UA-cam pushes this content's channel to my front page a lot, so I'll try doing this, just this one time, for the curious. Translations of (almost) everything that they say: [A] = puppy (the Anivia) [R] = Renekton player (not sure if they ran into each other and called each other on WeGame voice chat, you can't duo queue in Challenger iirc, dunno why they're on a call to begin with) Later teamfights are also chaotic as hell, I can't translate literally every word but I can get most of it. 0:10 [A]: Okay, pushing lane now (starts singing) 0:25 [R]: Shit, I think I'm dead... Oh, good, that was close, almost fed. [Jayce] No flash. 0:38 [A]: Lil' Zoe... She's not that good at pushing lane, more of a picker/roamer. (Conversation following this is irrelevant to the game, talking about someone else's sleep schedule of only sleeping like an hour and is online again) 1:29 [A]: Hey, Zoe's going top, Jungle needs to get out, can't follow, Zoe's hard for me to fight in jungle. [R]: Oh shit, this is bad, top's gonna get dove 3v2. [A]: It won't happen, I have TP. Even though new TP is way slower it should be fine. [R]: Holy shit, [Kindred's] posturing so aggressively. [A]: Zoe's behind her, be careful, don't get baited. I'm pushing. [R]: Push your lane. [A]: I'm pushing hard... Okay, wave's shoved. [R]: I think it's fine, they backed off. [A]: Okay, I'm looking bot lane. [R]: I didn't skill W yet... He [Jayce] has no flash, but I'm not level 3 yet, one more minion to level 3... [A]: Oh, it's warded here. (backs off) 2:15 [A]: Can you push? [R]: I'm tanking the wave... Yes, I can push, I can push, I can push... Jayce can't kill me, I'm almost level 6, I'm forcing the push. (overlapping conversation here) [R]: I think we can. [A]: OK (Jayce dies) [A]: Oh, look at bot, that's not good, they might be dead. [R]: Oh fuck, they're all going bot... [A]: Eh? Zoe is here... Zoe can't run. (Zoe chase, nid dies) [A]: Oh? [R]: At least you got the kill, Jayce is coming. [A]: Where's Jayce? [R]: We didn't communicate with bot properly this game, I wanted them draft something else. [A]: Oh, I see Jayce. I'll damage him a bit for you. [R]: He has flash. [A]: I can try it... Oh, it's warded here, I'll get out. [R]: Jayce still has flash... (Anivia is back to lane) [A]: You still have flash, too. Let me push this wave, I can roam up again and help you look for a pick. Mange your wave, I'll be right there. [R]: Ok. (Conversation didn't stop, but it is now 3:47 in the video) [R]: 8 seconds to E. [A]: Okay, look me... Oh, there's a ward. I'm going back. [R]: Oh, he's in the brush... You can go back to mid, it's fine... Oh, our Jungler's here. (Next convo repeats this exchange for a bit, until...) 4:17 - Nid arrives to gank. [R]: I can chase... Fuck, it's over bro. [A]: It's okay, it's okay. [R]: Ah, I shouldn't have greeded for the auto. I wanted to Auto-W, should've just stunned immediately... He's low, if he stays he's dead. (At this point they gain vision of outer tower) [R]: But he left... Shame. Shouldn't have greeded. You can take the wave. (Jayce comes back for some reason) [R]: What? He's got no flash, I'm certain he has no flash... Lemme CC him. (W gets the kill) [R]: Oh shit, how did my W get the kill there? [A]: There's still a tower plate. [R]: Going for it, you can take the wave, but let me sap some EXP... Oh, there's one more plate. [A]: Don't go for it, this is enough. [R]: Jayce still has TP! You think he's brave enough to TP here? 5:28 [A]: What? They saved the Alistar kill for me? [R]: (Seems to be talking to Nidalee) Let me push up the wave and we can kill. [A]: Care, Zoe is missing, bro, careful. Kindred and Zoe might be up there. [R]: If Zoe comes, that might be rough, but it seems like a 2v2 situation right now. [A]: I'm on my way... But look at this (pings the Raptors, it has a Kindred mark) [R]: I have ult, it's fine... Oh, there are no fruits in the river. Look me. We can do grubs. Where's their jungler? [A]: Jungler might be here (pings, starts killing pink ward) [R]: Shit, Alistar is here, should we back off? [A]: It's fine, our Karma is here too, and their Alistar has no ult. [R]: Jayce is on the left... He's here, let's fight. [A]: They gave up grubs, it's fine. [R]: AD isn't having a good game, but it's fine. If we teamfight she can farm. (Ezreal kills Jinx) [A]: Ezreal no flash. [R]: Is there someone top? 6:36 [R]: Rotating bot... [A]: Oh, Nidalee, you can't leave me here. [R]: Nidalee, go help... I'm Looking bot. [A]: Oh shit, that's a lot (unintelligible) [R]: Support needs to come, I'm almost there. Do