Global Empire - Mexico's Killing Fields

  • Опубліковано 12 вер 2024


  • @swordoftruth8031
    @swordoftruth8031 7 років тому +31

    Anabel Hernández is enraged for all the right reasons as we all should be! All power and protection to you Anabel! From my view the rule of law no longer exists in most countries, the ruling elite are never prosecuted for their crimes and this is exactly the problem!

    • @PatheticHero
      @PatheticHero 7 років тому +5

      Well said, swordoftruth. You nailed it!
      Anabel Hernandez is one of the last journalists to tell the truth. And here in the USA good quality journalists are mostly being economically eliminated and I believe that soon some may well be killed. The USA at one time had good journalism, but then Ronald Reagan was elected and now it has successfully gotten worse. With horrible presidents like Geo. Bush, Bill Clinton, W Bush, Obama and now Trump.
      Now it is clear that the real power lies with those who are wealthy, the America is either a plutocracy or oligarchy, take your pick. And now it is easy to see that most of our politicians are either prostitutes or petty criminals.

  • @saysetha
    @saysetha 7 років тому +21

    A warrior of truth. Such bravery. Bless her.

  • @Sawul1
    @Sawul1 7 років тому +14

    I have a lot of respect and admiration for this woman

  • @shannonsunmoonvirgo
    @shannonsunmoonvirgo 5 років тому +7

    Love Anabel Hernandez! I admire her so much. She's incredibly brave and brilliant.

  • @edwardstabletoparmies955
    @edwardstabletoparmies955 7 років тому +9

    Harrowing and extremely disturbing. What a brave lady. I am full of admiration for her.

  • @chrsfavel5506
    @chrsfavel5506 4 роки тому +2

    imagine if the world had more journalist like her? The univeristies should study her and teach her methods. She really is amazing.

  • @FirstSuiGeneris
    @FirstSuiGeneris 7 років тому +5

    _Very powerful! She speaks truth about the whole thing._

  • @shannonsunmoonvirgo
    @shannonsunmoonvirgo 6 років тому +5

    My God I admire her so much

  • @philosoraptor6355
    @philosoraptor6355 6 років тому +2

    Anabel Hernandez is by far the most courageous and important journalist in Mexico, she ´s put her her life on the line so many times writing books in which she details the corruption of the highest figures in Mexican government and the fact that she is still alive in a country like Mexico is hard to comprehend....

  • @maryfilson4178
    @maryfilson4178 7 років тому +3

    We need to clean our govt too. No more war pigs, or corporate whores - Republican or Democrat .

  • @johnstockwellmajorsmedleyb1214
    @johnstockwellmajorsmedleyb1214 7 років тому +4

    Sad indeed that so many, even these two, believe that hierarchy will ever work out for them.
    Fact is it does not. The Dragon is the light that comes to burn down the tyranny, the knight is darkness attempting to slay the good.

  • @chrischandler3971
    @chrischandler3971 7 років тому +6

    The warrior woke up this morning and demands I protect this righteously angry woman so she can do her work and live to see the end of it. Ms Hernandez, I will stand beside you and take the hits so you can go on. Also, Ms Hernandez would make an excellent presidential candidate. Her fire and passion would serve Mexico and her people well. Please be careful.

  • @louisrichards2587
    @louisrichards2587 4 роки тому +2

    Legalize all drugs and the value would come down you will have more seller than buyer

  • @stuartcampbell3861
    @stuartcampbell3861 7 років тому +1

    Brave Woman this journalist i really hope she doesn't get killed by these thugs take care Anabel i'd say get out of Mexico you can still do your work from a safer place the world needs people like you to keep people informed

  • @craftycriminalistwithms.z3053
    @craftycriminalistwithms.z3053 3 роки тому

    Thank you, beyond belief, for this. I have just been inspired, I have just had a fire lit inside my heart, inside my soul, and beneath my feet to speak truth. I will do what I am able and what is possible for me to start conversations, and hopefully change within my country. If my countries media won’t cover its own corruption and my own government (which by the way is well know to many citizens) won’t publicly admit, nor have action, I will stand and make as many people as I can listen to what the truth is. Mucho respeto ✊ and muchas gracias for your bravery and inspiring wisdom!

