Glob bless Tom Szasz. What I learned from him, in 1970, by reading _The Manufacture of Madness,_ and then by reading countless more books and articles that he wrote, helped me to maintain personal liberty and helped me avoid falling prey to evil predators trying to pass themselves off as benevolent helpers (kind of like the Big Bad Wolf trying to pass herself off as Grandma). Tom was both very insightful, and brilliantly articulate about explaining his insights - he was an excellent writer. Plus he tended to back up his assertions with an extensive and remarkable bibliography. Though his credentials were in the field of medicine and psychiatry, perhaps the most remarkable scholarly contribution he made was in the field of history, where he unearthed the fact that, when slavery was legal in many of the United States, if you were a slave, and you ran away from your master, psychiatrists may have considered your tendency toward this behavior as being a mental disease, and ascribed to you a diagnosis of _drapetomania._ This "mental disorder" was not included in the first edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders possibly because the first edition was not published until after slavery was abolished in the US but it stands to reason that should a new amendment be added to the US constitution that reverses the 13th amendment, drapetomania would be added to the DSM soon after that. .
@@rebeccaeaton4205 I am not sure what you mean by "dirty little thieves" and I don't know what it is that they are not held accountable for but I know that all over the US what the people who run psychiatric wards pretend their wards do for people, is not what the wards actually do. The wards are not there to help the people in the wards; they are there to help the people outside the wards. I have no reason to believe Asheville NC is an exception. Where and when were you "hospitalized" in Asheville?
I have no problem with your pursuit of psychiatric services and of your faith in this branch of medicine. My contention, as it has always been with Dr. Szasz, is in the involuntary nature of the enterprise.
Brilliant man who brought a completely fresh and novel perspective to the table on many issues related to freedom, mental health, the drug war and many other issues.
If someone is a clear and present danger to others, there is the law to handle it. Your outlook reminds me of Karl Meninger's "The crime of punishment". This idea, that criminal behavior is symptomatic of psychopathology, has no basis in medical fact, but is a moral-legalistic assertion. The state reserves very few cases for the insanity defense. A person who is otherwise innocent of a crime could still be incarcerated under the right to treatment laws. That is a lot power for a profession.
""Is", "is." "is"-the idiocy of the word haunts me. If it were abolished, human thought might begin to make sense. I don't know what anything "is"; I only know how it seems to me at this moment." - Robert Anton Wilson
Karl Marx wrote that Psychiatry was "a capitalist ploy, created by and for the bourgeoisie, to keep the focus off of class struggle". All I know is Psychiatric support services provided me help with handling drug induced schizophrenia. I'm not having to suffer the crushing terror/ panic/anxiety which plagued my daily mood, sensation, thinking, & behavior before treatment! Psychiatry may be a form of social control however it has provided me a desired personal control for individual survival!
You are failing to take note that "clear and present danger" is also of those who have broken no law. Mental illness advocacy organizations support and defend preemptive, involuntary medical incarceration. Very often, those who make others suffer (rather than themselves suffering) are subject to the scutiny of psychiatric meddling. The contesting of Wills is also a venue where psychiatric assasination takes place.
I'm personally a person who is more interested in Psychology rather than Psychiatry. My interests are to change behaviors through the use of action rather than medicine. My personal theory is that, no matter how mentally ill you are, through the use of guidance, you can have control over your behavior. Medicine is just a little thing to make it easier.
The Critic: Let's start with YOU as the prime the controlled subject first. Have you cured your behavioral and cognitive dissonance first.Charity starts at home. Your intent us nothing but WITCHCRAFT!
While I am in agreement with Szasz on psychiatry, the founders wanted to protect the church from the state, not vice-versa. This country was founded in a heavy atmosphere of Christianity, frequently appealed to by the founders themselves.
