As a Professor of Materials Science at The University of Indonesia I teach theory of crystals defect so that I can says that almost 99.999% of all Rubies in the market today are heat treated up their near melting point of near 2000C and glass filled to make it perfectly bonded all of its lattice crystal structures alligned into [111] closed packed direction which is the most densely packed structure. If you buy naturally occurence Ruby almost all have imperfections interm of lattice defects like what is so called stacking fault and dislocations lattice structures. By heating to its nearly melting temperature the lattice structure will re-oriented and realligned as such and would give beautifull appearances of shiny light reflection because all fine atomically cracks that almost all occured naturally being all bonded by heat and its treatment filler. Thats why its look more smoothly and beautifully light reflection than a raw discoverd ruby. Be aware when looking all beautiful looking ruby its absolutely 100% heat treated.
Actually, overall, very very few of the Rubies and Sapphires are heated to those extreme temperatures ....but commonly up to as high 1700 degrees celcius. The main reason is, 99 percent of the gem burners (do not ) have any furnaces that can go over 1800 degrees celcius....while that is the limit on their furnace temperature, so, the actual stone temperature could be as much as 50 degrees less depending on the furnace design and its efficiency keeping the load at temperature. Also, far from all the Rubies and Sapphires are Glass filled or Borax treated or chemical additive treated. Mainly the materials that are low quality while there is not much else that can be done to improve them other than Glass Fill or Borax fill while (everything) "could be" Glass filled or Borax treated or chemical additive heat treated...but they are not because the chemical additives lower the values and keep the prices way down..... Basically, anything that has its better quality confirmed by heat treatment proceedures will be heated in the Normal and long accepted ways with no chemical additives while it is understood that material coming from various sources and being of good enough natural quality can be heated and subjected to reactive gas atmospheres such as Oxygen or Hydrogen or Carbon Monoxide gas atmospheres used as reactive gas atmosphere conditions that induce color development.......or, shielding gases such as Nitrogen or Argon or Helium that can often enough stop negative reactions occuring because of Oxygen being present or other reactive gases present in the Hot Zone while the stones are at temperature and all the more reactive the higher the temperature you go. There is a large percent of Corundum from several sources that is usefull for glass filling or chemical additive treatments and then there is the material that can take the heat, so to speak, and heated without any Glass formulas or chemical additives and sell for much, much more when confirmed that there is NO Glass or Borax or any chemical additives and stated as having foreign substances found inside or outside of each Ruby or Sapphire. The 2 catagories, so to speak, are easliy enough seperated and identified...but mainly by the price amongst wholesale gem traders. When they tell you it is 5 dollars per carat you know it is glass filled or chemical treated ...but when the prices is high, you know they are talking about Ruby or Sapphire with no chemical additives and a gemological report comes with the stone or can be confirmed by way of obtaining a gemological report stating what it is and what it is not. Cheers
Wow! just learned about the fillers in rubies...and how disappointing...that they fill all the rubies...thanks for the posting of the video, love it! Learning how to buy gems...
This video is just perfect. People, just remember that Ruby is one of the rarest crystal in the world, so do not expect a miracle. Big stones, nice color, cheap price = fake. Today many people are paying big price to buy a very common material.... Glass melted with corundum... Frankely, I would like better buy a synthetic that have a better durability than those pieces. Congratulation for you video.
I've only just recently began creating synthetic corundum (ruby & sapphire) via the Verniuel process. The most interesting thing I've observed is when the boule has just formed it displays the same patterns observed in natural corundum. I've been trying to determine if the crystal structures become more defined through prolonged heat treatment, but I'm really surprised how early on during formation of the boule, that the surface crystal patterns are so well defined.
There is a company in California that they use prolonged method. They say it takes 3 month to create a Ruby crystal and at the end it is almost indistinguishable from the earth mined
What a pity that really few people have mercy of others enough to tell about the way to recognize the glass treatment. I wish there were more people with generosity enough to show in internet about the way to recognize under microscope those kinds of scams.
Plenty of untreated, natural, top class sapphires in Australia. Most of the sapphires sold in Thailand came from Australia, regardless of where they claim they came from. Explore the Queensland and New England gemfields to get a bargain.
