INH Sunday Class #7 (Lecture + Q&A) - 22nd Jan 2022 - Trinidad

  • Опубліковано 22 січ 2022
  • Sheikh Imran Hosein Provides a Lecture with Q&A for a global audience of students and people interested in learning more about the topic of the "Methodology for the Study of the Qur'an".
    During this class, Sheikh Imran Hosein delves deeper in to the critical issue concerning the return of Isa (Jesus) Ibn Maryam (AS). He presents yet more compelling evidence from the primary source of knowledge, the Holy Qur'an as absolute truth emanating into the hearts of those blessed with internal spiritual insight (nūr) by God almighty. "At that time when Jesus returns, and before he dies, all Jews will have to believe in him as the Messiah".
    “Jesus (عليه السلام) spoke miraculously as a new-born baby in his cradle and must also speak miraculously as an adult. He never did so prior to being raised to Allah; hence it is his ‘speaking’ when he returns to this world after more than 2000 years that would be miraculous. It is to miraculous return and to his resuming his role as a Prophet who will speak to mankind that the Qur’an has referred to in al-Zukhruf, 43:61 when it declared, in an Ayah Muhkamah, that he, Jesus, would be a Sign of the Last Hour.”
    If you would like to read the subject in more detail, kindly support Sheikh Imran Hosein who has published a pioneering book on the subject which can be purchased here:
    All class notes can now be located conveniently from here:
    If you have any queries or concerns kindly email us on, alternatively, please subscribe to our channel here on UA-cam ( for further updates, or our official Telegram channel at for updates and announcements. (Telegram is the best way to get updates, info, and support).


  • @drousmohd232
    @drousmohd232 2 роки тому +2

    Prophet Isa a.s will speak miraculously to his people (the Jews) as an adult when he returns because all this while they thought he's dead, also as proof he's the real Messiah - not the other guy. Wallahu a'lam.

  • @raqibmichiganusa3831
    @raqibmichiganusa3831 2 роки тому +6

    MashaAllah, I listened the whole lecture, it was very wise about son of Mary isa (as), we are learning more and more from our beloved sheikh imran hosein, may Allah gives him long life and good health ameen,

  • @Ahmedhelps
    @Ahmedhelps 2 роки тому +8

    I find it fascinating that nabi Isa alayhisalam has the exclusive title (Kalimatullah) "The Word Of Allah". This is furthermore proof of his miracles pertaining to speech as an infant but also as an adult.

    • @abdul-hadidadkhah1459
      @abdul-hadidadkhah1459 2 роки тому +1

      Be and he is, the Kalima is "Be". Sura 3:59

    • @klaaskay2685
      @klaaskay2685 2 роки тому

      @@abdul-hadidadkhah1459 Aren't 'Be' also applied to Adam AS while he's not considered as Kalimatuallah?

  • @baboucarrfaal2113
    @baboucarrfaal2113 2 роки тому +7

    Asalamou alaikum brothers and sisters. Just a humble comment on the question asked by the lady from the UK concerning about how is 3days of not speaking by Zackaria (as) to anyone connected to the 1day of not speaking to anyone by Mariam. I believe ALLAH being the only knower of the past, present and future; out of HIS wisdom, HE purposely put it that way so that in the future those who would argue that Mariam was ordered not to speak to anyone for a whole month would be proved wrong from the Qu'ran itself because the Qu'ran was sent down to explain all things. In other words, ALLAH is telling us that if a fully grown old man was given only 3days of silence, then it makes sense to give only 1day of silence to a very young girl who has just delivered a child. Only ALLAH knows best. And thanks to the Sheikh for the wonderful work he has been doing in both clarifying many misunderstandings and building the bridge between the umma of our prophet (saws) with the umma of Nabi Essa (as). May ALLAH protect and continue to guide him.

    • @haajrahussain539
      @haajrahussain539 2 роки тому +1

      Thank u for clarifying :)

    • @ameenrais3959
      @ameenrais3959 2 роки тому +2

      Salaam alaikum, there is a brother also from Manchester who asked similar question. His question was what is the benefit of the silence for Zakariyya if the benefit for Maryam is that the child will speak for her.
      1- My understanding is that, Zakariyya has advanced in aga yet Allah has promised him a child just as Maryam is virgin and Allah promised her a child too.
      2- It could also be in relation to inheritance in Islam- as for Zakariyya it is 3 nights (that is the very night he was given the promised, next morning & the night that follows, and then another morning and night {2-daytime & 3nights). But as for Maryam it is half of that for Zakariyya so (Alyaum - اليوم) this is to say (1 complete day - daytime & night).
      Allah a'alam.
      Bro. Al-Amin Muhammad Ra'is

    • @abid6019
      @abid6019 2 роки тому +2

      AselamuAleykum. Brothers and sisters. It can also mean that men and women are not equal according to Allah's Law and only Allah knows best thanks.

