Thanks everyone for watching and your kind words! Stay Strong! Dr. Dhand's Reverse Insulin Resistance and Fat Loss Blueprint Course: Dr. Dhand's Website: Dr. Dhand's Anti Inflammation Immune Support Supplement: Dr Dhand Free Newsletter Sign-Up:
A friend of mine has been in large women's sizes since the 1980s. She never had a problem with diabetes. She never got a flu shot. What changed? The virus on TV stare in 2020. She got the protocols. She stayed home. Two smart TVs, one laptop for her hubby, She was on face book getting notifications. Her husband was on his cell too. I was there and had my cell on. A friend of his had his cell on. Her husbands got an alert that his sugar spiked for no apparent reason. I had heard from a biological scientist/chemist about the use of frequencies to "cure" diabetes. He said it stands to reason that if it can cure it, it can also cause it. She developed diabetes, myocarditis then heart clots after jabs and boosters.
Is there a email address we can know to make sure you get messages or notified that someone is making it so we cannot click on the links below you leave and mention in the video? They are blocking your information and links when I click on them. Who knows how many other people as well.
@@christinaalban3717 Hi I just clicked on all links above they work. If you are having problems with links just go to Dr Suneel Dhand website type address in x
Since I only eat meat, many illnesses have been reversed including insulin resistance, hypothyroidism, sleep apnea, osteoporosis, etc. The list of benefits of eating mostly bacon, eggs and butter, is very long.
I did exactly what Dr. Dhand said. In 2007, I had two bad blood sugar measures in a row (HBA1C) of 6.1 and 6.3 -- pre-diabetic. No way was I going to take drugs the rest of my life. Slashed my carb intake, worked out and walked to work. Three months later, my HBA1C dropped to 5.5. Anybody can do it, if they want to! I am so much healthier now, having added daily fasting 15-16 hours between yesterday's meal and today's. Go for it, folks. You will feel so much better.
Hubby went into the hospital with pneumonia in June they found his heart enzymes were elevated and saw he had 4 blockages. They could only stent one because the other vessels were just to small. He is diabetic and as soon as he could we started walking every morning started with a mile than 2 and incorporated jumping jacks, step ups on the school bleachers and squats. His HBA1C was around 10.5. With walking and a carnivore diet he is now at a 7.5 6 months. It can be done with exercise, diet and patience. Be kind to yourself and give it time. We didn’t become unhealthy overnight and so we won’t get healthy overnight ❤
My grandmother got diabetes back in the 1950s. I saw first hand how awful this is. She had a double amputation of her legs below the knee. We were told that this runs in families. What runs in families is bad eating habits.
I’m sorry to hear about your grandmother. More than half a century on, things are no better. My brother has just had his second leg amputated due to diabetes complications. Fifteen years ago when he was diagnosed, he was told it was nothing to worry about as long as he kept taking his medications. Five years ago when he had his first toe 😂amputated following an infected diabetic ulcer, he was told it was just bad luck. Since then , he’s had two strokes and two above the knee amputations. And this is called medical care!
It's not entirely your fault, really. We have been intentionally misled. I swear, if you remove all fat, most all fat, you can heal the 0ancreas and go on to include fruits and starches in the diet again. Not much carb, but yes to rice, potatoes, fruits, it's been wonderful. Your sugar won't spike once the pancreas begins to heal.
We need physicians who will tell us the real cause of T2D and not just prescribe medications. My doctor just prescribed Metformin and told me to visit the ADA's website for more information. No diet interventions were discussed. I would never have discovered Keto and Carnivore if I had just listened to my Dr and not done my own research outside of the Pharma controlled information sources.
@@destinyknightthiefoffateas a long time diabetic, do what you can to fix your blood sugar levels and get off of metformin. Stomach issues, eye sight, kidney damage are all side effects to that horrible medicine.
My doctor said I have type 2 diabetes and wrote prescription for metformin for me but I don't have any symptoms of diabetes whatsoever he said it may be hereditary bit I told him nobody in my family has it. He insist that I had it. I don't understand I am doing intermittent fasting, low carb and no sugar at all. Even if I eat this way my BP and BS goes a little bit high. I went to seea Homeopathic doc. He said that my adrenal glands are really bad . So what should I do to lower it. Thankyou so much I want to reduce !
This just reminded me of something about big pharma! This book called “The 23 Former Doctor Truths by Lauren Clark”. My health shifted in a whole new way.
At about 30 years old and 3 years after suffering a cracked sternum and a torn rotator cuff in a powerlifting incident I weighed 225 pounds. I put myself on what was essentially a KETO diet of chicken, fish, eggs and beef along with cruciferous veggies and 7 months later I weighed 170 pounds and was full of energy. 30 years later I've found 12-13 of those lost pounds but I've held steady by holding as closely to that diet as possible. Very limited pasta, rice and breads and very rarely having sweets which is very difficult for me. The good doctor speaks truth.
Years ago, I had an annoyingly fit doctor telling me to lose weight and get in shape. I told him 'do you realize how much that will cost me?" and he replied 'A hellava lot less than medications for the rest of your life.' I woke up.
Home care nurse here. Yep, I had a patient that was happy when his insulin was increased because that meant he could eat more of his sugary snacks 😒 I tried teaching, I really tried. He's since passed 😢
@AuraDawn_Health, you tried to help him, but the truth is he didn't want to help himself. I think this is more common than many people want to believe. Some people love the attention they get because they are "sick". It is sad.
You did your best as a home care nurse. Too many people forget that sugary snacks are sweet poisons. I agree that sugar is Sweet poison. Your patient was taking risks with lifestyle illnesses. His passing tells us , "Do not think that lifestyle illnesses will not shorten your life, because triggering them will".
I developed type 2 diabetes at age 72. I had symptoms of the condition. Ordered glucose monitor. My levels were 400. I drove to Mayo Clinic near me in Arizona. I was given lots of insulin. I was admitted for 2 days in hospital. I left with instructions for 10 milligrams insulin and one metformin pill…500. I took my blood twice a day. After a few weeks doctor said stop insulin. I am petite and I knew it was my diet. After about 6 months…blood work normal. I am 76 now and strict diet. I may take half pill a day or whole. My diet changed it all. I exercise and walk often. Diet was the enemy.
I was diagnosed type 2 diabetic 8th December 2017. Devastated 💔 prescribed metformin, statins and blood pressure meds. NO THANKS. i went online and listened to the experts, the diabetics themselves who were all saying 'lower your carbs, eat healthy fats, avoid ultra processed foods and invest in a blood glucose monitor'. The answer is to avoid food/drink that spikes blood sugar levels, avoid if they keep blood sugars elevated for a long period of time. After 2 months i was 28lbs down and hba1c went from 62 to 47 (42 - 47 is prediabetic). After another 5 months i was down a total of 56lbs and my hba1c was in the 30s where it has remained. No medication. This is fantastic advice from Dr Suneel Dhand as always 👏 👍 😀
I believe you, yes, as Suneel has partially still telling the truth about this, because i know aswell, that they Are actually treating the diabetes wrong. But, on the other side, how much diabetes should i than have, when i eat mostly carbohydrates with predominantely sugars, especially the last few years ? And, when i have tryed keto diet for some time, back in 2018/2019, i have learned, that my kidneys were too much overloaded . So i stopped. And, i have realised, that it is still Not the best way of nourishment. So i went to more sugar intakes , but the healthy ones , so i completely cutted out the "root's" (white) sugar . And, i have never had any problems with the "diabetes" or with health.
I tried that but that raised my A1-C ! I learned afterward that meats can raise it too! I do better with grass fed meats. I have no gall bladder so that was a factor too. I was taking bile salts too with keto. I’m different I think.
Keto carnivore brought back my diabetes and this is because this diet does not work for where I am on the planet. A diet of fruit is what suits me and I am doing fine on this where my hba1c even went down with more carbs. The glucose goddess and other low carb ideologues cannot fathom this because they are northern white men. For those closer to the equator, make sure you understand how sunlight works. The sun is there to help you process the glucose just as how it created it. Photosynthesis is your starting point. Planetary sciences is important in understanding metabolism. If you start with nutrition science, the white Americans will lead you astray. You cannot follow them. Just as how they cannot follow us. Where does it make sense to eat fruits in winter just as how the animals cannot get fat at the equator for us to be low carb high fat. Eat with common sense.
On top of eating low carb try this amazing trick. Eat slower. Chew your food and enjoy every bite slower than you usually do. This helps your stomach with digestion and lets your satiety signals reach you before you overeat.
I know it will sound strange, but use chopsticks to eat. They're more precise, but also force you to eat smaller bites, thus taking longer. I've used them exclusively for a couple of years now.
My mother in law was diagnosed with diabetes and was told to take meds , my wife convinced her to change her diet and not take the pills. She just had repeat blood work and the dr said wow the pills are working you are perfect now . Most need lifestyle change for most problems , I am now convinced we are over prescribed medication
I was diagnosed as "pre-diabetic" this spring and enrolled in a diabetes prevention class at my local hospital based on CDC guidelines and paid for by Medicare. I admit there are some good tips like build your plate with 1/2 non starchy vegetables, but they also demonize fats and allow white potatoes, rice, white flour products as acceptable carbs and have us "calorie counting." I'm doing my own version cutting out all sugars and white starches, eating plenty of healthy/animal fats and full fat dairy and a lot more protein than what was recommended for me by their dietician. And I walk for 15 or 20 minutes after every meal. The result - I've lost 10 pounds so I'm back in "normal" BMI range, no sugar cravings, A1C coming down. CDC needs to sever ties with the ADA and Big pharma. And patients need to listen to doctors like you, Dr. Dhand, and focus on a healthier diet overall and active lifestyle. That's a lot more sustainable.
