Its funny how in this game, if you have say, 15 bullets it actually feels like you have a fuckload of ammo but in other shooters 15 bullets is no use. Lol
Jordan Douglas The "survival" element is definitely present in the game. I felt like a starving animal spending hours scouring buildings for even a single bullet.
There's a very special moment when you're about to enter a room full of guys, with barely five bullets in your gun, and a glass bottle in your hand, and you can still say: "Okay, I got this."
Hugo Stiglitz done it on grounded, i only hated forced combat when its forced that you are spotted ie generator in the flooded hotel or just before you encounter the brothers and the tank and it's goons find you without any rhyme or reason. i managed chapter 2 3 and 4 on about 10 lives all together and chapter 1 i died about 10 times on each point that i mentioned. the games flaws do become apparent on grounded BUT no one plays tlou on grounded on a 1st playthrough so it's forgivable.
Andre A At least they let you sneak past in the hardest parts though. I also like it how unlike most games, once you're spotted they won't know where you are at all times from that point on. You can go back into stealth after getting spotted which is really a lifesaver in a lot of situations
best game: yep best actor: yep best actress: yep best gameplay direction: probably nominated best art direction: yep best story/writing: yep best cutscene direction: yep best animations: yep yeah this game would just get everything.
+shadow wolf best game eh no... according to you yes but eh no. best story writing no just no. dont beat planescape torment, silent hill 2, suikoden,persona, The longest journey , xenogears or max payne , in writing perhaps but will probably fall short for sh 2,planescape and Max . Best actor/actres pethaps best gameplay direction not even nominated doesnt do anything really New. . from that gen i rather take portal Best art direction i dont think so. Best graphic wow no just no for its time perhaps. best animations probably. i am sorry but i just dont agree w you.
God, I remember hearing a lot about this game and thinking "Shit wow, that's a lot of hype". So about 2 years later I get a PS4 bundle with this game loaded on it (and me not being a horror/survival player in the slightest). After finishing the game, I'm just sitting there in the aftermath of the end of the game feeling like I was just this huge piece of of shit, hell like a survivor. Long story short, despite not being a fan of the genre (zombies or horror) this game was mindblowingly kick-FUCKING-ass. All of the thumbs up and as much positivity I can give this game.
I got this game a few weeks ago and I feel extremely regretful for not buying it when it came out. If they come out with a sequel, I'm picking that up first day, no hesitation.
you lucky that you liked it the hype and so one made me dislike this game a whole lot. A think is good but doesnt by far live up to its hype not even close. imo
The AI is annoyingly intelligent in this game. You can hear the badguys making their battle plans to flank you, or charge at you because they ran out of ammo, or wait for more guys to arrive to help out. If they succeed in any of those, then you are royally fuckeds because the enemy AI is incredibly tough.
hazza3 Ellie's AI during stealth was pretty annoying yeah (I hated the way she sometimes blocked me off from grabbing enemies by hiding right in front of Joel) but during actual fights she was always pretty usefull (Throwing bricks, using her gun and occasionally warning me of nearby enemies). So it could be better I guess... . But it was never as bad as Sam's AI. XD Goddammit man! It was only for a short while but remember that time you end up alone with him? He literally sprinted the whole length of the room three times while I was working on just my first kill. Little weirdo. Thank god they're like invisible while you're in stealth mode.
***** Exactly! She always walked right into me while I was about to pounce on some Hunters. She can be useful, especially since enemies won't target her most of the time. I hated Sam on that level. He always got in my way more often than Ellie ever did. Hell, I died on that part of the game more often than I did in the entire game on normal mode -_-. As soon as a clicker heard me, BOOM! he runs right in my way and I get grabbed.
When Sam and Henry died, theres not enough tissues to ease the "MAN TEARS" coming out my eye, dammit, some of the best gameplay fucking ever, using two words to explain this, AWESOMETACULAR, AND FUCKING EPIC!!!!!!! ❤😘👌 in every way, GOD 😇🙏👼 AMERICA🇺🇸
Marty McFly If you think so, good for you! I didn't get much out the gameplay myself. It was WAY too easy for a survival horror game, it felt a bit too linear, like I was being herded in the right direction and the controls felt a bit clunky for me. I still like the gameplay, but I really don't think the game is as spectacular as everyone else does. Clearly I'm in the minority, which is fine. If you love the game, that's good! After all the hype, though, I expected something more.
First fifteen minutes of the game is all that needs to be said. Just go watch that, and realize you have an epic on your hands. I adored this game. Definitely hardcore and hard to watch sometimes, but that's why I loved it. 10 out of 10 is still too low.
Admittedly Ellie was a great character, but I still preferred Joel, both when I'm playing as him and when I during cut scenes. I also loved the fact that his emotions cloud his judgement and, in turn, shapes the ending
I love how when you play as Joel you feel like Joel and you care about Ellie more then yourself but when you play as Ellie you feel like her and care about Joel a lot more
The only thing I disliked playing as Ellie was her vulnerability. Don't get me wrong, they did it extremely well. The only problem is that I had issues with the glitch and patchy A.I so even when I was completely behind cover, sometimes an A.I character would shoot me without even the sound effect being played. Bugged the fuck outta me.
My one complaint is that it can sometimes be unclear where you're supposed to go. Like I would be running around the inside of a building stealth killing people and get totally lost in the process and have no idea where to go. That being said, this is one of the best games I have ever played, and one of the few that make me cry.
Yeah, but there's a lot of tell of what you have to do though. the hint i saw was Yellow, there's something important with that. And it tells you with R3 if you don't get it for a while.
Equanox214 I agree! It makes it much more realistic and gritty. If this were real life, you wouldn't automatically know where to go- you'd be searching and scrambling and as confused as you are playing the game! It adds to that sense of panic, fear, and isolation you're supposed to feel!
Agreed. Like in the mission where you have to to down into a flooded basement and turn on a generator where there's one of the large bloated infected, after actually getting down to the generator I the had no idea how to get back out and got stuck for a solid ten minutes looking for the exit.
SPOILER COMMENT: Yep. I came back to see if Jeremy spoiled the fact you play as Ellie in Part 1 like how he spoiled you play as Abby in Part 2. Seems like he was more conscientious back then.
@@RedPanda555 Spoiled? Considering how playing as Abby for 20+ hours is legit a VERY major part of the game, how is that a spoiler? It’s something crucial everyone should know before buying Part 2, since ND themselves misled lots of people with their bait and trailers. Can’t count how many people immediately just dropped the game after switching to Abby (myself included).
@@6ixlxrd Because ND clearly went to great lengths to keep it a surprise. If they didn't consider it a spoiler, then why would they have gone to so much effort to conceal it in order to maximise the impact upon reveal? What you're describing is similar to a movie that has a surprise actor showing up part way through the film. Should the film studio have told everyone upfront that this particular actor will be making a surprise appearance just in case some viewers don't like the actor? ND is telling their own story, not yours. People need to stop thinking they know better than professional writers and just experience the story that has been crafter for them. If you like it, great. If you don't, then move on to the next game, movie etc.
