Fixing: Godzilla Vs Kong (2021) | Part 1!

  • Опубліковано 6 вер 2024


  • @poessketchbook373
    @poessketchbook373 2 роки тому +22

    7:46-7:59 that’s exactly what the main issue is for me, it takes away the feeling that this is a movie about godzilla vs kong- sure they fight in it but it’s sort of an accident in the story. It makes their conflict have so much less weight and impact. It was really frustrating to see how kong seemed to be the only one actually wanting and pursuing the fight with godzilla whereas Godzilla just played with him. This movie could literally be retitled godzilla vs mechagodzilla and it wouldn’t even be that out of place. Btw love where you’re going with the story, the human stuff sounds really good and interesting, yet still simple enough to not take away from the story, great work👍👍👍

  • @alang.bandala8863
    @alang.bandala8863 Рік тому +11

    You know what I like about the intro? That ALL those titans made Kong a formidable fighter, and in the scene where we see how the two monsters beat all the rest of them, we could see those monsters eliminated by Godzilla and Kong... but I also missed the Kong Shrek :( no joke, I like that scene, is just so chilling...

  • @whatdoyouwantinthismovie1939
    @whatdoyouwantinthismovie1939 2 роки тому +8

    Honestly this could have been 3 separate movies.
    Kong exploring Hollow Earth and his ancestral home. Perfect sequel to Kong: Skull Island.
    Godzilla searching for Mechagodzilla. A movie on its own.
    Then there's an actual GVK movie

    • @KingKong19100
      @KingKong19100  2 роки тому +4

      Oh man tell me about it! There is just so much I woulda cut out, and then there is stuff they ACTUALLY cut out which made this movie worse! But I hope they improve the quality of their scripts and that fanboys can finally see something great and not just eat it up cause cgi monster fest

    • @whatdoyouwantinthismovie1939
      @whatdoyouwantinthismovie1939 2 роки тому +1

      @@KingKong19100 honestly should have been another Kong movie before GvK

  • @joesplace2960
    @joesplace2960 Рік тому +7

    This is pretty great. Only change I’d make is make take place a month after KOTM. That way, there’s enough time for the attacks on apex that happened prior to happen.

    • @KingKong19100
      @KingKong19100  Рік тому +1

      That is a great idea. I did want the events of KOTM to be fresh but I do want there to be a bit of time because of everything that's happening. I wanted Kingdom Kong to take place after KOTM so maybe THAT could take place a week after and this film around 3-5 weeks after!

  • @Thermo-Lizard
    @Thermo-Lizard 2 роки тому +9

    This Rework at 1st I was not really that for. But now herring it until the very end makes me wish the movie played like this.

  • @austinforgie1069
    @austinforgie1069 2 місяці тому +1

    I love that you're diving into the kiryu aspect of Mecha Godzilla with dagon's bones

  • @BrutallyHannes
    @BrutallyHannes 2 роки тому +6

    I thought this was a way more engaging way of telling this story! It's awesome hearing you make a point much more succinctly than my irreverent ass could. Every time you say "I would've cut this from the film" it reminds me why I never did a rewrite like this. Like you, with total creative freedom, I would just tear down and rebuild the Monsterverse. To me, it never really had its feet firmly planted in terms of being a coherent story. It's like laying foundation on undeveloped land.
    That comparison of Simmons to Dr. Hammond is so spot on! It shows just how much we could've gotten with focus on the few relevant characters instead of the useless ones like Maddie, Josh, Ren Serizawa, etc. Given the aforementioned creative freedom, the series as a whole would've benefitted from characters that we follow throughout the series, instead of clearing the board and throwing a random group at us each film. It takes too much time to establish new faces and often, they don't even do the basic fleshing out of these characters. They're just a new combination of facial features we have no attachment to.
    And I'm so glad your version begins with acknowledging the state of the world! I rarely hear people actually address the complete and utter lack of continuity in the background of these movies. You mentioned an opening scene with Rodan and it made me realize "where the fuck are all the other monsters!?", a thought I hadn't had since my review began. It almost feels like the creators of these films never just sat down and watched the series through to see if these puzzle pieces even formed the same picture!
    It's amazing that this many thousands of people and all the man hours spent on these films ultimately created a product that the fans have to rewrite themselves in order to be entertained. That, combined with how low the fans expectations have become from being starved of Godzilla content, really magnifies how sad the state of things is. My hope is that one day, a group of talented people with a real love for the series come together and bring us a Godzilla film that won't need to be fixed by the fans. In a perfect world, I'd see someone like you on that team.
    Thanks for the shoutout! I'll be checking out the second part of your rewrite as soon as I can. Honestly, I'm a little nervous. You have a tendency to point things out I feel I missed, like when you mentioned "Jia's Kong doll or whatever". What the fuck was that thing anyway? Probably another cheap attempt to signal an emotional attachment the film didn't have time to develop.

