Mark Lowry Denominations

  • Опубліковано 29 вер 2024
  • Mark talking about different denominations
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  • @tiffanywalls446
    @tiffanywalls446 10 років тому +7

    oh my gosh. really! Reading these comments make me think I am reading from a bunch of people who have not one funny bone. Just laugh and enjoy. Wendy Bagwell is as funny with his blind seeing eye dogs. We all believe what we were brought up to believe by our parents, grandparents and who ever took us under their wings. I feel the comments were like when comedians make fun of different races. Its all in good fun. Nothing to dig on anyone specific. I am from the south and a southern Baptist and I now live in CT. JUST ENJOY instead of bicker....

  • @lorispates4117
    @lorispates4117 8 років тому

    Mark you are great.its good to laugh,and you are great at putting a smile on my face before you can say anything.You have that look in your eyes and it's saying,what can I do to Bill I haven't done yet.

  • @sensibleadult
    @sensibleadult 11 років тому

    You are exactly right about the denominations. In the Book of Acts church there was no such thing as denominations. The apostles ALL preached the same thing, which was the Acts 2:38 message of repentance, water baptism specifically in the name of Jesus, and the infilling of the Holy Ghost with the initial evidence of speaking in tongues. NOWHERE was it ever changed. There was none of this "accept Christ as your personal savior" business.

  • @inplainsight131
    @inplainsight131 8 років тому +2

    He's so funny

  • @ThePULIGI
    @ThePULIGI 12 років тому

    I'm Catholic and I love this guy!

  • @drinkyourmuffinbob
    @drinkyourmuffinbob 11 років тому

    Mark 16:16- He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved...

  • @mykzalot
    @mykzalot 11 років тому

    Actually, the message of repentance ties in with accepting as your personal Saviour... you sin... you are convicted... you repent. you confess.... you now have an opportunity to live in the New Earth. ... you could not confess ur sin and gain salvation if you didn't have a personal savior.
    Yes it is true that acceptance is not enough,,, one ought to be baptized if one can, and so forth.. but accepting the personal Saviour IS a key component of Salvation

  • @adverseflower34
    @adverseflower34 12 років тому

    @shatfie awww! did ya do it? If not you should have! I bet that would've got him rolling!

  • @alterbridgefan99
    @alterbridgefan99 12 років тому

    I'm non denom and my parents are 7th Day Adventists

  • @bobrusable
    @bobrusable 11 років тому

    the Bible is clear that salvation is by grace through faith in Jesus Christ, not by works of any kind, including baptism (Ephesians 2:8-9). So, any interpretation which comes to the conclusion that baptism, or any other act, is necessary for salvation, is a faulty interpretation.

  • @GoodyChild7
    @GoodyChild7 12 років тому

    he new a bout seventh day adventist and im like im one im one people know about us wow

  • @StefanJato
    @StefanJato 11 років тому

    Presbyterian didnt get a shout out.. Shake my head...

  • @jchavfour
    @jchavfour 12 років тому

    different denominations believe different this is weird.

  • @sensibleadult
    @sensibleadult 12 років тому

    You left out something after repentance. That's only the initial act of faith. You must also be water baptized in the name of Jesus Christ (not the titles Father, Son, and Holy Ghost), and you must receive the infilling of the Holy Ghost evidenced by speaking in other tongues. That's what being born again in John 3:5 is referring to. I KNOW what faith is. James asked, "Can faith alone save?" The answer is "no". If works are not present, faith is not present. No one was ever saved any other way.

  • @jesuslvs316
    @jesuslvs316 12 років тому

    Well sensibleadult I gave you an example.And for those who didn't see it.This person said prove that someone was saved just by believing and repenting and not baptized.I answered Luke 23:42 The man hanging on the cross next to Jesus Then he said, "Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom." There is the proof. That also proves death bed repentence for those that do not believe in that either.I mean he was on the cross.You can't get more death bed then that.

  • @sensibleadult
    @sensibleadult 11 років тому

    Did you not read the scripture I already gave you? Why would you expect me to give you another? The thief on the cross was under the Old Covenant. Everybody after the resurrection was required to repent, be baptized in the name of Jesus, and receive the Holy Ghost, with the initial evidence of speaking in tongues. It's right there in the book of Acts.

