310SG John Deere Backhoe won’t start. What does the S mean ??

  • Опубліковано 26 гру 2024


  • @larrymoons2258
    @larrymoons2258 Рік тому +21

    For a guy that claims not to be a mechanic, I think you are pretty darn smart!!

    • @DontbeWily
      @DontbeWily  Рік тому +2

      Thanks and thank you for watching

  • @ericgriffin397
    @ericgriffin397 Рік тому +8

    You got her running, I agree with you on the electrical mess because you can't go wrong with mechanical!! Great job, be safe and God Bless you!!

    • @DontbeWily
      @DontbeWily  Рік тому +1

      Thank you for sharing and watching

  • @stevenicoson6670
    @stevenicoson6670 Рік тому +5

    Thanks for another great video Wiley.
    Congratulations. You got it running fairly easy. But too bad the parking brake will not unlock.
    Hopefully the owner will know the trick there.
    You got it running for him. Yeah.
    Let’s hope he can move it.
    Thanks for everything Wiley.
    The Iowa Farm Boy. Steve.

    • @DontbeWily
      @DontbeWily  Рік тому +2

      Thanks Steve
      Thank you for watching

  • @lynnlutjen261
    @lynnlutjen261 Рік тому +6

    Not a total loss you done what you set out to do get it to run. If you got it to move it would have been icing on the cake. I'm sure it's probably something simple on the park brake like a switch corrosion maybe setting out in the weather. Great job man 👍👍❤

    • @DontbeWily
      @DontbeWily  Рік тому +2

      Thank you for sharing and watching

    • @timmydrake9125
      @timmydrake9125 Рік тому +1

      Yep got it running. Stupid simple now Like. Oh yeah. That it

  • @W5alz
    @W5alz Рік тому +1

    Love this channel don’t have to listen to stupid jokes constantly!! He is a no nonsense person!!

  • @briananderson5284
    @briananderson5284 Рік тому +3

    Another great video and lesson. Thanks for sharing and bringing us along 😊

  • @paulstaab1705
    @paulstaab1705 Рік тому +7

    You know more than u think brother good job!

  • @jwfinley7808
    @jwfinley7808 8 місяців тому +2

    I ran a 410 D clamshell buckets closed in cab. Nice in cold weather 4X4.

    • @DontbeWily
      @DontbeWily  7 місяців тому +1

      Thanks for sharing and watching

  • @davida.p.9911
    @davida.p.9911 Рік тому +2

    This is similar to the one Hank and Tommy were trying to get running. It might be the same type problem. Hopefully ya'll can get it out of there soon. Thanks for sharing, Wily!

  • @anthonypiligno7618
    @anthonypiligno7618 Рік тому +2

    🎉 thank you for the video Wiley...🎉....JJ... Jonjon....😊

  • @robertclements7835
    @robertclements7835 Рік тому +7

    Great job Wiley!!

  • @charlesroberts6965
    @charlesroberts6965 Рік тому +2

    Yep that electronic stuff is complex...got one of my trucks in the shop now with an issue that they are having hard time to get it to replicate. Hey at least you got it running 😊👍

    • @DontbeWily
      @DontbeWily  Рік тому

      Thanks for sharing and watching

  • @slick12284
    @slick12284 Рік тому +5

    Way to go Wily!!!!! Proud of you 😂😂

  • @philipbartruff3361
    @philipbartruff3361 Рік тому +10

    Love you videos my man. I’m a recent right leg amputee and my insurance won’t cover the prosthetic. If you know of any organizations or resources they might help please let me know. I’d appreciate it. And again love all your videos. I won’t watch Hanks videos when your not in them. Thanks

    • @chriseagle3610
      @chriseagle3610 Рік тому +1

      That doesn’t make sense won’t watch Hank video unless he in lol what a joke by the way hope you find some help with the prosthetic

    • @jsimm4587
      @jsimm4587 Рік тому +3

      I’d rather they be together there funny and calm alone Wilys to serious and Hanks not to entertaining so I watch them both I don’t have much going on so I watch often comment too much but I like these videos more than any tv show that’s on regular tv ever . I kinda favor Wily cause he’s just starting.