    • @KingKong19100
      @KingKong19100  2 роки тому +4

      Hey man! Thanks so much for the kind words, I actually just finished your 2014 wrap up videos and have been meaning to respond to this comment for a while now. You knocked it out of the park by the way! I appreciate your modesty buddy, but we both know when it comes to making points clearer and elegantly you take that margin by a LANDSLIDE! Your videos are definitely peak kaiju fandom material, and I know you covered all the Monsterverse films you wanted to but I'm looking forward to anything else you put out, especially if it's related to the big ol lizard we all love.
      I was pretty upset with the way they went about Simmons because he's just so...basic! It's the most on-the-nose, blatantly cliche, not even trying to be original character archetype you could ever think up. Villain for sake of villainy has never been that interesting, especially as of the recent decade or two where films have become much deeper. The only way a cliche villain could work is if your villain has charisma! I've been watching Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman as well as Smallville, and let me tell ya; both shows have great villains. This character called Lex Luthor is fantastic. In Smallville he has many layers of depth with an underlying backstory that truly makes audiences feel sympathy for him. Then you have the Lex from Lois and Clark: Villain for sake of villainy but by GOD is he charismatic and entertaining to watch. This dude is an actual character. My point is that if you're gonna give us a cliched villain, at least make him entertaining to watch. The one factor all these movies have are that their characters are boring. You gotta spice things up!
      Originally I made a video a while back where the film opened with a pilot being chased by Rodan as they crash land onto Skull Island where it's revealed to be stormy and completely changed. I think maybe that could be squeezed in somewhere here, but regardless it served as a way of _showing_ that. Visual storytelling is the most important thing in a genre where kaiju are your stars. Trying to stay away from expository scenes is great practice to make the story more interesting, which is why I really love the 98 animated series as it's characters are always in the fray of things.
      And yeah, like you said, the only way to really improve this would be to restart from the ground up. To be completely honest, Monarch ain't that interesting. It's mostly boring exposition in control rooms and meetings that feel claustrophobic, as you pointed out in your KOTM series! If there's one thing Wingard got right, it's taking us away from that. These films need to move past the whole origins thing as well. No one really cares. Okay so a war happened in the past. Can we start living in the present? Think about how much more entertaining it would be seeing Godzilla fight a new monster for the first time! One that he never encountered before. You had two perfect opportunities to show us that with Ghidorah and Kong. How does he assess that threat? How does he think? But it seems like even in this new film he'll still be facing a threat from their past. If a character like Superman can work on the small screen, Godzilla can as well. You have the amazing characters, the incredible storylines, and the most creative fights at your disposal if you watch some of the past films and the 98 animated show.
      Dude Jia's Kong doll!!! The _actual fuck_ was the point of any of that?? lmao. Shit was so weird. I get what they were trying to do but it was just really weird. Between the Iwi's "psychic" abilities and the BS the Monsterverse loves to throw at us, we honestly could have had Jia revive Kong by smacking her doll in the chest with the reveal her Iwi magic made it act as a voodoo doll, and I wouldn't even bat an eye. That's the state this series is in right now. It's just one plot contrivance after another man 😂😂 Hopefully we get better films in the future though, I won't expect it but I'll keep holding out hope for it! And dude, don't even mention the shoutouts, you absolutely deserve them because your videos highlight just what is wrong with these films, what can be done to fix them, why we should expect better as fans, and why we love the films to begin with! You should totally think about uploading commentaries as well, cause that'd be hilarious!

  • @gojirathebirb
    @gojirathebirb 2 роки тому +7

    I really like what you did, way better then what we actually got. This 1st part could be a movie on its own, then we end up with a really good duology.
    What I would add is that Bernie works at Apex, but low on the pecking order (lets call it like that), so that plot won't be a Scooby Doo thing. And I would keep the Ghidorah head, but make it only one and not just a skull. I mean Dagons skelleton and Ghidorahs head in one body, Godzilla must feel really dissrepected.
    3 things I would like to see is how the world reacts, like what Kotm did for 10 seconds, maybe even in part 2 having the people use a app where they vote on who'd win between Kong and Godzilla, where it ends up being 50/50.
    2nd thing is and I'm likely in the minority is hhaving Admiral Stenz back, imho is one of the most underrated Godzilla characters.
    And 3rd is basicly alot of low shots in the kaiju scenes and making them move like in Godzilla 2014.
    In G14 his main goal wasn't killing Godzilla, but protecting people and later in the movie he was also more understanding about Godzilla, maybe add that he was the one who destroyed the Oxygen Destroyer blue prints.
    Now we have an military character who is on Godzilla side, which is unique for kaiju movies (can't think of any other).
    Other then that I can't wait for part 2.

    • @Xenosaurian
      @Xenosaurian 2 роки тому +2

      Destroying the Oxygen Destroyer blueprints would be a bad idea. We still don't trust Godzilla or other titans that much. Let's not have the military supporting Godzilla and other titans.

  • @UltraSenseiHoots
    @UltraSenseiHoots 2 роки тому +11

    Fixing GVK is a tall order, but you've done a great job with this so far.
    Getting rid of "Team Godzilla", fleshing out "Team Kong" a bit more, keeping Skull Island intact and not neutering Kong the way they did would do a lot to improve the movie.

    • @Xenosaurian
      @Xenosaurian 2 роки тому +6

      Absolutely agreed!

    • @KingKong19100
      @KingKong19100  2 роки тому +6

      Thanks bro! I appreciate that as always. Tho I’m so mad, cause I had to keep them all in for this. Things like the hollow earth or skull island being uninhabitable is essential now in the MV. I would def have kept skull island to Kong and made the storm from Camazotz allow for it to actually be threatening. Same with team Godzilla getting wiped from this film. So sadly I’m keeping those aspects in the film, but I’m gonna try my best to weave them together in what I think is a hopefully better way.

    • @kaijufanny9361
      @kaijufanny9361 2 роки тому +1

      @@KingKong19100 love the channel from sweden (I’m Arab not swedish my arab parents made a move to aovid war 😔)

    • @SpinoSam
      @SpinoSam 5 місяців тому

      @@KingKong19100I know it's a bit late, but I think showing that the Awakening was so devastating on the world that some governments couldn't deal with it and ended up completely dismantling would make things more interesting. Showing certain parts of the world have gone full anarchy due to the Awakening causing that much destruction and chaos.

  • @caimbus
    @caimbus 2 роки тому +4

    I could have lived with the rest of the movie but the OP Godzilla and fight scenes weren't great to me. It made Kong appear to be weak and I am a Godzilla guy

  • @ThunderG2004
    @ThunderG2004 2 роки тому +5

    I really wish the Monsterverse was like a modern version of the original TOHO films, also I think that Anguirus and the Mothra Larva twins should of been in Godzilla: King of the Monsters. And I agree with a lot of your opinions on GVK it does not feel like the film we were hoping for in fact the Adam Wingard said that there was enough cut scenes in GVK to make a 5 hour cut of the film, so like you said “WE WERE ROBBED”!!!

  • @au7923
    @au7923 2 роки тому +3

    4:01 I literally have no idea why they made Madison Russell a bitch to everyone in the movie, for Mark Russell, it almost feels like they regressed his chararcter.