Good ruby is very rare, so treatments to make bad ruby become good looking are common. But, the seller must be honest to tell the treatment to the customer! Very nice video Nick Hudgson, thanks also to Karen Kean for uploading the video
I love the music does it have a track name? also I collect ruby and sapphire crystals as they should be. as rough hexagonal crystals. once cut and treated they have no meaning to me. they may as well be glass. still, I like the natural world not the glitzy world of rich jewellery.
Yes they do, its all a new ball game in the way they handle all gems, so you wont find a real good gem today unless you pay dear for it.......I regret selling my old ruby ring...
They do to all types of sapphires and rubies. But, that is not interesting. That might be cruel, many people can be deceived and convinced to spend their money on that. I consider it a scam. Because there are innocent people who will believe in that "treatment". And many gemologists only consider that as "manufactured products". I personally, cannot even stand that!
However, nevertheless, but, scamming is not! Those are sold like they were not heated, naturally clean and, most sadly, they many people does not let it evident that those ones were glass filled, and with lead glass, to make the fraud even more attractive. Rubies are not glass! Of course, that is not even a decent treatment! Those ones are called "manufactured products" by GIA.
I remember a big garnet stone on a place of baja california, i look how her prismatic red garnets and small spheres was all over the place, i ask to my father abot her value and he told me that the garnet was used to made sandpaper, the garnet have a value? if still there on the desert the rock zise was about 3 square feet
If the crystalline structure of the ruby is changed do to the melting of inclusions would the treated ruby floresce more intensely than a natural ruby?
Good for you! I knew exactly what I wanted to do as a kid, and I've done it. An older cousin reminded me a couple of years ago that I would boldy pronounce my dreams and goals when we were children. I literally spoke it into existence. You can do the same.
you have to be VERY careful when going to gem shows/markets esp the jade markets in asia. sellers get shady and lie about their materials. stones like howlite can be died to look like turquoise and coral, glass can be made to look like jade (they also treat stones to make them look like jade... ive seen both done on youtube), etc.... be very careful and know your materials
For every jewel cut ruby sold there are hundreds if not thousands of synthetic rubies made for the electronics, military, optics and the watch industry. Most common application of synthetic rubies are employed in making infrared lasers and transmitters. Rubies are used in making the tiniest bering bushings found in watches, Biggest user of rubies is the military industry.
One more, treated rubies, with glass-filled-heated-or diffused, they are still considered Natural. On the certificate of Gemstone lab. every treatment will be detected and explained
Do these glass filled rubies last? I heard somewhere that they loose their luster easily after a period of time. Can anyone direct me to a website that gives more information on the kinds of treatment for rubies.
+hem padia: Given time the percentage of glass that is exposed to the surface will not take the wear and tear while the glass does not have the abrasive resistance that the Ruby ( Corundum) has. If the piece of Jewelry is worn continually and subjected to showers and washing of the hands and perfumes and the chemicals involved and the slight amount of abrasive conditions existing, that most jewelry is exposed too, then eventually ( maybe several years to 20 plus years) you will eventually see crack fill patterns forming from the surface exposed glass looking slightly whitish color and slightly frosty looking from abrasion and losing their surface polished original condition. That is part of the reason the price of glass filled rubies are very cheap.
There are MANY articles on “fissure filled” gemstones - And most of them are scathing at best. I learned they should not be steam cleaned, or put in chemicals, or the ultra-sonic thingy. So how do you get a good cleaning?? The guy that is repeatedly pushing his man-made rubies in the comments here, does have a point about that - The synthetics are minerally and chemically ‘built’ like the real ones, therefore should be as durable.
+Sheepbombs They are called enhanced rubies and sapphires...far from fake. Fake is all glass look a like or simulants that look a like while synthetic rubies and sapphires have the same overall properties as natural rubies and sapphires ( natural source corundum ) but they are mass produced and do not have the rarity factor as part of their inherent attributes.
wow i wish i could go out there and get me some of these reguardless of them being glass filled as long as they still glow under uv light still awesome
Frankly, ANYONE unknowingly can set a treated gemstone 💎 in a lovely setting UNLESS the stone has one or TWO laboratory papers on it. I won’t buy a Corundum unless it has a GIA lab report. And many lab reports often say heated - and to what degree.
Glass filled rubies are worthless. It's more glass than ruby and not durable at all. Heated only without glass rubies are better, if you can't afford an unheated ruby.
