I love yr study group BUT DO YOU REALLY HAVE TO BRING UP POLITICS? Some people may not agree with yr views and I don’t know why you have to stuff the divide between republicans and democrats down yr followers throat leaves a bad taste in my mouth .. think about those things .. also I subscribe to neither of those parties I am not a sheep
I love yr study group BUT DO YOU REALLY HAVE TO BRING UP POLITICS? Some people may not agree with yr views and I don’t know why you have to stuff the divide between republicans and democrats down yr followers throat ..This leaves a bad taste in my mouth .. think about those things .. also I subscribe to neither of those parties I am not a sheep
I love yr study group BUT DO YOU REALLY HAVE TO BRING UP POLITICS? Some people may not agree with yr views and I don’t know why you have to stuff the divide between republicans and democrats down yr followers throat leaves a bad taste in my mouth .. think about those things .. also I subscribe to neither of those parties I am not a sheep
I love yr study group BUT DO YOU REALLY HAVE TO BRING UP POLITICS? Some people may not agree with yr views and I don’t know why you have to stuff the divide between republicans and democrats down yr followers throat ..This leaves a bad taste in my mouth .. think about those things .. also I subscribe to neither of those parties I am not a sheep