You are as wrong as you are traitorous to say such a thing. Try reading all of our forefathers words on religion instead of allowing our fraudulent Christian leaders who stole this country during the Cold War to pick Parts out of context and make up whole other narratives for you. this country was founded by abolitionist who wanted to protect the people from the church. coming from the colonies where many people were forced to attend Protestant churches including Catholics and having seen true religious persecution in Europe at the time. To morons and cowards looking to justify their ignorance and fears that particular Freedom protected by the First Amendment will always be translated as the freedom for religion and not freedom of religion as in religious oppression. We need to keep cowards like you out of the way or they will pave our road to hell with good intentions. Throughout Christian history it has brought nothing but ignorance, death, destruction, and unimaginable suffering for the people it has infected. It's time to put an end to it.
No. It happened because smaller churches started sending letters to the founding fathers, pleasing them not to allow a state church system to happen like in UK, or larger churches would just persecute them like they persecuted their ancestors before the sailed to the new world. The letters are public knowledge.
AYAN DAS actually, many states had state churches in the new world. And most towns required all their citizens to have their taxes go toward it, irregardless if they attended or were of that faith. Connecticut had the Congregational Church in each town through til 1818 for example.
Indeed there was a profound amount of religious activity at the time the Bill of Rights was written, but it is meaningless to say "the" church. There were many churches, and it was quite obvious that adherents to any one religion often had ideas that conflicted with those asserted by adherents to other religions. The primary concern was that government would not be supporting and protecting one religion at the expense of all the others. What we had here were a number of different protestant religions, plus there were small but significant number of Jews, and who knows what else. The idea was to avoid protecting one specific protestant religion, whilst leaving followers of the others subject to being forced to adhere to that particular religion. The constitution made it clear that no single religion would be made the state religion - we weren't going to do things they way they did things in England, which made the Church of England the official religion of England - and at the same time no-one would be prevented from practicing whatever religion it was that they adhered to. There were several religions and their adherents were often profound believers in them, their churches and ideas were important to them. As you said, there was a great deal of religiosity. However I could be mistaken, but I think that many of the delegates to the constitutional convention, including Thomas Jefferson, were not strongly attached to any particular sect. When the Declaration of Independence refers to our rights as human beings, it simply says "endowed by our Creator." It is not clear whether the word creator here refers to a distinct being, or is being used a figure of speech. This vagary appears to be on purpose, to avoid alienating believers in one religion, by believers in other religions. It seems to be an attempt to get people to work together, despite their differences.
Entertainment from DSM 3? Aww if only he could take inventory of the current edition...3 was so limited compared with the vastness of the latest issue. ..
No, I am saying that prisons are places where concentrations of a particular type of criminal type is warehoused. The twirling of orbs and the waving of wands is what the determination of insanity is.
Thanks for prompting video so quick, kindly if you really want to help, please let us know the mechanism of God and latest technologies for brain or mind management, manoeuvring and as weapon to torture opponents. Regards
He seems to talk from a perspective of one who was largely in contact with mostly catholic influences. It is a bias I can forgive him for. I love Szasz but has a very limited perspective in regards to christianity. Most christians in America come from a background that soundly rejected the megalomania that is evident in the worst characteristics of Catholicism. That megalomania, I believe, was and is reflected in the worst aspects of phychiatry and psychology. They are much the same.
Firstly you noted the law as being responsible for handling those whom pose a clear and present threat towards the life and liberty of others, and the falsely accused are the fault of the law! For those "who make others suffer" should be subject to the scrutiny of "psychiatric meddling"! If they’re out to destroy the life of others should they not be restrained? Why are trained psychiatrists less able to handle the threats of disorder than anything else (as you seem to be suggesting)?
Wo Jak No reason to live if it ain’t for Religion mate. Grow into a purpose for your pathetic life before hurling your subconscious emotional tantrum on God for being a selfish clit.
@@EmilyGloeggler7984 Your opinions mean nothing. Facts are that Psychology is a valid science and so is Psychiatry. Read a book, get educated. Get a clue.
