Is This How The Army Treats PTSD?

  • Опубліковано 30 вер 2024
  • Sgt James Doyle before a commission investigating Walter Reed.


  • @lyndabate6133
    @lyndabate6133 10 років тому +4

    I am an Aussie and this is just disgraceful. Some of the comments are beyond belief. PTSD is a very serious condition. To treat this soldier in this manner is so shameful. I am shocked!!!!!! How dare the board look at SGT James Doyle as a piece of crap.

  • @ishikawa413
    @ishikawa413 11 років тому +3

    This sounded really familiar and then he said Baumholder. I was stationed there, it really is the place in the Army where soldiers are not just treated badly, soldiers are degraded severely. I saw more people flip out because they were backed up against a wall than I would have cared to see my entire life. Not sure why leadership around there was so sub-human but whatever their issue, it's just not right. They closed baumholder right after I left, thank god.

  • @Nah_Bohdi
    @Nah_Bohdi 9 років тому +3

    I was hit by an IED, L5 burst fracture, both heels broke left being shattered. I was treated like I was faking my injury before I even left afg. I was laid out for over a month. Wheel chair for 6 month, relearn to walk etc. 3.5 years of HELL....AFG wasnt shit....coming back home was Hell....I swear they try to push people to shoot up the place.

  • @alaffe01
    @alaffe01 15 років тому +2

    I was just released from Battlecreek Yesterday , Went for help with ptsd and was locked up in mental ward . It took 14 hours for my wife and family to be able to talk to me and get me out. I will never use the VA again, I thought these vetrans would put there brothers before the dollar. WRONG nothing beets the dollar.

  • @bigtimepimpin666
    @bigtimepimpin666 17 років тому +2

    I doubt PTSD can be treated very quickly successfully. I work in the field and it takes years of therapy. The Army treats us like Shit after we serve.

  • @GlennRobinsonCommunityVillage
    @GlennRobinsonCommunityVillage 15 років тому +2

    4:50 He gave up. This is a sad story. Where was his community when he needed them? We parents are supposed to love and nurture our kids for 18 years so that the government can take them and use them to kill and injure and risk being killed and injured? How about a law for politician's children to go to war first when a war is declared?

  • @SkrappyX3
    @SkrappyX3 14 років тому +2

    i wish the best for this soldier and every soldier out there that has served this great nation! you did good! you did good!

  • @annabowen4724
    @annabowen4724 9 років тому +2

    This disgusts me to treat soldiers like this is extremely low they fight for our freedom and then doctors treat them like shit I really hope Sgt Doyle is doing okay my prayers are with him and any other member of our armed forces that have been treated like this.

  • @dbootsthediva
    @dbootsthediva 11 років тому +1

    whoa this is so wrong The thing that others need to realize is their were actions of others who stood by and did nothing of other hospital staff besides the doctors of those trying to sweep under the rug of so called half a story. so when the doctors were doing that awful actions some other hospital staff overheard it and looks like they did nothing to help this man . they looked the other way. Anyone know if they followed up and did this man right??? thanks for posting this

  • @Shrunkenhead61
    @Shrunkenhead61 13 років тому +1

    Yeah, that's bullshit. I'm probably looked down on too. I went AWOL and went crazy came back to a hospital hallucinating and depressed. I am by no means served and done what this man has done. I was just starting out... I planned on working on hellos in San Diego and working the spec ops part of my rate. I failed everyone. Med Hold was the worst just knowing no one likes you and you'll be left with no pride. UFFD I wanted to be a soldier since I was 6 and here I am...

  • @11_Bravo_Dad
    @11_Bravo_Dad 14 років тому +1

    I'm an 11 Bravo, INFANTRY - OIF1 and OIF2 disabled vet - I've come along way from where I was and went through more then I care to share of what this Soldier did. It gets better with time and once your out and away from those fucking doc's... They get you hooked on pain killers make you all fucked up, break you down then spit you out. I am now drug and alcohol free, take not medication other then my seizure meds from a TBI in Iraq - I wish I could show him the light at the end of the tunnel-

  • @nikkiknotts
    @nikkiknotts 14 років тому +1

    this is so sad...i really hope things work out for him. ive seen how the system over in Germany works and theyre terrible at getting things husband was injured in Iraq and after 5 months in landstuhl...they messed everything up with his orders and all, he almost missed the birth of his son.then he only got to spend a few days with us when he had to go right back to "finish up " the paperwork.

