A Safe Place /// Episode 3

  • Опубліковано 29 вер 2024
  • Heres episode 3 in this series. If you have any stories or tips to share on any of these issues, please just use the number of the person at the start of your comment ♥
    Self care video - • Self Care Stuff
    Abuse survivors support groups - bit.ly/1SNwBRC
    For online counseling, i recommend BetterHelp - influencelogic.... (this is an affiliate link)
    If you have something you'd like to drop into this form for the next video, you can do so here - goo.gl/forms/dx...
    If you're struggling and need help now, please consider visiting these links or reaching out to someone close-by - www.crisistextl...
    You can see the first episode here - • A Safe Place / Somethi...
    And the second episode here - • A Safe Place /// Episo...


  • @belmaworldpeace9529
    @belmaworldpeace9529 8 років тому

    Sending you love from norway :)

  • @CloudedIdeas24
    @CloudedIdeas24 8 років тому +5

    #5 I find it difficult to go to work because my anxiety gets so bad just thinking about it. I over think what people will say, how they look at me, if I'll make a fool of myself or have a complaint from someone. Every little thing. The reason I go in is simply because it earns me money. Some days I'm so anxious I'm trembling, but after 20 mins in work I get distracted by the task at hand and I'm not aware of anxiety. Then there are times when I have to communicate with a Co worker or the public and gets so nervous. I work so hard just to avoid thinking, pushing myself too hard. Then I realise I need to take breaks, 5 minutes in the toilet to focus on breathing. And if I've had a stressful day (ie. nearly everyday) I will reward myself when I get home with something nice. Two cups of tea in a row, nachos, a new book, an extra long shower, a pedicure, anything that makes me enjoy my free time because it has been earned. Analysing what might happen or the thoughts of leaving the house are always daunting, but find some comfort in going to work. Whether that's the work, a strangers smile, a desk, there is always some respite in work. And then savor that moment everyday. I used to work in a gas station, I'd be on tills all night but that moment I got away from the till to stack the shelves for twenty minutes was like being able to breath again! be mindful of the small things that make it somewhat bareable. Make a really nice packed lunch, wear your comfiest underwear or your nicest bra. Anything to make it bareable, to take the edge off. There's always something you can do. Of course work is still work, but you're human and you need to treat yourself like a human; with needs, feelings and desires. You're not a robot. Step outside your comfort zone but not beyond your health boundaries. Perhaps a rollerball of essential oil would be good to carry? I know Tisserand have a de-stress / relax one.

  • @margaret2068
    @margaret2068 8 років тому +2

    TALK to your partner. what has been literally saving my life is every time i have a negative or down thought i tell him, because until i tell him that thought is going on repeat in my brain getting stronger and stronger each time around, when all that thought wants is to be recognized and dealt with.

  • @haskikel09
    @haskikel09 8 років тому +2

    To #6, it took me six years to graduate just from undergrad. I failed the first part of a chemistry class and had to wait to retake it the following year, so I understand how that goes. Never believe that you're failing, you're trying and with studies it can really easily feel like you're failing, but you're not. Believe me. I did not have the best GPA in college and yes, some jobs depend on it, but most don't. Find something that you can do to take a break between studying and do that every hour to two hours, just to break.. and refresh your brain and believe in yourself.

    • @maggieperez5384
      @maggieperez5384 8 років тому

      It took me 5 years to get my bachelors degree in production and operations management. The only excuse was because I was miserable and upset my parents got divorced my sophomore year and it ended up messing up course schedule. It's ok if it takes you longer. One of my great friends took 7 years to graduate. You're not alone #6!