Purple Reign Psychology is a soft science heading towards pseudoscience.Psychology is the study of human behaviour.Psychologists and social scientists observe and validate their hypothesis by copying the principles of science.However there is no certainty because scientific tools are not used in either.The core scientific subjects use scientific tools and reach at a solution that is absolute.For eg in physics you calculate the velocity of the free falling object to an absolute certainty.Psychology like law is embodiment of human values and how your certain beliefs may affect you.Just like dr szasz says it should be part of law.It is not a bad profession it is just not scientific.a person who was abused in childhood may or may not be a serial killer.You cannot extrapolate absolution based on your observations.
he has a point but the most important message of the Bible is,according to me,that Jesus could not be killed , it's beautiful , Szasz believes only freedom is
I believe that involuntary committment should only be upheld in circumstances where an individual poses a clear and present threat towards the life and liberty of others (i.e. pedophiles, psychopaths). Should people like Charles Manson be free to walk the streets?
You're free to have that opinion, however all I've stated in my comment (to which you’ve replied) are 3 questions and an example as to why I believe involuntary treatment is necessary within the law. For example if you were to kill me for holding my views, you should be legally trialed and likely confined. If you displayed behavior which posed clear and present danger towards the correctional officers or other inmates you legally should be psychiatrically interviewed, diagnosed and treated.
Are you suggesting violent prisoners are the product of the carceral system? If so should we let the murderers and rapists roam free? I’ve sighted prisoner “misbehavior” which poses clear and present danger to others, as to whether individual prisoners are insane that’s the role of a psychiatrist to determine (via an interview they diagnose and if necessary treat). And if you don’t like the word treat I’m happy to use the word restrain! FYI I never said crime is illness as you’ve asserted!
SOME prisoners are victims of the psychiatric system. There IS no insanity. The McNaugton rule MUST be overturned,it's the keystone of psychiatric tyranny.
It's a pity that Thomas Szasz didn't study his own religion, he would have learnt that real freedom is not absence of rules, and that this is the main goal of the Torah.
How does the law "handle" it? Does it apply effective strategies for rehabilitating those whom offend due to an underlying psychiatric disorder (i.e. pedophillia, antisocial personality disorder)? Caged psychopaths even pose a clear and present danger to correction officers (i.e. weapons, spitting, spraying urine, blood &/or faeces). Are mandatory chemical straightjackets for prisoners not a viable option to preventing clear and present danger towards prison officials and/or other prisoners?
Obviously, they don't want to be there! The labeling, classifying, goading, lying on your subjects medical reports, targeting, persecuting a victim, helps keep society a place of opportunity and the community a place of actual wellness?
There’s ample data concerning the evidence based practice within Psychiatry! Some general ones to consider may include the decision making processes regarding psychopharmacology (i.e. formulating strategies to reduce risk to patients), general check-ups regarding the patients physical biology (i.e. cardio exams, interpreting lab tests & brain imaging studies), social factors concerning patient’s health (i.e. relationships, job performance, substance use), financial circumstances and so on.
@whoisspeaker4truth "There’s ample data concerning the evidence based practice within Psychiatry! " There is also a lot of information concerning the clearly-defined processes alluded to by psychiatrists. Don't forget that besides physical biology, there are also other kinds of biology. Interpreting lab tests is just one of many processes.
If you do all the book work you are required to, as an average citizen, you become like a robot of society, or you could lose your soul with even more book education!
Don't just dump it all on Catholicism. Most modern religions insist that we were born sinners and must spend our lives in atonement, Please explain to me how a new born baby's soul is black with sin. Sounds more like the con of the millenium. Jung saw right through this crap and I aint buying it neither.
Felix Burke ! Human beings are born with temperaments and inclinations! A human being, regardless of age, who is in a resting state (in bed sleeping) can be considered as harmless. Just as we see a baby, completely incapable of harm. How much harm can an adult human do when they are in their household, in bed sleeping? So, indeed humans come into this world with genetic/biological as well as cognitive predispositions to act for the benefit of the species or act unfavorable for the general good. I am just saying!
