Such clear explanation! Really appreciated this. (I should be honest with myself: I do for the most part have to take his economic analysis on trust - fairly inevitably, as I'm by no means an economic expert myself. But his way of speaking inspires my trust, as does his lack of vested interests.)
In Principle, money is meaningless without attached purposes, so where it comes from, ie the planning process for which it is designed to fulfil, that is directly related to where it is collected as real value before the whole cycle is repeated with review and reiteration of the design purposes.
We need finance, not usury and to aimed at business not financial services.
Such clear explanation! Really appreciated this.
(I should be honest with myself: I do for the most part have to take his economic analysis on trust - fairly inevitably, as I'm by no means an economic expert myself. But his way of speaking inspires my trust, as does his lack of vested interests.)
That was fantastic we need more people like him running the banks
We need people like him educating and training us on finance and its history.
Great speaker who makes the complicated topic sound easy, definitely clear. This inspires me to read his books.
Excellent Lecture
In Principle, money is meaningless without attached purposes, so where it comes from, ie the planning process for which it is designed to fulfil, that is directly related to where it is collected as real value before the whole cycle is repeated with review and reiteration of the design purposes.
A world built entirely on lies and illusions, indeed!
20k views in 7 years, that’s good.
Quick Reminder: People holding your money don’t care about you lol.
Great video ⚡️