Plume at Halemaumau Crater prompts ashfall warning

  • Опубліковано 29 вер 2024
  • KHON2 News


  • @donbrown1284
    @donbrown1284 6 років тому +22

    What he's not telling you (criminally, IMHO) is that the ash plume contains microscopic shards of silica (pulverized rock) which when breathed, lodge in the lining of the lung. Scarification of the lungs results in SILICOSIS, similar to the effects of asbestos exposure, which will lead to cancer and other lung-related illnesses years into the future. If you don't know this, many years after exposure if you develop emphysema, you might not even connect this to the disease. It is dereliction of duty they they are not warning of these hazards now. People deserve the right to know!!!

    • @craiglachman1379
      @craiglachman1379 6 років тому +3

      Don Brown
      I think Silicosis is more of an occupational hazard than volcanic. Especially in Hawaii.
      I've worked on a couple of volcanoes that were in eruption (Pacaya in Guatemala and St. Helens in Washington USA) as well as a bunch that were quiet at the time. From what I understand, the main troublemaker in causing silicosis is "free" silica that is sized less than a couple of microns. So, if the silica is one of many chemicals that make-up a rock (not "free"), then it's not going to be a cause of silicosis. An annoyance? Yes. A hazard? Yes, somewhat. A disaster in Hawaii? Unlikely.
      This is a basaltic volcano, which has much less silica bound-up in rock than you'll find in volcanoes on (e.g.) the west coast of the Americas. And much less free silica. So, an explosion will be impressive, but Silicosis isn't as likely here as it would be with a much more silica-rich, explosive volcano like St. Helens, Fuji, Rainier, or, God forbid, Yellowstone.
      But, as far as Silicosis goes, those pale in comparison to working with a drill and breathing-in silica dust (e.g. Hawk's Nest Tunnel disaster).

    • @jusrayne
      @jusrayne 6 років тому

      Craig Lachman with all the earthquake activity in Yellowstone do you think it may become active?

    • @craiglachman1379
      @craiglachman1379 6 років тому +1

      tl;dr: Most knowledgeable people in the field feel that Yellowstone is not, at present, in imminent danger of erupting. Recent activity may be within normal variation. And, luckily, the giant eruptions of the past tend to be preceded by much-less catastrophic eruptions that will give us a warning.
      To be clear, I'm just an enthusiastic amateur with a BS in geology/geophysics and very little post-graduate experience. My last foray into the academic world was a couple of years ago when I gave a volcano lecture to a group of gifted 5th graders. So, take the following with this in mind.
      First, let's get our terminology in-synch:
      Yellowstone is most definitely considered "active"! The geysers, the steaming pools and, yes, the earthquakes, the deformations and the gravity changes, etc. make it obvious that there's a lot of hot rock moving around, which puts Yellowstone in the "active" category.
      But it is also, most definitely, not in *eruption*.
      And that leads us to the scary question.
      As to when the next eruption will happen, there is no consensus. We're just not good at determining when any specific volcano will erupt, even in Hawaii, where we have a lot of experience with eruptions. Yellowstone is a much different story.
      Except for the history we read in the rocks that stretch from Washington to Wyoming and beyond, we have no experience with Yellowstone eruptions.
      But the rock record shows that Yellowstone has recently (within about 2 million years) had recurring eruptions every 600,000-800,000 years. The last big one was 630,000 years ago. The next one? It will probably be within the next 10,000 years, or 40,000, or 100,000, or....
      Modern human beings have been modern human beings for only about 100,000 years. Humans have been farming for, at most, 10,000 years? For we human beings, that's a L-O-N-G time.
      All that said, it could happen next February, for all we know!
      One encouraging bit of Yellowstone's history is that the big, scary eruptions seem to be proceeded by a series of much smaller, basaltic (e.g. Hawaii-like) and andesitic (e.g. St. Helens) eruptions.
      So, from what I understand, the Earth will likely have a good warning before any giant eruption.
      Hope that answers your question.

