Sneha Kotham Samadhana Kotham established by Stupid Idiotic Crazy Commonsense less Hypocrite Brutal Sadistic Pervert Psycho Muri Andi Mammad Koya. Where there is JIHADI Community there is issues against other Communities Culture Religions Beliefs and so on. Ala Hu Cucumber 🥒 Thalla Hu Cucumber 🥒. Ala Hu Koothi Kayyan 🤮🥴 Thalla Hu Koothi Kayyan 🤮🥴😡🤬
വന്ദേ ഭാരത് ട്രെയിനിന്റെ ഉത്ഘാടനവും.
റഷ്യ - യുക്രൈൻ യുദ്ധം നിർത്താനുള്ള കരാറും എട്ടുകാലി മമ്മുഞ് ഏറ്റെടുത്തതായിരുന്നല്ലോ,
Sneha Kotham Samadhana Kotham established by Stupid Idiotic Crazy Commonsense less Hypocrite Brutal Sadistic Pervert Psycho Muri Andi Mammad Koya. Where there is JIHADI Community there is issues against other Communities Culture Religions Beliefs and so on. Ala Hu Cucumber 🥒 Thalla Hu Cucumber 🥒. Ala Hu Koothi Kayyan 🤮🥴 Thalla Hu Koothi Kayyan 🤮🥴😡🤬