  • @sepulchureXmcmlxii
    @sepulchureXmcmlxii 15 років тому +1

    This is why I support our beloved military and say fuck the politicians. I'm the 3rd generation diagnosed with PTSD (Grandfather Navy, Father Marines/Army, Mother Army and myself Army)....I put my life on the line to defend my country knowing what the results would be, and to this day I still don't know if any of my battle buddies made it out alive. Living day-to-day trying to make things work when it affects everything I do.
    Listen to "War Pigs" by Black Sabbath. It sums everything up.

  • @MrSinn666
    @MrSinn666 14 років тому +1

    I know what you went through, I was discriminated in the Army. I went home for my dads funeral from Iraq, and they screwed my paperwork up and considered me AWOL. How do you go AWOL from Iraq? It took me a year, and three lawyers to get it fixed. I got my VA claim, but it don't fix everything.. God Bless You.

  • @alexanderMP
    @alexanderMP 15 років тому +1

    I believe every word that soldier said, why? becasue i have been through the army medical system and seen soldiers like sgt doyle get nothing but horrible treatment from army doctors and officers, god bless you Doyle, and thank you so much for your service to this country. -Alex, combat wounded 2007 Afghanistan

  • @MrRay47
    @MrRay47 17 років тому +1

    Until I saw this I thought I got treated kind of poorly when I returned from 2 years in Nam but it was nowhere near this bad. Some guys luck out and get treated well, some of us fall through the cracks and get stepped on. I'm just thankful my PTSD didn't hit until after I was out of the military. RVN Dustoff 110

  • @LuvMitch247
    @LuvMitch247 14 років тому +1

    @JohnnyQuince Somehow my comment was misinterpreted...I LOVE OUR TROOPS AND AM AN ADVOCATE FOR THEM. The Soldier in the video was going through problems getting help and I found THAT awful...we should get our Troops help for PTSD...and anything they need medical attention for.

  • @Marine052191
    @Marine052191 14 років тому +1

    Fuck... This stuff brings back dark times, I definitly relate to him. The feeling of screaming, seeing everyone around you. No body listens, and I almost gave up. The only person who listened was my friend Henery. He served in 2001-2005 2nd recon btn, 2nd Marines. Semper Fi

  • @djtrek19
    @djtrek19 15 років тому +1

    I feel soo sorry for this guy. such a young age and he cant even explain himself .. that is a good example on what war will do to you. I wonder if those people on the panel really did help him out? or were they saying that just to shut him up?

  • @thetruthisoutthere32
    @thetruthisoutthere32 12 років тому +1

    This is absolutely despicable. A two-time combat veteran for the U.S. Army has a non-combat related injury that prevents him from being combat ready, so instead of providing adequate health care and thanking him for his brave service, they torture him, add to the psychological trauma that his combat service has resulted in, and then try to find an excuse to deny him the benefits he is entitled to. The leadership of this country needs to be called onto the carpet for their disgraceful behavior.

  • @Kapotts
    @Kapotts 16 років тому +1

    I'm sorry. Seems like people just disregard ptsd and shrug it off. Idiots, frankly...mental disorders are most of the time WORSE than physical ones!
    My husband has it and hides it very well but he wakes me up at night because of his horrible nightmares. Unspoken and hidden does not mean it's unimportant.

  • @bernlin2000
    @bernlin2000 17 років тому +1

    That was horrible: such a young guy going through such terrible things. It's one thing to treat prisoners poorly, it's quite another to treat your own soldiers fighting for America like this

  • @lysaght11
    @lysaght11 15 років тому +1

    sounds like the military that I know, he can't fight so they have no use for him, just like the way that they did me, FTA

  • @warbaby1975
    @warbaby1975 9 років тому +1

    He was probably stationed at Fort Hood Texas, specifically 1stCAV. That sounds about right.

  • @bonsgirl
    @bonsgirl 15 років тому +1

    This is so powerful, it leaves me speechless. I wish Sgt James Doyle the very best. Thank you.

  • @gerbilsqueex
    @gerbilsqueex 14 років тому +1

    Thats disgusting the way this man has been treated. Criminals get treated with more respect.

  • @Crawlerjamie
    @Crawlerjamie 8 років тому +2

    I feel so bad for this guy. Sounds like he had a shit time. If our soldiers are treated like this, that is a national disgrace

    • @alocintsruh
      @alocintsruh 8 років тому +1

      We are treated this way and you are right it IS a national disgrace. Most of my PTSD actually came from military doctors using my body to run experiments on.

  • @alocintsruh
    @alocintsruh 8 років тому +1

    I know this is an old video but I am just seeing it. I hurt seeing this because most of my military trauma was actually by military doctors. This system of young people going off to fight for the rich and coming back to a broken system that doesn't take care of it veterans is HORRIFIC! I have a video on here as well talking about my trauma as a black woman in the military. If you care to see it just type in PTSD: A Black Woman's Prospective. This breaks my heart.