@@RedPanda555 They went through so much effort to MISLEAD people into thinking Joel was helping Ellie get revenge for something, not the very root of the revenge she desired (going so far as to even give him lines in the trailer that weren’t his in the game). They went through so much effort because they knew the game wouldn’t sell as well as it did if people went into it knowing they’d have to play a character they didn’t give two shits about for more than half of it. What you’re describing and defending is a scummy practice known as “bait-and-switch” (something synonymously hated by many). It’s similar to making John Wick 4 with Keanu Reeves as the main character, but then an hour into the 4 hour movie they switch and make Brie Larson the main character until the last 30 mins of it. Should the film studio have told everyone upfront that this particular actor/character will be making a surprise appearance in a MAJOR role just in case some viewers don’t like the actor? Hell (and I cannot stress this enough) yes. People are watching that movie for John Wick and Keanu Reeves, not a bait-and-switch actor/character that was completely hidden from the public to deceive the viewers into believing a crucial falsehood and increase sells through one of the most hated scummy practices. This has nothing to do with how ND told their story (that’s an entirely irrelevant point to this convo). This is about how ND blatantly and outright lied through manipulating their advertisements about what their story truly was, leaving out a crucial element in said advertisements which would’ve played a crucial role in deciding if many wanted to spend money on their product or not. Being lied to about what a product is isn’t a good look. There’s a big difference between hiding a spoiler (Joel’s death) and outright manipulating information to deceive the audience (giving Joel lines he doesn’t have in the game which insinuate he helps Ellie get revenge). This same logic applies to Abby.
Hey naughty dog is the reason I think PlayStation is the best place to game. In the end it's the game itself over hardware power that makes it great. That being said I was in freaking disbelief when I saw the trailer for uncharted 4.
Trevor Regan those are not as good as The last of Us, the closest would be Zelda Majoras mask, Witcher 3, Uncharted 2 or 3, MGS2, Mass Effect 2, top picks for best games ever created
+mercy Rivera Yea those are good picks! I love how in the witcher like you have to get good to even play it lol you cannot suck at that game and get anywhere haha
Its naive to say The Last of Us is the greatest game ever made because I cannot make that strong statement because I have never played every game ever made. But what I do have the right in saying is that The Last of Us is (by far) the greatest game I have ever played. P.S I am a hardcore Xbox fan but throughout the last generation I had all three consoles and had the pleasure of playing Uncharted and The Last of US
Shot Bro how have you not played The Last of Us lmao. It shat on the Uncharted series. By far Naughty Dog’s best game and debatably the best game of created. Certainly the best story within a video game anyways. Why are you watching spoilers if you’ve never played it?
probably because Uncharted is more of your style. I also love Uncharted alot more (my favourite gaming series) because i allways loved that Indiana Jones feel, the adventure and descovery of historical miths
The scene with Ellie and David in the restaurant. Holy shit. FUCK. This is undoubtedly my favorite game of all time and leading up to it I had absurdly high expectations and it delivered on ALL FRONTS. I want to play the DLC and play the game over again because I love it so much. Uncharted is my favorite franchise (at least on the PS3) and I was worried that TLOU would be like that, and while it was similar, it honestly blew Uncharted out of the fucking water.
The hardest part of this game in the survivor mode is where you have to get past the sniper with alot more of enemies before u get to the house where he's hiding lol
I finally bought it and beat it. Immediately returned to this video. Funny, I was just thinking how I want a good zombie game for PS3 and a good stealth game that isn't Metal Gear Solid. This game is a permanent member of my library.
I have played video games for over 20+years. Hundreds of titles. And I can really say that in my opinion the Last of Us is probably One of if not THE greatest game I have ever played...seriously. DO NOT cheat yourself, If you have a PS3 you MUST own this game. Remember when you played FFVII, or Resident Evil 1, or Metal Gear Solid for the 1st time. Games like this are very rare. A Masterpiece.
Enemies dropping/dodging as you're drawing your bow would be realistic because in real life, contrary to popular belief, drawing a bow makes a good bit of noise. Trust me, I've done enough research when it comes to deer.
***** Won't argue with that. All I'm saying is that Joel and Ellie do not kill anyone who looks at them the wrong way, in the game they are always attacked or threatened first.
The Last of Us is hands down the best game I have ever played. I have played through the story mode 5 times and I have spent hundreds of hours on multiplayer (I've played through the 12 weeks 6 times at least). Story wise, character wise, and graphically, it is truly an amazing game.
Darth Shale I bought the remastered for the PS4 hours ago and I'm gonna enjoy it the same way I did with Uncharted 1 thru 4, salty. It'll keep me busy when The Last Of Us Part 2 comes out.
Did Joel and Ellie's relationship remind anyone else of Lee and Clementine from the Walking Dead? Both games have characters with father daughter relationship and zombie apocalypses ..... where no one uses the word zombie.
I cried after i finshed the first game because it was so good and i was sad it was over, i cried after i finshed second game because i was so disappointed and it hurt me more because the straight up depressing ending :(
I currently have a XBOX 360 and a PS3, but in trying to decide between the PS4 and the XB1, this is one of the games that is making me lean more towards getting a PS4.
***** xbox one isn't as good as a media device when microsoft debundled the kinect and started selling it for $150. now xbox one is worse since the plastation move is $60 and anything on xbox one that require internet like youtube needs the membership
***** "now xbox one is worse since the plastation move is $60 and anything on xbox one that require internet like youtube needs the membership" - Didn't MicroSoft recently change that and made it to where you can watch Netflix, UA-cam, Amazon Prime, Hulu+, etc... with a Silver Account?
To be honest, I'm a bit of a Negative Nancy when it comes to reviewing things but I have to say this game didn't bring anything new to the plate (which is what bummed me out the most in a supposedly "groundbreaking" game). A lot of Jeremy's points are definitely valid (graphics, Ellie not being useless, etc.) but to me this game wasn't too much different from The Walking Dead (mundane tasks, fairly decent action, interesting characters). This game isn't bad by all means but I agree more with Videogamedunkeys review of this game than Jeremy's. That being said, I'm still subbed to Jeremy and I look forward to more of his reviews.
That's your opinion and I will respect it, but I must ask, why is innovation a make-or-break factor for you in a game? My opinion is that execution of a concept (be it new or already done before) trumps the concept itself.
Thanks for your input- I guess I just don't see the praise and insane ratings a game can get for reinventing the wheel here. The execution was great but I don't think that warrants a game as "outstanding" or "groundbreaking". If there are other games that have executed this genre just as well as TLoU, then it doesn't stand "out" from the crowd, it just fits in as another "storytelling zombie game."
