Sh*t Happens

  • Опубліковано 12 вер 2024
  • This week, Christina and Jamie discuss the importance of not holding things in, the stages of grief, finding people to lean on, and more.
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  • @lizame65
    @lizame65 2 дні тому

    Hi girls. I am a 58-year-old woman who is diagnosed and she was 6 years old with something called charcot-marie-tooth disease which is very similar in some ways to ms. Christina when you describe your legs I'm looking at mine. The neuropathy pain that I have the drop foot that I have the surgeries I've had throughout my life I've been very challenging to live with. Thank you for being brave enough to create this space. Nobody understands my struggle. It's good to have women who speak up and out about the frustrations that come along with living a life like this.

  • @mariel5068
    @mariel5068 Місяць тому

    Hi ladies. Diagnosed 15 years ago and just turned 50 this year. This episode resonated so much with me. Thank you for saying all the things out loud. I sit here and talk back to you both and cry and laugh. You both give me the fuel to be honest with myself and others about how this disease is affecting me. In fact I've gained the strength to switch doctors recently and am so excited to see a new MS specialist in 2 weeks. Christina it was amazing hearing you say you might go back to work someday! Jamie I hope you rocked that cane and felt the love from your "family"! And so it is! 🧡🧡🧡🧡🦋🦋🦋🦋🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡

  • @sandraramsey9551
    @sandraramsey9551 2 місяці тому +5

    Hi Ladies. I am 57 and was diagnosed with PPMS almost 3 years ago. This life is awful. I 100% understand everything you both feel and say. Yes, grieving and madder than hell that my body has failed me and I can’t do what I used to be able to do. I’m heartbroken. Of course there is the fear of what tomorrow will bring. So yes sometimes we feel dark feelings. I have so much respect for this podcast and you both. It’s so helpful. ❤

  • @Dulce0018
    @Dulce0018 2 місяці тому +5

    I really needed to hear this podcast. I'm alone n have no husband (divorced) and i suffer from ANXIETY. sometimes I feel like what's the point of waking up! But then I realize that it's just a moment. And I keep moving fwd. I'm 43.. no kids . Lonely life. Love u guys. Thanks 4 keeping it real. Much love from Argentina 🇦🇷❤❤❤❤ SMOKE A JOINT

  • @bamagrad2010
    @bamagrad2010 2 місяці тому +2

    I am new to the MeSsy fan club. Oddly enough, it was the bad press on Christina's previous comments that led me here to listen to your message for myself, rather than through someone else's opinion or spin on it. However, I am truly sorry for the pain it caused your daughter. I do not have MS, but do have multiple autoimmune diseases, and am likely on the verge of adding another to my "collection" given some new symptoms I am experiencing. I sincerely wish Jamie's comment that we all have someone we can talk to about our medical struggles was true, but I have not found that to be the case. Many thanks to both of you for providing this platform for those of us who walk this journey in silence. Keep it up!

  • @noviebernal3208
    @noviebernal3208 2 місяці тому

    I have a good idea of what you ladies going through. My dear aunt Shirley had MS for over thirty years. She diagnosed at young age of 25 passed away after her sixties! We took her everywhere did not leave her behind one thing that helped her was her faith in the lord. I just want to you both to know I will continue to pray for you both! I believe your not done here and I believe of power of prayer!! You continue to do your podcast to reach those you need too I believe that part of your journey! I am sure there is more you’re going to do! I will be cheering you on all the way from New Mexico! I would love to send you some beautiful healing arrangements to you both! Take care cheering you on just know we are cheering you on when you are down! We will send you positive energy to
    Uplift you! You are some the my favorites actresses grew up with and been amazing role models! Just wanted you to know that! Take care god bless you both!

  • @nicolehausner9324
    @nicolehausner9324 2 місяці тому +2

    I feel ya! Iwas diagnosed with Parkinsons 15 yrs ago. I'm divorced and alone. Support group is what I need. Parkinsons is so shameful it's weird no one wants to say they have it

  • @marija.maravic
    @marija.maravic Місяць тому

    I have Sjogren's. Pain everyday. Choking on food etc..I don't think I am ever going to be able to accept this. Depression is getting worse. I am miserable all the time.
    Wish you two all the best.❤

  • @adriandaniels3630
    @adriandaniels3630 Місяць тому

    Hey Christina. My name is Adrian. What is crazy is we both have a lot in common. Our birthdays are around Thanksgiving. Both our dads have birthdays in November too. My mother is from Indiana just like yours. Those are positive things. But, unfortunately, we both also have chronic diseases. Mine is not the same as yours. But it’s bad enough at times. My disease is ulcerative colitis. I get an infusion every month & that helps a lot. But it isn’t a cure. We have so many diseases for which there is no known cure. I pray someday there will be cures for all diseases. I’m glad that you & Jamie are expressing your thoughts & feelings about your condition and other issues as well. Keep up the good work. God Bless both of you.