    • @donbrown1284
      @donbrown1284 6 років тому +1

      Craig Lachman - Thank you for the clarification. I can breathe a bit easier knowing this.

    • @jusrayne
      @jusrayne 6 років тому +1

      Craig Lachman thank you very much.. I'm in California so with yellowstone activities I became concerned after seeing what is happening in Hawaii.. Seems they thought this eruption was just normal yet it seems to be more active then Usual.

  • @michaelwarner3700
    @michaelwarner3700 6 років тому

    Is there a possibility this could burn up or effect the clean water?

  • @J.Cameron.Stuart.Adams.
    @J.Cameron.Stuart.Adams. 6 років тому +44

    Anyone with large animals - horses, cattle, or other farm animals without shelter should build temporary shelters with hay bails and tarps or other easily accessible/affordable roofing material that can be reused to keep the animals, their food, and water out of the ash fall. A tarp over the front the hay bail structure will help keep most of the ash out. Just be sure you don't cause extreme heat build up inside the structure. Tarps do act like a greenhouse while the sun is hitting it. As always, consult local groups to find the best solution for your specific needs.
    I am surprised she, or anyone for that matter, doesn't have a simple shade shelter for her horses and other large animals. I find it rather cruel for animals not to have access to any three sided structure that allows them to get out of the weather. Whether it's rain, dusty wind, or sun on excessively hot days,an animal should have access to protection. Wild animal have ways of finding shelter. Farm animals are fenced in with no way to seek shelter. I've seen a horse and a bull killed by lightning because they didn't have a structure for refuge in wide open fields without large trees. Yes, such a simply structure in an area prone to thunderstorms is grounded to the earth with a cable and spike.
    Point is, don't neglect the animals that rely solely on you for their health and safety. If you can't provide their basic needs, surrender them to the proper rescue.
    If you have the time to volunteer, and/or material to give or loan contact emergency management to see if/where you or the supplies are needed.

    • @crisnacalifornia
      @crisnacalifornia 6 років тому +1

      Thanks for the headup with this comment. People that shouldn't have animals and get them are assholes. I wish it was a crime to let animals unsheltered, unprotected and behind in evacuations. I'm going to quit watching before that appears. It will upset me a lot.

    • @emsnewssupkis6453
      @emsnewssupkis6453 6 років тому

      This event could change rapidly into a major explosive event that could even smash part of the island itself just like say, Krakatoa.

    • @enlighteneddoggo7498
      @enlighteneddoggo7498 6 років тому +1

      Unfortunately I can't find a tent tall enough for my magnum dong.

    • @J.Cameron.Stuart.Adams.
      @J.Cameron.Stuart.Adams. 6 років тому +2

      Pulama Terlep I really, really wish I was able. Unfortunately I had an accident in 06. I am now disabled and live in Seattle. I would love nothing more than to fly there and help. I haven't been able to travel anywhere since my accident. But you had no way of knowing this. And I agree there are many, many trolls spending more time trying than helping. Mahalo.

  • @smileygnome7329
    @smileygnome7329 6 років тому +3

    I just came here for all the UA-cam volcanologists to tell me I’m wrong.

  • @Dang3rMouSe
    @Dang3rMouSe 6 років тому +7

    My left ear worries for these ppl

  • @MrTwotimess
    @MrTwotimess 6 років тому +4

    I anyone going to move the animals to safety? Those horses in the background look a tad close to the action.

  • @edgu71eg
    @edgu71eg 6 років тому +3

    Looks like Mt. Wannahakaloogie.

  • @J.Cameron.Stuart.Adams.
    @J.Cameron.Stuart.Adams. 6 років тому +96

    No, no, no.. The steam explosion is only IF the crater gets plugged. He misspoke in the beginning and end of his report. He stated if the ground water and lava meet there will be an explosion. There will be a lot of steam. But NO explosion unless the crater gets plugged up.
    Lava and water are NOT going to cause an explosion alone. In order for there to be an explosion: First the lava caldera walls must collapse enough to create a blockage. An explosion will only happen when the lava and ground water meet creating steam under a blockage. This steam then becomes trapped and begins to pressurize the clogged caldera. When the steam reaches a certain point an explosion is triggered. If there is no blockage while the lava is low enough for ground water to penetrating the cladera, we will only see stream with occasional ash from pieces of the calders wall falling into the lava.