***** Oh my god. People are showing their opinions in the comments section of a review video, and there isn't a bitch fight going on?! I respect you both SO much
I think the story makes the game more than anything else, the cutscenes and plot were outstanding. I thought the gameplay was good but I was more impressed when RE4 came out, but the story for LoU gave me so much motivation to continue playing because it was that good in my opinion.
I understand what you're saying. Aside from great graphics my favorite thing about the game is the story. It's just like a movie, that you control. It's rare to find games that do that.
Spoiler for the game Sarah's death didn't effect me at all. I did think it was sad, but I didn't ball my eyes out over it. Henry and Sam though, now that was sad.
i thought the ending for this game was perfect. don't get me wrong, i completely understand why you wanted more but i don't think any expansion would have been good. that's the same reason why i don't want a sequel (or if we do get a sequel i don't want it to expand on Joel and Ellie's story). i thought the ending completely wrapped up everything, and did it so well, no spoilers but it completely showed how everyone changed as characters and i loved it
Hope it doesn't make me sound like I'm trying to sound hardened it tough but despite this game being awesome and literally I'll say the greatest game I have ever played, I never cried at it once. I was stunned into sad silence at that early death but not once did the game make me cry, if I'm honest, it may sound weird but the game made me happy? By the end I was in a great mood because I feel like this game isn't about the end of times or the horrible people we all actually are, it's about hope and love (between parent and child)
+Short Changed Hero The game didn't make me cry either. When Sarah died I just thought "Oh shit!" but I didn't get into a fit over it. Henry and Sam's death did affect me tho.
Essentially the best game ever made.. even among new gen. The Last Of Us is basically an anthem. If you havent gone through the eniire game, you dont know what you're missing.
This game is probably one of my favorite games of all time! I'd love to see you do a review on Resident Evil 4 which is my close runner in second. I also remember you reviewing Silent Hill and you mentioned you had never played the game. I would love to see you play the game and then review it at some point.
I’m not sure if they do though because Uncharted 4 takes place in 2016 I’m assuming whilst TLOU starts in 2013 and goes 20 years into the future during the main events
On the hardest difficulty conserving your ammo and supplies is hard. It's because stealth is a lot harder because you don't have that sense thing Joel has so you have to be planning your moves carefully. And supplies are very scarce. The only thing I found frequently was those things that you needed to upgrade your weapons. And when I was struggling ellie would give me things I need. When she does that I appreciate that Ellie is helpful and not a pain in the ass burden.
Who's back here after the worthless "sequel?" For me, there's only this game, and nothing else. Joel doesn't die, Ellie doesn't lose two of her fingers, and they all live happily ever after at Tommy's protected compound in Jackson.
@@michaelotis223 This game didn't even need a sequel. It told a complete story that wrapped everything up perfectly at the end. All the "sequel" did was destroy everything the first game had accomplished in every way. This is especially true when they put Joel's killer Abby up on a pedestal and basically gave her everything, while making sure that Ellie suffered as much as possible and was denied exacting retribution at the very end for Joel.
@@NexusKin don't worry mate, I'm in denial of an existing Prison Break season 5. As far as I'm concerned, Michael Scofield sacrificed his life in season 4 and that's that!
Its called "listen mode". You can activate it to see/detect things making noise that are around you. It can be turned off. If im totally wrong and it can't be turned off you can still just 'not' use it for the same effect.
The thing i enjoyed the most was finding letters, diaries of people before the outbreak. Made it depressing. And the conversations ellie and joel had about how different the world was before. Absolutely my favorite game of all time. Hope they make an open world for it it would be so amazing
She looked like her in early development, but they changed her after Ellen Page criticised them. In glad they did, because Ellie has her own identity now.
I'll bet they were planning on making a movie based off of the game and were planning on casting Ellen page as Ellie and then just thought.... Nevermind.
The Last of Us is my favorite game ever ,but I can definitely tell that their was ideas inspired by my 2nd favorite game of all time(Telltale's Walking Dead Season 1) 1.) The father daughter relationship was very similar 2.) Joel getting impailed by a metal prong just like Ben did in the walking dead. 3.) Clementine doing the unbelievable task in single handily dragging Lee's unconscious body to that room ,Ellie unbelievably picking up Joel's unconscious body and getting him on the horse. 4.) The Stranger's wife in the walking dead name was Tess ,Joel's partner in TLOU name was Tess. 5.) Lee taught Clem how to shoot ,Joel taught Ellie how to shoot a rifle both where very key bonding moments in the game 6.) They Both ended how they started in a way Lee was in handcuffs in the beginning for killing a senator the game ended with him in handcuffs to stop him from killing again but this time as a walker. In the beginning of TLOU in a way mankind took everything from Joel
Tony Sandes The last of us could not have copied the walking dead game by telltale as it was already 2-3 years in development before telltale even started work on walking dead. Naughty dog started development on the last of us way back in 2009 after uncharted 2 was made. ( Telltale didn't announce plans for walking dead until 2011.( and the first episode was released April 2012 ( If you research, you'll see the founder of telltale dan conner state that when making the walking dead they took inspiration from Naughty dog games, though he only makes mention of uncharted and heavy rain there would have been information about the last of us way back in 2012, before the first episode of the walking dead, new day was released, then throw in the 2 month or so delay for the next episode starved for help it is far more likely that telltale took inspiration from Naughty dog's the last of us than the last of us taking inspiration from telltale's game. Naughty dog would have had the story for the last of us locked down by 2010 the latest.
If you watch someone play it is doesnt look very good, i noticed this when watching my friend playing it after i completed it, the reason being is because it drags you into the characters if you are controlling them
this game is so good at making you feel like you are part of it... the emotions of the characters practically penetrate your soul! im telling you, there is crying. i mean even the intro itself.. the first freaking 10-15 minutes... i mean first its suspense, then your heart is pounding like hell, it gets to the point where you dont even remember youre sitting in your living room... it feels like youre in the game.... then BAM! TEARS. i wont spoil it but the scene at the end of the intro is one of the hardest things ive ever had to watch in a game. you really get emotionally attached to these characters, and the development of joel and ellies relationship is outstanding.... it progresses perfectly... god, you just have to play or at least watch this game..... watching it was amazing enough but PLAYING it is like a whole new fucking world. its amazing. and not to mention the graphics and art style are outstanding.
I was 13 when The Last of Us came out, obviously a little too young to play it. I didn't even have a PS3. Just bought the remaster for PS4 and so hyped to finally play it!
I was given this game in June 2013 and my friend said it's zombies you'll love it. I didn't really like Uncharted so I thought this would be shit. But on one boring night, I picked it up to try out for ten minutes and ended up not sleeping playing it all night. Now I'm addicted to it. Fucking favourite game!
I honestly love your game reviews as much as your film and sometimes more in rare cases, plus this needs comments and thumbs up every few months..... GOAT to me as a 46 year old gamer since pong and the atari2600 this was the greatest game ever done.