  • @YourCapyPal_3DPipes1999
    @YourCapyPal_3DPipes1999 3 роки тому +1

    Wouldn't simple legalization solve many of these problems???
    At a minimum why can't Mexico legalize cannabis as it's a beautiful natural plant that is highly beneficial to ones health and it causes no harm. It's very ridiculous for any country to ban this harmless, valuable plant but especially Mexico where it's been part of the culture for 100s to 1000s of years.
    As for the harder drugs, all I can say is that as long as there is a demand there will be a supply. This is a fact of human existence. Some may not like that but it's no less a truism. Something I always ask people to keep in mind when discussing this subject; not all users are addicts, just like not all drinkers are alcoholics. They're just users. So not everything having to do with drugs is bad, in my eyes. I'm fact it is my belief that most people are NOT addicted and never will be, they just like to recreationally use. Now if it's MY body, why the HELL shouldn't that be my right??
    I condemn all violence and evil everywhere, but until governments stop forcing the production, sale and use of street drugs To be underground by necessity via criminalization, ALL of this will continue. When's the last time you had liquor "cartels" and liquor gangs shooting it out in the street?? Interestingly, ONLY in the 1920s during the US's Prohibition. Oh that's funny- alcohol was criminalized and targeted by punkrat cops and suddenly organized crime was all over it and then guess what???? violence followed. It always does.
    Huh. It's almost like if you (a government) CALL something a crime, it only attracts "criminals" and violent behavior! Maybe just letting people make decisions for themselves without a nanny state, control freak-style government always demanding the right to control everything; including the right of consenting adults to engage in business regarding manufactured substances; there wouldn't be the extreme violence issues resulting from the complex involvement of various so-called crime networks that we are now. That's my belief at least.
    But I haven't finished the video yet so I'm going to do that before going further and edit this response if necessary.

  • @FlordePrimavera81
    @FlordePrimavera81 5 років тому

    👏👏👏brave woman and she speaks full truth, best wishes for Anabel.

  • @MDM0915
    @MDM0915 Рік тому

    This is an old interview but Anabel would do herself a favor by avoiding clowns like this guy. He is not asking questions. He is just pontificating his biases.

  • @AlexOrozco-Social-Pariah
    @AlexOrozco-Social-Pariah 5 років тому +1

    Artists that speak up about what's wrong are almost extinct in MX because mexican education has killed creativity and outside the box thought. The system is pretty stale, I know people my age read as elementary school students and people got very low abstraction and reading comprehension habilities. Art has been depleated from budget and given to voracious and mediocre syndicates, institutionalizing mediocrity in exchange of joining the worship and political games. Art has the power to make people change and evolve their consciousness but systematically it has been stripped off from money, richness (variety) and public places, money has been spent in horribly degrading spectacles and feed unhealthy entertainment habits like football soccer almost being a cult. This makes a malleable and easy to please and distract population.

    • @craftycriminalistwithms.z3053
      @craftycriminalistwithms.z3053 3 роки тому

      The US tries to defund Art Programs constantly and the people have to constantly fight for the funding to keep the programs in place. I would argue though that Sports Programs are just as important as the Arts Programs. They both cultivate great things, open mindedness, team work, creativity, critical thinking skills, great problem solving skills, and the list goes on and on. If, and when the Mexicanos get their government for the good of the Mexican People, the Mexican People will need to fight for their public education programs.

  • @TheLoyalOfficer
    @TheLoyalOfficer 7 років тому +1

    They should call this the "Blame America" show.

    • @Lyraorganum
      @Lyraorganum 7 років тому

      Why not fuck America? :)

    • @AlexOrozco-Social-Pariah
      @AlexOrozco-Social-Pariah 5 років тому +1

      Money laundered in the US and guns and ammo coming from this place too says otherwise, but keep your head in your ass if you can't cope with reality.

    • @craftycriminalistwithms.z3053
      @craftycriminalistwithms.z3053 3 роки тому

      You’re blind, mute and deaf if you can’t understand that the United States is the number one consumer of the drugs in the world and that their is huge corruption on US soil from the top, behind the scenes and with the public faces. Wake up and realize the freaking truth, stop believing the fairytale that this country is some great place, or that it’s being Made Great never was that good and it definitely hasn’t gotten any better. In fact, there hasn’t been much improvement whatsoever. But, I am certain most, including yourself, believe in MAGA and that the United States can do no wrong especially when compared to México...realize that the US is the biggest issue and has the most blood on their hands, all over the world, including and especially in México. I am writing this as a US citizen, born and raised, who just wants their country to do right and be who they should be.

    • @craftycriminalistwithms.z3053
      @craftycriminalistwithms.z3053 3 роки тому

      @Stephen Murphy if you’re saying these reporters aren’t stating facts, I will challenge you saying you are in fact the fool and especially ignorant .

  • @mynameismynameis666
    @mynameismynameis666 6 років тому

    the only solution is to declare cocaine in mexico as legal as part of the cultural heritage
    as such the problem will shift to the societies creating the problem with their domestic legal status

  • @malachi5813
    @malachi5813 7 років тому +1

    the problem is human nature.

    • @TheWatsonGreen
      @TheWatsonGreen 7 років тому

      Human nature under capitalism* Scarcity and savage competition turn us into the Lion in your profile picture.

