Willie did a great job with this interview. I love how well he listens, he's calm, lets her talk and open up, does not interrupt, takes it seriously and is respectful. Hilary is an admirable woman, wish she had won, glad to see Willie do this interview with her and go into such depth with it.
That was a wonderful interview, thank-you so much. She was probably the most experienced person ever to run for the presidency. She would have been a terrific president. Even though I was a Republican at the time, I voted for her. I have 4 sisters and they all voted for Trump, I was shocked! I could and can see right through him. I cannot believe the Republican Party has become what they are today, horrible.
@@bevally1533 The problem is my sisters still believe he did no wrong. It is like I do not even know who my sisters are any more. My husband did not vote for years and he registered to vote for Hillary too. One day they will wake up. I can only wish that to happen.💕
Hillary Clinton, you are a great woman. I wonder what fellow Americans did not see in you to vote you to the office of the president. Is it because you are a woman?
Hillary has definitely had her questionable moments, and had likely had some of the most harsh and over the top criticisms of any public political figure- but that’s one smart lady, resilient lady, and someone who we should have taken much more serious during the presidential race. I feel it was an opportunity missed.
She's was great besides; deregulating wall street which resulted in the biggest financial crisis of our lifetimes, regime change in Libya which is now a hotbed for slave labour and instability, The crime bill which expanded the prison industrial complex, support NAFTA and TPP which results in millions of good paying jobs going overseas, supporting IRAQ and Afghanistan wars... Otherwise she was amazing... Go girl
Of course she's not perfect - I look at my own career and life experiences to examine my own questionable moments. Of course it's not on the scale of HRC's, which only makes me admire her even more for her strength, intellect and determination for public service.
She was far and away the most qualified politician to run for the highest office. Instead, we elected the least qualified in the history of our country. We truly deserve to be in the mess we are currently in.
Y'all can't get the man out of your head. hahahahahaha. You got Hillary Clinton interview. What do you talk about? Biden? Economy? Foreign Affairs? Policy? Nope. Trump. hahahahahahahahaha. He OWNS all of you idiots.
Some say Hilly has a purple heart for her wounds. She still limps from all those gunshot wounds she got while landing under sniper fire in Bosnia. The way she saved all those marines there was truly heroic, dressing their wounds and carrying them to safety. She is the one honest hero we can all admire and love.
@Lesley T And that excuses Miss Piggy's stolen glory how? Hilly's phony stories of her own heroism have nothing to do with Jan 6. Use your brain, not your feelings.
"And though the forest was shrinking, the trees kept voting for the axe, for the axe was clever and convinced the trees that since her handle was made of wood, she was one of them."
Is Hillary trying to take Polosi place. If so, I didn't think she could run for any office anymore. So why is she hanging around. Most people hadn't forgot what her and Obama did. I see CNN is trying to get away from these people except these hard shell dems. Hillary Clinton was the worse Secretay of State.
Luke 12:2-3 There is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known.(A) 3 What you have said in the dark will be heard in the daylight, and what you have whispered in the ear in the inner rooms will be proclaimed from the roofs.
@Lesley T listen Karen… Biden has over 800,000 deaths on him and I don’t blame him! China made that virus to hurt us and scare us! People like u got scared and blamed trump! Either way people were going to die! He shut everything down and U people called him racist! Really??. Only “4” died.. ur sick! They are dead because of her! Educate urself
Hillary Clinton is a brightly shining gem that some people may easily feel intimidated by her thus saying negative things about her. However, nobody can truthfully deny (unless they really have not been well-educated) about her eloquence, her knowledge and experience which shine through as we witness how easily she chooses the most adequate yet elegant words as she speaks from moment to moment. Brava! And Bravo (for Mr. Geist)!!
KILLARY IS THE ANTICHRIST 1 JOHN 2:22KJV GENESIS 1 :26-27 KJV= OUR IMAGE, GENSIS 2:7 KJV= MAN BECAME A LIVING SOUL, GENESIS 2:11 -15 KJV AFRICA = AFRICAN RACE UA-cam - BORGIO / JESUS PART 1 UA-cam - NO WHITE JESUS / WHO IS JESUS 1:20 UA-cam - Bill Nye Uses Science to Explain Why Racism Doesn’t Make Sense UA-cam - "Blacks Are Gods People. You Better Shut Your White Mouth" Alabama Preacher Puts His Entire Church On Front Street!
Yes, if Hillary wants Build Back Better it had to be something really F-Up with this bill, because she down with the One World Order and Donald J. Trump knows what the Dems are all about!!!! #TRUMP2024🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲
Don't worry John Gwin Texas (AKA paid troll), not even the JFK channel is going to hide the real you! LOL! LOL! LOl! What a pathetic TROLL! LOL! LOL! LOL!
Can you find one question in the interview when she was actually challenged? Total joke and softball of an interview. Could have asked, for example, "why was your husband in Epstein's flight log 30 times".
At the end of the interview when they were walking together outside, Willie should have taken her by the arm as they were strolling. Willie is young enough to be her son, and they are not peers. A suave gentleman would have taken her by the arm, even as he interviewed her. Just my opinion, but I think I’m right.
Wow! 🤩 Corrupt Hill Clinton Campaign and DNC are now $Paying$ FEC Fines in an Effort to Bury the Story. Paying the Federal Election Commission (FEC) is an admittance of guilt for lies they told the past 4+ years regarding “Trump & Russian collusion nonsense” that now was proven nothing but a pack of lies. Sad thing is most all of the “liberal bias fake news” went right along with the pack of lies. Now they have zero credibility with smart people. Hillary Clinton and DNC are doing all of this now to bury the narrative and prevent more media coverage of these illegal activities committed by Hillary and the DNC. Hopefully in the midterm elections all these corrupt Democrats will be voted out of office. Many of them belong in jail.
One of the, if not the most, intelligent, knowledgeable, strong, with a lifetime of public service, President that our country could have had but apparently did not deserve.
Yeah, we definitely didn't do anything so bad that we deserved Miss Piggy. Just the inflation and Covid deaths that Biden is handing out are bad enough. We don't deserve the lying author of the Russian Collusion Hoax.
She's was great besides; deregulating wall street which resulted in the biggest financial crisis of our lifetimes, regime change in Libya which is now a hotbed for slave labour and instability, The crime bill which expanded the prison industrial complex, support NAFTA and TPP which results in millions of good paying jobs going overseas, supporting IRAQ and Afghanistan wars... Otherwise she was amazing... Go girl
Very well-paid and financially beneficial (book deals, etc) service mind you. Not the kind of public service which should be seen as virtuous when there comes so much personal gain.
"Can someone please tell me why she is considered “unlikeable”?" Hahaha! She's the most conniving self-centered politician ever. Way worse than the orange man.
There are many voters so many reasons. Yes, there are those who are deplorable. But I believe if enough people were able to vote for a black man, they could also vote for a woman. So it has mostly to do with Obama's betrayal of his promises, the explicit and implicit ones. No universal health care, not even public option. "ObamaCare" was nothing but RomneyCare rebranded. No housing as a civil right. No debt-free high education. No green new deal. A cabinet dictated and populated by Citibank. Bailing out Wall Street and the bankers but not the little man who lost his house. Complaining that there is no popular grassroots movement to push him to progressive action, and at the same time bulldozing away "Occupy Wall Street". Passive, leading from behind. Great speeches and intelligent sense of humor, in warm resonant voice - and very little actions. Grabbed the Nobel Peace Prize, but not only did not end the regime-changing wars, but expanded them from 2 to 7. Deported more illegal immigrants than any other president before or after him. Can you see a pattern here? As Obama himself admitted, he was a moderate Republican president. Voting for Hillary would have been for many independent voters a vote to continue the Obama legacy. And here came along an eccentric colorful and blatant challenger, who made lots of populist promises to make America great again. Many fell for his lies. And even after they realized he was nothing but a liar, they stuck with him because he gave them a sense of inflicting pain on the left that betrayed and abandoned them. With the lukewarm progressiveness of Biden, what do you expect to happen in 2024? Biden was hardly elected even with Trump's colossal failure with covid.