No they are practically worth a few dollars in the raw form. Thats why most raw stones are sold in bulk. If there is a prized specimen than it would be identified in the sorting process. After the heated process depending on quality and colour and faceting than the stone can now be worth from 20-1000 a carat. A natural non heated ruby with no inclusions would be worth millions.
As long as there are natural Ruby in it, doesn't matter how low quality or the color looks, it will benefit people, if you can spend less money have natural Ruby or sapphire treated for a better looks with much much less money, the buyer is happy, only those sellers who can not make any money by selling high price will worried and come out saying glass filled stones not benefit you, it does, it does! I will buy more and more those beautiful glass filled natural stones, it make me so happy. I absolutely love them because I get good vibrations from them. Don't for get glass made of sand also a kind of natural stone, it complement each other, that's why you feel so good when you receive you expensive looking jewelry with so little money, I am grateful for who ever invented this method.
Rubies pink are cheap,red are not cheap like opals. Australian Opals are the best & the best Opals come from the 3 mile Lightning ridge . I have the only heritage Opal mine that is still leased in Australian at the 3 mile have a look at the mine .
Why does he need a ruby for electromagnetic transfer? Is he making jewelry/decorative objects with it, or is there some scientific use for rubies that I don't know about?
If a person knew nothing about rubies but had street smarts, he would find it questionable to find so many large rubies, so cheap, in this setting. As he said, that 15ct ruby without the games would be a million dollars. Recently Macy's in NYC and other retailers were caught selling this junk and saying it's untreated unheated.
What the gem dealers mistake is such treated stones, they show the supply that it seems fake. They shld show only limited cillections. 5 per box. That gives credibility. We are not selling essential stuff.
Fascinating because I was curious about how classification of the glass slumped rubies were to be~glass is technically quartz? Very good. I heard years ago~maybe 2007? 2009? To not think any rubies on the market, were true rubies-meaning I heated/un slumped *(I call it slumping but sure heat healed | flux healed too, right?). I do love the slumped stones though to be clear. I make jewelry and I use various stones I know are heat/slump treated and work perfectly fine for my 65 dollar earrings.these stones are all beautiful and fun-I think that needs to be part of the reframe by the way-they are fun, sort of low cost and make pretty pieces of wearable fun jewelry, artists like myself can design! Excellent video! Thank you!
السلام ..انا هاوى واعشاق الاحجار الكريمة كالزمردى والياقوت والالماس ...لكن بحثت كثير ولم اجد ولا اعرف اين بالضبط الاماكن تواجدها ارجو من المحترفين التوجية والنصيحة من فضلكم ...بارك الله فيكم.
ian Dupre Hi there could u tell me the differences between dark ruby & a clear ruby, which one is more expensive ? i have got both but i dont know which one is the better one Thanks
We already know Ruby is heated to increase its color...but what to deal w the inclusions? ...Heat it a lil more to MELT the inclusions within the crystal structure, Kinda gives it that opaque pink quality...but milky nonetheless...
As a Professor of Materials Science at The University of Indonesia I teach theory of crystals defect so that I can says that almost 99.999% of all Rubies in the market today are heat treated up their near melting point of near 2000C and glass filled to make it perfectly bonded all of its lattice crystal structures alligned into [111] closed packed direction which is the most densely packed structure.
If you buy naturally occurence Ruby almost all have imperfections interm of lattice defects like what is so called stacking fault and dislocations lattice structures.
By heating to its nearly melting temperature the lattice structure will re-oriented and realligned as such and would give beautifull appearances of shiny light reflection because all fine atomically cracks that almost all occured naturally being all bonded by heat and its treatment filler.
Thats why its look more smoothly and beautifully light reflection than a raw discoverd ruby. Be aware when looking all beautiful looking ruby its absolutely 100% heat treated.
Actually, overall, very very few of the Rubies and Sapphires are heated to those extreme temperatures ....but commonly up to as high 1700 degrees celcius.
The main reason is, 99 percent of the gem burners (do not ) have any furnaces that can go over 1800 degrees celcius....while that is the limit on their furnace temperature, so, the actual stone temperature could be as much as 50 degrees less depending on the furnace design and its efficiency keeping the load at temperature.
Also, far from all the Rubies and Sapphires are Glass filled or Borax treated or chemical additive treated.
