This is a great explanation! I've been doing hidden linked parts for a while, and have the Pro version of TGTools, but had not looked at the Process Extracted Parts plugin because it didn't seem like it would have a use with linked parts. But now I see it can be very useful. Thanks for explaining the historical context for the name - another hidden trick!
Yup, I missed that error. I didn't notice that when I did this. I guess the plug-in doesn't know what to do when there simply isn't a 3rd line in this case. I think it would have worked if there was a whole rest in layer 2. (I think). Cause then there would be a 3rd voice technically. Anyway... always double check!
@@ConqueringFinale It should also be mentioned that, incase you use tuplets over barlines and do so with the help of the Patterson Plugin, none of the tools (not even the basic copy&paste) can handle that. What happens is that note values will be added and everything after that will be moved to the right. As you say: Always double-check!
Thank you Jason is amazing!! So I have a question, how can you see the rest of the instruments with the scroll view, since according to the video you only see the horns and trumpets?
I have a “Staff Set” set up in that file I was working with. Staff Sets allow you to view any combination of staves that you program to be viewed in Scroll View. I cover this in video 1-3. Check it out here:
This is a great explanation! I've been doing hidden linked parts for a while, and have the Pro version of TGTools, but had not looked at the Process Extracted Parts plugin because it didn't seem like it would have a use with linked parts. But now I see it can be very useful. Thanks for explaining the historical context for the name - another hidden trick!
Nice! But there seems to be an error at 13:17 for the trumpet 3, which should NOT play in m. 3 (but it does receive the notes of trp. 2)
Yup, I missed that error. I didn't notice that when I did this. I guess the plug-in doesn't know what to do when there simply isn't a 3rd line in this case. I think it would have worked if there was a whole rest in layer 2. (I think). Cause then there would be a 3rd voice technically. Anyway... always double check!
@@ConqueringFinale It should also be mentioned that, incase you use tuplets over barlines and do so with the help of the Patterson Plugin, none of the tools (not even the basic copy&paste) can handle that. What happens is that note values will be added and everything after that will be moved to the right. As you say: Always double-check!
Thank you Jason is amazing!! So I have a question, how can you see the rest of the instruments with the scroll view, since according to the video you only see the horns and trumpets?
I have a “Staff Set” set up in that file I was working with. Staff Sets allow you to view any combination of staves that you program to be viewed in Scroll View. I cover this in video 1-3. Check it out here:
@@ConqueringFinale Thank you very much!