Anything the WHO recommends, I now do the opposite. A book 'Health and Beauty Mastery' by Julian Bannett exposes so many shocking truths. I completely changed my habits.
WHO also big time infiltrated by big pharma. They actually sided with pharma decades ago in promoting powder milk for babies in poor countries, over perfectly healthy mothers breast feeding healthy babies. Poor mother got pressured to use expensively imported powder milk, but in poor rural areas they fed their babies powder milk mixed with dirty puddle / pond waters - guess what sick babies and child mortality shot up in those areas. Big pharma, WHO, health "ministers" and many others in big cahoots..... !
I suspiciously became pre diabetic after nearly a year of going on beta blockers for fibrillation issues. I’m tall, skinny, underweight and don’t think I eat particularly badly. The nurse wasn’t interested when I mentioned my concern and was only keen that I cut down on red meat?!! Wtf!! I only said I ate it a couple of times a week. Also after I found out I was pre diabetic I panicked and went full on keto diet, but started losing weight very fast, which I don’t want. So I’m now just being being more careful what carbs and sugar I eat. And no seed oils. I’m also now taking it upon myself to ween myself off the beta blockers, and over to magnesium and coq10 as an alternative. So I can then see if it is the medication they prescribed that caused my glucose levels to rise. If I don’t do it myself no one else will.
Being in the medical profession, the testing machines can sometimes give wrong readings, machines need to be calibrated regularly, Afterall you have done everything right and still diagnosed as diabetic or hypertension
My suggestion is to try it. I didn't know if it would work but decided to try it for 3 months. It did work for me. And I'm very thankful that I learned about low carb. When I was diagnosed with T2 diabetes (borderline) in Australia in 2021 the doctor immediately wanted to put me on metformin, statin and see a dietician. I said you only change one thing at a time and I said I will try diet first. Thankfully I did find out about low carb and cut out most sugar and stopped eating the really medium-high carb foods. When I saw the dietician who worked in hospitals, she said I wasn't eating *_enough_* carbs. I decided to do some more research and decided to stick with what I was doing and cancelled the follow up appointment. When I got my follow up results about 10 weeks later I sent them through to her showing that I had remitted my diabetes. She had told me that I needed to eat carbs so I wouldn't lose muscle. I was checked by an exercise physiology 1 year after starting low carb and she said that my muscles are fine. I've now been low carb with lots of meat/protein for 3 years now and am metabolically healthy proven by blood tests and liver scan (I had had fatty liver for at least 25 years).
I’m Keto/Carnivore, 5 years now, I follow Dr Ken Berry, up to 20 carbs, I store fat and I’m predisposed to diabetes but eating a low carb diet, I don’t have diabetes…..No sugar, grains, fruit, processed foods, or seed oil, low carb vegetables…….
Dieticians are not worth listening to as a profession they are really not cutting edge trained and never have been. I have also for years done low carb / beneficial fats but think for myself based on lots of sources and think it’s dangerous to follow anyone
@@dar4835 My GP wanted to put me on a statin. I had just remitted my diabetes (under a different GP who had also wanted to put me on statin when I was diagnosed with diabetes) and I told the new GP that statins are known to worsen/cause diabetes. She said oh there is new research coming out showing that they help with diabetes. This was mid 2023. I thought (but kept quiet) so who / what do I believe. I continued to say no thanks.
I went from an A1C of 11.8 to 5.3 eating low carb and no seed oils in 8 months. However, I also have high cholesterol and 2 months ago a heart incident because of calcium deposits in my aorta and aortic stenosis. Drugs are now increasing my blood sugars and my digestion is painfully affected. I am also on 20 mg crestor. I now crave milk and a slice of bread which raises my glucose and I can't exercise above a heart rate of 100. I am fighting depression from the drugs and trauma. Hearing this post reminds me that I can work out of this. I dl nordic walking and have a background in weight training and I trained as an opera singer since I was 15. I have resources others may not have. I just have to fight.
The elephant in the room is food addiction. Studies show sugar is as addictive to rats as cocaine. Most people live in a city. In one square mile around me there are four bakeries, three Indian food restaurants, five Chinese food restaurants, two Mexican food restaurants, two Italian restaurants, two 24/7 supermarkets, four Barista coffee shops that sell cakes, four sweet and alcohol shops, a post office selling a wall of sweets, a sandwich cafe, three ice cream shops. Ive probably missed some. I did keto for two months surrounded by this plethora of shops selling the equivalent of cocaine. Many people chomp and gobble takeaway food while strolling by in the busy streets. I forgot the two burger eateries. Its all very well telling people to stop being addicted to fast food but craving all day whilst having to walk past all these banquets feels so depressing. There are more food temptations in a city than alcohol or drug temptations. People used to only cook and only eat at home. Please Dr do a video about this horrendous challenge. People need food. People dont need alcohol or drugs. So food cravings are difficult to manage because you still gotta eat. Plus many use food as an emotional soother and antidepressant. I think there should be a national building of dedicated gymn/clinics for the medically overweight. Telling them to endure the embarrassment of going to a regular body building gymn is just cruel. Please do a video on these causes of diabetes.
This! Yes, this is the main problem. 18 months in keto, I STILL have my coworker hide any sweets in the break room because I still have problems with controlling not eating them. Smells from Panda Express drive me insane.
One of the top Australian Specialists on a TV show said that Diabetes would virtually disappear in 6-8wks in Australia, if people went on a diet and loss weight. He was ignored for the rest of the show. This was around 10 years ago.
Dr Dhand You and other Doctors, Cardiologists, Neurosurgeons etc on UA-cam are Absolutely Amazing. We wish we had more of You That are Real Doctors , Kind and Compassionate and not pushing pills. May God Bless All of You and Your Families Abundantly.🙏🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️❤️
Listen to this man. It genuinely works. At first it’s slightly difficult but in a week or two you get used to not having carbs and sugars and will feel and look better in return. Share this to your loved ones
Many young people have grown up eating fast foods and terrible school lunches, lots of sodas and little if none exercise. Most are overweight. Look at people pictures of the 60’s and 70’s and compare them today and you will see a vast difference in size.
Type II is absolutely curable. I was type 2, had high blood pressure, high cholesterol, fatty liver. I lost 55 lbs and cut out processed foods, I make almost everything I can from scratch, I work out 4 to 5 days a week with 30 minutes cardio and as heavy weight training as I can lift. I do eat carbs but only fresh fruit, some potatoes and homemade sourdough bread. I am no longer diabetic, my BP is on the low side. My cholesterol is a little elevated but I eat 3 eggs everyday. My MD only gave me meds and a copy of some diet that made no sense t all.
When I went into the hospital, they gave me a diabetic diet... Mashed potatoes, bread, Sprite, and a cobbler for dessert. Breakfast they tried to feed me Oatmeal. They absolutely have no clue about what a good diet is. My wife brought me Whey/protein shakes with zero sugar while I was in hospitial.
@jonlanier_ as an RN in a Rehab for post surgical patients, most had diabetes and cardiac disease. The polypharmacy that goes on is criminal. The food they serve is reprehensible. It's appalling. Bottom line is for the rehab to save money, not people. Criminal.
I went to a prayer retreat with a roommate with a nutrition diploma. I was flabbergasted after talking with him as I knew much more about nutrition than he did. He spoke about his mother-in-law, who was dealing with cancer, and this guy had no clue that cancer loves sugar and is usually in people who are low on vitamin D3.
Drinking cinnamon tea will keep your insulin levels low. Mine went from 5.2 to 4.9. I was not trying, just was drinking that tea for another reason (Covid 19)!
I am working on myself. I have lowered my a1c by cutting carbs and intermittent fasting. It does work. I have a long way to go, but I want lasting results, so not rushing.
This doctor is just utterly genuine god bless! I am surprised when I noticed he talked all the brilliant things without any pause and NO mute cuttings type of video editing has done. Beautiful!
My dentist says no snacks. Every time you eat and chew the bacteria in your mouth have a field day. He says if you are wanting anything that is likely to be high in sugar including drink. Do it in one sitting. No here a biscuit there a cinnabun here a chocolate everywhere a chocolate. Of course he added your doctor will prefer you snack intermittently.
My husband doesn’t need his morning or evening short acting insulin anymore after 7 mths carnivore. He got diabetes I believe after having Paraguat poisoning
Thank you, you are one brave man, but speaking the truth. Got diagnosed with Type II diabetes April 2020, after one week in ICU, was sent home with an insulin prescription. More than 4 years on keto now, no medication & I was the second biggest customer at my local pharmacy.
I. Am. Shocked. Shocked at this logic. You have spoken the hard truth, plainly and succinctly. I’m a nurse and it just struck me- how these words need to be spoken to EVERYONE, but especially to the DMT2 crowd. They don’t hear this. They don’t!!! It’s medical malpractice day in and day out, year upon year. 😮 Please keep your passion and knowledge alive! We. Need. You. ❤
True. Drs and patients. From my experience knowing a few diabetics one in the 70’s who kept on a pretty strict diet and was trim and healthy and later a couple who took metformin who definitely did not want to eat a good diet! A lot of people just want the easy way regardless of the consequences. Pills are so much easier and allows indulgence more than eating healthy. Big food and big pharma are partly to blame but individuals have to take 90% of the responsibility, nowadays if you truly are ignorant of the logical good eating diet you have been working too hard not to know.
Totally in agreement. It irks me terribly as a type 1 diabetic that even being low carb, with a great A1C, I still need to inject insulin , whereas type 2 diabetics could be completely cured with the low carb diet and yet they choose instead to take 3-4 medications that harm them further... always looking for an easy way out
I'm so sorry that you have type 1. My sister has type 2, and she refuses to eat the way she needs to reverse it because it's not convenient for her. I wish you could trade places with her and get well. She makes me angry to not want to get off of her meds and stuff herself with sugar and carbs.
