Psalm 2 : Westminster Cathedral Choir

  • Опубліковано 29 вер 2024
  • The choir of Westminster Cathedral sing Psalm 2 as the Introit to the service of Midnight Mass (2009). Some great shots of the cathedral.
    Psalmus 2
    1 quare fremuerunt gentes et populi meditati sunt inania
    2 adstiterunt reges terrae et principes convenerunt in unum adversus Dominum et adversus christum eius diapsalma
    3 disrumpamus vincula eorum et proiciamus a nobis iugum ipsorum
    4 qui habitat in caelis inridebit eos et Dominus subsannabit eos
    5 tunc loquetur ad eos in ira sua et in furore suo conturbabit eos
    6 ego autem constitutus sum rex ab eo super Sion montem sanctum eius praedicans praeceptum eius
    7 Dominus dixit ad me filius meus es tu ego hodie genui te
    8 postula a me et dabo tibi gentes hereditatem tuam et possessionem tuam terminos terrae
    9 reges eos in virga ferrea tamquam vas figuli confringes eos
    10 et nunc reges intellegite erudimini qui iudicatis terram
    11 servite Domino in timore et exultate ei in tremore
    12 adprehendite disciplinam nequando irascatur Dominus et pereatis de via iusta
    13 cum exarserit in brevi ira eius beati omnes qui confidunt in eo
    Psalm 2
    1 Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing?
    2 The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD, and against his anointed, saying,
    3 Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us.
    4 He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the LORD shall have them in derision.
    5 Then shall he speak unto them in his wrath, and vex them in his sore displeasure.
    6 Yet have I set my king upon my holy hill of Zion.
    7 I will declare the decree: the LORD hath said unto me, Thou art my Son; this day have I begotten thee.
    8 Ask of me, and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession.
    9 Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron; thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potter's vessel.
    10 Be wise now therefore, O ye kings: be instructed, ye judges of the earth.
    11 Serve the LORD with fear, and rejoice with trembling.
    12 Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and ye perish from the way, when his wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all they that put their trust in him.


  • @missgreeneyes56
    @missgreeneyes56 14 років тому +29

    I am so grateful for the BBC showing this. It was the most beautiful Mass.

  • @BuckDanny2314
    @BuckDanny2314 7 років тому +43

    Best version of the Christmas introit I've ever heard.

  • @ascilon
    @ascilon 11 років тому +13

    Thanks man, it is pleasing to see that such a canonical liturgy exists in the Catholic Church.

  • @nluco
    @nluco 10 років тому +19

    Dominus dixit ad me: Filius meus es tu, ego hodie genui te.
    Quare fremuerunt genes: et populi meditati sunt inania?
    Gloria Patri et Filio et Spiritu Sancto, sicut erat in principio et nunc et semper et in saecula saeculorum, amen.
    Dominus dixit ad me: Filius meus es tu, ego hodie genui te.

  • @Rumptertumskin79
    @Rumptertumskin79 6 років тому +30

    This introit is truly the definitive Christmas "hymn" . It is as sober as it is powerful in proclaiming the mystery of the incarnation. No rendition of "O Come all ye Faithful", even with brass and Sir David's descant, could evince the same gravitas.

  • @TheFalcao7
    @TheFalcao7 5 років тому

    a eternidade !

  • @franc321
    @franc321 2 роки тому +1

    These chants sung in the presence of a believing Christian Community is uplifting.

  • @ascilon
    @ascilon 11 років тому

    Is this a catholic liturgy, or anglican celebration?

    • @frchrisheffernan
      @frchrisheffernan 7 років тому +5

      ascilon Catholic! One of the main Catholic Church's of Great Britain.

    • @m-hayek1985
      @m-hayek1985 5 років тому

      ascilon check out the catholic traditional Latin mass.

    • @bobrobinson5014
      @bobrobinson5014 4 роки тому +3

      Actually Westminster Cathedral is the principal Catholic Church in England & Wales.

