Will Davies, Cadw: Usk Castle, its history and buildings

  • Опубліковано 7 вер 2024
  • This talk explores the development of Usk Castle from an earth and timber fortress established by Anglo-Norman lords during the conquest and colonisation of Gwent to a comfortable baronial residence in the later medieval period and eventually one of the grandest romantic ruins in any garden. Built or held by some of the leading magnates of its time, the architecture of Usk Castle is placed into a broader regional and national context, notably the Norman gatehouse converted to a keep, the formidable and innovative thirteenth century defences of the Marshal family and later medieval refurbishments by the Clares and Elizabeth de Burgh. Following in the footsteps of Jeremy Knight, the paper also covers findings made during recent conservation works, which demonstrate that new investigations can always help us to adjust our understanding of heavily studied monuments.
    Will Davies has been an inspector of ancient monuments and archaeology for Cadw since 2010 after a career in commercial archaeology. He covers the Welsh border counties but has a particular interest in medieval castles and manages to become involved in related projects throughout Wales.