you have egg? [A]: No egg. [R]: If no passive egg, might need to trade flashes... I'm here, I'm here. [A]: Easy fight. (Fights) [A]: Good enough, I need to back. [R]: I'll sweep... Oh, he [Jayce] is here. We can get him, he's got flash. I got him, but he can flash... It's yours, take the kill. Can you get it?... Good kill. 7:37 [R]: Look at Alistar, look at Ali... Do you have ward? [A]: (Unclear, I think "cow is low" or something) [R]: Look at Ezreal - Ezreal, Ezreal! [A]: Can't follow up. [R]: It's okay... Oh, I need shield, need shield! (Karma shields him) good shield. [A]: Look at me... I got the stun! Look at jungler. [R]: Good stuff bros, fight slowly. Jayce no flash... Oh! (Anivia is egged) Oh, you have passive. [A]: Yeah, I have egg. Let's go drake... Oh, look at Zoe here. [R]: Watch Ezreal... Good kill, good stuff. (Some joking around, then it's 8:31) [A]: Eh? Look here (gets Ezreal) [R]: Careful. [A]: We're good. [R]: Nice, I think we gave this cow brain damage. [A]: Yeah, seems like he forgot how to play. 8:47 [R]: Control the bottom crossing. [A]: I got it. [R]: Can you come? Quickly. [A]: There are more people behind us. [R]: It's fine, I can tank this. I'm forcing their ults, let me CC... Ezreal has no skills left, kill him with E!... Good stuff, bro. One's backing? Herald or top? Let's push top (Aniv goes bottom) Zoe no flash. (Brief silence, then 9:26) [R]: Be careful of Zoe E. Oh, no skills left. [R]: Let's Herald after. Let's go, help jungler fight it. We can do this, let's try. [A]: Run if someone shows. 10:05 [A]: (Walls Alistar off) Alistar can't come. Their flank can't come in, must be feels bad. (To be honest, teamfight's too loud to hear them, then 10:31) [A]: Need to take this (pings Atakhan - this is new enough that they just call it "this thing" the entire time) [R]: If I ult, I'll have empowered W so I can kill anyone bot. [A]: Be careful, we're doing Atakhan. [R]: You sure you can take it? I think this thing's hard to kill, right? [A]: I feel like it's hard. [R]: I thought it was hard to kill. [A]: Yeah we can't. [R]: No way, Atakhan's damage is insane. [A]: Oh, enemies are here. [R]: They might try to take it. I need to recall and come. We could look drake instead. [A]: Let them hit it first, no rush. It takes forever to kill it. [R]: Yeah, takes forever. Maybe our jungle can steal. [A]: I split them with W... Oh, they got the revive buff. It's rough here. [R]: We can fight even with the revive buff. [A]: Help, I'm egged here... Oh, I'm fine. [R]: Jayce no flash... Wow, what are they doing? This buff lets you feed and they want to feed and give up Flash on top of it? [A]: I need to back for heals. 11:59 [R]: Shit, they already warded it. Careful, it's warded. [A]: It's fine, I flashed. [R]: Fight slow, front to back. [A]: Cow's almost dead. [R]: Ezreal, Ezreal! Got him. [A]: Got the Jayce as well. [R]: Nice, good fight. Can we push two lanes? Baron's up in a minute... Ah, just gonna go top. (Now 12:41, Anivia is outside enemy base) [A]: I can push this wave mid here. [R]: We can check Baron after we push, maybe we can do it... Wait, we have a wave. I'm ulting. Let's try to end. This is a lot of pressure, we have 6 grubs. [A]: Oh, they opened. (Rest of the comms is them finding random people to kill and winning) [Both]: Nice, nice, good game.
@@manuelhgn6025 Not on this channel. I am not affiliated with the owner of this channel in any way, and to be very honest, after checking some of the videos - half of the players featured here have very muffled mics, making it hard for me to catch most of what they're saying. XCM is audible most of the time, but the Rank 1 Darius player for example, I can only make out about like half of what he's saying. I chose to do the translation here because it's surprisingly rare for voice comms to be this clear over the stream VoDs.
@@АнонимСаня When you join a game, there is a microphone bar near the bottom. It is muted by default, but I've used it before to chat with teammates. Or maybe it only appears if you're in a pre-made group? Haven't played in a while.
UA-cam pushes this content's channel to my front page a lot, so I'll try doing this, just this one time, for the curious.
Translations of (almost) everything that they say:
[A] = puppy (the Anivia)
[R] = Renekton player (not sure if they ran into each other and called each other on WeGame voice chat, you can't duo queue in Challenger iirc, dunno why they're on a call to begin with)
Later teamfights are also chaotic as hell, I can't translate literally every word but I can get most of it.