  • @maybe7016
    @maybe7016 Місяць тому +1

    I think I have MS. Have Nerve Conduction and EMG test next week. Been in bed 22/7 since 2018. Drs kept telling me it was depression. I wasn't depressed. Now I am but not the 1st 5 years. I had bought a foreclosure to fix and flip in rural TN. After investing most of my money into it, before listing it, I got sick. Trying to get answers in rural TN is ridiculous. I planned to fix and flip, sell and move home to Michigan. I have been stuck here all these years. I don't belong here, have no friends or family here, and can no longer drive. Everything ended in my life just when it was about to get started. I have lost friends and family there and couldn't go to funerals. I am so depressed and lonely. My house is filthy because I can't clean. I was in the midst of packing when I got sick so I have boxes and tubs everywhere. I just wanted to move home with a little extra money after a bad breakup in FL. So I bought a foreclosure halfway back. Whatever I have has destroyed me physically. Everything hurts. Atrophy is setting in. I just want to die in Michigan because thats where the family grave is. I have no one who will pick me up, take me home and bury me if I die here. That is my only goal.
    I just came across this podcast and am so happy.
    I have been a fan of Christina's since MWC first aired. I love your work and look forward to listening. Thankyou ladies!!❤😊😊

  • @christinabaker4215
    @christinabaker4215 2 місяці тому +4

    Thank you both so much for this podcast. I feel so alone dealing with my owns issues inside. I dont have MS but listening to you both makes me feel not so alone in my inner thoughts and feelings. Love you both for being so open , honest and strong. You have no idea what you are doing for people 🙂

  • @CinnamonGirl42069
    @CinnamonGirl42069 2 місяці тому +7

    I don't have MS and I can't understand the fight and strength that you ladies have to muster every day, but I'm here to support 🤍 I admire your strength and courage. And I'm super proud of you two for speaking out and owning your truth and power, and I'm hoping the best for you always 🩷 Thank you for the light that you bring into this world. It doesn't go unnoticed.

  • @joeh6244
    @joeh6244 2 місяці тому +1

    I was diagnosed with MS in 2020 at 62 years old. I was a healthy and active male. First symptoms were weakness in my legs and some balance issues. MRI found two lesions on my spine. Within three months I was in a wheelchair and have been ever since. My neurologist who specializes in MS and practicing for 35 years has never seen anything like this. I have gone through all the emotions you have talked about. For sure this is not the way my wife and I were planning on our retirement. MS is a terrible disease.

  • @LusciousLemonLife
    @LusciousLemonLife 2 місяці тому +1

    I have POTS & MS my mom had MS for 55yrs till taking her own life. I was diagnosed with MS in 1995 but since childhood had a bad heart problem. Not till 2015 did I get the POTS diagnosis & man they nailed it on the head.
    97% of MS Patients have POTS the Dr told me.
    Then to explain POTS to me the best way possible the Dr said “basically POTS is MS but with a heart problem.” I can totally agree with that.

    • @gwenvidales5637
      @gwenvidales5637 2 місяці тому

      You were not told to get an evaluation for ehlers danlos syndrome?

  • @amievasquez1726
    @amievasquez1726 2 місяці тому +2

    great episode! I love how you ladies are so honest with how you feel and what goes on with this terrible disease. thank you for allowing me to be a part of your journey.

  • @gwenvidales5637
    @gwenvidales5637 2 місяці тому +3

    Christina, YOU NEED TO GET AN EVALUATION FOR EDS for yourself and your daughter. Too many people get diagnosed with MS, pots, autoimmune, ect but they don't get the main illness.

