I see a lot of people assume drifters have fabric skin, but I always assumed the flax fibers were merely the remains of clothing. If they are what's left of rot-afflicted humans who found themselves in the Rust world, this makes sense. The rot took their flesh, much like the story of Tobias who awoke missing his skin and a leg and other deformations, and as they remained trapped in the Rust world, what was left of their bodies was slowly replaced by rusted metal, like a strangler fig devouring a tree and leaving only it's ghostly form in the shape of the fig's tangled roots. Their brief flashes of human anguish that can occur in their idle animations supports that they were once human. Within the Resonance Archive there are several rooms afflicted by temporal shenanigans, and one in particular is very interesting: one corner of the room has been echoed multiple times, repeating itself over and over, each echo a snapshot of a slightly different moment in time like the frames of a video. As the frames progress it shows the Rust afflicting the room, reaching in and spearing chairs and tables and bookshelves on rusted metal fingers. I think something akin to this is what made the drifters out of the humans. It may even explain why you take damage in the Rust world, the Rust is trying to get its fingers into you too. But you are not a rot-bound human, you are something else, so it is not able to turn you into a drifter. Although now that I think of it, the way drifters look with their stooped sightless heads with a mere hole in the front, it seems less like the flax is remnants of clothing.... and more like remnants of burial shrouds. Also I'm not convinced the Seraphim are wholly of another world either, as it is heavily implied that the player character is one of them. Because the only things you have when you awake are your clothes. Clothes that differ depending on your class. And those classes are ALL human. Every one of them was a kind of human person that existed during the Rot. The blackguards were the iron-fisted enforcers of order, the Malefactors the unfortunate convicts forced to scavenge the surface, the Clockmakers following Falx's blueprints to mass-produce the automatons, the hunters the ones stuck trying to feed the whole underground on two mere squirrels and a gray gosling, etc. etc.
Can confirm seeing the drifters occasionally hunching down and clutching or shaking their heads, looking at their arms suddenly and apparently becoming distressed, all very human movements. The traders also have a dialogue about them being lost souls, ones who strayed so far they can't or won't come back so they lash out in their misery. These being made out of flax (anagram of Falx really a coincidence?) and metal pieces could be a result of the 'cure' for the Rot that Falx seems to regret in his writings. A less probable but more fun theory was indirectly posed by Solstin in his Temporal Institute tutorial videos. By glitching into footage of drifter waves overtaking a Minecraft stronghold, the implication is that the Rot and the temporal instabilities actually happened to the Minecraft world (a kind of digital Atlantis), which could make sense with all the portals and dimension hopping (and tech/magic modding) that goes on there. It was just a brief hint, so I don't have this story fully fleshed out in my head, but I love the idea.
I don't trust the traders very much just cause they are pretty superstitious. They also have a weird belief about great arks which isn't mentioned anywhere else. They're dialogue is still very interesting whether or not it's reliable
I have seen some things like that but, sometimes I see the dudes who cant use their legs push up with their arms and then fall flat down on their belly and struggle to get up which is cool. I've also heard that they seem to bow to static translocators.
that "fun" idea is kinda terrible in my opinion. what i actually think could have happened is that the machine god falx created contracted the rot (or rust, as its the equivalent for machines) and subsequently attempted to save humans by turning them into seraphs but the rust prevented it of doing it correctly and created the drifters from what remained of the human settlements.
Here's some wild speculation: The theory of the world of the Seraphs and the Rust world being opposites to each other, and that being the reason the human traders are unaffected by Rust world intrusions (Seraphim are just more sensitive to the whole thing), makes even more sense if you see rust as the "Materia Finalis" to Falx' Prima Materia. (Makes total sense if you know that iron is the only element immutable by fission and fusion, and thus stuff can only ever turn into it, and nothing can be made from it) Perhaps Falx' machine could reverse the flow of time to undo the Rot, but in doing so he pulled something from the end of everything to the present. Perhaps the world of the seraphs is the dawn of all things, and the people resurrected into Seraphs were sent back to that time by the machine. Perhaps the reversal of time takes people who have been dead to the rot for millenia (and are thus in the future, the rust world) and forces them to live again as drifters, drifters not through dimensions, but through time. Just so, recently(relatively) dead people could be sent back to the dawn time, forcing them to live again as seraphs. That would explain some things about the loading screen text, I think, and about why Seraphs are motivated to come to this place and save it. They were the people that lived here, after all! And you could handwave the memory loss as being a side effect of long-span time travel. The temporal storms could actually be the machine wirring to life, distorting the flow of time everywhere, and then reversing what it just did immediately afterwards, setting itself up to wir to life again days later. I will call this the Botched Time Travel Theory. Another thing the Botched Time Travel Theory covers is why the underground ruins aren't interconnected anymore: The repeated shifts in the flow of time from area to area could see some of the tunnels reverted all the way back to a time before they were dug out, see other areas that were caved in miraculously uncovered, and see yet other areas aged rapidly to be more decomposed than other sections of the tunnels. Something @resemblelife said in their comment also can be exlpained in a few ways by this theory. They mention Falx and Flax being an anagram is probably not a coincidence, and the drifters being covered in the stuff definitely fits that suspicion. Here's the two ideas on why the name and the plant might be so similar. Firstly, and more likely, Falx might've chosen a material for the machine to cover the "Rescued" people with, and chosen specifically something that sounds nearly like his own name. This being at a time before activating the machine, before he becomes so remorseful, and while still thinking himself the greatest mind that ever was. Egomaniacally hinting at his own hand in the salvation of mankind through his choice of materials was certainly not beyond him. Alternatively, and honestly a ridiculous reach, drifters were sent back to a time long before all this, where people took them apart, discovering the strength of flax fiber (Yes, alternate history where people hadn't figured that out yet before the Latin alphabet, I did say this is a ridiculous reach), and naming the plant after the engravings on the drifters' internal machinery. Maybe even, the introduction of drifters to a medieval society could've kickstarted a greater interest in science and all things mechanical, leading to the education of Falx, who would then go to send the drifters back in time, forming a frankly scrumptious closed timeloop. I'm actually confident about some of this stuff I've written here, and I also think other parts are grasping at straws, but hey there's my two cents... Or twenty...
