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Why u have to fund the wars? Well, coz Ukraine surrendered its nuclear arsenal for guarantee of safety that was signed by America. So you kinda made an obligation to protect Ukraine.
@@tognatale and the only people who do not know about this are Americans.😅 i laugh everytime i hear any one of them sayin "why WE have to fund this war when our own people are 'suffering'?" I, as a Finn do not question the Finnish goverment sending funds/aid to Ukraine because, for the Gods sake, if Russia ever chooses to step over that line between us and them, i do hope that there are people and countries that are willing to help us. People from the states think they are the only one sending money over there, but oh boy.. are they wrong. A little bit self-centered..
That is not exactly true. Russia, UK and USA signed agreement that they guarantee that THEY will not infringe on Ukraine sovereignty after they hand over their nukes left after USSR. There was no safety guarantees that they will protect Ukraine from other countries if need be. Having said that though it does not really matter, as in the end it is Russia who attacked Ukraine so they broke their side of agreement.
you ask why America should financially (militarily) support other countries. There is one reason - America wants / wanted to be a superpower that projects its power to the whole world. Thanks to the fact that other countries submitted, the USA reaped huge benefits, for example from the fact that the dollar was the world currency. A complex topic - but if you want to be no.1, it costs.
Das Schlimme daran ist: oft werden die anderen Länder gar nicht gefragt, ob sie von den USA militärisch unterstützt werden sollen, sondern man besetzt sie einfach auf Wunsch einiger Politiker.
The USA (not America) is the one and only NATO country, that ever asked NATO for help. There ist absolutely no reason for a defense budget of 850 b US$. The US came out of WW2 as "no.1", but it is over now.
I agree with you. My husband works sometimes in America. He says that we have hevens here in Europe. Im Slovenian, and we have a lot of taxes - more than Poland. But me and people I know they all have own house or apartment, we can travel 3 times a year for 2 weeks, we don't work on Sundays, we have better quality of life then Americans. And I can't imagine having loans also because I have 2 children. We Slavic nations invest in children to help children start living, not to have loans from parents.
My Russian wife owns 1/4 her mom's flat by law, her mom owns 3/4. They make way less than I ever will. Meanwhile my parents worked hard their whole lives and both don't own a house. I've noticed all their friends in Russia own flats aswell. Own not loan
Europe is an open-air museum and lives on credit. This "wonderful life" will burst like a soap bubble. There is no reason why a person in Slovenia or France should live better than in Colombia or Bangladesh. The entire West prints money.
@nnnnnn3647 eh, what? How about good social systems, higher taxes, and cities with time-proven results. Mix that with ethnic euros and their attitudes and you got a recipe for success
Yeah, that's mostly thanks to the collapse of communism Eastern Europeans were given free housing combined with a low birthrate and many children inherited properties from their parents.
Sprawdź kto płaci za utrzymanie wojsk USA za granicą. Nie wiem jak w innych krajach ale w Polsce opłacane jest to z polskiego budżetu. W innych krajach jest zapewne podobnie. W przypadku pomocy dla Ukrainy USA jest jak bank. Uruchamia linię kredytową do określonej wysokości dla Ukrainy. Jest w tym mały haczyk. Ukraina za uzyskane pieniądze może kupić broń ale tylko wyprodukowaną w USA. W ten sposób rząd USA wspiera swoją gospodarkę i daje miejsca pracy Amerykanom. Sprawdź. Po każdej umowie pożyczkowej dla Ukrainy ogłaszane jest później co Ukraina kupi za te pieniądze. Kasa zostaje w USA i jest darmowa reklama sprzętu na świecie. Na początku wojny USA zrobiły jeszcze lepszy biznes z Ukrainą. Sprzedały jej przestarzałe uzbrojenie które miało być zezłomowane lub które wymagało kosztownej modernizacji. Przy czym zostało to sprzedane jako pełnowartościowe podczas gdy zaksięgowane było w cenie złomu lub niewiele drożej. Myślisz, że jak prezydent elekt podniesie cła to będzie dla Amerykanów lepiej? Zacznie się wojna handlowa bo inne kraje podniosą cła na amerykańskie produkty. Pytasz dlaczego kraje Europy nie przeznaczają 2% na wojsko. Po pierwsze ten warunek istnieje dopiero od 2014 roku i jest tylko deklaracją państw stowarzyszonych w NATO. Po drugie kraje które nie wydają tych 2% nie są niczym zagrożone więc USA przed nikim ich nie musi bronić. W 2024 2 proc. PKB na wojsko nie przeznaczyły: Chorwacja, Portugalia, Włochy, Kanada, Belgia, Luksemburg, Słowenia, Hiszpania oraz Islandia. Kraje które czują się zagrożone wydają znacznie więcej niż 2%. Pytasz dlaczego USA ma wspierać Polskę i Ukrainę, Amerykanie są ważniejsi. Przed II wojną światową w USA była polityka izolacjonizmu. Skończyło się tym, że Amerykanie ginęli na frontach za inne kraje. Czy pieniądze są ważniejsze od życia Amerykanów? Czy nie lepiej wspierać inne kraje niż za nie ginąć? Historia lubi się powtarzać a ludzie często nie uczą się na błędach.
Yes, it so crazy that people really seem to think that cutting off support for Ukraine is the answer. In my opinion, that is just a uneducated guess. And they do not think about all the consequences that will come if Russia manages to invade Ukraine. They think that the economy in the US is a mess now, but how about then...
dodam jeszcze, że ze wszystkich krajów NATO poza USA możemy liczyć jedynie na około 100 000 żołnierzy z pełną logistyką i sprzętem w krótkim czasie (do miesiąca), a Trump dzisiaj/wczoraj podał info, że samych żołnierzy Ukraińskich w prawie 3 lata zginęło 700 000, Polska armia ma na dzień dobry max 250-300k żołnierzy z czego z pełną logistyką i sprzętem będzie może w porywach 60 000 (powołuję się na dane jakie przeanalizowała fundacja Ad Arma jakieś 1,5 roku temu - są do zweryfikowania na ich kanale yt) a z innej beczki to Islandia jest tylko beneficjentem bo oficjalnie posiada tylko straż ochrony wybrzeża (bez okrętów z wysoką dzielnością morską - do walki w dowolnych warunkach)
@@DarthOzon 700 tys. jest mocno niewiarygodne. Nawet jeśli chodzi o zabitych i rannych. Szacuję na podstawie liczby pogrzebów w gubince, że straty Rosji to max. 250 tys. zabitych a atakujący ponosi większe straty. A co do "innej beczki" to Islandia nie zupełnie jest tylko beneficjentem. Z uwagi na swoje położenie znajdują się tam stacje radarowe i systemy wczesnego ostrzegania.
I always wonder where American taxes go. Because the amount of tax you pay in USA and PL is very similar. The difference is that our taxes also include health insurance, and Americans have to pay for it in addition to the taxes. I know what is paid from my taxes: free education from preschool to universities, health care, pension contributions, one year paid maternity leave for mothers, so you can actually bond with the newborn, social help for children, disabled, homeless, unemployed, social help in case of natural disasters and of course new roads, the military, police, courts... I don't know what the American government does with the taxes, how do they spend it? Do they put it only into the growth of the army? It's a sincere question, I would truly like to know how do American people's taxes make their everyday better? I sometimes think there is a deep cultural difference in how Americans use the word "socialism" compared to the rest of Europe. Here, it's a fairly neutral word; when Americans use it, it almost always has a negative meaning. I find this really interesting. It seems that Americans are more stuck in the mentality that everyone is responsible for their own lives than they are open to the idea that people could get help from the government. It's not normal to work 2-3 jobs and still not be able to provide for your family. When it comes to America being involved in the current geopolitical situation: 1. America is part of NATO. If any of the NATO states are affected by Putin, US has an obligation to implement the alliance's agreements. The same way Polish or Danish soldiers thought in Iraq as a part of the NATO alliance. It wasn't our war, it was yours. 2. After Ukraine became an independent state, right after the Cold War ended, they had their own nucs. America, to not tease Russia at that time, pressured Ukraine to cancel the atom program and get rid of the nuclear bombs that they already had. It was the ONLY guarantee of safety for them. In return, America, UK and Russia promised Ukraine safety. (Budapest Memorandum from 1994). So you are already involved in this conflict. 3. You don't understand Putin. For him, there is not a big difference between France, UK, and USA. It's all "The West" for him. And if he sees the West as being weak he will use it in his advance. In this current war, he didn't get military help from China, although he asked for it, but he sure did from North Korea. Do you think North Korea with Putin as a new friend learning new strategies in case of war from him is not a threat to the US? If the US decides not to be involved in global politics and be the global leader I'm sure China will gladly take this position.
@@rexx9496 there is no social security in america. medicare is a joke dude. compare it to the healthcare systems in europe. there is not a single one that comes even close to how bad yours is. interest one the debt.. same here. military, guess what, we have that too. tho ofc we don't tryna intervene in the whole world, spread democracy for oil..
@@wruzzer Not sure you understand what social security means here. It is the retirement fund we pay out to people over 65. Social security budget in the US was $14.2 billion last year.
If you don't want to spend money on Ukraine you have to accept that USA in long term will lose money because of it. I know you have no idea about it like most americans but USA is succesful because you are superpower but to be one you have to walk the talk. You can't expect that if you sit in your rancho other countries will take decisions in your favor (like they do now) and dollar will be used as the global currency as it is. USA is not spending money in Ukraine but investing them.
I heard many times how American believed their country is paying for polish military and defense... In reality it's us who are paying, we even do it on other fields and it's by any means huge amount of money. Idk if the guy mentioned it, but I'm gonna watch just later, comment first :x
Student debt: $1.7 trillion. Ukraine aid: $91b. Uncollected taxes? $650b every year-almost the size of $840b military budget. If the IRS was allowed to collect, US could wipe out poverty, tackle student debt, healthcare crisis or what have you.. Foreign aid? It’s less than 1% of the budget-a spare change in your wallet.
Ask yourself why usa university year costs 10× more than European. Same for health care. Cause usa don't understand that education and health are not a bussines, but the basis for the wellbeing of the nation.
Wes, the US doesn't send aid and military aid to Ukraine to "help". It does it to maintain its global dominance which Americans greatly benefit from financially. The problem may be the wealth distribution in the US, and who actually benefits from those wars around the globe.
I don't know why support Poland but according to agreement with Ukraine since 1994 Ukraine give away nuclear weapons and USA took obligation to protect Ukraine and help if aggression happens, and it happens
@@valokoli6610 I see you don't know how it worked; according to the agreement after the USSR's elimination, all properties that were on the territory of each republic became properties of that republic: fabrics, ships, military, etc, so what you say is not true
@@Ognik55 nuclear weapon also was inherited by Ukraine at 1991 but moskow was in control of launch sequance but in reality it was technical moment, once again Ukraine inherited NW after soviet same as rf had it's own that was an agreement, btw Belarus also was a part of budapest memorandu and also had NW what was given to rf, if ukr and Belarus wasn't owners of that weapon so why thouse agreement exist in a first place? Don't create disinformation
@@Ognik55 pani Kingo, jestem ukraincem ale znam polski i nie wiem skąd pani wymiśliła że akurat bron jądrowa która była na terrytorium ukrainy nie należała ukrainie ale były umowy, bo budapeśki memorandum jest częścią układu UNBJ, zgodnie dokumentów, ukraina oddała swoje! rakiety, umowa istnieje, tam jest tak napisano, to fakt
Ukraine had the third largest nuclear arsenal in the world, which it got rid of in exchange for security guarantees from the US and Great Britain. Your ignorant comment shows how this country "benefits" from that deal with the US. Learn some history, then complain. I generally liked your channel, but this made me mad and I not even Ukrainian. I generally liked your channel, but this really made me upset and I'm not even Ukrainian.