BAD ASS dude, i just bought this game a couple days ago and played the campaign all the way through almost non-stop and i can honestly say that this is seriously one of the greatest games i have ever played. it feels like you are playing a movie. the character development is unreal. Ellie is the greatest character in video game history and probably better than most movie characters as well. after some of the moments in the campaign i just had to take a moment to take it all in. at some points in the game, i actually teared up. their is a part in this game where you play as Ellie and it is seriously one of the best, most intense gaming i have ever done. the shit she goes through is unreal. if you like the walking dead TV show (which by the way is really poorly written) then this game will blow your fucking mind!!!!!
Its funny how in this game, if you have say, 15 bullets it actually feels like you have a fuckload of ammo but in other shooters 15 bullets is no use. Lol
Jordan Douglas The "survival" element is definitely present in the game. I felt like a starving animal spending hours scouring buildings for even a single bullet.
The beginning act of Deus Ex: Human Revolution was like that too. Or maybe I just suck at scavenging for ammo.
+Jordan Douglas Yeah and 15 bullets can take 15 guys if you aim well enough. And let me tell you about shotgun shells ooooohhh man
Now thats a shower thought
There's a very special moment when you're about to enter a room full of guys, with barely five bullets in your gun, and a glass bottle in your hand, and you can still say:
"Okay, I got this."
Exactly. And haters say it doesn't have good gameplay. Idiots. More like they just suck at it.
Hugo Stiglitz
done it on grounded, i only hated forced combat when its forced that you are spotted ie generator in the flooded hotel or just before you encounter the brothers and the tank and it's goons find you without any rhyme or reason. i managed chapter 2 3 and 4 on about 10 lives all together and chapter 1 i died about 10 times on each point that i mentioned. the games flaws do become apparent on grounded BUT no one plays tlou on grounded on a 1st playthrough so it's forgivable.
Andre A At least they let you sneak past in the hardest parts though.
I also like it how unlike most games, once you're spotted they won't know where you are at all times from that point on. You can go back into stealth after getting spotted which is really a lifesaver in a lot of situations
My^&****5*;*5th 5*$
I got this
If the oscars did video games, the last of us would win
best game: yep
best actor: yep
best actress: yep
best gameplay direction: probably nominated
best art direction: yep
best story/writing: yep
best cutscene direction: yep
best animations: yep
yeah this game would just get everything.
+shadow wolf best graphics as well.
+shadow wolf best game eh no... according to you yes but eh no. best story writing no just no. dont beat planescape torment, silent hill 2, suikoden,persona, The longest journey , xenogears
or max payne , in writing perhaps but will probably fall short for sh 2,planescape and Max . Best actor/actres pethaps
best gameplay direction not even nominated doesnt do anything really New. . from that gen i rather take portal
Best art direction i dont think so. Best graphic wow no just no for its time perhaps.
best animations probably.
i am sorry but i just dont agree w you.
+Tord L shut up man , leave that fans talk quietly ... dont come here to show up your thought cuz nobody fucking care ur opinion
+cordoba tate yeah well again ppl show that tlou fans arent the most friendly and doesnt seem to play a lot of old pc games/snes/ps1 or ps2
My cousin is a sound designer for this game. So glad to be able to say that considering this game was so good.
Congratulations to him! Sound design was easily one of the highlights.
Yeah, I agree, the sound design was one of my favorite elements in the game.
Who is your cousin?
Rob Krekel.
I cried at the end because I finished the game :'(
same here
me too..
right on
+Ivan Majić some people say it ends really fast, in how long period of time did you finished it?
God, I remember hearing a lot about this game and thinking "Shit wow, that's a lot of hype". So about 2 years later I get a PS4 bundle with this game loaded on it (and me not being a horror/survival player in the slightest). After finishing the game, I'm just sitting there in the aftermath of the end of the game feeling like I was just this huge piece of of shit, hell like a survivor. Long story short, despite not being a fan of the genre (zombies or horror) this game was mindblowingly kick-FUCKING-ass. All of the thumbs up and as much positivity I can give this game.
me too
+SephirothSuperKool dude you literally took the words right out my mouth
too right
I got this game a few weeks ago and I feel extremely regretful for not buying it when it came out. If they come out with a sequel, I'm picking that up first day, no hesitation.
you lucky that you liked it the hype and so one made me dislike this game a whole lot. A think is good but doesnt by far live up to its hype not even close. imo
The AI is annoyingly intelligent in this game. You can hear the badguys making their battle plans to flank you, or charge at you because they ran out of ammo, or wait for more guys to arrive to help out. If they succeed in any of those, then you are royally fuckeds because the enemy AI is incredibly tough.
And yet people say the AI is shit
Ezra Rhoads
You mean the forums where a few people complained about Ellies AI. Everyone else seemed to enjoy the enemies.
Ellie's AI during stealth was pretty annoying yeah (I hated the way she sometimes blocked me off from grabbing enemies by hiding right in front of Joel) but during actual fights she was always pretty usefull (Throwing bricks, using her gun and occasionally warning me of nearby enemies).
So it could be better I guess...
But it was never as bad as Sam's AI. XD Goddammit man! It was only for a short while but remember that time you end up alone with him? He literally sprinted the whole length of the room three times while I was working on just my first kill. Little weirdo. Thank god they're like invisible while you're in stealth mode.
Exactly! She always walked right into me while I was about to pounce on some Hunters.
She can be useful, especially since enemies won't target her most of the time.
I hated Sam on that level. He always got in my way more often than Ellie ever did. Hell, I died on that part of the game more often than I did in the entire game on normal mode -_-. As soon as a clicker heard me, BOOM! he runs right in my way and I get grabbed.
I intentionally ran out of ammo and started to try and shoot them, the gun clicks and then they all rush you. AI is awesome on TLOU :D
The Last Of Us is my number one favorite game of all time
I like papers please and shovel knight better
I cried when i finished...because it was over...
Mine too! Tied with Metal Gear Solid
When Sam and Henry died, theres not enough tissues to ease the "MAN TEARS" coming out my eye, dammit, some of the best gameplay fucking ever, using two words to explain this, AWESOMETACULAR, AND FUCKING EPIC!!!!!!! ❤😘👌 in every way, GOD 😇🙏👼 AMERICA🇺🇸
Terriece G. Harris I knew the kid would die the moment we met him because of how predictable the story is which ruined the moment
one of the best video games ever made. period.
I mean, it's great, but "one of the best"? I think you're overselling it a bit.
+Peter Korman no it's one of the best
Marty McFly If you say so. I look for more than just a good story in my games.
+Peter Korman it has more than a good story the gameplay is incredible
Marty McFly If you think so, good for you! I didn't get much out the gameplay myself. It was WAY too easy for a survival horror game, it felt a bit too linear, like I was being herded in the right direction and the controls felt a bit clunky for me. I still like the gameplay, but I really don't think the game is as spectacular as everyone else does. Clearly I'm in the minority, which is fine. If you love the game, that's good! After all the hype, though, I expected something more.