    • @CrispyOkra
      @CrispyOkra 6 років тому +7

      Cameron Hollis
      Hey look, someone with the ability to comprehend. 😨

    • @pluto8404
      @pluto8404 6 років тому +3

      If you poor wolten salt into water it explodes.
      Also if there are alot of gases and such disolved in the magma, the agitation from the water could create a chain reaction of gas releasing and cause a significant eruption.

    • @J.Cameron.Stuart.Adams.
      @J.Cameron.Stuart.Adams. 6 років тому +4

      BrainStem Recruiter Someone has to spell it out for all those confused because of this reporters erroneous statements.

    • @oceandrew
      @oceandrew 6 років тому +3

      Yeah, I've been wondering why the lava lake above the water table isn't a problem but the lava level dropping below it suddenly is a problem. I mean the lava has to go through the water table to get above the it. smh
      I hate it when the MSM shows that it really is pretty inept at putting 2 and 2 together.

    • @winnieg100
      @winnieg100 6 років тому +3

      Cameron Hollis I hate when these announcers speak about issues about which they know nothing!

  • @richardswenson6041
    @richardswenson6041 6 років тому +7

    How can anyone say what that volcano will do? She could just go back to sleep or even really blow and take the whole island out. Quit sounding like this going to be something so little. People need to know that they really don’t know what it will do and they should be ready for the worst!

    • @rosearcand3843
      @rosearcand3843 6 років тому +1

      Richard Swenson will they please get the rest of the animals out of there. thank you humane society for your help

    • @rosearcand3843
      @rosearcand3843 6 років тому +1

      will you please ask her to get the animals out of there.

    • @rosearcand3843
      @rosearcand3843 6 років тому +3

      by the time the wind shifts it will be too late for your horses. Get them out now.

    • @3000secrets
      @3000secrets 6 років тому +3

      Richard Swenson
      The tourist industry is the reason they are down playing this. Hawaii is losing a lot of tourist dollars over this. It's always the money.

    • @larse9999
      @larse9999 6 років тому

      You folks are silly. I lived on the Big Island and the volcano has been active for years. There are different kinds of volcanoes and this is not like Mnt St. Helen. The types of explosions and lava flow and ash quantities depend on the type of volcanic activity it is . Yes, this is very historic, spectacular and can be dangerous and have health effects, but the islands chain was formed by these volcanoes and Hawaii is still growing. Its not as "end of the world, the sky is falling!" as you are making it out to be. It is mother nature, or Pele doing what it has done in years past. It just hasn't been this active in this area in this degree for many years. Staying out of affected areas and having proper masks and protective clothing is the smart thing to do. Evacuating homes in the East Rift zone is common sense as in areas affected by ash fall and caustic gasses. But the entire island isn't gonna disappear! Homes will be destroyed, and it is very possible that the activity in this area and direction may continue for a long time. There may be a steam explosion to propel rock, which hasn't been seen for many years too. But this is not the first time a community was covered by lava... I lived to see Kalapana covered by lava. The large or strong earthquakes are surprising, and could cause more damage and would make me concerned, as well as acid rain effects, and poor air quality in certain areas of the island.

  • @TheUserid82
    @TheUserid82 6 років тому +7

    As he did a poor job explaining the problem with the ground water the problem is the magma in the volcano was putting pressure on rocks lining the vertical surfaces and as the magma dropped the pressure was released so letting the rock fall down the vent. Ground water soaks in and fills cracks in the rock and at some point the rock falls in the vent will dump a few thousand gallons of water into the vent instantly converting the water to steam.
    The problem with steam is a drop of water the size of a pea will convert to a beach ball sized amount of steam.

    • @bardthebard420
      @bardthebard420 6 років тому

      Andrew H - holy shit that sounds awesome.