Bro I was born and raised in LA move to Vegas to get away from all that now it’s here. Your 💯 percent on everything about America. I travel to Europe every year and the way of life and food is much better and I try to tell my friends ( who never left America) and I can see how brainwashed they are. 👍🏽
America - the greatest country in the world? I can reassure you nobody in the rest of the world in their right mind thinks that since like 90ies, maybe apart from some Americans. There has never been a discourse. It's amazing how americans themselves are the last ones to the party.
I agree. Left the country and found out at 21 that's the US is a dangerous fever dream of patriotism for... Violence, massive trucks, and... Paid healthcare lol
@@ZoraidaLuna-iw6ko Yes, there's a pool of funds that's in our budget just for that - helping foreigners on our land if they suffer accidents and/or serious illnesses that are cured in our hospitals - that's just our take on universal human rights
@@ZoraidaLuna-iw6koyes. This is a part of the oath every physician took . And the system as a whole is constructed in such way, it also covers for people that do not have public health insurance, like unemployed, homeless or foreigners. There are limits to that, but no one will be left without healthcare.
What the US spends abroad, and on the Armed Forces, is an investment, not an expenditure. It buys influence, even if some of those investments are a complete waste. But on average it gives fantastic returns. Only problem is, while the costs are on society, the profit goes to private companies that benefit from the government's policy. So it's a tax thing, US companies are not refunding the costs in taxes and everyone thinks it's OK. This means making the government stop spending money abroad is like having an alcoholic father, who's spending too much on alcohol, and asking his boss to fire him. That won't benefit the family at all...
The problem starta when you complain about funding other countries. Because thats the price of being super power. Call yourself sheriff of the world so be it. China also funds other countries, Russia do this to. This is the price you are paying for your sphere of influence
You ask why America should support Ukraine financially (militarily) ? Well, the answer is simple: the Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances. The US, UK and Russia (sic!) guaranteed the security of the just-formed Ukraine in exchange for Ukraine giving up its nuclear weapons to Russia. Question: if Ukraine had nuclear weapons, would Russia annex Crimea, attack Ukraine and threaten to use nuclear weapons every now and then?
I moved from Warsaw to California a few years ago and I entirely agree with you. I really enjoy the weather over here but basically that's it. I get the impression that in Europe people work to live while in the US people live to work. And yeah, the healthcare system in one of the worst. Even if you have insurance, like I do, getting anything done at the doctor is a nightmare. First you go to your primary care physician, they check a bunch of stuff related to your insurance, they recommend some treatment but you wait for the insurance to confirm eligibility, then insurance is supposed to give you a referral but they often fail, so the doctor steps in and basically they play ping pong between each other, etc. But the weather is nice although renting a house by the ocean costs a kidney per month.
3:24 "The US is a third-world country with money." --Wes USA is more like a third-world country with a few dollars left, before maxing out the last credit card.
About support of Ukraine: the US is supporting it mainly by sending equipment (which then needs to be replaced). Since it's made in the USA it means jobs for Americans.
dlatego daja tyle by wojna trwala, ale sie nie skonczyla, by ciagnac i nakrecac amerykanski przemysl zbrojeniowy, zakonczenie tego konfliktu niezaleznie od tego co mowia , nie lezy w interesie usa i to jest przykre, ale tak jest, ludzie gina a oni mysla tylko o nakreceniu sprzedazy sprzetu zbrojeniowego i ciagnieciu tego , zreszta kazdy konflikt jest dobry bo produkcja broni wzrasta, dlatego Trump prze do konfliktow na wielu frontach ,ale moze sie przeliczyc
You are wring concerning Ukraine. There is no chad from the US going there. US is mostly sending weapons which are supposed to be scrapped. It's the Europeans who are sinding cash.
The fairy tale image of America is 99% due to the movies/series, and the fact that Americans so eagerly believe it is probably due to the fact that not many of them travel around the world and even if they do, they do not really have the chance to experience the country from a perspective of someone who's not a tourist. I like the material, but I would argue about one thing - You question the point of helping Ukraine in their war with ruSSia, saying that 'Americans need to come first'. Even if that were the case, America does not really seem to have the legal mechanisms to transfer money to its citizens - because for the Americans it stinks of 'socialism' (which I think in American means 'anything which transfers money from the wealthier to the poorer'). Hence the tragic state of your healthcare and education system. And coming back to the war in Ukraine thing - if you let that go, you lose influence worldwide. Sure, you can use the money to pay off a generation's student debts or buy homes from the homeless, but I have a feeling that if anyone tried that, more than half of the nation would protest because 'they paid their own debts' or 'bought their own homes', so why would others get that for free (again - that's 'socialism', for them). I try to follow what is going on in the US, and I'm under the impression that most of you are simply egoistic AHoles, who have zero empathy and respect for others. I would never want to live in the US - you are becoming a dystopia.
Projecting power costs money, that's why US taxpayers "fund wars" and off-country bases. The privilege to write security policy for half the world is expensive and there are both winners and losers in this game we're *all* playing to some extent.
@@WheresWesloosen the noose wes, gold steadily flows to your homeland, you raised the concern of projecting power being too costly, but by no mean located the real cause, you feel your folk is poor, i’d say 99% of folk is poor though
@@WheresWes You seem to misunderstanding something. Its because of that benefits America is de facto leader of the world. Its not some kind of charity to other countries as you seem to imply, but calculated move that made rest of the world submit to US on many issue and why it could grow in power in the world. If you think that you should focus those resources on US itself, that a reasonable move. But you seem to be under impression that other countries de facto steal from the US or take advantage of it. You can't have cake and eat it too, but Trump and many Americans seem to think otherwise.
The fourth American myth - America supports anyone for free. Do you even realize how many events like the one in Ukraine your country started just for the profit of your corporations and to protect your banks? You give nothing for free - you suck your enemies and especially your friends like a leech. America helps? No and no again! America makes money. The fact that the people who govern your country do not share the profit with the citizens of your country is another matter.
@@m4tta Exactly, wherever America introduced its "democracy" there were ruins and ashes. But no evil dictator threatened the dollar's parity. At this time the American people believe that their country is a superhero.
Surprisingly shallow analysis of the US militarism, particularly for someone with a business background. Sure you can withdraw from global military influence and spend the money on helping struggling americans, but that means goodbye to controlling the global economy via the american dollar. It's akin to a business saying let's stop spending money on advertising campaigns so that we have a bigger pot of money for salaries. There is also a big assumption here that the money not spent elsewhere will make it to those in need which is not a given.
Taxpayer funds are not being wasted. They are directed towards big business. As an Australian, we pay taxes so we get services. Eg universal health care
Support wars halfway world from US is in the States best interest - it secures State's businesses. You want to have cheap gas for these immense American car industry? You need to secure support in the Middle East. Want have a lot of resources? Secure Africa. Technology and market that you can export your products to? Europe. Fighting wars by America is not because of good heart of american politics, but in the interest of the american companies :).
I was in US end of 2024 for 4 weeks in total, while I found some very good places with very tasty food and was twice as active physically due to demands of the work, I still gained roughly above 1kg per week.
Please remember that youre talking about America. The country, that not that long time ago had a slavery, and less than 30 years before you've been born ended up with racial segregation (which in fact its still there).... it is really damn hard to call that a land of freedom, isn't it? :)
I think that a hudge part of the medical care problem in the USA is the ability to sue doctors on hudghe sums. It forces them to pay a very expensive insurance and that drives all the costs. The other problem is that anything used in medicine has to be certified. That also rises prices even in Europe.
In addition, the US guaranteed Ukraine's security and in return Ukraine gave up its nuclear weapons. Poland got nothing from the US. It's the other way around - we buy very expensive weapons for hundreds of billions and maintain the US defense industry. Meanwhile, President Trump believes that NATO has no obligations under Article 5. It's funny how Americans see the world. They think they are being exploited, but they are the ones living at someone else's expense.
I have recently watched several of Wes’ videos. He makes good arguments regarding other countries in the world being better than the U.S., however, he doesn’t acknowledge the fact, often enough, that the reason that he gets to travel and live the way he lives is due to his American citizenship and his American Privilege. He can make videos about the thousands of ways that countries like Poland and Colombia are better than the U.S. but he needs to u understand that the reason that he gets to enjoy these experiences is because he’s American.
From a purely technical point of view, the US formally undertook in 1995 to be a guarantor of Ukrainian territorial integrity and sovereingty. So on this basis alone, it IS a war that concerns the US. But hey, diplomatic history if full of examples of countries behaving as if their word didn;t mean a thing. But in addition to that, and this may not be obvious to many in the US, if Russia conquers or turns Ukraine into a pupppet state (either way, a plainly stated aim) it will be well on its way to recover its former sphere of influence in much of Eastern Europe and, to a great degree, the position it once held as an major adversary of the US during the Cold War (let's recall that America's opening to China in the seventies was largely a means to turn the tables on the Soviet Union). Should this happen, this will concern the US like very few other things. It is very imprudent to think, like many Americans do, that the great oceanic expanses on either side of the American continent protect the US from the affairs of this world, and that America can safely ignore them. This is the 21st century, the age of the Internet and of intercontinental missiles that need only 10 minutes to reach any point on the globe. As to the funds used to help Ukraine, most are extended on the condition that they be spent in the US, so it isn't like the US government is simply handing over this money. Most of it comes back in the form of orders and jobs.
You don't have capitalism in USA anymore, you have oligarchy or corporationism. You live in Poland, you should get yourself familiar with the downfall of the polish-lithuanian commonwealth, you'll find a lot of similarities with today's America
So the US for some period of time was sending equipment that it's End Life was comming. Also things like rockets (if they were not fired) just takes a good money to utilize. So for some part of (sorry but I do not have accuarate data) spendings on Ukraine were actually savings (no utilisation costs). That obviously doesn't account for new equipment and staff that would have been used.
about our dissagreements inside country; I have left wing views and Im openly bi and many of my friends are lgbt, but during my military service my best friend there was a member of Młodzież Wszechpolska and I befriended other very right wing guys. We can disagree on many things and argue and even fight sometimes, but if there would be war with Russia or some other crisis I would die without hesitation defending their families and homes, and I think they would do the same if my family would be in danger. We are all in this together in the end and we are all Polish. We can say we dislike or even hate each other during peace time but during war we would fight together against common enemy, like our ancestors did
@@bldontmatter5319 oh sure sure, especially now, when most EU countries are becoming more right wing, and war in Syria has ended and Russia getting obliterated everywhere xD Don't forget; all refugee crisis since 2015 was orchestrated by Russia, without them medling in Middle East and new EU right wing parties closing their borders and no Merkel we wont have any migration crisis xD and whats even better; China is tightning the leash on Russia's throat xD no putin = no problem
04:15 - in Poland also that law exists, and it's up to 1000 PLN (as of today around 250 USD) that you are not prosecuted. But somehow stealing is a very rare occurrence here. 🤷
I can moreless agree with all of the video but one thing. You are lacking the fundamental understanding of history and of the part your country played in getting Ukraine to the place of being so vulnerable and unable to defend itself on it's own. You saying now it's not US business to protect Ukraine is so sleezy and/or ignorant it baffles my mind.