Thank you Dr. Dandh I’m a nurse and work with hospitalized patients and can’t get over the increase over the years in numbers of patients who have type 2 diabetes. It’s very sad.
Here's what I eat on most days: in a deep bowl, I chop half a cucumber, chop some onion and garlic, throw in some minced ginger, blueberries, chopped walnuts, raw pumpkin seeds, some slow cooked great northern beans, a bit of chopped apple, sometimes some chopped baby arugula. sometimes some chopped broccoli, and I dress it with some acv, some evo, and a packet of stevia. Later in the day, I treat myself to a packet of seaweed snacks and 2 squares of 90% dark chocolate. My occasional protein includes egg, wild salmon, cod, or skinless chicken. (Maybe once a month I'll treat myself to a steak) went from 193 to 138, still trying to kick the neuropathy with passive exercise. I'm a work in progress lol. My eating window is most often 16/8. (and I take Dr Dhand's supplement --ginger, turmeric, black pepper). I'm 64, type 2 since my 50s. Was hospitalized for 4 days in August due to leg swelling. They told me that I had a blot clot on my heart, and wanted to do invasive procedures ( I refused), put me on 5 prescriptions (I no longer take them) and fed me ridiculous food, hooked me up to a heart monitor (which never went off)had an iv in each arm, constant blood work--a nightmare! I haven't been admitted to a hospital since my daughter was born 31 years ago. I hate the medical establishment.This hospital also refuses to acknowledge the essential role that my faith has in my well being. It's horrible that our culture tolerates such poor health practices. Any suggestions, Dr Dhand?
Everything you say is so true. I live in Ireland and that stated food pyramid is the same as yours in the US and Uk. Went to a diabetes health session in my local city run by diabetes nurses and was pilloried by them when I criticised that food pyramid, I was a tin hat, I had gone down the rabbit hole, they would not discuss that high carbohydrate approach. It is pointless in Ireland me seeing a diabetes nurse or a dietician or an GP or an endocrinologist as they all have the same attitude. I stick to a strict keto diet. Am I better, not sure but am totally convinced that what is put forward here and all the people commenting below is totally the right approach. Guidelines and the HSE , when will things change, they are still stuck in a slightly modified Ancel Keys approach! Horrific.
Yes, that damned pyramid - I'm in Ireland too, and just did an HSE healthy food community course. Everything was low fat/fat free, no butter, use margarine, avoid red meat, eat plenty of "healthy" carbs, don't eat cholesterol containing foods, no saturated fats etc. I locked horns with the health board dietician who was advising us, but to no avail. Sadly, there were some pre-diabetics in the group who really needed some sound advice.
@@callunaherissonne662wonder if you were on the same course as myself in Mayo! I always get myself into trouble saying exactly what they said to you. The Hse seems stuck in some sort of prehistoric cave, they really need to realise that the evidence for much of what they say has been changed or very much modified by the latest research of which new ideas are constantly coming out. They need to review and change accordingly!
Thanks Dr. Suneel , love from Pakistan, your vlogs are super informative and intuitive. Modern day Doctors unfortunately refrain from dietary advice and prefer to medicate and are fixated on the point that diabetes is a progressive disease and medication is a must.
True words! What I wish more people knew is that giving up sweet things is easy: start by eating sugary foods ONCE per day. Reduce the quantity of sugary food (eaten in ONE sitting - not spread out over the day). Do this until you can go without sweet foods. The idea is to reduce the number of TIMES you eat sugary food during the day. At the end of it all, YOU LOSE YOUR CRAVING FOR SUGAR. Also important to NOT eat/drink artificial sweeteners. Another strategy is to tell yourself, when tempted by biscuits or cakes, etc is to say "I don't want to trigger insulin" and have a handful of seeds or nuts. They take a long time to chew, making them a satisfying substitute for a choc bar or something. I used this method, eating pumpkin seeds, to get myself on a full ketogenic diet with intermittent fasting 7 years ago. Lost 15kgs in a matter of 5 or 6 weeks and have NEVER regained the weight even though I eat the odd cakes and biscuits now. At the time I was in my 60s (female). It's doable, people, and well worth the effort.
I was on some strong pain medicine and developed type 2 diabetes. When I was able to get off of the pain medicine. I was able to lose weight and no longer needed insulin. Many medications have bad side effects.
Captain Picard asks Admiral Matthew Dougherty, "How many people does it take, Admiral, before it becomes wrong? Hmm? A thousand, fifty thousand, a million? How many people does it take, Admiral?".
One of the few doctors that talk sense.Fourteen years ago I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes I was a reasonable weight and kept fit.Following the doctors advice I started on the recommended diet and took metformin.I was told there was no cure and it would get progressively worse and it did.Four years ago I stopped medication and started keto.I quickly became in the normal range for blood readings.My body cells are still insulin resistant due to years of high carb food but I can function as normal if I keep off the carbs and watch my eating times.The huge increase in type 2 diabetes is caused by doctors giving the wrong advice and totally ignorant of how the body works.
Dr. Dhand… in your hospital, what foods are fed to type II diabetics? Sandwiches with white bread? Potatoes? Rice? Pasta? I too see a vicious cycle in the medical industry. No medical entity but you have the integrity to step-up in public to fight this problem! As a type II diabetic, I’ve been able to control my blood sugars with diet and oral medication. My holistic MD has given me the guidance to focus on proteins and vegetables. Would you believe my PPO won’t pay for a continuous glucose monitor (CGM) because I’m not on insulin? Every diabetic should have this device as many of them monitor your blood sugars every 5 minutes. Keto products do spike the blood sugar, but slowly. No one is talking about eating smaller portions multiple times per day? Where is our medical establishment in this time of crisis? …at a medical convention sponsored by Big Pharma!
Is the glucose monitor a one off payment? If so beg borrow or steal and buy one. If its going to help you overcome your condition. Its a no brainer. Save you dosh in the long run. Luck
Just been diagnosed as diabetic with an A1C of 6. I’m supposed to wait until the local diabetes team schedules an appointment. Did I? No. I’m doing keto…have the occasional carb item when I’m out with friends. In just over two weeks I’ve dropped 10 pounds. I’m not waiting. I’m taking my diet seriously and not waiting for advice I know won’t be food-based! Next thing after this busy holiday season is getting to the gym…I’m in snowy Canada and walking in the snow isn’t as enjoyable right now as in a gym on a treadmill! Want to drop another 20 pounds before my next blood test and appointment in a few months time! It will shock/surprise my doctor!
So logical. Problem is many prefer to take the easy road (short term), and it is not in the interests of many "healthcare providers" today to try to convince them otherwise. Better for the patient, but not for the business!
Am 64, haven't been to a doctor except for injuries since I was adolescent. Haven't been sick since before I quit smoking 32+ years ago. Diet varies over time from carneto to low carb, not carnivore, I love spice and fermented/cultured dairy/cured meat foods, and keto sweets. NEVER CONSUME SUGAR OR even moderate carbs except as seasoning spices. Fermented always homemade raw low carb veggies and TVP/soymeal natto (@1kg/wk)
Fabulous advice, most of which I already knew however it was good to actually hear a doctor quoting on the lack of nutritional awareness of some doctors and even nutritionists when it comes to diabetes control, I don’t have diabetes but my sister does. The only additional information that I would have liked to have heard was the mention of a couple of examples of what not to eat when you’re already on medications like my sister, she is on 2 tablets, twice daily but continues to eat bread, the nutritionist told her that’s ok 😅 same with other common carbs like potatoes, pasta etc. I do send her some videos because I am aware of the potential problems she could have but it appears that she’s a bread addict.
One of your best yet! As an almost 40 yr RN, i am sick ti death of all the Big Pharma meds we push onto patients, and post surgical protocol to give sliding scale insulin with gluc > 151! When i retire in 2 yrs I will find a niche in hollistic medicine, which we need NOW! God bless you Dr Dhand, you are top notch!
Dr Suneel Dhand.. hope your repeated emphasis that is based on logic and science, convinces diabetics to see the reason and follow your advice sincerely.🎉❤🎉❤
Dr. Dhand, you are fast becoming my favorite. I love the way you put things. Can I quote you? My daughter's father in-law has type 2 diabetes and he is on medication. His blood pressure really went out of control last year. My daughter and I try to tell them about the natural way to health and we demonstrate it. They still don't seem to get it. Now he has been put on ozempic. Can you please speak to this ozempic craze? Their doctors are killing them. I am certified in functional diagnostic nutrition. It is an education outside of the main stream Nutritionist typical training. It is holistic and lifestyle based.
Fix your sleep and get sun and connect. Meditation and connecting will also help. Watch meal times frequency listen to Jason Fung. And think I can do this. Good luck.
I just had my blood work done and was told I’m borderline pre-diabetic. No way am I going on medication for this and will fix it myself. Cutting drastically on carbs/sweets PERIOD. If this doesn’t scare you into wanting to look at your habits/thought patterns, and change, then whatever comes after is your own doing. It sure motivates me to change for good!
Intermittent fasting / one meal a day is kinda difficult to get into at first, but becomes easier after a few days. One meal after 2pm, or at least restricting eating to between 2pm and 6pm seems to work well for me and you begin feeling much better overall. I basically eat high protein breakfast for a late lunch / early dinner...eggs, small steak, healthy nuts, avocado, a little high fiber and low card grain like flax seed hot cereal or chia seed, etc. High protein means you absolutely do not go to bed hungry OR wake up hungry. After awhile, it becomes fairly easy to get used to waiting to eat until later in the day. It can be easy to "fall off the wagon," so you gotta stay on top of it.