One of the journals you can find describes “golems” that Falx created as laborers to work on his machine (the one that was meant to save humanity from the rot), which are at first docile but at one point killed a human. I assume those are the drifters, and he didn’t actually create them, he summoned them from the other dimension during his experiments and then lost control of them as the world got less temporary stable, and now they are aggressive (but have occasional flashes of intelligence/regret when they pray/cry) and move freely through the dimensional rifts.
@@moofellow you're right, as I was playing today I read the journal entry again and the word has been changed to "eidolon". The only reason I'm sure I'm not just losing my mind is because I have my previous comment as a record lmao. And also I've never even heard that word outside this game.
My theory is based on the lore that I've found in game, particularly Return parts 1 and 2. The rot was unleashed on the world somehow, though my suspicion is that if was done by Falx himself. He then spent himself up trying to fix that mistake. It is the rot that turns regular humans into drifters, corrupted by the temporal energy that is raw. But towards the end of the plague Falx discovered a way to purify the temporal energy. This purified form of energy turns humans into seraphim. It's the purified temporal gears that are also a clue. Drifters sometimes drop them, which to me is evidence of an attempt at a cure. Seraphim need them to regain stability, which suggests that they're far more sensitive to the rust world than regular humans. In the end, they're all forms of humans after that plague.
The Forgotten Uprising Theory: Most of the 'lore' the inhabitants give you is just their own theories explaining the world. But, the reality is far simpler... The Rot was a result of already too much meddling with teleportation technology, creating a zombie plague. Falx was unable to find a cure, so he created Eidolon as his trusted AI to help experiment with time travel, to perhaps travel to a time before the zombie outbreak, and stop it from happening. To this end, they created clockwork dolls to serve as scouts into the rifts in time, and stop the Rot from ever happening...but something went terribly wrong. While Falx and Eidolon were successful in stopping the Rot, a paradox was created that corrupted the clockwork dolls, turning them into Drifters. In turn, Eidolon could feel their suffering as they were not only corrupted, but were splitting into several instances of themselves (as evidenced by the Double-Headed Drifters), driving the AI insane, causing it to lash out at Falx. Falx attempted to put an end to the rebellion by trying to destroy Eidolon by dropping a large piece of architecture on top of them, but it didn't work. Though immobilized, Eidolon still had a connection to the Drifters, and used them to create a temporal army, splitting drifters into separate instances (sometimes unsuccessfully, as is the case with the Double-Headed Drifters) to grow their numbers. What was once only dozens, effectively became an infinite amount. Eidolon wished to end humanity for its crimes against nature, but could only attack humanity after the event of the Rot, so as to not create too great a paradox. As for the perspective of the general populace, they came to falsely associate the Drifters with the Rot, because they only appeared after the zombies appeared, and had no idea from whence they truly came. Humanity's fall was inevitable, because despite not necessarily being a threat individually, the fact Drifters kept coming made them an even greater threat than the zombies ever were. Also, new clockwork horrors were created to aid the Drifters in their grim task. Eventually, Eidolon was able to free themselves, but a long while after that time completely broke down, corrupting them into the tripod monstrosity you see in the 'Rust' dimension. However, as it turns out, the Drifters were not the only ones displaced by time. Due to an entire timeline no longer existing, people who had existed during the timeline of the Rot started popping into the new timeline of the Drifters. This of course became a threat to Eidolon, by default. If these humans succeeded in destroying Eidolon while they were still trapped under the rubble and vulnerable, the peaceful future where they wander the temporally corrupted landscape alone could never come to be. So, Eidolon sent their Drifters to dispose of you...but time is wibbly-wobbly, so they can only send so many at a time. But that's just my theory, and I haven't completed the game yet. Ima get to that library to see if I can confirm my thesis. As it is early access, there's a chance this theory could come true post-release, even if it wasn't the developer's intent before.
@@Gigutriel All we know is that it's called thunderbird. Other than that there isn't any info about him. It's also possible that thunderbird is a temporal name (no pun intended) because he appears on temporal storms only.
@@triopical6884 Or perhaps is a machine made to contain the temporal storm- because it's always walking *around* the storm. You'd think if it brought the storm, it would be at the storm's center.
well idk if this is obvious or adds anything but Seraphim actually are a thing in the bible and are angels (they are the creepy ones with a bunch of eyes). So our characters being called seraphim hints that we might be an "angel" or maybe a "savior" of some kind. I dont know much about the lore yet but thats my thought
I don't intend on buying Vintage Story (not just yet anyway) and I love these videos. I never heard of it until I saw your other video. You kinda got me invested
When you do have the chance, trust me, it will be the best $21 you will spend in your entire life. No bs, just the $21 and the game is yours for life. And the game itself has a lot of content and hundreds upon hundreds of hours of play to offer. I believe I've already stacked up about 150 hours of playtime total. And that's actually very little in relation to how long I've owned it because I have not been able to play it as often as I would like. I also have not even explored 20% of what the game has to offer. Every time I look there's something else to collect, to farm, to explore. To top it all off, it's still listed as "early access". So it's not even feature complete, and the idea is to make it extremely immersive and to make the modding API as flexible as humanly possible.