  • @deschainct
    @deschainct 11 років тому

    Awww, poor girl. Nope, those are called delusions. Sorry, but if you claim that you have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, then either you have something to prove, or...well, the most obvious should seek help. I really, really, really think you should seek help.
    Oh and I really don't think you need this fictive Christ concept. You're fine just the way you are. You're not a terrible sinner. You're not born incomplete. You're perfect and you deserve more self respect.

  • @brieks07
    @brieks07 10 років тому +13

    Leave it to Christians to take something that was supposed to unite them in what they have in common in the faith and use it to divide themselves instead and fight over who "really" is a Christian or not. (This is coming from a Christian, as I am one myself....though I suppose there are some who would love to debate that with me! :P ) The cool thing is, GOD knows the heart. Let us walk in love and love one another.

  • @948reese
    @948reese 11 років тому +7

    I know one thing for sure....There is a God... and I am not him... I do not have the right to a opinion ..Judgment belongs to the Lord. Why do you feel your opinion is so important? Are you so righteous that only your way of thinking is correct? And if you do not believe at all.. why are you even watching this video? with millions of other videos on you tube.. Please get over your "all about me attitudes"

    • @brieks07
      @brieks07 10 років тому

      *nods* Well said!

  • @richardhall7757
    @richardhall7757 8 років тому +4

    Ok so even though it seems like he's making fun of denominations, he is very very funny and I have always loved watching him. everytime I get depressed or sad or just down and out I could always watch him and he'd make me laugh and put a smile on my face. mark Lowry has a very good gift from God

  • @geraldritchey6382
    @geraldritchey6382 9 років тому +4

    The denomination routine has been used for years by Satan to put across the notion that doctrine doesn't matter, and it doesn't make any difference what you believe, as long as you've "got Jesus". That idea is straight bout of the pit of hell, and Satan is the author of it. DON'T DOUBT ME.

    • @santosfc1426
      @santosfc1426 9 років тому +3

      some of the are not denominations, but cults like catholics and 7th day adventists. Look at their doctrine, not Christian at all!

    • @Giahewitt91
      @Giahewitt91 9 років тому

      +Gerald Ritchey SOOOO true . Thats why i never had a denomination . I knew it was sketchy .

    • @sallyfatlan7941
      @sallyfatlan7941 8 років тому


  • @lotusblossum1960
    @lotusblossum1960 9 років тому +2

    people need stop worrying what other people do
    .yu better check yourself dude!!! you have skeletons. n im sure you eat cheesecake too! nobody's perfect you live in a glass house?

  • @nicholasroyer9066
    @nicholasroyer9066 10 років тому +1

    I'm not saying anything hostile about your faith, except that the writers ought to learn how to spell......and use punctuation....

  • @TheRobbrown13
    @TheRobbrown13 12 років тому +1

    you'd have to understand and see mark lowry when he sang with the gathers.. he was always the comic relief

  • @zerkzy842
    @zerkzy842 10 років тому +4

    My gaydar is going off

    • @junejoyner7839
      @junejoyner7839 10 років тому +2

      ***** That is so true. I am a 50 year old woman who has never been married and I'm certainly not gay! I do see some men sometimes that seem to have some feminine ways but I truly believe that not all are gay just because of that. I wonder if maybe some men could have some feelings of being gay but because of their Christian upbringing and knowing what the Word Of God has to say about it, choose to be alone. Anyway, I love Mark Lowry and leave the rest between him & God!!

    • @hoozerob
      @hoozerob 9 років тому

      ***** Hey now! I was married! am not now! Single again. but not starting over. I won't marry again. been there. done that. I guess it's the way it's suppose to be for me. :\

    • @hoozerob
      @hoozerob 9 років тому

      well ok. :)

    • @FurbyGender
      @FurbyGender 8 років тому

      +zerkzy842 Well you might want to get that checked out, it's off by a million miles.

  • @bobrusable
    @bobrusable 11 років тому

    Those who believe that baptism is required for salvation are quick to use 1 Peter 3:21 as a “proof text,” because it states “baptism now saves you.” Was Peter really saying that the act of being baptized is what saves us? If he were, he would be contradicting many other passages of Scripture that clearly show people being saved (as evidenced by their receiving the Holy Spirit) prior to being baptized or without being baptized at all (like the thief on the cross in Luke 23:39-43).