  • @ronaldvaughn168
    @ronaldvaughn168 7 років тому +1

    I have PTSD, it never ends, the drugs help, but it's always there. Before getting treatment, I lived with it for 40 years, I won't go into my life having it, but after going to The VA for chronic depression, they put me thru test after test, and eventially they diagnosed me with PTSD, and started me on certain medications, it took several months, but eventually the medication started to work. Until I was diagnosed, I was treated like a human being, but once people found out why I was as I was, people started treating me different, I am the same person as before. But now I am labeld. My freedoms have all but deminished since.

  • @seabeejg
    @seabeejg 14 років тому +1

    I can't deal with it anymore! i'm tired of us being treated like this.

  • @treasuredroperX
    @treasuredroperX 14 років тому +1

    Some have good times in the Army, and some have bad. . .

  • @islespatrick
    @islespatrick 11 років тому +1

    are you kidding me? our army is a national disgrace.

  • @bonsgirl
    @bonsgirl 13 років тому +1

    Does anyone know what has happened to James? I have been searching and searching....I would appreciate any help.....

    • @mattdoyle915
      @mattdoyle915 3 роки тому +1

      It is a long story with a sad ending.

  • @amiga2091
    @amiga2091 15 років тому +1

    Not only is it the Army, it is the VA also.

  • @sharpie443
    @sharpie443 15 років тому

    no but my grandfather and my some of my friends are. My friend Chris is an Iraq vet and works with vets coming back from Iraq and Afghanistan. Many of them pretty messed up physically and mentally. This administration has not done nearly enough for the veterans but I dont think you can blame it on the Republican Party as a whole. Im not republican BTW, Im libertarian.

  • @HumanGivens
    @HumanGivens 17 років тому

    PTSD can be treated really quickly with the 'rewind technique' - watch the video from Piers Bishop on our page for more info and there is also information about where to get help

  • @gotyaman1
    @gotyaman1 13 років тому

    why cant america just not get into wars? i have nothing against war vets i respect each and every one and their brave. but most of them have different points of view than me. america try's to be the worlds police. and one nation cant do it Iraq and Afghanistan and currently libia are just a few of the worlds problems. think about all of our wars after WW2. they all start out as problems that have nothing to do with america that we try to fix. sorry america you cant fix every problem

  • @Spunkalunk
    @Spunkalunk 13 років тому

    @cherrypie5195 Shocked to read all this arguing. I hate the war racket, & love a combat vet, hence understand the passion & rage... but damn this is nuts to see. A civilian w/ PTSD who obviously can't let things go, goes head to head w/ Marine w/ combat-PTSD. USMCgunner58, I applaud you for walking away from this.

  • @Qwalnuts
    @Qwalnuts 14 років тому

    This is how Army Medical and the Veterans Benefits Administration treat anyone that isn't a Purple Heart Recipient, and even a good amount of those who ARE. I have heard stories like this from almost everyone that has been involved with Army Medical, including my own brother. I personally only served one tour in Iraq, and even I have a sob story that shocks people.

  • @funkyphreakout
    @funkyphreakout 15 років тому

    I think things were better back when old people died at 35-40. It gave them less time to fuck up the younger generations. All these old dudes listening to this guy don't give two shits about what he's suffered from, while ignoring the fact that his next 30 years are going to be very different from their 23-53 stretch.

  • @bigtimepimpin666
    @bigtimepimpin666 17 років тому

    Well a lot of people like me join because we want to serve our country and want adventure etc. I have never asked for anything more than what I was suppossed to get. We dont even get proper medical care. When I was going to Iraq the 1st time there were guys with their faces blown off begging for H care because the were reservists

  • @flatblackstrat
    @flatblackstrat 14 років тому

    This makes me sick. VA better fix their shit now. Their will be a revolution, and it won't be pretty. I live down the road from Fenton, MI. If you see this soldier you need to contact VFW they will help you more than these VA crooks.

  • @lizjasnwiley
    @lizjasnwiley 11 років тому

    The thing some may need to realize is that, these are the actions of a few doctors. Not all army doctors are this way. It is sad to say but he is giving half of the story. I am sure there is a whole lot that he is not saying.

  • @Marynicole830
    @Marynicole830 14 років тому

    since my husband is the most important thing in the world to me, yes. i would risk going to jail for him,but not a stranger. if i did, i wouldn't get over the guilt of leaving him and my child alone.