  • @mynameismynameis666
    @mynameismynameis666 6 років тому +2

    if the animals are calm, i m calm

  • @thegambler918
    @thegambler918 6 років тому +8

    Why are people acting like the volcano wont kill them they are delusional as hell, so irritating.

    • @kutulukutu
      @kutulukutu 6 років тому

      Hey, a lot of people thought Trump would've killed us, by now. Who knew?

  • @TahoeJones
    @TahoeJones 6 років тому +3

    What part of getting progressively worse,
    Is rocket science?

  • @suddenrushsarge
    @suddenrushsarge 6 років тому +4

    My left ear found this very informative. My right ear.... not so much.

    • @Siggy4844
      @Siggy4844 6 років тому

      Sounds like you need new headphones if only one side is working.

    • @jackalotamus
      @jackalotamus 6 років тому +1

      i get the same reaction from people i talk to with half a brain hahahaha

  • @DarkstarDarth
    @DarkstarDarth 6 років тому +3

    Nobody can predict what Mother Nature will do.

  • @roger0000roger
    @roger0000roger 6 років тому +5

    Ash look like its going so slow... didn't look real at first.. I know it is! Be safe.. Praying for you and Halemaumau.

    • @recoveringsoul755
      @recoveringsoul755 6 років тому

      roger0000roger I thought it was a greenscreen at first with a still photo, finally it moved

  • @noradennis4361
    @noradennis4361 6 років тому +11

    The problem with living on an island with an active volcano and having livestock is you really can't take them anywhere. You can't herd the cattle and horses to a friends pasture that is far enough away from the volcano. I do feel for the woman and her animals. If the winds shift and head her way, her and her neighbors will most likely loose some of the animals. The sad price you pay for living on a actively volcanic island. ☹

    • @deedahl2866
      @deedahl2866 6 років тому

      Livestock can be moved to another island. Or butchered to feed people displaced, since this is a slow-movement event. Just my two cents worth here . . .

    • @jrae50021
      @jrae50021 6 років тому

      The animals can be moved to the north end of the island which gets wind flowing through the "pineapple express" waters between Maui and Big Island.

    • @noradennis4361
      @noradennis4361 6 років тому

      STL Fila
      Whoa! No need to use fowl language. Yes I am aware of how big the island is. But just because it is large doesn't mean everyone there is filled with Aloha and willing to help out the ones who are suffering under the volcanic ash. It is hoped that they will but I for one never assume anything.

  • @tazmod7272
    @tazmod7272 6 років тому +2

    If you remember the cities we’re worried that the ash would short out the electrical lines like MAX because of all the iron in the ash. You could run a magnet over the top and it would stick to the magnet. Hope they can take care of the animals.

  • @glenncheatham5531
    @glenncheatham5531 6 років тому +13

    I’m stunned at the stupidity of these reporters and whining about a park being closed!!! It’s an erupting volcano!!! Get those people away from there while it’s still possible!!! Good grief!!!

    • @alisonmontana8895
      @alisonmontana8895 6 років тому +3

      I'm with you on that, Plus, all of these people talking about "Pele" and "Mother Nature", they better start praying to the One God, the creator of the Universe and ask for some help, instead of all of these false gods.

    • @alisonmontana8895
      @alisonmontana8895 6 років тому +1

      Pele is a false non-existent nothing, Yah created everything, there is no scoreboard.

  • @tazmod7272
    @tazmod7272 6 років тому +2

    Portland got a dusting a couple of times. The worst time I put a tarp over my small truck. It was raining a little at the time. I don’t remember how deep it was on my truck. Maybe less than an inch. Weeks later I had to wear a painters mask when I mowed the lawn. Too much dust was kicked up while mowing.

  • @DashondaNelson
    @DashondaNelson 6 років тому +5

    When I tried to warn people people got so angry at me. I was trying to help people before it got to this. And this isn't the main event
    Please get out please I beg you. (In tears, please)

  • @ewloomis
    @ewloomis 6 років тому +1

    whoa did he just say no chance of 1924 explosion scientist say? Which scientest because that is not a true statement from my perspective.