@@rexx9496 No one forced, only provoked. Let's think, who organized the Maidan and overthrew the legitimate president of Ukraine? The one who hired the Blackwater mercenary army and started shooting at both sides. Who fueled extreme nationalist sentiments in Ukraine? Maybe it was the country that provided aid to the so-called UPA fighters after the war. Who built laboratories in Ukraine where some strange research was conducted? Etc., etc., look for the information yourself.
@@rexx9496 It's not about defeating Russia, it's about weakening it. And also about diverting attention from the other conflict you're involved in. It's in your interest for this war to last as long as possible. And you know what? Many conscious people in Poland know that you're trying to throw us under this train. Have you heard of BRICS? What do you think will happen to your economy if countries stop using your dollar for settlements?
America benefits from being "world leader/sheriff" and primarly from dollar being the main world currency. USA inflation keeps spreading all around the world because of that, allowing the US government to "print" insane amount of new money (mental shortcut - i'm talking about money creation in general), compared to other countries. The cost of isolationism for the US will be tremendous, especially if you would lose primacy of the dollar in favor of some new-BRICKS-currency.
Jak najbardziej rozumiem Twój punkt widzenia. Nic mnie nie zdziwiło. Sama pozostaję dość sceptyczna, raczej zdystansowana i ostrożna przy wielkich deklaracjach i obietnicach - co do wspaniałości USA. Lepiej nie mieć idealistycznego spojrzenia, bo to jest zmierzanie w iluzję. Problematyka jest tu bardzo szeroka, to już teraz są wręcz narosłe problemy! To są tak naprawdę zagadnienia, w których miesza się polityka z dobrem ogółu, czynnikiem ludzkim. W których trzeba pogodzić różne interesy z przyziemnością. I trzeba mieć na uwadze rozwój, ale też i straty. To jakby wywrócenie na opak porządku rzeczy - żeby trzeba było się w ogóle dopominać o rzeczy kluczowe (jak podstawowa opieka zdrowotna), gdy jest się przyzwyczajonym do pewnego standardu różnorodnych innych usług i gdy ma się tak wysoki status; pozycję lidera (wśród innych krajów świata jak US). Do tego wciąż rosnące koszta. I ta niepewność jutra. Frustrujące, zniechęcające - na co dzień i na dłuższą metę. Nic dziwnego, że pojawiła się potrzeba radykalnych zmian - co pokazały niedawne wybory.
Money for living, not living for money! It's nice someone is telling how it is in Poland. We have moved really fast for last 35 years, and yet we managed to stay ourselves somehow (or at least most of us).
"I feel just as unsafe in the US as I did in some places in Columbia. And Columbia is a third world country. I kind of feel that US now is a third world country with money." - US was always dangerous. In 1990s murder rate in LA was 3 times higher than now. And even in 1970s murder rate in LA was twice higher than now. 1974 movie Death Wish became popular for a reason.
I'm pretty sure Colombia is a hell of a lot more dangerous than the US. Maybe Wes is comparing a safer gringo/expat part of Colombia with a ghetto in the US. You'd have to compare like to like, the US ghetto vs the hillside slums and favelas of Colombia. I'd rather walk through Los Angeles or NYC at night over Bogota any day of the week.
Yeah . There is a city called columbia in Ohio state and a whole country called COLOMBIA…Maybe because both words comes from Cristovam Columbus.. The first European guy to set foot in that region..And yeah there is Columbia pictures the infamous studio of American films…That is why you got mixed up… Watching too many crap from there..And never thought there is a country call COLOMBIA..Ok no problem..
you should try looking at it differently Wes first, compare whole aid of 3 years to US yearly military budget not only US have other people fight ru, their competitor, and weaken it greatly with no loss to themselves most of that money actually return to US as it empties overstacked warehouses from old weapon that's close to "expire" I would say, that's quite good business they were making
Ok and I pay 2x what I should through my employer because it's for profit. It's called universal healthcare, where you don't pay or pay very little. We don't have this in the USA.
@@WheresWes In that case, tell me why there are thousands of fundraising campaigns on the Polish internet for treating people? I myself am sick now and the state's "free" health service is a fiction. I have to pay for everything myself, or from private - additional insurance.
@@imho4990 Because not every treatment for every illness is covered by the healthcare system. But the point is, you don't have to pay out of pocket for the common things, such as birth and labor, surgeries, hospital stays, painkillers, doctor appointments. Majority of the fundraising campaigns are for treatments that are not available in Poland, so people have to go abroad to get it. I don't think I've ever seen a fundraising campaign for just general medical debt, because such debt just doesn't really exist, at least in the form that it exists in the US.
@@ChebuChebu "Because not every treatment for every illness is covered by the healthcare system. " I'll correct you. There is no treatment that is effective. I have a suspicion of colon cancer. The state insurance has scheduled me for an endoscopy in six months. I could die by then. I had to pay for all the tests out of my own pocket. "you don't have to pay out of pocket for the common things, such as birth and labor, surgeries, hospital stays, painkillers, doctor appointments." That's not true. If you want to have treatment and surgery done at the right time and in good quality, you pay for everything yourself. You also pay for the medicine. Fortunately, I also have private insurance and only thanks to that I have cheap doctor visits on a subscription basis.
America first... The USA has positioned itself as a country that creates international politics. A policeman in charge of half the world. It costs. During the Cold War, the US spent billions of dollars each year on armaments against the USSR. Today, thousands of weapons, machines lie in warehouses in deserts. The money for Ukraine is the best investment in decades. America has the best ROI on this. Unfortunately, not all Americans understand it. Greetings from Poland
The problem is (mostly) not sending money to other countries but the fact we have low wages, and that asset prices are too damn high due to inflation and artificial scarcity.
you may pay for drugs less here in EU, but you pay only a fraction of real price, the rest is subsidized by the member state’s NFZ/NHS etc. , low price stems from price caps as well, and group purchases , not to mention EU’s negotiating skills, and state-owned pharmaceutical companies, call it socialism
I have to say you nailed this. It's hard to say usa is or is not the best country, but at the same time it's not the best country for everyone and that's just a reality. We're kind of brainwashed to believe we're the best, but you see a lot of these same problems everywhere. I liked your examples and I believe most of your points here are spot on!
Hi Wes, you do realize that 140-years of American way of life - let"s narrow that down to "peace and freedom" (meaning not having your house bombed, your kids killed or raped and not paying ransom to some foreign nations) was only possible by the fact that US got involved in conflict much away of its borders. Have you seen "man in the high castle" - that should help you imagine on how US life-style could look different if the history rolled differently...
Regarding the war, the United States has financially benefited more than it has spent, though these profits have not necessarily reached the average American citizen. Additionally, the notion that war is a financial burden serves as a compelling political slogan, as it is easy to believe. In reality, for example the U.S. has gained significantly from the sale of military equipment etc. ....
Thank you for this video. I spent a couple of years working in the US, I went there with intention to stay, but I was disappointed to the point that I left. You articulated the reasons for my disappointment in one concise video.
@@WheresWes What was the only country so far who invoked Article 5? For whom we fought in wars like Iraq or Afghanistan? Our people died for your interests. The US gained a lot of soft power and profits for their military complexes. Yes, we benefit more from NATO than the US cause we are in the worse position. But we also try to do anything possible to be a loyal ally to the US (sometimes even too much), we appreciate their contribution. We could never be able to as you said "help ourselves" cause we don't have enough money, resources to do that.
I’ve been to many countries and in EVERY country (except maybe Finland), the locals claim that THEIR country is the best. Very often they haven’t been to many other countries either. Yet they are as equally certain as Americans that their country is the best.
American dream is long over. Economicaly maybe still a power house, but for the quality of living is way better in Europe and elsewhere, also if you think about health (+40% are obese), eating junk food, poor city planing, weak public transportation, debt, health insurances,... Oh, and yes, I'm from Slovenia, I travelled around the world, been to 40 countries... ;)
Having "sick days" in US is mental for me, like you should get as many sick days as you are sick LOL what if you run out? Just come sick to work and get others sick? How could anyone think that this is the way to go?
Sick days with pay. If you are long term sick, then you go on disability or leave. If you run out of sick day which I think most companies it's 9 days a year, you can take the day off usually, but you won't get paid for it. Or in some cases you can use your PTO/vacation time to still get paid, depending on the company's policy.
@@savanteris I've never been sick that many days. Policy depends on the company. If you have a corporate office type job, you'd probably use your sick days, then if you need more beyond that you can use your vacation days, and if for some reason you needed more beyond that because you are seriously ill, then I guess you could ask for short term leave or disability. Some years back I had major back pain that took me out of work for about a month. I got full pay while I was out. But I also had a generous company. If I just had a cold or mild flu, I might just as to work from home that day if I feel up to it.
Here in Poland we love to listen about things we do better, because in communist and early democratic times we believed too much in an American dream myth. Even now Poland is the most eager European ally of the US
Every contry have somethings that you feel like "this is a scam", I live in Brazil and we pay like 5 times the price of every comodity that isn't made in Brazil because of Taxes, we have, if I remember right, the 3rd most high taxes of the world. In the city that i live to, the rent is realy high, you need to have at least 4 times the minimum wage to live a simple life because half of that you will use for rent of a small apartment
I'm from Warsaw currently living between NYC and Florida. 100% agree with all of the above (btw quoting Scott Galloway made me smile :D ). Just in regards of why US paying other countries. Highly reckoned Peter Zeihan talking about war in Ukraine. Or in general. BTW - I'm in Warsaw right now. Love this city :D
There are a few valid points, but this political rant at the beginning shows you still lack understanding how it all works in Europe, Poland especially. Safety in PL has nothing to do with helping Ukraine, but with immigration policy and hard stance on state borders security. Now for the past 8 decades America has been bending out of shape to first climb onto, and then hold to the position of the world leader. Good for them, and I'm certain most of the western world would rather see USA on this spot, rather than, say, China or Russia. But, this comes at a price. Look what happened to all colonial powers, when they cut funding from their colonies after II WW: within barely 20 - 30 yrs they stopped being global powers in terms of politicl and miltary influence. And yeah, sure, colonies are not the same as alliances and partnerships, but still - the mechanism stays largely the same. There's loads and tons of stuff to unpack here, but my point is this: you enjoy polish safety, but have no fundamental understanding how this safety is provided. Like the fact, that all those strict procedures, border policies, hardstance on illigal immigration and more over tools to uphold those policies would be either impossibble, or significantly harder to achieve without american and EU help back in a day. To put it bluntly: USA, EU and NATO invested heavily in PL, so now they have a solid and cohesive buffer on NATOs eastern border. A return on inestment. But this sort of luxuries do not come cheap.
Affirmative action was also a thing in Poland. If not for it, my parents wouldn't be able to go to school. If there was a history of institutional discrimination and huge disparity between regions, only the state can really help. Now, it would be better if those results in Poland were achieved with the Agrarians instead of Communists, but it is what it is.
US never gives any money, there's always a deal involved - with military protection on the very top of the profit list. Where do you think US could sell all the military equipment if it wasn't for "protecting" the western world from bad old Russia? There's 32 countries in NATO, all of them expected to spend at least 2% of GDP on military, resulting in total of approx 1.5trilion$ spent in 2024. Now add to that it that approx 50% of NATO equipment is bought from US - and you find why peace on earth is not entirely welcome...
