When the Bible Wrote the Future | Marking the End Times

  • Опубліковано 26 вер 2024
  • As a pastor teaching the truth of God's Word, I'm amazed to be standing here in ancient Macedonia near the burial site of Philip II and the birthplace of his son Alexander the Great. The prophecies in the book of Daniel, written centuries beforehand, provide such specific details about the rise and conquests of Alexander's Greek Empire that were stunningly fulfilled. This is powerful evidence that the Bible's other prophecies about events still to come, like the return of Christ, will just as accurately be realized according to God's perfect timing and plan. Seeing these prophecies play out gives me great confidence to keep proclaiming God's sure Word.


  • @davidjohn438
    @davidjohn438 4 місяці тому +4

    GOD bless AMERICA and GOD bless you PASTOR Mark Hitchcock!!! 🙏🙏🙏You are a Great Man Of GOD!!!

  • @ChildofGod98765
    @ChildofGod98765 4 місяці тому +10

    Needed this. Jesus YOU ARE MY STRENGTH. Lord please bless my children both are special needs, heal them Lord. I’m overwhelmed because I’m on my own as a single mother I have no one to turn to, but you Heavenly Father. Give me strength as I struggle to buy groceries, and as I struggle to pay rent, and as I struggle to do it all for my sons. Keep us safe and protect us from the evil ones of this world. Amen.💕

    • @evelyntrujillo4912
      @evelyntrujillo4912 4 місяці тому +1

      May our Lord heal your children... Thank You my Jesus..

  • @patriciaroettger6353
    @patriciaroettger6353 4 місяці тому +5

    I loved this! Just read about it in Daniel. Praise the Loed!

  • @BP-E
    @BP-E 4 місяці тому +10

    Great teaching pastor! MARANATHA ❤

    • @sinabaghbani1690
      @sinabaghbani1690 4 місяці тому

      Bulshit! Even what was the message? Can you tell me?

  • @cindiannmcdonald2385
    @cindiannmcdonald2385 4 місяці тому +3

    Thank you so much Pastor Mark! Stay safe and blessed in Jesus Name!

  • @Rebeccao-x1j
    @Rebeccao-x1j 4 місяці тому +2

    Thx ú for the wonderful teaching

  • @RickySmith-zi5cz
    @RickySmith-zi5cz 4 місяці тому +4

    Texas praying peace for Jerusalem in Jesus name. Thank You Father.

  • @heartlights
    @heartlights 4 місяці тому +5

    It's crazy that the world will believe in a character like Alexander the Great but not in a real person like Jesus

    • @lion-888-
      @lion-888- 4 місяці тому +1

      Billions of people believe in the Lord Jesus Christ.

  • @thearmsofpromise
    @thearmsofpromise 4 місяці тому +7

    Excellent thank you Pastor Mark.❤

  • @delaineharvey5177
    @delaineharvey5177 4 місяці тому +2

    Wonderful teaching! Thank you!🙏

  • @ApostolicStorm
    @ApostolicStorm 4 місяці тому +1

    “And in the latter time of their kingdom, when the transgressors are come to the full, a king of fierce countenance, and understanding dark sentences, shall stand up. And his power shall be mighty, but not by his own power: and he shall destroy wonderfully, and shall prosper, and practise, and shall destroy the mighty and the holy people.”
    - Daniel 8:23-24

  • @LakeviewMissionaryChurch
    @LakeviewMissionaryChurch 4 місяці тому

    This is great. Thank you!

  • @patsears4209
    @patsears4209 4 місяці тому +6

    I could listen about this all day.

  • @MaranathaMan
    @MaranathaMan 4 місяці тому +2

    Gog/Magog question…do Russians today believe they are of the Gog/Magog nation depicted in prophecy? How do they deal with that, knowing their demise is coming soon?

  • @stevencohn922
    @stevencohn922 4 місяці тому +4

    I’m not a legalistic person but every time I see Christians spending thousands of dollars on a Bible tour in far away country I wonder if there are better ways to spend the money God’s blessed people with? It’s not a SIN to go on a faith based trip to the holy land spending thousands of dollars in the process, but I know there are many ministries and evangelists missionaries who need support for bibles, gospel tracts medical supplies, food staples, clothing Etc and lack funding and support!