  • @bobrusable
    @bobrusable 11 років тому

    Tell me where in the bible it says you have to be baptized to be saved. The thief up on the cross he got saved when he was up there with Jesus being crucifed. Jesus told him "Today you will be with me in paradise". He was not baptized, but hes going to be in heaven. Baptizing doesn't make you be saved its a public expression of one's inner repentance and faith

  • @bobrusable
    @bobrusable 11 років тому

    Baptism is not for cleansing you of your sins,I don't know what you are or what. You ask Jesus for forgiveness and he will cleanse you of your unrighteous. Answer my question what about the thief on the cross who was not baptism and is going to be in paradise.

  • @bobrusable
    @bobrusable 11 років тому

    Yes, Rapists and murderers are sinners, just like I am.. God doesn't look at our sins different, He judged believers by what we have done for him, not our sins.

  • @roshithesayian6801
    @roshithesayian6801 9 років тому +1

    gotta have pretty people on stage

  • @dangreenie5356
    @dangreenie5356 10 років тому

    He never mentioned Presbyterians! Oh well, the PCUSA just stopped being Christian so it doesn't matter. :)

  • @richardhall7757
    @richardhall7757 8 років тому

    Ok so even though it seems like he's making fun of denominations, he is very very funny and I have always loved watching him. everytime I get depressed or sad or just down and out I could always watch him and he'd make me laugh and put a smile on my face. mark Lowry has a very good gift from God

  • @bobrusable
    @bobrusable 11 років тому

    Whats wrong with you, Your point is invalid, My god Jesus Christ forgives! NO father point needed.

  • @Moviefan2k4
    @Moviefan2k4 11 років тому

    God's forgiveness is available to all, but each individual has to receive it personally. That only happens through repentance, which is a choice to turn from your fallen nature as embrace Jesus as Lord and Savior. People don't go to hell for sinning; otherwise we'd all be damned. They go because they had the choice to accept Christ's redemption, and refused.

  • @dovesrun
    @dovesrun 12 років тому

    I don't understand all these comments about babtism. The Bible clearly states that babtism is only by immersioin, the way Jesus was babtised. I believe babtism is necessary, you die to sin when you go under the water and when you come up a new person in Jesus.

  • @bobrusable
    @bobrusable 11 років тому

    I don't get what your trying to get at.. God forgives, He forgives WHAT CAN YOU NOT UNDERSTAND!

  • @ronaldshank8695
    @ronaldshank8695 10 років тому

    Yet another example of ecumenism! SHAME ON YOU, MARK!!!!!

  • @bipolarmom2
    @bipolarmom2 11 років тому

    I have a personal relationship with Christ. The Holy Spirit gives me understanding of the scriptures. I do not rely on man, I rely on Christ to speak to me through his word. I am not a Christian because I am afraid to go to hell, I need Jesus everyday to help me in all decisions, and carry me through the storms of life, and thank him for blessing me and loving me! That is Christianity, not denominations.. I grew up Nazarene, doctrine gets in the way. God already told me how to live.

  • @deschainct
    @deschainct 11 років тому

    Does this mean thatE EVERYTHING in the bible can be taken literally? Because the only reason for denominations is the problem that the bible can be interpreted in many different ways.
    If you say that the bible is to be taken literally word for word, that would at least polish a lot of confusion amongst christians.
    The problem that you'd have to consider ALL the horrible verses in the bible. That's a huge problem, i'm sure you'd agree:)
    So, now what?

  • @deschainct
    @deschainct 11 років тому

    Yes, i know this is what you've been raised to believe. But you see, i actually read the bible and did some research. And i'm sure it's VERY unlikely that this story is actually true. It's much more likely that's been made up by man. It's just like all the other religions, expect this one has an 'eternal torture' added to it. Well, i'm not impressed.
    I know this last part is what causes your fear. But once you realize that it's made up, you'll learn that life will have so much more value.

  • @IanHulett
    @IanHulett 11 років тому

    It's not just my belief. I know many christians who agree. As for me forming a denomination, that's not true. I believe denominations wouldn't exist IF everybody throughout HISTORY stayed true to Jesus. OF COURSE everybody will have their own beliefs. It's what makes us individuals. We shouldn't fight about it but unite and save those who need to be saved. This isn't about opinions or the "one true bible." The Christian bible says the same thing no matter what denomination.
    Peace be with you.