There is nothing to "treat" with moral failures and human evil. This notion, that crime is illness, has its proponents, but no doubt, your "solutions" say nothing of the rule of law. Your assertion, that prisoner misbehavior is, ipso facto, psychopathology does not surprise me. There have been fractious and violent prisoners as long as there has been a carceral system. You obviously hold a degree of reverence and submission for an enterprise that says one thing and does another.
whiff1962 let's say pseudo crime. Crimes are not that easy to determine... It's not like a group of friends determine what we decide to punish and of course to who.
Mental illness screenings are just one health reform program being delivered in schools, children are also checked for heart, eyesight and other physical health issues. How are these programs delivered by those whom you term "fascist utopians" hindering the child's legal and natural rights? How's dispensing advice force? Provide some examples to illustrate your views rater than hyperbole & assertions. If my actualized account sounds cynical perhaps you have some mistrust issues.
An intellectual can quote whatever suits their argument. How odd that American libertarians quote the "founding fathers", yet overlook the fact that the country was already inhabited, and that their settlement led to the genocide of over 100 million indigenous, who were city dwellers, fishermen, craft-workers, stone builders, farmers, hunters, and much more. This guy deliberately misquotes, as most libertarians do, and then get one lost in technicalities, rather than view a bigger picture of society. This guy is a joker, who I like as a joker, hence all the laughs. As Marshall McLuhan said, "The clown is a person with a grievance. His role in medieval society was to be the voice of grievance. To tell the society exactly what was wrong.. and anger."
I’m not a libertarian but I think he was right in a lot of ways and should have been more considered by psychiatry. The state of psychiatry really is shameful when you consider that people are only getting sadder and only getting sold more and more medications that don’t even work
Glob bless Tom Szasz. What I learned from him, in 1970, by reading _The Manufacture of Madness,_ and then by reading countless more books and articles that he wrote, helped me to maintain personal liberty and helped me avoid falling prey to evil predators trying to pass themselves off as benevolent helpers (kind of like the Big Bad Wolf trying to pass herself off as Grandma). Tom was both very insightful, and brilliantly articulate about explaining his insights - he was an excellent writer. Plus he tended to back up his assertions with an extensive and remarkable bibliography. Though his credentials were in the field of medicine and psychiatry, perhaps the most remarkable scholarly contribution he made was in the field of history, where he unearthed the fact that, when slavery was legal in many of the United States, if you were a slave, and you ran away from your master, psychiatrists may have considered your tendency toward this behavior as being a mental disease, and ascribed to you a diagnosis of _drapetomania._ This "mental disorder" was not included in the first edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders possibly because the first edition was not published until after slavery was abolished in the US but it stands to reason that should a new amendment be added to the US constitution that reverses the 13th amendment, drapetomania would be added to the DSM soon after that. .
Did you know at pyschiatrist wards they are also dirty little theives and not held accountable . It happened to me in Asheville NC.
@@rebeccaeaton4205 I am not sure what you mean by "dirty little thieves" and I don't know what it is that they are not held accountable for but I know that all over the US what the people who run psychiatric wards pretend their wards do for people, is not what the wards actually do. The wards are not there to help the people in the wards; they are there to help the people outside the wards. I have no reason to believe Asheville NC is an exception. Where and when were you "hospitalized" in Asheville?
R.I.P Dr Szasz, a true hero, and too rare.
You can repeat that a million times...
this guy was a genius. i repeat, a genius.
Menfis legall he was although really he was just using extreme common sense to cut through centuries of coercive thinking
To do that is no small thing.
"Clear thinking requires courage rather than intelligence." - Thomas Szasz
Courageous one.
no, he was an idiot
@@danielul05 why?
I've been saying these things for so long, glad to see another of my kind.
I have no problem with your pursuit of psychiatric services and of your faith in this branch of medicine. My contention, as it has always been with Dr. Szasz, is in the involuntary nature of the enterprise.
'Not just fraud, but force!'
Dziękujemy Profesorze za ważna wiedzę dla wszystkich ludzi.
Is he Polish?