    • @deeT02
      @deeT02 4 місяці тому

      How much have you gave? Or do you feed the homeless? You do not know what this church does.

    • @trudykearney883
      @trudykearney883 4 місяці тому +1

      We can t make decisions for other people you just do what God has told you to do and you will be blessed

    • @stevencohn922
      @stevencohn922 4 місяці тому +1

      @@trudykearney883 As for me, if I had $5000 laying around to spend I would not be planning a trip to Israel or other holy biblical sites in foreign countries, I would research it and find out how much I could help support legitimate ministries and missionaries who are effective in getting the gospel to people who have never heard the gospel truth but lacking in support to do ministry instead of flying to exotic places for myself! But that’s me and I don’t have any money to make a difference anyway!

  • @dougbell9543
    @dougbell9543 3 місяці тому

    The hallmarks of a foolish dispensational movement include an uncanny ability to unlock the future and the deepest of divine mysteries. ✔️

  • @fabbrofamily7038
    @fabbrofamily7038 4 місяці тому +1

    483 years

  • @lion-888-
    @lion-888- 4 місяці тому

    Daniel chapter 2 and Daniel chapter 7 are not the same.
    Daniel chapter 2 was Nebuchadnezzar's dream and Daniel chapter 7 was a vision to Daniel.

  • @DeckerControlSystems
    @DeckerControlSystems 4 місяці тому

    Mark, Jesus Christ, Who is God The Father, The Son of God & The Holy Spirit, He confirms that absolute truth dozens of times thru out my 1611 KJV Bible and says, "There exists no other God besides Me, your Savior. I Am the Great I AM & I Am the Creator of the entire Universe, I Am the Alpha & Omega, The First & The Last, the Beginning & Ending of all things that exist or have existed, now exist or ever will exist in Eternity Future in My infinite Cosmos. Jesus is the Bible. It was written down by many of Christ's prophets over thousands of years as Jesus dictated Word by Word to those prophets as Jesus, Who is Almighty God, 100%, spoke the Holy Word as He Is The Author of the Bible that you can trust, the 1611 Authorized KJV BIBLE. Mark, I pray for you and all of the other "trinitarians" that believe that demonic nonsense you all call the "trinity doctrine", the false worship of three separate little god-persons instead of worshipping the ONE TRUE GOD, JESUS CHRIST. Mark, only because I love you as all true Christians love each other and therefore I must warn you of the great dangers of belief in "trinitarianism". Brother Mark, please come back to THE ONE & ONLY ONE GOD WHOSE NAME IS JESUS CHRIST before it's too late!

  • @runojustingames4871
    @runojustingames4871 4 місяці тому +2

    Hey everyone should I have wife and kids or I just wait for the rapture

    • @nadeneknowles883
      @nadeneknowles883 4 місяці тому +5

      Have your wife and children you mustn’t put your life on hold you must live and redeem the time 🙏❤️🇬🇧until Jesus returns 🙏

    • @JESUSisLORD24151
      @JESUSisLORD24151 4 місяці тому +4

      Have a wife and kids.

    • @WaldemarvanWyk
      @WaldemarvanWyk 4 місяці тому

      Make her pregnant

    • @runojustingames4871
      @runojustingames4871 4 місяці тому +1

      @nadeneknowles883 the rapture maybe happen soon

    • @jeffreyking454
      @jeffreyking454 4 місяці тому +3

      Please pray for direction first, but please do not put life on hold for the rapture. It’s coming, for sure, but He tells us to occupy until then. Ask God for direction about how to glorify Him until His return. I struggled with this thought ten years ago, but I have written a book since then. Don’t quit too early!