Helping others while having your own citizens indebted enslaved makes sense actually. It takes some business vision to comprehend this,which you obviously lack.
You still need to learn a lot about politics and economics if you're wondering "Why US is helping others?"... "Helping"... Still, I like your videos. Cheers!
No, USA is the riches third world country, I'm sorry. When I was going to visit USA in 2027 my friends ( I'm from Poland) begged me not to stay in USA. And I answered "Why would I want to stay as an inlegal immigrant in USA when I can go and work legal in UK, for example?". But I didn't do any of this. I went to New York, I liked ti , i went home to Poland. It's way better for normal people, not the multimillionaires, to live in Europe, and in Poland.
I agree in Poland we got good balance between capitalism and social programs. If you pay taxes it is better if this benefit you. Looking in America it is like this money are go to politicians and they do with this what ever they want for example send condoms to Gaza.
As an American, I disagree with putting American's first, we are all humans, and we need to help out our fellow humans. There are people much worse off than those with student debt in the US 6:45 I believe you meant sedentary, tho you could argue we are all still like rocks
As a Polish queer, I don't always feel safe here in Poland. I even got kicked by a stranger and called an f-slur for simply holding my girlfriend's hand. I hear so much horrible homophobic shit from a lot of people here... I kinda wish there were more people standing up for us LGBTQ+ folks here in Poland, to be honest
If you grow up in places like NYC, LA, and Chicago.. of course you think America is terrible. I grew up and live in Hampton Roads, VA. It’s not perfect here, but after traveling and living long term in places like Manila, Hong Kong, Medellin (bad areas), Santo Domingo.. Virginia is Heaven. The goal is to make USD and be able to live in other countries. Even USD is being devalued, so invest in Bitcoin or high value stocks. That’s how you keep a high standard of living ANYWHERE in the world.
@ Yup, Europe is lovely, but head to London in grimy areas and it’s just like some parts of NYC. Head to Cadiz, Spain (my personal fav in Europe) and life is good. Let me caveat that I’ve lived in NYC… if you visit and live in decent places around the city, it’s phenomenal and culturally rich. Stay away from the hood 😆
We have one major issue in Poland that is kinda smuggled from the US and other capitalist nations like this - real estate speculation. This is a new thing, people weren't really buying houses or flats to flip them for a higher price until 2018 or so. The government is constantly trying to push cheap mortgage programs which are not going to make housing more available. Taxpayer money going into mortgages = developers rising the price of real estate by the amount that's donated by taxpayers. It doesn't get any simpler. The fertility rate is already rock-bottom at about 1,0 which means that newborn generation will be half in numbers of the one giving births to it. What they want to do, import 20 million third world brown people to fill the void? Cos they certainly won't start paying better and attracting people to work the most unattractive jobs. They ALWAYS cut corners and choose the cheapest option. Currently they have Ukrainians but they won't be here forever, once war is over they'll flunk back to rebuild their homes. I can already see immigration increasing, we have people from Georgia, Columbia, Philipines, India etc. The supply of those is basically unlimited.
The problems of America is that education and health care system are considered business, not a social service like in Europe. Change this, get rid of guns and you will feel a positive impact fast.
Capitalism is good, but not unregulated wild capitalism, it just needs some regulation in key areas. As you said, a good balance between capitalism and socialism works best.
USA is a country with no hostile country nearby (Cuba is offshore, with a poor economy and weak military). It made a ton of money because of military industry and selling it abroad. It had named itself an international police and peacekeepers. It made an oath and took responsibility as an ally to European countries as a NATO member. US citizens had not met with economical, political or military occupation or war within for many years. Most of conflicts were abroad. But here in Central or East Europe we had very recent memories of such conflicts and many of us survived it. If you made to promise to keep peace in Europe then fulfill it with your soldiers or with military aid. Russia is an aggressor and would not stop on Ukraine but will advance. Then you would had to spend a lot more money and even your soldiers life to take care of issue. Solution for problems with students loans or health services are at your hand - taxes for more wealthy people and you would have money for social programs. But your politicians and media call it communism and defend enormous riches of the few 1% of the most rich cast. Make Europe safe as you promised and then do whatever you want with your economy, budget and care of your own citizens!
Why haven't these European countries fulfilled their promise to allocate the proper amount of GDP to defense? Europe has been taking advantage of America's military
Russia won't advance past Ukraine. The only reason it even got into Ukraine is because there was a military buildup of US bases near the borders of Russia by NATO which was happening for decades. There is quite literally no proof that Russia ever intended on invading europe. They have said for years that they just don't want NATO near their borders, which is completely understandable. But once you go so far as try getting Ukraine into NATO and with that having the possibility of lunching missles into Moscow and cutting off the Russian navy, don't be surprised a war breaks out.
@@WheresWes quarter of Europe. The far WEST one that had as US no military threats as Portugal for instance. But US had made a lot of money for spending their budget in military because of military industry synergy benefits ( selling guns to other countries at war) even to Europe and got extra money from it. Here on West NATO flank we spend dozens of our citizens tax money to got GDP % higher than 2%. Here in Poland is near 5%. And it's of a cost for instance in social or rental housing programs or elderly pension. We had got most brutal war in our territory lost millions of people and infrastructure only to be sold to Stalin by politicians in Jałta by Roosevelt and Churchill and were drained by USSR. We got free when their were weaker and they want to take it back with the Baltic's, Romania, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Czech Republic. Ukraine is only starters in their plan. So please do not use polical or campaign slogan to justify an ignorance at best or lack of common sense at worst. We have war at our border and we need support not treats or patronising.
@@spinachslurp9176 why Russia felt "threaten" by NATO and for the most part for new NATO members? They had attacked someone before. Or Russia invaded Czeczenia, Georgia or divided Moldova? Common are you believe Putin's propaganda or are you part of it?
Sono d'accordo con te, in Italia persi il lavoro alcuni anni fa ed era un lavoro molto difficile e invalidante, poi arrivò il reddito di cittadinanza, che era un Bonus mensile di 789.00 Euro per la sopravvivenza a chi aveva perso il lavoro e cominciai a rivivere, tuttavia meloni giorgia, arrivò e iniziò ad offendere violentemente me e tutti i percettori, e con salvini, si ripromisero di strapparcelo via stralciando i nostri diritti e suddividerci in meritevoli o meno, poi separò le persone tra "occupabili" e "non occupabili" per costringerli ad iscriversi ad un metodo che finanziava privati per corsi di Inglese che non arrivavano alle ore prestabilite e inserimento lavorativo che altri non era che lo sbattere on line e in una piattaforma aperta a tutti i nostri dati personali e di lavoro adatto alla mia persona non ve ne era, io persi la casa, ma la cosa assai difficile da affrontare fu che io non appartenevo a nessuna delle due categorie fatte da meloni giorgia, io soffrivo di Fibromialgia e di cuore, non riconosciuta come disabile tuttavia inabile a lavori pesanti. Il lavoro in Italia consiste solo in quello per la maggior parte dei casi ed io sono portata per i lavori concettuali, sono quelli che desidero fare, ma un posto in Parlamento per me, come quello dato 30 anni fa a meloni, che si è arricchita con esso, non c'è, ed io sono ospite da un mio amico. In Italia e nel mondo credo che la soluzione dei problemi sia il reddito universale sine conditio, gli aiuti per gli studenti, i fondi da mettere a disposizione per le cure mediche di tutti e la cancellazione del debito pubblico poiché non credo i cittadini si siano indebitati sino a quel punto, Nel frattempo meloni continua il suo invio di armi per le guerre, e lo fa coi nostri soldi e diritti, ma sono sicura che la giustizia arriverà e che anche se va a cercare la protezione dei potenti, qualcuno di quei potenti la vedrà per quello che realmente è: una approfittatrice arrampicatrice sociale che passa sul cadavere della povera gente, tuttavia uno solo di quei potenti la schiaccerà e sputerà fuori dal mondo del potere per far posto magari a chi merita davvero, come me!
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Why u have to fund the wars? Well, coz Ukraine surrendered its nuclear arsenal for guarantee of safety that was signed by America. So you kinda made an obligation to protect Ukraine.
@@tognatale and the only people who do not know about this are Americans.😅 i laugh everytime i hear any one of them sayin "why WE have to fund this war when our own people are 'suffering'?" I, as a Finn do not question the Finnish goverment sending funds/aid to Ukraine because, for the Gods sake, if Russia ever chooses to step over that line between us and them, i do hope that there are people and countries that are willing to help us. People from the states think they are the only one sending money over there, but oh boy.. are they wrong. A little bit self-centered..
Fun fact: Russia was also one of the guarantors of Ukraine's safety.
@ yup
That is not exactly true. Russia, UK and USA signed agreement that they guarantee that THEY will not infringe on Ukraine sovereignty after they hand over their nukes left after USSR. There was no safety guarantees that they will protect Ukraine from other countries if need be.
Having said that though it does not really matter, as in the end it is Russia who attacked Ukraine so they broke their side of agreement.
you ask why America should financially (militarily) support other countries. There is one reason - America wants / wanted to be a superpower that projects its power to the whole world. Thanks to the fact that other countries submitted, the USA reaped huge benefits, for example from the fact that the dollar was the world currency. A complex topic - but if you want to be no.1, it costs.
America is simply doing imperialism worldwide. i know people won’t like to hear that, but imperialism isn’t only about forcefully occupying land.
@@m4tta just like the British did before the US.
Trump does not understand this. He wants remain MAGA number 1 power in the world while same time go into isolation again.
Das Schlimme daran ist: oft werden die anderen Länder gar nicht gefragt, ob sie von den USA militärisch unterstützt werden sollen, sondern man besetzt sie einfach auf Wunsch einiger Politiker.
The USA (not America) is the one and only NATO country, that ever asked NATO for help.
There ist absolutely no reason for a defense budget of 850 b US$.
The US came out of WW2 as "no.1", but it is over now.
I agree with you. My husband works sometimes in America. He says that we have hevens here in Europe. Im Slovenian, and we have a lot of taxes - more than Poland. But me and people I know they all have own house or apartment, we can travel 3 times a year for 2 weeks, we don't work on Sundays, we have better quality of life then Americans. And I can't imagine having loans also because I have 2 children. We Slavic nations invest in children to help children start living, not to have loans from parents.
My Russian wife owns 1/4 her mom's flat by law, her mom owns 3/4. They make way less than I ever will. Meanwhile my parents worked hard their whole lives and both don't own a house.
I've noticed all their friends in Russia own flats aswell. Own not loan
Europe is an open-air museum and lives on credit. This "wonderful life" will burst like a soap bubble. There is no reason why a person in Slovenia or France should live better than in Colombia or Bangladesh. The entire West prints money.
@nnnnnn3647 eh, what? How about good social systems, higher taxes, and cities with time-proven results. Mix that with ethnic euros and their attitudes and you got a recipe for success
Yeah, that's mostly thanks to the collapse of communism Eastern Europeans were given free housing combined with a low birthrate and many children inherited properties from their parents.
@@nnnnnn3647 they're all printing money. every country. but i agree with the sentiment.
Sprawdź kto płaci za utrzymanie wojsk USA za granicą. Nie wiem jak w innych krajach ale w Polsce opłacane jest to z polskiego budżetu. W innych krajach jest zapewne podobnie.