Hungarian @@beatsg
Brilliant man who brought a completely fresh and novel perspective to the table on many issues related to freedom, mental health, the drug war and many other issues.
Thank you for the memories, another great talk by Tom.
Thank you for posting this important video !! !
If someone is a clear and present danger to others, there is the law to handle it. Your outlook reminds me of Karl Meninger's "The crime of punishment". This idea, that criminal behavior is symptomatic of psychopathology, has no basis in medical fact, but is a moral-legalistic assertion. The state reserves very few cases for the insanity defense. A person who is otherwise innocent of a crime could still be incarcerated under the right to treatment laws. That is a lot power for a profession.
10:00 childhood was not outgrown but came to encompass all of life
Great contribution. Thanks.
""Is", "is." "is"-the idiocy of the word haunts me. If it were abolished, human thought might begin to make sense. I don't know what anything "is"; I only know how it seems to me at this moment."
- Robert Anton Wilson
A failed attempt to appear humble... Guess he IS a moron.
Thank you 😊
Karl Marx wrote that Psychiatry was "a capitalist ploy, created by and for the bourgeoisie, to keep the focus off of class struggle".
All I know is Psychiatric support services provided me help with handling drug induced schizophrenia. I'm not having to suffer the crushing terror/ panic/anxiety which plagued my daily mood, sensation, thinking, & behavior before treatment!
Psychiatry may be a form of social control however it has provided me a desired personal control for individual survival!
If you want to take it, fine. Don't force others to.
Thank you as I am so grateful for discovering this gentleman. ❤❤❤❤❤❤
Mental health is the development of a mental + emotional dedication - a cathexis!
You are failing to take note that "clear and present danger" is also of those who have broken no law. Mental illness advocacy organizations support and defend preemptive, involuntary medical incarceration. Very often, those who make others suffer (rather than themselves suffering) are subject to the scutiny of psychiatric meddling. The contesting of Wills is also a venue where psychiatric assasination takes place.
I'm personally a person who is more interested in Psychology rather than Psychiatry. My interests are to change behaviors through the use of action rather than medicine. My personal theory is that, no matter how mentally ill you are, through the use of guidance, you can have control over your behavior. Medicine is just a little thing to make it easier.
The Critic: Let's start with YOU as the prime the controlled subject first. Have you cured your behavioral and cognitive dissonance first.Charity starts at home. Your intent us nothing but WITCHCRAFT!
How about instead of controlling behaviors as a medicine people get validation, empathy, compassion? Now, wouldn't that be a novel idea?
Ronald Laing called behavior therapy schizoid.
Have YOU tried that stuff on yourself? Do you know what it is made of? HAVE you been around the out patients in public places?
While I am in agreement with Szasz on psychiatry, the founders wanted to protect the church from the state, not vice-versa. This country was founded in a heavy atmosphere of Christianity, frequently appealed to by the founders themselves.
You are as wrong as you are traitorous to say such a thing.
Try reading all of our forefathers words on religion instead of allowing our fraudulent Christian leaders who stole this country during the Cold War to pick Parts out of context and make up whole other narratives for you.
this country was founded by abolitionist who wanted to protect the people from the church. coming from the colonies where many people were forced to attend Protestant churches including Catholics and having seen true religious persecution in Europe at the time.
To morons and cowards looking to justify their ignorance and fears that particular Freedom protected by the First Amendment will always be translated as the freedom for religion and not freedom of religion as in religious oppression.
We need to keep cowards like you out of the way or they will pave our road to hell with good intentions.
Throughout Christian history it has brought nothing but ignorance, death, destruction, and unimaginable suffering for the people it has infected.
It's time to put an end to it.
No. It happened because smaller churches started sending letters to the founding fathers, pleasing them not to allow a state church system to happen like in UK, or larger churches would just persecute them like they persecuted their ancestors before the sailed to the new world. The letters are public knowledge.
AYAN DAS actually, many states had state churches in the new world. And most towns required all their citizens to have their taxes go toward it, irregardless if they attended or were of that faith. Connecticut had the Congregational Church in each town through til 1818 for example.