  • @au7923
    @au7923 2 роки тому +8

    9:35 I find it funny that people give Godzilla 2014 hate for cutting away, but Godzilla king of the Monsters had like 10 more cuts then 2014 ever had.

  • @Supersaurus4
    @Supersaurus4 2 роки тому +8

    I definitely felt Kong wasn't taken seriously in the fights. I mean, a monster with the name Kong should be a monster that not only can stand up to Godzilla, but also be a monster capable of matching him, one who's abilities make him too much of an opponent for Godzilla to overwhelm easily. I mean he shouldn't be a monster Godzilla goes after because he stepped out of line, but instead be a rival monster that Godzilla feels driven to go up against, to once and for all prove to the world that he's the superior Titan.
    Plus, I feel Kong would need more of a reason to fight Godzilla than just reacting to him attacking out of nowhere, and getting his ancestral home destroyed by him. Instead, Kong should feel compelled to fight Godzilla because he sees him not just as a savage monster, but as an opponent he could truly prove his worth against in a no holds barred battle royale.
    Two powerful monsters on par with each other, giving it their all, neither one holding back, and I would want no human interference. Godzilla would be going in with his brute force, ferocity, and atomic abilities while Kong would match him with his raw strength, intelligence and agility. The two would fight back and forth, their natural advantages canceling each other out, and they would be inflicting injuries upon each other as they become more and more tired in the process.

    • @KingKong19100
      @KingKong19100  2 роки тому +3

      Beautifully put! That’s exactly what I’d look for in this kind of fight as well. A few people questioned why I made Kong so durable, and it’s to cut out the idea of Godzilla being able to instantly kill him with the atomic breath. So instead I wanted him to eat that atomic breath (gradually getting his thick hide worn down by it) so that at the end we get to see a great fight in CQC between these two Goliaths! Thanks so much for the comment!

  • @dbfilms342
    @dbfilms342 2 роки тому +24

    This was very good story telling KingKong19100, but sadly were just gonna have to keep seeing Kong get rekted by everything since Adam is working on Kong 2 and I highly doubt he'll make him any good...

    • @riyadhsaddam3926
      @riyadhsaddam3926 Рік тому +5

      To be fair the film was heavily cut and it is said in the comic Godzilla dominion godzilla lost to a member of Kong's species and has a lot more experience and now kong is in the hollow earth he will fight more monsters and get more experience and in strength they aren't on the same scale Kong is strong but not stronger than Godzilla
      Kong is like a human we make tools to cover for our short comings

    • @anthonytorresproductions
      @anthonytorresproductions Рік тому +2

      Had the movie not have been rushed, the movie could’ve been better.

    • @michaelnickols2633
      @michaelnickols2633 7 місяців тому +3

      ​@riyadhsaddam3926 Kong is definitely strong enough to beat Godzilla but sadly he's been watered down by Adam.

    • @anthonytorresproductions
      @anthonytorresproductions 5 місяців тому +1

      @@michaelnickols2633This is why we don’t want a director Godzilla nerds making Godzilla having a power ups and plot armor.

    • @ArthurFrancisco-tp6hb
      @ArthurFrancisco-tp6hb 5 місяців тому +1

      ​@@anthonytorresproductions kkkkkkkkkkkkkk

  • @KingKong19100
    @KingKong19100  2 роки тому +9

    I hope you guys all enjoy! Part 2 should be up within 1-3 days! Please let me know if you guys enjoyed, and if there is anything you guys would improve regarding editing or the story so far, please comment down below! Love you all!

    • @Bumbaclaat360
      @Bumbaclaat360 2 роки тому +1

      I would’ve fixed the axe and changed it with a tree *flashbacks*

    • @ethandoyle4978
      @ethandoyle4978 2 роки тому +2

      Glad to see u back , just rewatched your what if Godzilla jr met King Kong( so fart favorite video on your channel).
      I gotta say my love for the version we got hasn’t changed but I have to say , this version sounds amazing. It’s like listening to a movie version of the novelization in the style of how Zack Snyder’s Justice league was on HBO max. ( and that makes it even cooler). Also this video makes me want to check out your playlist of “fixing/how I’d do the monster verse”.
      Also my fanfiction story is still being worked on , currently on chapter 18 ( just to let u know).
      Also this video makes me want to get back into reading the novelization, thank u .

    • @Xenosaurian
      @Xenosaurian 2 роки тому +3

      This first part was an amazing improvement! Looking forward to part two!

    • @infiniteapex8762
      @infiniteapex8762 2 роки тому

      You could improve godzilla story and make him sympathetic, or give him a goal that's worth fighting for, and a character ark of some kind. Ya

    • @KingKong19100
      @KingKong19100  2 роки тому +2

      @@infiniteapex8762 I think you’ll like Part 2 then! ;)

  • @SuperiorPrimate-jw9bt
    @SuperiorPrimate-jw9bt 2 роки тому +3

    I'd take this over mr biased wingard who the hell said godzilla should drill holes through planets and jump? Now we have heisei godzilla 2.0

    • @SuperiorPrimate-jw9bt
      @SuperiorPrimate-jw9bt 2 роки тому +1

      @P yeah hey you that guy I've beena arguing with for the past what now week? It was a figure of speech so when i said godzilla was a 2.0 version of his heisei version i mean godzilla is just overpowered

  • @CocoLocoToco
    @CocoLocoToco 2 роки тому +2

    You are the ultimate breed of King kong fan.
    I can relate

  • @aadritmedhi5741
    @aadritmedhi5741 2 роки тому +7

    The movie was fun but honestly, this movie had the potential to be one of the greatest in Kaiju history.

    • @Xenosaurian
      @Xenosaurian 2 роки тому +4

      The movie had some good parts, but overall it was trash.

    • @gojipan
      @gojipan 2 роки тому +1

      @@Xenosaurian no its not its not trash

    • @Xenosaurian
      @Xenosaurian 2 роки тому +4

      @@gojipan Yeah, it is trash.