W przypadku pomocy dla Ukrainy USA jest jak bank. Uruchamia linię kredytową do określonej wysokości dla Ukrainy. Jest w tym mały haczyk. Ukraina za uzyskane pieniądze może kupić broń ale tylko wyprodukowaną w USA. W ten sposób rząd USA wspiera swoją gospodarkę i daje miejsca pracy Amerykanom. Sprawdź. Po każdej umowie pożyczkowej dla Ukrainy ogłaszane jest później co Ukraina kupi za te pieniądze. Kasa zostaje w USA i jest darmowa reklama sprzętu na świecie.
Na początku wojny USA zrobiły jeszcze lepszy biznes z Ukrainą. Sprzedały jej przestarzałe uzbrojenie które miało być zezłomowane lub które wymagało kosztownej modernizacji. Przy czym zostało to sprzedane jako pełnowartościowe podczas gdy zaksięgowane było w cenie złomu lub niewiele drożej.
Myślisz, że jak prezydent elekt podniesie cła to będzie dla Amerykanów lepiej? Zacznie się wojna handlowa bo inne kraje podniosą cła na amerykańskie produkty.
Pytasz dlaczego kraje Europy nie przeznaczają 2% na wojsko. Po pierwsze ten warunek istnieje dopiero od 2014 roku i jest tylko deklaracją państw stowarzyszonych w NATO. Po drugie kraje które nie wydają tych 2% nie są niczym zagrożone więc USA przed nikim ich nie musi bronić. W 2024 2 proc. PKB na wojsko nie przeznaczyły: Chorwacja, Portugalia, Włochy, Kanada, Belgia, Luksemburg, Słowenia, Hiszpania oraz Islandia. Kraje które czują się zagrożone wydają znacznie więcej niż 2%.
Pytasz dlaczego USA ma wspierać Polskę i Ukrainę, Amerykanie są ważniejsi. Przed II wojną światową w USA była polityka izolacjonizmu. Skończyło się tym, że Amerykanie ginęli na frontach za inne kraje. Czy pieniądze są ważniejsze od życia Amerykanów? Czy nie lepiej wspierać inne kraje niż za nie ginąć? Historia lubi się powtarzać a ludzie często nie uczą się na błędach.
Bardzo dobry komentarz. Przetłumacz go na angielski, może inni Amerykanie również to przeczytają.
Fakt. Usa zarabia na wojnie/ wojnach
Yes, it so crazy that people really seem to think that cutting off support for Ukraine is the answer. In my opinion, that is just a uneducated guess. And they do not think about all the consequences that will come if Russia manages to invade Ukraine. They think that the economy in the US is a mess now, but how about then...
dodam jeszcze, że ze wszystkich krajów NATO poza USA możemy liczyć jedynie na około 100 000 żołnierzy z pełną logistyką i sprzętem w krótkim czasie (do miesiąca), a Trump dzisiaj/wczoraj podał info, że samych żołnierzy Ukraińskich w prawie 3 lata zginęło 700 000, Polska armia ma na dzień dobry max 250-300k żołnierzy z czego z pełną logistyką i sprzętem będzie może w porywach 60 000 (powołuję się na dane jakie przeanalizowała fundacja Ad Arma jakieś 1,5 roku temu - są do zweryfikowania na ich kanale yt)
a z innej beczki to Islandia jest tylko beneficjentem bo oficjalnie posiada tylko straż ochrony wybrzeża (bez okrętów z wysoką dzielnością morską - do walki w dowolnych warunkach)
700 tys. jest mocno niewiarygodne. Nawet jeśli chodzi o zabitych i rannych. Szacuję na podstawie liczby pogrzebów w gubince, że straty Rosji to max. 250 tys. zabitych a atakujący ponosi większe straty.
A co do "innej beczki" to Islandia nie zupełnie jest tylko beneficjentem. Z uwagi na swoje położenie znajdują się tam stacje radarowe i systemy wczesnego ostrzegania.
I always wonder where American taxes go. Because the amount of tax you pay in USA and PL is very similar. The difference is that our taxes also include health insurance, and Americans have to pay for it in addition to the taxes. I know what is paid from my taxes: free education from preschool to universities, health care, pension contributions, one year paid maternity leave for mothers, so you can actually bond with the newborn, social help for children, disabled, homeless, unemployed, social help in case of natural disasters and of course new roads, the military, police, courts... I don't know what the American government does with the taxes, how do they spend it? Do they put it only into the growth of the army? It's a sincere question, I would truly like to know how do American people's taxes make their everyday better?
I sometimes think there is a deep cultural difference in how Americans use the word "socialism" compared to the rest of Europe. Here, it's a fairly neutral word; when Americans use it, it almost always has a negative meaning. I find this really interesting. It seems that Americans are more stuck in the mentality that everyone is responsible for their own lives than they are open to the idea that people could get help from the government. It's not normal to work 2-3 jobs and still not be able to provide for your family.
When it comes to America being involved in the current geopolitical situation:
1. America is part of NATO. If any of the NATO states are affected by Putin, US has an obligation to implement the alliance's agreements. The same way Polish or Danish soldiers thought in Iraq as a part of the NATO alliance. It wasn't our war, it was yours.
2. After Ukraine became an independent state, right after the Cold War ended, they had their own nucs. America, to not tease Russia at that time, pressured Ukraine to cancel the atom program and get rid of the nuclear bombs that they already had. It was the ONLY guarantee of safety for them. In return, America, UK and Russia promised Ukraine safety. (Budapest Memorandum from 1994). So you are already involved in this conflict.
3. You don't understand Putin. For him, there is not a big difference between France, UK, and USA. It's all "The West" for him. And if he sees the West as being weak he will use it in his advance. In this current war, he didn't get military help from China, although he asked for it, but he sure did from North Korea. Do you think North Korea with Putin as a new friend learning new strategies in case of war from him is not a threat to the US? If the US decides not to be involved in global politics and be the global leader I'm sure China will gladly take this position.
Look up АZОV. Your support for America will vanish. "N" group funded by Congress.
Our tax dollars go into politicians pockets and sent to other countries. Now it goes to illegal immigrants as well.
Social Security, Medicare, interest on the debt and the military are the 4 biggest components of the US federal budget.
@@rexx9496 there is no social security in america. medicare is a joke dude. compare it to the healthcare systems in europe. there is not a single one that comes even close to how bad yours is. interest one the debt.. same here. military, guess what, we have that too. tho ofc we don't tryna intervene in the whole world, spread democracy for oil..
@@wruzzer Not sure you understand what social security means here. It is the retirement fund we pay out to people over 65. Social security budget in the US was $14.2 billion last year.
If you don't want to spend money on Ukraine you have to accept that USA in long term will lose money because of it. I know you have no idea about it like most americans but USA is succesful because you are superpower but to be one you have to walk the talk. You can't expect that if you sit in your rancho other countries will take decisions in your favor (like they do now) and dollar will be used as the global currency as it is. USA is not spending money in Ukraine but investing them.
I heard many times how American believed their country is paying for polish military and defense... In reality it's us who are paying, we even do it on other fields and it's by any means huge amount of money. Idk if the guy mentioned it, but I'm gonna watch just later, comment first :x
Student debt: $1.7 trillion. Ukraine aid: $91b. Uncollected taxes? $650b every year-almost the size of $840b military budget. If the IRS was allowed to collect, US could wipe out poverty, tackle student debt, healthcare crisis or what have you.. Foreign aid? It’s less than 1% of the budget-a spare change in your wallet.
Ask yourself why usa university year costs 10× more than European. Same for health care. Cause usa don't understand that education and health are not a bussines, but the basis for the wellbeing of the nation.
If anyone was wondering why the US has the most billionaires, it's for this very reason.
Wes, the US doesn't send aid and military aid to Ukraine to "help". It does it to maintain its global dominance which Americans greatly benefit from financially. The problem may be the wealth distribution in the US, and who actually benefits from those wars around the globe.
I don't know why support Poland but according to agreement with Ukraine since 1994 Ukraine give away nuclear weapons and USA took obligation to protect Ukraine and help if aggression happens, and it happens
The weapons did not belong to Ukraine. It belongs to the USSR and was stationed in Ukraine
@@valokoli6610 I see you don't know how it worked; according to the agreement after the USSR's elimination, all properties that were on the territory of each republic became properties of that republic: fabrics, ships, military, etc, so what you say is not true
@@olehhos Except for nuclear weapons. I see you don't know the facts.
@@Ognik55 nuclear weapon also was inherited by Ukraine at 1991 but moskow was in control of launch sequance but in reality it was technical moment, once again Ukraine inherited NW after soviet same as rf had it's own that was an agreement, btw Belarus also was a part of budapest memorandu and also had NW what was given to rf, if ukr and Belarus wasn't owners of that weapon so why thouse agreement exist in a first place? Don't create disinformation
@@Ognik55 pani Kingo, jestem ukraincem ale znam polski i nie wiem skąd pani wymiśliła że akurat bron jądrowa która była na terrytorium ukrainy nie należała ukrainie ale były umowy, bo budapeśki memorandum jest częścią układu UNBJ, zgodnie dokumentów, ukraina oddała swoje! rakiety, umowa istnieje, tam jest tak napisano, to fakt
Ukraine had the third largest nuclear arsenal in the world, which it got rid of in exchange for security guarantees from the US and Great Britain. Your ignorant comment shows how this country "benefits" from that deal with the US. Learn some history, then complain. I generally liked your channel, but this made me mad and I not even Ukrainian. I generally liked your channel, but this really made me upset and I'm not even Ukrainian.
Bro I was born and raised in LA move to Vegas to get away from all that now it’s here. Your 💯 percent on everything about America. I travel to Europe every year and the way of life and food is much better and I try to tell my friends ( who never left America) and I can see how brainwashed they are. 👍🏽
The USA needs to change. We need to get rid of for profit healthcare systems too and lower the cost of living and eat better food.
@ your right 👍
US is not sending money. They send equipment produced by US...
Same thing bro
@@valokoli6610 no
@@valokoli6610 Not realy. The money stays in the US :)
@@JakubFox-gk6pv same frigging thing!
@@valokoli6610 no, it isn't the same
America - the greatest country in the world? I can reassure you nobody in the rest of the world in their right mind thinks that since like 90ies, maybe apart from some Americans. There has never been a discourse. It's amazing how americans themselves are the last ones to the party.
I agree. Left the country and found out at 21 that's the US is a dangerous fever dream of patriotism for... Violence, massive trucks, and... Paid healthcare lol
It's sounds more like they are trying to convince themselves so they won't pay attention to all those problems around.
I mean it’s still the most important country in the world, because it’s the worlds stronger power. That could change very soon though.
@rico14 moral corruption is not strength, hopefully, not for much longer anyway.
Hmm? Funny how I traveled all over the world and noticed how people's eyes lit up when they see I'm American. Thailand, Ukraine, Costa Rica, etc etc
in Poland even if foreigner get sick to the point its life threatening, they wont pay nothing
Bro, is that true?
@@ZoraidaLuna-iw6ko Yes, there's a pool of funds that's in our budget just for that - helping foreigners on our land if they suffer accidents and/or serious illnesses that are cured in our hospitals - that's just our take on universal human rights
@@ZoraidaLuna-iw6koyes. This is a part of the oath every physician took . And the system as a whole is constructed in such way, it also covers for people that do not have public health insurance, like unemployed, homeless or foreigners.
There are limits to that, but no one will be left without healthcare.