  • @nicolewolos168
    @nicolewolos168 2 місяці тому +2

    Christina l hope you will get to the point some of us are at when you have more time under your belt. Don't let this overtake your life (11 yr warrior)

  • @sharonmacdonald1177
    @sharonmacdonald1177 2 місяці тому

    First of all I'd like to thank both of you for your honesty and insight. I went to a wedding this past weekend. I am 65 years old and have primary progressive MS. They played a game where the bride and groom were sitting in chairs facing the guests. The Master of Ceremonies called up each table individually and people had 5 Seconds to get behind the bride and groom for a picture. When it came to our table I didn't go up because I would have needed someone to wheel me up there and 5 Seconds is not very long. At the end of the game the Master of Ceremonies called all of the tables up for a group picture. I didn't think I would get in the picture. Guests sitting at the next table brought me up so I could be in the picture. I do get sad at these missed moments. I don't notice the pitying looks as much now but I find that once people sit and talk to me they realize I'm still me. FUCK MS

  • @jodirobinette1874
    @jodirobinette1874 2 місяці тому +2

    Brain tumor, spine tumor, IC bladder disease, Groover's Disease, TMJ, pigmentated myelopathy-going blind from a drug that was inappropriately prescribed to me by a shit MD. Each day I wish I wouldn't wake up. I have to work or be homeless. My staff and boss don't know. I have never complained once about my life. It's my choice, to be courageous when I feel like giving up, it's my choice not to let my hate for my life to rule my behavior. The world is dark, and I don't want to be on a lower frequency...

  • @nicolerodgers2937
    @nicolerodgers2937 2 місяці тому +1

    I had to give up my career in EMS because of MS. I live in Texas and the heat makes me a liability and I cant be that. The biggest bummer is I don't even get to help any one anymore since health care doesn't know how/or use EMS.

  • @LoriMulvay
    @LoriMulvay 2 місяці тому

    You both are my ‘Heroes’ in a world that seems to be focused on the wrong thing and you both are allowing a platform to feel safe and definitely not alone on this journey. I have had so much shame by saying ‘ I give up, this isn’t quality of life and I don’t feel I’ve got enough in me to keep fighting this fight to move forward and accept the circumstances, and keep looking for ways to make life more quality. I listen to you and get a shot or glimpse that I am not alone in this and it’s okay to not be okay. Having those dark thoughts are hard at times, tho when they come, I’ve been blessed that a friend or loved one would just drop a note, a phone call and listen to my fears and anxiety about this. Christine so true I don’t need my husband ( very loving man), to fix me. Just hear me and let me express how I really feel , no judgement, no shame, just reality of that dark moment I’m in. Thank you both for giving me hope to know we are in this together and understanding is a given. Understanding, is validation to me that I have no idea how long I’ll keep grieving for I want to see the light in the darkest and with this platform and you both are heroes to me, especially because you are authentic, honest, no bullshit, allowing for those thoughts and feelings to flow by being seen and heard. Love to you both and to all who are struggling. God bless and much love to you both. I feel almost normal when listening to you both, because I am not alone and my thoughts are valid, not to be shamed about.

  • @nicolerodgers2937
    @nicolerodgers2937 2 місяці тому

    I love this podcast, thanks ladies for letting me know I'm not crazy lol. Diagnosed in 2020 at almost 40 and this has been an eye opening experience to say the least.

    • @nicolerodgers2937
      @nicolerodgers2937 2 місяці тому

      I really wish healthcare providers will listen to us. I am even in emergency medicine and no one listened for over 10 years.

  • @laranoel585
    @laranoel585 29 днів тому

    Loved this episode! Thank you ladies.

  • @offthechartz1111
    @offthechartz1111 2 місяці тому +1

    i am one of eleven children and six of my siblings have MS...
    i didn't know it was possible to have that many ppl in one family

    • @grifter_alert
      @grifter_alert 2 місяці тому

      Really hope your siblings are well and I feel for them 😔….The irony is, between all these MS association, researchers, doctors and big Pharma would all claim there is no evidence or links and gives us the stats that paints a rosy picture that favour and encourages pregnancy… this is crazy and I would never had kids knowing XX amount of years later I was going to be suffering and diagnosed with MS….I’m already struggling and living in misery at the greed of these corporations. There is no incentives to find a cure…

  • @BethKrepich-df3qv
    @BethKrepich-df3qv 2 місяці тому +1

    I love you two.

  • @Jackie-hp8xh
    @Jackie-hp8xh Місяць тому

    I love you I feel like you speak for me God bless both of you ❤I

  • @ozwaltreacts4709
    @ozwaltreacts4709 2 місяці тому +2

    Been through a ton of this. It’s ruined my life but I’ve come out the other end.
    I’m going you be blunt. With you having what you have and now your daughter showing pots signs there’s something in your environment you’re missing.
    It could be chemical in nature or it could be food or it could be both. But there is something hurting you both.
    It was only when I figured out what the environmental triggers were that I started getting better.
    You owe it to yourself and definitely your daughter to at least try it.
    Go on an elimination diet and switch all your products to fragrance free, clean versions for a while and see if anything changes.
    I genuinely hope this helps. I would have died already if I hadn’t gotten to the bottom of it.
    Worse case scenario trying it is you live healthier for a few months. Please try it.