  • @deschainct
    @deschainct 11 років тому

    I agree. I'm glad to see you have a reasonable approach to this. This is one of the problems with religion. Any religion, not just christianity. There so much interpretation going on, often with disastrous consequences. There are a lot of muslims with a good heart like yourself. But it only takes a few misinterpretations to put down 2 skyscrapers or to allow the endless rape of little children. Yes, religion has a lot of benefits, but it also creates HUGE problems that we can't just shove aside

  • @IanHulett
    @IanHulett 11 років тому

    I wish everybody under the Christian faith would stop fighting and unite. I dream of a world where there's no Lutherans, Methodists, Catholics, etc but CHRISTIANS. We ALL follow Jesus. He STILL died for our sins!
    MY belief: *ALL* denominations are blasphemous because each one calls the Jesus of another denomination a liar! What happened to us? Since when does NOT being a specific Christian mean you're wrong? IT'S ALL CHRISTIANITY PEOPLE!!! We should ALL call ourselves Christians, NOTHING ELSE!!!

  • @sensibleadult
    @sensibleadult 11 років тому

    The thief on the cross did not receive the Holy Ghost(that's what the book of Acts calls it). None of the original apostles in Acts agree with you. If baptism is works, then so is confessing and believing. So you are doing works after all, if that is the case. But you don't know what "works" means. It means obeying the Jewish law. Nobody in the original church in the book of Acts preached "believe and accept". Nobody. NOBODY. N O B O D Y. N O B O D Y.

  • @Oaklandgirlpitlover1
    @Oaklandgirlpitlover1 11 років тому

    I agree. That is pretty funny. As a Church Organist for almost 30 years (28 to be exact), I have encountered ALL of the denominations mentioned in this video. And I have to say, some of them are just plain crazy. Some of their doctrine is not only false, inacurate, or just plain dangerous, but they have nothing to do with God's love. For example, the oppressive dress codes they put on women, and the belief that a man wearing long hai is somehow a sin.

  • @whoisjohngalt11
    @whoisjohngalt11 11 років тому

    Where do you see the Ethiopian eunuch speaking in tongues? You people place entirely too much emphasis on one particular spiritual gift when, if you read the account of Pentecost it says that each person was speaking in a tongue or a language of people on earth.
    And the Greek word for church is the word for a visible gathering of called out people. Not an invisible association of all believers. That is the family of God. The body of Christ is the local New Testament church.

  • @sensibleadult
    @sensibleadult 11 років тому

    Amazing. You cling to some imaginary self created version of Christianity and yet disregard everything the originator and early practitioners of Christianity taught. You claim to believe the Bible, and cannot point out where your beliefs are in that Bible. You claim to be saved, yet neither your salvation experience nor your beliefs resemble any one's in the original church. You don't support your beliefs with Scripture; you offer only insults. Pretty interesting.

  • @sensibleadult
    @sensibleadult 11 років тому

    You are nuts. The Jews didn't require baptism as part of their tradition. That's insane. Where do you get your information? FYI, the point when the apostles came to the proper understanding was in Luke 24:44-48. It uses the exact terminology, "Then opened he their understanding, that they might understand the scriptures,? And then he said the entire reason for the cross was so that the Acts 2:38 message could be preached, "beginning at Jerusalem", which is exactly what happened.

  • @sensibleadult
    @sensibleadult 11 років тому

    I noticed you couldn't name one person in the Book of Acts church who was saved like you claim. I'm not surprised. It's not there. Isn't it a major red flag that your beliefs are nothing like the original church? The "finished work of the cross" doctrine is pure gobbledegook. The claim that the apostles misunderstood is bogus. You cite Acts 10:43 but ignore verse 44-48. Pretty selective, if you ask me. Was v. 43 before or after they had learned it was Christ alone? When did they learn it?

  • @Treeweavers
    @Treeweavers 12 років тому

    The Apostles were taught by Jesus Christ, and then established the church.
    But over time, the original teachings of the church were changed. The truth and power of the church was gradually replaced, or watered down, by human traditions.
    If we want to be obedient to the Lord Jesus; if we want to be saved, we must turn away from catholicism, protestantism, and all other manmade "isms".
    Read and obey Acts 2:38 in the Bible.
    Or, we can cling to human traditions and spend eternity in Hell.

  • @sensibleadult
    @sensibleadult 12 років тому

    Baloney! Just look in the SAME chapter a few verses previous. When Philip preached they were baptized. Why would they get baptized if he didn't preach you had to do it? Then they also received the Holy Ghost. Why would Philip change his message a few verses later?I know it said the eunuch believed. But believing INCLUDES obedience to Acts 2:38. Look at what happens when people believe in John 7:37-39. If that doesn't take place you haven't believed.