    • @DontbeWily
      @DontbeWily  Рік тому +2

      Thank you for sharing
      I am sorry to hear about losing your leg
      If i come across any organization or anything else that may help i will

  • @benjaminstockton3917
    @benjaminstockton3917 Рік тому +1

    Another awesome video, Wiley. I appreciate you, buddy 👍

  • @JosephRozum
    @JosephRozum Рік тому

    Good Afternoon Sir, I am so glad to see you again today and I hope you are having a fantastic day, Sir !

    • @DontbeWily
      @DontbeWily  Рік тому

      Thank you and you also have a good day

  • @olejohnnyferkingstad2403
    @olejohnnyferkingstad2403 7 місяців тому

    "Jesus" Why dont you bring a friend that can drive a backhoe? But you are a "Master" with engines. Many likes from Norway ceep up the saving of old tractors and so ones👍

    • @DontbeWily
      @DontbeWily  7 місяців тому +1

      Lol 😂. Thanks for watching


    Glad you could get it running Wily! 😁👍 Enjoyed the video and happy wrenching to ya 🔧🔩

  • @dilipkumaravichal5818
    @dilipkumaravichal5818 Рік тому +4

    Excellent job wily.

  • @philliphennessy9757
    @philliphennessy9757 Рік тому

    G'day from pj in australia, you did get it started and found some possible problems to be fixed, that's a win in my book 👍👍👍👍

    • @DontbeWily
      @DontbeWily  Рік тому

      I will take it
      Thanks for watching

  • @rirebel6029
    @rirebel6029 Рік тому +5

    That was a wild ride to pull himself backwards with it 🤣😂😅 you crack me up wiley ! Keep up the great videos man

  • @protonhead1
    @protonhead1 Рік тому +1

    western truck and tractor repair on UA-cam has a great video on a 310 G parking brake stuck.
    Check the fuse in the panel over the steering wheel anda relay is also in this area. the parking brake switch needs to be cycled on and offto release the parking brake if the relay is good with a good fuse.
    Just as a start.

    • @protonhead1
      @protonhead1 Рік тому


    • @protonhead1
      @protonhead1 Рік тому

      Turns out his parking brake problem was a bad diode in the fuse compartment area above the steering wheel.

    • @DontbeWily
      @DontbeWily  Рік тому +1

      Thank you for sharing
      I told the owner it wouldn’t come out of park and he replied about the fuses Hopefully thats what it is
      Thanks for watching

    • @protonhead1
      @protonhead1 Рік тому

      I love your channel, keep those old machines running.

    • @jimpearch3559
      @jimpearch3559 10 місяців тому +1

      I watched the same video from western truck on the JD310. Turns out it was a ground wire that goes from the starter to the diode that unlocks the parking brake. The wire had high resistance and shorted out diode. Replaced the wire and diode and fixed now. Also, if you start it when it was in gear, you need to rock the parking brake switch. Love your videos

  • @kevinmccarey5015
    @kevinmccarey5015 Рік тому +2

    Great job Whiley,
    Very enjoyable

  • @DavidVanHelden1
    @DavidVanHelden1 Рік тому

    Helpful hint... Spray the juice in as you are cranking it... Will save on the battery....

  • @MarkMunro-s5r
    @MarkMunro-s5r Рік тому +1

    When the backhoe saw Wily It wagged Its bucket and tried to start itself.😂😂😂❤.

  • @jasonhadfield1551
    @jasonhadfield1551 Рік тому +3

    Wily u did an amazing job my friend 👏 😊

  • @tomgriffin286
    @tomgriffin286 Рік тому

    Hats off to you Willy, you got the engine running. Pity about the transmission.

  • @rirebel6029
    @rirebel6029 Рік тому +2

    Love your videos man ! It makes me laugh to know ove started 310sg 410sg in minus 15° weather to plow snow with not plugged in and they fire right off but there is wiley down south sweating his butt off loading the thing with either when it has alredy been running and he knows its a bad electrical connection 😂😂😂😂 dont feel bad about the hood it was a super common problem with these series john deers where the hood would be up and a guy would be working on it and raise them arms crunchin the fiberglass hood all up

  • @wilfredosuganob4157
    @wilfredosuganob4157 Рік тому +2

    how are you uncle wiley...im watching you together sir hanks from philippines...

  • @rasheed7675
    @rasheed7675 Рік тому +3

    "S" is for stop which might mean the handbrake is locked or engaged. Some models used solenoids to lock/unlock the handbrake. I think it is more of an electrical problem on the handbrake control. Good that you got it started. In most modern cars, the ECU monitors the coolant level sensor or temperature sensor not just to activate the gauges but also for engine safety. it will disable starting or engine running if the coolant is low or the temperature sensor reads high temperature. This is to protect the engine from overheating.