    • @simongleaden2864
      @simongleaden2864 3 роки тому +1

      @@bobrobinson5014 That's right. There's a separate hierarchy in Scotland.

    • @scooby1992
      @scooby1992 8 місяців тому

      @@simongleaden2864 True , the equivalent Catholic Cathedral in Scotland is St.Mary's RC Cathedral in Edinburgh , the seat of The Archbishop of St.Andrews and Edinburgh ( there is also an Episcopalian / Anglican Cathedral in Edinburgh also called St.Marys ) . I have never been and inly seen photos if it But St.Mary's RC Cathedral is a very modest church .

  • @Dauphin35
    @Dauphin35 12 років тому

    Do you think it's Christian to assume the worst intentions behind every action? Don't be so quick to condemn when you clearly don't know the facts (the Blessed Sacrament is not reserved on that altar, which was an altar, by the way, long before the liturgical upheaval).

  • @scottheld4837
    @scottheld4837 6 років тому

    For it is written ... For ye are to not kiss thee altar. Amen

  • @wijse
    @wijse 14 років тому +3

    hmm a female server...

    • @bobrobinson5014
      @bobrobinson5014 4 роки тому +2

      Well the female altar server serves with reverence and diligence. Have you thought about how she might feel if she read your contemptuous comment? Hardly a Christian attitude!

    • @simongleaden2864
      @simongleaden2864 3 роки тому

      @@bobrobinson5014 It's a valid Christian attitude to be faithful to Tradition, and in the first 1,950 years of the Roman Catholic Church the sanctuary was an all-male area. She might have carried out with reverence the tasks allotted to her, but the archbishop is going against nearly 2,000 years of Tradition in giving her those tasks.

    • @scooby1992
      @scooby1992 8 місяців тому

      @@simongleaden2864 Are only men allowed to clean the sanctuary , or is it OK for women to be deemed Holy enough for that task when required ?

  • @ballinora53
    @ballinora53 11 років тому +56

    It is a beautiful setting of the Psalm. Sadly too many Roman Catholic Choirs have bombarded their people with appalling modern rubbish. This beautiful choir has brought me closer to God

    • @m-hayek1985
      @m-hayek1985 5 років тому +6

      Con O Sullivan it’s a world class boys choir. One of the best in the world. Check out the traditional Latin mass. Just remember to dress modestly when you attend. Pax

    • @jedvillanueva9918
      @jedvillanueva9918 2 роки тому +2

      I see where you’re coming from, but to describe it as rubbish is not acceptable.

    • @mysticalmargaret6105
      @mysticalmargaret6105 2 роки тому +6

      As a Roman Catholic I agree. I miss these beautiful old hymns. Practically at every church I've been to over the years for Mass, it's always some modern nonsense that I've never heard of, nor know the words to.

    • @janettedavis6627
      @janettedavis6627 2 роки тому

      @@jedvillanueva9918 It is rubbish not Divine Worship Music .

    • @rorymac7714
      @rorymac7714 Рік тому +1

      Charity please.

  • @architect1610
    @architect1610 11 років тому +10

    The person in red leading the procession is a Mace Bearer. It's traditional in English Cathedrals (both Anglican and Cathlolic) for there to be one at great Masses (or services for the Anglicans). Hope that helps :)

  • @patrickspiers7155
    @patrickspiers7155 2 роки тому +9

    We sing this as it should be in our catholic church in Evesham in Worcestershire. The High Mass on Sundays and Solemnities is exactly how the new Roman Rite was meant to be...everything is sung either by the priest or cantor/choir and laity. Beautiful.

  • @stephenbeyer4092
    @stephenbeyer4092 3 роки тому +4

    One of the side benefits of converting to the Catholic faith. I never got this in the Lutheran church

  • @clementgavi7290
    @clementgavi7290 5 років тому +7

    Dominus dixit ad me: Filius meus es tu, ego hodie genui te.
    Quare fremuerunt gentes: et populi meditati sunt inania?
    Astierunt reges terrae,
    et principes convenierunt
    in unum adversus Dominum et adversus Christus eius.