@@ovDarkness I'm Polish so I obviously knew that but... You don't really think about it. Well... I love living in Europe 😭
What the US spends abroad, and on the Armed Forces, is an investment, not an expenditure. It buys influence, even if some of those investments are a complete waste. But on average it gives fantastic returns. Only problem is, while the costs are on society, the profit goes to private companies that benefit from the government's policy.
So it's a tax thing, US companies are not refunding the costs in taxes and everyone thinks it's OK. This means making the government stop spending money abroad is like having an alcoholic father, who's spending too much on alcohol, and asking his boss to fire him. That won't benefit the family at all...
good analogy
It's just greed like everything else. Look at our healthcare system and what they put in our food. Greed took over.
The problem starta when you complain about funding other countries. Because thats the price of being super power. Call yourself sheriff of the world so be it. China also funds other countries, Russia do this to. This is the price you are paying for your sphere of influence
Crony capitalism is the big issue in the U.S., until you get the money out of politics nothing will ever change.
You ask why America should support Ukraine financially (militarily) ? Well, the answer is simple: the Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances. The US, UK and Russia (sic!) guaranteed the security of the just-formed Ukraine in exchange for Ukraine giving up its nuclear weapons to Russia.
Question: if Ukraine had nuclear weapons, would Russia annex Crimea, attack Ukraine and threaten to use nuclear weapons every now and then?
13:30 “In America we have lobbying, but everywhere else just calls it corruption.”
I moved from Warsaw to California a few years ago and I entirely agree with you. I really enjoy the weather over here but basically that's it. I get the impression that in Europe people work to live while in the US people live to work. And yeah, the healthcare system in one of the worst. Even if you have insurance, like I do, getting anything done at the doctor is a nightmare. First you go to your primary care physician, they check a bunch of stuff related to your insurance, they recommend some treatment but you wait for the insurance to confirm eligibility, then insurance is supposed to give you a referral but they often fail, so the doctor steps in and basically they play ping pong between each other, etc. But the weather is nice although renting a house by the ocean costs a kidney per month.
Przecież to Ameryka, żyjesz amerykańskim snem w najwspanialszym kraju na świecie, więc nie rozumiem dlaczego narzekasz 😜
3:24 "The US is a third-world country with money." --Wes
USA is more like a third-world country with a few dollars left, before maxing out the last credit card.
This is a great video. As a proud American Wes makes a lot of valid points. America stopped improving for its own citizens.
I too am still proud to be American, regardless of everything. I hope we can get our act together
Which shows in this video.
About support of Ukraine: the US is supporting it mainly by sending equipment (which then needs to be replaced). Since it's made in the USA it means jobs for Americans.
dlatego daja tyle by wojna trwala, ale sie nie skonczyla, by ciagnac i nakrecac amerykanski przemysl zbrojeniowy, zakonczenie tego konfliktu niezaleznie od tego co mowia , nie lezy w interesie usa i to jest przykre, ale tak jest, ludzie gina a oni mysla tylko o nakreceniu sprzedazy sprzetu zbrojeniowego i ciagnieciu tego , zreszta kazdy konflikt jest dobry bo produkcja broni wzrasta, dlatego Trump prze do konfliktow na wielu frontach ,ale moze sie przeliczyc
You are wring concerning Ukraine. There is no chad from the US going there. US is mostly sending weapons which are supposed to be scrapped. It's the Europeans who are sinding cash.
The fairy tale image of America is 99% due to the movies/series, and the fact that Americans so eagerly believe it is probably due to the fact that not many of them travel around the world and even if they do, they do not really have the chance to experience the country from a perspective of someone who's not a tourist. I like the material, but I would argue about one thing - You question the point of helping Ukraine in their war with ruSSia, saying that 'Americans need to come first'. Even if that were the case, America does not really seem to have the legal mechanisms to transfer money to its citizens - because for the Americans it stinks of 'socialism' (which I think in American means 'anything which transfers money from the wealthier to the poorer'). Hence the tragic state of your healthcare and education system. And coming back to the war in Ukraine thing - if you let that go, you lose influence worldwide. Sure, you can use the money to pay off a generation's student debts or buy homes from the homeless, but I have a feeling that if anyone tried that, more than half of the nation would protest because 'they paid their own debts' or 'bought their own homes', so why would others get that for free (again - that's 'socialism', for them). I try to follow what is going on in the US, and I'm under the impression that most of you are simply egoistic AHoles, who have zero empathy and respect for others. I would never want to live in the US - you are becoming a dystopia.
Projecting power costs money, that's why US taxpayers "fund wars" and off-country bases. The privilege to write security policy for half the world is expensive and there are both winners and losers in this game we're *all* playing to some extent.
The rest of the world benefits while Americans are stuck with the bill unfortunately
@@WheresWesloosen the noose wes, gold steadily flows to your homeland, you raised the concern of projecting power being too costly, but by no mean located the real cause, you feel your folk is poor, i’d say 99% of folk is poor though
@@WheresWes You seem to misunderstanding something. Its because of that benefits America is de facto leader of the world. Its not some kind of charity to other countries as you seem to imply, but calculated move that made rest of the world submit to US on many issue and why it could grow in power in the world. If you think that you should focus those resources on US itself, that a reasonable move. But you seem to be under impression that other countries de facto steal from the US or take advantage of it. You can't have cake and eat it too, but Trump and many Americans seem to think otherwise.
@@WheresWesit’s not like they’re charity also, US are profiting by engaging in wars themselves or supporting certain countries with their weapons
It actually protects the dollar 💵 .
The fourth American myth - America supports anyone for free. Do you even realize how many events like the one in Ukraine your country started just for the profit of your corporations and to protect your banks? You give nothing for free - you suck your enemies and especially your friends like a leech.
America helps? No and no again! America makes money.
The fact that the people who govern your country do not share the profit with the citizens of your country is another matter.
America makes problems and then helps to solve the problems (except the problem never gets solved and you get war for 15 years)
@@m4tta Exactly, wherever America introduced its "democracy" there were ruins and ashes. But no evil dictator threatened the dollar's parity. At this time the American people believe that their country is a superhero.
Surprisingly shallow analysis of the US militarism, particularly for someone with a business background. Sure you can withdraw from global military influence and spend the money on helping struggling americans, but that means goodbye to controlling the global economy via the american dollar. It's akin to a business saying let's stop spending money on advertising campaigns so that we have a bigger pot of money for salaries. There is also a big assumption here that the money not spent elsewhere will make it to those in need which is not a given.
I love the American military. I can't for the B-21 Raider.
Taxpayer funds are not being wasted. They are directed towards big business. As an Australian, we pay taxes so we get services. Eg universal health care
Support wars halfway world from US is in the States best interest - it secures State's businesses. You want to have cheap gas for these immense American car industry? You need to secure support in the Middle East. Want have a lot of resources? Secure Africa. Technology and market that you can export your products to? Europe. Fighting wars by America is not because of good heart of american politics, but in the interest of the american companies :).
I was in US end of 2024 for 4 weeks in total, while I found some very good places with very tasty food and was twice as active physically due to demands of the work, I still gained roughly above 1kg per week.
Please remember that youre talking about America. The country, that not that long time ago had a slavery, and less than 30 years before you've been born ended up with racial segregation (which in fact its still there).... it is really damn hard to call that a land of freedom, isn't it? :)
I think that a hudge part of the medical care problem in the USA is the ability to sue doctors on hudghe sums. It forces them to pay a very expensive insurance and that drives all the costs. The other problem is that anything used in medicine has to be certified. That also rises prices even in Europe.
*Great video again Wes*
Jeśli USA chce posiadać prymat nad światem musi bronić Ukrainę.
In addition, the US guaranteed Ukraine's security and in return Ukraine gave up its nuclear weapons.
Poland got nothing from the US. It's the other way around - we buy very expensive weapons for hundreds of billions and maintain the US defense industry.
Meanwhile, President Trump believes that NATO has no obligations under Article 5. It's funny how Americans see the world. They think they are being exploited, but they are the ones living at someone else's expense.
I have recently watched several of Wes’ videos. He makes good arguments regarding other countries in the world being better than the U.S., however, he doesn’t acknowledge the fact, often enough, that the reason that he gets to travel and live the way he lives is due to his American citizenship and his American Privilege. He can make videos about the thousands of ways that countries like Poland and Colombia are better than the U.S. but he needs to u understand that the reason that he gets to enjoy these experiences is because he’s American.
From a purely technical point of view, the US formally undertook in 1995 to be a guarantor of Ukrainian territorial integrity and sovereingty. So on this basis alone, it IS a war that concerns the US. But hey, diplomatic history if full of examples of countries behaving as if their word didn;t mean a thing. But in addition to that, and this may not be obvious to many in the US, if Russia conquers or turns Ukraine into a pupppet state (either way, a plainly stated aim) it will be well on its way to recover its former sphere of influence in much of Eastern Europe and, to a great degree, the position it once held as an major adversary of the US during the Cold War (let's recall that America's opening to China in the seventies was largely a means to turn the tables on the Soviet Union). Should this happen, this will concern the US like very few other things. It is very imprudent to think, like many Americans do, that the great oceanic expanses on either side of the American continent protect the US from the affairs of this world, and that America can safely ignore them. This is the 21st century, the age of the Internet and of intercontinental missiles that need only 10 minutes to reach any point on the globe.
As to the funds used to help Ukraine, most are extended on the condition that they be spent in the US, so it isn't like the US government is simply handing over this money. Most of it comes back in the form of orders and jobs.
I think We should keep helping Ukraine.
You don't have capitalism in USA anymore, you have oligarchy or corporationism.
You live in Poland, you should get yourself familiar with the downfall of the polish-lithuanian commonwealth, you'll find a lot of similarities with today's America
why are you talking about ukraine but wont say a word about how america gave over $310 billion to israel over the years?
So the US for some period of time was sending equipment that it's End Life was comming. Also things like rockets (if they were not fired) just takes a good money to utilize. So for some part of (sorry but I do not have accuarate data) spendings on Ukraine were actually savings (no utilisation costs). That obviously doesn't account for new equipment and staff that would have been used.
about our dissagreements inside country; I have left wing views and Im openly bi and many of my friends are lgbt, but during my military service my best friend there was a member of Młodzież Wszechpolska and I befriended other very right wing guys. We can disagree on many things and argue and even fight sometimes, but if there would be war with Russia or some other crisis I would die without hesitation defending their families and homes, and I think they would do the same if my family would be in danger. We are all in this together in the end and we are all Polish. We can say we dislike or even hate each other during peace time but during war we would fight together against common enemy, like our ancestors did
Ok let's see you deal with 500k Muslims that your master, Germany, wants you to take in.
@@bldontmatter5319 whatever you say, russian bot
@@bldontmatter5319 and where did you get that numbers from? xD Soloviov told you?
@dytiscusmarginalis8443 nope. Germany alone has taken in millions. You're next. Don't forget, you're in the EU. Remember that. You got a new masta
@@bldontmatter5319 oh sure sure, especially now, when most EU countries are becoming more right wing, and war in Syria has ended and Russia getting obliterated everywhere xD Don't forget; all refugee crisis since 2015 was orchestrated by Russia, without them medling in Middle East and new EU right wing parties closing their borders and no Merkel we wont have any migration crisis xD and whats even better; China is tightning the leash on Russia's throat xD no putin = no problem
04:15 - in Poland also that law exists, and it's up to 1000 PLN (as of today around 250 USD) that you are not prosecuted. But somehow stealing is a very rare occurrence here. 🤷
I can moreless agree with all of the video but one thing. You are lacking the fundamental understanding of history and of the part your country played in getting Ukraine to the place of being so vulnerable and unable to defend itself on it's own. You saying now it's not US business to protect Ukraine is so sleezy and/or ignorant it baffles my mind.