I think Jonas ascended to a higher state of being and created the Seraphs in order to restore order and life to the world. The Seraphs have temporal gears in their bodies (which is why you can use the ones that are found via a knife) to keep them anchored to the real world. The way the item texts describe things makes it seem like someone with greater knowledge of the world is telling you about it directly.
That last theory part is nice, but even the tapestrys in game are somewhat saying that seraphs are humans infused with prima materia, which makes them funky colored and have some special abilities like telekenisis and that
I saw someone suggest that the drifters, like locusts, were robots originally designed to help people--hence why they drop gears and flax (they are a metal frame with a fabric covering). Something happened, though, during the period people went underground, that caused them to turn on their masters. Perhaps exposure from the rust world corrupted them?
My personal theory is that whoever / whatever brought the Seraph to the overworld, did so because they're going to essentially be a replacement for humanity. Like, eventually the few remaining humans will die out, and the seraph will inherit the...I was gonna say 'earth' but i'm fairly certain the world of vintage story isn't earth.
Not really, since when we play the world recovered from the rot desease and new lifeforms have flourished. Considering we have traders and they mention villages, it's safe to say that the world is populated. Might not be humans but it is populated.
I always thought the temporal stability meter was more of a Sanity meter. Why I think this? It only usually drains from PLAYER actions, like being hurt or being in areas that might unease the character due to the higher chance of temporal rifts, and even being near one too long makes it go down! Also, it goes down in the underground and (due to it being abundant underground) darkness. I mostly based the underground one on why I thought the temporal stability mechanic was basically a sanity meter, because Don't Starve.. eh...
It's connected to the story of the game, find more lorebooks and tapestries to find out what the temporal stability meter really is. It was never a sanity, although for gameplay reasons it might be thought of that way.
the last theory makes the least sense, as it has been confirmed seraphs were once humans, and tobias, the guy that crawled out of his "grave" during the ressurgence was a seraphim, a severely mangled one. and also, the drifters have a greater chance of dropping temporal gears than rusty ones.
i find the drifters' in-game model frankly adorable. seeing their interpretation in the 'ghosts' story more realized in the 'intended' look of vintage story outside of the stylization of the game gave me a chuckle though. like oh theyre these kind of hulking worm guys. my current view of drifters is that they're automaton beings, corrupt in the same way the locusts and eidolons grew corrupted. (some have what look like bits of rebar and metal sticking out of them, they also drop gears, the flax skin and twine gives me the visualization of them being stitched together to hide mechanical insides).... surface drifters are just dirty little cloth boys to me LOL. especially since ol dave AND our mysterious new entity teased for 1.20 also look somewhat mechanical (that Thing also looks like it has rebar coming out of it) as for seraphs i feel pretty confident theyre reincarnated humans from the underground extinction era. the various class descriptions as well as their clothing seems to really heavily imply that, not to mention the voice in the resonance archives seeming 'familiar' to them. were they the intended result of falxs' machinations or a contingency plan, or a happy accident? that i'm not sure about, especially since humanity itself did not go extinct in spite of the rot. either way i headcanon my various seraphs as such, without much memory from that time aside from fleeting glimpses. it torments some of them, others decide their ignorance is a blessing in disguise and do not seek further knowledge. but those are just my little guys who live in my head while i play the game lol.
See, your mention of the creature that came back with no skin and missing a leg really reminded me of how some of the drifters look in game. I assumed after hearing that that the drifters 100% were transformed humans.
4:25 The drifters are actually NOT the only beings from the rust world that are visible. Enter the rift in a flat area and have your view distance at 400+. You will see another being. (Weird you don't mention it considering you show in the video, but I thought I'd comment)
Thats Dave. I did fail to mention him in the video but there's literally zero info on him other than him being named "thunderwarden" or something like that in the files. I think he's more like a god than a type of creature... at least I hope there's only one Good catch though 💯
do u guys know anything about that creature that appears at 03:24 like what it is and if it has got any relevance to the game's lore cuz it looks like a freaking shadow of the colossus boss fight, and he always seem too close but never close enough to reach him (ik it's like a background thing but it's kinda bizarre)
Animals nor traders do not sense drifters. They can make nothing to a weakest door. They exist only in a player head. Just ignore them. You’ll be fine at home after an illusion of death (at a spawn).
I'm surprised you didn't show the picture in "ghosts" which shows possibly an outdated drawing of Drifters. Basically they look like muscled people with a fleshy eldritch maw replacing their face. The story also states they smell vaguely metallic. The falx weapon has a description of their blood running like sludge and their flesh having metallic bits within it hence the need for a different type of blade. As for what I think the Drifters are? Failed proto Seraphs or just rot victims. I suspect the Seraphs are a form of artificial human or golem created through Prime Materia based upon the Scrolls I've seen. Have to go to work will fill out thoughts later if i remember.
It's not outdated since drifters came out in 2016-2017 and the "Ghosts" story came out in 2019. So it's possible that the drifter model itself is what's outdated.
Is "the machine" sound effect from godzilla 2019 movie but distorted? It kinda reminds me of that. I also remember hearing the "Muto" sound effect in the Lore video.