[A]: Okay, pushing lane now (starts singing)
[R]: Shit, I think I'm dead... Oh, good, that was close, almost fed. [Jayce] No flash.
[A]: Lil' Zoe... She's not that good at pushing lane, more of a picker/roamer.
(Conversation following this is irrelevant to the game, talking about someone else's sleep schedule of only sleeping like an hour and is online again)
[A]: Hey, Zoe's going top, Jungle needs to get out, can't follow, Zoe's hard for me to fight in jungle.
[R]: Oh shit, this is bad, top's gonna get dove 3v2.
[A]: It won't happen, I have TP. Even though new TP is way slower it should be fine.
[R]: Holy shit, [Kindred's] posturing so aggressively.
[A]: Zoe's behind her, be careful, don't get baited. I'm pushing.
[R]: Push your lane.
[A]: I'm pushing hard... Okay, wave's shoved.
[R]: I think it's fine, they backed off.
[A]: Okay, I'm looking bot lane.
[R]: I didn't skill W yet... He [Jayce] has no flash, but I'm not level 3 yet, one more minion to level 3...
[A]: Oh, it's warded here. (backs off)
[A]: Can you push?
[R]: I'm tanking the wave... Yes, I can push, I can push, I can push... Jayce can't kill me, I'm almost level 6, I'm forcing the push.
(overlapping conversation here)
[R]: I think we can.
[A]: OK
(Jayce dies)
[A]: Oh, look at bot, that's not good, they might be dead.
[R]: Oh fuck, they're all going bot...
[A]: Eh? Zoe is here... Zoe can't run.
(Zoe chase, nid dies)
[A]: Oh?
[R]: At least you got the kill, Jayce is coming.
[A]: Where's Jayce?
[R]: We didn't communicate with bot properly this game, I wanted them draft something else.
[A]: Oh, I see Jayce. I'll damage him a bit for you.
[R]: He has flash.
[A]: I can try it... Oh, it's warded here, I'll get out.
[R]: Jayce still has flash...
(Anivia is back to lane)
[A]: You still have flash, too. Let me push this wave, I can roam up again and help you look for a pick. Mange your wave, I'll be right there.
[R]: Ok.
(Conversation didn't stop, but it is now 3:47 in the video)
[R]: 8 seconds to E.
[A]: Okay, look me... Oh, there's a ward. I'm going back.
[R]: Oh, he's in the brush... You can go back to mid, it's fine... Oh, our Jungler's here.
(Next convo repeats this exchange for a bit, until...)
4:17 - Nid arrives to gank.
[R]: I can chase... Fuck, it's over bro.
[A]: It's okay, it's okay.
[R]: Ah, I shouldn't have greeded for the auto. I wanted to Auto-W, should've just stunned immediately... He's low, if he stays he's dead.
(At this point they gain vision of outer tower)
[R]: But he left... Shame. Shouldn't have greeded. You can take the wave.
(Jayce comes back for some reason)
[R]: What? He's got no flash, I'm certain he has no flash... Lemme CC him. (W gets the kill)
[R]: Oh shit, how did my W get the kill there?
[A]: There's still a tower plate.
[R]: Going for it, you can take the wave, but let me sap some EXP... Oh, there's one more plate.
[A]: Don't go for it, this is enough.
[R]: Jayce still has TP! You think he's brave enough to TP here?
[A]: What? They saved the Alistar kill for me?
[R]: (Seems to be talking to Nidalee) Let me push up the wave and we can kill.
[A]: Care, Zoe is missing, bro, careful. Kindred and Zoe might be up there.
[R]: If Zoe comes, that might be rough, but it seems like a 2v2 situation right now.
[A]: I'm on my way... But look at this (pings the Raptors, it has a Kindred mark)
[R]: I have ult, it's fine... Oh, there are no fruits in the river. Look me. We can do grubs. Where's their jungler?
[A]: Jungler might be here (pings, starts killing pink ward)
[R]: Shit, Alistar is here, should we back off?
[A]: It's fine, our Karma is here too, and their Alistar has no ult.
[R]: Jayce is on the left... He's here, let's fight.
[A]: They gave up grubs, it's fine.
[R]: AD isn't having a good game, but it's fine. If we teamfight she can farm.
(Ezreal kills Jinx)
[A]: Ezreal no flash.
[R]: Is there someone top?
[R]: Rotating bot...
[A]: Oh, Nidalee, you can't leave me here.
[R]: Nidalee, go help... I'm Looking bot.
[A]: Oh shit, that's a lot (unintelligible)
[R]: Support needs to come, I'm almost there. Do you have egg?
[A]: No egg.