  • @architect1610
    @architect1610 11 років тому +6

    As a "traddie" myself, I see where you are coming from, but Westminster Cathedral has never had a tabernacle on the High Altar. In fact, it was only just a few months before this Mass was filmed that the Vatican II Altar was removed. Be grateful for small mercies. The true Altar is back in use. Although it's Versus Populum rather than Ad Orientem, it's still a step in the right direction.
    The Altar of the Blessed sacrament is still beautifully in its original form. Have a look if you wish.

  • @drwestbury
    @drwestbury  14 років тому +12

    It was the Midnight Mass broadcast on BBC on this Christmas Eve.

  • @colinbeadon5995
    @colinbeadon5995 9 років тому +8

    It enraptures you, such music. You don't need to understand the words.

  • @geoffbell100
    @geoffbell100 10 років тому +9

    Truly an uplifting and spiritual video. Thanks for posting. I visited the cathedral recently and attended evening mass. The choristers from the cathedral school are magnificent. Beautiful music and a lovely cathedral with great acoustics.

  • @preciousdevere288
    @preciousdevere288 7 років тому +11

    Angels are gathered to make such sweet music....

  • @t_luis
    @t_luis 10 років тому +5

    Excelent choir of the Westminster Cathedral. English Choirs beat that!

  • @mobrien7128
    @mobrien7128 9 років тому +11

    This is beautiful. We need more of this!!!!!

  • @geoffbell100
    @geoffbell100 10 років тому +5

    A magnificent cathedral. I visited London recently and attended mass both nights I was there. The Cathedral school choristers are wonderful. Their music in such a wonderful building is really a very uplifting spiritual experience. Thanks for posting and hats off to the boys.

  • @IanVR37
    @IanVR37 11 років тому +10

    Dominus dixit ad me: “Filius meus es tu;
    ego hodie genui te.

  • @drwestbury
    @drwestbury  14 років тому +6

    Thank you for your kind words. I appreciate them.

  • @wouter064
    @wouter064 6 років тому +6

    Great hearing this Gregorian chant sung by boys!

  • @mahe2605
    @mahe2605 4 роки тому +3

    Like si t’es la a cause de la musique 🤘5°2

  • @treblechoir99
    @treblechoir99 14 років тому +5

    Great moment with this psalm.

  • @DirkVA
    @DirkVA 14 років тому +3

    "Altar serviette"? Why the contemptuous reference? And why "a pity"?

  • @impasse0124
    @impasse0124 10 років тому +20

    I attended mass here once while visiting London. It really is as breathtaking as it seems. I would love to go back.

    • @clementgavi7290
      @clementgavi7290 6 років тому +5

      For Sundays' half past ten Masses at Westminster Cathedral are really breathtaking.

    • @bobrobinson5014
      @bobrobinson5014 4 роки тому +3

      The choir sing high mass every weekday at 5.30pm too... and have done ever since the Cathedral opened.

    • @simongleaden2864
      @simongleaden2864 3 роки тому

      I hear the best Masses in London are at the Brompton Oratory.

  • @Dauphin35
    @Dauphin35 14 років тому +4

    One step at a time. Let's celebrate the improvement so far!

  • @trinityangel1406
    @trinityangel1406 4 роки тому +4

    Absolutely Beautiful! I love my Catholic faith🙏🏼❤️🙏🏼

  • @lordsirob8640
    @lordsirob8640 2 роки тому +2

    Thank you George Basil. Your example and inspiration has left us a wonderful lagacy of your love for Church/Choral music.

  • @johnpaulsecond4626
    @johnpaulsecond4626 4 роки тому +3

    Simply majestic in the finest traditions of the Word

  • @jacinto19571
    @jacinto19571 10 років тому +4

    Maravilhosa a Westminster Cathedral.

  • @joevideos
    @joevideos 5 років тому +2

    in heaven

  • @juancarlostorres9859
    @juancarlostorres9859 9 років тому +2

    ¡Cuánto esplendor! ¡Incomparable belleza!