    • @malachi5813
      @malachi5813 7 років тому

      lol, fear creates community. the leaders are afraid of power loss and history grows like a tree from this in some sense.

  • @carlosi7026
    @carlosi7026 4 роки тому

    Hoy 2020 ya todos sabemos que el CACAS protege de manera descarada al cártel de Sinaloa.

    • @craftycriminalistwithms.z3053
      @craftycriminalistwithms.z3053 3 роки тому

      Translation for in English (the best I am able to do):
      “Today 2020 we all know that CACAS shamelessly protects the Sinaloa cartel.”
      Original text:
      “Hoy 2020 ya todos sabemos que el CACAS protege de manera descarada al cártel de Sinaloa.”
      By: Carlos l (written above in Spanish)

  • @josboersema1352
    @josboersema1352 4 роки тому

    19:45 If you like to consider a system of popular assemblies, inspired on 1917 (Germany, Russia) but worked out in more detail ... it goes like this: people assemble by 5 or 10, and then they find another few of those group preferably in their local area, and they form one group of at least 50, and not a lot more (maybe 55, maybe 60, but not too much over 50). This unit is the basic voting group. Once members leave and they fall below 50 members, they loose their standing as a voter group. The voter group elects a house keeper, who is like the organizational anker of the group. This person keeps tabs of who is in the group, and might also network with other voter group administrators like him/her in the area to combat voter fraud such as dual membership, etc. The group can meet in two ways, in small groups such as their 10 and then propose things back and forth to the other groups of 10, and all together as one group. This helps people to speak, because a group of 50 is too much for most people to deal with effectively. 10 in not too much for most people. This internal division is intended to combat people who repress others using social means.
    The voter group elects a Delegate, and a reserve Delegate. The Delegates form Councils again by 50 or more. This can apply both to a general election system, as to a private organization, political party, good cause, etc. The Delegates can be part of multiple Councils of larger sizes. A local Council of 50 or 60 or so, on the same logic as the voter group, it again can divide into meetings of about 10. These Councils in larger area unite to form larger area Councils, which would make the amount of Delegates unworkable. Therefore they divide into sectors, and each sector elects a second tier Delegate. These second tier Delegates then form a sort of Government versus Parliament model, between themselves and the large Delegates council that is implicitly there and that elected them.
    These second tier Delegates do not however do the same for another step, because if they do things get too far removed from the base voters. All size issues are solved on the first tier, which means that the Delegates sectors in large councils can start to become very large, many thousands of Delegates can be involved. This should be allright, because these Delegates have already been selected and are a refinement of the population of in the order 1% of the total population, and they are expected and can be forced to take their job seriously, and continue to be on it. Every Delegate is on immediate recall. (See for a lot more detail).
    This type of thing is already causing so many social issues, the system itself needs to be as clear, open and logical as it possibly can be, so as not to add to the confusion. This is the best I could come up with, in attempting to bring out the voice of people and combining it all into a socio-political democratic process which has substance and allows for immediate control by the population. To set it up, I suggest to run it as a good cause first, and practice a little with it. There will probably be minimal interest, but all good things come slowly ;-). Unfortunately, the populations generally are not that well behaved, despite what some ideologues (like myself maybe) may be hoping. There is a lot of greed, stupidity and evil in the base population as well. Hence what this would end up being is a sort of a direction, an opening at first, and not that much more. It will take time to grow. Once it does, it can be powerful however. With enough support, there should not be anything that can withstand it, also because it can participate in all other systems to take them over, and for other associated methods of struggle not mentioned here (including military ones). Have a great day.

  • @domingodeanda6113
    @domingodeanda6113 2 роки тому

    En la madre!

  • @benjaminhernandez9206
    @benjaminhernandez9206 3 роки тому

    Si los Marcos tienen 500 personas .cuantos soldados tiene Mexico 🤣🤣😮

  • @swordoftruth8031
    @swordoftruth8031 7 років тому

    A Mexican friend of mine said that demonic possession is a real issue in the horrendous crimes by cartels in Mexico, and the Mexican people know this too...

    • @lauracortez3904
      @lauracortez3904 7 років тому +1

      swordoftruth .. that is not true .. normaly the sicarios take drugs before they kill ...

    • @marcelodiflorio1493
      @marcelodiflorio1493 7 років тому +2

      Totally agree. Taking drugs & alco opens you up to receive from the spirit realm. Being around evil men what you will be receiving will be demons. The same dark spirit that inhabits ISIS fighters. The demons of Sauron have surely been let loose on the world. You can follow the money trail but the spirit trail runs parallel all the way to the freemasons in the white house and in every government.

    • @technolanfeloman9689
      @technolanfeloman9689 7 років тому +1

      swordoftruth thats called usa agencies