  • @TheSwordOfTheLord223
    @TheSwordOfTheLord223 4 місяці тому +1

    September, 1984
    Late one night, I could not sleep, The children were sleeping on the luggage. My wife and daughter were crying, I went outside and walked around. I didn't want them to see me cry. I walked around the building, crying and saying, "God! Why did you punish me? Why did you bring me into this country? I can't my understand anybody. If I try to ask anybody anything, all I hear is, "I don't know."
    I stopped in front of the apartment and sat on a large rock. Suddenly a bright light came toward me. I jumped to my feet because it looked as if a car was coming directly at me, attempting to run me down! I thought the Romanian Secret Police had tracked me to America, and now they were trying to kill me. But it wasn't a car at all. As the light approached, it surrounded me. From the light I heard the same voice that I had heard so many times in prison.
    He said "Dumitru, why are you so despaired?" I said, "Why did you punish me? Why did you bring me to this country? I have nowhere to lay my head down. I can't understand anybody." He said, "Dumitru, didn't I tell you I am here with you, also? I brought you to this country because this country will burn." I said, 'then why did you bring me here to burn? Why didn't you let me die in my own country? You should have let me die in jail in Romania! He said, "Dumitru, have patience so I can tell you. Get on this." I got on something next to him. I don't know what it was. I also know that I was not asleep. It was not a dream. It was not a vision. I was awake just as I am now.
    He showed me all of California and said, "This is Sodom and Gomorrah! All of this, in one day it will burn! It's sin has reached the Holy One." Then he took me to Las Vegas. "This is Sodom and Gomorrah. In one day it will burn." Then he showed me the state of New York. "Do you know what this is?" he asked. I said, "No." He said "This is New York. This is Sodom and Gomorrah! In one day it will burn." Then he showed me all of Florida, "This is Florida." he said. "This is Sodom and Gomorrah! In one day it will burn."
    Then he took me back home to the rock where we had begun. "IN ONE DAY IT WILL BURN! All of this I have shown you" - I said, "How will it burn?" He said, "Remember what I am telling you, because you will go on television, on the radio and in churches. You must yell with a loud voice. Do not be afraid, because I will be with you." I said, "How will I be able to go? Who knows me here in America? I don't know anybody here." He said, "Don't worry yourself. I will go before you. I will do a lot of healing in the American churches and I will open the doors for you. But do not say anything else besides what I tell you. This country will burn!"
    I said, "What will you do with the church?" He said, "I want to save the church, but the churches have forsaken me." I said, "How did they forsake you?" He said, "The people praise themselves. The honor that the people are supposed to give Jesus Christ, they take upon themselves. In the churches there are divorces. There is adultery in the churches. There are homosexuals in the churches. There is abortion in the churches and all other sins that are possible.
    Because of all the sin, I have left some of the churches. You must yell in a loud voice that they must put an end to their sinning. They must turn toward the Lord. The Lord never gets tired of forgiving. They must draw close to the Lord, and live a clean life. If they have sinned until now, they must put an end to it, and start a new life as the Bible tells them to live."
    I said, "How will America burn?" America is the most powerful country in this world. Why did you bring us here to burn? Why didn't you at least let us die where ALL the Dudumans have died?"
    He said, "Remember this, Dumitru. The Russian spies have discovered where the nuclear warehouses are in America. The Angel Gabriel told me “War in America will start with an internal revolution in America, started by the communists. When the Americans will think that it is peace and safety - from the middle of the country, some of the people will start fighting against the government. The government will be busy with internal problems. Then from the ocean, from Cuba, Nicaragua, Mexico,,.." (He told me two other countries, but I didn't remember what they were.) "...they will bomb the nuclear warehouses. When they explode, America will burn!"
    "What will you do with the Church of the Lord? How will you save the ones that will turn toward you?" I asked. He said, "Tell them this: how I saved the three young ones from the furnace of fire, and how I saved Daniel in the lions den, is the same way I will save them."
    The angel of the Lord also told me, "I have blessed this country because of the Jewish people who are in this country. I have seven million Jews in this country, but they do not want to recognize the Lord. They didn't want to thank God for the blessing they received in this country. Israel doesn't want to recognize Jesus Christ. They put their faith in the Jewish people in America. But, when America burns, the Lord will raise China, Japan, and other nations to go against the Russians. They will beat the Russians and push them all the way to the gates of Paris.
    Over there they will make a treaty, and appoint the Russians as their leaders. They will then unite against Israel. When Israel realizes she does not have the strength of America behind her, she will be frightened. That's when she will turn to the Messiah for deliverance. That's when the Messiah will come. Then, the church will meet Jesus in the air, and he will bring them back with Him to the Mount of Olives. At that time, the battle of Armageddon will be fought."
    When I heard all of this I said, "if you are truly the angel of the Lord, and everything you have told me is true, then all you have said must be written in a the Bible." He said, "Tell everyone to read from Jeremiah 51:8-15, Revelation chapter 18, and Zechariah chapter 14, where Christ fights against those who possess the earth. After His victory," the angel said, "there will be one flock and one Shepherd. There will be no need for light. The Lamb of God will be the Light. There will be no sickness, no tears, and no deaths. There will only be eternal joy and God will be the ruler. There will be only one language. Only one song. And no need for a translator! ... And, Dumitru," he continued, "a word of warning. If you keep anything from the American people that you are told, I will punish you severely." "How will I know that this is for real -that it will really happen?" I asked. "As a sign that I have spoken to you, tomorrow before you wake, I will send someone to bring you a bed, and at noon I will send you a car and a bucket of honey. After which I will send someone to pay your rent." The next day someone brought Dumitru a bed, and at noon a car arrived with the bucket of honey. His rent was also paid, as God had promised him. (See chapter 10, "THROUGH THE FIRE WITHOUT BURNING.") Then the angel left.
    Excepted from: 
Dreams and Visions From God
Copyright © 1994, 1996, 2000