    • @davidostapenko2578
      @davidostapenko2578 2 роки тому +2

      & having the same Tone of the dark knight trilogy

  • @Nigeta289
    @Nigeta289 Рік тому +3

    Your version >>>>> the movie

    • @Nigeta289
      @Nigeta289 10 місяців тому

      Crazy how you just now hearted it

  • @TheDinosaurKid2
    @TheDinosaurKid2 8 місяців тому +2

    This was amazing! The human characters were so much more interesting! And it seems like Kong and Jia would play rock paper scissors in the original but here is the complete opposite. It’s still good though and that’s what makes me like it so much! Keep up the good work and you have a new subscriber 🥳👍

    • @KingKong19100
      @KingKong19100  8 місяців тому +1

      Thank you so much!!! Really glad you liked it!!!

    • @TheDinosaurKid2
      @TheDinosaurKid2 8 місяців тому +1

      I just finished part two and I was amazed! You have done good on your Godzilla and Kong projects! I’m hoping to see a full out movie about your story you’ve made in the future! I am also trying upload stop motions once I get stuff setting up and I’m hoping I can use some inspiration from your stories! I wish you good luck on future projects

    • @KingKong19100
      @KingKong19100  8 місяців тому +1

      Thank you so much!!! Check out the pinned comments, there were scene additions I added which help give the kaiju more character. @@TheDinosaurKid2

  • @gojipan
    @gojipan 2 роки тому +8

    I mostly disagree with your opinions and rant but this vid is really cool maybe yoy could do this style of video on the old Godzilla films

    • @KingKong19100
      @KingKong19100  2 роки тому +2

      Maybe! I'm gonna workshop some ideas since I do plan on continuing Godzilla The Series as well as Kong The Animated Series.

    • @gojipan
      @gojipan 2 роки тому +1

      @@KingKong19100 nice

  • @ghostface320
    @ghostface320 2 роки тому +2

    They should have had godzilla fighting Kong only to see that the mechagodzilla was under the skin like in the original, they really missed out on that opportunity.

    • @au7923
      @au7923 2 роки тому

      That whole "mechagodzilla was fighting kong the entire time" literally makes no sense, because the title is "Godzilla vs kong"

    • @ghostface320
      @ghostface320 2 роки тому

      @@au7923 they could still fight, I'm just saying, if they HAD to throw mecha in there that's how they should have handled it

    • @au7923
      @au7923 2 роки тому

      @@ghostface320 To be real fair, it does come down to excuection.

  • @GiganRico
    @GiganRico 2 роки тому +4

    I could sit here for 3 hours explaining how to fix this movie and how I'd do it myself, but it's like 2am here and I'm tired so I'll save you from that.
    Also I heard the new Godzilla apple TV show is reported to take place in between Godzilla 2014 and Kotm, which I think is good because it'll force them to acknowledge the comics lol. Again, I'd like to see Godzilla's dorsal plates grow every other episode because I think it'd look cool and since they're growing and still sharp, it gives them a chance to use them as weapons and not just as intimidation.

    • @KingKong19100
      @KingKong19100  2 роки тому +2

      I'd love to hear your take on the issues with this movie and how you would improve it or do it differently! Agreed on that dorsal plate point as well!

    • @davidostapenko2578
      @davidostapenko2578 2 роки тому +2

      about that that Godzilla could've use the 2014 dorsals as a Weapon... That's literally what I tried to explain to you
      the 2014 Dorsals are better than the 2019

    • @GiganRico
      @GiganRico 2 роки тому

      @@davidostapenko2578 I just prefer the design of the 2019 dorsal plates. I agree that they wouldn't be nearly as effective as the 2014 dorsal fins if he used them as a weapon.

    • @davidostapenko2578
      @davidostapenko2578 2 роки тому +1

      @@GiganRico also, the 2014 Dorsal Plates are way better than 2019 (But not because why you Think)
      the Dorsal Plates in 2014 looks like they were growing from Godzilla's back as a result of Nuclear mutation
      Now, I do understand that in the TitanVerse, Godzilla is over 200 Million yr old Ancient creature - But I'm just saying that his Dorsal Plates in 2014 looks like they were growing from Godzilla's back as a Result of a Nuclear mutation (which makes the 2014 Dorsal Plates much more respectful to Godzilla's 1954 Origin story than the 2019 Dorsal Plates does)
      also, the 2019 Dorsal Plates are a huge Fan-Service & they look pretty stupid in an American Godzilla film, If I being honest

  • @thegodzillacollector6226
    @thegodzillacollector6226 2 роки тому +3

    Tbh the beginning that you made for the film is fantastic and perfect for a beginning. I was genuinely in distraught at how perfect it fit into the lore and movie. Then as the story moved forward some of the problems from the actually movie are still apparent like the characters. I still find them annoying and from what I can imagine the movie is already an hour in and there isn’t even a fight scene yet. By now Godzilla and Kong already fought on the aircraft carrier. I just think you’re stretching it out a bit too much. Other than that great start!

    • @KingKong19100
      @KingKong19100  2 роки тому +4

      Thank you so much, I really appreciate the kind words. So far we’re actually like 20-30 ish minutes in. I’ve kept the main structure of GvK so far, only swapping scenes with one another or maybe adding another few minutes onto certain ones. Although the monster action is pretty high in this beginning act, it’s just gonna keep ramping up higher and higher in Acts 2 and 3. Just finished the main bulk of the video (cleaning up audio and gathering references), so I just have to assemble it and it should be up today or tomorrow! I’m really looking forward to hearing your input (as ALWAYS, my friend!)
      And yeah, the characters in this movie definitely aren’t that well written. Especially team Godzilla. I highly recommend Brutally Hannes’ series on this film because it goes into much more depth then I ever could, really breaking down what’s wrong with every single character. I tried taking a whack at rewriting these characters while also maintaining the challenge of keeping them all in and retaining the structure the film itself has, but yeah if it were up to me from the start a lot of these characters wouldn’t be here. MV always has an issue of a bloated cast. We end up unable to attach ourselves to any of them because of how infrequent they appear in the film due to the film spreading them throughout the runtime to give screen time to all the characters. It’s too much haha.