  • @garyruark9506
    @garyruark9506 Рік тому +5

    The model S should be turbocharged where the plain G was usually not. The S usually means it has more heavy duty systems.

    • @DontbeWily
      @DontbeWily  Рік тому +1

      Thank you for sharing.
      Thanks for watching

    • @ВадимЛод
      @ВадимЛод 9 місяців тому

      The "s" should be turbo charged from factory where the base model turbo is an option. On the s models the hydraulic pressure is slightly higher, bigger pins, possibly slightly larger cylinders but can't remember for sure about that, and the hydraulic pump on the S is a double gear pump giving more hydraulic flow for multiple functions at once so a little smoother. There may be a few more things but thats mainly the difference

  • @ZackIskool
    @ZackIskool Рік тому +1

    It is a type of brand of letter that you need so you know the serial number

  • @MrSandman1974
    @MrSandman1974 Рік тому

    Great video Wiley you may want to check the power to the brake switch maybe the fuse?

  • @gringopines3476
    @gringopines3476 Рік тому +4


  • @CookinCasey
    @CookinCasey Рік тому +4

    Wiley, with John Deere, S, & M, means two different things. One of the letters means all made in USA, the other means it has Chinese parts on it. That came from my friend who works at John Deere.

    • @DontbeWily
      @DontbeWily  Рік тому +1

      Thank you for sharing
      I did not know that
      I did know that cat s/n was sorta like that
      Thank you for watching

    • @CookinCasey
      @CookinCasey Рік тому

      @@DontbeWily I will try and get clarification on which is which for you.

  • @stevevogelman3360
    @stevevogelman3360 Рік тому +1

    Electronics can be just terrible. Good luck Wili.

  • @tommya4059
    @tommya4059 Рік тому

    No offense hank but Wiley gets right to it man I sure do like watching this old timer getting er done. Great job Wiley

  • @run-aliens
    @run-aliens Рік тому +1

    I don't know why but I never tire of hearing (this things making oil) its like Hanks dumb jokes, after a while you find yourself looking forward to hearing the next dumb joke 😂

    • @DontbeWily
      @DontbeWily  Рік тому +1

      I have been thinking i say that to much
      Thanks for watching

  • @heartofthehunt6986
    @heartofthehunt6986 Рік тому +1

    Start calling you Triple W….Wire Wiggling Wiley👍

  • @Camden09
    @Camden09 Рік тому +1

    Awesome video, Wiley 👍

  • @ScottSillis
    @ScottSillis Рік тому +2

    Wiley next time put the front bucket down and drag it with the hoe, that stabilizes the front because the front axle pivots and you could tip yourself over man. I operated backhoes for years.

    • @DontbeWily
      @DontbeWily  Рік тому +1

      Thank you for sharing and watching

    @VERIGUETTE Рік тому

    Very good program ❤hi from the Dominican republic ❤❤❤

  • @garymessina1609
    @garymessina1609 Рік тому

    great job Wylie great video thanks

  • @ishure8849
    @ishure8849 Рік тому

    G'day Wily, my old ford back hoe has two battery cables and a hot wire for the solenoid a reco motor and injector pump not much to go wrong. Why do they put the ECU down there behind the front wheel so all the moisture gets into that critical main plug ? makes no sense 👍.

  • @sts.556
    @sts.556 Рік тому +1

    put the bucket down and lift the front up and drag it out off the tirs

  • @lonniethomas9351
    @lonniethomas9351 Рік тому +1

    What is the YES on your ball cap signify?

    • @DontbeWily
      @DontbeWily  Рік тому

      I was looking for a flex hat on line that wound fit my fat head. I seen these and tried them and liked the way it wore
      The YES was part of the hat company’s deal.
      Thank you for watching

  • @sts.556
    @sts.556 Рік тому

    i put s toggle switch on an old freightliner to the fuel pump cause that went bad in the ecm work from there on no problem

    • @DontbeWily
      @DontbeWily  Рік тому

      I think something similar could be done here
      Thanks for watching

  • @ZackIskool
    @ZackIskool Рік тому +1

    Check the starter

  • @jimcady9037
    @jimcady9037 Рік тому +1

    Wiley is that machine sililar to the one hank was having trouble with. If it is i would review those videos and come up with a few possibilities.