Great advice and I am a living example of the natural approach working having shrunk from a 24 stone/153kg diabetic (A1C of 7.9%/63mmol/mol) to 12 stone/76kg healthy 57 year old (A1C 5.5%/37mmol/mol) in 16 months. I did this through keto and intermittent fasting. My story has just gone viral on LinkedIn and so I am now going to try to leverage this to get in front of UK NHS and government policy makers. The conversation I want to have is the one you describe to get them to look at the very poor advice available to diabetics and obese people fron NHS and the govt
You are absolutely correct and I hope you succeed in your messaging! I love a keto diet I was surprised how easy it is, once my metabolism adjusted. I don't snack, because I don't have the blood-sugar drops that drive cravings
I have been type 2 diabetic since the age of 22yrs. I am now 40 yrs old. Been on metformin, novorapid, glargine, dapaglifzoxin and sitagliptin to keep my hba1C levels in good control. Been at 56-58mmol for the last 18 yrs. I stopped my medication 9 months ago. Did my blood works last week and my current hba1C is 37mmol. All I did was ate wholesome foods and did resistance training for 45mins 3 x a week. Thank u doc for changing my life. I feel stronger than ever. Taking pills wasn't the answer. Changing my lifestyle was what I needed to do.
I agree whole heartedly However Unless individuals take on a harsh lifestyle change ...doctors have no option thant to medicate !!@!! Its the individuals responsibility to take personal action to drastically change their eating and exersise habits. Blood sugar sensors should replace medication in first instance To help people understand their bodies People generally have become lazy minded. Prefering a quick option requiring little effort.
GREAT INFORMATION. I have been saying the same thing for years, but I don't have a medical degree. AS an educator I have seen the determination of the health of children. Even diabetic children. Just look at the food fed at schools. Scary. I'm keeping this video. Thank you
Most docs know how to do only 2 things: prescribe drugs, usually ones you have to take the rest of your life and be on the subscription health plan, or cut you open and then prescribe drugs. Docs are mostly in the thrall of pharmaceutical corporations.
About 23 years ago,my husband's blood sugar was in the diabetic range. The dr. was ready to give meds. My husband asked for an alternstive and was sent to a dietitian. The diet was a version of the old diabetic diet. We controlled ( not eliminate) his carbs. He also lost 40 pounds in the process. It was work, but the weighf loss was key. He still monitors his blood sugar and watches his weight and has avoided medication.
Oh Dr Suneel Dhand i wish you knew how much you are apreciated. I have learnt so much from you . Dr Dhan i have type two diabetes , and i am so frustrated and is leaving my Medicare and Dr who iMO is useless . I still trying to walk with my walker an other muscle exercise , i have Sciatica en both legs an back problems, I fell aprox sixteen times before he tried anything at all . I feel so trapped, because i use to walk 5 miles daily .Im seventy an feels useless now . I felt if i could have been referred to a chiropractor , therapy i wouldnt have ended up like this . Thank you so much , how i wish I had a good Dr Like you .G.bless you.
I'm due to see my GP to have my bloods checked. You are my go-to doctor on UA-cam (I wish you were my doctor in the real world) and thanks to you I know about lot more about diabetes than I did before. I'm an amputee and am concerned about foot pain and numbness in my remaining foot. I do have back pain when standing for longer than 3 mins and have had a pelvic fracture. All this was caused by a non fault motorcycle crash in 2017. My diet has been poor since becoming a widower and because of grief and boredom I do tend to snack on savoury items such as spicy nuts and weekend Maltesers. I'm 6ft tall but 20 stone male. I'd love to lose weight to take some pressure off my residual limb and remaining leg and foot. Thank you Dr Dhand. I'm in England.
I was diagnosed with Type 1.5 at the age of 58 after waking up in the hospital in a diabetic coma. Latent autoimmune diabetes in adults (LADA) (Type 1.5 diabetes) is a type of diabetes that has characteristics of both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes. It happens because your body makes antibodies that attack insulin-producing cells in your pancreas.
@@evolveyourself9518 I believe it was detected through a C-peptide test. (Or a CRP oe ESR test..Ive got several tests names written down) but pretty sure it was the C-Peptide test that was used to diagnose my type 1.5
Dr. Dhand is exactly right about how a low carb diet can reverse diabetes. But most people I know who have diabetes are overweight and really really love food and the type of food they should be eating they can't and will not eat. I think the medical community tries to do the best with the diabetic population at hand.
People think brown bread and cheese crackers are diabetic friendly and fat free milk avoiding eggs is healthy and eating porridge, bowls of oats is the key to great health.
Thanks everyone for watching and your kind words! Stay Strong!
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A friend of mine has been in large women's sizes since the 1980s. She never had a problem with diabetes. She never got a flu shot. What changed? The virus on TV stare in 2020. She got the protocols. She stayed home.
Two smart TVs, one laptop for her hubby, She was on face book getting notifications.
Her husband was on his cell too. I was there and had my cell on. A friend of his had his cell on.
Her husbands got an alert that his sugar spiked for no apparent reason.
I had heard from a biological scientist/chemist about the use of frequencies to "cure" diabetes. He said it stands to reason that if it can cure it, it can also cause it.
She developed diabetes, myocarditis then heart clots after jabs and boosters.
Thank you for this video Dr Suneel Dhand
Is there a email address we can know to make sure you get messages or notified that someone is making it so we cannot click on the links below you leave and mention in the video? They are blocking your information and links when I click on them. Who knows how many other people as well.
@@christinaalban3717 Hi I just clicked on all links above they work.
If you are having problems with links just go to Dr Suneel Dhand website type address in x
Since I only eat meat, many illnesses have been reversed including insulin resistance, hypothyroidism, sleep apnea, osteoporosis, etc. The list of benefits of eating mostly bacon, eggs and butter, is very long.
I did exactly what Dr. Dhand said. In 2007, I had two bad blood sugar measures in a row (HBA1C) of 6.1 and 6.3 -- pre-diabetic. No way was I going to take drugs the rest of my life. Slashed my carb intake, worked out and walked to work. Three months later, my HBA1C dropped to 5.5. Anybody can do it, if they want to! I am so much healthier now, having added daily fasting 15-16 hours between yesterday's meal and today's. Go for it, folks. You will feel so much better.
Wonderful! I’m proud of you 👍🏽
Gee congrats but my husband just got in trouble for being 59 and not on any drugs! Health is pills ! Unreal
Hubby went into the hospital with pneumonia in June they found his heart enzymes were elevated and saw he had 4 blockages. They could only stent one because the other vessels were just to small. He is diabetic and as soon as he could we started walking every morning started with a mile than 2 and incorporated jumping jacks, step ups on the school bleachers and squats. His HBA1C was around 10.5. With walking and a carnivore diet he is now at a 7.5 6 months. It can be done with exercise, diet and patience.
Be kind to yourself and give it time. We didn’t become unhealthy overnight and so we won’t get healthy overnight ❤
@@islandgurl4123 Well said. I wish y'all the best!
@@JenP-x1c 65 and never any drugs, you are the doctor, everyone else advises you.
My grandmother got diabetes back in the 1950s. I saw first hand how awful this is. She had a double amputation of her legs below the knee. We were told that this runs in families. What runs in families is bad eating habits.
Gosh, you said it better than I could! You are ABSOLUTELY correct!
I’m sorry to hear about your grandmother. More than half a century on, things are no better. My brother has just had his second leg amputated due to diabetes complications. Fifteen years ago when he was diagnosed, he was told it was nothing to worry about as long as he kept taking his medications. Five years ago when he had his first toe 😂amputated following an infected diabetic ulcer, he was told it was just bad luck. Since then , he’s had two strokes and two above the knee amputations. And this is called medical care!
Not just the same bad eating habits, but also the same treatment and traumas which can also increase your chances of getting diabetes…
It's not entirely your fault, really. We have been intentionally misled. I swear, if you remove all fat, most all fat, you can heal the 0ancreas and go on to include fruits and starches in the diet again. Not much carb, but yes to rice, potatoes, fruits, it's been wonderful. Your sugar won't spike once the pancreas begins to heal.
@@barbaramackinder3366 so sad 😢
Fellow physician here. INDEED. A food based disease. I am so annoyed by diabetes medication. Wake up human beings. It’s your choice.
Canada's prime minister, trudeau, thinks that ALL citizens should pay for a diabetics insulin supply.
@@BohemianLifer Apparently he is rich and cannot relate to the poor! Just like SO many other politicians!
We need physicians who will tell us the real cause of T2D and not just prescribe medications. My doctor just prescribed Metformin and told me to visit the ADA's website for more information. No diet interventions were discussed. I would never have discovered Keto and Carnivore if I had just listened to my Dr and not done my own research outside of the Pharma controlled information sources.
So many physicians, and big pharma, live by the motto "A well patient is a lost customer"
@@destinyknightthiefoffateas a long time diabetic, do what you can to fix your blood sugar levels and get off of metformin. Stomach issues, eye sight, kidney damage are all side effects to that horrible medicine.
I am my own doctor and you are one of my favorite mentors Dr. Dhand. I'll be 66 in a few days and take no prescription or OTC meds!
Congratulations! 👏🏽
Congratulations can you please share what are you doing to help heal yourself besides doing any keto or carnivore diet? Thankyou in advance
My doctor said I have type 2 diabetes and wrote prescription for metformin for me but I don't have any symptoms of diabetes whatsoever he said it may be hereditary bit I told him nobody in my family has it. He insist that I had it. I don't understand I am doing intermittent fasting, low carb and no sugar at all. Even if I eat this way my BP and BS goes a little bit high. I went to seea Homeopathic doc. He said that my adrenal glands are really bad . So what should I do to lower it. Thankyou so much I want to reduce !
65 here, and the same
Same here.
This just reminded me of something about big pharma! This book called “The 23 Former Doctor Truths by Lauren Clark”. My health shifted in a whole new way.