Mainly the materials that are low quality while there is not much else that can be done to improve them other than Glass Fill or Borax fill while (everything) "could be" Glass filled or Borax treated or chemical additive heat treated...but they are not because the chemical additives lower the values and keep the prices way down.....
Basically, anything that has its better quality confirmed by heat treatment proceedures will be heated in the Normal and long accepted ways with no chemical additives while it is understood that material coming from various sources and being of good enough natural quality can be heated and subjected to reactive gas atmospheres such as Oxygen or Hydrogen or Carbon Monoxide gas atmospheres used as reactive gas atmosphere conditions that induce color development.......or, shielding gases such as Nitrogen or Argon or Helium that can often enough stop negative reactions occuring because of Oxygen being present or other reactive gases present in the Hot Zone while the stones are at temperature and all the more reactive the higher the temperature you go.
There is a large percent of Corundum from several sources that is usefull for glass filling or chemical additive treatments and then there is the material that can take the heat, so to speak, and heated without any Glass formulas or chemical additives and sell for much, much more when confirmed that there is NO Glass or Borax or any chemical additives and stated as having foreign substances found inside or outside of each Ruby or Sapphire.
The 2 catagories, so to speak, are easliy enough seperated and identified...but mainly by the price amongst wholesale gem traders.
When they tell you it is 5 dollars per carat you know it is glass filled or chemical treated ...but when the prices is high, you know they are talking about Ruby or Sapphire with no chemical additives and a gemological report comes with the stone or can be confirmed by way of obtaining a gemological report stating what it is and what it is not.
Even if GIA report says no heating/treatment involved??? I actually suspected it before and I should say I agree with you
Tanya pak. Kalo beneran melted diatas 3000°C masuk ke lab tetep natural apa tidak. Punya 3 biji
Tetep natural tapi ada spek treatment. Munggkin lead filled atau glass filled atau munggkin dyed. Ini juga tergantung keahlian labnya.
Jst tel me fild or heated ruby will work prgect or its be like just a fashion ston?
Wow! just learned about the fillers in rubies...and how disappointing...that they fill all the rubies...thanks for the posting of the video, love it! Learning how to buy gems...
So only the Queens and Kings have the real ruby gems..
evas epicculture Yes its an interesting business!
I'll be buying a untreated ruby when I get my trust!!!!
there are man made and natural. But, $60/ CT for glass is way too expensive.
I love that he's holding their product right in front of them and shit-talking the hell out of it to the camera.
OMG! I am from Burma, know nothing about RUBY. But I did know from Mokok is famous for Ruby. They are beautiful !!! Thanks for sharing
Helena Hkawng Nyoi
I am from India interested to come mongkok for buy Ruby Looking for friend who know local language and area my contact no +918209374134
Thank you for taking the time and effort to make this video.
This video is just perfect.
People, just remember that Ruby is one of the rarest crystal in the world, so do not expect a miracle. Big stones, nice color, cheap price = fake. Today many people are paying big price to buy a very common material.... Glass melted with corundum...
Frankely, I would like better buy a synthetic that have a better durability than those pieces.
Congratulation for you video.
Love it, a knowledgeable man. Nice education...
Thanks !
I've only just recently began creating synthetic corundum (ruby & sapphire) via the Verniuel process. The most interesting thing I've observed is when the boule has just formed it displays the same patterns observed in natural corundum. I've been trying to determine if the crystal structures become more defined through prolonged heat treatment, but I'm really surprised how early on during formation of the boule, that the surface crystal patterns are so well defined.
Dear mathew may i have your email address.
There is a company in California that they use prolonged method. They say it takes 3 month to create a Ruby crystal and at the end it is almost indistinguishable from the earth mined
Thank you for your great knowledge
Thank you so much for the video ! very helpful !
Wow I did not know that some procedures completely melt the crystal structure,,, thank you
What a pity that really few people have mercy of others enough to tell about the way to recognize the glass treatment.
I wish there were more people with generosity enough to show in internet about the way to recognize under microscope those kinds of scams.
What if in the GIA report says no heat/treatment. Is it still possible to have some treatment involved which is not caught by GIA?
Hi arshard get my number +265 995836930
Certification is important. It gives credential to the stone, and resell value.