  • @sue200012
    @sue200012 12 років тому +3

    Beautiful. Who leads the procession? What is he carrying?
    Merry Christmas.

    • @frchrisheffernan
      @frchrisheffernan 7 років тому

      leaveitalone Usually led by the thurifer who carries the thurible containing burning incense.

    • @frchrisheffernan
      @frchrisheffernan 7 років тому

      leaveitalone but in this case since it is Christmas Mass he is possibly carrying the baby Jesus statue.

    • @Rumptertumskin79
      @Rumptertumskin79 6 років тому +2

      I think you're referring to the verger. This is very English! He can be seen in both Anglican and Catholic liturgies. I think in the good ol' days, he would use that staff to thwack misbehavin' folk :)

    • @benellis8940
      @benellis8940 5 років тому +1

      @@Rumptertumskin79 that's right I'm a Verger in the Anglican Church the "Verge" was a type of trungeon original,used "to keep order". thankfully I've never had to use it for that purpose but still use it "to lead the way".

  • @krystynamikorska300
    @krystynamikorska300 3 роки тому +1

    Laudetur Iesus Christus.

  • @chris-uq2jj
    @chris-uq2jj 8 місяців тому

    Simply beautiful exactly how music should be done. None of this show off flashy kendrick rubbish. The organ accompaniment is ethereal and just gorgeous to listen to

  • @janettedavis6627
    @janettedavis6627 Рік тому

    This is true Judhaism the Psalm given by Devine Inspiration to King David . God the Father talking to God the Son in eternity. The Tridentine has the Jewish Passover Prayers said in the Temple in Jerusalem in it.

  • @danieleduardomartin5399
    @danieleduardomartin5399 11 років тому +1

    Bellísimo!!!! Muy emotivo!!!!

  • @amnagxel2720
    @amnagxel2720 6 років тому

    IF you confess with your mouth, "Jesus Is Lord" and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9

  • @perrytsui9460
    @perrytsui9460 2 роки тому

    I’m wondering why British have beautiful liturgy and choir better than a lot of catholics nowadays.

  • @treblechoir99
    @treblechoir99 14 років тому

    High level David, yes

  • @patalex7314
    @patalex7314 9 років тому +1


  • @sue200012
    @sue200012 11 років тому +1

    thank you!

  • @uncd2000
    @uncd2000 6 років тому

    All who enjoy this are invited to join "Great Boys'Choirs of the World" on Facebook.

  • @kensingtonpalace
    @kensingtonpalace 10 років тому +1

    What is the significance of the tree in the back with the blue lights on it?

    • @Lumisatmi
      @Lumisatmi 10 років тому +1

      Are you referring to the Christmas tree?

    • @kensingtonpalace
      @kensingtonpalace 10 років тому

      Lumisatmi I thot maybe the blue lights had a specific significance.

    • @ringeradam4575
      @ringeradam4575 8 років тому +1

      Blue is the associated colour of Mary, mother of Jesus

  • @271250cl
    @271250cl 11 років тому +3

    Was this mass celebrated 'ad orientem'? Very beautiful, dignified liturgy, with fine music, as always from this choir.

    • @frchrisheffernan
      @frchrisheffernan 7 років тому

      Colin Do not think so

    • @frchrisheffernan
      @frchrisheffernan 7 років тому

      Colin candles on wrong side of altar for ad orientem.

    • @bobrobinson5014
      @bobrobinson5014 4 роки тому

      This mass was celebrated facing the people. However the altar cross and “big six” candles are never (and we’re never) on the actual altar itself. They are on the gradine shelf behind the altar. Even prior to the Vatican 2 liturgical changes, the crucifix and candles were not permitted in the altar itself and were meant to be on a gradine (shelf) behind the altar.