    • @DontbeWily
      @DontbeWily  Рік тому

      Yes it was
      Thank you for sharing and watching

  • @donaldthetruthseeker-es3nu
    @donaldthetruthseeker-es3nu 5 місяців тому

    Saying your not a mechanic. I think you know more than what your giving yourself credit for.

  • @dalehartley-vd9qo
    @dalehartley-vd9qo Рік тому

    You got it going Wiley so that's good see you on the next video

  • @Wheelloader__
    @Wheelloader__ Рік тому

    Hey Wily. Didn’t know you had your own channel. Love your content. SUBSCRIBED.

    • @DontbeWily
      @DontbeWily  Рік тому

      I am glad you found it and then watched LOL
      Thank you

  • @kenfrazier616
    @kenfrazier616 Рік тому +3

    darn good shot, maybe biggy would help you out

  • @nealwiley9950
    @nealwiley9950 Рік тому

    Great video Wily,,👍👍

  • @RODALCO2007
    @RODALCO2007 Рік тому

    Before they introduced electronic rubbish a simple no start issue was easily fixed. You sometimes wonder they made it to sell more replacement starters and batteries.

    • @DontbeWily
      @DontbeWily  Рік тому

      I think your right about that myself

  • @scottlambert2949
    @scottlambert2949 Рік тому

    Awesome Job wily take care and God bless

  • @JosephRozum
    @JosephRozum Рік тому

    It is 3:04 pm my time here in AZ !

  • @Chi-TownHound87
    @Chi-TownHound87 Рік тому

    Wiley. You ever thought about teaching classes in heavy machinery care or maintenance? I think you’d be great at it.

  • @calebread5234
    @calebread5234 Рік тому

    Those injection pumps have an internal fuel shut off and when they fail you have to replace the whole injection pump. Good luck. Dealer has to program it

    • @DontbeWily
      @DontbeWily  Рік тому +1

      Thanks for sharing and watching
      Hopefully its the wiring

  • @ZackIskool
    @ZackIskool Рік тому +1

    My backhoe is a 310e 1999

  • @timmydrake9125
    @timmydrake9125 Рік тому

    I still dream bout the 555 and a 312 Caterpillar excavator. SWEET

  • @joejohnson7097
    @joejohnson7097 Рік тому

    Some of these electronic have fuse the control the power so it doesn't smoke the ecm system

    • @DontbeWily
      @DontbeWily  Рік тому

      Thanks for sharing and watching

  • @stevesmith-wc2gb
    @stevesmith-wc2gb Рік тому

    Main difference is the hydraulic pump. SG more hydraulics. Looks like SG by pressure is around 3,600 psi and a G is 2,900 psi. The SG should have bigger pins on the backhoe

  • @timmydrake9125
    @timmydrake9125 Рік тому

    Wiley clams he don’t know much. He will figure it out. Reminds me of my uncle Marvin

  • @dwaynekennedy3554
    @dwaynekennedy3554 Рік тому

    You do you!! Great job.

  • @neilmcintosh1200
    @neilmcintosh1200 Рік тому +1

    Smooth operator.

    • @DontbeWily
      @DontbeWily  Рік тому

      The song is running through my mind
      Thanks for watching

  • @willwaconsya3433
    @willwaconsya3433 8 місяців тому

    Keep in mind that it was a good thing that the alternator was not charging. It it had that ECM would have been hit with 35 volts when the battery cable fell off. Not a good thing to happen.

  • @ZackIskool
    @ZackIskool Рік тому +1

    The starter is the problem

  • @jsimm4587
    @jsimm4587 Рік тому

    Hank most likely won’t come near a 310 again !!!

  • @stevewhyte8476
    @stevewhyte8476 Рік тому

    Good job , Wiley !

  • @lifewithshyy1169
    @lifewithshyy1169 Рік тому +1

    Keep them coming

  • @timmydrake9125
    @timmydrake9125 Рік тому

    Ain’t no backhoe better than an old Ford 555. I’m a backhoe man. Never ever any trouble. I traded it for a 69 Roadrunner

  • @dieseldouche5.953
    @dieseldouche5.953 Рік тому

    It’s got a parking brake wily 😂

    @MARKLOCKWOOD2012 Рік тому +3

    fuel, filters crack injector lines bleed the air out. pre fill fuel filter, charged battery. oil change n filter. light tune up. and air filter. drain out old fuel add fresh diesel.

