I walked through it sometime in mid 2000s. At the time, the entrance was blocked by just a big pile of gravel, with just a small hole at the top to slip through. At the far side, the big tunnel just stopped, but there was a small shaft, maybe 4'x4', that went up on a steep angle. It had a janky wood ladder in it and we climbed up. Popped out somewhere on the other side of the mountain. I imagine the ladder would be unusable today. There was a decent amount of water dripping down the air shaft.
Looks like an interesting hike up there. I agree with you, if the mine is just a straight shaft with nothing exciting then time to turn back. Does that gate also open from the inside? I'd worry about getting locked in...
Cool ! Your family are real troopers. 👍thanks for sharing. 🤙
I walked through it sometime in mid 2000s. At the time, the entrance was blocked by just a big pile of gravel, with just a small hole at the top to slip through. At the far side, the big tunnel just stopped, but there was a small shaft, maybe 4'x4', that went up on a steep angle. It had a janky wood ladder in it and we climbed up. Popped out somewhere on the other side of the mountain. I imagine the ladder would be unusable today. There was a decent amount of water dripping down the air shaft.
You're right, the ladder has been destroyed. Maybe for the best haha. Although I would have liked to pop out on the other side!
Awsome stuff!
Looks like an interesting hike up there. I agree with you, if the mine is just a straight shaft with nothing exciting then time to turn back.
Does that gate also open from the inside? I'd worry about getting locked in...
Luckily it doesn’t latch closed. Would have been a cold night and an embarrassing rescue otherwise!
@@fatherforest no doubt!
this is awesome. came to sub but already subbed lol 👍