  • @sensibleadult
    @sensibleadult 12 років тому

    "Resting in the word of God" is EXACTLY what I'm doing. The original plan of salvation is Acts 2:38. NOWHERE was it ever changed or altered. That's how Paul was saved in Acts 9. I don't even believe in denominations. There is only one church, the New Testament church that still obeys Acts 2:38. Until you obey that, you're not even a Christian. The "believe and accept" routine doesn't get the job done.

  • @clockguy2
    @clockguy2 12 років тому

    Acts 10 refutes your interpretation of Acts 2:38 if the verse gives you the idea that one must be baptized to be saved.
    The people in the house of Cornelius received the Holy Spirit and spoke in tongues BEFORE they were baptized. Baptism is important and we are commanded to be baptized, but it is faith alone that saves a sinner.
    In Acts 2:38, Peter was not talking about a divine order, he was talking about things that indicate that you are truly saved.

  • @sensibleadult
    @sensibleadult 12 років тому

    Regardless of the interpretations, it doesn't mean they all are correct. #5 is correct. In the book of Acts, after hearing Peter preach, they asked,"What must we do?"(to be saved) Peter could have said,"believe and confess", but he didn't. Why didn't he? No one was saved yet under the new covenant. Acts 2:38 reveals what he told them. And everyone subsequent to that got saved the same way,even to this day. Nowhere was it ever changed. Nowhere. Acts 2:38 fulfilled John 3:5.

  • @sensibleadult
    @sensibleadult 12 років тому

    God has already straightened it out in His Word. No one in the New Testament was saved by "believing and confessing". They ALL had to repent, be baptized in the name of Jesus, and receive the Holy Ghost, evidenced by speaking in other tongues. This is what being "born again" refers to in John 3:3-5. Why would God leave such confusion that He would have to "straighten it out one day"? That makes NO sense. Acts 2:38 IS the gospel.

  • @sensibleadult
    @sensibleadult 12 років тому

    @god567girl The routine about the denominations is a clever way to slip across an unspoken message that is totally untrue, which is "doctrine is not important, and it doesn't matter what you believe, as long as you believe in Jesus." Those who believe certain doctrines are really the only ones who end up setting anything aside. The people who don't believe doctrine to be crucial set aside nothing.

  • @jeannetipton6106
    @jeannetipton6106 10 років тому +2

    Mark, you are the best!

  • @deschainct
    @deschainct 11 років тому

    Why wouldn't you be? Well, because if there's no punishment for such hideous crimes, while not believing supposedly gets me to hell....then I have a big problem with this 'objective morality'.
    It's basically saying that raping and murdering is better than doubting in god's existence. Are you ok with this?

  • @Oaklandgirlpitlover1
    @Oaklandgirlpitlover1 11 років тому

    FIRST OF ALL, I know what the scripture says. Second, I don't like your tone BROTHA'. And before you go throwing scriptures at people, do yourself a favor, and know what the hell you're talking about. And since you want to go there, go and find that EXACT scripture. AND THEN, read the very next one. Then you can come and talk to me.

  • @sensibleadult
    @sensibleadult 11 років тому

    Because He was GOD ALMIGHTY, and He can forgive sins any time He wants to. The baptism of John the Baptist was not the same as the baptism practiced by the apostles after the Day of Pentecost; look in Acts 19; Paul had the disciples who had been baptized of John to be rebaptized in the name of Jesus. Why did he waste time doing that if it were not totally necessary?

  • @jesuslvs316
    @jesuslvs316 11 років тому

    If the new covenant started after Jesus rose again then how is it that he told people your sins are forgiven?Because anyone under the old law where they needed unblemished animals their sins was only covered.And also baptism was not talked about until John the baptist.And Jesus has not died yet.Not meaning to argue about it just wanted to respond.

  • @sensibleadult
    @sensibleadult 11 років тому

    Jeffie, you proved nothing other than the fact you don't have an understanding of Scripture. Anyone should know that the thief on the cross incident happened BEFORE the death, burial, and resurrection, which was the closing act of the previous dispensation, and the beginning of the church age, when the New Covenant began.