First fifteen minutes of the game is all that needs to be said. Just go watch that, and realize you have an epic on your hands.
I adored this game. Definitely hardcore and hard to watch sometimes, but that's why I loved it. 10 out of 10 is still too low.
best story mode of all time.
Admittedly Ellie was a great character, but I still preferred Joel, both when I'm playing as him and when I during cut scenes. I also loved the fact that his emotions cloud his judgement and, in turn, shapes the ending
I love how when you play as Joel you feel like Joel and you care about Ellie more then yourself but when you play as Ellie you feel like her and care about Joel a lot more
The only thing I disliked playing as Ellie was her vulnerability. Don't get me wrong, they did it extremely well. The only problem is that I had issues with the glitch and patchy A.I so even when I was completely behind cover, sometimes an A.I character would shoot me without even the sound effect being played. Bugged the fuck outta me.
Joel was the best fucking character in this fucking game and TLOU2 is not canon fuck that trash game
My one complaint is that it can sometimes be unclear where you're supposed to go. Like I would be running around the inside of a building stealth killing people and get totally lost in the process and have no idea where to go. That being said, this is one of the best games I have ever played, and one of the few that make me cry.
On the other hand i love that, i fucking hate markers every 50 meters tunneling me to the end of a section like alot of games in recent years.
Yeah, but there's a lot of tell of what you have to do though. the hint i saw was Yellow, there's something important with that. And it tells you with R3 if you don't get it for a while.
Equanox214 I agree! It makes it much more realistic and gritty. If this were real life, you wouldn't automatically know where to go- you'd be searching and scrambling and as confused as you are playing the game! It adds to that sense of panic, fear, and isolation you're supposed to feel!
its part of the experience. like a good zelda game.
Agreed. Like in the mission where you have to to down into a flooded basement and turn on a generator where there's one of the large bloated infected, after actually getting down to the generator I the had no idea how to get back out and got stuck for a solid ten minutes looking for the exit.
Who came back here after watching Jeremy's review of The Last of us 2. Seven years really blew by very quickly.
Yep. I came back to see if Jeremy spoiled the fact you play as Ellie in Part 1 like how he spoiled you play as Abby in Part 2. Seems like he was more conscientious back then.
@@RedPanda555 Spoiled? Considering how playing as Abby for 20+ hours is legit a VERY major part of the game, how is that a spoiler? It’s something crucial everyone should know before buying Part 2, since ND themselves misled lots of people with their bait and trailers. Can’t count how many people immediately just dropped the game after switching to Abby (myself included).
@@6ixlxrd Because ND clearly went to great lengths to keep it a surprise. If they didn't consider it a spoiler, then why would they have gone to so much effort to conceal it in order to maximise the impact upon reveal?
What you're describing is similar to a movie that has a surprise actor showing up part way through the film. Should the film studio have told everyone upfront that this particular actor will be making a surprise appearance just in case some viewers don't like the actor?
ND is telling their own story, not yours. People need to stop thinking they know better than professional writers and just experience the story that has been crafter for them. If you like it, great. If you don't, then move on to the next game, movie etc.
I just did lol
@@RedPanda555 They went through so much effort to MISLEAD people into thinking Joel was helping Ellie get revenge for something, not the very root of the revenge she desired (going so far as to even give him lines in the trailer that weren’t his in the game). They went through so much effort because they knew the game wouldn’t sell as well as it did if people went into it knowing they’d have to play a character they didn’t give two shits about for more than half of it.
What you’re describing and defending is a scummy practice known as “bait-and-switch” (something synonymously hated by many). It’s similar to making John Wick 4 with Keanu Reeves as the main character, but then an hour into the 4 hour movie they switch and make Brie Larson the main character until the last 30 mins of it. Should the film studio have told everyone upfront that this particular actor/character will be making a surprise appearance in a MAJOR role just in case some viewers don’t like the actor? Hell (and I cannot stress this enough) yes. People are watching that movie for John Wick and Keanu Reeves, not a bait-and-switch actor/character that was completely hidden from the public to deceive the viewers into believing a crucial falsehood and increase sells through one of the most hated scummy practices.
This has nothing to do with how ND told their story (that’s an entirely irrelevant point to this convo). This is about how ND blatantly and outright lied through manipulating their advertisements about what their story truly was, leaving out a crucial element in said advertisements which would’ve played a crucial role in deciding if many wanted to spend money on their product or not. Being lied to about what a product is isn’t a good look. There’s a big difference between hiding a spoiler (Joel’s death) and outright manipulating information to deceive the audience (giving Joel lines he doesn’t have in the game which insinuate he helps Ellie get revenge). This same logic applies to Abby.
Ellie IS THAT CHICK, she's the character of the year
if they make a sequel, and I hope they do, they should her the main character all grown up an shit
Josh TL
They have if you count the new DLC coming out.
Josh TL I actually want to see an alternate scenario where Joel gets shot and killed in the beginning and Sara lives to grow up in the world
Yo Josh, you fucking future reader lol
Gouki JT she’s annoying
I'm on the 360 so I can't play it. Damn you Sony. But I'm planing on getting a ps4 so when I get that I'll play the remastered version.
Hey naughty dog is the reason I think PlayStation is the best place to game. In the end it's the game itself over hardware power that makes it great. That being said I was in freaking disbelief when I saw the trailer for uncharted 4.
enjoy, bro
Don't put a target on your head like that...
Anyone could just post spoilers for you
i watched a walk-threw of it so i know how it goes.
Dylan Starr Haha, same here man. I'm saving up for a PS4 and The Last of Us is the first game that i'm buying.
probably best game ever made.
+mercy Rivera close with Uncharted 2
TheJunmengo perhaps
I also LOVE Batman Arkham City and Fallout New Vegas
Trevor Regan those are not as good as The last of Us, the closest would be Zelda Majoras mask, Witcher 3, Uncharted 2 or 3, MGS2, Mass Effect 2, top picks for best games ever created
+mercy Rivera Yea those are good picks! I love how in the witcher like you have to get good to even play it lol you cannot suck at that game and get anywhere haha
Its naive to say The Last of Us is the greatest game ever made because I cannot make that strong statement because I have never played every game ever made. But what I do have the right in saying is that The Last of Us is (by far) the greatest game I have ever played.
P.S I am a hardcore Xbox fan but throughout the last generation I had all three consoles and had the pleasure of playing Uncharted and The Last of US
To me, Uncharted 4 was the best I’ve ever played, haven’t tried The Last of Us yet :)
Tits or GTFO like you
Caldor3 agreeeeed friend
Shot Bro how have you not played The Last of Us lmao. It shat on the Uncharted series. By far Naughty Dog’s best game and debatably the best game of created. Certainly the best story within a video game anyways. Why are you watching spoilers if you’ve never played it?
this game was fantastic 10/10 one of the best story games i have ever played
Just got a PS4 today, and I'm FINALLY able to play this game!
good for u. hope u enjoy it. :)
+bboythekidstudios cherish The moment .