@@ThxGod_ItsOver You sound like a stable person... 😂 A master class is a class given to students of a particular discipline by an expert of that discipline-usually music, but also science, painting, drama, games, or on any other occasion where skills are being developed.
@@BigGretchBlessed A master class is a class given to students of a particular discipline by an expert of that discipline SATAN HAS YOUR MIND NOT MINE BTW GENERIC EINSTEIN YOU WOULD BE BETTER SERVE3D NOT DEFLECTING FROM YOUR FLAWS CONSIDERING HUMAN TRAFFICKING IS INHUMANE!! 16TH PREZ explained to the crowd: “I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races … I am not nor ever have been in favor of making voters or jurors of Negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people; and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races from living together on terms of social and political equality.
@@ThxGod_ItsOver Satan has your mind. I can see it. God gave me the ability to be able to sense demons, and you have been taken over by a very dominant one. You need to pray and ask the Lord for forgiveness ASAP, or call an exorcist ASAP. I wish you the best in your quest for cleansing, whether you can do it personally or with an experienced person. Good luck, my friend.
This wasn't an interview. It was an infomrcial for a self help online course of some kind. It's a shame because it could have been an interesting interview.
@189KansasCity you might live in millenial midwestern north america but you do not live in reality. Your border policies would do nothing but hurt the economy. We have a labor shortage and a mass die off from a pandemic. Your claim of security is a conspiracy theory rooted in racism more than facts. Trumps tax cuts also do NOTHING for the economy and just line the pockets of wealthy people. The rich do not need or deserve tax cuts. Especially when most technological advancements have been done through government funding as private individuals are too scared to actually invest in these things. People like steve jobs and elon musk just had engineers assemble things tax money created and youre over here arguing to give them tax breaks to not pay back their loans? This is insane. You can literally look at the economic policy under pinochet in chile and see this doesnt work. You can look at how the IMF and the world bank have moved to more progressive inclusive economic institutions vs pushing tax cuts and free markets. Seriously go open a book. I suggest starting with Why nations fail by daron acemoglu, how democracies die by levitsky, and the entrprenuerial state by mazzacuto.
Patty. You think a woman who doesnt win presidential elections has the creditials to talk about what wins elections? This woman is beyond arrogant. She literally lost to a far right reality tv show host. You are a cultist not someone with a valid opinion.
are you talking nice about this person who called people deplorables because they didnt vote for her and she lost the election. talk about a sore looser and she is a looser. she thought she was going to win. i loved it , she got her just cause the witch.
Hillary Clinton would have been a great President of the United States. She is smart and committed to helping people and it is obvious that she truly loves this country.
Me too. I also contributed to her campaign. I assumed it would either be Hillary or Jeb, and I was ok with either one. But Trump?? We New Yorkers knew everything we needed to know.
This is a great video. I cried when she lost the presidential election. You can't deny her education background, experience, work ethic and professionalism. I honestly feel that she would have made an amazing president.
Then you know nothing about the Clintons. Perhaps you should read Clintons circle of death, watch Clinton chronicles, or read Clinton cash . Her employees described her as walking talking evil. The Clinton foundation was a way for them to get rich. Watch the blacks picketing the Clinton foundation. Why? They collected 1 million 40 thousand dollars for Haiti and Haiti got 40,000 and Clintons kept the million. Totally legal. She ripped off the poorest people in the world
@@bertabermudez7674 Well - let's wait for that moment then. This is an unhinged loser - Bill should take pity on her and help her to stop making a fool of herself.
Nothing says “grace under loss” like refusing to accept the results of the 2016 election _after voluntarily saying_ “we have to accept the results of the election” then proceeding to blame _everyone and everything but herself_ for that loss 🤣🤡🤣🤡🤣🤡🤣🤡🤣🤡🤣🤡🤣🤡🤣🤡🤣🤡🤣🤡
I would vote Bernie over Hillary, but if it were Hillary vs. Donald I would vote Hillary. But to the point, Americans whose lives were destroyed by capitalism (even if they blame "something" else like the libz, Russia, China, gays or whatever) don't really care about her intellect and book-knowledge. They want universal health care (or they would fall in love with it if it were enforced on them), housing as a civil right, end of student debt. BUT she was not going to give them all that "Denmark stuff" because she is a slave of Wall Street. So enough angry desperate people fell for the empty populist promises of Donald. Enough to have him win the electoral college. Should I blame Obama and Hillary, the Wall Street shills? I don't think that would be a productive approach. People like them will always be around. It's the defective political system (that was of course designed by the capitalist ruling class) which makes such people into being the only relevant options.
We love this woman. She is stronger than ever. All that hate did not work! She still the same person that said "women rights are human rights... " What a great example of a woman that knows how to stand up and move forward despite criticism!
She talks a long time here and she's not bad mouthing people. Instead all she talks about is helping and serving other people. Thank you Madam President.
Jesus she would have been amazing in the Whitehouse. She is so intelligent, not just brains but deep emotional intelligence. Such a critical thinker, and can articulate her thoughts so perfectly.
You look great. I am so proud of you. I have often admired your strength. Today after listen to your interview. I have developed an "I can attitude". I believe that I can continue to grow stronger, and to be of great help to so many who have gone through such pain as you have.. Remember you are precious and I thank God for your Master Class.
I think she would have deserved to just collapse when she was done! She will not. She is so strong She is SO SMART! I just hate how she has been vilified.
How is that? You mean the endless wars she was for or simply for going after and silencing women who accused her hubby of sticky fingers? Trump as a freak he is and was, exposed political games both parties play. If america was a democracy you would have more than two parties. PERIOD.
@@wotan10950 You mean I am right about all of the things I said and solution is you not buying into what this woman is saying and demand liberal party system. Its funny how American politicians are all for liberal economy yet they are blocking liberal party system. Because it's not about democracy and freedom, its about profit, guns, wars, exploitation, drug companies etc.
Think of how you feel when something that you thought for sure you were going to have slips out of your hands. It is a form of grief. And she is trying to show people that there is resilience after death, divorce, loss of a job, or any other occurrence that is crushing.
She's so savvy, warm, and wise...always! Willie really asked open and deepening questions...a beautiful way of drawing her out. As I listen I'm recalling the grief I felt in 2016. Called my sister the day after the election and said "I feel like the day Mom died." Thank you Hillary for YOUR incredible resilience..that you still care so much about this country is evidence of it! Loved your new novel, State of Terror. Stay safe and well and please keep inspiring us with your vision, resilience and growth! Thank you for stepping back into the public sphere...your honesty, grace, vision and care are needed more than ever! I can STILL see you as our first woman President!
@@socrat33z She did profit for sure. She and Bill came into power at a time when that was the norm...and I think it's what tanked her, ultimately. But no one can doubt her brilliance and vision and care for our country right?
