Why the NHS is in crisis

  • Опубліковано 23 вер 2024


  • @dub604
    @dub604 Рік тому +394

    It's an old trick... 1) underfund a public service. 2) it ceases to work correctly 3) It's easy to justify privatizing it and all your mates get rich. The Tories love playing this game.

    • @guff9567
      @guff9567 Рік тому +13

      Is your best mate Lenin?

    • @dub604
      @dub604 Рік тому +59

      @@guff9567 He died 100 years ago so we aren't exactly close. Run along now, it's a school day tomorrow.

    • @AustinPowers704
      @AustinPowers704 Рік тому +27

      @@guff9567 what a stupid question

    • @dub604
      @dub604 Рік тому +24

      @@AustinPowers704 He's playing on his mum's laptop again... wait till she comes back from the pub, he'll be sorry. 🤣😂🤣😅

    • @paulinecabbed1271
      @paulinecabbed1271 Рік тому +3

      Where do you get this from?

  • @fzrshiny
    @fzrshiny Рік тому +67

    "We send the EU £350 million a week. let's fund our NHS instead" - So why is the NHS not receiving £350 million extra every week?

    • @monal3650
      @monal3650 Рік тому

      it was in the news how much is wasted re: the nhs, that's y brexist came out.

    • @sidsod1616
      @sidsod1616 Рік тому

      Because they will spend it on waste of space equality and inclusion / diversity managers and more paperclip pushers. And not where its needed.

    • @johnwintergreen3180
      @johnwintergreen3180 Рік тому +8

      Being spent on migrants

    • @jbug884
      @jbug884 Рік тому +1

      1-Stop mass immigration, the country is being sunk. It’s not a case of racism, just pure numbers. My Jamaica mother agrees!
      2-Only let nurses and doctors move here, or anyone earning £30K + no spongers!
      3-Train more nurses, make training free and increase pay to make it more appealing. Nurses shouldn’t need a degree to wipe bottoms either. It’s a mainly practical job, let them train and get paid on the job.
      3-Stop giving benefits to immigrants, they just come here to live free and milk the left wing system.
      4-Charge people to use the NHS if they have lived here for less than 5 years, or have no NHS number.
      This may sound harsh, but it’s the reality.
      Can anyone explain to me the benefits of allowing mass movement of poverty stricken, low skilled people into the country?

    • @MyName-cw4yr
      @MyName-cw4yr Рік тому +4

      The NHS already gets enough money, they just waste it on way to many management staff and silly bureaucracy. It needs reform, not more money.

  • @williemacdonald72
    @williemacdonald72 Рік тому +68

    Twelve years of Tory cuts.
    There you go summed it up in five words.

    • @guff9567
      @guff9567 Рік тому +1

      Shut it Trotsky

    • @davebirch1976
      @davebirch1976 Рік тому

      Twelve years of Tories trying to find money to fund everything with after being left with f**k all by the outgoing labour government.
      And before you accuse me of being a Tory voter, I live in an area of South Yorkshire that held street parties when Maggie Thatcher died.

    • @williemacdonald72
      @williemacdonald72 Рік тому +12

      @@guff9567 awright Himler.

    • @jpw6893
      @jpw6893 Рік тому +1

      How is increased spending a cut?

    • @paulinecabbed1271
      @paulinecabbed1271 Рік тому +1

      But it is not true what yo speculate

  • @Deathwish026
    @Deathwish026 Рік тому +68

    when my dad collapsed after vomiting blood last september it took 3 and a half hours to get an ambulance. 3 days later we had to turn off his machines because theres nothing more the doctors could do. every day i wonder would he still be here if the ambulance hadent taken so long.

    • @wladimirnowak8797
      @wladimirnowak8797 Рік тому

      welcome to postcapitalizme of lack of USSR . youtube -СКАНДАЛ в ООН | Небензя покинул заседание совбеза ООН Germaniju iskliucili iz Ligi natsyj bo imeli za czto. Poniali moju myslj ? Toljko bezogoworocznaja kapituliatsyja .

    • @kb8570
      @kb8570 Рік тому +2

      I stopped using NHS and now have BUPA medical cover.

    • @Salena905
      @Salena905 Рік тому +1

      I'm so sorry to hear of this. But it all depends on your father's health, sometimes this happens even if the ambulance gets there in time, but the result ends up the same. Sometimes hospitals/ doctors ,/ surgeons can only do so much , we forget they're just doctors and they can't help everyone they'd love to cure all, but can't. Again sorry for your loss, but you will always have those special memories you shared with him. Take care ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🙏

    • @marcuscross8051
      @marcuscross8051 5 місяців тому

      I'm so sorry.

    • @ricardoduane6083
      @ricardoduane6083 4 місяці тому

      The problem is if a foreign migrant called the ambulance before you did he would be the priority. UK is vastly overpopulated

  • @johnhobbes2268
    @johnhobbes2268 Рік тому +49

    I'm a German A&E worker and I can tell you that we have massive problems, too. I often work 240 hours a month and it is a nightmare to find a bed for a patient fever or diarhea. (Normal beds are already pretty rare, but isolation rooms are really a problem) However, this is nowhere near the problems the NHS is facing. For example, the 18 minute target (Video minute 2:04) is almost the same in Germany (15 minute target) but it is the maximum amount of time an ambulance is allowed to need to get even into the rural areas. If this limit is breached, the person who is responsible for the logistics has to justufy the incident. Whe have a special part in our protocol for this reason. (This almost exclusively happens when there is either a mass incident or you have to get across the railway).
    The additional cost to the care system from unnecessary harm must be huge. (not to mention the human tradegy)
    I hope the british can surpass party politics in this area and fix the problems.

    • @ccalby
      @ccalby Рік тому +9

      Ambulances need to justify their delays in the UK as well.
      The problem is, they can. They're all queued outside hospital for 6+ hours so there are no ambulances to send.

    • @jerome_morrow
      @jerome_morrow Рік тому +4

      There will be no cross party working to solve the problems of the NHS. If the politicians were serious about fixing the NHS, this would have happened years ago. It’s just one giant political football to them.😊

    • @eanettecurtain4267
      @eanettecurtain4267 Рік тому +4

      @@jmshrrsn they haven’t taken their eye off the ball. This is precisely what they wanted. Underfund a public service so it’s easier to privatise and give your mates billion pound contracts

    • @gainal9080
      @gainal9080 Рік тому +2

      That's terrible. In Taiwan current ambulance average wait time is 7 minutes. The national target is 10 minutes and roughly 90% of the ambulance calls in 2021 met the target.

    • @BK-lv9ff
      @BK-lv9ff Рік тому

      import more arabs who stay on benefits all junk from all over the world is coming in germany to stay on benefits im pay fking 30+% tax on my money , i dont want fking benefits im leaving and make room for more junk to come no problemo but they dont pay tax they take from it lol

  • @lincslegend6936
    @lincslegend6936 Рік тому +75

    My wife's a nurse so I know first hand what's going on and how hard all the staff work. It blows my mind that the NHS hasn't been funded or staffed properly to keep with demand and a growing/ageing population!
    The staff should be paid and treated better to retain and encourage people to join the NHS.
    More staff means less stress and workload on current staff, meaning fewer sick days and a more productive/happy workforce.
    The torys are a disgrace and should be ashamed of all the years of underfunding and cuts.

