Hello nhale. Just thought I would say alright. Love what your doing. Keep it up. Can you tell where I can get your cd from. I don’t do technology. I need all your music on cd cousin. My name is marvin. Hit me up
Remember homie… Your dad looks down on you from heaven and he’s proud of you! I can feel it! 💯 „Heavenly father shine your light on me…“ You know the rest.. 💯 Much love to you!!
That right you came up Your Own Way but still carry that G torched that your dad passed down on you 💯💯💯 KEEP GRINDING G YOUR TIME IS NOW #staydowntillyoucomeup
Man I still bumped your father's music all the way here in Australia! G funk forever....he changed the game ! Fly the flag bro .....keep up the legacy 100%
Hello nhale. Just thought I would say alright. Love what your doing. Keep it up. Can you tell where I can get your cd from. I don’t do technology. I need all your music on cd cousin. My name is marvin. Hit me up
Salute to everybody barely finding Nhale.. The recognition been long awaited
New era of G-Funk music. Salute from Poland to Cali
Keep it up NHale!
Miło spotkać rodaka w takim miejscu 😃 pozdro 👊
@@IngodWetrust0912 sprawdź utwór, którego produkcją się zająłem: NHale - Dealin Wit A Hoe
@@rtnproducer znany mi numer, dobra robota! ;) 5!
@@IngodWetrust0912 pozdrawiam, 5!
Siemano real homies, only real rap with true przekaz elo
G funk in Cali still alive 🔥
Salute from Spain
Keep making your pops proud. He's looking down smiling 🔥🔥
Keeping that g sound alive 👌🏼🔥🔥🔥
But it’s outdated 💡
It should've died a long time ago. Whole bunch of closet homosexual gangsters in this video.
@@thisiswillsocool5915 it's LA culture , stop hating
@@thisiswillsocool5915u definitely listening to them wacc music
Keep the Cali music alive 👏🏾 much love from DAYGO
ok you lookin fine ma hello!!
west coast LA for life !!!! awesome track !! respect from france , peace & ❤️
Sounds just like his father. Much success NHALE
My new favorit rapper keep up the good work lil nate dogg
Been listening to Big Nate dogg sinds i was 8years im 33 now West West 4 life
Remember homie…
Your dad looks down on you from heaven and he’s proud of you!
I can feel it! 💯
„Heavenly father shine your light on me…“
You know the rest.. 💯
Much love to you!!
DAMN !!!! 1:35 i feel Goonsebumps thank u Nhale
Respect nhale prince of west coast💯💯💥💥 ..I'm from shillong🖖
Respect from Kazakhstan 🇰🇿! This is hot 🔥🔥✊
IT'S A HIT!🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
One of my favorite artists
My G...listen this music make me happy... respect from Slovakia. We stand behind you NHALE !!!!
That's Rite Nhale Killing It Like His Pops Used To 💯💯💪🎤🎧
the reincarnation of old era, avanti cosi
Sick track. Gfunk is back
Old school vibes love it! You sound just like your daddy
Much love 💥🎵💯 west coast baby 😎 🇬🇧 Uk London in tha house !
G-Funk for LiVe, much LoVe and ReSpEcT👍🏼👍🏼
R.i.p Nate Dogg, nice music, greetings from Colombia 🇨🇴🔥
🤣“Who tf is that”🥶 🔥🔥🔥my nikkas programming out here 💯💯
Respect in Ukraine bro!;) R.i.p. Nate Dogg... West coast time bro 🔥💯💪
Be safe over there homie from the u.s.a
Hope you alright bro! Prayers from the us
Respect for Ukraine from Compton ..now go get those ruskeees!
Be safe 🙏 listen to some funky music to get through hard times
Respect to Ukraine bro fight on
New era of G funk 💥💥💥💥
Too fire!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽🔥
This slaps!