@@ufo_u I totally agree. So much hate near Jesus bd also! I wish I had her class when all the lies were thrown at her, she showed up to Congress for 2 days & I watched every sec with her dignity answering their questions.These haters hate her but love the man who didn't answer his subpoenas & wouldn't show his tax returns. OK If Bill did more than Maxwell & she stays with Bill I will chg much opinion. They could have an open marriage not my buis, but little girls. Monica was young but he never got Monica off just her plsing him. I don't call that a relation if only one got happy, NOT.
yeah i hear you that is pretty chicken s--t of utube to do that. but they wont silence us we can still put our dislike comments in their like comments of hilary unless u tube stops that too,.
@@ec6133 well you’re about to be big mad when she wins her third run. (: she has been validated on everything she warned of. The trump army is boiling down to their best and dumbest. See you in 2024 🥳
@@vickiefisher6587 Because they protect the powerful who protect them. They were fine with dislikes about Trump, but they didn't want people seeing that Biden's message was not liked and forming an opinion that he was wrong because others did as well. Its basic psychology. There was a professor named Epstein (not the criminal) who said social media could be worth 11 million votes.
I look up to you so much Hillary, I know I may never meet you but you will always have a supporter and a defender in me. I appreciate all the effort over all of the years you have put in to make our country a better place. I love you, Happy New Years.
@@greenlion6544 Did you watch the interview? She specifically said people will never meet me they will only see her from camera to video interviews. This is my way of putting into the universe that I support her. And who knows maybe someone will show her and she will know "Chad Gray" loves her.
I would ask what she considers her greatest accomplishments There are some who find it hard to figure out what she has done as First Lady. Senator. Etc etc
Eva, as First Lady she was a lot more politically active than most, of course, making some stuff ups, but also she was Secretary of State under Obama, not just Senator. I don't agree with her hawkish politics, but I think she is a seasoned politician, with notable flaws.
She was on the Congress hot seat for 2 days answering all their questions & mine too with Benghazi bc I lost a good friend there. She answered with dignity & class. She asked for help but Pentagon did a paper shovel. Never learned if they did that bc she was a female or they do that to males also. Trump has never turned up for any of them
OH YOU MEAN TRUMP who had rallies that were nothing but hate speech, he was the most unprofessional, racist president. who started a domestic terrorist attack on our nations capital.
@@conniedean3787 I am black and I have watched every Trump rally. Not once have I heard any hate speech. Just because people disagree with you does not make them racist. That word is so over used that nobody takes it seriously anymore. They just roll their eyes. Stop trying to demonize people who disagree with you. That's what communists do.
@@stacyharris4824 "Kung Flu"? I mean that literally comes up top of mind. But It's adorable that you haven't heard any hate speech coming from Trump. And Bless... You used the word "Communist" yet you have no clue what that means...
@@stacyharris4824 Says the Christian Fascist, literally demonizing Communists, to paint communists as the ones that do this? Yes.... do tell us how you are "above," all that.
It would have been nice has there been tougher questions. But I guess since the dems pretty much own the press it's only lightweight questions. It would be embarrassing for her to get back in the run for President. Reading her acceptance speech was too funny really. Sad really.
@@bethanyhealy4989 I like Hillary, and I didn’t vote for Donald. (Too much history because he didn't pay my mom's Manhattan printing company $350k in the 1980s; they took a chance that he'd pay when he had his casinos, but alas, the rumors were correct from those other New Yorkers who said he wouldn't pay.) She was never President, but Donald was. So if you apply the same standards to Hillary, why has Donald never been pressed with tougher questions? When he has, he calls them 'nasty', or some other third-grader insult.
How we were robbed we not to have had this brilliant woman as our president. She is so knowledgeable about process and policy, and has a great understanding of people.
I simply admire and love you Mrs. Hillary Clinton and what you represent to me and to countless of your admirers- strong, confident, kind and elegant in your many ways .
There's a whole bunch of BS in that comment. What did she do? She stayed with a nasty "has been" who openly cheats on her. She is weak minded fool. Maybe if she showed some dignity and divorced that pedo freak a long time ago, America would respect her.
oh you just gag me you must not have been one of the deplorables, mrs hilary clinton that name didnt mean nothing to slick willy when he was having an affair with monica did it., no sympathy for monica either cus it takes two to tangle
Amazing women??? She aloud our military to be slaughtered in Benghazi!!! Go watch the movie. Then Hillary told one of the fallen offices mothers TO GET OVER IT.
KILLARY IS THE ANTICHRIST 1 JOHN 2:22KJV GENESIS 1 :26-27 KJV= OUR IMAGE, GENSIS 2:7 KJV= MAN BECAME A LIVING SOUL, GENESIS 2:11 -15 KJV AFRICA = AFRICAN RACE UA-cam - BORGIO / JESUS PART 1 UA-cam - NO WHITE JESUS / WHO IS JESUS 1:20 UA-cam - Bill Nye Uses Science to Explain Why Racism Doesn’t Make Sense UA-cam - "Blacks Are Gods People. You Better Shut Your White Mouth" Alabama Preacher Puts His Entire Church On Front Street!
Great interview, I have always thought she was a brilliant woman, as women we have much to learn from our world, ourselves… Love and respect to her and whatever her endeavors in future may be…she would have been a great president…. Because she continues to learn and grow ….helps us to see our selves in different light. Thank you So much for this up close and personal view👍😁
Yes she would have made a great president. The American people would have been warned earlier about covid-19 and she would have done a better job at controlling it and would have never suggested us to drink disinfectant.
@@Ree-vn9dc you are.kidding right, you need to open your eyes and you will learn of this one highest evil. Turn off the lies on your TV you have no clue what your talking about if you knew the half of what this vile one has done to many many humans you would not ever say that again TRUMP IS THE BEST PRESIDENT EVER AND. THE MEDIA LIES TO YOU ABOUT HIM, TWIST HIS WORDS TO MAKE YOU NOT LIKE HIM THIS THING HERE THIS CLONE SHE IS THE REAL DEMON WAKE UP SHALLOW ONE
Amazing woman , hi Hillary you have surely made your mark … your family, friends and nation are blessed to have you … greetings from your fan in East Africa Uganda.
I haven't been a fan of Hillary before but seeing this interview completely changed my opinion of her. Too bad she couldn't show this side of herself when she was running for a president.
She did, you just didn't want to see it. I feel like she was exactly this same way. Which is why she had my vote. Maybe you just didn't listen to her then, the way you did now?
Because the other candidate was showing a lot of integrity and character? Impeached twice. Can't form a sentence. Can't accept defeat. Can't comb his hair. Can't stay in a marriage. Can't accept defeat. Deserved repeating (his defeat, not his horrible presidency). Yes. I'm in the "Orange Man Bad" crew because that is truth...he's absolutely f*cking awful. And don't say otherwise....such a horrible human being. And just as dumb as his supporters.
@@myalumina548 I couldn't agree with you more about Trump and didn't and won't support him. However what I was trying to say is that during her campaign she didn't gave me the same impression as she did in this interview.
UA-cam removed the dislikes. Doesn’t matter, we still know the like to dislike ratio would be insane on this video. There would be thousands of dislikes compared to the barely 400 likes. 🤣🤣
I've noticed that UA-cam has been removing dislikes from a lot, perhaps all, of the videos I've been watching for the past month +, and I watch a lot of scientific and nutrition videos. Perhaps they've changed their format.
You always said your mother told you don't ever give up. Listen to her. Run again for President. Push on!!!