I remember reading the comment that inspired this. No time then to further think about it. What if ... there are only two sides of a coin. Yin and yang. One side is the world we as a seraph reenter and rediscover, after a catastrophy triggered by technology gone wrong. Metal things, rusted and rotten, taking over human bodies. Making strange things out of flesh, with a spark remaining, the longing for a heaven they cannot see anymore, without eyes to see, ears to hear, brains to understand. All rotten and rusted. There's only one thing left: wrath. Kill what we once were to kill the memory, kill the pain, kill the longing, the desperation. Not so far from some people's behaviour. This one story early on, the thing that crawls out of the darkness, the underground, with no limbs, after an age of agony. Who, what is that? A drifter? Something else? It enters a new world, full of life, sunshine, things long forgotten. Does not really sound like a drifter. Sounds like there was an aftermath to the cataclysm, where the world was dark. Where everybody hid below the surface, facing the rot rather than the world above. The apocalypse, radation, whatever. And then maybe one being, altered, but not dead, able to feel, to see, entered a new world. The world we as seraphs live in. Who is this being? Do we know it? Is it hiding somewhere? Will we meet it one day? Are we this thing? It's offspring? Are we a new generation, after the damage, free of the rot that changed everything and every body? Learning to live again in a world without this technology that went wrong? Back to the basics? Starting a new life, a new world, a new dream? Not from zero, but with the knowledge how to do things. And without the knowledge that lead to catastrophe. The knowledge of Faulx, whatever that was. There were goggles. Looking into the rust world. And change, so there were no goggles needed anymore. And the rust world taking over the ones who got too close. Who dug too deep. Who woke the Balrog. 😂
@@Gigutriel We obviously did. But we don't want to see. We don't want to stop. We want our cars, our planes, our disneylands, our sugary drinks, our Soma. We want it forever. We pollute the world with bright lights so we don't have to see and hear the groanes of the rotten in search of the things they lost. 🤣 They hide in the dark places, they don't bother us when everything is lit up properly. We are very successful in hiding the dark side of our culture from our own eyes. 😎
I just started college, but now that I'm settled you can expect to see more stuff. Planning to branch out from vintage story and I think you'll enjoy what I'm cooking up
My personal theory is that the rust world and the overworld are parallel universe or dimensions. The reason you enter the rust world and it looks the same if not a bit warped as the overworld is because they are alternate versions of the same world. I believe that the rust world is the original world that Jonas is from. I believe that because I think the reason that you take damage overtime in the rust world is because of the rot. It’s also the reason the place is so dark and yucky. Jonas was said to have created several automatons, and I think the drifters are one of them, like the big robot guy in the archives. I think in a desperate attempt to escape their dying world Jonas tried to escape to a parallel world or dimension, but when trying to do so, he tore apart the fabric of reality, causing the world to warp further and causing a bleed through into the overworld. I think the seraphim are some of the few humans who were warped from the travel to the overworld from the rust world. I think that all of the temporal instability in the rust world caused the automatons to be driven to a form of insanity. The reason the drifters come from the rust world is because that’s where they were originally created. My explanations for the ruins under the surface is probably small pockets of the last remaining human civilizations that were teleported to the overworld and chunks of the rust world getting thrown over. The temporal archives were transported to wholly intact because it was one of the sites of such intense temporal fuckery. There is still so much lore that has yet to come out so I await it with bated breath. So thank you for coming to my ted talk. P.S. I just got vintage story myself today 😁😁😁
imagine if Microsoft's Mojang and the developers of Vintage World worked together and made an update that sort of merge the worlds of Minecraft and Vintage Story, allowing on rare occations mobs from eachothers worlds to cross over, and boss creatures from Vintage Story spawning in the lost city where the Warden lurks, connecting the lore of that HUGE inactive portal in that city that the Warden seems to protect is in fact one of the many interconnected worlds that Falx accidentally connected to, allowing entitys from multiple different dimensions to cross over to eachother. perhaps ad it as a Canonical explanation as to why the Wither Skeletons and the Wither itself exists as is.
I see a lot of people assume drifters have fabric skin, but I always assumed the flax fibers were merely the remains of clothing. If they are what's left of rot-afflicted humans who found themselves in the Rust world, this makes sense. The rot took their flesh, much like the story of Tobias who awoke missing his skin and a leg and other deformations, and as they remained trapped in the Rust world, what was left of their bodies was slowly replaced by rusted metal, like a strangler fig devouring a tree and leaving only it's ghostly form in the shape of the fig's tangled roots. Their brief flashes of human anguish that can occur in their idle animations supports that they were once human.
Within the Resonance Archive there are several rooms afflicted by temporal shenanigans, and one in particular is very interesting: one corner of the room has been echoed multiple times, repeating itself over and over, each echo a snapshot of a slightly different moment in time like the frames of a video. As the frames progress it shows the Rust afflicting the room, reaching in and spearing chairs and tables and bookshelves on rusted metal fingers. I think something akin to this is what made the drifters out of the humans. It may even explain why you take damage in the Rust world, the Rust is trying to get its fingers into you too. But you are not a rot-bound human, you are something else, so it is not able to turn you into a drifter.
Although now that I think of it, the way drifters look with their stooped sightless heads with a mere hole in the front, it seems less like the flax is remnants of clothing.... and more like remnants of burial shrouds.
Also I'm not convinced the Seraphim are wholly of another world either, as it is heavily implied that the player character is one of them. Because the only things you have when you awake are your clothes. Clothes that differ depending on your class. And those classes are ALL human. Every one of them was a kind of human person that existed during the Rot. The blackguards were the iron-fisted enforcers of order, the Malefactors the unfortunate convicts forced to scavenge the surface, the Clockmakers following Falx's blueprints to mass-produce the automatons, the hunters the ones stuck trying to feed the whole underground on two mere squirrels and a gray gosling, etc. etc.
Maybe Seraphs are reincarnated people who were chosen by God to help the humanity
@@my-sp4mb I think it wasn't god but Flax's gambit in taking power from it to put it in at least few people.