[R]: If no passive egg, might need to trade flashes... I'm here, I'm here.
[A]: Easy fight.
[A]: Good enough, I need to back.
[R]: I'll sweep... Oh, he [Jayce] is here. We can get him, he's got flash. I got him, but he can flash... It's yours, take the kill. Can you get it?... Good kill.
[R]: Look at Alistar, look at Ali... Do you have ward?
[A]: (Unclear, I think "cow is low" or something)
[R]: Look at Ezreal - Ezreal, Ezreal!
[A]: Can't follow up.
[R]: It's okay... Oh, I need shield, need shield! (Karma shields him) good shield.
[A]: Look at me... I got the stun! Look at jungler.
[R]: Good stuff bros, fight slowly. Jayce no flash... Oh! (Anivia is egged) Oh, you have passive.
[A]: Yeah, I have egg. Let's go drake... Oh, look at Zoe here.
[R]: Watch Ezreal... Good kill, good stuff.
(Some joking around, then it's 8:31)
[A]: Eh? Look here (gets Ezreal)
[R]: Careful.
[A]: We're good.
[R]: Nice, I think we gave this cow brain damage.
[A]: Yeah, seems like he forgot how to play.
[R]: Control the bottom crossing.
[A]: I got it.
[R]: Can you come? Quickly.
[A]: There are more people behind us.
[R]: It's fine, I can tank this. I'm forcing their ults, let me CC... Ezreal has no skills left, kill him with E!... Good stuff, bro. One's backing? Herald or top? Let's push top (Aniv goes bottom) Zoe no flash.
(Brief silence, then 9:26)
[R]: Be careful of Zoe E. Oh, no skills left.
[R]: Let's Herald after. Let's go, help jungler fight it. We can do this, let's try.
[A]: Run if someone shows.
[A]: (Walls Alistar off) Alistar can't come. Their flank can't come in, must be feels bad.
(To be honest, teamfight's too loud to hear them, then 10:31)
[A]: Need to take this (pings Atakhan - this is new enough that they just call it "this thing" the entire time)
[R]: If I ult, I'll have empowered W so I can kill anyone bot.
[A]: Be careful, we're doing Atakhan.
[R]: You sure you can take it? I think this thing's hard to kill, right?
[A]: I feel like it's hard.
[R]: I thought it was hard to kill.
[A]: Yeah we can't.
[R]: No way, Atakhan's damage is insane.
[A]: Oh, enemies are here.
[R]: They might try to take it. I need to recall and come. We could look drake instead.
[A]: Let them hit it first, no rush. It takes forever to kill it.
[R]: Yeah, takes forever. Maybe our jungle can steal.
[A]: I split them with W... Oh, they got the revive buff. It's rough here.
[R]: We can fight even with the revive buff.
[A]: Help, I'm egged here... Oh, I'm fine.
[R]: Jayce no flash... Wow, what are they doing? This buff lets you feed and they want to feed and give up Flash on top of it?
[A]: I need to back for heals.
[R]: Shit, they already warded it. Careful, it's warded.
[A]: It's fine, I flashed.
[R]: Fight slow, front to back.
[A]: Cow's almost dead.
[R]: Ezreal, Ezreal! Got him.
[A]: Got the Jayce as well.
[R]: Nice, good fight. Can we push two lanes? Baron's up in a minute... Ah, just gonna go top.
(Now 12:41, Anivia is outside enemy base)
[A]: I can push this wave mid here.
[R]: We can check Baron after we push, maybe we can do it... Wait, we have a wave. I'm ulting. Let's try to end. This is a lot of pressure, we have 6 grubs.
[A]: Oh, they opened.
(Rest of the comms is them finding random people to kill and winning)
[Both]: Nice, nice, good game.
goated ty
my goat
Any chance we can pay you for more translations?
@@manuelhgn6025 Not on this channel. I am not affiliated with the owner of this channel in any way, and to be very honest, after checking some of the videos - half of the players featured here have very muffled mics, making it hard for me to catch most of what they're saying.
XCM is audible most of the time, but the Rank 1 Darius player for example, I can only make out about like half of what he's saying. I chose to do the translation here because it's surprisingly rare for voice comms to be this clear over the stream VoDs.
Very fitting for this CN Anivia to rock the Vancouver winter Olympics skin.
anivia 60% winrate right now crazy stuff
Cn have voice chat what kind of discrimination
Everybody has voice chat in League. Most people have it turned off though, and it is generally recommended to do so.
@jyashin I play on the West server, and there's no voice chat here
@@АнонимСаня When you join a game, there is a microphone bar near the bottom. It is muted by default, but I've used it before to chat with teammates.
Or maybe it only appears if you're in a pre-made group? Haven't played in a while.
@@jyashin its only for premades