Did she say “we don’t lie”???? hahahaha
How would you know if she lie?
Willie did a great job with this interview. I love how well he listens, he's calm, lets her talk and open up, does not interrupt, takes it seriously and is respectful. Hilary is an admirable woman, wish she had won, glad to see Willie do this interview with her and go into such depth with it.
if she had interview like Trump should would have a heart attack
Clearly it is true - you can't fool sll the people....but you can certainly some of the people some of the time!
That was a wonderful interview, thank-you so much. She was probably the most experienced person ever to run for the presidency. She would have been a terrific president. Even though I was a Republican at the time, I voted for her. I have 4 sisters and they all voted for Trump, I was shocked! I could and can see right through him. I cannot believe the Republican Party has become what they are today, horrible.
The Republican Party of not that long ago no longer exists. How were your sisters conned so easily? How were millions conned?
@@bevally1533 The problem is my sisters still believe he did no wrong. It is like I do not even know who my sisters are any more. My husband did not vote for years and he registered to vote for Hillary too. One day they will wake up. I can only wish that to happen.💕
@@kimingerick3391 WHAT DID HE DO WRONG????
Hillary Clinton, you are a great woman. I wonder what fellow Americans did not see in you to vote you to the office of the president. Is it because you are a woman?
Wow, HC has triggered a lot of Russian/Trump trolls. Pretty funny to see them triggered over something so small. Grow up trolls!
we are the silent majority, dummy
Still clinging to Russiagate huh?
The “russian trolls” narrative in december of 2021. LOL you’ve got to be friggin’ kidding 🤣🤡🤣🤡🤣🤡🤣🤡🤣🤡🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑
She looks fantastic
I will never forgive Comey for his actions. He helped change the course of history for the negative in my opinion.
She blamed 17 different people and reasons she didn't win. Watch on you tube it's hilarious!!! I always thought it was the adorable deplorable LOL
Keep telling yourself that.
That tik tok video that vindicated HRC goes through my mind in addition to what Comey did.
Hillary has definitely had her questionable moments, and had likely had some of the most harsh and over the top criticisms of any public political figure- but that’s one smart lady, resilient lady, and someone who we should have taken much more serious during the presidential race. I feel it was an opportunity missed.
She's was great besides; deregulating wall street which resulted in the biggest financial crisis of our lifetimes, regime change in Libya which is now a hotbed for slave labour and instability, The crime bill which expanded the prison industrial complex, support NAFTA and TPP which results in millions of good paying jobs going overseas, supporting IRAQ and Afghanistan wars... Otherwise she was amazing... Go girl
This is the trouble with the world today, too many gullible people watching too much B.S on social media, most made up of Woke Social Leftist.
Of course she's not perfect - I look at my own career and life experiences to examine my own questionable moments. Of course it's not on the scale of HRC's, which only makes me admire her even more for her strength, intellect and determination for public service.
@@ashinidesai3595 she has killed many people
@@ashinidesai3595 perfect?????? SHES A MURDERER.
She was far and away the most qualified politician to run for the highest office. Instead, we elected the least qualified in the history of our country. We truly deserve to be in the mess we are currently in.
A mess because of Joe Biden!!
@@tarync6539 i don't think so, dunce.
Y'all can't get the man out of your head. hahahahahaha. You got Hillary Clinton interview. What do you talk about? Biden? Economy? Foreign Affairs? Policy? Nope. Trump. hahahahahahahahaha. He OWNS all of you idiots.
@@StudioNetcom hahahahahaha. FACTS
When they show a picture of Hillary, I think of her taking out hot sauce on the podcast of the Breakfast Club doing everything for the black vote.😂
I agree!!😆😆🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🙏🙏🙏🇺🇸😆😆😆
Some say Hilly has a purple heart for her wounds. She still limps from all those gunshot wounds she got while landing under sniper fire in Bosnia. The way she saved all those marines there was truly heroic, dressing their wounds and carrying them to safety. She is the one honest hero we can all admire and love.
"I don't feel no ways tired
I've come too far from where I started from..."
Remember that cringe ?
@Lesley T And that excuses Miss Piggy's stolen glory how? Hilly's phony stories of her own heroism have nothing to do with Jan 6. Use your brain, not your feelings.
Her level of insight is spot on. And I too blame Comey with his stupid stunt.
You fool!🙏🇺🇸
Hillary’s Master Class: How to learn how to never let go of the past.
@@nasticanasta you could say the same about the fat orange man
@@nasticanasta so true!!😆😆🇺🇸🙏
The sad thing about the dislike being gone is that I no longer have a way to measure how many deplorables I get to put in the basket.
Lets go Brandon
"And though the forest was shrinking, the trees kept voting for the axe, for the axe was clever and convinced the trees that since her handle was made of wood, she was one of them."
Is Hillary trying to take Polosi place. If so, I didn't think she could run for any office anymore. So why is she hanging around. Most people hadn't forgot what her and Obama did. I see CNN is trying to get away from these people except these hard shell dems. Hillary Clinton was the worse Secretay of State.
@@shelbyjennings7052 Hillary and Bill are as evil as they come. Hillary's staff referred to her as walking talking evil
I absolutely love this analogy Shreyas !!! Thanks for sharing it . I would like to share it with others.
Great quote, Shreyas. Don't forgeet, the broomstick she rode on was made of wood, too. :)
@Lesley T Ok Commie
Please don’t let her run again!!!!
A-men 👏 A-men 👏 A-men 👏 🤧 😳
@Lesley T She is a strong woman.
@Lesley T She is a strong woman.
I wish we would be that lucky as Americans we screwed up that opportunity by voting for an unqualified buffoon
I don’t mind if she runs again, I would enjoy watching her lose AGAIN
Luke 12:2-3
There is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known.(A) 3 What you have said in the dark will be heard in the daylight, and what you have whispered in the ear in the inner rooms will be proclaimed from the roofs.
All man kind including Orange face.
Hare Krishna
I love, love our Hillary. Thank you for bringing her to us. We miss her something awlful. Sending you big love from Beth in Mancos CO
She harms kids are you sleeping wake up
You are either delusional or deluded. Regardless, you are wrong.
@@amisunshineraee9796 I was talking about Elizabeth.
@@mikes.8120 sorry God bless you
I love her 😊
U luv how she’s got our troops in Benghazi killed.. u don’t care! U people are actually brainwashed
Me Too!!!!!!👌🏿👌🏿
@Lesley T listen Karen… Biden has over 800,000 deaths on him and I don’t blame him! China made that virus to hurt us and scare us! People like u got scared and blamed trump! Either way people were going to die! He shut everything down and U people called him racist! Really??. Only “4” died.. ur sick! They are dead because of her! Educate urself
@Lesley T my bad.. what am I talking 2u! U people believe in no police, no genders, socialism/communism, sooo yea u people are crazy
love her too
Hillary Clinton is a brightly shining gem that some people may easily feel intimidated by her thus saying negative things about her. However, nobody can truthfully deny (unless they really have not been well-educated) about her eloquence, her knowledge and experience which shine through as we witness how easily she chooses the most adequate yet elegant words as she speaks from moment to moment. Brava! And Bravo (for Mr. Geist)!!
^^effect of Reddit on cognitive performance: exhibit 1
Chelsea stop commenting under so many aliases.
We get it you love your mom but she's a total train wreck of a woman.
Your high
Hillary the Hun as she's formally called. She's a complete hack job who failed at everything even keeping Bill happy in bed.