West Coast Music 😎🤑👌💪
Respect from Paris bro 🔥🔥🔥💪🏾💪🏾,the next generation is here
Magnifique chanson de Nhale la relève est assuré R.I.P Nate Dogg..🙏
Un grand respect pour toi Nhale j'ai toujours écouté les musiques de ton père avec Warren G j'adore ta musique c'est une tuerie G-Funk..😉
Nhale 🔥🔥🔥
G-Funk4Life 🐾🐾🐾
It means so much to me that there are still artists who produce music for over 3 minutes. Awesome track 🙌
kontinye cuzz’
pitit tig se tig
Instant classic!!! 🔥🔥🔥
Big nhale🥰
This beat though
Dammmmm i miss nate dogg😞😞😞
This Jam Dope💙
Thanks Nhale for that respiration in music !
New Era🔥🔥🔥
The west coast shall never die, the second generation is here.
H h!le
much love from germany
you keeping the voice of Dogg in memories
GGGGGGG - FUNK is back 🔥🔥
Westcoast for life. New G funk eraaa .respect fromage France 🔥🔥🌴🌴🌴
snoop dogg and nhale 🙏🤩
Nhale got them hits
That's the vibe!
NHALE vibes 🔥🔥🔥
Shhhhittt Nhale Nate dogg looking down on u and is like thank u for coming up..
Dope! Much love from Taiwan 🇹🇼
Thiz one about to be my next hussle ringtone 💎💎💎 Respect my brother really love this one. Can't wait to drop our overseas. Nun but love 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥👨🏾🚒📛
🔥 Nate Dogg would be proud I'm sure.
Met the Guy in real life!! Mother’s Day he pulled up at my pop up and purchased tons of gifts. Thank you for showing love to La Raza!!! 👑
Thanks Nhale 😉✌️💪
Got that good sound big dogg 💥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥💥
🔥🔥🔥 Keep it Up homie making ur pops Proud 💪🏽
Such a good vibe
Keep it up Nhale! Respect from Amsterdam
We Need This fr. #WestCoast 🔥🔥🔥
Living on his dads legacy! Real 90s vibe 🔥🔥🔥💯👌🏽❤️
Baby Nate you a living legend stay blessed much love from Montreal 🔥🔥✊🙏
Been waiting for this for months👌🏽🔥🔥this one is too smooth 🔥🔥good shit nhale and ace
Good job, Nhale. Very perfect misic. Good luck
Nate Dogg is a legend 💙
those of us who have loved G-Funk for many years are in luck with Nhale ☀😎🏖🥂
São Paulo Brazil ☯️💣💥🇧🇷
Greetings from Germany NRW 🤙🏼
Honra o legado do pai!
Sonando el nuevo g-funk, aplausos para nhale & West Gold de México 🔥
Thank you son stay up big dog 💜🙏🏽
Issaa movie ! 💥💥🎶🔥🔥 NHALE Grovvin
Respect From France 🔥💙
Here after the jumper interview new fan keep doing ya thing long live Ndogg
S/o from swiss 🇨🇭 fire 🔥🔥🔥 RIP NATE bless u young king
That right you came up Your Own Way but still carry that G torched that your dad passed down on you 💯💯💯 KEEP GRINDING G YOUR TIME IS NOW #staydowntillyoucomeup
This is incredible. Warms the heart how good this is
Man I still bumped your father's music all the way here in Australia! G funk forever....he changed the game ! Fly the flag bro .....keep up the legacy 100%
Excelente O.G.
Your ad brought me, here dope song 🔥
Salute from Argentina 🇦🇷
Many love from Saudi Arabia
G-Funk Alive🔥🔥🔥🔥Salute A New Era G Funk maximum Respect!!!!
Salute from DALLAS TX !
🤞🏾💯🌍 I'm locked in Bro 💯💯💯🔥
órale keep it up g 🤟🏼😎🔥🔥🔥 desde indonesia 🇮🇩
Fire track nun but love from this Texas 🇲🇽🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
always respect brother, good music ✊🏾✊🏾
Really sounds like his pops🙏💯🤝shits a banger my boi❕
Sehr gut, weiter so
Grüße aus Deutschland
Lit lit my boi 🔥🔥🔥🔋
🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥G-Funk Nate dogg still alive.
West coast!!! Love the Vibe
Respect from CALI COLOMBIA the other cali . We love your music keep going the vibe
I love this song repeat 🔥🔥🔥
The spirit of NATEDOGG 💥
Been waiting for this joint!!!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