  • @lindalee7322
    @lindalee7322 6 років тому +1

    Father God Creator, not mother nature.

  • @tazmod7272
    @tazmod7272 6 років тому +30

    Reminds me of St Helens before it really blew. I lived in Portland, Oregon at the time.

    • @arthurshugars1974
      @arthurshugars1974 6 років тому +1

      thats what I'm concerned about and now with all these 20 fissures. I lived in Upsate NY at the time and remember the ash clouds from it exploding that covered the sky for days

    • @bradbechlyb9273
      @bradbechlyb9273 6 років тому +2

      Yep , I live in Vancouver across the river, These people need to look what happened then, and how many months it took from first activity till it finally let loose. locals are fooling them selves if they think the rest of island is safe, look at the amount of carnage St. Helens caused compared to the size of the island

    • @verawallace9055
      @verawallace9055 6 років тому +3

      I was thinking about St Helens and Google it ,a lot of people died in that Eruption most of them choke on the ash ,its scary.

    • @dogcrick
      @dogcrick 6 років тому +9

      You guys should do more research. They are completely different types of volcanoes. There is zero chance of anything similar happening. I was born in and live in Oregon and lived on Big Island for years where I was a volcano tour guide.

    • @DavidBylsma
      @DavidBylsma 6 років тому +2

      I lived in Salem at the time and remember seeing the plume and later brushing the ash off my 65 GTO,
      I'm on the island of Oahu now and people who say there is no danger are playing a fools game. The crater is plugged and can blow creating a landslide and tsunami. It never hurts to prep no matter where you live.

  • @stardel
    @stardel 6 років тому +2

    The fire that the fireman can't put out hell is truly enlarging itself

  • @moreenkasu2925
    @moreenkasu2925 6 років тому +7

    Please let the horses out!!!

  • @96706ohana1
    @96706ohana1 6 років тому +1

    It’s gonna blow!! As a. Hawaiian resident I have a feeling it’s gonna explode.....

  • @charlesdobbs4570
    @charlesdobbs4570 6 років тому

    Hope U don't tell people that ash won't kill you. Like the other Vid was saying. ASH HAS MICROSCOPIC PIECES OF GLASS IN IT. WHERE A MASK. ESPECIALLY THE DISABLED,YOUNG AND OLD .

  • @Lavadx
    @Lavadx 6 років тому

    Cameron Hollis, I think you may be mistaken about the explosion... If the magma and water come in contact there will be a massive explosion. The rocks that are falling into the cavern that are plugging things up will be ejected by the explosion, and will become projectiles which makes things worse, but the rocks falling in and plugging things up aren’t what’s going to cause the explosion... I’m fairly certain that is the case, but I sell paint for a living and know VERY little about Geology... PEACE!!!

  • @KonaSitkaRose
    @KonaSitkaRose 6 років тому

    Yup. I appreciate this and all your work. This is "mini" compared to Mt. St. Helens. I lived there when it blew. Now I am in Kona. This is not "enjoyable" to watch. I know how massive an explosion this can be, the weeks and months of powdery, gray-white "glass-shard" like debris that falls similar to a dangerous snow cover on everything. This is very frightening. I hope it doesn't "blow." It's not easy to wear a mask 24/7.

  • @dannyperdomo391
    @dannyperdomo391 6 років тому

    Imagine Kīlauea as a champagne bottle only BIGGER if the lava hits the ground water. What happens next? POP! like a cork popping out of a bottle!

  • @rachelfedorenko1313
    @rachelfedorenko1313 6 років тому

    Geology student. This is the most scientific explanation I've heard. Thank you for your accurate and factual report.

  • @davido545
    @davido545 6 років тому +2

    my right ear is lonely :(

  • @rejoicerejoiceemmanuel2762
    @rejoicerejoiceemmanuel2762 6 років тому

    Halimaw is Filipino (Philippine language) for monster. Just saying..