GENESIS 1 :26-27 KJV= OUR IMAGE, GENSIS 2:7 KJV= MAN BECAME A LIVING SOUL, GENESIS 2:11 -15 KJV AFRICA = AFRICAN RACE UA-cam - BORGIO / JESUS PART 1 UA-cam - NO WHITE JESUS / WHO IS JESUS 1:20 UA-cam - Bill Nye Uses Science to Explain Why Racism Doesn’t Make Sense UA-cam - "Blacks Are Gods People. You Better Shut Your White Mouth" Alabama Preacher Puts His Entire Church On Front Street!
What is Master Class? How do we join?
Thank you for posting this. It's always interesting to listen to Hillary's perspective.
yeah all her lies. this is a deplorable speaking
Yes, if Hillary wants Build Back Better it had to be something really F-Up with this bill, because she down with the One World Order and Donald J. Trump knows what the Dems are all about!!!!
@@florashears8946sorry for u nothing dower
I clicked and paused the video. I only clicked to read the comments. I am not disappointed 🤣🤣🤣
Nice picture John from Texas ; VA VA VOOM
Don't worry John Gwin Texas (AKA paid troll), not even the JFK channel is going to hide the real you! LOL! LOL! LOl! What a pathetic TROLL! LOL! LOL! LOL!
Nice relaxed interview.
She is unquestionably sharp.
Unquestionably dishonest.
Can you find one question in the interview when she was actually challenged? Total joke and softball of an interview. Could have asked, for example, "why was your husband in Epstein's flight log 30 times".
At the end of the interview when they were walking together outside, Willie should have taken her by the arm as they were strolling. Willie is young enough to be her son, and they are not peers. A suave gentleman would have taken her by the arm, even as he interviewed her. Just my opinion, but I think I’m right.
I don't feel no ways tired
I've come too far from where I started from....
It's easy to be relaxed and sharp when you're not confronted and the questions and conversation is all softball.
It would be interesting to have a follow up interview debunking what she had said..
Wow! 🤩 Corrupt Hill Clinton Campaign and DNC are now $Paying$ FEC Fines in an Effort to Bury the Story. Paying the Federal Election Commission (FEC) is an admittance of guilt for lies they told the past 4+ years regarding “Trump & Russian collusion nonsense” that now was proven nothing but a pack of lies. Sad thing is most all of the “liberal bias fake news” went right along with the pack of lies. Now they have zero credibility with smart people. Hillary Clinton and DNC are doing all of this now to bury the narrative and prevent more media coverage of these illegal activities committed by Hillary and the DNC. Hopefully in the midterm elections all these corrupt Democrats will be voted out of office. Many of them belong in jail.
It'll never happen - but I wish she'd run in 2024. What a fine PRESIDENT she would be!
I'm with you, I hope she does run in 2024, another guaranteed win for the Republicans. DeSantis 2024!
I hope she runs too. It would be high comedy
I would Vote for Her.🙏🙋♀️🦋
@@jaynumb8673 why can't Republicans put forth someone who is actually respectable instead of trying to push extremists?
One of the, if not the most, intelligent, knowledgeable, strong, with a lifetime of public service, President that our country could have had but apparently did not deserve.
Yeah, we definitely didn't do anything so bad that we deserved Miss Piggy. Just the inflation and Covid deaths that Biden is handing out are bad enough. We don't deserve the lying author of the Russian Collusion Hoax.
She's was great besides; deregulating wall street which resulted in the biggest financial crisis of our lifetimes, regime change in Libya which is now a hotbed for slave labour and instability, The crime bill which expanded the prison industrial complex, support NAFTA and TPP which results in millions of good paying jobs going overseas, supporting IRAQ and Afghanistan wars... Otherwise she was amazing... Go girl
Hillary did not der\serve the presidency. I want someone who will fight for working class people and work to implement positive changes
Very well-paid and financially beneficial (book deals, etc) service mind you. Not the kind of public service which should be seen as virtuous when there comes so much personal gain.
@@johnbluebeard4355 you know its possible to talk about hilary sucks without being completely wrong right?
Can someone please tell me why she is considered “unlikeable”?
"Can someone please tell me why she is considered “unlikeable”?" Hahaha! She's the most conniving self-centered politician ever. Way worse than the orange man.
She’s extremely two faced.
She’s dangerous.
There are many voters so many reasons. Yes, there are those who are deplorable. But I believe if enough people were able to vote for a black man, they could also vote for a woman.
So it has mostly to do with Obama's betrayal of his promises, the explicit and implicit ones. No universal health care, not even public option. "ObamaCare" was nothing but RomneyCare rebranded. No housing as a civil right. No debt-free high education. No green new deal. A cabinet dictated and populated by Citibank. Bailing out Wall Street and the bankers but not the little man who lost his house. Complaining that there is no popular grassroots movement to push him to progressive action, and at the same time bulldozing away "Occupy Wall Street". Passive, leading from behind. Great speeches and intelligent sense of humor, in warm resonant voice - and very little actions. Grabbed the Nobel Peace Prize, but not only did not end the regime-changing wars, but expanded them from 2 to 7. Deported more illegal immigrants than any other president before or after him. Can you see a pattern here?
As Obama himself admitted, he was a moderate Republican president.
Voting for Hillary would have been for many independent voters a vote to continue the Obama legacy.
And here came along an eccentric colorful and blatant challenger, who made lots of populist promises to make America great again. Many fell for his lies. And even after they realized he was nothing but a liar, they stuck with him because he gave them a sense of inflicting pain on the left that betrayed and abandoned them.
With the lukewarm progressiveness of Biden, what do you expect to happen in 2024? Biden was hardly elected even with Trump's colossal failure with covid.
Good for Hillary! Do your thing!! I’m planning to join the master class really
@@ThxGod_ItsOver You sound like a stable person... 😂 A master class is a class given to students of a particular discipline by an expert of that discipline-usually music, but also science, painting, drama, games, or on any other occasion where skills are being developed.
@@BigGretchBlessed A master class is a class given to students of a particular discipline by an expert of that discipline SATAN HAS YOUR MIND NOT MINE BTW GENERIC EINSTEIN YOU WOULD BE BETTER SERVE3D NOT DEFLECTING FROM YOUR FLAWS CONSIDERING HUMAN TRAFFICKING IS INHUMANE!!
16TH PREZ explained to the crowd: “I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races … I am not nor ever have been in favor of making voters or jurors of Negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people; and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races from living together on terms of social and political equality.
@@ThxGod_ItsOver Satan has your mind. I can see it. God gave me the ability to be able to sense demons, and you have been taken over by a very dominant one. You need to pray and ask the Lord for forgiveness ASAP, or call an exorcist ASAP. I wish you the best in your quest for cleansing, whether you can do it personally or with an experienced person. Good luck, my friend.
Madame President!!!!!!!!!!!
Hillary is smart, sharp, and savvy. Too bad this country can't take that from a woman at the White House.
She is a CRIMINAL!!!!
She is dishonest to the core. Power hungry and remember Bengazhi? Americans killed for no reason. Blood on her hands.
Warmonger and savvy liar to fool those with cursory attention
I’d vote for her AGAIN in a HEARTBEAT! We love you HRC !
You’re a good bloke, Brock.
@James M says the keyboard warrior.
Is vote for her too. A clear subject matter expert, and wholly self aware person in one- sign me up.
Shes like the clap she never goes away😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣
Irreverent trolls apparently don't either.