Thanks for sharing that
just checking it out now
As a child, I saw my Granny get off of insulin by losing weight and carefully watching her diet. This lesson stayed with me.
Just follow an intermittent fasting / low-carb / low sugar lifestyle. And stay active. Problem solved. No need for medications.
EXACTLY! I have followed this for years. GREAT and healthful results!
Worked for me.
In my mid 70's. Intermittent fasting/low sugar, stair cardio and little gardening. Didn't need to reduce carbs.
@@smas3256 Hopefully your higher carb eating plan won't harm you. I do as you do, but LOW carb is what I follow too.
Quit eating between meals. Drink only water or black coffee between meals. Fast 12-14 hours between dinner and breakfast.
Hospitals serve high carb, high sugar stodge to all patients.
And I have to wonder what action can be taken against Congress who will not STOP this!
I was served one breakfast which was nothing but wheat & sugar except for a tiny sausage link.
Absolutely 💯
Ya and Big Mike changed the school food programs. Fundamental change.
Ensuring repeat business
At about 30 years old and 3 years after suffering a cracked sternum and a torn rotator cuff in a powerlifting incident I weighed 225 pounds. I put myself on what was essentially a KETO diet of chicken, fish, eggs and beef along with cruciferous veggies and 7 months later I weighed 170 pounds and was full of energy. 30 years later I've found 12-13 of those lost pounds but I've held steady by holding as closely to that diet as possible. Very limited pasta, rice and breads and very rarely having sweets which is very difficult for me. The good doctor speaks truth.
Years ago, I had an annoyingly fit doctor telling me to lose weight and get in shape. I told him 'do you realize how much that will cost me?" and he replied 'A hellava lot less than medications for the rest of your life.' I woke up.
God bless him for telling you the truth. Glad you listened!
Home care nurse here. Yep, I had a patient that was happy when his insulin was increased because that meant he could eat more of his sugary snacks 😒 I tried teaching, I really tried. He's since passed 😢
@AuraDawn_Health, you tried to help him, but the truth is he didn't want to help himself. I think this is more common than many people want to believe. Some people love the attention they get because they are "sick". It is sad.
Lose the sugar or the foot. Your choice. If you say you may lose your life they won't believe it. Take med warnings you may lose your life.
You did your best as a home care nurse. Too many people forget that sugary snacks are sweet poisons. I agree that sugar is Sweet poison. Your patient was taking risks with lifestyle illnesses. His passing tells us , "Do not think that lifestyle illnesses will not shorten your life, because triggering them will".
Lifestyle illness is really a life-steal illness.
I knew a man that had both feet amputated due to diabetes. That didn't change his mind. Family kept bringing him his favorites.
I developed type 2 diabetes at age 72. I had symptoms of the condition. Ordered glucose monitor. My levels were 400. I drove to Mayo Clinic near me in Arizona. I was given lots of insulin. I was admitted for 2 days in hospital. I left with instructions for 10 milligrams insulin and one metformin pill…500. I took my blood twice a day. After a few weeks doctor said stop insulin. I am petite and I knew it was my diet. After about 6 months…blood work normal.
I am 76 now and strict diet. I may take half pill a day or whole. My diet changed it all. I exercise and walk often. Diet was the enemy.
My glucose test always comes back about 95 to 99, for about 40 years. THEY ALWAYS SAY, I AM PRE DIABETIC.
@@littleme3597 They want to sell you drugs. Even if you are fine.
@@littleme3597 100-125 is prediabetic, A1C >5.6
@@littleme3597 I thought 70-120 was GOOD reading, and 95 or 99 _IS_ in that range.
get rid of the pills
I was diagnosed type 2 diabetic 8th December 2017. Devastated 💔 prescribed metformin, statins and blood pressure meds. NO THANKS. i went online and listened to the experts, the diabetics themselves who were all saying 'lower your carbs, eat healthy fats, avoid ultra processed foods and invest in a blood glucose monitor'. The answer is to avoid food/drink that spikes blood sugar levels, avoid if they keep blood sugars elevated for a long period of time. After 2 months i was 28lbs down and hba1c went from 62 to 47 (42 - 47 is prediabetic). After another 5 months i was down a total of 56lbs and my hba1c was in the 30s where it has remained. No medication. This is fantastic advice from Dr Suneel Dhand as always 👏 👍 😀
That s managed diabetes, not the absence of diabetes.
Amazing!! Thank you.
BS! It was a temporary condition. Over & done!@@cochetavulpita7925
You did it! Thank goodness for the internet. Everything's just a click away
I went ketovore 5 years ago. Pre-diabetes gone.
I believe you, yes, as Suneel has partially still telling the truth about this, because i know aswell, that they Are actually treating the diabetes wrong. But, on the other side, how much diabetes should i than have, when i eat mostly carbohydrates with predominantely sugars, especially the last few years ? And, when i have tryed keto diet for some time, back in 2018/2019, i have learned, that my kidneys were too much overloaded . So i stopped. And, i have realised, that it is still Not the best way of nourishment. So i went to more sugar intakes , but the healthy ones , so i completely cutted out the "root's" (white) sugar . And, i have never had any problems with the "diabetes" or with health.
I tried that but that raised my A1-C ! I learned afterward that meats can raise it too!
I do better with grass fed meats. I have no gall bladder so that was a factor too. I was taking bile salts too with keto. I’m different I think.
@@KC-kh8df I think in my case it was mostly avoiding refined carbs that helped.
I also did intermittent fasting.
Keto carnivore brought back my diabetes and this is because this diet does not work for where I am on the planet.
A diet of fruit is what suits me and I am doing fine on this where my hba1c even went down with more carbs.
The glucose goddess and other low carb ideologues cannot fathom this because they are northern white men.
For those closer to the equator, make sure you understand how sunlight works.
The sun is there to help you process the glucose just as how it created it.
Photosynthesis is your starting point. Planetary sciences is important in understanding metabolism.
If you start with nutrition science, the white Americans will lead you astray.
You cannot follow them.
Just as how they cannot follow us. Where does it make sense to eat fruits in winter just as how the animals cannot get fat at the equator for us to be low carb high fat.
Eat with common sense.
On top of eating low carb try this amazing trick. Eat slower. Chew your food and enjoy every bite slower than you usually do. This helps your stomach with digestion and lets your satiety signals reach you before you overeat.
Digestion begins in the mouth.
GREAT advice! I have to tell my wife this often. LOL!
I know it will sound strange, but use chopsticks to eat. They're more precise, but also force you to eat smaller bites, thus taking longer. I've used them exclusively for a couple of years now.
Thank you. Good point. I eat so fast.
@@grayrabbit2211I should film myself trying to use chopsticks 😂, great idea!
My mother in law was diagnosed with diabetes and was told to take meds , my wife convinced her to change her diet and not take the pills. She just had repeat blood work and the dr said wow the pills are working you are perfect now . Most need lifestyle change for most problems , I am now convinced we are over prescribed medication
Didn't your mother in law tell the Dr that it wasn't the drugs?!
Most won't listen
A patient cured is a customer lost.
Only in USA.
I was diagnosed as "pre-diabetic" this spring and enrolled in a diabetes prevention class at my local hospital based on CDC guidelines and paid for by Medicare. I admit there are some good tips like build your plate with 1/2 non starchy vegetables, but they also demonize fats and allow white potatoes, rice, white flour products as acceptable carbs and have us "calorie counting." I'm doing my own version cutting out all sugars and white starches, eating plenty of healthy/animal fats and full fat dairy and a lot more protein than what was recommended for me by their dietician. And I walk for 15 or 20 minutes after every meal. The result - I've lost 10 pounds so I'm back in "normal" BMI range, no sugar cravings, A1C coming down. CDC needs to sever ties with the ADA and Big pharma. And patients need to listen to doctors like you, Dr. Dhand, and focus on a healthier diet overall and active lifestyle. That's a lot more sustainable.
I'll bet you are beaming and full of happiness and healthy. Class mates will want some of that too. They are probably miserable at home.
CDC gets funding from BigPharma, so isn't going to bite the hand that feeds them
That's wonderful. Keep up the good work.
Anything the WHO recommends, I now do the opposite. A book 'Health and Beauty Mastery' by Julian Bannett exposes so many shocking truths. I completely changed my habits.
thanks for sharing
WHO also big time infiltrated by big pharma. They actually sided with pharma decades ago in promoting powder milk for babies in poor countries, over perfectly healthy mothers breast feeding healthy babies. Poor mother got pressured to use expensively imported powder milk, but in poor rural areas they fed their babies powder milk mixed with dirty puddle / pond waters - guess what sick babies and child mortality shot up in those areas. Big pharma, WHO, health "ministers" and many others in big cahoots..... !
I suspiciously became pre diabetic after nearly a year of going on beta blockers for fibrillation issues.
I’m tall, skinny, underweight and don’t think I eat particularly badly.
The nurse wasn’t interested when I mentioned my concern and was only keen that I cut down on red meat?!! Wtf!! I only said I ate it a couple of times a week.
Also after I found out I was pre diabetic I panicked and went full on keto diet, but started losing weight very fast, which I don’t want. So I’m now just being being more careful what carbs and sugar I eat. And no seed oils.
I’m also now taking it upon myself to ween myself off the beta blockers, and over to magnesium and coq10 as an alternative. So I can then see if it is the medication they prescribed that caused my glucose levels to rise.
If I don’t do it myself no one else will.
Have you checked your thyroid?
Being in the medical profession, the testing machines can sometimes give wrong readings, machines need to be calibrated regularly, Afterall you have done everything right and still diagnosed as diabetic or hypertension
Why not weightlifting to bulk up?
My suggestion is to try it. I didn't know if it would work but decided to try it for 3 months. It did work for me. And I'm very thankful that I learned about low carb.
