I have had L4 to L5 fusion and less than a year later and to this day L5 to S1 is very painful every day. I have had ablations done to knock out the nerve but that didn't last more than a year and now its hard to sleep and function more than a few hours at a time. Wish I knew this or I would have insisted Dr fuse L4 through S1. Thanks for the info Dr, confirms what I have been feeling, and its not just in my head.
I have had L4 to L5 fusion and less than a year later and to this day L5 to S1 is very painful every day. I have had ablations done to knock out the nerve but that didn't last more than a year and now its hard to sleep and function more than a few hours at a time. Wish I knew this or I would have insisted Dr fuse L4 through S1. Thanks for the info Dr, confirms what I have been feeling, and its not just in my head.
I'm sorry to hear that. Do you have any pain meds that helps?
Thanks fir sharing this information.
Don't ever fuse, go to Germany get disc replacement with lp-esp, best in the world !! 🇩🇪