  • @sensibleadult
    @sensibleadult 11 років тому

    No, they are not, my friend. Getting baptized is part of salvation. Without baptism you are not saved. And not just baptism, but baptism specifically in the name of Jesus, just like EVERYBODY in the New Testament church. "He that believeth AND is baptized shall be saved." And you are not a believer unless you obey the plan of salvation.(John 7:37-39)

  • @jesuslvs316
    @jesuslvs316 12 років тому

    Getting baptized is not salvation.That is like saying It takes Jesus + when it should be Jesus only.After all the man on the cross next to Jesus was not baptized and Jesus said you will be with me in paradise.It's recieveing Jesus into your heart and your life that gives you salvation.Being baptized is making the full commitment to Christ.

  • @sensibleadult
    @sensibleadult 12 років тому

    The Holy Spirit tells me you don't want truth. I'm still waiting for ONE example in the New Testament church where anyone was saved by "believing and accepting". You won't find it. I know it must be frustrating to place all your trust in a belief that is not backed up by the Scriptures. By the way, "He that is spiritual judgeth all things". 1 Cor. 2:15

  • @clockguy2
    @clockguy2 12 років тому

    Faith without works is dead because there is no evidence of a salvation. If we could work our way to heaven we would not need Christ. That is your mistake. You cling to the wording of one or two verses (such as Acts 2:28) and ignore the evidence from the rest of the Bible. Titus 3:5, Mark 16:16, Romans 5:1, Ephesians 2:8-9

  • @clockguy2
    @clockguy2 12 років тому

    My point of Acts 10 is that they were saved before they were baptized because they received the holy spirit and were speaking in tongues. They were baptized afterward to obey gods command to do so. We do works because we get saved. not to get saved. Works is a sign of salvation, not a means to get there.

  • @clockguy2
    @clockguy2 12 років тому

    water in this verse can be interpreted five different ways by various groups.
    1. The water refers to the natural birth.
    2. The water refers to the Word of God.
    3. The water refers to the Holy Spirit.
    4. The water refers to the ministry of John the Baptist.
    5. The water refers to the water of baptism as a requirement for salvation.

  • @sensibleadult
    @sensibleadult 11 років тому

    Answer the question: How can you be saved if your sins are not remitted? Acts 2:38 CLEARLY AND PLAINLY SAYS "FOR THE REMISSION OF SINS'. There is no possible way to twist it. So unless you do what gets your sins remitted, they are still with you. Which means you are not saved.

  • @sensibleadult
    @sensibleadult 11 років тому

    Sorry, I didn't realize I gave the scripture to someone else. II Peter 3:21, Acts 2;38, Mark 16:16 all show that baptism is necessary for salvation. Acts 2:38 says it is for remission of sins. How can you be saved without getting your sins remitted? You can't.

  • @Jewels1573
    @Jewels1573 11 років тому

    I love how Mark has brought people together and taken denominational walls down. Very cool. That is when you can actually share the Father's love with people. (As opposed to a lot of the religious retoric people haves seemed they need to share on this video.)

  • @sensibleadult
    @sensibleadult 11 років тому

    Saying Acts 2:38 is not a salvation verse is like saying the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution are not America's founding documents. Harmonizing Scripture is EXACTLY what I'm doing. To believe like you do, most of the Book of Acts has to be ignored.

  • @clockguy2
    @clockguy2 12 років тому

    The Gospel is Crucial to salvation...everything else God will straighten out one day.
    Faith in Jesus The Messiah for the covering of our sins. That is the part that is most important to get right. There is no other way which man might be saved and the just will live by faith.

  • @deschainct
    @deschainct 11 років тому

    You're not a terrible sinner. You're not some hideous creature that depends on the bible. You don't need the love and sacrifice of a deity to make you whole. Seriously there is nothing wrong with you. We already know this, hopefully one day you will too.

  • @sensibleadult
    @sensibleadult 11 років тому

    Interesting. In Acts, when Saul was converted, the scripture explicitly states, "It shall be told thee what thou" MUST DO." And it was GOD HIMSELF doing the talking. Seems like your opinion is at odds with the scripture. Again.

  • @sensibleadult
    @sensibleadult 12 років тому

    No, I got it exactly right. Jesus said you must be born again of the water and of the Spirit. Acts 2:38 is the fulfillment of that. You said it is man's rules and regulations. I don't have to twist your words. You're doing it yourself.

