OMPHOBBY M4 Racing Yellow - 1850RPM & 1500RPM Low Headspeed



  • @adam.gibson
    @adam.gibson 11 місяців тому

    What is neat about 1800 RPM is that makes it look like the blades are stopped with 60 fps video. Each frame is half a rotation. 1800rpm / 60 seconds = 30 rotations per second. You know it is exactly at 1800 rpm when the blade stays the same spot (well technically you see the opposite blade every frame in the same spot). You can see when the blades go slower or faster than 1800 rpm. If from above the blades, the blades go clockwise, then they are speeding up and when the blades are going counter-clockwise, the blades are slowing down.
    If you slow the video down to 0.25 fps in youtube, it is interesting seeing when the slow down and speed up on some of the manuevers. Also funny listening to Jonas talking like he is drunk :).

  • @FlyingPolak
    @FlyingPolak Рік тому +1

    It looks quite happy at those RPMs! No head bobbles or lack of tail authority! Incredible.

  • @bladex9061
    @bladex9061 Рік тому

    Grateful to Jonas and OMP for this release - really couldnt buy anything for a while as most mainstream offerings required higher headspeeds for the tail to hold or larger than required tail servos. Will definitely get one when budget allows.

  • @whirlybirdrc
    @whirlybirdrc Рік тому +2

    Cant wait to get one myself if my wallet allows me.
    Such a nice heli. Love my direct drive birds!
    Nice flying as always Jonas.

  • @hubiralf6588
    @hubiralf6588 Рік тому +1

    what a super cool heli and above all what a super nice flight from you. An absolute feast for the eyes!😍❤️

  • @carlhaentjens3548
    @carlhaentjens3548 Рік тому

    Congrats with your creation!!! Nice done Jonas👌

  • @schmydstify
    @schmydstify Рік тому

    Great model and flying!


    low RPM is magic !

    • @cutefox8319
      @cutefox8319 Рік тому

      True! You can hear blades sound and enjoy how they cut the air, while in high RPM you mostly hear just high buzz. Not to mention how beautifully and calm heli floats with low RPM.

    • @GrimesRic
      @GrimesRic Рік тому

      @@cutefox8319 i love both! low rpm is a dream to watch & fly but also the blade "farts" on high rpm and an agressive flying style are really goosebumps-giving

  • @Thejasond1979
    @Thejasond1979 Рік тому +1

    Wow you nailed it Jonas will get one in Santa Barbara

  • @FPVJoschi
    @FPVJoschi 11 місяців тому

    Hey Jonas,
    Einen echt coolen Heli habt ihr da auf die Beine gestellt.
    Rumcruisen mit 1500 RPM Headspeed sieht echt entspannt aus.
    Freue mich schon auf weitere Videos!
    Beste Grüße,

  • @adam.gibson
    @adam.gibson Рік тому

    I just got mine flying today... first flight at 1550 to 1600 rpm. I am so surprised at how quiet it is at that RPM when hovering. Fun build.

  • @garyowen3743
    @garyowen3743 Рік тому


  • @adam.gibson
    @adam.gibson Рік тому +1

    Thank you! This is exactly the info I wanted to see. I was worried the tail wouldn't hold at lower headspeeds with slower smooth precise type maneuvers. I prefer lower head speed and more f3c type flying. I realize this isn't appropriate size for it but that is how I like flying and don't really find the 3d flight as entertaining to me.
    I have my finger on the preorder button and was about to cancel because I wasn't sure how it would handle low rpm without trying to modify it.

    • @Johnny31297
      @Johnny31297  Рік тому +2

      I'm one step ahead of you. If it will fly, the tail will hold. Down to 1200RPM.

  • @adam.gibson
    @adam.gibson Рік тому

    Funny that you had to help it over the top at 3:38 at such extremely low 1500 RPM.

  • @Soryt
    @Soryt Рік тому

    Sounds so nice , like to have this drive system in a scale helicopter ( i cant fly 3D)

  • @sawyerheslep8493
    @sawyerheslep8493 Рік тому +4

    Bruh can we get detailed overview on this bad girl!?

  • @lu_is_flying
    @lu_is_flying Рік тому


  • @cutefox8319
    @cutefox8319 Рік тому

    Wow, the lowest speed i saw was T-Rex 470LP with 1800 RPM.. but.. 1500 RPM?? Just wow. I wonder what weight of this heli is? Without battery.

  • @automaton450
    @automaton450 Рік тому

    GOO-gly eyes up
    in the SKY! 🤔🤣

  • @Johs_Heli_Videos
    @Johs_Heli_Videos 26 днів тому

    Welcher Regler macht denn diese geringe Regleröffnung mit ? Habe schon von MOtorabstellern beim M4 gehört aufgrund von zuviel Teillast... bei 1500RPM stell ich mir echt die Frage wie das geht? danke vorab

  • @Backyard_Buzzard
    @Backyard_Buzzard Рік тому

    what lipo size cg the best

  • @Bastian_BK
    @Bastian_BK 7 місяців тому

    3:06 1500 RPM

  • @adam.gibson
    @adam.gibson Рік тому

    I wish we could see your stick moves doing this at 1800 rpm. I bet they are all over the place with pitch needing lots of input.

  • @Twx97
    @Twx97 Рік тому

    Fine i will pre order 😢

  • @olegrini6688
    @olegrini6688 Рік тому

    what esc are you flying in this one?

  • @adarad
    @adarad Рік тому

    Are they newb friendly

  • @Dumb_horror_guy
    @Dumb_horror_guy Рік тому

    do you need to build it

  • @WatsitTooyah
    @WatsitTooyah Рік тому

    Sold out 😭

    • @Johnny31297
      @Johnny31297  Рік тому

      Not sold out, just not available yet. Give it 2-3 weeks ☺

    • @SplitHairz
      @SplitHairz Рік тому

      @@Johnny31297 Can you fly this on 3s?

    • @Johnny31297
      @Johnny31297  Рік тому

      @@SplitHairz At low RPM, should be possible. Not sure if it will do 3D though.

    • @SplitHairz
      @SplitHairz Рік тому

      @@Johnny31297 I'm old...LOL No 3d here.