I like her. She would make a great president if this country would ever allow it....
"She would make a great President if this country would ever allow it"
Never gonna happen😂😂😂 #Trump24
This wasn't an interview. It was an infomrcial for a self help online course of some kind. It's a shame because it could have been an interesting interview.
Love her
Okay cat lady
@@dellbank7696 purrrrrr 😽
She hit all the nails on the head. Smart woman. I voted for her.
Bless your heart😂😂😂
@189KansasCity you might live in millenial midwestern north america but you do not live in reality. Your border policies would do nothing but hurt the economy. We have a labor shortage and a mass die off from a pandemic. Your claim of security is a conspiracy theory rooted in racism more than facts. Trumps tax cuts also do NOTHING for the economy and just line the pockets of wealthy people. The rich do not need or deserve tax cuts. Especially when most technological advancements have been done through government funding as private individuals are too scared to actually invest in these things. People like steve jobs and elon musk just had engineers assemble things tax money created and youre over here arguing to give them tax breaks to not pay back their loans? This is insane.
You can literally look at the economic policy under pinochet in chile and see this doesnt work. You can look at how the IMF and the world bank have moved to more progressive inclusive economic institutions vs pushing tax cuts and free markets. Seriously go open a book.
I suggest starting with Why nations fail by daron acemoglu, how democracies die by levitsky, and the entrprenuerial state by mazzacuto.
Patty. You think a woman who doesnt win presidential elections has the creditials to talk about what wins elections? This woman is beyond arrogant. She literally lost to a far right reality tv show host. You are a cultist not someone with a valid opinion.
She should be in her second term :( I’ll never get over it.
I’m not American, but I agree with you. She was the best qualified candidate for sure.
I'll never get over it either, when I hear her speak I always think that's our true President right now.
@@GB-fe1ci at least trumps gone 😁
Jeffrey knew her and Bill well
Bill was a regular on Epstein's island
@@chrisharder4854 Yes, They are great friends with Harvey Weinstein too
I guess everybody forgot of the photo of bill in the monica lewinsky dress on epstein property.
@@Hartleymolly A very large picture I don't know but it's been told. Hillary and Bill , liked them young, not too old.
But his buddy was Trump don't you think?
So Smart and intelligent, stays on topic, can actually put a sentence together and makes sense 🙏🏼💝.
Way to zing President Biden
Give it another booster shot, that mental competence is just another obstacle to success.
are you talking nice about this person who called people deplorables because they didnt vote for her and she lost the election. talk about a sore looser and she is a looser. she thought she was going to win. i loved it , she got her just cause the witch.
@@florashears8946 "loser"
@traida111 hahahahaha 😜😆😜😆😜
Willie drinks the kool aid for NBC...hardly a meaningful interview.
Lapdog Willie . He's irrelevant with his "interviews".
Thanks for posting the whole interview! Such an inspiring women!
Jeff. Do your homework . She is the most corrupt
Nothing inspiring about her... she is a nightmare
I love her.
Hillary Clinton would have been a great President of the United States. She is smart and committed to helping people and it is obvious that she truly loves this country.
Hillary would have made an amazing President. I am proud to say I voted for her.
I'm proud she lost. THANK GOD!
Me too. I also contributed to her campaign. I assumed it would either be Hillary or Jeb, and I was ok with either one. But Trump?? We New Yorkers knew everything we needed to know.
This is a great video. I cried when she lost the presidential election. You can't deny her education background, experience, work ethic and professionalism. I honestly feel that she would have made an amazing president.
Then you know nothing about the Clintons. Perhaps you should read Clintons circle of death, watch Clinton chronicles, or read Clinton cash . Her employees described her as walking talking evil. The Clinton foundation was a way for them to get rich. Watch the blacks picketing the Clinton foundation. Why? They collected 1 million 40 thousand dollars for Haiti and Haiti got 40,000 and Clintons kept the million. Totally legal. She ripped off the poorest people in the world
Are you an irredeamable? Pretty sure I am.
Same here, plus how many wouldn't of died from xovid.
Thank you Willie and Secretary Clinton. What a pleasure.
This country would be in a very different place had popular vote won in 2016.
Totally different. We took a huge L, and we’re still paying the price.
Intelligent as a park lake duck 👌
Mr. Clinton much love and blessing to you and love ones always
remember the deplorable word she used
I am glad she is out of the public eye. Let's keep it that way.
She never is because she has something substantial to say.
@@bertabermudez7674 she's an evil witch. It's all deceptive lies that spew out of her mouth.
Im sure he meant Hilary Duff..
@@bertabermudez7674 Well - let's wait for that moment then. This is an unhinged loser - Bill should take pity on her and help her to stop making a fool of herself.
Excellent interview. I learned the importance of resilience and grace under loss.
Sarcasm, right? Please?
Girl, please….
omg- where have you been? It's a lot of learning you have to do.
this woman is evil
Nothing says “grace under loss” like refusing to accept the results of the 2016 election _after voluntarily saying_ “we have to accept the results of the election” then proceeding to blame _everyone and everything but herself_ for that loss 🤣🤡🤣🤡🤣🤡🤣🤡🤣🤡🤣🤡🤣🤡🤣🤡🤣🤡🤣🤡
She’s a legendary mind and world figure. What a loss that she was not our president.
Wow, time to pull the wool away from your eyes.
After her total screw up at Benghazi I'm so glad she never got in. I bet Vince Foster's relatives feel the same way.
Legend in her own mind and yours 😂
Even as a republican, I cannot deny that she is legendary.. a legendary criminal
I would vote Bernie over Hillary, but if it were Hillary vs. Donald I would vote Hillary.
But to the point, Americans whose lives were destroyed by capitalism (even if they blame "something" else like the libz, Russia, China, gays or whatever) don't really care about her intellect and book-knowledge. They want universal health care (or they would fall in love with it if it were enforced on them), housing as a civil right, end of student debt. BUT she was not going to give them all that "Denmark stuff" because she is a slave of Wall Street. So enough angry desperate people fell for the empty populist promises of Donald. Enough to have him win the electoral college.
Should I blame Obama and Hillary, the Wall Street shills? I don't think that would be a productive approach. People like them will always be around. It's the defective political system (that was of course designed by the capitalist ruling class) which makes such people into being the only relevant options.
Best interview with Hillary Clinton I have ever seen spellbinding captivating so informative
We love this woman. She is stronger than ever. All that hate did not work! She still the same person that said "women rights are human rights... " What a great example of a woman that knows how to stand up and move forward despite criticism!
She talks a long time here and she's not bad mouthing people. Instead all she talks about is helping and serving other people. Thank you Madam President.
She lost.
@@Laura-vt7mc the PEOPLE chose her for your information miss Laura.
Jesus she would have been amazing in the Whitehouse. She is so intelligent, not just brains but deep emotional intelligence. Such a critical thinker, and can articulate her thoughts so perfectly.
You are joking right?
@@SuperGinbob yes she makes me sick too.
I agree. We missed out on great president when Trump cheated himself into the oval office...
@@yellyman5483 oh you mean Biden cheated. He even admitted it on camera. Look it up.
You look great. I am so proud of you. I have often admired your strength. Today after listen to your interview. I have developed an "I can attitude". I believe that I can continue to grow stronger, and to be of great help to so many who have gone through such pain as you have.. Remember you are precious and I thank God for your Master Class.
She is evil. Fact!!
well looks like your looser lost the presidency. precious gag me was she precious before or after she called the people deplorable?