  • @Daneiladams555
    @Daneiladams555 Місяць тому

    you have my support, love you both

  • @kathytallman8175
    @kathytallman8175 2 місяці тому +1

    I also have RRMS and I'm so happy that your podcast exists 😊this is the best thing to listen to everyday 😊I love you both for creating this 😊😊❤❤

  • @jackielavelle7974
    @jackielavelle7974 2 місяці тому +1

    Amen Christina I can relate 100% you couldn't have said it any better.

  • @UnchainedLove7274
    @UnchainedLove7274 2 місяці тому

    I also belong to the people who really relate to Christina. I am still struggle bussing with my previous form, and myself now. And, saying the dark things out loud is exactly what I need!!! People don't wanna hear about it, but it's not all sunshine and lollipops. Its not walking through a beautiful English Garden, and... even with good intentions, sometimes the, Pollyanna almost comes off as soooo...Uhhhh, condescending. Some days, I'm not good at the smiling through it, or...lying; lying about how I'm good.
    Long story short: keep telling your actual story, and not all the picture perfect moments of life.

  • @malissamckeon9343
    @malissamckeon9343 2 місяці тому

    Hi. It's malissa mckeon. I have had Ms over 35 years. It sucks, but we have to go on. I force myself. I have 6 grown, 12 grandchildren. And I try to go everything they have been. It's hard. Your podcast is wonderful. Fight the fight.

  • @cristalleslie6311
    @cristalleslie6311 2 місяці тому

    Thank you for this podcast! I am so angry I wanted to yell at all those people! You are really helping people! I can’t even say MS it’s so hard! Love you

  • @janebilleter5299
    @janebilleter5299 2 місяці тому

    Thank you both so much. It is so refreshing to hear such honesty and openness. I don’t have MS, but I appreciate the conversations that are being had and they are important for all of us to hear no matter what we are going through.

  • @CinnamonGirl42069
    @CinnamonGirl42069 2 місяці тому +1

    You're badass and you've got this! *big hugs*

  • @amyspencer232
    @amyspencer232 2 місяці тому

    You 2 are amazong. I have rrms and nurofibromatoiss there are so meany sililmataries(sp) it took them for ever to realize it was another health concern. You two have helped me so much I listen to u two at the same time.... I had a eating disorder for 17 years I know am free from that has been for 11 years. When u two talked about that I was like yes and OMG so true in my car i probaly looked so funny lol but thank u do much

  • @crusty_law88
    @crusty_law88 2 місяці тому

    Great actress stay strong and as beautiful as ever.

  • @jeffreylatham1164
    @jeffreylatham1164 2 місяці тому +1

    Anyone struggling with these autoimmune diseases look into carnivore diet. I know I know. But for real. I know people who have been healed by this diet. If I were suffering from something so debilitating, I would try it for several weeks just to see how it made me feel. It’s worth a shot at the least.

  • @Jackie-hp8xh
    @Jackie-hp8xh 2 місяці тому

    I love your show and a love that unfortunately your telling truth it sucks and it's you need learn as you go and it gets worse

  • @michele0324
    @michele0324 2 місяці тому


  • @denisegasparini64
    @denisegasparini64 2 місяці тому

    Shouldn’t insurance cover the sleeve?

  • @marleneflanagan7137
    @marleneflanagan7137 Місяць тому

    Jamie, get yourself the pimpiest cane that ever existed!

  • @clarehall9776
    @clarehall9776 2 місяці тому

    I don't have MS I have ME and pushing through is something I have to do bathe.(ok that's not every day by any means) . if we push with ME we risk permanent worsening. is that the same with MS too. I also think it's really important for you christina to not compare yourself to others. it's ok saying saying well I choose not to feel the pain but other folk may not have the same amount of pain as you do ya know. we all experience.the same illnesses different and I don't think its a good idea to say well you COULD get up and do something to somebody else..just because you could with YOUR symptoms. does that make sense? brain fog

  • @tammyhensonvillarreal4434
    @tammyhensonvillarreal4434 2 місяці тому +1

    I've had MS for over 20 years and I'm only 43 so if Christina Applegate could stop throwing a god damn pity party for herself that would be fantastic. I don't want to hear her whining. I've been using a walker since I was 30. Get over it

  • @lovemajesticrose
    @lovemajesticrose 2 місяці тому

    How do I send you a private message?