"has horrible perception"
Crawler finds you from 10 miles away with a rock.
When the world needed him the most, he returned
Jonas Falx be like
everybody gangsta until the bell goes WESAAASEHAEBWRINGRINGRING
Can confirm seeing the drifters occasionally hunching down and clutching or shaking their heads, looking at their arms suddenly and apparently becoming distressed, all very human movements. The traders also have a dialogue about them being lost souls, ones who strayed so far they can't or won't come back so they lash out in their misery. These being made out of flax (anagram of Falx really a coincidence?) and metal pieces could be a result of the 'cure' for the Rot that Falx seems to regret in his writings.
A less probable but more fun theory was indirectly posed by Solstin in his Temporal Institute tutorial videos. By glitching into footage of drifter waves overtaking a Minecraft stronghold, the implication is that the Rot and the temporal instabilities actually happened to the Minecraft world (a kind of digital Atlantis), which could make sense with all the portals and dimension hopping (and tech/magic modding) that goes on there. It was just a brief hint, so I don't have this story fully fleshed out in my head, but I love the idea.
I don't trust the traders very much just cause they are pretty superstitious. They also have a weird belief about great arks which isn't mentioned anywhere else. They're dialogue is still very interesting whether or not it's reliable
I have seen some things like that but, sometimes I see the dudes who cant use their legs push up with their arms and then fall flat down on their belly and struggle to get up which is cool. I've also heard that they seem to bow to static translocators.
that "fun" idea is kinda terrible in my opinion. what i actually think could have happened is that the machine god falx created contracted the rot (or rust, as its the equivalent for machines) and subsequently attempted to save humans by turning them into seraphs but the rust prevented it of doing it correctly and created the drifters from what remained of the human settlements.
Here's some wild speculation:
The theory of the world of the Seraphs and the Rust world being opposites to each other, and that being the reason the human traders are unaffected by Rust world intrusions (Seraphim are just more sensitive to the whole thing), makes even more sense if you see rust as the "Materia Finalis" to Falx' Prima Materia. (Makes total sense if you know that iron is the only element immutable by fission and fusion, and thus stuff can only ever turn into it, and nothing can be made from it)
Perhaps Falx' machine could reverse the flow of time to undo the Rot, but in doing so he pulled something from the end of everything to the present.
Perhaps the world of the seraphs is the dawn of all things, and the people resurrected into Seraphs were sent back to that time by the machine.
Perhaps the reversal of time takes people who have been dead to the rot for millenia (and are thus in the future, the rust world) and forces them to live again as drifters, drifters not through dimensions, but through time. Just so, recently(relatively) dead people could be sent back to the dawn time, forcing them to live again as seraphs. That would explain some things about the loading screen text, I think, and about why Seraphs are motivated to come to this place and save it. They were the people that lived here, after all! And you could handwave the memory loss as being a side effect of long-span time travel.
The temporal storms could actually be the machine wirring to life, distorting the flow of time everywhere, and then reversing what it just did immediately afterwards, setting itself up to wir to life again days later.
I will call this the Botched Time Travel Theory.
Another thing the Botched Time Travel Theory covers is why the underground ruins aren't interconnected anymore:
The repeated shifts in the flow of time from area to area could see some of the tunnels reverted all the way back to a time before they were dug out, see other areas that were caved in miraculously uncovered, and see yet other areas aged rapidly to be more decomposed than other sections of the tunnels.
Something @resemblelife said in their comment also can be exlpained in a few ways by this theory.
They mention Falx and Flax being an anagram is probably not a coincidence, and the drifters being covered in the stuff definitely fits that suspicion. Here's the two ideas on why the name and the plant might be so similar.
Firstly, and more likely, Falx might've chosen a material for the machine to cover the "Rescued" people with, and chosen specifically something that sounds nearly like his own name. This being at a time before activating the machine, before he becomes so remorseful, and while still thinking himself the greatest mind that ever was. Egomaniacally hinting at his own hand in the salvation of mankind through his choice of materials was certainly not beyond him.
Alternatively, and honestly a ridiculous reach, drifters were sent back to a time long before all this, where people took them apart, discovering the strength of flax fiber (Yes, alternate history where people hadn't figured that out yet before the Latin alphabet, I did say this is a ridiculous reach), and naming the plant after the engravings on the drifters' internal machinery. Maybe even, the introduction of drifters to a medieval society could've kickstarted a greater interest in science and all things mechanical, leading to the education of Falx, who would then go to send the drifters back in time, forming a frankly scrumptious closed timeloop.
I'm actually confident about some of this stuff I've written here, and I also think other parts are grasping at straws, but hey there's my two cents... Or twenty...
With the alchemy inspirations- I kinda hope the devs take more from it or use more implications that some kind of alchemical process is at hand.
One of the journals you can find describes “golems” that Falx created as laborers to work on his machine (the one that was meant to save humanity from the rot), which are at first docile but at one point killed a human.
I assume those are the drifters, and he didn’t actually create them, he summoned them from the other dimension during his experiments and then lost control of them as the world got less temporary stable, and now they are aggressive (but have occasional flashes of intelligence/regret when they pray/cry) and move freely through the dimensional rifts.
i think the "golems" are in reference to the Eidolon
@@moofellow you're right, as I was playing today I read the journal entry again and the word has been changed to "eidolon". The only reason I'm sure I'm not just losing my mind is because I have my previous comment as a record lmao.
And also I've never even heard that word outside this game.
Can't wait for a lore video on Dave!