    • @thegodzillacollector6226
      @thegodzillacollector6226 2 роки тому +3

      @@KingKong19100 Awesome and also when I mean monster action I really mean Godzilla fighting Kong action. CANT WAIT FOR PART 2!!

  • @raptortristan793
    @raptortristan793 2 роки тому +1

    Fun fact did you know in the Kong skull Island cave paintings of King Ghidorah one of the heads are cut off in the cave painting

  • @lightninggodzillaandchompt4014

    How did you feel about Godzilla defeat Kong in Godzilla vs Kong? 0:20

  • @Xenosaurian
    @Xenosaurian 2 роки тому +6

    This is already SO SO MUCH BETTER than the actual movie we got, which was TRASH... As far as I'm concerned, THIS first part is the canon version of GVK thus far! Looking forward to seeing what you do with part 2!

    • @KingKong19100
      @KingKong19100  2 роки тому +3

      Thanks so much for the love and support! I promise you, part 2 is gonna be a lot more better. Monster action will ramp up, character dynamics will get explored nicely, and expectations WILL be subverted (hopefully, haha)!

    • @gojipan
      @gojipan 2 роки тому +5

      Its not that trash its decent to good

    • @KingKong19100
      @KingKong19100  2 роки тому +3

      @@gojipan Yeah it's my favorite MV film. I think the way Kong was treated is trash. The lazy writing in many areas is a downside as well. But overall it's still a great film imo. Popcorn flick that knows what it is and wastes no time giving us the bare minimum. This and my next video aim to realize the full potential a story like this would have.

    • @Xenosaurian
      @Xenosaurian 2 роки тому +3

      @@gojipan At best it's decent, but generally it's just trash!

  • @ruuuusty
    @ruuuusty Рік тому

    “King Kong and the axe of gorely” best name ever.

  • @davidostapenko2578
    @davidostapenko2578 2 роки тому +1

    Great! here we go!

  • @tomymommy2787
    @tomymommy2787 2 роки тому +1

    I am interested how you are going to do the Hollow Earth sequence with the Warbats, Hellhawks, Doug, etc.
    Especially with how you would handle the Kong vs Warbat twins fight.
    P.S. may have something to do with that I forgot everything with the humans that were NOT with Kong, but How was Madison a jerk? 🤔

    • @KingKong19100
      @KingKong19100  2 роки тому

      Thanks so much! Here's a link to an amazing series, this specific video highlights just how much of a jerk Madison is in this movie:

    • @tomymommy2787
      @tomymommy2787 2 роки тому +1

      @@KingKong19100 Just watched it,
      *didn't know she was stuck in the 1910's...*

    • @KingKong19100
      @KingKong19100  2 роки тому +1

      @@tomymommy2787 lmao she's just such a bad friend bro. But nah, mask it as "wOmEn sTrOnG" even though it's just her being an asshole. Brie Larson's Captain Marvel had the same problem

  • @NamelessRōnin2006
    @NamelessRōnin2006 2 роки тому +1

    We can call giant Skull Crawler Ramarak
    Well We can call Mecha Dagon Kiryu

  • @davidostapenko2578
    @davidostapenko2578 2 роки тому +1

    Agree & Agreed

  • @XYZ_29129
    @XYZ_29129 6 місяців тому

    33:09 Bro is him 🗿

  • @davidostapenko2578
    @davidostapenko2578 2 роки тому +3

    You forgot one more thing: KING KONG'S DESIGN & GODZILLA'S DESIGN
    I just can't stand this annoying 2019 DougheGoji, it deleted the 2014 GareGoji Entirely from the TitanVerse & that was a Mistake
    King Kong's design in GvK was kinda "Meh" too & a bit cringey

    • @juliopastor6735
      @juliopastor6735 2 роки тому +1

      It didn’t. It just built off the GareGoji design

    • @davidostapenko2578
      @davidostapenko2578 2 роки тому +1

      @@juliopastor6735 No, it did deleted & I'm sick of it

    • @juliopastor6735
      @juliopastor6735 2 роки тому +2

      @@davidostapenko2578 No it didn’t. Literally the only thing changed was the spines, tail, added muscle to the upper body and legs, and claws. The tail should have been the 2014 tail because that was cool but the spines are fine, and the claws being updated in the feet look so much better.
      Other than that, it was just the 2014 design with added muscle to the body

    • @davidostapenko2578
      @davidostapenko2578 Рік тому +1

      @@juliopastor6735 yes, it did. the spines from 2019 are Awful because it doesn't look realistic nor believable. also the 2019 Redesign is fat as hell, the 2014 one is the muscular one. the change of the Head size was bad too and they made the Tail ridiculous. but my biggest Problem is the Spines. like C'mon, Japanese Goofy Godzilla spines on an American Realistic Godzilla design? it's Ridiculous.
      Imagine if the Alien Creatures from 2009's Avatar had the Same proportions and Body-structures of Cartoon characters from the 70s. that's affectively what this is.

    • @juliopastor6735
      @juliopastor6735 Рік тому +1

      @@davidostapenko2578 Japanese “goofy” spines look good. The spines can look good on the new design with texture which is why the spines actually blend in.
      Also 2019 ain’t fat, he is muscular, I mean he has literal bulging shoulders with a lot muscle. The only thing that was changed in his upper body is that his chest is flat instead of sticking out like i. 2014 which actually makes him look fat

  • @zandergonzalez5190
    @zandergonzalez5190 2 роки тому +1

    Huh good idea that titan titanus margygr a weird looking Mermaid titan will fit on that movie and your right that opening scene
    Like every movie being lazy the dome is butt hurt and there’s something that I know something annoys me that Godzilla destroy and shred EVERY single titan even rodan you need to fix that

    • @zandergonzalez5190
      @zandergonzalez5190 2 роки тому

      Nah that eye needs to stay and then Godzilla skeleton but the arm will the prototype like from poppy playtime

  • @Bumbaclaat360
    @Bumbaclaat360 2 роки тому

    Should’ve kept mg a secret until the last fight with only glimpses of him beforehand

    • @KingKong19100
      @KingKong19100  2 роки тому +2

      Personally I feel like it was well handled. MG showing up out of nowhere with no explanation would feel like an even more forced way to have the two monsters team up. There'd be riots, haha!