    • @JustAnOrdinarySimmer
      @JustAnOrdinarySimmer Рік тому +9

      The Uni fees alone leave people in crippling debt to the point they no longer find it feasable to become a nurse working long hours and being under-payed, even if they got a pay rise, they are still massively under payed

    • @oldpondfrog788
      @oldpondfrog788 Рік тому

      Uni's were requiring entrants to nursing degrees to take a certain untested and risky medical intervention.

    • @raincloudsradio8900
      @raincloudsradio8900 Рік тому +5

      Non Brit here. You need to have a (small) fee charged to use the A and E. I can't believe EVERYTHING is free at the point of use. Even Sweden charges

    • @lincslegend6936
      @lincslegend6936 Рік тому

      Rainclouds Radio we pay a small fee in our taxes. Those who pay tax should be front of the que.

    • @raincloudsradio8900
      @raincloudsradio8900 Рік тому +1

      @@lincslegend6936 the small fee when you go to A and E wouldn't be enough to fund anything but would stop unessential use of the A and E department. The UK is struggling to keep its public services afloat. This isn't anything new either

  • @originalunoriginal4055
    @originalunoriginal4055 Рік тому +31

    It's obvious public services are immensely overwhelmed an overburdened.
    The demand for number of patients in need of NHS service outweighs the number of NHS hospital staff.

    • @Kam-go3bc
      @Kam-go3bc Рік тому +4

      Huh? The NHS staff are there, they exist, but they are leaving because they're underpaid and undervalued.

    • @monal3650
      @monal3650 Рік тому

      @@Kam-go3bc U think! So they say, but that's not actually the case. 70% of people die in a hospital. if u get dementia, if emergency then the dr can give u a DLR (I believe it's called. Do not resuscitate if wakes up. THIS IS HORRIFIC. I only got to know about this recently. TWO cases I know of, regarding this. And the 3rd one is the well known story of a lady that was in the news. (She was cut off, so to speak). REALLY, the public needs to be aware of these things & speak out. there should be a website where people can address their concerns & SAY NO to this ever happening to them!!

    • @alisiddibeh7144
      @alisiddibeh7144 Рік тому

      I personally know former nurses and doctors and it has nothing to do with having more patients. Some of my friends complained about the bureaucracy going on in the hospitals and how they decide how to spend the money on tools, staff, medicines. Sometimes they have enough funds, they just don't really care about you. Unless you go to a private doctor, obviously.

    • @yvonnerout7319
      @yvonnerout7319 3 місяці тому

      because we have an increased population but no infrastructure to support the needs also we now rent our hospitals off the private sector at extortionate rates

  • @markedwards9247
    @markedwards9247 Рік тому +16

    A friend of mine had a mild stroke 2 months ago.
    A have basic first aid training, and it had been drummed into me that in the case of stroke victims, every second counts. I did what I was trained to do, and called an emergency ambulance. After repeatedly desperate phone calls, the ambulance arrived EIGHT HOURS LATER. They were, I was told, very busy that night.
    Sadly, my friend failed to recover, and passed away a few days ago from what was described as an "unrelated heart condition".
    I do not blame the paramedics, they can only perform according to the size of the workforce, and funding provided to the service.
    Guess why paramedics are leaving in their droves?
    This to me is not an argument amongst politicians, or an ideological issue. It is quite simply corporate manslaughter. If Sunak was a CEO, he would be looking at a lengthy prison sentence.

  • @ceefarbs560
    @ceefarbs560 Рік тому +20

    Experienced this when they tried to discharge me after emergency surgery at 1am in the morning… I’d barely been to sleep post surgery, pregnant women were sleeping in recliners, and someone blacked out in the corridor and no one realised for ages… country is fucked, GGWP tories

  • @TheRepublicOfYhonai
    @TheRepublicOfYhonai Рік тому +30

    Brexit is not an insignificant part of the problem, the sudden cutoff of skilled foreign staff was a huge blow to the NHS' ability to get its work done. If the government doesn't use massive and decisive investment, this great UK institution will simply die, along with many Brits who can't afford anything else.

    • @wladimirnowak8797
      @wladimirnowak8797 Рік тому

      welcome to postcapitalizme of lack of USSR . youtube -СКАНДАЛ в ООН | Небензя покинул заседание совбеза ООН Germaniju iskliucili iz Ligi natsyj bo imeli za czto. Poniali moju myslj ? Toljko bezogoworocznaja kapituliatsyja .

    • @derrenlambert2279
      @derrenlambert2279 Рік тому

      Sounds like that's the plan, Democide is a thing, especially after the truth coming out about convid.

    • @КлерХо
      @КлерХо Рік тому +1

      There is a visa route for healthcare professionals in the U.K..

  • @montygemma
    @montygemma Рік тому +28

    A real problem is that people can't get to see their GP's. People are turning up in A&E with chest infections, stomach problems, painful bad backs etc, all things that need urgently looking at but not really A&E issues. They can't get appointments so they go to the hospital, might have to wait ages but they will get sorted out.

    • @alisiddibeh7144
      @alisiddibeh7144 Рік тому +1

      true. When you try to book a gp you are lucky if they can see you in 3 weeks

    • @yvonnerout7319
      @yvonnerout7319 3 місяці тому

      fully agree they need to pay GP when they see peo9le not because they are on their lists. Our doctor stopped seeing people during covid and every time you go into the surgery there is either no people there or 1 person there.When they tell you there are no appointment and to go to Aand E or a walk in center they have discharged their responsibilities. Its time to change the way they are paid

  • @John420ridge
    @John420ridge Рік тому +29

    My manager is a band 7. She got paid the other day to sell candles for a fundraiser while we were short staffed on the ward. Matron knew and did nothing. Too many box ticking, clipboard carrying morons. People on the wards are what is needed.

    • @dwsg1990
      @dwsg1990 Рік тому +3

      recently had my partner in hospital with pneumonia after having a c-section and catching every cold and flu since (then covid in hospital *face palm*) and now our little girl is in and I can honestly say this does not surprise me, there seems to be so much waisted resource and duplication and time waisted at the moment. For example my partner is a nightmare to get blood from or put a canula in and she tells every nurse that tries but they will still try to take blood from her arm 8 years and they all fail, so they waste the canula then have to mess about getting a butterfly clip wasting resource and time. Then the Dr said she was clear to be discharged but when it come to the nurses sorting her to leave they were like we need to take more bloods and do an ECG this meant she stayed in another night, next day bloods and ECG done and Dr was like why are you still here I said you could leave yesterday I didn't order an ECG or bloods they aren't even on your notes. turns out that day 5 people in same bay got discharged I'm guessing they wanted to do them all together :/ Edit: actual just started watching the video and its Rotherham we were at no surprise at all then!!!

    • @monal3650
      @monal3650 Рік тому

      @@dwsg1990 had a consultant that was discharging a person quite a few days after an assault. nurse stopped this, she said 'he should not have said that'. Then they wrongfully .... kept person on.

    • @dwsg1990
      @dwsg1990 Рік тому +1

      @@monal3650 the consultant was wrong you mean? With my partner the nurses agreed she was ok to discharge but made out the Dr wanted the ECG first but when he came to consult next day he was like I never asked the nurses to do this 🤦‍♂️

    • @monal3650
      @monal3650 Рік тому

      @@dwsg1990 NO. I mean exactly like u were saying, the Consultant was right. But the nurses as in yr case was not listening to the Consultant, and were wrong, as yr case proves. In the case I cite above, the nurses went behind his back. It was a crime U can't be treated like that when u had a crime commited against u, which led u to being there. The nhs is there for u, as a public body!