When I was diagnosed with T2 diabetes (borderline) in Australia in 2021 the doctor immediately wanted to put me on metformin, statin and see a dietician. I said you only change one thing at a time and I said I will try diet first. Thankfully I did find out about low carb and cut out most sugar and stopped eating the really medium-high carb foods. When I saw the dietician who worked in hospitals, she said I wasn't eating *_enough_* carbs. I decided to do some more research and decided to stick with what I was doing and cancelled the follow up appointment. When I got my follow up results about 10 weeks later I sent them through to her showing that I had remitted my diabetes.
She had told me that I needed to eat carbs so I wouldn't lose muscle. I was checked by an exercise physiology 1 year after starting low carb and she said that my muscles are fine. I've now been low carb with lots of meat/protein for 3 years now and am metabolically healthy proven by blood tests and liver scan (I had had fatty liver for at least 25 years).
I’m Keto/Carnivore, 5 years now, I follow Dr Ken Berry, up to 20 carbs, I store fat and I’m predisposed to diabetes but eating a low carb diet, I don’t have diabetes…..No sugar, grains, fruit, processed foods, or seed oil, low carb vegetables…….
Dieticians are not worth listening to as a profession they are really not cutting edge trained and never have been. I have also for years done low carb / beneficial fats but think for myself based on lots of sources and think it’s dangerous to follow anyone
And now we are learning that Statins can cause you to become diabetic...
@@dar4835 My GP wanted to put me on a statin. I had just remitted my diabetes (under a different GP who had also wanted to put me on statin when I was diagnosed with diabetes) and I told the new GP that statins are known to worsen/cause diabetes. She said oh there is new research coming out showing that they help with diabetes. This was mid 2023. I thought (but kept quiet) so who / what do I believe. I continued to say no thanks.
Before starting your work day, you’ve already done more than you may know for people already.
Dr Ken Berry and others are forming the American Diabetes Society for proper advice for people with diabetes
What do you mean by forming?
He ment sueing.@@DavidClinely
I went from an A1C of 11.8 to 5.3 eating low carb and no seed oils in 8 months. However, I also have high cholesterol and 2 months ago a heart incident because of calcium deposits in my aorta and aortic stenosis. Drugs are now increasing my blood sugars and my digestion is painfully affected. I am also on 20 mg crestor. I now crave milk and a slice of bread which raises my glucose and I can't exercise above a heart rate of 100. I am fighting depression from the drugs and trauma. Hearing this post reminds me that I can work out of this. I dl nordic walking and have a background in weight training and I trained as an opera singer since I was 15. I have resources others may not have. I just have to fight.
Yes! You can do this! It may take time but I’m sure if you stay on task you can gradually unwind it ALL!
fight for your life no body else will.
You'll figure it out - just
please don't give up. Hang in there. 🌻😊
Check your vit D. Take vit D with vit K and magnesium to get rid of calcium deposits. Don't take calcium supplements.
Do your research on vit D.
You have the knowledge and tools, now go ahead and fight the good fight!!! 🙏🏽💟
Stop eating seed oils!
Motor oil would be better I think. 10W30 is good. Pennzoil or Quaker State.
They're literally in every prepackaged food there is!😮
@ right. That’s the point. If you wanna be healthy, eat whole foods not processed garbage. Cook at home. Then no seed oils.
@@kelseybelle2732 Me TOO! Except NO sugar unless it occurs naturally in fruits.
@@wifeocaster YES!
The elephant in the room is food addiction. Studies show sugar is as addictive to rats as cocaine. Most people live in a city. In one square mile around me there are four bakeries, three Indian food restaurants, five Chinese food restaurants, two Mexican food restaurants, two Italian restaurants, two 24/7 supermarkets, four Barista coffee shops that sell cakes, four sweet and alcohol shops, a post office selling a wall of sweets, a sandwich cafe, three ice cream shops. Ive probably missed some. I did keto for two months surrounded by this plethora of shops selling the equivalent of cocaine. Many people chomp and gobble takeaway food while strolling by in the busy streets. I forgot the two burger eateries. Its all very well telling people to stop being addicted to fast food but craving all day whilst having to walk past all these banquets feels so depressing. There are more food temptations in a city than alcohol or drug temptations. People used to only cook and only eat at home. Please Dr do a video about this horrendous challenge. People need food. People dont need alcohol or drugs. So food cravings are difficult to manage because you still gotta eat. Plus many use food as an emotional soother and antidepressant. I think there should be a national building of dedicated gymn/clinics for the medically overweight. Telling them to endure the embarrassment of going to a regular body building gymn is just cruel. Please do a video on these causes of diabetes.
This! Yes, this is the main problem. 18 months in keto, I STILL have my coworker hide any sweets in the break room because I still have problems with controlling not eating them. Smells from Panda Express drive me insane.
😮cookie smells
One of the top Australian Specialists on a TV show said that Diabetes would virtually disappear in 6-8wks in Australia, if people went on a diet and loss weight. He was ignored for the rest of the show. This was around 10 years ago.
And the South African doctor who helped his clients with low carb diets? They tried to dis bar him!
Yep! That is the simplicity of it. 97% of type 2 is due to obesity. The other 3% is still unknown. So you could say that type 2 is 97% reversible.
At the end it’s all about the truth ✅☺️
We need more Dr's like you!🎉❤😊@@drsuneeldhand
My best friend almost died from diabetes.
I’m so mad that this simple information was not provided to her years ago.
Dr Dhand You and other Doctors, Cardiologists, Neurosurgeons etc on UA-cam are Absolutely Amazing. We wish we had more of You That are Real Doctors , Kind and Compassionate and not pushing pills. May God Bless All of You and Your Families Abundantly.🙏🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️❤️
Thank you!
@@drsuneeldhandyou're saving our lives!🎉❤😊
Avoid any person or group that will not be supportive towards your best wellness orientation.
That means being alone
@dawnhoughton4533 Not necessarily. It's seeking the compatible social circles and compatible wellness network.
Listen to this man. It genuinely works. At first it’s slightly difficult but in a week or two you get used to not having carbs and sugars and will feel and look better in return. Share this to your loved ones
Many young people have grown up eating fast foods and terrible school lunches, lots of sodas and little if none exercise. Most are overweight. Look at people pictures of the 60’s and 70’s and compare them today and you will see a vast difference in size.
High fat, moderate
protein and low carb ❤ proper human diet
Me too!
Don't advise anyone to snack, zero snacks. Try to go 15 or 16 hours between meals
I agree if you eat enough protein and fat you don't need snacks.
Or at least 18 to 24
Type II is absolutely curable. I was type 2, had high blood pressure, high cholesterol, fatty liver. I lost 55 lbs and cut out processed foods, I make almost everything I can from scratch, I work out 4 to 5 days a week with 30 minutes cardio and as heavy weight training as I can lift. I do eat carbs but only fresh fruit, some potatoes and homemade sourdough bread. I am no longer diabetic, my BP is on the low side. My cholesterol is a little elevated but I eat 3 eggs everyday. My MD only gave me meds and a copy of some diet that made no sense t all.
Real homestead sourdough?
Since you make entirely too much sense for our corrupt medical establishment, it will take you longer to have an impact, but please do continue.
When I went into the hospital, they gave me a diabetic diet... Mashed potatoes, bread, Sprite, and a cobbler for dessert. Breakfast they tried to feed me Oatmeal. They absolutely have no clue about what a good diet is. My wife brought me Whey/protein shakes with zero sugar while I was in hospitial.
@jonlanier_ as an RN in a Rehab for post surgical patients, most had diabetes and cardiac disease. The polypharmacy that goes on is criminal. The food they serve is reprehensible. It's appalling. Bottom line is for the rehab to save money, not people. Criminal.
I went to a prayer retreat with a roommate with a nutrition diploma. I was flabbergasted after talking with him as I knew much more about nutrition than he did. He spoke about his mother-in-law, who was dealing with cancer, and this guy had no clue that cancer loves sugar and is usually in people who are low on vitamin D3.
Drinking cinnamon tea will keep your insulin levels low. Mine went from 5.2 to 4.9. I was not trying, just was drinking that tea for another reason (Covid 19)!
I am working on myself. I have lowered my a1c by cutting carbs and intermittent fasting. It does work. I have a long way to go, but I want lasting results, so not rushing.
I think carbs are ok, so long as keep doing I.F.
This doctor is just utterly genuine god bless! I am surprised when I noticed he talked all the brilliant things without any pause and NO mute cuttings type of video editing has done. Beautiful!
How about stop all the snacking! Continuously feeding one's face, even with "healthy" snacks is so unnecessary!
My dentist says no snacks. Every time you eat and chew the bacteria in your mouth have a field day. He says if you are wanting anything that is likely to be high in sugar including drink. Do it in one sitting. No here a biscuit there a cinnabun here a chocolate everywhere a chocolate. Of course he added your doctor will prefer you snack intermittently.
You don’t need a doctor to reverse type 2 diabetes. Eat a ketogenic or carnivore diet. No calorie restriction, just eat until you are full.
My husband doesn’t need his morning or evening short acting insulin anymore after 7 mths carnivore. He got diabetes I believe after having Paraguat poisoning
If it's affordable for many it isn't. We all don't have same circumstances.
@@dannymeyer3256Carnivore is cheap. You stop buying all the processed crap and vegetables.
@@VainakhQuranitesyou also stop having to buy prescription drugs.
@VainakhQuranites funny many have experience the opposite where do you get less expensive cost?
Thank you, you are one brave man, but speaking the truth. Got diagnosed with Type II diabetes April 2020, after one week in ICU, was sent home with an insulin prescription. More than 4 years on keto now, no medication & I was the second biggest customer at my local pharmacy.