  • @clockguy2
    @clockguy2 12 років тому

    The Bible does teach that baptism is a necessary result of becoming a disciple of Christ (Matt. 28:18-19). Even 1 Peter 3:21 says that the baptism mentioned is not one dealing with water, but an appeal to God. Faith is still what saves though.

  • @sensibleadult
    @sensibleadult 12 років тому

    Your point about Acts 10 is irrelevant. The bottom line is that they DID get baptized. Faith alone doesn't save. Faith without works is dead. The Scripture asks, Can faith alone save? The answer is "NO". Acts 10 CONFIRMS what I said.

  • @deschainct
    @deschainct 11 років тому

    Haha oh no, that sentence was a bit sloppy. I didn't think for a second you were a muslim. I was trying to point out that many muslims are decent rational human beings like you.
    And i'm glad we agree! Haha

  • @deschainct
    @deschainct 11 років тому

    Be that as it may, it's still possible for rapists and murderers to be saved. Someone could murder your child tomorrow, and get saved the day after. This is very possible according to the bible's rules.
    Are you ok with this?

  • @louisanna30
    @louisanna30 12 років тому

    ROM 10:9 is pretty clear - NIV That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Also, should we not speak in love rather than anger........

  • @clockguy2
    @clockguy2 12 років тому

    If you mean simple, Yes it is. It doesn't need to be complicated. Truly I say to you, Whoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter therein.

  • @jesuslvs316
    @jesuslvs316 12 років тому

    I can give you one Luke 23:42 Then he said, "Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom." He was not baptized but was promised he would be with Jesus forever.

  • @clockguy2
    @clockguy2 12 років тому

    Repentance of sin is why we become Christians. Faith in Christ is how we become Christians. Baptism is a ceremony that we perform as a testimony after becoming a Christian.

  • @Skilletkid55
    @Skilletkid55 11 років тому

    Dude even though i dont like what sensibleadult said doesnt mean you can go around and judge and call them not a christian no but They and God knows their Heart

  • @clockguy2
    @clockguy2 12 років тому

    ...if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. Romans 10:9

  • @adverseflower34
    @adverseflower34 12 років тому

    DUDE!!! This is awesome! I've NEVER heard him meantion Seventh-Day Adventists before! This makes me happy!

  • @Oaklandgirlpitlover1
    @Oaklandgirlpitlover1 11 років тому

    No sir. I'm not a muslim. As a matter of fact, I had bacon with my grits for breakfast this morning. LOL! But I still agree with everything you've said.

  • @louisanna30
    @louisanna30 12 років тому

    If baptism is required for salvation I wonder what happened to the many who believed, vary situations inclu death bed, who did not get baptize .......

  • @bobrusable
    @bobrusable 11 років тому

    Yes, Why wouldn't I be? Jesus, tells us to forgive our brothers.

  • @sensibleadult
    @sensibleadult 11 років тому

    The book of Romans says it is a shame for a man to have long hair. That's not a denomination, that's the Word of God, whether you like it or not.

  • @Skilletkid55
    @Skilletkid55 11 років тому

    well i dont know what you mean by hogwash but it soun d bout like the truth. Jesus didnt want denominations. He wanted 1 church to serve God.

  • @sensibleadult
    @sensibleadult 11 років тому

    Not so fast. The thief was still under the old covenant. The New Covenant church began on the Day of Pentecost when the Holy Ghost was given.

  • @mythbhavd
    @mythbhavd 14 років тому

    If the bible does not contain the word denomination, then where does it say that if you are in a denomination, you aren't walking for Jesus?

  • @passtheparcel2024
    @passtheparcel2024 9 років тому +1

    He loves what he does, an clearly loves his audience!

  • @sensibleadult
    @sensibleadult 11 років тому

    I'll tell you who was in a Oneness Pentecostal church, it was all the apostles. Pretty good company, if you ask me. I'll take it.

  • @sensibleadult
    @sensibleadult 12 років тому

    You just called Acts 2:38 rules and regulations that are of no account. It is an area where you better be a little more careful.

  • @louisanna30
    @louisanna30 12 років тому

    John 3 in context born of water (flesh) and born of Spirit (Holy Spirit). Simple hermeneutics spells it out.

  • @lydia0609
    @lydia0609 14 років тому

    @realitytvfreak I'm Baptist too and my church always jokes about how Baptist eat at every occasion we have.

  • @sensibleadult
    @sensibleadult 12 років тому

    John 3:3-5 Except a man be born again of the water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God.