Indeed there was a profound amount of religious activity at the time the Bill of Rights was written, but it is meaningless to say "the" church. There were many churches, and it was quite obvious that adherents to any one religion often had ideas that conflicted with those asserted by adherents to other religions. The primary concern was that government would not be supporting and protecting one religion at the expense of all the others. What we had here were a number of different protestant religions, plus there were small but significant number of Jews, and who knows what else. The idea was to avoid protecting one specific protestant religion, whilst leaving followers of the others subject to being forced to adhere to that particular religion. The constitution made it clear that no single religion would be made the state religion - we weren't going to do things they way they did things in England, which made the Church of England the official religion of England - and at the same time no-one would be prevented from practicing whatever religion it was that they adhered to. There were several religions and their adherents were often profound believers in them, their churches and ideas were important to them. As you said, there was a great deal of religiosity. However I could be mistaken, but I think that many of the delegates to the constitutional convention, including Thomas Jefferson, were not strongly attached to any particular sect. When the Declaration of Independence refers to our rights as human beings, it simply says "endowed by our Creator." It is not clear whether the word creator here refers to a distinct being, or is being used a figure of speech. This vagary appears to be on purpose, to avoid alienating believers in one religion, by believers in other religions. It seems to be an attempt to get people to work together, despite their differences.
Entertainment from DSM 3? Aww if only he could take inventory of the current edition...3 was so limited compared with the vastness of the latest issue. ..
This man is a genius.
No, I am saying that prisons are places where concentrations of a particular type of criminal type is warehoused. The twirling of orbs and the waving of wands is what the determination of insanity is.
Psychiatry is the inscrutible branch of medicine. Nietzsche declared that god is dead; psychiatrist declare the death of man and of morality.
32:00 religious rights and non intervention
On behalf of Standard of Care ethics - not the morality of developing human potential!
That’s certainly an opinion.
Thomas Szasz, 1974 - "...pharmacracy is therefore the rule of medicine or doctors."@@christopherhamilton3621
Charges 95 Dollars per second at Trinity Living Center in Grove City, when those who don't call him or arrange to consult him! Are pestered by him!
I came here for a talk on psychiatry, not a tortured reading of the American revolution and juvenile theology.
Thanks for prompting video so quick, kindly if you really want to help, please let us know the mechanism of God and latest technologies for brain or mind management, manoeuvring and as weapon to torture opponents. Regards
He seems to talk from a perspective of one who was largely in contact with mostly catholic influences. It is a bias I can forgive him for. I love Szasz but has a very limited perspective in regards to christianity. Most christians in America come from a background that soundly rejected the megalomania that is evident in the worst characteristics of Catholicism. That megalomania, I believe, was and is reflected in the worst aspects of phychiatry and psychology. They are much the same.
Years later I know, but here's my thought: I'm not sure the megalomania is missing in American Protestantism/Evangelicalism
Firstly you noted the law as being responsible for handling those whom pose a clear and present threat towards the life and liberty of others, and the falsely accused are the fault of the law!
For those "who make others suffer" should be subject to the scrutiny of "psychiatric meddling"! If they’re out to destroy the life of others should they not be restrained? Why are trained psychiatrists less able to handle the threats of disorder than anything else (as you seem to be suggesting)?
Get rid of: Psychiatry,Religion,and Tobacco.
These three things are strangling our society!
Religion is good. Grow up.
@@robinhyperlord9053 Religion is disgusting, get out of your childish fairytale and grow up
Wo Jak No reason to live if it ain’t for Religion mate. Grow into a purpose for your pathetic life before hurling your subconscious emotional tantrum on God for being a selfish clit.
I degree with your word "tantrum" and from religion it is hypocritical.
I think Psychiatry is a very bad Profession many bad people involved in psychiatry
So is psychology. Both of them are.
@@EmilyGloeggler7984 Your opinions mean nothing. Facts are that Psychology is a valid science and so is Psychiatry. Read a book, get educated. Get a clue.