  • @harveymushman2219
    @harveymushman2219 6 років тому

    Again I would like to thank the drone flying Leilani estates manager last year this time tell me I would have to have a 1300sq ft poured concrete house pad with 2 car garage AND have a huge hole dug in the lava for a Concrete septic tank before I could build a approved home built....I thought that was a bit much for this area...small shacks and trailers seem much better...Guess I was right he was wrong ..hope they are all safe......

  • @NC8ED
    @NC8ED 6 років тому

    Rough calc on top of ash cloud You are 1 mile away, 30 degree angle to top, ~~ 0.5 mile altitude of ash cloud. Plug in your own numbers for better estimate.

  • @justme7777
    @justme7777 6 років тому

    If your barns not big enough you bring the animals into the house. That's what I do! I have a nice house, but if your going to have animals you have to be willing to sacrifice in an emergency. Lamas, goats, lambs, chickens and pigs have been in my house. Horses in my garage. You do what you have to do!

  • @evanoffm
    @evanoffm 6 років тому

    mother earth is reclaiming what's rightfully hers.....

  • @candeffect
    @candeffect 6 років тому

    "Scientists do not believe...." When are scientists going talk about only facts without their useless opinions?

  • @kimberlydkulcsar2671
    @kimberlydkulcsar2671 6 років тому

    You are all in my prayers. Cruise ship businesses should send ships there to house the people of Hawaii, Free. They need help. Hopefully, things will calm down for another 20 + years.

  • @DanielPerez-zk6ut
    @DanielPerez-zk6ut 6 років тому

    Ok, why would she get so many animals in the first place? A volcano erupted and she doesn't have a shelter big enough for the animals. She should starting planning on building a second barn for the animals to keep them safe.

  • @grengd
    @grengd 6 років тому

    Its a Gamble living in a place like that. Sometimes you win. Sometimes you lose. !

    @DIRECTCURRENT336 Рік тому

    10:22 "this is Madam Pele's country and we're her guests."

  • @IgnacioAgramonte
    @IgnacioAgramonte 6 років тому

    SO SPOOKY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! VOLCANO IN YOUR BACKYARD................

  • @HappyQuailsLC
    @HappyQuailsLC 6 років тому

    Ash is being "carried downstream"?? No, it is carried "downwind".

  • @RevJynxed
    @RevJynxed 6 років тому

    You mean like dey told us in skool, what goes up must come down? Government funding at it's best, brah.

  • @rjet4321
    @rjet4321 6 років тому

    I walked on the lava field at night and I was very impressed, but I made sure I did not bring back anything including dust!

  • @SteveHyde1959
    @SteveHyde1959 6 років тому

    Its beautiful countryside as well, it reminds me of Australia.

  • @SteveHyde1959
    @SteveHyde1959 6 років тому

    Beautiful! But possibly a horrible tragedy for some🙁

  • @you-tubejunkie2926
    @you-tubejunkie2926 6 років тому

    I'm going to live on a valcano....
    What could possibly go wrong ?

  • @Tatsuji_Tatchan
    @Tatsuji_Tatchan 6 років тому

    Maybe it's just Japanese standards, but seems weird to me that he keeps touching her. Is that normal?

  • @stargazer1313
    @stargazer1313 6 років тому +7

    Please get your horses and pets to safety!!!

  • @billwilliams5265
    @billwilliams5265 6 років тому

    All the people in the volcano are doing their best to tell us to watch out and be safe but no one even tries to listen to them and they can not help if we are too stupid to realize the truth that GUIA needs as much help and is hoping that we will listen to her. She needs this and she is going to get what she is looking for.

  • @ItsaRomethingeveryday
    @ItsaRomethingeveryday 6 років тому

    Stay safe all residents on the Big Island

  • @constructioneerful
    @constructioneerful 6 років тому

    I think there is a legitimate question about the need for an evacuation strategy for the animals.

  • @jadaro2600
    @jadaro2600 6 років тому +1

    Excellent reporting.