  • @Lawrence-c4h
    @Lawrence-c4h Рік тому

    The difference between the 310SG and the 310G is hydraulic pressure. The SG model works with 3600 lbs psi and the G model works with 2900 lbs psi. I really can't take the knowledge credit for this one because I looked it up. But that's the difference.

    • @DontbeWily
      @DontbeWily  Рік тому

      Thanks for sharing
      Thank you for watching

  • @tennysoncason772
    @tennysoncason772 Рік тому +2

    Nice effort.

  • @nelsonmattoon150
    @nelsonmattoon150 Рік тому +2

    I knew you could do it

  • @Brimstone667
    @Brimstone667 Рік тому

    that poor rigs has had the snot beatin outta it

  • @joeromanak8797
    @joeromanak8797 Рік тому

    I recommend that ya getcha a can of contact cleaner spray to keep on the truck. Those connectors will drive you crazy if they’re dirty enough to provide only intermittent contact. A quick spritz can make a world of difference. You got her running but there’s something bound up in the drivetrain. Maybe the owner knows a trick to set her free?? Nice video. 🥸👍👀🔨🔧✅

    • @DontbeWily
      @DontbeWily  Рік тому

      Thank you. I will recommend that to the owner

  • @coltongarber8087
    @coltongarber8087 7 місяців тому

    isn't it bad for the machine if it's sitting for awhile unused with the master switch left on?

    • @DontbeWily
      @DontbeWily  7 місяців тому

      Two weeks later The owner went back to it. Started it up and it dove off

  • @noelwarner1235
    @noelwarner1235 Рік тому

    Looks like an electrical issue possibly a safety switch

    • @DontbeWily
      @DontbeWily  Рік тому

      Thanks for sharing and watching

  • @ralphriddle8864
    @ralphriddle8864 Рік тому

    Very good job and God bless e

  • @richardbailey3015
    @richardbailey3015 17 днів тому

    Good job mate

  • @PiazzaWoodWorks
    @PiazzaWoodWorks Рік тому

    I thought u would of learnt ur lesson with hanks backhoe 😂

  • @shanemcdonald4956
    @shanemcdonald4956 Рік тому +4

    I would rather have older equipment without all that electronic BS .So much simpler to diagnose.

  • @Benja77383
    @Benja77383 Рік тому +1


  • @tonypaul2987
    @tonypaul2987 Рік тому +2

    Hurry up and move it willy

    • @DontbeWily
      @DontbeWily  Рік тому

      Its got to go. Deer hunters may mistake this deere for another deer

  • @williamreese2477
    @williamreese2477 Рік тому

    Go to western truck and tractor channel.warren has full video on fixing the electric park brake that breakes on every jd backhoe

    • @DontbeWily
      @DontbeWily  Рік тому

      Thanks for sharing and watching

  • @WaynesAdventure
    @WaynesAdventure 10 місяців тому

    You did get it running

  • @DavidVanHelden1
    @DavidVanHelden1 Рік тому +1

    I always thought the "S" was for screwed ....😅

  • @waynecap5960
    @waynecap5960 Рік тому

    🖐🖐🖐🖐🖐🖐👍👍 Those are half fives.

    • @DontbeWily
      @DontbeWily  Рік тому

      🖐️ 🖐️ 🖐️ 🖐️ 🖐️ 🖐️
      Here is the other 2.5
      Thanks for watching

  • @chriswarf5805
    @chriswarf5805 Рік тому

    Super G , front wheel assist

  • @RoadyS2004
    @RoadyS2004 Рік тому

    Nice video!

  • @bluerebel01
    @bluerebel01 Рік тому

    Way to go Wily!

  • @allensharlow7763
    @allensharlow7763 Рік тому +1

    Omg Wiley, I told you was the Man👍👍👍

  • @coltongarber8087
    @coltongarber8087 7 місяців тому

    i will never understand why John Deere has the exhaust stack bent towards the cab on purpose it doesn't make sense

  • @kalimuthumovie1886
    @kalimuthumovie1886 Рік тому +2


  • @JuanaGarza-zo7vt
    @JuanaGarza-zo7vt Рік тому

    Wily good thing it's making oil

  • @toddodell2904
    @toddodell2904 Рік тому

    Awesome video thanks

  • @williamdodd5113
    @williamdodd5113 Рік тому +1