  • @TheSwordOfTheLord223
    @TheSwordOfTheLord223 4 місяці тому

    The 1,2,3rd Beast have already come and gone and we are leaving in the 4th Beast which is the 1st Beast that Daniel was living in which is the Babylonian Empire.

    • @jimUkay
      @jimUkay 4 місяці тому


    • @hydrolic1
      @hydrolic1 4 місяці тому

      Careful, ​@@jimUkay

  • @TheSwordOfTheLord223
    @TheSwordOfTheLord223 4 місяці тому

    Daniel’s 70 weeks
    The Angle told Daniel that The coming of The Messiah Yeshua and put an end to transgression would be 490 years. Not 2,490 years if it were so the Angel would have not said 490 years and God would be a liar 🤥. Every bible commentary up until the last 200 years all said the same thing. Read Mathew Henry’s commentary on Daniel chapter 9. I too used to miss understand Daniel 9:27. The Bible says that there must be 2 or more witnesses of a verse. If there is not then you are Miss understanding the verse.
    27 Then he took a cup, and when he had given thanks, he gave it to them, saying, “Drink from it, all of you. 28 This is my blood of the[b] covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins. 29 I tell you, I will not drink from this fruit of the vine from now on until that day when I drink it new with you in my Father’s kingdom.”
    Ezekiel 37:26 Moreover I will make a covenant of peace with them; it shall be an everlasting covenant with them: and I will place them, and multiply them, and will set my sanctuary in the midst of them for evermore.
    Commentary on Daniel 9:20-27
    (Read Daniel 9:20-27)
    An answer was immediately sent to Daniel's prayer, and it is a very memorable one. We cannot now expect that God should send answers to our prayers by angels, but if we pray with fervency for that which God has promised, we may by faith take the promise as an immediate answer to the prayer; for He is faithful that has promised. Daniel had a far greater and more glorious redemption discovered to him, which God would work out for his church in the latter days. Those who would be acquainted with Christ and his grace, must be much in prayer. The evening offering was a type of the great sacrifice Christ was to offer in the evening of the world: in virtue of that sacrifice Daniel's prayer was accepted; and for the sake of that, this glorious discovery of redeeming love was made to him. We have, in verses 24-27, one of the most remarkable prophecies of Christ, of his coming and his salvation. It shows that the Jews are guilty of most obstinate unbelief, in expecting another Messiah, so long after the time expressly fixed for his coming. The seventy weeks mean a day for a year, or 490 years. About the end of this period a sacrifice would be offered, making full atonement for sin, and bringing in everlasting righteousness for the complete justification of every believer. Then the Jews, in the crucifixion of Jesus, would commit that crime by which the measure of their guilt would be filled up, and troubles would come upon their nation. All blessings bestowed on sinful man come through Christ's atoning sacrifice, who suffered once for sins, the just for the unjust, that he might bring us to God. Here is our way of access to the throne of grace, and of our entrance to heaven. This seals the sum of prophecy, and confirms the covenant with many; and while we rejoice in the blessings of salvation, we should remember what they cost the Redeemer. How can
    those escape who neglect so great salvation!
    * Bible > Bible CommentaryMatthew Henry’s Bible Commentar