    • @ameenrais3959
      @ameenrais3959 2 роки тому

      @Imran Hosein is a Kafir see my videos for proof Hey whomever/whatever you may be, settle yourself with God Almighty first and have your certification of been Mu'meen before you label others. Though this is the sign of those Takfirees. hmmm... are you one of them? 🤔

  • @razikhan2347
    @razikhan2347 2 роки тому +2


  • @TheAmmijee
    @TheAmmijee 2 роки тому +1


  • @aticqhalim3949
    @aticqhalim3949 2 роки тому +1


  • @Seifounage
    @Seifounage 2 роки тому +1

    I have a question for Sheikh (or one of the channel managers)
    From what I can remember, Sheikh said that Christians can continue to be Christians after accepting prophet Mohammed peace and blessings be upon him and rejecting the trinity. But at that moment, there would be no more scripture to follow, because theirs has been corrupted by man. So shouldn't anyone who accepts Islam before the comeback of Jesus (peace and blessings be upon him) follow Quran?

    • @SalmaiChicken
      @SalmaiChicken 2 роки тому

      You are allowed to marry ahlul kitab

    • @baboucarrfaal2113
      @baboucarrfaal2113 2 роки тому

      Asalamou alaikum brothers and sisters. In a humble response to the question about whether the people of the book who believe that Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) is indeed the final prophet and denounce the trinity must follow the Qu'ran as the last revelation before Nabi Essa (pbuh) returns. I believe the Qu'ran has answered that. When ALLAH was talking to Essa (pbuh) at the time of the so "called crucifixion " ALLAH said HE will take his soul, then raise him up to HIMSELF (ALLAH). And then HE will cleanse him and his mother of all the blasphemy. Now comes the part that answers the question. ALLAH said HE will raise the status of those who believe and follow him ( Essa) above those who reject him . And it will stay like that until the end of the world. Now one who is a critical thinker would understand that there has to be those who will continue to follow the sharia of Essa until his return so that this prophecy of ALLAH can be fulfilled. Otherwise, if they all follow the qu'ran, then there would be no follower of Essa when he returns. Only ALLAH knows best. May ALLAH increases us in the understanding of the Qu'ran and continue to guide us all but our learned scholars in particular because they lead the umma.

    • @klaaskay2685
      @klaaskay2685 2 роки тому +1

      They don't need to be converted to be Muslims because at that point they already become Muslim in the sight of Allah. Sheikh doesn't say so, he simply informs you what Quran says. You can check it out yourself around the end of Aali Imran. However, as a Muslim, I think, we still have a duty to invite them to be part of Muhammad's Ummah. But for whatever reason, they decide not to, then they simply belong to Jesus's Ummah.
      The Bible is sure corrupted but it doesn't mean that it doesn't contain truth in it anymore. In fact, the Bible is actually a collection of many hadiths - meaning it can contain falsehood and truth. Secondly, the Christians do not approach the Bible the same way we approach the Quran. To them, the Bible is 'inspired' by God, not the words of God. So they don't religiously follow every single word of their Bible.

