix25ize Місяць тому

    Elles n'ont que le droit de se taire, et encore on peut le leur enlever ... ^^

  • @LeTchagatayEmpire
    @LeTchagatayEmpire 2 місяці тому +3

    Les Pomaks ne sont pas Turc , ce sont comme des roumain qui sont intégrer dans chaque pays a chaque religions , pomaklar Turklukle Alakasi bile yoktur

    • @nermigunes2566
      @nermigunes2566 24 дні тому +2

      Aynen öyle. Doğru, Pomaklar . Bulgar kökenli insanlardır, tüm Balkanlara dağilmıslar maalesef....

  • @sergebourque6239
    @sergebourque6239 2 місяці тому

    C'est impensable tout de même d'être embarrassé par sa propre identité

  • @TheKoolblu
    @TheKoolblu 2 місяці тому

    Grow cannabis

  • @sergebourque6239
    @sergebourque6239 2 місяці тому

    On peut ne plus avoir l'âge de se marier... encore une autre affaire

  • @lela8405
    @lela8405 3 місяці тому

    Black humor bro

  • @user-kq5qp6dh8l
    @user-kq5qp6dh8l 2 місяці тому

    What’s the music playing when they are harvesting the tobacco, about 12 mins from the end.

    • @Deniz-l5d
      @Deniz-l5d 2 місяці тому +1


    • @user-kq5qp6dh8l
      @user-kq5qp6dh8l 2 місяці тому

      @@Deniz-l5d is that the tune or the artist

    • @Deniz-l5d
      @Deniz-l5d 2 місяці тому

      @@user-kq5qp6dh8l App

  • @miedgha9403
    @miedgha9403 2 місяці тому

    Vous racontez n'importe quoi

  • @sergebourque6239
    @sergebourque6239 2 місяці тому

    Que ce serait bien de pouvoir faire quelque chose pour eux

  • @Ellen-ni3ik
    @Ellen-ni3ik 2 місяці тому

    Khong Jao kuon Hao rang KAP sien ri Lao jai

  • @mahoaga6626
    @mahoaga6626 3 місяці тому +10

    Au contraire ces enfants seront trilingues ce qui n’est pas donné à tout le monde

    • @orxrus666
      @orxrus666 3 місяці тому +2

      Tu ne sais pas toute l'énergie et capacité intellectuelle qu'il faut pour être trilingue, tu as bien entendu le professeur, c'est trop dur pour eux et ils confondent les lettres des trois langues entres elles, surtout qu'à la maison on leur parle une quatrième langue ! Ce qui rajoute encore plus de difficultés.

    • @FYNh-IYI-cCc
      @FYNh-IYI-cCc 3 місяці тому +2

      ⁠@@orxrus666avant mes 16 ans j’étais déjà trilingue. Turc et français à la naissance et l’anglais avec l’école. Et tout ça d’une facilité incroyable. Mais il a raison c’est pas donné à tout le monde d’après ce que je vois dans mon entourage.

    • @FYNh-IYI-cCc
      @FYNh-IYI-cCc 3 місяці тому +4

      @@orxrus666je pense qu’un enfant peut apprendre au moins 4 langues avant ses 16 ans

    • @Sokratis-qv9ld
      @Sokratis-qv9ld 3 місяці тому +3

      ​@@orxrus666Η Πομακική γλώσσα είναι προφορική και όχι γραπτή όπως όλες οι πανάρχαιες γλώσσες.
      Μόλις τα πρόσφατα χρόνια τυπώθηκαν βιβλία στην Πομακική.

    • @elisavetd381
      @elisavetd381 3 місяці тому


  • @sergebourque6239
    @sergebourque6239 2 місяці тому

    Tonnerre de dieu... rester vivant

  • @rodolfovergara7970
    @rodolfovergara7970 2 місяці тому +5

    There is a very big mistake regarding the cultivation of tobacco in Thrace. This plant is native to the American continent. It was introduced to Europe by the Spanish in the 16th century. Then, French traders brought it to Ottoman domains. Therefore, it was absolutely impossible for the Eastern Romans (Byzantines) to consume it.