Back in the day, I took a Canon 30D away for a four day overseas trip, along with a charger and a couple of batteries. But I only used one battery, despite taking hundreds of pictures. DSLR battery life is amazing. Even now, DSLR's of that time are still very decent for general photography.
I'll take all the cheap DSLR's and lenses that everyone doesn't want! Sometimes I still miss my old learner Pentax with its ccd. Thing is only worth double digits of dollars including the lens on it, but I could have no other camera and still fill a gallery with great photos. The 6D's just spoiling me.
I need to check do i don't have break-in to house, i got exactly same set, D90+35/1.8 + 50/1.8 + 18-105 + this same Lowpro bag and keep them all in there ;) Crazy.
D90-Specific Lightroom Preset Pack Now Available:
You've inspired me to keep my D90! And saved me $$$! Thanks!
Back in the day, I took a Canon 30D away for a four day overseas trip, along with a charger and a couple of batteries. But I only used one battery, despite taking hundreds of pictures. DSLR battery life is amazing. Even now, DSLR's of that time are still very decent for general photography.
Yes still LOTS of good features for DSLR's - even today :)
I'll take all the cheap DSLR's and lenses that everyone doesn't want!
Sometimes I still miss my old learner Pentax with its ccd. Thing is only worth double digits of dollars including the lens on it, but I could have no other camera and still fill a gallery with great photos. The 6D's just spoiling me.
I need to check do i don't have break-in to house, i got exactly same set, D90+35/1.8 + 50/1.8 + 18-105 + this same Lowpro bag and keep them all in there ;)
Awesome stuff :) Yeah super compact set-up :)
Hi Guys,What is the model of you bag? :)))))))
On top of zoom, I would pick to carry just one of 35/1.8 or 50/1.8.
I have Nikon ff, Fuji X and Olympus systems. Heading to Spain next week and going to challenge myself by taking my D80 with a manual 35mm f2. 😊
Thank you.
I must have one set
Where did you get the camera strap?