Hi i have a question , what if i have 2 DHCP scope to the same subnet - EG. the whole subnet is /24 - since im running HSRP load sharing - i need to divide those /24 (EG. Vlan10-A scope is from x.x.x.2 - x.x.x.127 , Vlan10-B score is from x.x.x.128 - x.x.x.252 ) how am i gonna load balance or force the End users that has in the same subnet to used Vlan10-a and Vlan10-B at the same time ? my plan is to totally divide those DHCP client to one of the other .
Hi i have a question , what if i have 2 DHCP scope to the same subnet - EG. the whole subnet is /24 - since im running HSRP load sharing - i need to divide those /24 (EG. Vlan10-A scope is from x.x.x.2 - x.x.x.127 , Vlan10-B score is from x.x.x.128 - x.x.x.252 ) how am i gonna load balance or force the End users that has in the same subnet to used Vlan10-a and Vlan10-B at the same time ? my plan is to totally divide those DHCP client to one of the other .
How to use Moterm open device, mine is using putty as default.
you set default app on windown (ssh, telnet, rlogin)