    • @dwsg1990
      @dwsg1990 Рік тому

      @@monal3650 ohhh sorry I get you now, I totally agree it makes no sense they are wasting so much money doing stuff like this then wonder why they are struggling for a pay rise.

  • @haroon420
    @haroon420 Рік тому +82

    Tory voters are sadly to blame. They’ve voted to keep the Tories in for 12 years and have the nhs reach this critical point.

    • @andywilliams7323
      @andywilliams7323 Рік тому +5

      It's not just the Tories. Labour are just as guilty. Labour too massively cut back NHS resources when they were in power. The NHS has been in a serious resource and funding crisis for the last 20 years. It's just got continually worse over those 20 years, until we've now inevitably reached this point. Ths NHS has been consistently cut-back gradually and incrementally since the 1970s.

    • @dub604
      @dub604 Рік тому +18

      @@andywilliams7323 We all know that NHS funding has always been higher under Labour governments. The last 12 years have left it barely able to function. I'm not a supporter of the Labour party but that's simply the way it is.

    • @kanedNunable
      @kanedNunable Рік тому

      @@andywilliams7323 no they arent.
      when labour came in the only way to afford to expand NHS was thru PFI. thats very different to selling bits off to private companies.
      it was on its knees when labour came in. tories always try to kill it.

    • @kanedNunable
      @kanedNunable Рік тому +6

      @@dub604 andy gets his news from the sun

    • @dub604
      @dub604 Рік тому +1

      @@kanedNunable I feel sorry for the parents.

  • @plumduff3303
    @plumduff3303 Рік тому +8

    Stop voting tory

  • @888ssss
    @888ssss Рік тому +11

    too many customers and not enough taxpayers.

    • @888ssss
      @888ssss Рік тому

      @@KeepingTheFaith123 im part time only. i never agreed to this stealth communism, thats clearly what this now is.

    • @888ssss
      @888ssss Рік тому +1

      @@KeepingTheFaith123 i think mild symptoms are used as an excuse to leech.

    • @888ssss
      @888ssss Рік тому +1

      @@KeepingTheFaith123 all you have to do is buy gold coins, bury them. then move to part time work and wait for the currency to collapse in 2024. enjoy it. buy a camper van to pass the time. what you shouldnt do is contribute labour or taxes into this government. they are rogue and controlled by bankers.

  • @chalayan
    @chalayan Рік тому +16

    The main issue is the UK government is putting too much focus on stuff which isnt related to the UK such as funding Ukraine and the illegal immigrants. These million and billion of dollars could easily be used for the country healthcare system etc.

    • @kyronne1
      @kyronne1 Рік тому +2

      Loool the NHS is understaffed and the care system which takes pressure off the NHS because of our hard stance on migration

    • @Suzanne-f4x
      @Suzanne-f4x 5 місяців тому

      @@kyronne1 What hard stance? GB is overrun with illegal aliens just as the U.S. is.

    • @yvonnerout7319
      @yvonnerout7319 3 місяці тому

      ​@@kyronne1load of 🎏

  • @luthen4464
    @luthen4464 Рік тому +13

    Not in the UK myself but I’ve heard stories of people calling an ambulance for really basic things like a child having a chest cold or feeling lightheaded. An ambulance is meant for EMERGENCIES where immediate stabilizing care is needed as part of a transition to hospital care.
    People seem to use it as an at home GP visit! They ought to fine people for BS ambulance calls. That would cut way down on wait times for ambulances in an emergency. And bring some extra $ in for the NHS as well.
    Also if you have 132,000 open positions why aren’t they incentivizing people to go into medicine? Offer to pay a portion of their tuition if they graduate and work for the NHS for say 5 years or something. I bet there’s a lot of people out there who would take the government up on that.

    • @monal3650
      @monal3650 Рік тому +2

      U have said right! I'm going to shock u with this, but it happened. I went to a couple's house as I was feeling quite lonely. they gave me a cup of tea & then called the ambulance. One of them said 'u r not well'! I was shocked. One was a paramedic the other a midwife. They were mistaken & I was in shock when they did that. & they did it so quick. I was horrified. they had hardly talked to me. I was probably in their way. this safeguardg thing, people badly misuse it, & those who r in serious situations, like a child being beaten by parents, etc., do not get the help when they need. it is serious. But also, a call centre problem! +

    • @cu6307
      @cu6307 Рік тому +1

      then they shouldn't be sending ambulance's. they should tell them to see a GP. i know the wait is ridiculous, but if you want to save more lives and have more beds for the people that need them you need to be more ruthless. the government don't give two shits about the NHS and never have. they obviously want us to go private, but want to hear it from the public first.

    • @yvonnerout7319
      @yvonnerout7319 3 місяці тому

      too true and people go to hospital for really minor things its outrageous

  • @clionamoore8365
    @clionamoore8365 Рік тому +13

    Maybe adding over a million new users every year would have something to do with it .

  • @trulymental7651
    @trulymental7651 Рік тому +29

    Dismantled and sold off by yuppies.

  • @lugano1999
    @lugano1999 Рік тому +12

    The Tories always underfund it seeing that they want to privatise as much of it as possible.
    Thatcher did just that.
    Then Labor, 1997-2010, restored to to a high level of functioning.
    The Tories, since 2010 have gone back to decimating it. (And of course blaming everyone else for it.)

  • @suengnyanga7086
    @suengnyanga7086 Рік тому +13

    Free healthcare that can't be accessed.

    • @derrickpangilinan
      @derrickpangilinan Рік тому +5

      it isn't free when everyone pays for national insurance

    • @treadstone1970
      @treadstone1970 Рік тому +2

      @@derrickpangilinan free to the point of use.

    • @insanityrulestheday
      @insanityrulestheday Рік тому +3

      @@derrickpangilinan correct. More so, when after working for 50 years and paying thousands of pounds in national insurance and poll and council taxes, only to be hospitalised for the first time after a stroke and be sent home after 6 weeks to supposedly recover at home and pay these so-called care??? workers, whose travelling time was included in the 30 mins of work time. When I worked 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, I had to pay for my bus and train fares off of the £1.66 an hour minimum wage I was paid, I didn't get any Free Transport and after working full-time for 26 years I still have never had any Free bus pass in my life in this Lunatic Asylum called "Mad House" Britain.

    • @muirislandjim453
      @muirislandjim453 Рік тому

      @@insanityrulestheday I was also witness recently to how bad things are in my local hospital. It's sad how badly this Government have ruined this country. Whole generations without hope, heat or eat, poverty crisis, more food banks than McDonald's, highest taxes, interest rates, energy prices & inflation. Nurses, ambulance, posties, teachers, fire brigade, lecturers, barristers, train staff & homeless prevention workers all going on strike because wages doesn't cover rent & zero chance of them ever owning a home. Sad times. All during record profits & record dividend payments to shareholders. It's amazing how such a great country can be ruined so badly in such a short amount of time. Hope you're healed up now!

    • @adw802
      @adw802 Рік тому

      @@insanityrulestheday And that is the problem with Universal Healthcare in a nutshell. Healthy folks and/or high earners end up paying more than their fair share into the system just to find nothing there at their time of need because overwhelming numbers of unhealthy and under-employed individuals have used up the resources. Privatization is villified but is the logical solution when society has more takers than contributors.

  • @mattwilliams9758
    @mattwilliams9758 Рік тому +21

    Surely the “£350 million a week for the NHS” mentioned on Johnson’s Brexit Bus is helping?

    • @Sdakouls3
      @Sdakouls3 Рік тому +1

      The sad thing is how many idiots bought that flagrant bullshit.