  • @dustylefou
    @dustylefou 15 років тому

    Go to hell, nobody should have to put up with what he had to put up with. I agree receiving bad gouge is constant no matter what branch you are in, but the beauracracy that follows the army is goddamn ridiculous.

  • @skudaarkaat1
    @skudaarkaat1 13 років тому

    This is SO fucked!!! I went through Walter Reed in 1970, my dad was the personnel director from 1966 through 1970 and it was a first class hospital. What the FUCK has the government done to it???

  • @bigtimepimpin666
    @bigtimepimpin666 17 років тому

    UPdate I just got my service connected dissability ruling. Va says I am fine that my surrent problems all perfectly documented from my AB accident have nothing to do with my injuries... greaT

  • @seabeejg
    @seabeejg 14 років тому

    @ALLIED7621 thank u for noticing......most people don't care. also, help your brother through his rougher times if you can. he'll appriciate it, even if he never says it. thank you again.

  • @Marynicole830
    @Marynicole830 14 років тому

    but don't get me wrong, i feel for this guy. he should not have been treated like this under any circumstances. but if you mess with my husband, you mess with me.

  • @LuvMitch247
    @LuvMitch247 14 років тому

    OMG...THIS WAS AWFUL! I would love to hear an update on SGT. JAMES DOYLE. If anyone knows how to do that, please let me know??

  • @dano7411
    @dano7411 12 років тому

    What do you call a doctor who is too stupid to get board certified in any state, and graduated at the bottom of his class in medical school?......Captain

  • @wormmy158
    @wormmy158 14 років тому

    @blkhwk626 ... or they are men and women dedicated to serving their country and helping to prevent fortherinjury and death to our soldiers ...

  • @antoniotitus
    @antoniotitus 13 років тому

    My name is antonio, I served in iraq for 13 months. Our routine over-site of a checkpoint. Our truck lost it's rear right rails. I attemped to fix it. While I was under the truck. Every thing went black. I woke up in a hospital in Germany. They told me the truck was shot by an RPG. My truck was built to withstand a fire fight, and a 30,000 foot drop. The explosion had to of had been from the inside. My body is covered in burns. I blacked out for 9 days. They wanted to know about my childhood.

  • @arvydas0069
    @arvydas0069 13 років тому

    ...advising people "do NOT join for the money" is basically chastising them for joining, no matter how you look at it. No matter what their reasons were for joining, it's not your place to make such a statement. I've been through as much or more than this guy in the video in Iraq...I've seen it all. I do not have PTSD. I don't even think about it because I choose to relegate those memories to a place that I do not revisit. A minority of people can't do it. Some even fake it for benefits.

  • @arvydas0069
    @arvydas0069 13 років тому

    @cherrypie5195 Sorry to get involved but you seriously need to just shut up lady, and let the man be. There is no comparison from the American civilian PTSD sufferer to the actual combat PTSD sufferer. Two entirely different diagnoses and different treatment. Who goes to war for the money? That's about as ignorant a statement as one can make considering the paltry amount of money combat troops make. People that join the infantry join to fight for their country. I've spent 3.5 yrs in Iraq.

  • @imck76
    @imck76 12 років тому

    thank you for this video. ptsd attracts more ptsd. stop striking our heads! how do we protect our children? thank you for speaking out.

  • @intelin123
    @intelin123 14 років тому

    people need to know dat war does not give u ptsd its the leadership dat sucks this guy talked about how his own people treated him like shit ....they treat ulike you r d enemy...when deploy u gotta worry about d enemy and ur leadership ,,always looking to get u in trouble,,,people think d army is a big family its not.....this wat my friend told me....

  • @DomokomoNeyo
    @DomokomoNeyo 14 років тому

    I live with it now for 20 years and very slowly I get reckognition for the damage done to me in the first Gulf War - let me make it clear, it is reckognition, not treatment. If I want to be treated I have to go private, nobody is going to help me with the cost.
    I am glad that our soldiers now receive better help than we did...

  • @CHATGAL222
    @CHATGAL222 17 років тому

    hey baby boy, it's ok. don't listen to that shit the doctors say. go and find some support for ptsd. maybe the va can help you. i have it, my dad had it (from vietnam) don't listen to those idiots. *hug*

  • @crin28
    @crin28 15 років тому

    This kills me... what these men (and women) go through. This kind of story is told all to often today... very sad.

  • @mattdoyle915
    @mattdoyle915 5 років тому +1

    Rest In Peace James Doyle my brother. I love you and miss you.

    • @cristinamuro5179
      @cristinamuro5179 4 роки тому +1

      Hi Matt, what happened to James? It's me Christina

    • @mattdoyle915
      @mattdoyle915 3 роки тому

      He committed suicide. Things got really bad with him health wise and mentally.