+bboythekidstudios What you think of the game?
ClubAmerica92 Friggin loved it! If I'd played this when it came out, I would have tied it with Bioshock Infinite as GotY.
+bboythekidstudios Game was simply amazing.
who's here to watch this after watching his Uncharted 4 review?
Lol me. Im going to buy both games tomorrow
Yes me, searched for this after Uncharted 4 review. LOU, my favorite game ever.
same, i feel that game is waay better than this one. and theyre both amazing
probably because Uncharted is more of your style. I also love Uncharted alot more (my favourite gaming series) because i allways loved that Indiana Jones feel, the adventure and descovery of historical miths
yeah watched it to, still enjoy uncharted far more. Most reviewers these day has a tedendy to overlook the bad things.
The scene with Ellie and David in the restaurant. Holy shit. FUCK. This is undoubtedly my favorite game of all time and leading up to it I had absurdly high expectations and it delivered on ALL FRONTS. I want to play the DLC and play the game over again because I love it so much. Uncharted is my favorite franchise (at least on the PS3) and I was worried that TLOU would be like that, and while it was similar, it honestly blew Uncharted out of the fucking water.
I loved The Last Of Us, if only for the characters alone. This is the first game in which I've actually cared about the characters since, like, ever.
“There was a sequel, wasn’t as good.” - Joel
Yeah right
damn u
F for series over, TLOU3, couldn't care less now
There was a sequel and it shits all over the first game in terms of gameplay amd story.
@@everettenjeze6276 i agree. The story in last of us 2 is much more complex than the first one
The hardest part of this game in the survivor mode is where you have to get past the sniper with alot more of enemies before u get to the house where he's hiding lol
About 85-90% into this game and its awesome the graphics, the gameplay, the story i cant wait to see what happens next but i dont want it to end.
I finally bought it and beat it. Immediately returned to this video. Funny, I was just thinking how I want a good zombie game for PS3 and a good stealth game that isn't Metal Gear Solid. This game is a permanent member of my library.
I want replay Last of Us right now.
Vincent Nguyen you need alot of tissue paper , cuz you will cry alot !!!!!
kassra niavarani it gets more awesome the more you play it.
^ truth
Best game ever.
GTA V can't hold a candle to this game. THE LAST OF US should've won game of the year.
dragondagger24 it did
dragondagger24 it won over 200 GOTY awards xD
dragondagger24 it should win game of the fucking decade.
This game was so much fun.
***** Oh god. I just had to find you here.
***** I need to stop looking at UA-cam comments...
ANyone here for The Last of Us Part II
hell yeah
My body and mind are ready.
richard chan get ready to wait til at least early 2019
Can’t wait
Did anybody else cry at the scene with the brothers, if you've played the game you know what i'm talking about
Sam and henry ?
I didn't cry but I was really shocked
No, but it sure did have an effect on me, about the same effect it had on Joel judging from the look on his face.
I have played video games for over 20+years. Hundreds of titles. And I can really say that in my opinion the Last of Us is probably One of if not THE greatest game I have ever played...seriously. DO NOT cheat yourself, If you have a PS3 you MUST own this game. Remember when you played FFVII, or Resident Evil 1, or Metal Gear Solid for the 1st time. Games like this are very rare. A Masterpiece.
same here..this game is the best game i ever played truly a masterpiece💯
"Is this game good?"
"Did JeremyJahns review it?"
"It's good."
I just finished the game and the Left Behind dlc awhile ago... I don't know what to do with my life anymore
Platinum trophy???
Thanks, just finished the game again and forgot about the dlc for a second
Enemies dropping/dodging as you're drawing your bow would be realistic because in real life, contrary to popular belief, drawing a bow makes a good bit of noise. Trust me, I've done enough research when it comes to deer.
Joel and Ellie; white version of Lee and Clementine.
lee died
Except Joel and Ellie kill the shit out of anyone who so much as looks at them the wrong way
cept Joel and ellie don't carry there game.
Raymond Calderon That's not even remotely true.
Won't argue with that. All I'm saying is that Joel and Ellie do not kill anyone who looks at them the wrong way, in the game they are always attacked or threatened first.
played it. and now im sad.
because there is nothing better to play (for me)
yea ive got that one. the story and artstyle is great but gameplay gets kinda repetitive
+The Saturnian do you feel like a hero yet?
Why not wait for the REALLY hyped Uncharted 4? Pre ordered it when it was possible.
+The Saturnian that game is my favorite military-based game ever, probably played it around 3 times
The Last of Us is hands down the best game I have ever played. I have played through the story mode 5 times and I have spent hundreds of hours on multiplayer (I've played through the 12 weeks 6 times at least). Story wise, character wise, and graphically, it is truly an amazing game.
Darth Shale I bought the remastered for the PS4 hours ago and I'm gonna enjoy it the same way I did with Uncharted 1 thru 4, salty. It'll keep me busy when The Last Of Us Part 2 comes out.
I'm trying choose between an Xbox one and a ps4 but after this review it seems I must go with the ps4....hope it's the right choice!
It is c: I've played both and they are both good but I just think the ps4 had more
How'd you like it
Amir Farjad Same. Naughty dog is the main reason I'm getting a ps4. They make such great games. It's crazy
Last of us is far from the best game ever
Did Joel and Ellie's relationship remind anyone else of Lee and Clementine from the Walking Dead? Both games have characters with father daughter relationship and zombie apocalypses ..... where no one uses the word zombie.
And before you go nuts I love both games.
+Maureen May i wondered this question myself why aren't people bringing this comparison up
+Maureen May You're right..but its more like season 2 clementine with Lee.
i'll agree with that
No one uses the word zombie in The Last of Us because they ain't zombies
I cried after i finshed the first game because it was so good and i was sad it was over, i cried after i finshed second game because i was so disappointed and it hurt me more because the straight up depressing ending :(
You got it perfect, right there.
I currently have a XBOX 360 and a PS3, but in trying to decide between the PS4 and the XB1, this is one of the games that is making me lean more towards getting a PS4.
I say a ps4 fro better graphics and better exclusives.
Depends what you're after. Xbox One (Media) or PS4 (Gaming). They both do the same thing, but have upgraded specs for its type of console
***** xbox one isn't as good as a media device when microsoft debundled the kinect and started selling it for $150. now xbox one is worse since the plastation move is $60 and anything on xbox one that require internet like youtube needs the membership
***** "now xbox one is worse since the plastation move is $60 and anything on xbox one that require internet like youtube needs the membership" - Didn't MicroSoft recently change that and made it to where you can watch Netflix, UA-cam, Amazon Prime, Hulu+, etc... with a Silver Account?