I love gemstones and particularly rubies! They are my birthstone. Want to get me some rubies! 😁👍
I have some Natural rubbies. Come to Myanmar. 😊
@@aungsithu4791 mail me details at
@@felinedynasty540 Okay
Good luck with that!!
Only Queen Elizabeth can afford the REAL, unadulterated ones.
Very informative thank you! :)
Plenty of untreated, natural, top class sapphires in Australia. Most of the sapphires sold in Thailand came from Australia, regardless of where they claim they came from. Explore the Queensland and New England gemfields to get a bargain.
Love the ruby. It’s my birthstone.
U want.....? Contect me
Good ruby is very rare, so treatments to make bad ruby become good looking are common. But, the seller must be honest to tell the treatment to the customer! Very nice video Nick Hudgson, thanks also to Karen Kean for uploading the video
It's been 10 years since the video. I wonder if that guy ever got his iPhone 4G
I love the music does it have a track name?
also I collect ruby and sapphire crystals as they should be. as rough hexagonal crystals. once cut and treated they have no meaning to me. they may as well be glass.
still, I like the natural world not the glitzy world of rich jewellery.
He has an awesome line of music!
Off the Cuff Video shame that I have no way of knowing the track name or if it's available. the blend of synth and harp go wonderfully well together.
Off the Cuff Video silly me found it in the credits.
audiotron1003 und,
Interesting I wonder if they do that for sapphires also?
I'm wondering the same thing
Yes, they can do. Actually they can apply this technic to all Corundum gem stone.
Yes they do, its all a new ball game in the way they handle all gems, so you wont find a real good gem today unless you pay dear for it.......I regret selling my old ruby ring...
They do to all types of sapphires and rubies.
But, that is not interesting.
That might be cruel, many people can be deceived and convinced to spend their money on that.
I consider it a scam. Because there are innocent people who will believe in that "treatment".
And many gemologists only consider that as "manufactured products".
I personally, cannot even stand that!
Thanks 🙏
I learned something today.
Heating is a standard procedure for rubies and sapphires , isn't it ?
However, nevertheless, but, scamming is not! Those are sold like they were not heated, naturally clean and, most sadly, they many people does not let it evident that those ones were glass filled, and with lead glass, to make the fraud even more attractive.
Rubies are not glass!
Of course, that is not even a decent treatment!
Those ones are called "manufactured products" by GIA.
i love love love Ruby! j'adore!
If u want contect me
Very beautiful informative vedio
So nice of you
I remember a big garnet stone on a place of baja california, i look how her prismatic red garnets and small spheres was all over the place, i ask to my father abot her value and he told me that the garnet was used to made sandpaper, the garnet have a value? if still there on the desert the rock zise was about 3 square feet
If the crystalline structure of the ruby is changed do to the melting of inclusions would the treated ruby floresce more intensely than a natural ruby?
Good question
Beautiful omg
i am a kid but CAN I WORK HERE I LOVE GEMSTONES I WANNA BE A GEMOLIGIST WHEN I GROW UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
just learn to cook and clean.
JenRedArmy your options will change as you grow, so don't settle on something so early, open your options by studying an bit of everything
JenRedArmy don't let anyone discourage you, you're on the right track.
Good for you! I knew exactly what I wanted to do as a kid, and I've done it. An older cousin reminded me a couple of years ago that I would boldy pronounce my dreams and goals when we were children. I literally spoke it into existence. You can do the same.
I notice you are wearing a three metal bangle. If you don't mind my asking, where did you source it from?
I guess if one wants the real deal one has to first study the game. And what a game it is.
Yeah or else you will be ripped off thinking that it's the genuine gem.
I didn't know about the ruby being filled with glass and heated.
OMGi would love to attend that fair :"( what is the name of it and where??
you have to be VERY careful when going to gem shows/markets esp the jade markets in asia. sellers get shady and lie about their materials. stones like howlite can be died to look like turquoise and coral, glass can be made to look like jade (they also treat stones to make them look like jade... ive seen both done on youtube), etc.... be very careful and know your materials
These rubies are imported mainly from the Mogok region of Myanmar(Burma)
For every jewel cut ruby sold there are hundreds if not thousands of synthetic rubies made for the electronics, military, optics and the watch industry. Most common application of synthetic rubies are employed in making infrared lasers and transmitters. Rubies are used in making the tiniest bering bushings found in watches, Biggest user of rubies is the military industry.