I. Am. Shocked. Shocked at this logic. You have spoken the hard truth, plainly and succinctly. I’m a nurse and it just struck me- how these words need to be spoken to EVERYONE, but especially to the DMT2 crowd. They don’t hear this. They don’t!!! It’s medical malpractice day in and day out, year upon year. 😮 Please keep your passion and knowledge alive! We. Need. You. ❤
True. Drs and patients. From my experience knowing a few diabetics one in the 70’s who kept on a pretty strict diet and was trim and healthy and later a couple who took metformin who definitely did not want to eat a good diet! A lot of people just want the easy way regardless of the consequences. Pills are so much easier and allows indulgence more than eating healthy. Big food and big pharma are partly to blame but individuals have to take 90% of the responsibility, nowadays if you truly are ignorant of the logical good eating diet you have been working too hard not to know.
Totally in agreement. It irks me terribly as a type 1 diabetic that even being low carb, with a great A1C, I still need to inject insulin , whereas type 2 diabetics could be completely cured with the low carb diet and yet they choose instead to take 3-4 medications that harm them further... always looking for an easy way out
I'm so sorry that you have type 1. My sister has type 2, and she refuses to eat the way she needs to reverse it because it's not convenient for her. I wish you could trade places with her and get well.
She makes me angry to not want to get off of her meds and stuff herself with sugar and carbs.
Thanks Dr. Suneel you are a blessing! Have a blessed day at the hospital. 😊
Thank you Dr. Dandh I’m a nurse and work with hospitalized patients and can’t get over the increase over the years in numbers of patients who have type 2 diabetes. It’s very sad.
I wish i could have you as my doctor!
Yes exactly, I wish this too! 👍
Oh Lord, me too!
Yes, I wish he was my doctor. My doctor mocks me and sadly there aren’t any other doctors available where I live.😢
You can just watch his videos and do as he says.
@@cynthiagayheart5673 That's for sure! I have with GREAT results!
This information needs to be public broadcasted! Too many people don’t know
Keep up the good work doctor.
Here's what I eat on most days:
in a deep bowl, I chop half a cucumber, chop some onion and garlic, throw in some minced ginger, blueberries, chopped walnuts, raw pumpkin seeds, some slow cooked great northern beans, a bit of chopped apple, sometimes some chopped baby arugula. sometimes some chopped broccoli, and I dress it with some acv, some evo, and a packet of stevia. Later in the day, I treat myself to a packet of seaweed snacks and 2 squares of 90% dark chocolate. My occasional protein includes egg, wild salmon, cod, or skinless chicken. (Maybe once a month I'll treat myself to a steak) went from 193 to 138, still trying to kick the neuropathy with passive exercise. I'm a work in progress lol. My eating window is most often 16/8. (and I take Dr Dhand's supplement --ginger, turmeric, black pepper). I'm 64, type 2 since my 50s. Was hospitalized for 4 days in August due to leg swelling. They told me that I had a blot clot on my heart, and wanted to do invasive procedures ( I refused), put me on 5 prescriptions (I no longer take them) and fed me ridiculous food, hooked me up to a heart monitor (which never went off)had an iv in each arm, constant blood work--a nightmare! I haven't been admitted to a hospital since my daughter was born 31 years ago. I hate the medical establishment.This hospital also refuses to acknowledge the essential role that my faith has in my well being. It's horrible that our culture tolerates such poor health practices.
Any suggestions, Dr Dhand?
Dear doctor Dhand, I always say you’re a western medicine doctor with an Ayurvedic conscience 🙏🏼
Everything you say is so true. I live in Ireland and that stated food pyramid is the same as yours in the US and Uk. Went to a diabetes health session in my local city run by diabetes nurses and was pilloried by them when I criticised that food pyramid, I was a tin hat, I had gone down the rabbit hole, they would not discuss that high carbohydrate approach. It is pointless in Ireland me seeing a diabetes nurse or a dietician or an GP or an endocrinologist as they all have the same attitude. I stick to a strict keto diet. Am I better, not sure but am totally convinced that what is put forward here and all the people commenting below is totally the right approach. Guidelines and the HSE , when will things change, they are still stuck in a slightly modified Ancel Keys approach! Horrific.
Yes, that damned pyramid - I'm in Ireland too, and just did an HSE healthy food community course. Everything was low fat/fat free, no butter, use margarine, avoid red meat, eat plenty of "healthy" carbs, don't eat cholesterol containing foods, no saturated fats etc. I locked horns with the health board dietician who was advising us, but to no avail. Sadly, there were some pre-diabetics in the group who really needed some sound advice.
@@callunaherissonne662wonder if you were on the same course as myself in Mayo! I always get myself into trouble saying exactly what they said to you. The Hse seems stuck in some sort of prehistoric cave, they really need to realise that the evidence for much of what they say has been changed or very much modified by the latest research of which new ideas are constantly coming out. They need to review and change accordingly!
I'm so happy that I found you 💛 I pray for you and others that really get what the FDA and the Government are doing to the People 🙏🙏🙏
Thanks Dr. Suneel , love from Pakistan, your vlogs are super informative and intuitive. Modern day Doctors unfortunately refrain from dietary advice and prefer to medicate and are fixated on the point that diabetes is a progressive disease and medication is a must.
True words! What I wish more people knew is that giving up sweet things is easy: start by eating sugary foods ONCE per day. Reduce the quantity of sugary food (eaten in ONE sitting - not spread out over the day). Do this until you can go without sweet foods. The idea is to reduce the number of TIMES you eat sugary food during the day. At the end of it all, YOU LOSE YOUR CRAVING FOR SUGAR. Also important to NOT eat/drink artificial sweeteners. Another strategy is to tell yourself, when tempted by biscuits or cakes, etc is to say "I don't want to trigger insulin" and have a handful of seeds or nuts. They take a long time to chew, making them a satisfying substitute for a choc bar or something. I used this method, eating pumpkin seeds, to get myself on a full ketogenic diet with intermittent fasting 7 years ago. Lost 15kgs in a matter of 5 or 6 weeks and have NEVER regained the weight even though I eat the odd cakes and biscuits now. At the time I was in my 60s (female). It's doable, people, and well worth the effort.
I was on some strong pain medicine and developed type 2 diabetes. When I was able to get off of the pain medicine. I was able to lose weight and no longer needed insulin. Many medications have bad side effects.
Meds are a designed bandaid. Not a fix or cure.
Captain Picard asks Admiral Matthew Dougherty, "How many people does it take, Admiral, before it becomes wrong? Hmm? A thousand, fifty thousand, a million? How many people does it take, Admiral?".
Yes, fantastic scene! From the movie Insurrection?
@ianstuart5660 yep . substitute doctor for admiral.
The truth shall set you free. Salute to you Sir for being brave enough to help heal the world.
One of the few doctors that talk sense.Fourteen years ago I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes I was a reasonable weight and kept fit.Following the doctors advice I started on the recommended diet and took metformin.I was told there was no cure and it would get progressively worse and it did.Four years ago I stopped medication and started keto.I quickly became in the normal range for blood readings.My body cells are still insulin resistant due to years of high carb food but I can function as normal if I keep off the carbs and watch my eating times.The huge increase in type 2 diabetes is caused by doctors giving the wrong advice and totally ignorant of how the body works.
Same here. My corporate based personal physician turned out to be a bullshit artist.
Dr. Dhand… in your hospital, what foods are fed to type II diabetics? Sandwiches with white bread? Potatoes? Rice? Pasta? I too see a vicious cycle in the medical industry. No medical entity but you have the integrity to step-up in public to fight this problem! As a type II diabetic, I’ve been able to control my blood sugars with diet and oral medication. My holistic MD has given me the guidance to focus on proteins and vegetables. Would you believe my PPO won’t pay for a continuous glucose monitor (CGM) because I’m not on insulin? Every diabetic should have this device as many of them monitor your blood sugars every 5 minutes. Keto products do spike the blood sugar, but slowly. No one is talking about eating smaller portions multiple times per day? Where is our medical establishment in this time of crisis? …at a medical convention sponsored by Big Pharma!
spikes blood sugar but it does it slowly is a contradiction in terms.
Spike by definition means a sharp sudden increase. 🤷♀️
Bread pasta and potatoes. Get rid of.
YOYO, your on your own. 😊
Is the glucose monitor a one off payment? If so beg borrow or steal and buy one. If its going to help you overcome your condition. Its a no brainer. Save you dosh in the long run.
From the east Garafraxa Hospital?
My a1c is now at 5.8. I'm very athletic and have a BMI of 21.
Ive started a keto diet two weeks ago. I do feel better already.
Too many people will not stop glorifying Big food and Big pharma.
Just been diagnosed as diabetic with an A1C of 6. I’m supposed to wait until the local diabetes team schedules an appointment. Did I? No. I’m doing keto…have the occasional carb item when I’m out with friends. In just over two weeks I’ve dropped 10 pounds. I’m not waiting. I’m taking my diet seriously and not waiting for advice I know won’t be food-based! Next thing after this busy holiday season is getting to the gym…I’m in snowy Canada and walking in the snow isn’t as enjoyable right now as in a gym on a treadmill! Want to drop another 20 pounds before my next blood test and appointment in a few months time! It will shock/surprise my doctor!
6 isn’t diabetic.
@ tell that to my doctor here in Canada. Sigh. I have been reading and everything I read says I’m pre-diabetic.
The threshold has been lowered over the years. In the UK doctors receive a bonus for "diagnosing" diabetes. I think we can guess who pays this bonus.
Thank you for standing up and speaking the truth. For the last few years, you’ve been a voice of sanity in a sea of confusion and deceit.
So logical. Problem is many prefer to take the easy road (short term), and it is not in the interests of many "healthcare providers" today to try to convince them otherwise. Better for the patient, but not for the business!