  • @marexdad
    @marexdad Рік тому

    What is your favourite monster movie?

  • @godzillaisbetterthenyou9762
    @godzillaisbetterthenyou9762 2 роки тому

    I really like this video.I got a question thou will kong fight other monsters before Godzilla like in the other video

  • @damonlongstreet8630
    @damonlongstreet8630 2 роки тому +4

    I'm still questioning how in the Hell Adam Winguard got the director job.

    • @Xenosaurian
      @Xenosaurian 2 роки тому +4

      Me too man, me too! They're really mishandling this franchise, and Wingard should be kept far away from it.

    • @KingKong19100
      @KingKong19100  2 роки тому +2

      Honestly Wingard had a lot of great ideas. More monster action, nicer looking visuals, etc. He has a really fresh take. His problems involved story telling, biases towards Godzilla which overshadowed and disrespected Kong, and not being able to realize the full potential in a story like this. I'd take him over Dougherty any day.

    • @Knoispowr
      @Knoispowr 2 роки тому +1

      @@KingKong19100 imagine if Zack Snyder directed godzilla vs Kong, THAT WOULD BE AWESOME

    • @KingKong19100
      @KingKong19100  2 роки тому +1

      @@Knoispowr I wish I could say the same lol.

    • @Knoispowr
      @Knoispowr 2 роки тому +1

      @@KingKong19100 at least he would be better than Dougherty any day, and we would get a darker film that tonaly feels more in line with godzilla 2014, and we would get way better fights, and a well written story and plot.

  • @ethandoyle4978
    @ethandoyle4978 2 роки тому

    I just thought of a question , if skull island is full of radiation that the titans would want ,then how come they humans at the monarch outpost aren’t affected by it ?

    • @au7923
      @au7923 2 роки тому +1

      That's a plothole, which is a problem if they don't have a explanation for why the humans at monarch outpost aren't affected by it, a good explanation we need.

    • @ethandoyle4978
      @ethandoyle4978 Рік тому

      ⁠@@au7923I just remembered godzilla 2014 , and king of the monsters already answered that question.
      When joe and ford investigate the city in the first movie , Joe pointed out that the area was clean.
      And Emma pointed out that the city’s that were attacked by the muted and Sam Francisco were eventually cleared of radiation and vegetation grew in its place , so the same thing is probably what’s happened to skull island .

    • @au7923
      @au7923 Рік тому

      @@ethandoyle4978 I completely forgot this existed.

    • @ethandoyle4978
      @ethandoyle4978 Рік тому

      @@au7923 I know , I just suddenly remembered it

    • @SuperiorPrimate-jw9bt
      @SuperiorPrimate-jw9bt 8 місяців тому +1

      ​@ethandoyle4978 did yall just forget the entire point of kotm? Radiation isn't harmful in this radiation the credits of kotm literally says godzilla simply swimming by reefs restores entire fish populations

  • @lightninggodzillaandchompt4014
    @lightninggodzillaandchompt4014 9 місяців тому

    I’m gonna to make my version of Godzilla vs Kong after watching Godzilla x Kong the new empire (I hope you can watch the video and make a video to tell me and everyone what you think) 0:39

  • @Anguirusfan1955
    @Anguirusfan1955 2 роки тому +1

    I think the other Ghidorah skull can just be a head that Godzilla ripped off in the past

  • @tbgwildcard9185
    @tbgwildcard9185 Рік тому

    I don’t get why you think this movie dishonored either of them. This movie showed them both as how they have always been with the outcome making sense. Godzilla is unstoppable nuclear reptile with power and experience while kong is the last member of an ancient species of ape and has lived his whole life on an island. That sums up both of their original iterations. The reason kong lost is because of that. He’s not supposed to be experienced and it’s not the movie writers fault that kong lost when they are literally doing the battle exactly how it was supposed to be. They even gave kong a weapon but no you still think king was done dirty even though he was practically the main protagonist.

    • @KingKong19100
      @KingKong19100  Рік тому +3

      I feel this movie dishonored both of them by simply not giving us the fight we (and they themselves) deserved to have against one another. The battle between King Kong and Godzilla made by both Zimaut and TikOf1 on UA-cam are perfect examples of this fight done right. Kong losing but giving Godzilla a tough fight. Godzilla being taken the distance and giving us fans actually entertaining and non one-sided fights. I made my case in this video. There isn’t a “was supposed to be”. There’s them ignoring history. We all know King Kong has been much more then just “the last ape” in history. He went toe to toe with Godzilla before and he deserves to do it again. Where’s the harm in him giving Godzilla a genuinely hard fight? Nowhere for fans. That’s just entertainment and both monsters getting respect. Especially Toho letting down their ego and allowing Godzilla to take some genuine damage yet rising up to the occasion to defeat this foe WITHOUT any plot armor bs like a power-up or human intervention. The only harm I see of kong giving Godzilla a fair fight is a blow to hardcore gatekeeping G-Fans egos. People constantly complaining rather than just enjoying a great fight. And we both know that weapon was absolute BS. Kong didn’t even know how to use it, dude has no experience with anything unlike what was hinted in 2019, the writers just gave him that axe so he could be like Kratos which was constantly pointed at since 2017 with Vogt Roberts and legendary constantly making Kong and Kratos crossovers. That axe was pitiful. Honestly didn’t even have to be in the movie. I’m for it if it’s written well but it was just done in a half-baked way. Everything was. Kong not making his axe or using it to its full potential. Godzilla going brutal on Kong. Atomic breath attacks on Kong. Kong’s strength being utilized against Godzilla. Everything was half baked and lazy because Toho and legendary and all the writers involved were genuinely biased towards Godzilla. Kong’s rights are so fucked that he has nobody in his corner to prevent these awful decisions from being made. Meanwhile Toho is interfering with the production constantly to ensure Godzilla is shown as an all powerful god who is untouchable which is not only inconsistent with his character, but also preventing him from GROWING as one, thus disrespecting his character entirely. Kong wasn’t done dirty. He was done absolutely HORRENDOUSLY as a kaiju. AS I said in the video, not sure if you missed that. I also have other videos covering this further, such as if he was respected or not. It covers all your questions hopefully and then some! :)