  • @stephenbeyer4092
    @stephenbeyer4092 3 роки тому

    Wish my Latin was more than I understand now

  •  7 років тому

    very nice

  • @pepeinno9336
    @pepeinno9336 Рік тому

    Beyond beauty

  • @romeo9017
    @romeo9017 2 роки тому


  • @petrusasemicorma9290
    @petrusasemicorma9290 Рік тому


  • @matiasluiz729
    @matiasluiz729 6 років тому

    Magnífico 🙃

  • @danielgoncalves9756
    @danielgoncalves9756 9 років тому

    Can someone explain to me what is the meaning of the first person who enters in the procession. I've seen the same thing in Anglican ceremonies..

    • @JacobSnell1998
      @JacobSnell1998 9 років тому

      He is carrying the sceptre with the orb.

    • @JacobSnell1998
      @JacobSnell1998 9 років тому +2

      It is given to the Statue of the Infant Jesus because Christ is the King of the Universe and so he receives the sceptre - instead in the Anglican services it is given to the Queen.

    • @danielgoncalves9756
      @danielgoncalves9756 9 років тому +1

      Thank You Jacob!

    • @JacobSnell1998
      @JacobSnell1998 9 років тому +1

      You are welcome. May God forever bless you.

    • @patalex7314
      @patalex7314 9 років тому +1

      It's an honour given by the Pope to Primates and Patriarchs of major sees in a country. At the restoration of the English Catholic hierarchy in England, the pope decree that the Archbishop of Westminster should have the crucifix carried before him and he is to be the head bishop of the church in England and Wales. That is why the archbishop of Westminster is automatically the President of the English bishops conference.
      Ordinarily he would have been granted the title of "primate of England" but this was avoided to prevent a conflict with the title already held by the archbishop of York "primate of England" or that of the Archbishop of Canterbury "primate of all England" (within the Church of England).
      After the reformation, bishops of the Anglican Church retained this tradition. Ordinarily it is an honour granted to primates and patriarchs of a country's head church by the bishop of Rome.

  • @samuelyoder6688
    @samuelyoder6688 9 років тому +2

    gril altar sever whyy

    • @scooby1992
      @scooby1992 8 місяців тому

      Because they are part of God's church and women make up at least 50% of it's members and in many places there probably arent enough boys .

  • @Toribus
    @Toribus 14 років тому +3

    Truly breathtaking. A pity about the altar serviette, but it was wonderful to see Westminster Cathedral alive on this great solemnity. Living water to the parched throats in Japan!

  • @m-hayek1985
    @m-hayek1985 5 років тому +7

    Girl alter boy messes everything up

    • @bobrobinson5014
      @bobrobinson5014 4 роки тому

      M - Hayek - the choir is men and boys BUT the altar servers are male and female. No lazy traddie sexism in the great cathedral of Westminster!

    • @m-hayek1985
      @m-hayek1985 4 роки тому +1

      Bob Robinson girls should not be serving mass. Only boys should. It’s preparation for the priesthood and women can’t be priests. Do you work at Westminster or something? Why are you so liberal?

    • @janettedavis6627
      @janettedavis6627 Рік тому

      Virgin Mary didn't serve at masses. He sent out Apostles they were men. No women servers allowed.

    • @janettedavis6627
      @janettedavis6627 Рік тому

      @@bobrobinson5014 No Females at altar please.

    • @scooby1992
      @scooby1992 8 місяців тому

      @@m-hayek1985 How many these days go on to be priests ?

  • @Vtr1781249
    @Vtr1781249 10 років тому +10

    I don't know what is more shocking, the sight of women altar servers, or the fact that there allowed in the sanctuary

    • @ancylostomiasis
      @ancylostomiasis 9 років тому +9

      Pope Benedict xvi seems to have less problem with that than you.

    • @robgroot4297
      @robgroot4297 9 років тому +1

      Retew Boy What a ridiculous remark !!!! The more at the altar the more. It should be a mixture of male and female.

    • @Vtr1781249
      @Vtr1781249 9 років тому +4

      Rob Groot You clearly know little about Scripture. The Sanctuary is supposed to be for the priest and his altar servers, not for women, who should remain in the nave.