Many bad comments on youtube from people like yourself who have zero clue about science.
Purple Reign Psychology is a soft science heading towards pseudoscience.Psychology is the study of human behaviour.Psychologists and social scientists observe and validate their hypothesis by copying the principles of science.However there is no certainty because scientific tools are not used in either.The core scientific subjects use scientific tools and reach at a solution that is absolute.For eg in physics you calculate the velocity of the free falling object to an absolute certainty.Psychology like law is embodiment of human values and how your certain beliefs may affect you.Just like dr szasz says it should be part of law.It is not a bad profession it is just not scientific.a person who was abused in childhood may or may not be a serial killer.You cannot extrapolate absolution based on your observations.
Purple Reign the above
This lecture is equally entertaining and instructive for me. The spirit of Thomas Szasz is as sexually as all Mrs. Universe together.
As sexually? Please explain!
I feel just as well attracted: it would not last for a lifetime! A mind (even if it is virtual) can be as sexy, no big secret.
he has a point but the most important message of the Bible is,according to me,that Jesus could not be killed ,
it's beautiful , Szasz believes only freedom is
I believe that involuntary committment should only be upheld in circumstances where an individual poses a clear and present threat towards the life and liberty of others (i.e. pedophiles, psychopaths).
Should people like Charles Manson be free to walk the streets?
Why shouldnt charles manson be free if he didnt do anything wrong.if he did thers a police and court to settle the issue
Criminals should be in prisons; non-criminals should be left alone.
You're free to have that opinion, however all I've stated in my comment (to which you’ve replied) are 3 questions and an example as to why I believe involuntary treatment is necessary within the law.
For example if you were to kill me for holding my views, you should be legally trialed and likely confined. If you displayed behavior which posed clear and present danger towards the correctional officers or other inmates you legally should be psychiatrically interviewed, diagnosed and treated.
Are you suggesting violent prisoners are the product of the carceral system? If so should we let the murderers and rapists roam free?
I’ve sighted prisoner “misbehavior” which poses clear and present danger to others, as to whether individual prisoners are insane that’s the role of a psychiatrist to determine (via an interview they diagnose and if necessary treat). And if you don’t like the word treat I’m happy to use the word restrain!
FYI I never said crime is illness as you’ve asserted!
SOME prisoners are victims of the psychiatric system. There IS no insanity.
The McNaugton rule MUST be overturned,it's the keystone of psychiatric tyranny.
I can no longer worship God because of what those poisons did to my brain
thats wat psychiatric drugs are
And following a herd mentality
21:30 😊
It's a pity that Thomas Szasz didn't study his own religion, he would have learnt that real freedom is not absence of rules, and that this is the main goal of the Torah.
How does the law "handle" it? Does it apply effective strategies for rehabilitating those whom offend due to an underlying psychiatric disorder (i.e. pedophillia, antisocial personality disorder)?
Caged psychopaths even pose a clear and present danger to correction officers (i.e. weapons, spitting, spraying urine, blood &/or faeces).
Are mandatory chemical straightjackets for prisoners not a viable option to preventing clear and present danger towards prison officials and/or other prisoners?
HAHAHA wrong
Effective strategies??
Obviously, they don't want to be there! The labeling, classifying, goading, lying on your subjects medical reports, targeting, persecuting a victim, helps keep society a place of opportunity and the community a place of actual wellness?
Whom they hate based upon irrationality.
There’s ample data concerning the evidence based practice within Psychiatry! Some general ones to consider may include the decision making processes regarding psychopharmacology (i.e. formulating strategies to reduce risk to patients), general check-ups regarding the patients physical biology (i.e. cardio exams, interpreting lab tests & brain imaging studies), social factors concerning patient’s health (i.e. relationships, job performance, substance use), financial circumstances and so on.
@whoisspeaker4truth "There’s ample data concerning the evidence based practice within Psychiatry! " There is also a lot of information concerning the clearly-defined processes alluded to by psychiatrists. Don't forget that besides physical biology, there are also other kinds of biology. Interpreting lab tests is just one of many processes.