  • @binkyslapass1
    @binkyslapass1 6 років тому

    thats crazy...hope there no ash fall in indonesia....

  • @nightwaves3203
    @nightwaves3203 6 років тому

    No worries brah. If it goes up we can call Maui the big island when the ash settles.

  • @jusrayne
    @jusrayne 6 років тому

    Spectacular once again spectacular! Lol this guy

  • @grakkerful
    @grakkerful 6 років тому +1

    Why are you holding your daughter's phone?

    @TOMMYSURIA 6 років тому

    Be cautious? How about getting the heck out of the way?

  • @robertgaines-tulsa
    @robertgaines-tulsa 6 років тому

    Nice audio. It's only on the left channel.

  • @oibal60
    @oibal60 6 років тому

    Young Spock will save it!

  • @joldidjeridoos6026
    @joldidjeridoos6026 6 років тому

    This is Pele’s country. All of it!

  • @luckydog570
    @luckydog570 6 років тому

    Why not move the animals away from there

  • @kimberlydkulcsar2671
    @kimberlydkulcsar2671 6 років тому

    Ships for people and animals

  • @tammy5940
    @tammy5940 6 років тому

    That is a lot of water to cause that much steam?

  • @StabbyMcStabwood
    @StabbyMcStabwood 6 років тому

    Mono audio. No sound from right

  • @stonehillady
    @stonehillady 6 років тому +23

    doesn't look good, wonder if part of the east end of the island from the crater could fall into the ocean and cause a tsunami, a very large tsunami >

    • @Rob8729
      @Rob8729 6 років тому +5

      The Hilina slump

    • @CrispyOkra
      @CrispyOkra 6 років тому +4

      There's no evidence that any of the past Hawaiian islands blow themselves apart, only that water erosion eroded them over millions of years.

    • @patrickallen4120
      @patrickallen4120 6 років тому +1

      Kapoho in 60s! This could settle down now who knows!

    • @Barbs-mu5qq
      @Barbs-mu5qq 6 років тому

      Yes people have been talking about that for days. So I suppose it’s possible. Lol

    • @CrispyOkra
      @CrispyOkra 6 років тому

      The only relevance to the size of the seamounts are how long they sat over the hot spot while erupting. The craters are enlarged by millions of years of erosion. When things "blow themselves to kingdom come" they typically become smaller pieces of rubble not larger. Besides, if this did occur there would be evidence, along most if not the entire pacific rim, of tsunamis and other fallout around the world.

  • @billwilliams5265
    @billwilliams5265 6 років тому

    Read my comments.

  • @james1234168
    @james1234168 6 років тому

    Surely it cant be long before this all goes pete tong... :(

  • @dcorica79
    @dcorica79 6 років тому


  • @brochslanders1845
    @brochslanders1845 6 років тому

    Volcanos, teaching 'Mericans to speak Hawhyun, 2018!

  • @viper-od1mb
    @viper-od1mb 6 років тому

    Ban volcanoes...............

  • @CarolReidCA
    @CarolReidCA 6 років тому

    Wearing a chemical respirator should be a priority.

  • @NyuuMikuru1
    @NyuuMikuru1 6 років тому

    Read on post on others that you can’t take lava with you cause you might offend pele. How does that work when you lay pipes for water, gas and sewer. Put in poles for powerlines and built homes on it.

  • @alphasxsignal
    @alphasxsignal 6 років тому

    That place will be never the same and still it hasn't blown yet.

  • @taosholly
    @taosholly 6 років тому

    It is apparently becoming a big concern for the Pahala area with this report of ash-fall beginning to affect this beautiful, small town. There are many coffee farms here with wonderful local people who have worked very hard over the last years to convert old sugarcane acreage to grow award winning Ka'u coffee. Prayers for the people and the land they love.

  • @patriciar3780
    @patriciar3780 6 років тому

    If rocks fall into the lava lake, wouldn't they melt? If you drop cold butter on melted butter,, it melts. Seems to me rocks would do the same. I don't know how hot lava is but it is melted rocks.