Am 64, haven't been to a doctor except for injuries since I was adolescent. Haven't been sick since before I quit smoking 32+ years ago. Diet varies over time from carneto to low carb, not carnivore, I love spice and fermented/cultured dairy/cured meat foods, and keto sweets. NEVER CONSUME SUGAR OR even moderate carbs except as seasoning spices. Fermented always homemade raw low carb veggies and TVP/soymeal natto (@1kg/wk)
Fabulous advice, most of which I already knew however it was good to actually hear a doctor quoting on the lack of nutritional awareness of some doctors and even nutritionists when it comes to diabetes control, I don’t have diabetes but my sister does.
The only additional information that I would have liked to have heard was the mention of a couple of examples of what not to eat when you’re already on medications like my sister, she is on 2 tablets, twice daily but continues to eat bread, the nutritionist told her that’s ok 😅 same with other common carbs like potatoes, pasta etc.
I do send her some videos because I am aware of the potential problems she could have but it appears that she’s a bread addict.
You used to work in the UK. 🇬🇧 Suneel please come back to us you are brilliant 🤩
It’d be cruel & selfish to talk him into returning here. Sadly 😥
Thank you for your kind words!
@@drsuneeldhand we trained you in the UK. Come back. You are totally British 🤣
Take Harry back instead.
@@JohannaRB-w9i Does the country really deserve that ?
One of your best yet! As an almost 40 yr RN, i am sick ti death of all the Big Pharma meds we push onto patients, and post surgical protocol to give sliding scale insulin with gluc > 151! When i retire in 2 yrs I will find a niche in hollistic medicine, which we need NOW! God bless you Dr Dhand, you are top notch!
Dr Suneel Dhand.. hope your repeated emphasis that is based on logic and science, convinces diabetics to see the reason and follow your advice sincerely.🎉❤🎉❤
Dr. Dhand, you are fast becoming my favorite. I love the way you put things. Can I quote you? My daughter's father in-law has type 2 diabetes and he is on medication. His blood pressure really went out of control last year. My daughter and I try to tell them about the natural way to health and we demonstrate it. They still don't seem to get it. Now he has been put on ozempic. Can you please speak to this ozempic craze? Their doctors are killing them. I am certified in functional diagnostic nutrition. It is an education outside of the main stream Nutritionist typical training. It is holistic and lifestyle based.
I began strict keto in 2020, incorporating intermittent fasting as well. I still have all of the signs and symptoms of insulin resistance
Fix your sleep and get sun and connect. Meditation and connecting will also help. Watch meal times frequency listen to Jason Fung. And think I can do this. Good luck.
Your wisdom is a breath of fresh air. Could you please differentiate between carbohydrates - a chocolate bar and an apple are both carbs
I just had my blood work done and was told I’m borderline pre-diabetic. No way am I going on medication for this and will fix it myself. Cutting drastically on carbs/sweets PERIOD. If this doesn’t scare you into wanting to look at your habits/thought patterns, and change, then whatever comes after is your own doing. It sure motivates me to change for good!
Excellent information! Thank you for straight forward truth. Shared with my son.
Intermittent fasting / one meal a day is kinda difficult to get into at first, but becomes easier after a few days. One meal after 2pm, or at least restricting eating to between 2pm and 6pm seems to work well for me and you begin feeling much better overall. I basically eat high protein breakfast for a late lunch / early dinner...eggs, small steak, healthy nuts, avocado, a little high fiber and low card grain like flax seed hot cereal or chia seed, etc. High protein means you absolutely do not go to bed hungry OR wake up hungry. After awhile, it becomes fairly easy to get used to waiting to eat until later in the day. It can be easy to "fall off the wagon," so you gotta stay on top of it.
Great advice and I am a living example of the natural approach working having shrunk from a 24 stone/153kg diabetic (A1C of 7.9%/63mmol/mol) to 12 stone/76kg healthy 57 year old (A1C 5.5%/37mmol/mol) in 16 months. I did this through keto and intermittent fasting. My story has just gone viral on LinkedIn and so I am now going to try to leverage this to get in front of UK NHS and government policy makers. The conversation I want to have is the one you describe to get them to look at the very poor advice available to diabetics and obese people fron NHS and the govt
You are absolutely correct and I hope you succeed in your messaging!
I love a keto diet
I was surprised how easy it is, once my metabolism adjusted.
I don't snack, because I don't have the blood-sugar drops that drive cravings
I have been type 2 diabetic since the age of 22yrs. I am now 40 yrs old. Been on metformin, novorapid, glargine, dapaglifzoxin and sitagliptin to keep my hba1C levels in good control. Been at 56-58mmol for the last 18 yrs.
I stopped my medication 9 months ago. Did my blood works last week and my current hba1C is 37mmol.
All I did was ate wholesome foods and did resistance training for 45mins 3 x a week.
Thank u doc for changing my life. I feel stronger than ever.
Taking pills wasn't the answer. Changing my lifestyle was what I needed to do.
I agree whole heartedly
Unless individuals take on a harsh lifestyle change ...doctors have no option thant to medicate !!@!!
Its the individuals responsibility to take personal action to drastically change their eating and exersise habits.
Blood sugar sensors should replace medication in first instance
To help people understand their bodies
People generally have become lazy minded. Prefering a quick option requiring little effort.
I find your assessment of the nature of people insulting!😡😡
Until 5 years ago ,some people, unfortunately, bought in, whole heartedly, into the USDA RECOMMENDATIONS!
As I did for several Decades! What we were told is so ingrained in our brains, IT'S NOT A MATTER OF BEING LAZY!
Dr. Dhand you should write a book with all this good information in your videos.
GREAT INFORMATION. I have been saying the same thing for years, but I don't have a medical degree. AS an educator I have seen the determination of the health of children. Even diabetic children. Just look at the food fed at schools. Scary. I'm keeping this video. Thank you
Most docs know how to do only 2 things: prescribe drugs, usually ones you have to take the rest of your life and be on the subscription health plan, or cut you open and then prescribe drugs. Docs are mostly in the thrall of pharmaceutical corporations.
About 23 years ago,my husband's blood sugar was in the diabetic range. The dr. was ready to give meds. My husband asked for an alternstive and was sent to a dietitian. The diet was a version of the old diabetic diet. We controlled ( not eliminate) his carbs. He also lost 40 pounds in the process. It was work, but the weighf loss was key. He still monitors his blood sugar and watches his weight and has avoided medication.
Oh Dr Suneel Dhand i wish you knew how much you are apreciated. I have learnt so much from you .
Dr Dhan i have type two diabetes , and i am so frustrated and is leaving my Medicare and Dr who
iMO is useless . I still trying to walk with my walker an other muscle exercise , i have Sciatica en both legs an back problems, I fell aprox sixteen times before he tried anything at all . I feel so trapped, because i use to walk 5 miles daily .Im seventy an feels useless now . I felt if i could have been referred to a chiropractor , therapy i wouldnt have ended up like this . Thank you so much , how i wish I had a good Dr
Like you .G.bless you.
Happy to help! Appreciate you watching
I'm due to see my GP to have my bloods checked. You are my go-to doctor on UA-cam (I wish you were my doctor in the real world) and thanks to you I know about lot more about diabetes than I did before. I'm an amputee and am concerned about foot pain and numbness in my remaining foot. I do have back pain when standing for longer than 3 mins and have had a pelvic fracture. All this was caused by a non fault motorcycle crash in 2017. My diet has been poor since becoming a widower and because of grief and boredom I do tend to snack on savoury items such as spicy nuts and weekend Maltesers. I'm 6ft tall but 20 stone male. I'd love to lose weight to take some pressure off my residual limb and remaining leg and foot. Thank you Dr Dhand. I'm in England.
Great to hear! Keep going, and I appreciate you watching!
I'm a thin Type 1 was diagnosed at 38. Mary Tyler Moore was diagnosed in her 30s as well.
I was diagnosed with Type 1.5 at the age of 58 after waking up in the hospital in a diabetic coma. Latent autoimmune diabetes in adults (LADA) (Type 1.5 diabetes) is a type of diabetes that has characteristics of both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes. It happens because your body makes antibodies that attack insulin-producing cells in your pancreas.
@1wascallywabbit Yes. I keep telling my endocrinologist that I'm probably a 1.5. He doesn't agree. Is there a test for 1.5?
@@evolveyourself9518 I believe it was detected through a C-peptide test. (Or a CRP oe ESR test..Ive got several tests names written down) but pretty sure it was the C-Peptide test that was used to diagnose my type 1.5
@@evolveyourself9518 my responses (twice now) keep getting deleted. I'll try breaking it up into separate posts
@@evolveyourself9518 C -
Very grateful for doctors like Dr.Suneel. This is what people need to hear and follow.
Always excellent information. Looking sharp in that shirt and tie combo!
Dr. Dhand is exactly right about how a low carb diet can reverse diabetes. But most people I know who have diabetes are overweight and really really love food and the type of food they should be eating they can't and will not eat. I think the medical community tries to do the best with the diabetic population at hand.
I try to keep carbs under 20 per meal. 2 meals a day. A1c 5.8.
I keep my carbs down to 20 grams a day. Fortunately I love meat and green leafy vegetables.
Excellent medical information, Dr. Dhand; eat healthier, exercise, good sleep and less stress. Bravo!! We need this kind of good advice and help.
Thank you Dr Dhand! What is your take on the mature woman's hormonal balancing tightrope please?
You were frightened by the ordeal?
Thank you Dr Dhand your advice has helped me i have lost 6 stones since February 2023 ❤
People think brown bread and cheese crackers are diabetic friendly and fat free milk avoiding eggs is healthy and eating porridge, bowls of oats is the key to great health.
When you say to reduce carbs, you should specify "processed carbs". You also need to read Dr Neal Barnard and Dr Joel Fuhrman on this subject.
Where is everyone?
I'm here!
I'm here.
Im here😂