Alan Watts was in agreement with Szasz .
so am i
Watts’s sister was a shrink.
I believe religion should have remained the protective cult it was meant to.
interesting opion
An interest in explaining SUPERSTITION ,rather than, " religion."
Like vindictives trying to provoke and harass and frustrate normal individuals
Religion gets in the way of math!
*The fact human Used T H E T O R A to personal gain or benefits, and Mistranslated Her, is their mistake, Not Divine*
If you do all the book work you are required to, as an average citizen, you become like a robot of society, or you could lose your soul with even more book education!
Libertarians are not , necessarily, theologians; one would be sure Dr. Szasz would agree as opposed a PhD in ,say, sacred scripture etc.
is this channel pro capitalist?
Don't just dump it all on Catholicism. Most modern religions insist that we were born sinners and must spend our lives in atonement, Please explain to me how a new born baby's soul is black with sin. Sounds more like the con of the millenium. Jung saw right through this crap and I aint buying it neither.
Felix Burke ! Human beings are born with temperaments and inclinations! A human being, regardless of age, who is in a resting state (in bed sleeping) can be considered as harmless. Just as we see a baby, completely incapable of harm. How much harm can an adult human do when they are in their household, in bed sleeping? So, indeed humans come into this world with genetic/biological as well as cognitive predispositions to act for the benefit of the species or act unfavorable for the general good. I am just saying!
I dont want to hear that you're also doctors, YOU DONT BEHAVE LIKE ONE WHEN I SEE YOU!
There is nothing to "treat" with moral failures and human evil. This notion, that crime is illness, has its proponents, but no doubt, your "solutions" say nothing of the rule of law. Your assertion, that prisoner misbehavior is, ipso facto, psychopathology does not surprise me. There have been fractious and violent prisoners as long as there has been a carceral system.
You obviously hold a degree of reverence and submission for an enterprise that says one thing and does another.
whiff1962 let's say pseudo crime. Crimes are not that easy to determine... It's not like a group of friends determine what we decide to punish and of course to who.
Lost everything
Mental illness screenings are just one health reform program being delivered in schools, children are also checked for heart, eyesight and other physical health issues. How are these programs delivered by those whom you term "fascist utopians" hindering the child's legal and natural rights? How's dispensing advice force?
Provide some examples to illustrate your views rater than hyperbole & assertions. If my actualized account sounds cynical perhaps you have some mistrust issues.
psyciatry is the only branch of medicine that uses statistics as a diagnosis criteria which is an extremely bogus way to do things .
@@katieb209832:30. A right to declare we are free or three
What exactly is a "mental health screening." Thank you.
@@64bluegrassexactly lmao!!! A physical examination is exactly what it denotes and connotes.
The male god is the strong hold.
Make no mistake about it, Mental Health is a woman hating business!
An intellectual can quote whatever suits their argument. How odd that American libertarians quote the "founding fathers", yet overlook the fact that the country was already inhabited, and that their settlement led to the genocide of over 100 million indigenous, who were city dwellers, fishermen, craft-workers, stone builders, farmers, hunters, and much more. This guy deliberately misquotes, as most libertarians do, and then get one lost in technicalities, rather than view a bigger picture of society. This guy is a joker, who I like as a joker, hence all the laughs. As Marshall McLuhan said, "The clown is a person with a grievance. His role in medieval society was to be the voice of grievance. To tell the society exactly what was wrong.. and anger."
20 God's or no god.
33:30 is health more important than freedom
Should I rather be regarded as one of a man's women or no one's woman😆
I think the fundaments of your position are repulsive. I think that you are the clear and present danger.
Listen to his talk with William Buckley for an alternative take
Waste of time, nothing new here
I’m not a libertarian but I think he was right in a lot of ways and should have been more considered by psychiatry. The state of psychiatry really is shameful when you consider that people are only getting sadder and only getting sold more and more medications that don’t even work
Where are my handcuffs........