  • @1radstallion
    @1radstallion 15 років тому

    i'm a republican. i feel bad for this guy. hang in there man. thanks for what you did. sorry it's so rough.

  • @Podlingtonmu
    @Podlingtonmu 15 років тому

    I'm doing a paper on PTSD for school and I am HORRIFIED at this video. My heart goes out to this young man.

  • @Marine052191
    @Marine052191 14 років тому

    We dont need medications... We need support. SEMPER FI BROTHER!
    Even though you were in the ARMY

  • @Kapotts
    @Kapotts 16 років тому

    they can spend more money on the army...but it doesn't go to the soldiers. it goes to the damn officers and people that don't deserve it.

  • @Marynicole830
    @Marynicole830 14 років тому

    this is horrible. I swear if my husband was treated like this, I would raise hell. lots of it.

  • @kurtcokain
    @kurtcokain 14 років тому

    Does it make any difference if it was your husband or just this other guy?

  • @yellowday101
    @yellowday101 14 років тому

    i feel for you. i totally know what it's like to be restrained...i hope you feel better

  • @eftveteran
    @eftveteran 15 років тому

    Have you ever been in the military or the VA system? It's not one sided. Its TYPICAL!

  • @cb108
    @cb108 14 років тому

    IF you want to know how to avoid this problem watch the video on UA-cam: "PTSD and Transcendental Meditation".

  • @missmix48
    @missmix48 2 роки тому

    This makes me so sad... I am so sorry that he was treated this way. SHAME ON THIS GOVERNMENT & THOSE Drs for treating him so poorly. Disgusting

  • @bonsgirl
    @bonsgirl 15 років тому

    Does anyone know what happened to him?? Please message me if you do.

  • @LuvMitch247
    @LuvMitch247 14 років тому

    If anyone has an update on SGT. James Doyle, I would appreciate it.

  • @Kapotts
    @Kapotts 16 років тому

    DEFINITELY! They should get the BEST treatment, BEST pay, BEST everything!

  • @Ethicalgradient
    @Ethicalgradient 15 років тому

    Christ man this poor guy! Apparently he is missong now too. :-(

  • @pinkygirl38
    @pinkygirl38 17 років тому

    Sgt. Doyle, I am so sorry that you have been abused by the military. My son took his life after returning home from Iraq because no one at the VA would take the time to see him. I hope you are getting the care you need now and I wish you the best. You might find comfort in Iraq Veterans Against the War. God Bless you son.
    Mother of SPC Jason Cooper 4/16/82 - 7/14/05

    • @mattdoyle915
      @mattdoyle915 3 роки тому

      Sorry for your loss. James had the same result as your son a few years ago.

  • @michaelesposito239
    @michaelesposito239 8 років тому

    When do we start blaming ourselves for making bad decisions. The bad decision was joining the military in the first place. Just smoke some weed and get out.

  • @TheFreeMountaineer
    @TheFreeMountaineer 15 років тому

    19D! Scouts Out! Love you my Cav Trooper Brother! FTA

  • @cristinamuro5179
    @cristinamuro5179 4 роки тому

    I just read James' brother comment, Matt Doyle about a year ago, it says he passed away. I would like to know what happened to him he was a good friend of mine.

  • @blkhwk626
    @blkhwk626 14 років тому

    @wormmy158 and YOU have experience with this? I do.

  • @arvydas0069
    @arvydas0069 13 років тому

    @cherrypie5195 Join for your country. It's your duty.

  • @Marine052191
    @Marine052191 14 років тому

    We dont need medications... We need support.

  • @LuvMitch247
    @LuvMitch247 14 років тому

    @astaynax SHAME ON YOU! ASTAYNAX!

  • @VeteranWatch
    @VeteranWatch 12 років тому

    That's so wrong.. Makes me sick! :(

  • @Beanmachine91
    @Beanmachine91 10 років тому

    the GI bill is supposed to protect soldiers

  • @nursenasdaq
    @nursenasdaq 13 років тому

    Thank you James for your service.

  • @cristinamuro5179
    @cristinamuro5179 4 роки тому

    Where are you James Doyle???

  • @XDHumphreyX
    @XDHumphreyX 8 років тому

    It got scary when they said he was out of time.

  • @taniusaproduce
    @taniusaproduce 15 років тому

    you are so wright,I agree

  • @diehipster1
    @diehipster1 11 років тому

    Dude what the fuck..

  • @arridedry
    @arridedry 14 років тому

    not cool
    AT ALL