    • @Vtr1781249
      @Vtr1781249 9 років тому

      Lex Parsimoniae The Holy Father is rather liberal in these matters, it must be said

    • @ancylostomiasis
      @ancylostomiasis 9 років тому +1

      Retew Boy Well if you say Benedict XVI is liberal be prepared because Pope Francis goes even further as it suggested. There's always a choice for the ultra liberal or conservative: promote church unity or leave it behind to serve your own.

  • @Toribus
    @Toribus 14 років тому +1

    It's pithy, rather than contemptuous. It's a pity, because having female altar boys is a holdover from a failed experiment and a dying chapter in the history of the Church.

  • @onyono5761
    @onyono5761 4 роки тому +1

    Altar girl.... Bad Bad Bad...

    • @bobrobinson5014
      @bobrobinson5014 4 роки тому +2

      Nothing wrong with female altar servers. Pope Benedict didn’t object to their presence when he celebrated mass in this great cathedral. Stop trying to be more catholic than the pope!

    • @janettedavis6627
      @janettedavis6627 Рік тому

      @@bobrobinson5014 No body told me the Virgin Mary served mass. Novus Ordo is a Counterfeit and the greatest con ever .

  • @Fundamentis
    @Fundamentis 11 років тому

    There is no tabernacle at the Altar...

    • @RezaChity-G
      @RezaChity-G 5 років тому +1

      The problem is that people think this is acceptable in little churches, cathedrals are often large with many people so they have a side chapel for the Most Blessed Sacrament

    • @janettedavis6627
      @janettedavis6627 Рік тому

      @@RezaChity-G He should always be in the center not in the side chapel.

    • @TheWhitePine5
      @TheWhitePine5 Рік тому

      @@janettedavis6627 You may be right, but keep in mind that St Peter's doesn't (and maybe never did) have the tabernacle on the altar.

  • @rcarmes1941
    @rcarmes1941 13 років тому

    Apparently at these Novus Ordo services, they do not believe in the Real Presence of Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament, they do not even genuflect!!! The only good thing is the Latin chants and the relics on their "altar"

    • @bobrobinson5014
      @bobrobinson5014 4 роки тому +6

      They do not genuflect because the tabernacle (blessed sacrament) is not reserved on the high altar but is located in the adjacent chapel. They do however genuflect during the Eucharistic prayer.

    • @simongleaden2864
      @simongleaden2864 3 роки тому +1

      @@bobrobinson5014 Quite. The correct form of reverence for an altar is a bow, is it not? It's just that most altars have a tabernacle on or just behind them and the genuflection to the Blessed Sacrament takes precedence over the bow to the altar.

    • @patrickspiers7155
      @patrickspiers7155 2 роки тому +1

      This is nothing to do with Novus Ordo services...Genuflection is a comparatively modern replacement for the "profound bow" of head and body that remains the supreme act of liturgical reverence in the Eastern Church to this day. In the medieval church in England as elsewhere, during the Mass (Sarum Rite etc) the priest made the "profound bow" at the consecration...genuflection was introduced as the norm by the late fifteenth century and made obligatory around 1502! Bowing to the altar is totally the correct liturgical act especially at an altar where the Blessed Sacrament is not in reservation. As a "traddie" myself and a church historian, if one wanted to be pedantic about it; the original and correct liturgical reverence is and always was....the profound Bow!.

  • @astrangerwhostaysforawhile987
    @astrangerwhostaysforawhile987 6 років тому +1

    Love the chant... But, then there's the girl altar server... Like it's a big no no

  • @ascilon
    @ascilon 11 років тому

    Unfortunately in Catholic Churches in England I have seen such liturgical disasters. Like children coming back from outside with drawings they made about the day's gospel, and presenting it to the people. Where is that authorized?

    • @scooby1992
      @scooby1992 8 місяців тому

      The children are the church of tomorrow . Should they not learn about the Gospel ?