I have a watch with 13 of them. They are nice and bright red.
Good information shered
One more, treated rubies, with glass-filled-heated-or diffused, they are still considered Natural. On the certificate of Gemstone lab. every treatment will be detected and explained
Are you sure they are natural after glass filling and heat treatments?
are all rubies you buy in jewelry in a regular jewelry store glass filled ? you know the commercial jewelry ?
Super video, m8
Dude had a mad passion for 4G
Pigeon Blood rubies are my favorite.
i have gem
Is there a test to ensure the ruby is real?
Do these glass filled rubies last? I heard somewhere that they loose their luster easily after a period of time. Can anyone direct me to a website that gives more information on the kinds of treatment for rubies.
+hem padia: Given time the percentage of glass that is exposed to the surface will not take the wear and tear while the glass does not have the abrasive resistance that the Ruby ( Corundum) has.
If the piece of Jewelry is worn continually and subjected to showers and washing of the hands and perfumes and the chemicals involved and the slight amount of abrasive conditions existing, that most jewelry is exposed too, then eventually ( maybe several years to 20 plus years) you will eventually see crack fill patterns forming from the surface exposed glass looking slightly whitish color and slightly frosty looking from abrasion and losing their surface polished original condition.
That is part of the reason the price of glass filled rubies are very cheap.
There are MANY articles on “fissure filled” gemstones - And most of them are scathing at best. I learned they should not be steam cleaned, or put in chemicals, or the ultra-sonic thingy. So how do you get a good cleaning?? The guy that is repeatedly pushing his man-made rubies in the comments here, does have a point about that - The synthetics are minerally and chemically ‘built’ like the real ones, therefore should be as durable.
Get a report
basically it's fake rubies. so much of that not just in thailand, but on ebay as well.
They are called enhanced rubies and sapphires...far from fake.
Fake is all glass look a like or simulants that look a like while synthetic rubies and sapphires have the same overall properties as natural rubies and sapphires ( natural source corundum ) but they are mass produced and do not have the rarity factor as part of their inherent attributes.
In a beauty contest the winner comes out as not original, but cosmetically groomed. The word fake shld be abolished for a better version.
Does the glass filling comprimise its durability? If you wanted to go for a cheaper option for a ring?
Just buy lab-created. $5 per carat and few inclusions.
Ruby for "Electromagnetic transfer" - how about using an iron bar instead?
How do one know if ruby is treated or not??
Take it to an expert
Just identifying if it's been heat treated or not will be hard,other treatments like glass filling are way easier to identify
Why Bangkok always selling glass filled ?
wow i wish i could go out there and get me some of these reguardless of them being glass filled as long as they still glow under uv light still awesome
Try eBay. ...or Macy's. Or any jewelry store that's not like Harry Winston or Van Cleef & Arpels.
mark James
i wnated to sell my ruby ring
masooma fazal hello .
Frankly, ANYONE unknowingly can set a treated gemstone 💎 in a lovely setting UNLESS the stone has one or TWO laboratory papers on it. I won’t buy a Corundum unless it has a GIA lab report. And many lab reports often say heated - and to what degree.
Glass filled rubies are worthless. It's more glass than ruby and not durable at all. Heated only without glass rubies are better, if you can't afford an unheated ruby.
It's been 10 years that I have a heated ruby, tell you anything
what companies do you get film from??
As Marvin and Tammy sang, “Ain’t nothing like the real thing, baby🎶🎵
What's the deal with the small rubies, sapphires and emeralds being sold on eBay for 5 dollars
Ok question I have alot of rubies and sapphires, I was wanting to heat treat them. But are they worth more left alone???
No they are practically worth a few dollars in the raw form. Thats why most raw stones are sold in bulk. If there is a prized specimen than it would be identified in the sorting process. After the heated process depending on quality and colour and faceting than the stone can now be worth from 20-1000 a carat. A natural non heated ruby with no inclusions would be worth millions.
Was That Not Ruby ???