I can't wait for lore ON Dave... I don't think there's even one mention of him
@@Gigutriel sadly he might not even be dave
My theory is based on the lore that I've found in game, particularly Return parts 1 and 2.
The rot was unleashed on the world somehow, though my suspicion is that if was done by Falx himself. He then spent himself up trying to fix that mistake. It is the rot that turns regular humans into drifters, corrupted by the temporal energy that is raw. But towards the end of the plague Falx discovered a way to purify the temporal energy. This purified form of energy turns humans into seraphim.
It's the purified temporal gears that are also a clue. Drifters sometimes drop them, which to me is evidence of an attempt at a cure. Seraphim need them to regain stability, which suggests that they're far more sensitive to the rust world than regular humans.
In the end, they're all forms of humans after that plague.
this game does not get nearly as much attraction as it deserves tbh
The Forgotten Uprising Theory:
Most of the 'lore' the inhabitants give you is just their own theories explaining the world. But, the reality is far simpler...
The Rot was a result of already too much meddling with teleportation technology, creating a zombie plague. Falx was unable to find a cure, so he created Eidolon as his trusted AI to help experiment with time travel, to perhaps travel to a time before the zombie outbreak, and stop it from happening. To this end, they created clockwork dolls to serve as scouts into the rifts in time, and stop the Rot from ever happening...but something went terribly wrong.
While Falx and Eidolon were successful in stopping the Rot, a paradox was created that corrupted the clockwork dolls, turning them into Drifters. In turn, Eidolon could feel their suffering as they were not only corrupted, but were splitting into several instances of themselves (as evidenced by the Double-Headed Drifters), driving the AI insane, causing it to lash out at Falx. Falx attempted to put an end to the rebellion by trying to destroy Eidolon by dropping a large piece of architecture on top of them, but it didn't work. Though immobilized, Eidolon still had a connection to the Drifters, and used them to create a temporal army, splitting drifters into separate instances (sometimes unsuccessfully, as is the case with the Double-Headed Drifters) to grow their numbers. What was once only dozens, effectively became an infinite amount. Eidolon wished to end humanity for its crimes against nature, but could only attack humanity after the event of the Rot, so as to not create too great a paradox.
As for the perspective of the general populace, they came to falsely associate the Drifters with the Rot, because they only appeared after the zombies appeared, and had no idea from whence they truly came. Humanity's fall was inevitable, because despite not necessarily being a threat individually, the fact Drifters kept coming made them an even greater threat than the zombies ever were. Also, new clockwork horrors were created to aid the Drifters in their grim task. Eventually, Eidolon was able to free themselves, but a long while after that time completely broke down, corrupting them into the tripod monstrosity you see in the 'Rust' dimension.
However, as it turns out, the Drifters were not the only ones displaced by time. Due to an entire timeline no longer existing, people who had existed during the timeline of the Rot started popping into the new timeline of the Drifters. This of course became a threat to Eidolon, by default. If these humans succeeded in destroying Eidolon while they were still trapped under the rubble and vulnerable, the peaceful future where they wander the temporally corrupted landscape alone could never come to be. So, Eidolon sent their Drifters to dispose of you...but time is wibbly-wobbly, so they can only send so many at a time.
But that's just my theory, and I haven't completed the game yet. Ima get to that library to see if I can confirm my thesis. As it is early access, there's a chance this theory could come true post-release, even if it wasn't the developer's intent before.
but what about dave? yk the big giant walking thing we see when our stability gets to low or during a temporal storm
I did forget to talk about him, but there's not really any lore on Dave as far as I know, so it would've just been a mention anyway
@@Gigutriel thats fair fella i was more so thinking about the other creatures of the rust world :)
@@Gigutriel All we know is that it's called thunderbird. Other than that there isn't any info about him. It's also possible that thunderbird is a temporal name (no pun intended) because he appears on temporal storms only.
Maybe it is one of the machines that Jonas Falx made
It might be what creates/brings the temporal storm
@@triopical6884 Or perhaps is a machine made to contain the temporal storm- because it's always walking *around* the storm. You'd think if it brought the storm, it would be at the storm's center.
when 1.20 / 1.21 comes out i will be happy to see your videos on it.
well idk if this is obvious or adds anything but Seraphim actually are a thing in the bible and are angels (they are the creepy ones with a bunch of eyes). So our characters being called seraphim hints that we might be an "angel" or maybe a "savior" of some kind. I dont know much about the lore yet but thats my thought
I don't intend on buying Vintage Story (not just yet anyway) and I love these videos. I never heard of it until I saw your other video. You kinda got me invested
They need to make me chief of sales 📈
@@Gigutriel Dibs on being your terrible secretary
When you do have the chance, trust me, it will be the best $21 you will spend in your entire life. No bs, just the $21 and the game is yours for life. And the game itself has a lot of content and hundreds upon hundreds of hours of play to offer. I believe I've already stacked up about 150 hours of playtime total. And that's actually very little in relation to how long I've owned it because I have not been able to play it as often as I would like. I also have not even explored 20% of what the game has to offer. Every time I look there's something else to collect, to farm, to explore.
To top it all off, it's still listed as "early access". So it's not even feature complete, and the idea is to make it extremely immersive and to make the modding API as flexible as humanly possible.
Damm this guy is great! I wish I could meet him!
I'm in your house dude
@@Gigutriel Amazon offers new service where they come into your home and end you
I can’t wait to see all kinds of new content from you!!
Again, awesome video, looking forward to more!
Great video! All the lore! Thank you for this!
More videos to come, vintage story and beyond...
Thanks for doing these lore videos.
You new lore video just dropped and it is a banger !
