The benefit of this siding strategy is due to losing even more game 1's due to sub-optimal ratios, you'll be getting more game 3s to take advantage of your siding strategy!
On the monarch front, I've had success on DB ladder (not that that says a lot) with 3 Zaborg, 1 Blade Knight, 1 DDWL and 1 MoF for LIGHTs, 3 Spy, 3 Tomato, 1 Don Zaloog and 1 Sangan for DARKs with 2 RotA in the main deck. I'm playing Will Monarch though, so I wanted Exiled Force for Last Will and then wanted RotA for Exiled Force. Games 2 and 3 you change the warriors depending on the match up, it's worked quite well for me. But I'm also a sucker for RotA.
Interesting! I would call it compromised main deck, cause it really is just that simple. This was very counterintuitive for me is bc despite knowing how dramatic side decking is, im still stuck with the idea that a perfect main deck does exist. Once i let go of this idea, I can start sacrificing in my main not only counters to matchups but also even my own synergy, if it means that my deck will be better overall post siding
Nice video. I have a somewhat similar problem with goat warrior (but that would apply to goat control as well). My level 1 count is like 5/6 game 1 with 2 goat but I want to cut the faith game 2. Of course I bring in the 3rd goat but I always have to leave a faith "for ratio". Meta being that good against warrior. I wonder what other lv1 you could play against an aggressive strategy.
That was actually one of the things that I tried! I found that this didn't work too well simply because, without the 2nd Sorcerer, the deck didn't have enough threats and had trouble closing out games. Even though Chaos Sorcerer is mostly played for its effect, its 2300 attack turns out to be quite relevant when it comes to achieving your win condition: reducing your opponent's lifepoints to zero.
I guess I would consider it a "flex slot"? If you're playing DD Warrior Lady, who is also light, I'd play Blade Knight and A ROTA. Thins your deck and acts like an additional light. Easy card to side out as well.
It's definitely something that you can try. Perhaps RotA still has some untapped potential in Goat Format (as a utility card, rather than a build-around card).
blade knight doesnt seem to work in a chaos deck. Siding only 1 copy means that I will draw it late. When I draw it, I will already have monsters on the field so its effect becomes useless.
Honestly, I would probably have picked Hysterica Fairy there if you really want to have something G1. It's still worse case an 1800 Vanilla beater. Still gets over or trades even with most of the stuff in the format.
Siding out BLS with the lights is a huge brain play. Awesome strategy, I will try this
The benefit of this siding strategy is due to losing even more game 1's due to sub-optimal ratios, you'll be getting more game 3s to take advantage of your siding strategy!
I woulnd't say that u would lose more game 1's in the mirror, cause ur opponent plays most likely with sub-optimal light ratios aswell.
On the monarch front, I've had success on DB ladder (not that that says a lot) with 3 Zaborg, 1 Blade Knight, 1 DDWL and 1 MoF for LIGHTs, 3 Spy, 3 Tomato, 1 Don Zaloog and 1 Sangan for DARKs with 2 RotA in the main deck.
I'm playing Will Monarch though, so I wanted Exiled Force for Last Will and then wanted RotA for Exiled Force.
Games 2 and 3 you change the warriors depending on the match up, it's worked quite well for me.
But I'm also a sucker for RotA.
Interesting! I would call it compromised main deck, cause it really is just that simple.
This was very counterintuitive for me is bc despite knowing how dramatic side decking is, im still stuck with the idea that a perfect main deck does exist.
Once i let go of this idea, I can start sacrificing in my main not only counters to matchups but also even my own synergy, if it means that my deck will be better overall post siding
Nice video. I have a somewhat similar problem with goat warrior (but that would apply to goat control as well). My level 1 count is like 5/6 game 1 with 2 goat but I want to cut the faith game 2. Of course I bring in the 3rd goat but I always have to leave a faith "for ratio". Meta being that good against warrior. I wonder what other lv1 you could play against an aggressive strategy.
cant you improove on this concept by just siding 1 chaos sorc, and then game 2 and 3 you bring in 1 chaos sorc and the 6th light?
That was actually one of the things that I tried! I found that this didn't work too well simply because, without the 2nd Sorcerer, the deck didn't have enough threats and had trouble closing out games. Even though Chaos Sorcerer is mostly played for its effect, its 2300 attack turns out to be quite relevant when it comes to achieving your win condition: reducing your opponent's lifepoints to zero.
I guess I would consider it a "flex slot"? If you're playing DD Warrior Lady, who is also light, I'd play Blade Knight and A ROTA. Thins your deck and acts like an additional light. Easy card to side out as well.
It's definitely something that you can try. Perhaps RotA still has some untapped potential in Goat Format (as a utility card, rather than a build-around card).
@@GoatDuels rota, the ultimate upstart
blade knight doesnt seem to work in a chaos deck. Siding only 1 copy means that I will draw it late. When I draw it, I will already have monsters on the field so its effect becomes useless.
If you have monsters you can just hold it?
@@nigerianprinceajani I play it to deal with my opponents flip monsters, not to just sit dead in my hand.
is hysteric fairy in a chaos deck better than mystik wok?
can you make a relinquished deck from scratch video? i find it so hard to fit all the cards i want cuz the ritual engine takes up so much space haha
I am not sure he wants to make a video about a tier 4 deck, since his time is already limited.
Take his Zorc list and replace the Zorc cards with Relinquished cards.
Honestly, I would probably have picked Hysterica Fairy there if you really want to have something G1. It's still worse case an 1800 Vanilla beater. Still gets over or trades even with most of the stuff in the format.
Bls and metamorphosis can be lights and darks
If BLS is stuck in your hand it doesn't matter that it's LIGHT.
Also what LIGHT fusions are there except for the level 5+ ones?
Do you swap the light monster with a spell or trap?
This is really clever
I play dd warrior lady