    • @monal3650
      @monal3650 Рік тому

      r u sure they r getting that much. they r our public body, meant for us the people. y should that poor person above have died? so sad.

    • @mattwilliams9758
      @mattwilliams9758 Рік тому +1

      @@monal3650 …I was being sarcastic, Johnson’s bus was a lie, in a mountain of lies that make up Brexit. Not only was the sum mentioned not given to the NHS, but Brexit has shrunk our economy, and reduced the tax haul, so there’s actually less money for the NHS.

    • @mattwilliams9758
      @mattwilliams9758 Рік тому +1

      @@Sdakouls3 …it was a tragic demonstration of what happens when you underinvest in education for 50 years straight… a bovine electorate (and I include myself in that) incapable of assessing data and forming an accurate opinion, and therefore vulnerable to manipulation by populist kleptocrats.

    • @gemmeldrakes2758
      @gemmeldrakes2758 Рік тому +1

      I just thought about that. Brexiteers tried to sell the public Brexit by promising that EU contributions would be rerouted to the NHS, knowing how people in the UK feel about the NHS. That was a con, an unfortunately, some people fell for it.

  • @grahamturner1290
    @grahamturner1290 Рік тому +7

    12 years.

  • @teresaharris-travelbybooks5564
    @teresaharris-travelbybooks5564 Рік тому +11

    We're on the verge of a crisis in the U.S. Corporations have no sense when it comes to running a hospital. Nurses and CMA's understaffed and overworked and underpaid. They're leaving the jobs in droves and the doctors that are coming out of medical school now, have no idea of how to do things without a nurse or CMA to direct them.

    • @insanityrulestheday
      @insanityrulestheday Рік тому +1

      It's the opposite in this lunatic asylum called Scotland. The Nurses after visiting the patient in their home who has a fractured leg, have to ask the Doctor what to do, who equally has obviously never heard of 999 let alone A&E and prescribes E45 Cream instead. I don't call them the Return of the BrainDead for Nothing. :-(

  • @emm_arr
    @emm_arr Рік тому +13

    The Conservatives rarely get asked to expain the why of this.
    There's always money to subsidise corporation tax being so low. I don't see why Rees-Mogg needs to get _riyercheur_.

  • @Altair885
    @Altair885 Рік тому +9

    Massive problem is litigation, nearly a quarter of the NHS budget is taken up paying out in claims and legal fees, which are absolutely scandalous! Being public money it's also open to a lot of malpractice and corruption, claims should be taken out of the hands of these greedy solicitor firms and handled internally by a government run body. I bet the NHS would literally save billions of pounds a year if this were done, money that could offset some of the cutbacks it's had over the recent years!

    • @monal3650
      @monal3650 Рік тому +1

      never, u need an independent body re: claims. a nurse harrassed me so much day after day, I cd not even look after myself as I wished due to her continual harassmt. She was angry as I had used a private dr & found a bladder infection. I was so happy to get help. I didn't even know the nurse. Because of her, I was wrongly taken in, & I had to beg for water as felt I wd faint as was rushed out of bed by a key worker. he refused to give me water... it came too later, I ended up fainting & falling down. & .... I cd have claimed, & should have, I knew he was concerned about losing his job. I didn't as I felt I cd not being in their care. I should not have even been there. & so this nurse got off...

    • @Altair885
      @Altair885 Рік тому

      @@monal3650 Sounds pretty bad! I'm not trying to belittle anyone's experience or right to compensation. However there's a major problem with the way claims work against the NHS. Firstly, if you had made a claim yourself it would be unlikely that nurse would have penalised personally, perhaps a dressing down from her bosses, but it's very unlikely she'd have lost her job. Secondly, the claim system is little more than a racket to line lawyers/solicitors pockets, that includes the defendants legal representatives which in the case of the NHS is contracted legal department! It's in their interest that people do come forward and make claims, this is why hospitals are plastered with posters and other advertisement asking you if you've had an accident! It's big business, and because it's public money it doesn't really matter that there's no real accountability, only if becomes a criminal case does it draw any attention, civil claims for malpractice or incompetence very often don't even get a proper judicial review, as they are more often than not settled out of court. This means the value of the claim is decided by the solicitors, but normally it has to be worth at least £10k to get it into the fast track. Also there's no cap on legal fees, and this is where the problem lies, the system is completely open to fraudulent activity, there is no oversight, solicitors have a free hand to set whatever pricing they feel they can get away with!
      This is why I say the process of making a claim against the NHS should be taken out of the hands of the legal firms and solicitors! There's a high level of corruption within these legal departments, it needs a different approach. In fact you could say this for almost all aspects of the litigation industry.

    • @monal3650
      @monal3650 Рік тому

      yes, I realise re: sols. However, independent body is always best. Otherwise, it wd not be fair on the person. e.g. in my case, I needed surgery & a pin being inserted due to what happened in the fall (hip). was pretty awful. we don't want to be run by govt, we need fair systems! but then how r so many getting away with this malpractice as u say in nhs, it just should not be happening.+

    • @Altair885
      @Altair885 Рік тому +2

      @@monal3650 To answer your question. Basically it's because the legal departments within the NHS are just like any other legal firm, they thrive on there being claims, more the merrier in fact. The more work there is, the better the chances of increased pay and more opportunities there are to network amongst their own kind, even if that's to the detriment of the client they're supposed to be defending. It's just like insurance companies, they need claims to warrant their own existence.
      Another issue is that solicitors on either side are pretty much unaccountable for their corrupt practices, they are supposedly governed by the SRA (Solicitors Regulatory Authority). But in practice there's very little action ever taken against solicitors who get caught out breaking the rules, usually as there's "lack of evidence" to action a reprimand.
      The whole system is totally corrupt and geared towards swindling money out of people, and if that's public money all the better! To give you an idea how lucrative this is, there are big legal firms coming over from the USA who now specialise in suing the NHS!
      We need to stop this racket now! It's destroying our health service, the forecast is within another couple of years the NHS will be spending a third of its budget paying out claims and legal fees! If this continues it will be unsustainable and the NHS will no longer be a free service.

  • @nanochase
    @nanochase Рік тому +14

    As an American, I hope all of you in the UK get the System you need though you will have to fight for it. I would look towards Japan and Switzerland for effective public/private system that function much better. The fully private system in the US is horrendously expensive. We actually have very few GPs, usually a 6 week appointment wait and about $150 per visit. Hospital stays are faster but it cost 2k just to walk-in and around 10k a day. A normal birth can easily cost 30k in the US. We actually have worse access to specialist doctors, such as dermatologist and oncologist with 9+ month waiting times and easily 1k per visit.

    • @Bringon-dw8dx
      @Bringon-dw8dx Рік тому +2

      Tbh this system would work with some basic changes. Our politicians just don’t want it to because it doesn’t make them money

    • @mikecook1537
      @mikecook1537 Рік тому +1

      Surely most Americans would have insurance??

    • @Hana-hl6cd
      @Hana-hl6cd Рік тому +4

      @@mikecook1537they do. 2/3 of americans have health insurance. i’m very confused whenever i see my fellow americans act as though none of us have health insurance and we’re all struggling to see a doctor. it’s a weird victim complex i wish they’d stop.

    • @CH-iy3kd
      @CH-iy3kd Рік тому +1

      @@Hana-hl6cd umm that still means about 110 million odd don't have it??

    • @emilymorley3655
      @emilymorley3655 Рік тому +1

      @@Bringon-dw8dx Why should a fair system such as the NHS should be made not to work on purpose in order to pave the way for private companies?????!!!!!!Our government is rotten to the core as you can see in the state of the country!!!