  • @zanettarose
    @zanettarose 8 років тому +1

    First off, my mother is much the same, and I'm sorry that you have to go through such difficulties with your mom. I completely understand how hurtful/stressful it can be managing emotions with the person that is supposed to care the most and be most empathetic to you.
    I can only give advice from what has helped me in the past.
    (FIRST, try to talk to her about it, one last time. Explain how you feel, and what it means to you when she does these things.)
    -Try to compartmentalize when your mother offends you with her words or actions, whether bc of her personality or memory loss.
    (There will always be a disconnect, but try to rationalize with healthy thoughts (I know, a lot to attempt for ppl with anxiety, but try is all you can do.) "She'd never forget me, I matter to her, " and so forth.)
    -Realize that your emotions and reactions are valid EVEN IF she doesn't treat them as such, which may be the case in the future.
    (There will come probably come a point, again, where your mom dismisses your feelings by refusing to acknowledge the hurt she caused. This may very well be her only mode of operation for dealing with hurting someone. Even so, your feelings still matter. They always do and it's important to realize that, even if she doesn't recognize that, you have to. It seems like you really love your mom, and care for your relationship. Some acceptance is necessary to still love her, for her, and love yourself, after these times.)
    -If necessary/possible, take some space.
    (This is especially helpful for when you are going through a troubling time. As much as you love her, people can only be who they are, and sometimes you just need people around who SUPPORT you and "get it". If that's not your mom, fine. You can love someone and not involve them in your emotional/mental health support group (or only share/involve them to certain extent). If your relationship ever gets to be too much, or god forbid, emotionally abusive/neglectful, lighten your expectations, and turn to the support that you DO have.)
    -Take solace in your allies, and friends/support system.
    (You seem like you have a great dad that is empathetic, supportive, and defends you (at least passively) against these times. Try talking to him about how she makes you feel, even outside of asking him to change/inform her. If you have friends,counselors,family,teachers, talk to them too. Support can come from strange places, and when conflicts like this hits so close to home, it's important to try to expand those avenues of happiness.)
    -You cannot change people.
    (Your mom may very well never change. Mine hasn't, so I get it. But it's necessary to know that whether or not she does, you can. Adapt to who she is, and if you chose to keep her in your life, accept her. Change the things YOU can/need to and keep pushing for that healthier communication/emotional relationship with her. The rest is up to her. Just make sure you're OK whether or not she changes, whatever OK looks like to you.)
    LAST, stay strong, love! Between dealing with this, school, anxiety, and being a survivor of an abusive relationship (on top of whatever else you've experienced), you seem to have a lot on your plate that you handle. Keep on keeping on! I hope I could help.

  • @louisah6020
    @louisah6020 8 років тому

    #6- Hello fellow Milwaukeean!(sp?) One thing that helps me when I'm in a rut and have grand ideas of things I would like to start (like yoga or running, etc) but just can't seem to get out of bed is to jump on my mini trampoline! Seriously, it takes no effort and once the lymph is moving in my body, it feels much easier to get going. I have it set up in my living room and every time I need a pick me up I just start jumping and I instantly start to feel my body come alive. You can get one for like 30 bucks on Amazon. And with regards to trying to figure out your next step in life....try to figure out what you love to do, what makes you feel alive + gives you purpose. I love this Rumi quote- "Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love. It will not lead you astray.”

  • @lizschott77
    @lizschott77 8 років тому

    #4 I used to have this problem with going to work. I would dread going to the point that I was making the situation worse than it was. Something you might look in to would to be to change your work schedule. For me, I found that working in the morning instead of an evening/afternoon shift made a huge difference! Also adjusting it so that I had 2 days off in a row helped to kind of refresh before going back. Working in the morning also forced me to get out of bed right away. Hope this helps and/or gives you some ideas 😊
    #5 have you looked in to the options you have through Starbucks as far as education? They offer reimbursement for tuition through Arizona State University, and I believe it is all online, and you only have to work about 20 hours a week to get the benefit. This may be good for you so you could try out some classes to spark your interest, and also free up your schedule somewhat, and to take some time for yourself. Hope this gives you some ideas 😊

  • @safiyaa6934
    @safiyaa6934 8 років тому

    I love you ❤️thank you for everything! X

  • @kimbasciano_
    @kimbasciano_ 8 років тому

    I love this series by you. Thank you for all you do. 💜

  • @bethrosie1442
    @bethrosie1442 8 років тому

    I really love this series ☺

  • @SasukesHott
    @SasukesHott 7 років тому

    I know this video is quite old, but for anyone who may be going through something similar who happens to see this comment...
    #6: You have not failed unless you've given up. In fact, you should be proud of yourself for continuing with school after initially failing and having to go through that schooling again. A lot of people would quit after failing, but instead of letting your hurt pride keep you from continuing, you were dedicated and put in the work to accomplish your goal and finish well. I admire your strength for swallowing your pride in that situation and accepting it for what it was. I like to remind myself that everything happens in it's own timing, and our lives all happen in their own timing. Be confident in that idea, that you are exactly where you're supposed to be in life right now.