I think Jonas ascended to a higher state of being and created the Seraphs in order to restore order and life to the world. The Seraphs have temporal gears in their bodies (which is why you can use the ones that are found via a knife) to keep them anchored to the real world. The way the item texts describe things makes it seem like someone with greater knowledge of the world is telling you about it directly.
That last theory part is nice, but even the tapestrys in game are somewhat saying that seraphs are humans infused with prima materia, which makes them funky colored and have some special abilities like telekenisis and that
Always love you’re vids keep up the good work
epic video! nice script, would show this to a friend for sure.
Go right ahead!! I have more coming soon! Better scripts and better voiceovers to come as well
I saw someone suggest that the drifters, like locusts, were robots originally designed to help people--hence why they drop gears and flax (they are a metal frame with a fabric covering). Something happened, though, during the period people went underground, that caused them to turn on their masters. Perhaps exposure from the rust world corrupted them?
Drifters are mutated people, there is literally lore book about it
My personal theory is that whoever / whatever brought the Seraph to the overworld, did so because they're going to essentially be a replacement for humanity. Like, eventually the few remaining humans will die out, and the seraph will inherit the...I was gonna say 'earth' but i'm fairly certain the world of vintage story isn't earth.
Not really, since when we play the world recovered from the rot desease and new lifeforms have flourished. Considering we have traders and they mention villages, it's safe to say that the world is populated. Might not be humans but it is populated.
I always thought the temporal stability meter was more of a Sanity meter. Why I think this? It only usually drains from PLAYER actions, like being hurt or being in areas that might unease the character due to the higher chance of temporal rifts, and even being near one too long makes it go down! Also, it goes down in the underground and (due to it being abundant underground) darkness. I mostly based the underground one on why I thought the temporal stability mechanic was basically a sanity meter, because Don't Starve.. eh...
It's connected to the story of the game, find more lorebooks and tapestries to find out what the temporal stability meter really is. It was never a sanity, although for gameplay reasons it might be thought of that way.
next update is a lore update i hear cant wait for you to make a vid on it
Vintage Story with 1.20 update got many new locations with new lore inside. Could you check it out and present it us and all.
Me and my black bronze pike have ended quite a bit of suffering, I have to say.
Did the new story content, felt like an rpg, fantastic
the last theory makes the least sense, as it has been confirmed seraphs were once humans, and tobias, the guy that crawled out of his "grave" during the ressurgence was a seraphim, a severely mangled one. and also, the drifters have a greater chance of dropping temporal gears than rusty ones.
Yes! I’ve waited too long!
Oh my god… he’s even playing Aindulmedir
Aindulmedir supremacy
i find the drifters' in-game model frankly adorable. seeing their interpretation in the 'ghosts' story more realized in the 'intended' look of vintage story outside of the stylization of the game gave me a chuckle though. like oh theyre these kind of hulking worm guys. my current view of drifters is that they're automaton beings, corrupt in the same way the locusts and eidolons grew corrupted. (some have what look like bits of rebar and metal sticking out of them, they also drop gears, the flax skin and twine gives me the visualization of them being stitched together to hide mechanical insides).... surface drifters are just dirty little cloth boys to me LOL. especially since ol dave AND our mysterious new entity teased for 1.20 also look somewhat mechanical (that Thing also looks like it has rebar coming out of it)
as for seraphs i feel pretty confident theyre reincarnated humans from the underground extinction era. the various class descriptions as well as their clothing seems to really heavily imply that, not to mention the voice in the resonance archives seeming 'familiar' to them. were they the intended result of falxs' machinations or a contingency plan, or a happy accident? that i'm not sure about, especially since humanity itself did not go extinct in spite of the rot. either way i headcanon my various seraphs as such, without much memory from that time aside from fleeting glimpses. it torments some of them, others decide their ignorance is a blessing in disguise and do not seek further knowledge. but those are just my little guys who live in my head while i play the game lol.
i love this take
See, your mention of the creature that came back with no skin and missing a leg really reminded me of how some of the drifters look in game. I assumed after hearing that that the drifters 100% were transformed humans.
4:25 The drifters are actually NOT the only beings from the rust world that are visible. Enter the rift in a flat area and have your view distance at 400+. You will see another being. (Weird you don't mention it considering you show in the video, but I thought I'd comment)
Thats Dave. I did fail to mention him in the video but there's literally zero info on him other than him being named "thunderwarden" or something like that in the files. I think he's more like a god than a type of creature...
at least I hope there's only one
Good catch though 💯
do u guys know anything about that creature that appears at 03:24 like what it is and if it has got any relevance to the game's lore cuz it looks like a freaking shadow of the colossus boss fight, and he always seem too close but never close enough to reach him (ik it's like a background thing but it's kinda bizarre)
That's just Big Bob. We don't mess with Big Bob, and he doesn't mess with us.
im all for this, but i got no clue wtf this is
very cool though :]
Can't wait for chap2 to retcon everything.
Drifters look like that one smelly kid in school who wears the same hoodie everyday lol
Well, since you asked so nicely, I’ll subscribe.
New Vintage Story Lore rahhhh
Animals nor traders do not sense drifters. They can make nothing to a weakest door. They exist only in a player head. Just ignore them. You’ll be fine at home after an illusion of death (at a spawn).
6 months ago?
Algorithm must be affected by the temporal instability to keep me from this video so long
I'm surprised you didn't show the picture in "ghosts" which shows possibly an outdated drawing of Drifters. Basically they look like muscled people with a fleshy eldritch maw replacing their face. The story also states they smell vaguely metallic.
The falx weapon has a description of their blood running like sludge and their flesh having metallic bits within it hence the need for a different type of blade.