  • @DeepMeditationMusic1
    @DeepMeditationMusic1 Рік тому +34

    Much respect to the NHS personnel! I hope we all learn to appreciate the amazing jobs they do day in and day out.

  • @MrPoohdude
    @MrPoohdude Рік тому +31

    There are many managerial posts that are absolutely unnecessary. They just create more and more director posts and suck up all the funding. That's the main reason for this.

    • @onmytravells9429
      @onmytravells9429 Рік тому +7

      Amy figures for this or just your opinion?

    • @andreaslind6338
      @andreaslind6338 Рік тому +3

      Screw TV: nurse here, you are literally the first person to mention this, nobody else has.

    • @justadude8369
      @justadude8369 Рік тому +5

      @@onmytravells9429 Its just what the daily mail told him. The actual figures disagree. Managerial positions in most sectors in the UK comprise of about 9% of the workforce. In the NHS its 2% (Kings Health Fund research). When you consider that the NHS is one of the largest employers in the world it is very undermanaged.

    • @levi5073
      @levi5073 Рік тому +6

      Nurse 30k
      Diversity officer 70k
      800 managers on more money than the PM.

    • @justadude8369
      @justadude8369 Рік тому +3

      @@levi5073 i agree that nurses are criminally underpaid

  • @toriesdontgettazered7464
    @toriesdontgettazered7464 Рік тому +27

    The lack of investment during 12years of Tory mismanagement and their desire to sell it the American insurance companies ?

    • @guff9567
      @guff9567 Рік тому


    • @sallyhenry6685
      @sallyhenry6685 Рік тому +6

      I'm an NHS worker and I totally agree with you. I'm in absolute despair.

    • @jpw6893
      @jpw6893 Рік тому

      ​@@sallyhenry6685 leave then. Asda are hiring

    • @treadstone1970
      @treadstone1970 Рік тому

      @@jpw6893 good luck paying for your heath insurance should the NHS get privatised. Then you will have something genuine to moan and complain about along with the other conditioned peasants. 🤡

    • @toriesdontgettazered7464
      @toriesdontgettazered7464 Рік тому +1

      @@jpw6893 tory

  • @JoyJoyJ0yJoyJ0y
    @JoyJoyJ0yJoyJ0y Рік тому +11

    I had a kidney infection 2 months ago and had to wait 2 days for a bed/to be admitted - as Southend Hospital had no beds available.

    • @Altair885
      @Altair885 Рік тому +5

      And that's something that's supposed to be treated straight away before it causes damage to the organ! It's getting to the point where people are seriously in danger of not getting the treatment they need at all! It'll be like it was years ago where people live in fear of any type of infection! Hope you're getting better now.

  • @Anon-xd3cf
    @Anon-xd3cf Рік тому +5

    *"All over the country"*
    Yeah... England.
    All over the country called England.
    Meanwhile in Scotland and Wales the government has largely avoided NHS strikes and strikes more generally by working constructively within their limited powers with trade unions.

  • @marvintpandroid2213
    @marvintpandroid2213 Рік тому +18

    Everyone of the people at the sharp end may end up quitting, there are other jobs around in the UK, lots of them.
    I had the misfortune to have to need the NHS just over a year ago from a suspected stroke, I could see that it was not working as it should.

  • @jacquesmostert3942
    @jacquesmostert3942 Рік тому +22

    I take my hat off to all NHS nurses and drs. I’m currently in hospital having suffered a severe medical crisis. They did not skip a beat. Thank you all!❤

  • @thegzak
    @thegzak Рік тому +15

    Unfortunately the video doesn’t explain why things are so bad with the NHS right now

    • @ursulasmith6402
      @ursulasmith6402 Рік тому +2

      Because its fake.

    • @Rob_-km9rl
      @Rob_-km9rl Рік тому +2

      Did you think it was ever going to?

    • @rosieravenclaw1521
      @rosieravenclaw1521 Рік тому +1

      Because the staff are fed up of not being paid properly , the nhs can’t recruit/ retain the staff . Government underfunding , over populated population the list goes on why the nhs is sinking …

    • @Kam-go3bc
      @Kam-go3bc Рік тому

      Pay is not worth the stress that the job puts you under so lots of highly trained staff are quitting. Nurses are being replaced with fresh graduates and doctors are being replaced with imported ones from India and pakistan.

  • @AndreSetal
    @AndreSetal Рік тому +7

    It’s a joke they need to stop sending money to Ukraine and need to start pumping that money into the NHS

    • @derrickpangilinan
      @derrickpangilinan Рік тому +5

      there is money for ukraine, there is money for economic asylum seekers, there are only claps for the NHS.

    • @emm_arr
      @emm_arr Рік тому +4

      We can afford the NHS AND Ukraine - but we need to tax the rich a bit more.

    • @treadstone1970
      @treadstone1970 Рік тому +1

      @@emm_arr stop the wealthy elite establishment storing all their wealth into offshore tax havens.

    • @emm_arr
      @emm_arr Рік тому +1

      @@treadstone1970 Indeed.

    • @Nickle314
      @Nickle314 Рік тому +1

      They have pumped money in. Precovid instead of 350 million extra a week it was over 1,500 million extra a week. Why did that fail?

  • @xsentfromuk8938
    @xsentfromuk8938 Рік тому +3

    Its not even the pay..its short staff issues... you can pay extra wages but still not sustain retain staff because they burnt out with over loading increased demand.
    So start with more staff then look at wages.
    I'm band 2 lowest paid HCA
    It won't be extra wages that will keep me even though yes wage increase be great 👍 it's having proper staff numbers every single shift that will keep me in the nhs.
    Physically shattered and emotionally tiered of failing to provide proper care

  • @caravanstuff2827
    @caravanstuff2827 Рік тому +7

    Has anyone in the MSM asked the minister responsible for the NHS how many private patient's are being treated in the NHS hospital system and how many consultant's from the private sector are treating them!!!.🤔

    • @debraraby4376
      @debraraby4376 Рік тому

      Very good point!

    • @haydndavies2475
      @haydndavies2475 Рік тому

      The private sector consultants and the nhs consultants are the same people. In the morning or say Monday Tuesday Wednesday they do their nhs work and then the afternoons or Thursday Friday they do their private work.

    • @caravanstuff2827
      @caravanstuff2827 Рік тому

      @@haydndavies2475 good to know...the private sector should be building their own hospital's to care for insured and those who can afford to pay for their medical treatment...the NHS should only be for the average British citizen and the poorest in the country...this tax funded two tear health system is not fit for purpose and will bankrupt the country!!!.🤔

  • @ge9367
    @ge9367 Рік тому +20

    The NHS needs a massive amount of investment, stop just patching the sinking ship!

    • @paulinecabbed1271
      @paulinecabbed1271 Рік тому +7

      It just needs better management, that is all

    • @chrishart8548
      @chrishart8548 Рік тому +5

      It has almost all the money from general taxation. It goes to managers and agency workers. It's very inefficient. No amount of money will fix the NHS as it would never reach the places it's needed. Its more like private health care funded by the taxpayer.

    • @ge9367
      @ge9367 Рік тому +1

      @@paulinecabbed1271 it does need better management but it also more cash. I think we spend less on healthcare than most of the rest of Europe so a bit more cash is definitely justified.

    • @ge9367
      @ge9367 Рік тому

      @@elyrexo Better that than trident!

    • @chrishart8548
      @chrishart8548 Рік тому

      @@elyrexo it would. It's not just the money. It's the people that need it won't ever get it.