As long as there are natural Ruby in it, doesn't matter how low quality or the color looks, it will benefit people, if you can spend less money have natural Ruby or sapphire treated for a better looks with much much less money, the buyer is happy, only those sellers who can not make any money by selling high price will worried and come out saying glass filled stones not benefit you, it does, it does! I will buy more and more those beautiful glass filled natural stones, it make me so happy. I absolutely love them because I get good vibrations from them. Don't for get glass made of sand also a kind of natural stone, it complement each other, that's why you feel so good when you receive you expensive looking jewelry with so little money, I am grateful for who ever invented this method.
as a professor of the seven dwarfs i say holy $#!+
Rubies pink are cheap,red are not cheap like opals. Australian Opals are the best & the best Opals come from the 3 mile Lightning ridge . I have the only heritage Opal mine that is still leased in Australian at the 3 mile have a look at the mine .
I have a ruby stone I don't know where to sell it and how I can offer it !
Come to myanmar and here we have Market.
lead glass filled stuff
Why does he need a ruby for electromagnetic transfer? Is he making jewelry/decorative objects with it, or is there some scientific use for rubies that I don't know about?
Bangkok gemstone
those do nat look like rubies. but since pink is my favorite color, i like them!
not a rare anymore and not a natural stones, that makes sense that the antique jade, sapphires, emerald and ruby's are very expensive
The one yiu were holding was good
How and why is their so many rubie's so pretty though I know their are millions of pearls out there but rubie's?
Peridot yay I'm glad that I'm not the only one who got that.
+Peridot poo!
If effectively transformed into a glass; these stones would no longer show 4xL&D under a polariscope?
great greetings from bijih alam
If a person knew nothing about rubies but had street smarts, he would find it questionable to find so many large rubies, so cheap, in this setting. As he said, that 15ct ruby without the games would be a million dollars. Recently Macy's in NYC and other retailers were caught selling this junk and saying it's untreated unheated.
What the gem dealers mistake is such treated stones, they show the supply that it seems fake.
They shld show only limited cillections. 5 per box.
That gives credibility.
We are not selling essential stuff.
Wish you were local to check on a pigeon blood ruby ive inherited. It keeps testing positive for diamond. Jeweler damn near stole it from me.
Rashi ka saman kha milta hai
How mach money
This man ,have sharing gan eye 😂
Fascinating because I was curious about how classification of the glass slumped rubies were to be~glass is technically quartz? Very good.
I heard years ago~maybe 2007? 2009? To not think any rubies on the market, were true rubies-meaning I heated/un slumped *(I call it slumping but sure heat healed | flux healed too, right?).
I do love the slumped stones though to be clear. I make jewelry and I use various stones I know are heat/slump treated and work perfectly fine for my 65 dollar earrings.these stones are all beautiful and fun-I think that needs to be part of the reframe by the way-they are fun, sort of low cost and make pretty pieces of wearable fun jewelry, artists like myself can design!
Excellent video! Thank you!
We also have one like a diamond and we dont know if its real or not
l have a dimond's my whatsupps 0765056278
Please invest in better quality cameras. It would be nice to see the gems in nice quality at least you know
السلام ..انا هاوى واعشاق الاحجار الكريمة كالزمردى والياقوت والالماس ...لكن بحثت كثير ولم اجد ولا اعرف اين بالضبط الاماكن تواجدها ارجو من المحترفين التوجية والنصيحة من فضلكم ...بارك الله فيكم.
Where star ruby !!!?
I have a great number of uncut raw rubies from the Kashmir mountain range.
wth is iPhone 4G???
I buy them
i have gem
Hi whats your email or whats i will send you photos of gems from East Africa
Hi sir
Rubys are clear not dark red!
Totally incorrect , you know nothing about gemstones.
ian Dupre Frank you are 100% correct and Derrick you know nothing about gemstones.
ian Dupre Hi there could u tell me the differences between dark ruby & a clear ruby, which one is more expensive ? i have got both but i dont know which one is the better one Thanks
dark rubies known as sunset rubies in the south east are 50% rarer than diamonds
There are few things as creepy as men with long nails
We already know Ruby is heated to increase its color...but what to deal w the inclusions? ...Heat it a lil more to MELT the inclusions within the crystal structure, Kinda gives it that opaque pink quality...but milky nonetheless...
Please give me one original natural ruby stone..... please
Why didn't they go for borax treatment instead? Interesting...
i need the gem buyer i have gems
In short we are being screwed on a massive scale.
Hai jen
Hello friend how are you.I have also rubye
would like to buy that, i have many gamestone, its all have patern