Let's be honest - this is an American war waged against Russia by someone else's hands.
@@Irgma112 Nobody forced Putin to invade Ukraine.
@@rexx9496 No one forced, only provoked. Let's think, who organized the Maidan and overthrew the legitimate president of Ukraine? The one who hired the Blackwater mercenary army and started shooting at both sides. Who fueled extreme nationalist sentiments in Ukraine? Maybe it was the country that provided aid to the so-called UPA fighters after the war. Who built laboratories in Ukraine where some strange research was conducted? Etc., etc., look for the information yourself.
@@Irgma112 Yeah, tiny Ukraine was a real threat to Russia. Okay buddy. That's like the US saying we're invading Canada because they're a threat to us.
@@rexx9496 It's not about defeating Russia, it's about weakening it. And also about diverting attention from the other conflict you're involved in. It's in your interest for this war to last as long as possible. And you know what? Many conscious people in Poland know that you're trying to throw us under this train. Have you heard of BRICS? What do you think will happen to your economy if countries stop using your dollar for settlements?
America benefits from being "world leader/sheriff" and primarly from dollar being the main world currency. USA inflation keeps spreading all around the world because of that, allowing the US government to "print" insane amount of new money (mental shortcut - i'm talking about money creation in general), compared to other countries. The cost of isolationism for the US will be tremendous, especially if you would lose primacy of the dollar in favor of some new-BRICKS-currency.
Cost to the US gov, but to the people? Only benefits. Stop acting like you are a part of the USA. You're a worker. A bootlicka
YES! LOVE THIS. The US dollar should be replaced as main world currency.
Jak najbardziej rozumiem Twój punkt widzenia. Nic mnie nie zdziwiło. Sama pozostaję dość sceptyczna, raczej zdystansowana i ostrożna przy wielkich deklaracjach i obietnicach - co do wspaniałości USA. Lepiej nie mieć idealistycznego spojrzenia, bo to jest zmierzanie w iluzję.
Problematyka jest tu bardzo szeroka, to już teraz są wręcz narosłe problemy! To są tak naprawdę zagadnienia, w których miesza się polityka z dobrem ogółu, czynnikiem ludzkim. W których trzeba pogodzić różne interesy z przyziemnością. I trzeba mieć na uwadze rozwój, ale też i straty.
To jakby wywrócenie na opak porządku rzeczy - żeby trzeba było się w ogóle dopominać o rzeczy kluczowe (jak podstawowa opieka zdrowotna), gdy jest się przyzwyczajonym do pewnego standardu różnorodnych innych usług i gdy ma się tak wysoki status; pozycję lidera (wśród innych krajów świata jak US). Do tego wciąż rosnące koszta. I ta niepewność jutra. Frustrujące, zniechęcające - na co dzień i na dłuższą metę. Nic dziwnego, że pojawiła się potrzeba radykalnych zmian - co pokazały niedawne wybory.
Money for living, not living for money!
It's nice someone is telling how it is in Poland.
We have moved really fast for last 35 years, and yet we managed to stay ourselves somehow (or at least most of us).
"I feel just as unsafe in the US as I did in some places in Columbia. And Columbia is a third world country. I kind of feel that US now is a third world country with money." - US was always dangerous. In 1990s murder rate in LA was 3 times higher than now. And even in 1970s murder rate in LA was twice higher than now. 1974 movie Death Wish became popular for a reason.
It’s COLOMBIA… Spelling is a big issue in USA…when you are referring to the country is Colombia not Columbia…
I'm pretty sure Colombia is a hell of a lot more dangerous than the US. Maybe Wes is comparing a safer gringo/expat part of Colombia with a ghetto in the US. You'd have to compare like to like, the US ghetto vs the hillside slums and favelas of Colombia. I'd rather walk through Los Angeles or NYC at night over Bogota any day of the week.
@@gersonmatos1251 mate i aint even american not english i thought its columbia LMAO leave the poor guy alone
Yeah . There is a city called columbia in Ohio state and a whole country called COLOMBIA…Maybe because both words comes from Cristovam Columbus.. The first European guy to set foot in that region..And yeah there is Columbia pictures the infamous studio of American films…That is why you got mixed up… Watching too many crap from there..And never thought there is a country call COLOMBIA..Ok no problem..
How do you spend a huge amount of time in a country and still don't know how to spell it?!
you should try looking at it differently Wes
first, compare whole aid of 3 years to US yearly military budget
not only US have other people fight ru, their competitor, and weaken it greatly with no loss to themselves
most of that money actually return to US as it empties overstacked warehouses from old weapon that's close to "expire"
I would say, that's quite good business they were making
5:52 It is not free at all. In Poland, we pay a monthly fixed health contribution which is mandatory and they deduct health insurance from our salary.
So it's like a form of tax.
Ambulances are free tho. In the US even if you have insurance u still have to pay for an ambulance
Ok and I pay 2x what I should through my employer because it's for profit.
It's called universal healthcare, where you don't pay or pay very little.
We don't have this in the USA.
@@WheresWes In that case, tell me why there are thousands of fundraising campaigns on the Polish internet for treating people?
I myself am sick now and the state's "free" health service is a fiction. I have to pay for everything myself, or from private - additional insurance.
@@imho4990 Because not every treatment for every illness is covered by the healthcare system. But the point is, you don't have to pay out of pocket for the common things, such as birth and labor, surgeries, hospital stays, painkillers, doctor appointments. Majority of the fundraising campaigns are for treatments that are not available in Poland, so people have to go abroad to get it. I don't think I've ever seen a fundraising campaign for just general medical debt, because such debt just doesn't really exist, at least in the form that it exists in the US.
@@ChebuChebu "Because not every treatment for every illness is covered by the healthcare system. "
I'll correct you. There is no treatment that is effective.
I have a suspicion of colon cancer. The state insurance has scheduled me for an endoscopy in six months. I could die by then.
I had to pay for all the tests out of my own pocket.
"you don't have to pay out of pocket for the common things, such as birth and labor, surgeries, hospital stays, painkillers, doctor appointments."
That's not true. If you want to have treatment and surgery done at the right time and in good quality, you pay for everything yourself. You also pay for the medicine. Fortunately, I also have private insurance and only thanks to that I have cheap doctor visits on a subscription basis.
About HealthCare in Poland, you need really some deep dive in this topic as its not that pink like you paint it
Medicines are chipper in other countries cause in US they are sold in these big packets that they last for 5 years
America first... The USA has positioned itself as a country that creates international politics. A policeman in charge of half the world. It costs. During the Cold War, the US spent billions of dollars each year on armaments against the USSR. Today, thousands of weapons, machines lie in warehouses in deserts. The money for Ukraine is the best investment in decades. America has the best ROI on this. Unfortunately, not all Americans understand it. Greetings from Poland
The USA does not care about Ukrainians or any other country on earth and I'm saying this as an American.
There are some really educated people who know a lot about US history and geopolitics in the comments. I wouldn't be surprised if they were European.
my girlfriend went to US for 2 months , when she returned home I almost did not recognize her, she gained 20 kilos 🤣
Excellent content as always
Is it not within the US's interest to maintain Democracy across the world?
The problem is (mostly) not sending money to other countries but the fact we have low wages, and that asset prices are too damn high due to inflation and artificial scarcity.
"The American dream" is about luck. 9:00 your Mexican friend was just lucky.
you may pay for drugs less here in EU, but you pay only a fraction of real price, the rest is subsidized by the member state’s NFZ/NHS etc. , low price stems from price caps as well, and group purchases , not to mention EU’s negotiating skills, and state-owned pharmaceutical companies, call it socialism
I have to say you nailed this. It's hard to say usa is or is not the best country, but at the same time it's not the best country for everyone and that's just a reality. We're kind of brainwashed to believe we're the best, but you see a lot of these same problems everywhere. I liked your examples and I believe most of your points here are spot on!
Thieves in Poalnd are slao quite well protected up to a certain value of stolen items.
Hi Wes, you do realize that 140-years of American way of life - let"s narrow that down to "peace and freedom" (meaning not having your house bombed, your kids killed or raped and not paying ransom to some foreign nations) was only possible by the fact that US got involved in conflict much away of its borders. Have you seen "man in the high castle" - that should help you imagine on how US life-style could look different if the history rolled differently...
Regarding the war, the United States has financially benefited more than it has spent, though these profits have not necessarily reached the average American citizen. Additionally, the notion that war is a financial burden serves as a compelling political slogan, as it is easy to believe. In reality, for example the U.S. has gained significantly from the sale of military equipment etc. ....
Thank you for this video. I spent a couple of years working in the US, I went there with intention to stay, but I was disappointed to the point that I left. You articulated the reasons for my disappointment in one concise video.
You sound like a former democrat turned republican
Yeah I was democrat until I got to college and I became conservative. I'm more moderate though, leaning republican.
Bro you and I can live in Poland safely only because of NATO. Do you realise that?
Sure we are benefiting from it but most Americans are not
@@WheresWes What was the only country so far who invoked Article 5? For whom we fought in wars like Iraq or Afghanistan? Our people died for your interests. The US gained a lot of soft power and profits for their military complexes. Yes, we benefit more from NATO than the US cause we are in the worse position. But we also try to do anything possible to be a loyal ally to the US (sometimes even too much), we appreciate their contribution. We could never be able to as you said "help ourselves" cause we don't have enough money, resources to do that.
I’ve been to many countries and in EVERY country (except maybe Finland), the locals claim that THEIR country is the best. Very often they haven’t been to many other countries either. Yet they are as equally certain as Americans that their country is the best.
American dream is long over. Economicaly maybe still a power house, but for the quality of living is way better in Europe and elsewhere, also if you think about health (+40% are obese), eating junk food, poor city planing, weak public transportation, debt, health insurances,...
Oh, and yes, I'm from Slovenia, I travelled around the world, been to 40 countries... ;)
Having "sick days" in US is mental for me, like you should get as many sick days as you are sick LOL what if you run out? Just come sick to work and get others sick? How could anyone think that this is the way to go?
Sick days with pay. If you are long term sick, then you go on disability or leave. If you run out of sick day which I think most companies it's 9 days a year, you can take the day off usually, but you won't get paid for it. Or in some cases you can use your PTO/vacation time to still get paid, depending on the company's policy.
@ man if I got such offer in Europe I would have laughed and left on the spot
@@rexx9496 sounds terrible, so what you are doing when it happens that you are sick for more than 9 days per year??
@@savanteris I've never been sick that many days. Policy depends on the company. If you have a corporate office type job, you'd probably use your sick days, then if you need more beyond that you can use your vacation days, and if for some reason you needed more beyond that because you are seriously ill, then I guess you could ask for short term leave or disability. Some years back I had major back pain that took me out of work for about a month. I got full pay while I was out. But I also had a generous company. If I just had a cold or mild flu, I might just as to work from home that day if I feel up to it.