Moonbase0ne Not sure I don't own a xbox. but Xbox's only media advantage is gold's content with nfl and halo tv show.
Coming here after watching your finale review of the tv show almost ten years later and it’s surreal.
Saying this is the best game ever is an understatement.
***** I think you should learn what those words mean before you get mad.
Sorry, not the best
I love The Last of Us and I'm going to upgrade to get the PS4 version.
Me too! Yaaay! Gonna be awesome!
To be honest, I'm a bit of a Negative Nancy when it comes to reviewing things but I have to say this game didn't bring anything new to the plate (which is what bummed me out the most in a supposedly "groundbreaking" game). A lot of Jeremy's points are definitely valid (graphics, Ellie not being useless, etc.) but to me this game wasn't too much different from The Walking Dead (mundane tasks, fairly decent action, interesting characters). This game isn't bad by all means but I agree more with Videogamedunkeys review of this game than Jeremy's. That being said, I'm still subbed to Jeremy and I look forward to more of his reviews.
That's your opinion and I will respect it, but I must ask, why is innovation a make-or-break factor for you in a game? My opinion is that execution of a concept (be it new or already done before) trumps the concept itself.
Thanks for your input- I guess I just don't see the praise and insane ratings a game can get for reinventing the wheel here. The execution was great but I don't think that warrants a game as "outstanding" or "groundbreaking". If there are other games that have executed this genre just as well as TLoU, then it doesn't stand "out" from the crowd, it just fits in as another "storytelling zombie game."
***** Oh my god. People are showing their opinions in the comments section of a review video, and there isn't a bitch fight going on?! I respect you both SO much
I think the story makes the game more than anything else, the cutscenes and plot were outstanding. I thought the gameplay was good but I was more impressed when RE4 came out, but the story for LoU gave me so much motivation to continue playing because it was that good in my opinion.
I understand what you're saying. Aside from great graphics my favorite thing about the game is the story. It's just like a movie, that you control. It's rare to find games that do that.
Anyone just watchin the old reviews since nothin changed anyway?
Spoiler for the game
Sarah's death didn't effect me at all. I did think it was sad, but I didn't ball my eyes out over it. Henry and Sam though, now that was sad.
I'm 8 years behind and finally just going to play this game for my first. Am I in for a treat guys?
So, did you like it?
i thought the ending for this game was perfect. don't get me wrong, i completely understand why you wanted more but i don't think any expansion would have been good. that's the same reason why i don't want a sequel (or if we do get a sequel i don't want it to expand on Joel and Ellie's story). i thought the ending completely wrapped up everything, and did it so well, no spoilers but it completely showed how everyone changed as characters and i loved it
Jimmy Noonan And now we have Last of us part 2...
"This chick's throwing you ammo, BEST ESCORT EVER" I have no idea why, but I could not stop laughing. 4:16
Big Damn Hero I know why, its because you have low standards for humor
A sheer masterpiece right here. I never expected Naughty Dog to top the outstanding Uncharted series, and then BAM, SHAZAM, KABLOOEY they did it.
Hope it doesn't make me sound like I'm trying to sound hardened it tough but despite this game being awesome and literally I'll say the greatest game I have ever played, I never cried at it once. I was stunned into sad silence at that early death but not once did the game make me cry, if I'm honest, it may sound weird but the game made me happy? By the end I was in a great mood because I feel like this game isn't about the end of times or the horrible people we all actually are, it's about hope and love (between parent and child)
+Short Changed Hero The game didn't make me cry either. When Sarah died I just thought "Oh shit!" but I didn't get into a fit over it. Henry and Sam's death did affect me tho.
Can't wait for the remastered edition i loved this game and can't wait to replay it!
7 years later, Jeremy's real apocalypse look is John Wick + Severus Snape + Werewolf.
"The graphics are just fucked up good"
That may be the greatest thing I have heard anybody say.
1:42 Well that didn’t age well🤣🤣🤣
Maybe The Last of Us is the reason RE went back to survival horror haha
I am getting a PS3/PS4 just for this when I can
0:04 and I'm already laughing at how accurate this is XD
Most touching story I have experienced in my whole life.
Essentially the best game ever made.. even among new gen. The Last Of Us is basically an anthem. If you havent gone through the eniire game, you dont know what you're missing.
There's something special about this game
This game is probably one of my favorite games of all time! I'd love to see you do a review on Resident Evil 4 which is my close runner in second. I also remember you reviewing Silent Hill and you mentioned you had never played the game. I would love to see you play the game and then review it at some point.
What if Uncharted and The Last Of Us are set in the same universe?
+Vincent Shellacque Just imagine Nate and Sully taking down Clickers like absolute bosses. Damn I want this ... can they please do a crossover DLC?
Vincent Shellacque that would be awesome! if I could I would play as Nathan Drake the hole time lol
I’m not sure if they do though because Uncharted 4 takes place in 2016 I’m assuming whilst TLOU starts in 2013 and goes 20 years into the future during the main events
The game is a religious experience
Games too man? You are awesome
i guess butt i didnt fell this game was that extraordinary beside is characters and the character development ,and the well written story.
On the hardest difficulty conserving your ammo and supplies is hard. It's because stealth is a lot harder because you don't have that sense thing Joel has so you have to be planning your moves carefully. And supplies are very scarce. The only thing I found frequently was those things that you needed to upgrade your weapons. And when I was struggling ellie would give me things I need. When she does that I appreciate that Ellie is helpful and not a pain in the ass burden.
I've JUST completed the game like 5 mins ago and IT IS EE PIIICCC
Oh Jeremy.... if only you know the sequel
Who's back here after the worthless "sequel?" For me, there's only this game, and nothing else. Joel doesn't die, Ellie doesn't lose two of her fingers, and they all live happily ever after at Tommy's protected compound in Jackson.
Lol....denial....I love it
@@michaelotis223 This game didn't even need a sequel. It told a complete story that wrapped everything up perfectly at the end. All the "sequel" did was destroy everything the first game had accomplished in every way. This is especially true when they put Joel's killer Abby up on a pedestal and basically gave her everything, while making sure that Ellie suffered as much as possible and was denied exacting retribution at the very end for Joel.
@@NexusKin don't worry mate, I'm in denial of an existing Prison Break season 5. As far as I'm concerned, Michael Scofield sacrificed his life in season 4 and that's that!
Its called "listen mode". You can activate it to see/detect things making noise that are around you. It can be turned off. If im totally wrong and it can't be turned off you can still just 'not' use it for the same effect.
"Fucked up GOOD"
John Jahns for Mayor
Escort games? I don't think that's the right term for a 14 year old girl
Last of Us - Awesometacular
Last of Us 2 - Dog Shit
Don't let graphics and gameplay swoo you; the story is garbage.
The thing i enjoyed the most was finding letters, diaries of people before the outbreak. Made it depressing. And the conversations ellie and joel had about how different the world was before. Absolutely my favorite game of all time. Hope they make an open world for it it would be so amazing
Anyone get the feeling that they modeled Ellie after Ellen Page?