  • @cherylcarlson3315
    @cherylcarlson3315 6 років тому

    Astoundingly beautiful . I wish the best to all who are sorting this out.

  • @artcurious807
    @artcurious807 6 років тому

    Can you guys set up a live cam from the observation deck or somewhere near the crater?

  • @IMOO1896
    @IMOO1896 6 років тому

    It looks almost still! Awesome. Praying for safety of people and homes!

  • @neckmangler
    @neckmangler 6 років тому +3

    I had a front row seat to Mt. St. Helens, This entire island could be in danger. Even if that lava lake drops, it can fill right back up. Half that island could totally disappear.

    • @kutulukutu
      @kutulukutu 6 років тому

      Dirty Sanchez
      *deep breath*
      Not that kind of volcano.

  • @SPARTAN085B
    @SPARTAN085B 6 років тому

    How do you not know what to do?! You live on an island made by a volcano! With an active volcano! How do not know what to do?!

  • @candacekieper4354
    @candacekieper4354 6 років тому

    The Fema needs to be doing more getting more information out!!

  • @thomthorne7306
    @thomthorne7306 6 років тому

    I just ate some deer sausage and white bread.

  • @thomaswaldorf9141
    @thomaswaldorf9141 6 років тому +4

    those paper mask are not good.need the cartrige masks to be safe,where there is ash there could be gas.stay safe!

    • @smartalex2578
      @smartalex2578 6 років тому

      3m 6200 N95 face mask, $13.99, 3M 60293 filters $16.99, both delivered in 3 days from ebay. These filters filter out the sulpher dioxide, the main danger, and a half dozen other nasty things and includes particulate filter. These are the ones that people are using here, but you still have to be careful. People venturing into the affected zones can check them out at the control points to retrieve animals and essentials. I have 2 sets, and will at least buy enough time to evacuate.

  • @loudfast1261
    @loudfast1261 6 років тому

    3m masks for blocking silica dust asap

  • @dollysafran9107
    @dollysafran9107 6 років тому

    Get outta there. Now

  • @Monuments_to_Good_Intentions
    @Monuments_to_Good_Intentions 6 років тому

    Pompeii anyone?

  • @atfinthehouse8631
    @atfinthehouse8631 6 років тому +2

    Are these people not concerned about the possibility of a sudden explosion and pyroclastic flow. If that occurs anyone nearby won’t have any chance or time to escape.

    • @curtisridge2506
      @curtisridge2506 6 років тому +2

      ATF intheHouse wrong type of volcano for that flow

  • @JK-ff6zc
    @JK-ff6zc 6 років тому

    Beautiful horses in the field. Be safe all.

  • @AwaitingHisSoonReturn
    @AwaitingHisSoonReturn 6 років тому

    SheSusan ... made it clear that it's not God's country .. but Mananpilies country and we are her guests ... ???

    • @dawnwilkinson3500
      @dawnwilkinson3500 6 років тому +1

      God Is the creator of all ..we both know it! She needs to be informed of the truth ..

  • @iTubeXNews
    @iTubeXNews 6 років тому

    Is that white horse ok? It seems agitated.

  • @heazy87
    @heazy87 6 років тому

    my left ear likes this video.

  • @rickjames5889
    @rickjames5889 6 років тому

    You need to hire a new audio guy.

  • @jawasstolemydroid4930
    @jawasstolemydroid4930 6 років тому +1

    Dude: "It's God's country..."
    Lady: "It's Pele's country; we're her guests."
    Dude: "Ok, not a Christian, you gotta go now, bye!"
    Lady: "Asshole. Where's my whiskey?"
    Edit: gonna go have a drink now and raise one to the lady in the pink top. Lady, if you read this, I really hope the wind keeps blowing in other directions! Here's to you and your animals!

  • @grimreaper3526
    @grimreaper3526 6 років тому

    looks like CGI

  • @bonniematthews2500
    @bonniematthews2500 6 років тому

    praying for everyone

  • @cmw184
    @cmw184 6 років тому