  • @BartholomewBrian
    @BartholomewBrian Рік тому +9

    My nearest A&E is in Lewisham hospital SE London. In Jan 2022 I was delirious and unable to get up from the floor. My wife called for an ambulance, which arrived in under ten minutes. The paramedics determined that I was delirious because I hadn't urinated for quite some time. They took me to A&E where I was admitted quite quickly. I must have been lucky.
    I had a long wait to see to see the admissions doctor and an even longer wait in a side room for a bed to become available.

    • @justadude8369
      @justadude8369 Рік тому +4

      it really depends. If you have GENUINE emergency then you will be seen quite quickly. Most people (understandably) don't know what a genuine medical emergency looks like and think the cough they've had for 2 years is something to get checked out in A+E one day....

    • @monal3650
      @monal3650 Рік тому

      was that the case, what they had said?

    • @monal3650
      @monal3650 Рік тому

      that's a proper paramedic, v gd. Quite an amazing story... last year, when I got desperate for toilet, no one will realise apart from myself. & u can't find one. So u won't believe what happened.

    • @monal3650
      @monal3650 Рік тому

      @@BartholomewBrian my answer below, but did u see my story way below (there r two). Lisa

    • @monal3650
      @monal3650 Рік тому

      @@BartholomewBrian u will find my story below... nearly hilarious!

  • @kanedNunable
    @kanedNunable Рік тому +4


  • @Mark-hb9xy
    @Mark-hb9xy Рік тому +2

    The NHS now consumes 95% of income tax revenue. Virtually every single year, more money gets poured in but the service gets worse. People should be allowed to claim back their income tax, on condition that they take out private insurance such that they be fully covered and no longer use the NHS. Even with only half their income tax rebated, for tens of millions of people this offer would be a no brainer.

  • @ccutehoney
    @ccutehoney Рік тому +18

    American healthcare is not something that you want. Long wait times, no beds with 10,000 dollar hospital visits. My emergency c section was 700,000 dollars it’s insane

    • @Nickle314
      @Nickle314 Рік тому

      You want a swiss or dutch system. You don't want Obamacare or the NHS. ie. A bismark not a beveridge system

    • @missbcritiques9209
      @missbcritiques9209 Рік тому


    • @muirislandjim453
      @muirislandjim453 Рік тому

      There's plenty of brainwashed, tracksuit tories in this country that literally do whatever the Daily Mail tells them to do. Education & Empathy is lacking.

    • @majorskies7091
      @majorskies7091 Рік тому

      Both systems are broken... in theory the UK socialism one should work in theory better? But under its mismanaged business practice...

    • @Nickle314
      @Nickle314 Рік тому

      @@majorskies7091 Why? It's running a pension ponzi. That means you have to cut 30% off future health care spending just to pay the debt. Treat now, pay later.
      Combine any 3 of insurance, supply and reglator and you have a disaster. That's what your socialist beveridge system does. End result patients are killed in large numbers, 20,000+ a year from avoidable errors.
      The advantage of the US system, you get redress when you are maimed and killed.
      What the UK needs is a bismark system

  • @stevebren88
    @stevebren88 Рік тому +2

    Can someone tell me why when we are "supposed" to have a population of around 56 million we have 7.1 million waiting for elective treatment?! Are we Chernobyl? 13%! WTF

  • @kitkat7370
    @kitkat7370 Рік тому +6

    More people who should be seeing their GP or going to walk in centres are now attending the emergency department instead. I’ve been told pre-covid, there weren’t as many attendances, now it’s busy all year round. I have seen patients attend hospital for acid reflux! Not only that, the NHS is understaffed and underfunded. It’s a very stressful environment to work in

    • @naomi5495
      @naomi5495 Рік тому +11

      That’s because they can’t see a GP for weeks or months and when they do they face a 12+ month wait to see a specialist - it’s not rocket science.

    • @FateBoost
      @FateBoost Рік тому +4

      Doesn’t help when the main way to get an appointment is to call the GP at 8am. Call any other time and you’ll be told there’s a 4 week wait OR the diary is fully booked. There is the opportunity to use 111 as a ‘back door’ as they have access to some appointments, but not everyone knows that nor wants to hassle them (think the people who wouldn’t attend anywhere if they can’t see the GP)

    • @bartoszbrown1322
      @bartoszbrown1322 Рік тому

      I attended hospital for Acid Reflux when I was 20 because I didn't know better! It was the first time it happened to me and I thought something was wrong with my heart.

    • @alisiddibeh7144
      @alisiddibeh7144 Рік тому

      Yes, but don't forget to mention that sometimes it impossible to see the GP in the same month you calling. So even if you don't have an emergency, probably you won't wait a month for a problem you have now.

  • @Jim-kq1ye
    @Jim-kq1ye Рік тому +7

    One word.... Tories.

  • @jb9201
    @jb9201 Рік тому +2

    If I was a nurse in UK I would go to US or Australia. Get out

  • @vicarious7858
    @vicarious7858 Рік тому +6

    Never forget who is causing this. The conservative party need to go as soon as possible to save our NHS!

  • @lance6729
    @lance6729 Рік тому +3

    Remember when doctors made people better

  • @oliw3664
    @oliw3664 Рік тому +4

    The f****** tories, is the answer.

  • @levi5073
    @levi5073 Рік тому +1

    Nurse 20 - 30k
    Diversity officer 80k
    800 managers on more money than the PM.

  • @ErnaldtheSaxon
    @ErnaldtheSaxon Рік тому +2

    The UK is the 15th most densely populated nation in the world England is the 7th. The elephant in the room

  • @rozme9422
    @rozme9422 Рік тому +4

    We in Britain should at our neighbours in Europe are managing their health care very well. For example Belgium France and Italy..

    • @emilymorley3655
      @emilymorley3655 Рік тому +1

      I live in Italy and the health system has gone to the dogs

  • @tomwaller6893
    @tomwaller6893 Рік тому +5

    One word. Privatisation and the added expense of billing between departments. Scotland has an answer. We will remove the English hands from our Scottish cash register and after independents save on the costs of non-Scottish MPs, the House of Lords and later after we have applied to join the EU, hold a national discussion on the future of the Monarchy in independent Scotland for the last time we shared a King with England it did not go well.

    • @jpw6893
      @jpw6893 Рік тому

      Get on with it then

    • @bbubbinklm4320
      @bbubbinklm4320 Рік тому

      Aye coz all that money saved will make up the 33bn budget deficit

    • @muirislandjim453
      @muirislandjim453 Рік тому

      It's so funny how their wee Brexit & the brainwashed tracksuit tories have fucked over their own country. Brexits legacy will be the collapse of the Union. The irony is unreal.

  • @simonsimon325
    @simonsimon325 Рік тому +2


  • @ll-eb2rt
    @ll-eb2rt Рік тому +6

    There should be a daily health advice instead of McDonald’s or gambling adverts.

    • @Sharkpanda246
      @Sharkpanda246 Рік тому


    • @niblet112
      @niblet112 Рік тому +1

      If the government cared about our health and well being. They would mandate healthy eating and exercise. There’s a reason big pharmaceutical makes billions from ONLY the sick and dying. Once you realise the government is a corporation, and the queen was given a new title years ago, the head of state. Meaning head of the corporation. You realise all the governments cares about is money.

    • @Sharkpanda246
      @Sharkpanda246 Рік тому +1

      @@niblet112 never were truer words said . 👏 It's not a conspiracy theory it's 100% true and anyone that believes other wise is completely naive. The government don't care and never will . Caring will affect the rich and their finances it's really that simple . They would rather stamp on everyone else for money 💰 . Legit a corporation.

