RFT LIVESTREAM #21 - Soma pt. 1

  • Опубліковано 20 вер 2024


  • @klaptongroovemaster
    @klaptongroovemaster 10 місяців тому

    It's 7:30 AM on the west coast of Mericuh. The description says the stream ended 1 hour ago.

  • @KaNoMikoProductions
    @KaNoMikoProductions 10 місяців тому

    Why would you not exhaust Carl's dialogue??
    Edit: Why don't you read anything???
    Edit 2: "What the fuck, I don't remember this!"
    I know you're talking about from when you first played the game years ago, but you've also just refused to read a whole bunch of notes and emails that explicitly mentions this (the apocalypse).
    Edit 3: Would you say you've been "playing video games for 30 years" and that's how you just KNOW that you wouldn't like Sekiro? Also, thank fuck there aren't easier difficulty modes in Sekiro. What a massive mistake that would've been. So many experiences would've been lessened by that choice. (Though to be honest I think Sekiro's base-game is already on easy-mode, and that the Bell Demon effect should've been the default instead)
    Edit 4: The example you gave is just bad game design. It's got nothing to do with difficulty.
    Edit 5: It's only bad to have difficulty options. Difficulty options only exist to band-aid bad game design. The focus should be on improving the design. If the design is nailed, any deviation from it by way of difficulty options is going to negatively impact the experience. Don't let the player shoot themselves in the foot just because they're apprehensive about their skill level or annoyed at hitting a wall. That's exactly why Sekiro would've suffered immensely from difficulty options.
    Edit 6: Elden Ring has a system called Summons. It allowed you to call forth minions to help you fight. Lots of players, including Mauler, used them extensively. And like a lot of people, Mauler eventually realized afterwards that his first playthrough of the game was severely negatively impacted by this system because it completely fucked the difficulty. Difficulty options would cause the exact same issue. You say, "well, people could choose the one they want," which assumes that people would somehow know which one they'd want. How many boss fights are they supposed to breeze through before they realize, "oh wait, this might be too easy"? How much are they supposed to fuck themselves in service of the supposed "fundamentally good" existence of difficulty options?
    Edit 7: Why in the ever-loving fuck would you ever watch EITHER of the live action versions of Death Note but not the anime???
    Edit 8: In regards to the reality-bending of the Death Note, the rules are such that it cannot break reality (make someone in Japan die in Paris in the next 5 minutes) or that the victim would feasibly decide to do whatever manipulation you intend for them. Given the latter, it's highly unlikely that you could make the whole world decide to usher in Utopia.
    Edit 9: Had a good snort at you talking over Cath's dialogue and her calling Simon out afterwards for not paying attention.
    Edit 10: I'd be surprised if YMS would have a discussion with Drinker considering he openly declared that there's nothing Drinker could say that YMS believes he could trust. #GoodFaithBTW
    Edit 11: "How the hell would I know that?" I don't know, by paying attention and reading? Oh wait, I forgot, we don't do that here. Oh look, one of them works for Strohmeier. The guy who has been repeatedly mentioned as the head of security. Oh what, it was him? What a surprise! Who could've thought! As a complete aside, what a great idea it was to decide to completely rush through a story heavy game whilst imbibing on several bottles of alcohol. That couldn't possibly lead to frustration and a damaged experience, no siree!