UA-cam wouldn't shut off the dislikes if they were PRO LEFT.
If the dislikes weren't so hateful
@@williamlarson275 Lucky for you I have restraint. ✌
@@speaktruth9631 right. Cops are there/here for a reason
She is quite popular now. Her approval rating as secretary of state was over 60%.
@@williamlarson275 what does that even mean? You ok?
Amazing woman ....listen to her everyone
🤣🤣A witch 🧙♀️ is what she is not only a witch..but evil wicked with alots of blood on her hands ✋ 😕
she is an amazing deplorable
You people are duuuuuumb
Time really bring deeper understanding. Appreciate depthness of the interviewer and the versatility of the answers.
I think she would have deserved to just collapse when she was done! She will not. She is so strong
She is SO SMART! I just hate how she has been vilified.
Thanks, Hill, Willie.
Admiration and respect to Secretary of State and Senator Clinton. Oh, how I wish things had turned out differently.
How is that? You mean the endless wars she was for or simply for going after and silencing women who accused her hubby of sticky fingers? Trump as a freak he is and was, exposed political games both parties play. If america was a democracy you would have more than two parties. PERIOD.
@@danijelkatic4830 Perhaps you’re right about the two-party system. Do you have any solutions?
@@wotan10950 You mean I am right about all of the things I said and solution is you not buying into what this woman is saying and demand liberal party system. Its funny how American politicians are all for liberal economy yet they are blocking liberal party system. Because it's not about democracy and freedom, its about profit, guns, wars, exploitation, drug companies etc.
Rule number one stay away from the demon Moloch. Her treachery shows in her face.
imagine believing someone who's had 47 people who knew them die 12 of which were body guards..
and Ghislaine Maxwell was at her daughters wedding...
Excellent interview
Has she given up on being President? She shouldn't.
Yes she should, no one likes her and her voice is worse than claws on the blackboard...horrible, simply horrible.
@@jaynumb8673 I like her.
@@theywerenotslaves That doesn't define you. You'll get better.
I hope she runs again. She'll lose again! I'll never vote for that crook.
@@xavierlogistics4057 And you? Does your sarcasm make you superior? Or just mean?
Ugh the most unlikable figure in history. But how is her not ever letting go of losing the 2016 election, a master class?
Think of how you feel when something that you thought for sure you were going to have slips out of your hands. It is a form of grief. And she is trying to show people that there is resilience after death, divorce, loss of a job, or any other occurrence that is crushing.
Please don’t ever run again.
She's so savvy, warm, and wise...always! Willie really asked open and deepening questions...a beautiful way of drawing her out. As I listen I'm recalling the grief I felt in 2016. Called my sister the day after the election and said "I feel like the day Mom died." Thank you Hillary for YOUR incredible resilience..that you still care so much about this country is evidence of it! Loved your new novel, State of Terror. Stay safe and well and please keep inspiring us with your vision, resilience and growth! Thank you for stepping back into the public sphere...your honesty, grace, vision and care are needed more than ever! I can STILL see you as our first woman President!
She cared about the country to the extent she could profit from it.
Rachel Eryn Kalish
@@socrat33z She did profit for sure. She and Bill came into power at a time when that was the norm...and I think it's what tanked her, ultimately. But no one can doubt her brilliance and vision and care for our country right?
All I want to do with this video is looking at the number of dislikes, but thanks to youtube I can't.
People like you (haters) are the reason UA-cam decided to hide the number of dislikes from viewers.
@@ufo_u I can see that you’re a hater yourself
@@ufo_u I totally agree. So much hate near Jesus bd also! I wish I had her class when all the lies were thrown at her, she showed up to Congress for 2 days & I watched every sec with her dignity answering their questions.These haters hate her but love the man who didn't answer his subpoenas & wouldn't show his tax returns. OK If Bill did more than Maxwell & she stays with Bill I will chg much opinion. They could have an open marriage not my buis, but little girls. Monica was young but he never got Monica off just her plsing him. I don't call that a relation if only one got happy, NOT.
yeah i hear you that is pretty chicken s--t of utube to do that. but they wont silence us we can still put our dislike comments in their like comments of hilary unless u tube stops that too,.
I'm still with her... 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Why do she can lose to Trump again? I'm good.
Me too!
@@ec6133 well you’re about to be big mad when she wins her third run. (: she has been validated on everything she warned of. The trump army is boiling down to their best and dumbest. See you in 2024 🥳
Best interview of Hillary I’ve seen!
Her best is the one with Howard Stern, go watch it and come back to tell me I'm right :)
Talk about the Apparatuses that we shouldn’t use anymore.
OK who are here actually wishes you to cut the dislikes because I want to see how many people dislike this ik i did
Lol definitely a lot.
One of The original developers of UA-cam, Jawad said this was the dumbest thing UA-cam ever did.
Yah why do they shut off the Dislikes?! That’s telling for sure.
Because they protect the powerful who protect them. They were fine with dislikes about Trump, but they didn't want people seeing that Biden's message was not liked and forming an opinion that he was wrong because others did as well. Its basic psychology. There was a professor named Epstein (not the criminal) who said social media could be worth 11 million votes.
By the way you can still see the dislikes if you use a chrome browser with a plug in. The count is still there, just not displayed
I look up to you so much Hillary, I know I may never meet you but you will always have a supporter and a defender in me. I appreciate all the effort over all of the years you have put in to make our country a better place. I love you, Happy New Years.
Is that you, Bill?
Weird… does this guy think she’s reading his comments on UA-cam? 🤣
@@greenlion6544 Did you watch the interview? She specifically said people will never meet me they will only see her from camera to video interviews. This is my way of putting into the universe that I support her. And who knows maybe someone will show her and she will know "Chad Gray" loves her.
@@chadgray3150 I just vomited all over your comment .
@@stacyharris4824 Trying to make people feel bad just for the sake of it. I hope you find peace in your life. Bye Ms. Harris.
Question: "How do you feel about the 30+ ish flights your husband had with Jeffrey Eppstein, and did he show any of the videoes?"
First of all, where did you this information from? Second, why is what her husband does her problem?
It’s all available in declassified documents
I would ask what she considers her
greatest accomplishments
There are some who find it hard
to figure out what she has done as First Lady. Senator. Etc etc
Excellent point Eva!!!
She got Trump elected!
Don't be stupid.
Eva, as First Lady she was a lot more politically active than most, of course, making some stuff ups, but also she was Secretary of State under Obama, not just Senator. I don't agree with her hawkish politics, but I think she is a seasoned politician, with notable flaws.
I’d say it’s probably getting away with working with Epstein and the 100’s of friends she has that have committed suicide!😏
Hillary is Brilliant.
I’m guessing this is Hilary on a secret account 😂
Literally, she always gives an excellent interview 👍🏾🙏🏾
She was on the Congress hot seat for 2 days answering all their questions & mine too with Benghazi bc I lost a good friend there. She answered with dignity & class. She asked for help but Pentagon did a paper shovel. Never learned if they did that bc she was a female or they do that to males also. Trump has never turned up for any of them
@@spicyirwin5835 You wouldn't be okay with Benghazi if you really lost a friend there. Stop lieing to sound cool pos
Yes, when she cackled and said, "we came. we saw. he died." That was really great. It showed her for the psychopath she is.
You are a tough and inspiring lady as well
Fake account!!
She is amazing
@A2GSzn at being what we should've had in office.