  • @abbiebrown2733
    @abbiebrown2733 Рік тому +10

    Nurses deserve better pay . They do life saving work . Nurses are incredible ❤️

    • @lorrainei1622
      @lorrainei1622 Рік тому +1

      I agree, it’s terrible what nurses are paid in the UK. In other countries like the u.s and Canada nurses are literally earning triple what nurses earn in the UK.

    • @abdiqani4620
      @abdiqani4620 Рік тому

      No more pay this Horrible 🥸, they get enough money know they need beter system , they made this chaos situation in this country if the worked hard was not happen

    • @mlisa61
      @mlisa61 Рік тому

      @@lorrainei1622 £27k is a lot of money to start with.

    • @Bringon-dw8dx
      @Bringon-dw8dx Рік тому +1

      And other healthcare workers (doctors, paramedics)

    • @lorrainei1622
      @lorrainei1622 Рік тому

      @@mlisa61 no it’s not that’s terrible. You do know that In the u.s and Canada nurses make triple that amount right.

  • @kaynscorpio1094
    @kaynscorpio1094 Рік тому +2

    Freedom and democracy ❤

  • @TS112Video
    @TS112Video 9 місяців тому

    This video is slightly misleading. "When you call 999, an ambulance is supposed to arrive within 18 minutes" that's for a Category 2 call. It depends what you are calling for.

  • @meister.
    @meister. Рік тому +4

    This is why a lot of my colleagues, including me, went to US after our contract expired. I mean UK is a nice place to live but I can't afford to raise a family and buy a house there. Still Im very grateful for all the life experiences for 4 years.

  • @lennygdmn2713
    @lennygdmn2713 7 місяців тому

    My mum waited 9 hours with a bloodclot, some people had waited longer, i overheard converstation from people saying they thought a women had died waiting, she didnt move for hours and couldnt be woken up

  • @naqibbazmohammad2261
    @naqibbazmohammad2261 Рік тому +2

    A doctor checks around 150 patients in a day both in his private clinic and hospital in Afghanistan and Pakistan. In UK they just chill believe me audit them send a secret and investigator change the process

  • @paulinecabbed1271
    @paulinecabbed1271 Рік тому +1

    Tell me that the Nighingale Hospital was a great success please?

  • @quasirali6660
    @quasirali6660 Рік тому +1

    Its joke. Understaffed. Patients are suffering. All the taxes people have paid for decades. Not fair on sick people. Not fair at all.

  • @Merseysiderful
    @Merseysiderful Рік тому

    Parents should have to pay upfront rather than National Insurance contributions to have a baby using the National Health Service. Deciding to reproduce is a lifestyle choice and not a health issue. Having to pay upfront will make people seriously think about the implications of having children and also reduce strain on the N.H.S. One of the comments here is from an American who states that it costs around $30,000 to have a child in the United States using medical insurance. After all people had to pay to have children in the U.K. before the National Health Service started in 1948.

    • @sarai5467
      @sarai5467 Рік тому

      The biggest killer to women is childbirth.

  • @kappaslapper14
    @kappaslapper14 Рік тому +3

    We were all taught as kids to "not to complain and just get on with it " well look where that has taken us !

  • @mcgruff3309
    @mcgruff3309 Рік тому +1

    Anyone who deals with drunks and druggies has my respect

  • @carolineridlington5010
    @carolineridlington5010 Рік тому +1

    Too much health tourism since the N.H.S.started

  • @drasticplasticaustin
    @drasticplasticaustin 4 місяці тому

    Private healthcare for MP's needs to be outlawed and then a much different hymn sheet would then be sung from. There's no way they'd want to endure what the public are being put through.

  • @5688gamble
    @5688gamble Рік тому +4

    It's dying, but the life support isn't being attatched.

  • @anngillingsspinks2799
    @anngillingsspinks2799 Рік тому +1

    All Ambulances in Cambridgeshire is wounderfull at all times when Thay comes to my house at anytime there are so wonderful people there just like a member of the family,it never There fault if they cannot get in to the hospital, I think they are wonderful too ,Nobody say much about the Ambulance But Thay too do a wonderful job at all times they to save lives, I hold my heart to them and I thank them all,❤

  • @stevebren88
    @stevebren88 Рік тому +6

    When hasn't the NHS been on life support? Honestly?
    I'm 34, I remember clearly having to go to A&E at 16 and we were going through the same thing, all over the news every year...
    18 years plus of "life support" in the news

    • @PerilousSelector
      @PerilousSelector Рік тому

      before this evil, criminal, corrupt tory government THAT'S WHEN!

    • @stevebren88
      @stevebren88 Рік тому +1

      @@PerilousSelector we had labour 12 years ago. 16 years ago we were still on "life support" math isn't mathing..

    • @kyronne1
      @kyronne1 Рік тому +2

      It's never been this serious, having to wait at A&E but that's what A&Es are for patients that can wait not ambulance call outs

    • @stevebren88
      @stevebren88 Рік тому +2

      @@kyronne1 true but we did do exactly as the NHS demanded, full lockdown and unlimited budgets as they asked

    • @justadude8369
      @justadude8369 Рік тому +1

      Have you considered that it just keeps on getting worse? I dont know what more to tell you - one day you won't hear these headline because the NHS will be gone. For the better or the worse of the public - who is to say? But it will certainly be to the benefit of most of the staff...

  • @mhtbfecsq1
    @mhtbfecsq1 Рік тому +1

    Don't worry the government promised 40 new hospitals. OH WAIT, I FORGOT THEY LIED!!!

  • @Guesswhokk
    @Guesswhokk Рік тому +1

    What do you expect when having 12 years of Tory cuts
    And Brexit / foreign workers discouraged to work in the UK.

  • @Captain.Pugwash
    @Captain.Pugwash Рік тому

    Too many people in the UK for the services available. In general, really.

    • @Captain.Pugwash
      @Captain.Pugwash Рік тому

      @Manic Miner he's old now of course, but he's still got lead in his pencil☺️

  • @Salena905
    @Salena905 Рік тому +1

    If I had plenty of money I'd donate as much money as possible to help them. Just have to donate what I can. We can't lose our NHS. Those people who aren't looking after themselves could do with bucking up their ideas, I mean the ones that deliberately drink too much , when told to cut down, the drunks who get into fights, those who refuse to stop eating things they've been told not to. Those who refuse to cut down on smoking when told to do so. Those who won't exercise when they've been told to. It would help those who have health conditions through no fault of their own.

  • @mrdemocracy7106
    @mrdemocracy7106 11 днів тому

    The UK Population in1948 was 50 million when NHS was founded.
    Population now in 2024 just under 70 million.
    Work it out why the country and the NHS is in crisis.
    It's not hard to figure it out what the problem is!

  • @heybabycometobutthead
    @heybabycometobutthead Рік тому +5

    11+ million extra patients, do you think that might have caused a slight problem?