    3.) Concerning the final destruction of Jerusalem, and of the Jewish church and nation; and this follows immediately upon the cutting off of the Messiah, not only because it was the just punishment of those that put him to death, which was the sin that filled up the measure of their iniquity and brought ruin upon them, but because, as things were, it was necessary to the perfecting of one of the great intentions of his death. He died to take away the ceremonial law, quite to abolish that law of commandments, and to vacate the obligation of it. But the Jews would not be persuaded to quit it; still they kept it up with more zeal than ever; they would hear no talk of parting with it; they stoned Stephen (the first Christian martyr) for saying that Jesus should change the customs which Moses delivered them (Acts 6 14); so that there was no way to abolish the Mosaic economy but by destroying the temple, and the holy city, and the Levitical priesthood, and that whole nation which so incurably doted on them. This was effectually done in less than forty years after the death of Christ, and it was a desolation that could never be repaired to this day. And this is it which is here largely foretold, that the Jews who returned out of captivity might not be overmuch lifted up with the rebuilding of their city and temple, because in process of time they would be finally destroyed, and not as now for seventy years only, but might rather rejoice in hope of the coming of the Messiah, and the setting up of his spiritual kingdom in the world, which should never be destroyed. Now, [1.] It is here foretold that the people of the prince that shall come shall be the instruments of this destruction, that is, the Roman armies, belonging to a monarchy yet to come (Christ is the prince that shall come, and they are employed by him in this service; they are his armies, Matt 22 7), or the Gentiles (who, though now strangers, shall become the people of the Messiah) shall destroy the Jews. [2.] That the destruction shall be by war, and the end of that war shall be this desolation determined. The wars of the Jews with the Romans were by their own obstinacy made very long and very bloody, and they issued at length in the utter extirpation of that people. [3.] That the cityand sanctuary shall in a particular manner be destroyed and laid quite waste. Titus the Roman general would fain have saved the temple, but his soldiers were so enraged against the Jews that he could not restrain them from burning it to the ground, that this prophecy might be fulfilled. [4.] That all the resistance that shall be made to this destruction shall be in vain: The end of it shall be with a flood. It shall be a deluge of destruction, like that which swept away the old world, and which there will be no making head against. [5.] That hereby the sacrifice and oblation shall be made to cease. And it must needs cease when the family of the priests was so extirpated, and the genealogies of it were so confounded, that (they say) there is no man in the world that can prove himself of the seed of Aaron. [6.] that there shall be an overspreading of abominations, a general corruption of the Jewish nation and an abounding of iniquity among them, for which it shall be made desolate, 1 Thess 2 16. Or it is rather to be understood of the armies of the Romans, which were abominable to the Jews (they could not endure them), which overspread the nation, and by which it was made desolate; for these are the words which Christ refers to, Matt 24 15, When you shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel, stand in the holy place, then let those who shall be in Judea flee, which is explained Luke 21 20, When you shall see Jerusalem encompassed with armies then flee. [7.] That the desolation shall be total and final: He shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, that is, he shall make it completely desolate. It is a desolation determined, and it will be accomplished to the utmost. And when it is made desolate, it should seem, there is something more determined that is to be poured upon the desolate (v. 27), and what should that be but the spirit of slumber (Rom 11 8, 25), that blindness which has happened to Israel until the fulness of the Gentiles shall come in? And then all Israel shall be saved.

  • @erinhiggins9661
    @erinhiggins9661 4 місяці тому +1

    Is anyone from Newton Mississippi.? I'm looking for a church.