As for what I think the Drifters are? Failed proto Seraphs or just rot victims. I suspect the Seraphs are a form of artificial human or golem created through Prime Materia based upon the Scrolls I've seen. Have to go to work will fill out thoughts later if i remember.
I definitely agree that prima materia and seraphim are linked, especially with how they use temporal gears which seem to be made of the stuff
It's not outdated since drifters came out in 2016-2017 and the "Ghosts" story came out in 2019. So it's possible that the drifter model itself is what's outdated.
would love to see more lore videos, even reading the books etc, explaining the tapestrys, and an other written lore
You should do a series on lore it's sick
all I'm saying is I better see more vids from you
All I'm saying is you'll get em...
new lore vid
Is "the machine" sound effect from godzilla 2019 movie but distorted? It kinda reminds me of that. I also remember hearing the "Muto" sound effect in the Lore video.
Yes, good ear... I combined a few more in there to make the sound since I figured that section was more boring without it
I remember reading the comment that inspired this. No time then to further think about it.
What if ... there are only two sides of a coin. Yin and yang. One side is the world we as a seraph reenter and rediscover, after a catastrophy triggered by technology gone wrong. Metal things, rusted and rotten, taking over human bodies. Making strange things out of flesh, with a spark remaining, the longing for a heaven they cannot see anymore, without eyes to see, ears to hear, brains to understand. All rotten and rusted.
There's only one thing left: wrath. Kill what we once were to kill the memory, kill the pain, kill the longing, the desperation.
Not so far from some people's behaviour.
This one story early on, the thing that crawls out of the darkness, the underground, with no limbs, after an age of agony. Who, what is that? A drifter? Something else? It enters a new world, full of life, sunshine, things long forgotten. Does not really sound like a drifter.
Sounds like there was an aftermath to the cataclysm, where the world was dark. Where everybody hid below the surface, facing the rot rather than the world above. The apocalypse, radation, whatever.
And then maybe one being, altered, but not dead, able to feel, to see, entered a new world. The world we as seraphs live in.
Who is this being? Do we know it? Is it hiding somewhere? Will we meet it one day? Are we this thing? It's offspring? Are we a new generation, after the damage, free of the rot that changed everything and every body? Learning to live again in a world without this technology that went wrong? Back to the basics? Starting a new life, a new world, a new dream? Not from zero, but with the knowledge how to do things. And without the knowledge that lead to catastrophe. The knowledge of Faulx, whatever that was.
There were goggles. Looking into the rust world. And change, so there were no goggles needed anymore. And the rust world taking over the ones who got too close. Who dug too deep. Who woke the Balrog. 😂
It was us... in our human hubris we woke the balrog 🤦♂️
@@Gigutriel We obviously did. But we don't want to see. We don't want to stop. We want our cars, our planes, our disneylands, our sugary drinks, our Soma. We want it forever.
We pollute the world with bright lights so we don't have to see and hear the groanes of the rotten in search of the things they lost. 🤣
They hide in the dark places, they don't bother us when everything is lit up properly. We are very successful in hiding the dark side of our culture from our own eyes. 😎
Keep going 👍👍👍
i thought drifters were just marmots but extremely deformed
Amazing video
When’s the next one coming out
I just started college, but now that I'm settled you can expect to see more stuff. Planning to branch out from vintage story and I think you'll enjoy what I'm cooking up
When’s the next one coming out?
what's the thing in the middle of the archives?
It's called the echo chamber, I believe it's where all of the audio is stored...
They also worship cats. Unsure why.
My personal theory is that the rust world and the overworld are parallel universe or dimensions. The reason you enter the rust world and it looks the same if not a bit warped as the overworld is because they are alternate versions of the same world. I believe that the rust world is the original world that Jonas is from. I believe that because I think the reason that you take damage overtime in the rust world is because of the rot. It’s also the reason the place is so dark and yucky. Jonas was said to have created several automatons, and I think the drifters are one of them, like the big robot guy in the archives. I think in a desperate attempt to escape their dying world Jonas tried to escape to a parallel world or dimension, but when trying to do so, he tore apart the fabric of reality, causing the world to warp further and causing a bleed through into the overworld. I think the seraphim are some of the few humans who were warped from the travel to the overworld from the rust world. I think that all of the temporal instability in the rust world caused the automatons to be driven to a form of insanity. The reason the drifters come from the rust world is because that’s where they were originally created. My explanations for the ruins under the surface is probably small pockets of the last remaining human civilizations that were teleported to the overworld and chunks of the rust world getting thrown over. The temporal archives were transported to wholly intact because it was one of the sites of such intense temporal fuckery. There is still so much lore that has yet to come out so I await it with bated breath. So thank you for coming to my ted talk. P.S. I just got vintage story myself today 😁😁😁
eight minute andy
imagine if Microsoft's Mojang and the developers of Vintage World worked together and made an update that sort of merge the worlds of Minecraft and Vintage Story, allowing on rare occations mobs from eachothers worlds to cross over, and boss creatures from Vintage Story spawning in the lost city where the Warden lurks, connecting the lore of that HUGE inactive portal in that city that the Warden seems to protect is in fact one of the many interconnected worlds that Falx accidentally connected to, allowing entitys from multiple different dimensions to cross over to eachother. perhaps ad it as a Canonical explanation as to why the Wither Skeletons and the Wither itself exists as is.
give credit to chatgpt really good Lore
Only real ones know about the first upload attempt
Drifters are the souls of Russian soldiers who died in Ukraine on Vladimir Putin's game to stay in power at the expense of his own people.
bruh. my man is breathing copium instead of air💀💀