  • @Milfhunter135
    @Milfhunter135 2 роки тому +2

    really like this story so far

  • @Zimzilla99
    @Zimzilla99 2 роки тому +1

    Walter should still stay a villain. Him wanting titan defense is such an easy talking point. Creating mechagodzilla should be a way for him to capitalize on titan insurance, monopolize titan defense, and create a weapon and energy source he patented and monopolized. Considering apex has metal ziggurats in Hong Kong having a quasi religious trans human and or humanity first ideology would be perfect for Walter and apex

    • @Xenosaurian
      @Xenosaurian 2 роки тому +2

      What is "villainous" about a "humanity first" ideology and creating a defense system against titans? Come on...

    • @Zimzilla99
      @Zimzilla99 2 роки тому +1

      @@Xenosaurian considering in universe the titans are key to the environment killing the wrong ones could unbalance the world
      Also are you honestly telling me the head of a weapons development corporation who has a monopoly on the most powerful WMD would have pure altruistic motives or not succumb to internal corruption or governmental owner ship.
      Literally take a glance at history to see what great power centralized does despite “good intentions”

    • @KingKong19100
      @KingKong19100  2 роки тому +1

      Honestly you could of course go the Cameron Winter route, but we've not only seen that kind of character before, it's also just a very cliched reason. One could argue it's also just as easy to write such a villain who's greedy and just wants more money then he already has. This kind of character was tailored specifically to subvert any cliches or tropes. MG being taken into the wrong hands in future movies could be explored and it could be something that can be fleshed out.
      Going the villain route that you bring up would raise a couple issues. Walter is rich as it is, why would he need *more* money? It's the same exact issue Winter has in Godzilla The Series. This would need to be done so incredibly carefully (not that you'd be able to avoid the money hungry villain cliche), that it's virtually impossible to make him have any depth. It borders cartoonery at best. Of course I wouldn't be against it, but I feel like to avoid that specific cliche he should be written like this. To each their own though!

    • @Zimzilla99
      @Zimzilla99 2 роки тому

      @@KingKong19100 the issue is that Cameron winter is just money hungry. The man is unmatched in intelligence and that builds an ego. With the exception of the dragma’s creators Cameron is the smartest man on the planet. Even looking at billionaires and the like in real life, the documented high levels of narcissism and psychopathy doesn’t really make the money hungry rich guy a stereotype.
      Bill gates may fund humanitarian efforts but he’s not a perfect altruist. And I’m not sure what you mean when you say the stereotype has no depth when it can explore so much. The mind of a man who knows he’s smart enough and rich enough to build the most popular weapon on the planet. That’s ripe to explore themes of narcissism , god complexes, savior complexes, inferiority complexes.
      The only difference between Cameron and Simmons is Cameron directly built his machines which would make him more attached to his work than Simmons thus why Cameron has a kaiju sized ego

    • @KingKong19100
      @KingKong19100  2 роки тому +1

      ​@@Zimzilla99 Killing the wrong ones could absolutely unbalance the world, but MG does not have to be used lethally. If Monarch and Apex worked together, they would be able to have MG incapacitate the titans who go out of their way to attack cities or endanger human lives. If MG was used purely for titan defense without falling into the wrong hands (could be a whole movie in and of itself), then there is no harm. Just lives being saved.

  • @davidostapenko2578
    @davidostapenko2578 2 роки тому +1

    Nah, just kidding - I'm actually completely Agree with you
    Also, the Kevin Ghidorah meme sucks, let's be honest

  • @barzap6190
    @barzap6190 Рік тому

    I mean can kong not chill once in a while

    • @KingKong19100
      @KingKong19100  Рік тому +2

      It's not really his thing. It's like this throughout every single series of his. Plus why pick NOW to do it? The time he has to stand toe to toe with a powerful Godzilla?? It's just bad writing.

    • @barzap6190
      @barzap6190 Рік тому

      I mean the kongs have chilled once before

    • @KingKong19100
      @KingKong19100  Рік тому +1

      @@barzap6190 Seems like Kong got really lucky since the other Kongs were in the HE fighting before he went to Skull Island

  • @Luisedits22
    @Luisedits22 2 роки тому

    I'm so excited for part 2 😀

    • @KingKong19100
      @KingKong19100  2 роки тому +1

      Working hard on it right now!

    • @Luisedits22
      @Luisedits22 2 роки тому

      @@KingKong19100 its okay bro take your time :))

  • @blossom6309
    @blossom6309 Рік тому

    Its ok movie

  • @jenathangajan1795
    @jenathangajan1795 2 роки тому

    GVK is my favourite Monsterverse movie. But it does have some missed potential, so I can’t wait to see part 2!

  • @maxfordgaming9278
    @maxfordgaming9278 2 роки тому +3

    While I loved this movie. It had a lot of problems story wise.

    • @Xenosaurian
      @Xenosaurian 2 роки тому +3

      I hated this movie.

    • @maxfordgaming9278
      @maxfordgaming9278 2 роки тому +2

      @@Xenosaurian I respect your opinion. I can see why people wouldn't like this movie honestly.