  • @Ahmad-ro6od
    @Ahmad-ro6od 2 роки тому

    الحمد لله وكفى.
    نحن نرى غير ذلك.
    ١. واذكر في الكتاب ، مريم ،
    إذ انتبذت من اهلها مكانا شرقيا.
    اي : كانت مريم تقيم في المعبد.
    كان لها محراب ،
    وكان لها اتصال خاص مع الله ،
    عبر الملائكة ،
    كانت في معبد نوراني على ضفاف النهر.
    ( احصنت فرجها )
    اي : جاهدت ان تصنع لها محراب تتصل منه على الله
    والتحصين : جعلت فرجها بضم الفاء ( اي محرابها)
    محصنا من الشياطين.
    معنى كلمة( شرقيا )
    اي مكان على ضفة نهر( الشروق يعني كثرة الماء ).
    ٢. الملائكة اخبرت مريم ان الله س
    غلام ، رضيع.
    ل تكون امه. اسمه المسيح عيسى بن مريم.
    دونما حبل منها ، ودونما ولادة.
    ٣. . الله ارسل رسولا الى مريم ، تمثل لها كالبشر الاسوياء..
    ومعه الرضيع عيسى ،
    واعطاه مريم كما وعدتها الملائكة ،
    وطلب منها ان تحمله ، وتمشي معه.
    ( ف حملته ، ف أنتبذت به مكانا قصيا )
    اي : حملت عيسى ، ومعها الرسول
    وانطلقت الى طريق مهجور بعيد ،
    ٤. ف أجاها المخاض ،
    المخاض : هو منطقة جانبية النهر يغتسلون فيه و يخوضون.
    اي : جاء بها مجرى النهر الى منطقة
    فيها نخل وبشر.
    لم تكن مريم
    تتحدث مع احد الا الملائكة وعيسى،
    لانها نذرت ان لا تحدث البشر ابدا.
    ( اني نذرت للرحمن صوما فلن اكلم اليوم انسيا)
    صوما : الصوم هو عبادة معينة قربى لله.
    اي : نذرت لله ان لا اتحدث مع البشر ابدا طوال حياتي.
    ٥. ف ناداها من تحتها الا تخافي ولا تحزني ،
    قد جعل ربك تحتك سريا.
    المتكلم : الرسول الذي كان معها( فارسلنا اليها روحنا ).
    ربك : اي : زكريا : لانه كفل مريم وتكفل برعايتها( وكفلها زكريا ).
    سريا : اي خدم ومعونه.
    و المعنى : ان زكريا قد رتب لها مكان اقامة ،
    ب قوة الله.
    قال تعالى( واويناهما الى ربوة ذات قرار ومعين)
    قرار : مكان امن.
    معين : فيه معونه وخدمه.
    ٦. بعد ان اصبح عيسى صبيا ، في المهد.
    جاءت به قومها تحمله.
    ( فأتت به قومها تحمله )
    ف اشارت اليه ،
    لانها لا تتحدث مع البشر مطلقا.
    هم قالوا على مريم بهتانا عظيما.( قالوا انها قد حملت سفاحا )، لانها لم تكن ذات زوج.
    وتكلم عيسى ب اعجوبة.
    قال :
    اني عبد الله ،
    اتاني الكتاب ،
    وجعلني نبيا. 👉 دل على ان الله خلق عيسى
    بطريقة ك ن :
    ف تكون ، بلا اب ولا ام.
    مباركا اينما كنت ،
    واوصاني ب الصلاة،
    والزكاة ،
    ما دمت حيا.
    ب والدتي،
    ولم يجعلني
    والسلام علي
    يوم ولدت
    ويوم اموت
    ويوم ابعث حيا.
    والله اعلم.

  • @faizfaiz5609
    @faizfaiz5609 2 роки тому +1

    Was oppressive rule of pharoah not a good enough trial of jews that lord god again tested them with the greatest test of all by sending a messiah from mother Mariam (AS).

    • @sitiummridwan
      @sitiummridwan 2 роки тому +1

      It is for us to activate and exercise our thinking and contemplative capacities to see the reality and the wisdom behind why Allah The Almighty, Full of Wisdom (Al 'Azīz Al Hakīm) has decreed for Banu Isrā'īl such a trial until Yawmul Qiyāmah. It may take a single moment or a lifetime to come to a realization; ultimately, it is Allah (swt) who grants such gifts and bounties to whomsoever He Wills. That is one of the driving parameters within the expanding field of Ilmu Akhiruzzaman.

    • @mohamadfadhil6859
      @mohamadfadhil6859 2 роки тому +1

      God saved them from pharoah. Tested them (for those have ear but cannot hear, have eyes but cannot see, for those oppressor) with Jesus (indeed good news for those been oppressed) .... similarly all of us, been tested... if we can understood n see...

  • @Fcbarcsahj
    @Fcbarcsahj 2 роки тому +1

    Correct me if I’m wrong, for the return of the soul , there is an aya in the quran surat al bakara 56. Then We raised you up after your death, so that you might be grateful.
    That proof that allah can return the soul after deaths. And for the Jesus appearance, allah can send an angel to appear to theme like he is crucified. Like when he send jibril pbh to muhamed bph and set with him in the same table . And Allah send jibril to maryem, and to lutte , …that proof that angels sent by Allah can appear like a human . I would like you to speak about my opinion brother. Thank you

    • @lankalion5051
      @lankalion5051 2 роки тому +1

      Allah tells clean and clear in the Quran that it’s made appear to them as if he was crucified and killed but not they don’t crucified or killed. That’s it full stop 🛑, he can do it what ever the way he wants! Why do we have the questions in our mind how it was happen ? Probably shitan at his best work whispering our ears or our iman is weak that we question the word of god ! Our satisfaction dose not matters ! By knowing how son of maryam was saved is irrelevant, it’s a divine miracle! If it was meant for us to know we would have been know it long ago !! Allah is saying it not asking us to believe how when and what ! He could simply use any mean or source that he wills!
      This is my understanding, hope it helps

    • @Fcbarcsahj
      @Fcbarcsahj 2 роки тому +1

      @@lankalion5051 yes it’s a divine miracle, I agree with you

    • @SA-sb7rt
      @SA-sb7rt 2 роки тому +1

      @@lankalion5051 I totally agree full stop 🛑 if allah didn’t tell us then stop 🛑

  • @mohammadeqbalpopal3974
    @mohammadeqbalpopal3974 2 роки тому +1

    U r good person but about pakistan which is enemy of islam u used double standards, u should admit that it is non ilsmaic state opposing its promise of existance