@A2GSzn nice ur obviously a right wing nut. Enjoy ur flight.
OH YOU MEAN TRUMP who had rallies that were nothing but hate speech, he was the most unprofessional, racist president. who started a domestic terrorist attack on our nations capital.
@@conniedean3787 I am black and I have watched every Trump rally. Not once have I heard any hate speech. Just because people disagree with you does not make them racist. That word is so over used that nobody takes it seriously anymore. They just roll their eyes. Stop trying to demonize people who disagree with you. That's what communists do.
@@stacyharris4824 "Kung Flu"? I mean that literally comes up top of mind. But It's adorable that you haven't heard any hate speech coming from Trump. And Bless... You used the word "Communist" yet you have no clue what that means...
@@stacyharris4824 Connie you’re a bot or you’re as soulless a a bot
@@stacyharris4824 Says the Christian Fascist, literally demonizing Communists, to paint communists as the ones that do this? Yes.... do tell us how you are "above," all that.
Thank you for this video.
A real interview with Tim Pool would be a better interview
It would have been nice has there been tougher questions. But I guess since the dems pretty much own the press it's only lightweight questions. It would be embarrassing for her to get back in the run for President. Reading her acceptance speech was too funny really. Sad really.
@@bethanyhealy4989 I like Hillary, and I didn’t vote for Donald. (Too much history because he didn't pay my mom's Manhattan printing company $350k in the 1980s; they took a chance that he'd pay when he had his casinos, but alas, the rumors were correct from those other New Yorkers who said he wouldn't pay.)
She was never President, but Donald was. So if you apply the same standards to Hillary, why has Donald never been pressed with tougher questions? When he has, he calls them 'nasty', or some other third-grader insult.
Tim Pool? Are you serious? The maybe/maybe-not simp? He's a joke.
Tim Pool is in reality *Meg Griffin,* all grown up and transitioned.
Did no one read the title of this interview?? If you wanted something else why not find that subject and watch that? KWITCHERBITCHIN
How we were robbed we not to have had this brilliant woman as our president. She is so knowledgeable about process and policy, and has a great understanding of people.
She’s a hypocrite and a fraud. Never worked a real job in her life & lived off of taxpayer dollars.
No, that would be Trump
Bwahahahahaa you people all have blinders on.
Hillary would have made an amazing President !!!!! You missed the mark USA !! Donald over her !!!! Shake your head
Trust me, many of us are.
Can’t wait to watch. As a Republican man, I admire her courage and wisdom!
That's me as a liberal loving the work of Liz Cheney.
Are you drinking?
God bless you! It would've been nice to see America elect for the very first time a woman.
@@LuzdoSol00 Liz Chaney is a Liberal 😂
@@Bori17 I know she is. Have you seen her on 60 mins interview talking about her lesbian sister and the misconception she had about the LGBT?
I simply admire and love you Mrs. Hillary Clinton and what you represent to me and to countless of your admirers- strong, confident, kind and elegant in your many ways .
There's a whole bunch of BS in that comment. What did she do? She stayed with a nasty "has been" who openly cheats on her. She is weak minded fool. Maybe if she showed some dignity and divorced that pedo freak a long time ago, America would respect her.
@@ahoggan230a.k.a.SweetSunset Emails needs to be seen
oh you just gag me you must not have been one of the deplorables, mrs hilary clinton that name didnt mean nothing to slick willy when he was having an affair with monica did it., no sympathy for monica either cus it takes two to tangle
Probably one of the most cringe Things I’ve seen in a while
I am so proud to have voted for Hillary in 2016. What an amazing woman.
Amazing women??? She aloud our military to be slaughtered in Benghazi!!! Go watch the movie. Then Hillary told one of the fallen offices mothers TO GET OVER IT.
@@lolajtek3676 AMEN! She is a precursor of the antiChrist
GENESIS 1 :26-27 KJV= OUR IMAGE, GENSIS 2:7 KJV= MAN BECAME A LIVING SOUL, GENESIS 2:11 -15 KJV AFRICA = AFRICAN RACE UA-cam - BORGIO / JESUS PART 1 UA-cam - NO WHITE JESUS / WHO IS JESUS 1:20 UA-cam - Bill Nye Uses Science to Explain Why Racism Doesn’t Make Sense UA-cam - "Blacks Are Gods People. You Better Shut Your White Mouth" Alabama Preacher Puts His Entire Church On Front Street!
You will lose again if you run
If buffoon Donald Trump runs again he will lose
She would've handled the pandemic a lot better than trump
Lmao this is the funniest thing I’ve seen in awhile 😂😂😂
Trump as president what a joke
Great interview, I have always thought she was a brilliant woman, as women we have much to learn from our world, ourselves… Love and respect to her and whatever her endeavors in future may be…she would have been a great president…. Because she continues to learn and grow ….helps us to see our selves in different light. Thank you So much for this up close and personal view👍😁
She has taken many kids lives are you delusional
Yes she would have made a great president. The American people would have been warned earlier about covid-19 and she would have done a better job at controlling it and would have never suggested us to drink disinfectant.
@@Ree-vn9dc you are.kidding right, you need to open your eyes and you will learn of this one highest evil. Turn off the lies on your TV you have no clue what your talking about if you knew the half of what this vile one has done to many many humans you would not ever say that again
oh who pays you to think
She should have been President. Our lose.☹️
Amazing woman , hi Hillary you have surely made your mark … your family, friends and nation are blessed to have you … greetings from your fan in East Africa Uganda.
Original _"masterclass"_ video:
*"Like" ratio to views: 0.13% !!!* 👈😂
Such wisdom from a wonderful woman of service.
I haven't been a fan of Hillary before but seeing this interview completely changed my opinion of her. Too bad she couldn't show this side of herself when she was running for a president.
She did, you just didn't want to see it. I feel like she was exactly this same way. Which is why she had my vote. Maybe you just didn't listen to her then, the way you did now?
Because the other candidate was showing a lot of integrity and character? Impeached twice. Can't form a sentence. Can't accept defeat. Can't comb his hair. Can't stay in a marriage. Can't accept defeat. Deserved repeating (his defeat, not his horrible presidency). Yes. I'm in the "Orange Man Bad" crew because that is truth...he's absolutely f*cking awful. And don't say otherwise....such a horrible human being. And just as dumb as his supporters.
@@myalumina548 I couldn't agree with you more about Trump and didn't and won't support him. However what I was trying to say is that during her campaign she didn't gave me the same impression as she did in this interview.
@@kenpreston6146 agreed
She would have been a fantastic President. What a loss for the USA and the world too
thank god she lost
I love love hearing from Hillary. I want more from her. She is a light that we need to have shine.
Woman is a corrupt witch and you’re a fake shill
APROPERATE...give it up.
UA-cam removed the dislikes. Doesn’t matter, we still know the like to dislike ratio would be insane on this video. There would be thousands of dislikes compared to the barely 400 likes. 🤣🤣
I've noticed that UA-cam has been removing dislikes from a lot, perhaps all, of the videos I've been watching for the past month +, and I watch a lot of scientific and nutrition videos. Perhaps they've changed their format.
The ONLY side that has to CENSOR is the LEFT.......The recent disable of the thumbs down is because the American people SEE. 👀👀👀👀👀👀
Heather, 9000 thumbs up.
@@speaktruth9631 absolutely!
We need to have the NYPD release Weiner's Insurance Policy, NOW, more than ever!
You are a Russian troll or a gullible ignorant Faux News fan - either way you are peddling lies