08 - Chill Out and Be Happy

  • Опубліковано 15 вер 2024
  • Music and Lyrics by David L. Tolley
    Book by Michael David Lee
    All Music composed, arranged, & produced by David L. Tolley
    Mr. Puppy is a toy dog with a spirit of adventure, but he’s trapped in a store! It’s a dreary life for Mr Puppy. He wants to have fun, but it’s no fun sitting on the shelf watching the world pass by.
    When the store is closed, Mr Puppy, a very curious puppy, does some exploring. He discovers a book that plays music from all over the world. Seeing pictures of colorful cultures and hearing the marvelous music is thrilling for Mr. Puppy.
    “There’s a whole world out there!” he thought. “With lots of amazing music!’” Mr. Puppy knows this is the life for him---a life of music and adventure! But he was a toy for sale. Mr Puppy knew he would never have the life he dreamed of--unless he took a great risk!
    He hatches a plan using a toy flying balloon in the store and makes a daring escape. Having the courage to take a chance changes his life. Flying across the sky. Mr Puppy’s dream becomes real as he discovers a new world of music and fun!
    In his exciting adventures Mr. Puppy makes friends around the world and experiences the power of music! Mr. Puppy sees a world he never imagined, where many kids have a hard life. He discovers a world in need. But everywhere he goes MUSIC gives the people happiness and hope and a reason to celebrate life!
    Along the way Mr Puppy discovers he has a heart of compassion as he encourages kids and inspires them to dream! Come along for a fun ride with Mr Puppy and experience the music of the
    world! Welcome to Mr Puppy The Musical!