Here in Poland we love to listen about things we do better, because in communist and early democratic times we believed too much in an American dream myth. Even now Poland is the most eager European ally of the US
Poland's relationship with the USA fought Poland and became the second USA (which is dangerous by national, ethnic and religious minorities)
Every contry have somethings that you feel like "this is a scam", I live in Brazil and we pay like 5 times the price of every comodity that isn't made in Brazil because of Taxes, we have, if I remember right, the 3rd most high taxes of the world. In the city that i live to, the rent is realy high, you need to have at least 4 times the minimum wage to live a simple life because half of that you will use for rent of a small apartment
I'm from Warsaw currently living between NYC and Florida. 100% agree with all of the above (btw quoting Scott Galloway made me smile :D ). Just in regards of why US paying other countries. Highly reckoned Peter Zeihan talking about war in Ukraine. Or in general. BTW - I'm in Warsaw right now. Love this city :D
How long have you been living in usa?
What are opinions and big differences between Europe and USA?
There are a few valid points, but this political rant at the beginning shows you still lack understanding how it all works in Europe, Poland especially. Safety in PL has nothing to do with helping Ukraine, but with immigration policy and hard stance on state borders security.
Now for the past 8 decades America has been bending out of shape to first climb onto, and then hold to the position of the world leader. Good for them, and I'm certain most of the western world would rather see USA on this spot, rather than, say, China or Russia. But, this comes at a price.
Look what happened to all colonial powers, when they cut funding from their colonies after II WW: within barely 20 - 30 yrs they stopped being global powers in terms of politicl and miltary influence.
And yeah, sure, colonies are not the same as alliances and partnerships, but still - the mechanism stays largely the same.
There's loads and tons of stuff to unpack here, but my point is this: you enjoy polish safety, but have no fundamental understanding how this safety is provided. Like the fact, that all those strict procedures, border policies, hardstance on illigal immigration and more over tools to uphold those policies would be either impossibble, or significantly harder to achieve without american and EU help back in a day.
To put it bluntly: USA, EU and NATO invested heavily in PL, so now they have a solid and cohesive buffer on NATOs eastern border. A return on inestment. But this sort of luxuries do not come cheap.
Affirmative action was also a thing in Poland. If not for it, my parents wouldn't be able to go to school.
If there was a history of institutional discrimination and huge disparity between regions, only the state can really help.
Now, it would be better if those results in Poland were achieved with the Agrarians instead of Communists, but it is what it is.
2:50 absolutely not in france. The state take the money of people and waste this money in obscurity
If you respect, you get respect
US never gives any money, there's always a deal involved - with military protection on the very top of the profit list. Where do you think US could sell all the military equipment if it wasn't for "protecting" the western world from bad old Russia? There's 32 countries in NATO, all of them expected to spend at least 2% of GDP on military, resulting in total of approx 1.5trilion$ spent in 2024. Now add to that it that approx 50% of NATO equipment is bought from US - and you find why peace on earth is not entirely welcome...
Helping others while having your own citizens indebted enslaved makes sense actually.
It takes some business vision to comprehend this,which you obviously lack.
You still need to learn a lot about politics and economics if you're wondering "Why US is helping others?"... "Helping"...
Still, I like your videos. Cheers!
Polska Gurom!
No, USA is the riches third world country, I'm sorry. When I was going to visit USA in 2027 my friends ( I'm from Poland) begged me not to stay in USA. And I answered "Why would I want to stay as an inlegal immigrant in USA when I can go and work legal in UK, for example?". But I didn't do any of this. I went to New York, I liked ti , i went home to Poland. It's way better for normal people, not the multimillionaires, to live in Europe, and in Poland.
I agree in Poland we got good balance between capitalism and social programs.
If you pay taxes it is better if this benefit you. Looking in America it is like this money are go to politicians and they do with this what ever they want for example send condoms to Gaza.
This is why I'm trying to study in Germany, so that I can then transition to living there. I've been sick of this country for over a decade.
No, i'm in France and i need a car for everything. Europ is not just capital city
As an American, I disagree with putting American's first, we are all humans, and we need to help out our fellow humans. There are people much worse off than those with student debt in the US
6:45 I believe you meant sedentary, tho you could argue we are all still like rocks
As a Polish queer, I don't always feel safe here in Poland. I even got kicked by a stranger and called an f-slur for simply holding my girlfriend's hand. I hear so much horrible homophobic shit from a lot of people here... I kinda wish there were more people standing up for us LGBTQ+ folks here in Poland, to be honest
I hope it will improve. I certainly always support the right of the Polish queer folks to live their life in peace and free from any interference.
What the author of the film said about LGBT+ people frozen my blood (I remember everything from 2020...)
If you grow up in places like NYC, LA, and Chicago.. of course you think America is terrible. I grew up and live in Hampton Roads, VA. It’s not perfect here, but after traveling and living long term in places like Manila, Hong Kong, Medellin (bad areas), Santo Domingo.. Virginia is Heaven. The goal is to make USD and be able to live in other countries. Even USD is being devalued, so invest in Bitcoin or high value stocks. That’s how you keep a high standard of living ANYWHERE in the world.
yeah u have a fair point. I've also visited the places you've been to, and it doesn't compare to Europe.
@ Yup, Europe is lovely, but head to London in grimy areas and it’s just like some parts of NYC. Head to Cadiz, Spain (my personal fav in Europe) and life is good. Let me caveat that I’ve lived in NYC… if you visit and live in decent places around the city, it’s phenomenal and culturally rich. Stay away from the hood 😆
Zgadzam sie ! Dzieci bedziesz mial sliczne a ze slowianka to beda przesliczne ❤
As an American expat woman who is single, childfree, and living her best life in Belgrade, Serbia, I completely agree with this video!
Americans are colonizing the world and raising prices up all over the world. People will catch on someday and all will pay a big price.
We have one major issue in Poland that is kinda smuggled from the US and other capitalist nations like this - real estate speculation. This is a new thing, people weren't really buying houses or flats to flip them for a higher price until 2018 or so. The government is constantly trying to push cheap mortgage programs which are not going to make housing more available. Taxpayer money going into mortgages = developers rising the price of real estate by the amount that's donated by taxpayers. It doesn't get any simpler.
The fertility rate is already rock-bottom at about 1,0 which means that newborn generation will be half in numbers of the one giving births to it. What they want to do, import 20 million third world brown people to fill the void? Cos they certainly won't start paying better and attracting people to work the most unattractive jobs. They ALWAYS cut corners and choose the cheapest option. Currently they have Ukrainians but they won't be here forever, once war is over they'll flunk back to rebuild their homes. I can already see immigration increasing, we have people from Georgia, Columbia, Philipines, India etc. The supply of those is basically unlimited.
That info about free days with Austria is not correct. Poland offers more - 26 days + 13 public holidays.
The problems of America is that education and health care system are considered business, not a social service like in Europe. Change this, get rid of guns and you will feel a positive impact fast.
Capitalism is good, but not unregulated wild capitalism, it just needs some regulation in key areas. As you said, a good balance between capitalism and socialism works best.
USA is a country with no hostile country nearby (Cuba is offshore, with a poor economy and weak military). It made a ton of money because of military industry and selling it abroad. It had named itself an international police and peacekeepers. It made an oath and took responsibility as an ally to European countries as a NATO member.
US citizens had not met with economical, political or military occupation or war within for many years. Most of conflicts were abroad. But here in Central or East Europe we had very recent memories of such conflicts and many of us survived it.
If you made to promise to keep peace in Europe then fulfill it with your soldiers or with military aid. Russia is an aggressor and would not stop on Ukraine but will advance. Then you would had to spend a lot more money and even your soldiers life to take care of issue.
Solution for problems with students loans or health services are at your hand - taxes for more wealthy people and you would have money for social programs. But your politicians and media call it communism and defend enormous riches of the few 1% of the most rich cast.
Make Europe safe as you promised and then do whatever you want with your economy, budget and care of your own citizens!
Why haven't these European countries fulfilled their promise to allocate the proper amount of GDP to defense? Europe has been taking advantage of America's military
@@WheresWesdon’t go that rabbit hole
Russia won't advance past Ukraine. The only reason it even got into Ukraine is because there was a military buildup of US bases near the borders of Russia by NATO which was happening for decades. There is quite literally no proof that Russia ever intended on invading europe. They have said for years that they just don't want NATO near their borders, which is completely understandable. But once you go so far as try getting Ukraine into NATO and with that having the possibility of lunching missles into Moscow and cutting off the Russian navy, don't be surprised a war breaks out.
@@WheresWes quarter of Europe. The far WEST one that had as US no military threats as Portugal for instance. But US had made a lot of money for spending their budget in military because of military industry synergy benefits ( selling guns to other countries at war) even to Europe and got extra money from it.
Here on West NATO flank we spend dozens of our citizens tax money to got GDP % higher than 2%. Here in Poland is near 5%. And it's of a cost for instance in social or rental housing programs or elderly pension.
We had got most brutal war in our territory lost millions of people and infrastructure only to be sold to Stalin by politicians in Jałta by Roosevelt and Churchill and were drained by USSR.
We got free when their were weaker and they want to take it back with the Baltic's, Romania, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Czech Republic. Ukraine is only starters in their plan.
So please do not use polical or campaign slogan to justify an ignorance at best or lack of common sense at worst. We have war at our border and we need support not treats or patronising.
@@spinachslurp9176 why Russia felt "threaten" by NATO and for the most part for new NATO members? They had attacked someone before. Or Russia invaded Czeczenia, Georgia or divided Moldova?
Common are you believe Putin's propaganda or are you part of it?
Lobbyists. Big issue.
Sono d'accordo con te, in Italia persi il lavoro alcuni anni fa ed era un lavoro molto difficile e invalidante, poi arrivò il reddito di cittadinanza, che era un Bonus mensile di 789.00 Euro per la sopravvivenza a chi aveva perso il lavoro e cominciai a rivivere, tuttavia meloni giorgia, arrivò e iniziò ad offendere violentemente me e tutti i percettori, e con salvini, si ripromisero di strapparcelo via stralciando i nostri diritti e suddividerci in meritevoli o meno, poi separò le persone tra "occupabili" e "non occupabili" per costringerli ad iscriversi ad un metodo che finanziava privati per corsi di Inglese che non arrivavano alle ore prestabilite e inserimento lavorativo che altri non era che lo sbattere on line e in una piattaforma aperta a tutti i nostri dati personali e di lavoro adatto alla mia persona non ve ne era, io persi la casa, ma la cosa assai difficile da affrontare fu che io non appartenevo a nessuna delle due categorie fatte da meloni giorgia, io soffrivo di Fibromialgia e di cuore, non riconosciuta come disabile tuttavia inabile a lavori pesanti. Il lavoro in Italia consiste solo in quello per la maggior parte dei casi ed io sono portata per i lavori concettuali, sono quelli che desidero fare, ma un posto in Parlamento per me, come quello dato 30 anni fa a meloni, che si è arricchita con esso, non c'è, ed io sono ospite da un mio amico. In Italia e nel mondo credo che la soluzione dei problemi sia il reddito universale sine conditio, gli aiuti per gli studenti, i fondi da mettere a disposizione per le cure mediche di tutti e la cancellazione del debito pubblico poiché non credo i cittadini si siano indebitati sino a quel punto, Nel frattempo meloni continua il suo invio di armi per le guerre, e lo fa coi nostri soldi e diritti, ma sono sicura che la giustizia arriverà e che anche se va a cercare la protezione dei potenti, qualcuno di quei potenti la vedrà per quello che realmente è: una approfittatrice arrampicatrice sociale che passa sul cadavere della povera gente, tuttavia uno solo di quei potenti la schiaccerà e sputerà fuori dal mondo del potere per far posto magari a chi merita davvero, come me!
Thank you for your content.