  • @nettiebetti1484
    @nettiebetti1484 Рік тому +2

    A trolley is luxury compared to Ashford

  • @livvielov
    @livvielov Рік тому

    This is the kind of coverage we need that brings empathy notes we have seen in the past

  • @a.brekkan4965
    @a.brekkan4965 3 місяці тому

    The NHS Going
    I've walked these corridors, once so bright
    Where doctors worked, and nurses held the night
    But now the wards are empty, cold and grey
    The machines beeps silent, gone away
    The consultation rooms, where hopes were spun
    Now stand as relics, one by one
    The doctor's chair, where once we'd sit
    Now gathers dust, and medical grit
    The waiting rooms, where patients used to wait
    For news of diagnosis, or a date
    For treatment's start, or an uncertain fate
    Now lie unused, a faded state
    The nurses' stations, where kind hands did move
    Now idle sit, with no one to improve
    The phones that rang with calls from far and wide
    Now hang mute, with no one to abide
    The hospital's heart, that once did beat
    Now falters slow, its pulse retreats to defeat
    The NHS goes, a dying art
    A memory fades, a piece of human heart
    The skills that once did heal and mend
    Are lost now, as the jobs do end
    The trust that once did bind us strong
    Is broken now, and does not belong

  • @jeanlind7540
    @jeanlind7540 Рік тому

    Stephen Barclays needs to go into an A & E department & wait as long as a patient has to wait!!

  • @susanwestern6434
    @susanwestern6434 Рік тому

    There needs to be a two category 999 service. One for physical trauma and one for mental health crises. The police seem to spend a lot of time dealing with mental health incidents, which should have a dedicated team of mental health experts.. The amount of time spent by both ambulance and police on this is ridiculous. The same with drunks, a safe place to sober up. The same with drugged up people.

  • @davidw8110
    @davidw8110 Рік тому +1

    The NHS is one of the 10 largest employers in the world: it's almost as large as the Chinese army. Lack of resources in certain areas is a management problem. They need to lay off all the extra consultants, middle managers and bureaucrats. Use the money saved to boost pay for nurses and when the job pays enough, more people will take up a career in nursing.

    • @monal3650
      @monal3650 Рік тому

      nurses get good pay, that is already known. U have been lied to. U can find out their actual pay. & yes, consultants etc. get too much money. it is an unfair system. so many people want to even get a job... just to have some money coming in means a lot.

  • @stishkuludomphong5277
    @stishkuludomphong5277 Рік тому +1

    People who have wealth should not use the NHS. This can free up the workload. Those in category B should pay 50% of the charges and only those in Categories C & D to pay nothing.

    • @sarahkh9927
      @sarahkh9927 Рік тому

      I don’t mind paying some of the fees for a decent AandE service. I wish they had AandE covered by medical insurance…. I think those who are on social welfare shouldn’t pay but those who can afford to pay should pay or get covered by some insurance plan.. what matters is some health security

  • @rstainsbury
    @rstainsbury Рік тому +4

    And yet those responsible will be re-elected and eventually retire, millionaires.

    • @wladimirnowak8797
      @wladimirnowak8797 Рік тому

      welcome to postcapitalizme of lack of USSR . youtube -СКАНДАЛ в ООН | Небензя покинул заседание совбеза ООН Germaniju iskliucili iz Ligi natsyj bo imeli za czto. Poniali moju myslj ? Toljko bezogoworocznaja kapituliatsyja .

  • @msjapan112
    @msjapan112 Рік тому +1

    The NHS got to start taking money from the people who can pay. I had a massive operation in London and stayed in a hospital for 2 weeks. In addition to that, months' aftercare, examinations and medicine. Yes, of course no charge. I was of course grateful to them at the same time felt sorry for the staff.

    • @monal3650
      @monal3650 Рік тому +3

      yep, as above, nhs is a public body there for us! we r the ones who r paying taxes to have this service

    • @msjapan112
      @msjapan112 Рік тому

      @@monal3650 Yeah but obviously not enough? In my country we pay the pasic monthly fee for the medical insurance according to the household income and 30% for the treatment each time you see a doctor. 10% for pentioners. Still not enough but don't have to wait a year for a heart surgery.

    • @insanityrulestheday
      @insanityrulestheday Рік тому +1

      Lucky YOU. I know of someone who worked full-time for minimum wage only for 50 years until his retirement and paid thousands and thousands of pounds in NI contributions as well as Poll and Council Taxes, as well as being taxed on his state pension and private pension and when he needed help from the NHS for the first time at the end of last Year after collapsing with a stroke in his home during the Tory PLAN-demic, the treatment he received by these so-called Medical Nurses and Doctors as well as Carers was Deplorable. They are SCUM!

  • @jeffersonalvez-jt4pl
    @jeffersonalvez-jt4pl Місяць тому

    Starmer wants back with eu , starmer wants to have extra privatisation for nhs, this was the plan why the tories wanted to privatise nhs so it made the nhs less and less useful, put me in charge with a good budget and I know that the nhs is still the best to heal the population.

  • @grandtheftgameryt
    @grandtheftgameryt Рік тому +1

    Come on NHS! It was and still is an amazing service to have. We can’t let these corrupt torries intentionally rip it apart

  • @Jamal-jv8yc
    @Jamal-jv8yc Рік тому

    But this started with Tony Blair and his PFI programs where his private sector buddies were lending money to the NHS hospitals to upgrade and extend their buildings. However they were charging much more than high street banks. They were insisting on being awarded other contracts at inflated rates like catering, security, maintenance, laundry etc. I remember the farce of it costing 60 pounds to change a light bulb. So much money was stripped out of patient care to fund these massive mortgages at inflated rates plus the associated inflated contracts. It’s not been 25 years yet. So when labour get confused as to how given the same levels of funding as many other western countries it fails to deliver in a similar way. Hello, look at the structural debt. The hidden national debt as it is underwritten by the taxpayer. The hidden debt that would make the nations debt to gdp ratio look very bad that no one talks about it. So bad that it might impact the countries credit rating.
    They reduced the numbers of beds massively, at the time they talked about not needing the beds as post op care had improved. Since then the population has gotten older and sicker and gone up by 6 million in the last 12 years. Also the real reason the beds had to be cut was they could afford to keep them open and pay the PFI partners their cut.

  • @muirislandjim453
    @muirislandjim453 Рік тому +2

    Why is the NHS in crisis?
    Answer: The Conservatives & their dwindling supporters.

  • @T61APL89
    @T61APL89 Рік тому +2

    Boy if only there was some sort of coalition of european countries willing to support each other through international funding for crises like this...

  • @oldbat9682
    @oldbat9682 3 місяці тому

    Nursing training needs to go back to the 70s. I trained 75-78.It was an apprentichsip.75 % on wards and 25& in school;.......and we were paid!!!!

  • @Jamal-jv8yc
    @Jamal-jv8yc Рік тому

    Charing cross is much better than Truro Hospital. Sounds about right.

  • @normanwhite4792
    @normanwhite4792 Рік тому

    It's not Rocket Science. All the nurses from Europe were sent back. They made it tick over and function proficiently. Without them it doesn't work as well.

  • @user-vv7ir1pl4j
    @user-vv7ir1pl4j Рік тому

    It's corruption and terrible management, not budgeting

  • @hourbee5535
    @hourbee5535 Рік тому +8

    Bring the country to its knees until it is fixed!

  • @dantae666
    @dantae666 Рік тому +6

    Porters and cleaners dont work for the nhs. get it right channel 4 they are outsourced and on minimum wage

    • @jodders619
      @jodders619 Рік тому +2

      Not in all hospitals. All porters, domestics and estates staff are in house in the Trust I work for.

  • @johnnyfarrar5926
    @johnnyfarrar5926 Рік тому

    The NHS should be gotten rid of. It’s a mess. Go private you get much better care and service.

  • @narinderpal61
    @narinderpal61 Рік тому

    What's new.
    NHS is NOT fit for the purpose, and needs to be privatised. Just like in anyother countries