  • @mohamedbinishaq3169
    @mohamedbinishaq3169 2 роки тому

    This is my comment before watching the video I am already calling it king kong not standing that much of a chance even if kong won't really stand a chance against godzilla realistically it is still a fictional battle so yeah I agree that kong should have been stronger and gave godzilla a better battle and should have made kong more independent because he almost got killed by the warbats and godzilla twice and almost got killed mechagodzilla I wouldn't have blamed king kong for needing help against mechagodzilla but because one of the creator stated that godzilla was weaken when he fought mechagodzilla it just made mechagodzilla a less scarier opponent in my opinion and making king kong overpowering mechagodzilla less statsifiying and they should have made the battle longer the battle wasn't that long which is the disappointing part it should have been the focus of the film cause the film is called godzilla vs kong

  • @Godzilla-tu2cd
    @Godzilla-tu2cd 2 роки тому +1

    2:49 I don't like that idea they barely had any chemistry together and your telling me that their "daughter" will be with monarch and studying the same monster her parents encountered back in the 70s that's too convenient. 5:26 here's the thing John wanted to bring the joy of dinosaurs to the world. Without realizing the consequences. Walter is trying to make humanity the top dog. 6:57 yeah it's been confirmed that there's multiple decapitated Kevin head's out there. Why is that such a stretch? 6:58 dude it's a Kaiju movie there's been crazy stuff before. Remember kiyru. Just go with it. If the movie said that the skull of a alien can telepathically control a mech then I say hell yes I like this idea. 7:02 wrong your using the wrong head. The head that apex has is the one Godzilla bit off in Mexico. The other head in Mechagodzilla was another head the eco terrorist found somewhere else. Makes sense since Godzilla and Ghidorah fought each other multiple times before. 13:09 what would Amulk be doing on skull island what's calling him there? 16:49 who was asking that question we all knew he was on skull island doing his thing. That movie was about Godzilla not Kong. 17:24 the storm was out of control and Kong probably wouldn't survive it. The dome was meant to keep him safe. 18:10 skull island in the Monsterverse needs to be it's own thing sorry if you don't like it. 18:36 no I don't agree with that. You want a fair fight but how is it fair when both monsters mostly Godzilla who just finished a huge battle for the fate of the planet gonna be in top form when they do clash? 19:23 that doesn't make sense. Rodan absorbed radiation from volcanoes for a living he should have more then enough radiation to feed himself till Godzilla calls him. 19:34 she's been dead before the events of kotm. 30:22 or how about Godzilla tell them to go down to the hollow earth.

    • @Xenosaurian
      @Xenosaurian 2 роки тому +6

      Nah, KingKong19100 made more sense here.

    • @KingKong19100
      @KingKong19100  2 роки тому +2

      1. Conrad and Weaver had some chemistry. The films hints multiple times that there is a romantic dynamic between the two characters. They had a bit of chemistry imo but a small amount. This is a great way to tie K:SI into this movie while also explaining how Andrews gets into Monarch.
      2. Same argument can be made for this version of Walt. Utilizing the Godzilla bones unaware of the consequences. Walt trying to make humanity top dog shouldn't be a problem because guess what? Humanity *IS* top dog. They have the OD to handle threats from earth, and multiple MG's can be made to handle threats like Ghidorah. Humanity wanting a line of titan defense is nothing to be upset about. If anything it's their right.
      3. Nah, this Ghidorah subplot is just stupid. Kiryu was pretty whacky as well, but I think this is a great alternative. It adds more sympathy to Godzilla keeping in mind he believes one of his own is actually around. It speaks to how desperate he is destroying facilities, just *looking* for a single sign there is another of his species alive. It's pretty sad actually. Plus I believe this was Dougherty's original idea anyways, which actually works better imo.
      4. Nope. This is bad logic. Unless those were frozen heads decapitated in the past and found in ice (very doubtful and so far nothing points to that asides from this mere speculation), then there were only those two heads. One of which would be vaporized from being burnt alive.
      5. Bro what is up with all these questions?? Amhuluk has like NO lore to him. Just say he was a Hollow Earth titan who rose from Ghidorah's alpha call and just happened to be under Skull Island, which is where the main vortex to the HE is asides from the one in Antarctica. After Kong defeated him, you could have a novel explain that Amhuluk just escaped Skull Island from the ocean and traveled to the territory he fights Behemoth over. Literally not that hard to piece this together, it ain't that deep I promise haha.
      6. General audiences would be. There are people who don't read every single novel or guide, dude. From what we could gather, Kong seems to be living life easy in this dome. That's pathetic. This movie should answer the question of where was Kong during KOTM.
      7. Kong would be just fine in the storm, it's not about that. It's about how his environment would be suffering and that he would travel off the island to find a new home himself. The dome is there to contain him and prevent that. This whole dome thing is stupid. Just make the island a lot more chaotic, stormy at times, and full of earthquakes to show Kong needs a new home. The dome is a very contrived and forced plot point that weakens Kong's character, which you later in your comment seem to have an issue with regarding this version of Godzilla.
      8. Skull Island sucks in this universe! It's absolute shit. We're throwing the island away anyway, so if you wanna show it's uninhabitable just make the island filled with earthquakes in addition to that storm we get in Kingdom Kong??
      9. It ain't hard to just make a reason up. Okay, Apex can have nuclear powered facilities, so every time Godzilla attacks he's absorbing energy from each sight. Yes he's exerting a lot of energy, but he also has his own home that is radioactive if you read Dominion. That in addition to the power plants at each facility can answer the question of if he's gonna be at 100% for this fight. Kong being able to eat on the island and have insane stamina/endurance is what can answer if he's at 100%. They both will be maxed endurance for this hypothetical film of mine. It's not a big deal and once again you're looking way too deep into it or taking issues with things that aren't problems.

    • @HiGuyII
      @HiGuyII 2 роки тому +1

      Wait I recognize this format, David?

    • @Godzilla-tu2cd
      @Godzilla-tu2cd 2 роки тому

      @@HiGuyII yup 😆

    • @Godzilla-tu2cd
      @Godzilla-tu2cd 2 роки тому

      @Rice 😆 well dang

  • @Kingkonga200
    @Kingkonga200 10 місяців тому +1

    I feel the involvement of Rodan chasing the jets into Skull Island shoulda had him emerge through the storm and upon the waring Island, that way we could see Kong face off against Rodan alongside the rest of the other Titans emerging on Skull Island, cuz where would Rodan have gone after chasing the Jets away had he not been in pursuit of them in the first place? Wouldn’t he continue the pursuit or turn back out of fear?Cuz ain’t this the same Titan brave enough to fight Ghidorah?