She looked like her in early development, but they changed her after Ellen Page criticised them. In glad they did, because Ellie has her own identity now.
Even personality whise she reminds me of a gritty ellen page
I'll bet they were planning on making a movie based off of the game and were planning on casting Ellen page as Ellie and then just thought.... Nevermind.
It probably would make a pretty good movie. As long as Uwe Boll isn't in it
Rusty Shackleford He isn't.... yet....
Last of Us is my favorite game. I'm the biggest fan of it! Joel and Ellie are the coolest characters anyone can think of (:
Any one here after the Part II announcement? :D
Last of Us: the shooter where having only 3 shotgun shells actually makes you feel secure
Hugh Jackman always can play Joel in TLOU Movie... IF they make one :)
Al-faith Bravo 6 yeah The movie Logan looks like it could've been this games movie
I am from the future and BOY DO I GOT SOME NEWS FOR YOU
Welp... They're making a show so let's hope he does
Who's here after the last of us 2 released
I guarantee you Jeremy is not gonna be happy about Joel's dirty death and the ending of this game. Incoming dogshit rating
@@DarkElitePredator bro fr
The Last of Us & Uncharted 2 are truly THE BEST PS3 games in history!
Absolutely fantastic & AWESOME!
Naughty Dog is truly one of the greatest development houses of all time aren't they?
Benjamin Dobi HELL YEAH!!
The Last of Us is my favorite game ever ,but I can definitely tell that their was ideas inspired by my 2nd favorite game of all time(Telltale's Walking Dead Season 1) 1.) The father daughter relationship was very similar 2.) Joel getting impailed by a metal prong just like Ben did in the walking dead. 3.) Clementine doing the unbelievable task in single handily dragging Lee's unconscious body to that room ,Ellie unbelievably picking up Joel's unconscious body and getting him on the horse. 4.) The Stranger's wife in the walking dead name was Tess ,Joel's partner in TLOU name was Tess. 5.) Lee taught Clem how to shoot ,Joel taught Ellie how to shoot a rifle both where very key bonding moments in the game 6.) They Both ended how they started in a way Lee was in handcuffs in the beginning for killing a senator the game ended with him in handcuffs to stop him from killing again but this time as a walker. In the beginning of TLOU in a way mankind took everything from Joel
By killing his daughter the game ended with Joel taking in a sense everything from mankind Ellie(the cure) I loved both these games!
Tony Sandes The last of us could not have copied the walking dead game by telltale as it was already 2-3 years in development before telltale even started work on walking dead. Naughty dog started development on the last of us way back in 2009 after uncharted 2 was made.
Telltale didn't announce plans for walking dead until 2011.( and the first episode was released April 2012
( If you research, you'll see the founder of telltale dan conner state that when making the walking dead they took inspiration from Naughty dog games, though he only makes mention of uncharted and heavy rain there would have been information about the last of us way back in 2012, before the first episode of the walking dead, new day was released, then throw in the 2 month or so delay for the next episode starved for help it is far more likely that telltale took inspiration from Naughty dog's the last of us than the last of us taking inspiration from telltale's game. Naughty dog would have had the story for the last of us locked down by 2010 the latest.
just bought this for $30 in the PS store and finally getting a chance to play it.
+CheeksDaFreak 305 well? What did you think?
+Andrew Wang shut the fuck up andrew wang , fuck what he thinks and fuck you for asking him what he thinks
i hoped you enjoyed it more then i did.
can someone please tell me why people say this game is good
i find it to be overrated
play it for yourself than you will find the reason for the hype :)
treven is right, play it, you notice, maybe you going to sai somkething totaly diferent
you my freind must have played a different game...
TLOU is the best game i've ever played.
If you watch someone play it is doesnt look very good, i noticed this when watching my friend playing it after i completed it, the reason being is because it drags you into the characters if you are controlling them
this game is so good at making you feel like you are part of it... the emotions of the characters practically penetrate your soul! im telling you, there is crying. i mean even the intro itself.. the first freaking 10-15 minutes... i mean first its suspense, then your heart is pounding like hell, it gets to the point where you dont even remember youre sitting in your living room... it feels like youre in the game.... then BAM! TEARS. i wont spoil it but the scene at the end of the intro is one of the hardest things ive ever had to watch in a game. you really get emotionally attached to these characters, and the development of joel and ellies relationship is outstanding.... it progresses perfectly... god, you just have to play or at least watch this game..... watching it was amazing enough but PLAYING it is like a whole new fucking world. its amazing. and not to mention the graphics and art style are outstanding.
Is it just me who likes Joel better?
He's more real
Matt.Z yes
I was 13 when The Last of Us came out, obviously a little too young to play it. I didn't even have a PS3. Just bought the remaster for PS4 and so hyped to finally play it!
it is the best game ever. i did cry in this game. but i will give it a 10/10
+KING gecko Not that good of a game.
Yeah I'm jade Jordan by the way yeah king gecko is my brother
No wait my UA-cam name is kumo yoga
I had tears at the fucking loading screen
+xbox one videos so salty shitbox fangirl.
I was given this game in June 2013 and my friend said it's zombies you'll love it. I didn't really like Uncharted so I thought this would be shit. But on one boring night, I picked it up to try out for ten minutes and ended up not sleeping playing it all night. Now I'm addicted to it. Fucking favourite game!
I honestly love your game reviews as much as your film and sometimes more in rare cases, plus this needs comments and thumbs up every few months..... GOAT to me as a 46 year old gamer since pong and the atari2600 this was the greatest game ever done.
Should I buy this game it's on sale for 19
BAD ASS dude, i just bought this game a couple days ago and played the campaign all the way through almost non-stop and i can honestly say that this is seriously one of the greatest games i have ever played. it feels like you are playing a movie. the character development is unreal. Ellie is the greatest character in video game history and probably better than most movie characters as well. after some of the moments in the campaign i just had to take a moment to take it all in. at some points in the game, i actually teared up. their is a part in this game where you play as Ellie and it is seriously one of the best, most intense gaming i have ever done. the shit she goes through is unreal. if you like the walking dead TV show (which by the way is really poorly written) then this game will blow your fucking mind!!!!!
I bought it for 13 dolars on amazon it includes the left behind dlc
Still the best game on PS4.
Played Uncharted 4 dude. Not anymore... :)
"So glad this game never got a sequel that shat on every caracter we loved and understood..."
Bilbo Skywalker
Ellie finds ice cream truck. Joel says they sold ice cream out of it. Ellie says you lived in a strange time
I like how you emphasize tears lol.
Ellie from the last of us is awesome
Only thing I didn't like about this game was the skins, I wanted to play as Tess dammit!
I quite like the different shirts, backpacks and goggles you can get for ellie
Time to review part 2 Jeremy