Greg, It seems like we have swung from one extreme to the other. 35 years ago when I was a young mom, many mothers were feeling crushed by the weight of trying to be the perfect Mormon mom. In the mid to late 80s Chiecko Okazaki came on the scene teaching that Christ didnt intend the gospel to be something we used to beat ourselves ourselves up with. Back then, far to many believed that we had to perfect ourselves on our own before we were worthy enough to come to Christ. Now we have swung way too far to the point that Christ will embrace us just the way we are without us making any effort to change.
I'm a therapist and therapy can absolutely be bad. The core of good therapy IMO and a fulfilling life is taking ownership of your attitude, view of the world, choices, and behaviors. What defines someone is not what happens to them but how they choose to live regardless. Forgiveness is hard. Repentance isn't easy. Values and virtues are not accidental behaviors but the result of intentional actions in moments of "refinement" in the furnace of affliction. Interestingly, an effective antidote to depression is service to others.
“Come as you are,” a loving Father says to each of us, but He adds, “Don’t plan to stay as you are.” We smile and remember that God is determined to make of us more than we thought we could be. - Jeffrey R. Holland That was excellent Greg, thank you. Another thought I keep coming back to is "what lack I yet?" We can't simply coast and be satisfied with spiritual mediocrity in ourselves. What manner of men ought we to be? The Savior answers, "Verily I say unto you, even as I am." We don't get there by standing still in stagnant waters, spiritually speaking. Keep moving.
We don't have to lose exaltation. We are not perfect individuals that struggle in life. If we are striving for exaltation with our faith and trust in Christ we will be blessed. Exaltation is a family matter, but God will not deny anyone who is repentant. God will not deny the faithful even if their spouse is unfaithful or they are never married. Honestly there are probably many within the church that don't understand exaltation. Many are trying to live with one foot in the gospel and the other in Babylon. They want Christ to change the church to accommodate Babylon. I care so much about so many. All I can do is love and serve them, but I can't make them walk the path. My heart is broken!!
I hear you. Here is the key: our loved ones will get a degree of glory. Even the Terrestrial Kingdom is a wonderful blessing from God. Be happy for them, even those who are wolves wearing sheep's clothing. I have many loved ones who reject exaltation.
@@confusedwhynot Im not confused! Jesus loved the Sadducees and Pharisees differently than He loved his disciples. What i see is people enabling the behavior not loving them. Like walking in the LGPTQ parade with them only condones their actions.
I’m in priesthood meeting and Elder Neil L Anderson who is currently commenting (he’s in my ward) is quoting from Elder Oaks Task, Divine Love in the Father’s Plan. Made me think of your topic. “The purpose of the doctrine and policies of this restored Church is to prepare God’s children for salvation in the celestial kingdom and for exaltation in its highest degree”
Therapy helped me a lot, but I was fortunate to have a therapist who supported and understood that my highest priority was to make and keep my covenants with God.
The best therapist (by far) I’ve had (out of 10!) is one who is herself a covenant keeper and who understands how to effect progress. And that’s therapy, NOT church. They are separate.
Lately i have noticed a lot more "Love yourself" projects in activities in church. Christ says lose yourself for my sake and you will find it. While it is fine to have activities to add variety to our life, happiness (joy) comes by losing ourselves in God's purpose for us. This means using our abilities to further exaltation of ourselves and our fellow man--to make our homes, our communities and our world a better place, Man's search for Meaning--is found in losing ourselvesfor Christ's sake.
Thought-provoking topic, Greg! You're right that there's more focus on developing our testimonies rather than on sacrifice, and I've interpreted that as meaning that people are struggling so much more in our amoral culture. Your definition at 9:40 on the person with the single talent burying it/keeping it inside himself was the best I've ever heard. Thank you.
Loved your message. It was a great reminder to focus outside of myself and reach out to others. I often make excuses for why I don't do certain things, often because I struggle with my health. Thank you for this reminder. I definitely needed this reminder.
Thanks Greg, I agree with everything you said. The gospel helps us climb the ladder and become more like Christ. I know many people who are good people but that is not enough. It is becoming a new creature.
Thank you sir! I needed to hear this perspective. I must repent and focus more on Christ and others instead of trying to become whole myself. It’s never about “me” it about Christ and His children. Tend to forget this in my pride and selfishness.
Spot on, as usual. Years ago I had a bishop who talked about “the arrows pointing inward” and how we need to point those arrows outward more… just as you are stating here. If we are to become like the Savior, we need to embrace the fullness of His doctrine. He patiently calls us to follow Him!
As a church we’ve forgotten that suffering is supposed to be endured willingly, not shunned and seen as something to be avoided at all costs, thinking God doesn’t send us challenges to help us learn to rely on him and hope for his ultimate deliverance in Christ. Yes, healthcare is great, but self care gets carried away into self idolization
Now it all makes more sense! Someone i know seems very committed to Jesus Christ, but does not seem to grasp God's work and glory, to "bring to pass the immortality and eternal life" of His children! I'm been trying to put my finger on what is missing in this person's understanding of the Gospel!! I think you've really hit on it in this message!! Thank you!!
I think this is the best video that you've ever done. I don't think it's necessary for me to add any of my own thoughts or opinions to what you've already provided. Thank you.
We don't study the sins and the punishments along with the virtues and the rewards anymore. In Jan our RS is having an activity teaching about Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, which is centered on changing ourselves not wallowing in our misery which only makes us more miserable. There was a study done by a Japanese scientist that shows what happens when water is talked to then frozen. Positivity forms beautiful crystals. Negativity creates malformed shapes. As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he. We have to show charity and teach charity for the world to improve. It takes work. It takes discomfort and even pain to learn sympathy, compassion and empathy. Even the water has to be frozen to show what it has become. Coddling does not produce results if we never move past it. The crystals don't form if the water is lukewarm. If Jesus was a teddybear, we could never improve or grow. That is what the adversary wants.
Perhaps to give you a bit of hope, I am the Elder's Quorum teacher and my wife is the adult Sunday School teacher in our ward, first time this has ever happened but its interesting. We are in a ward in the interior of British Columbia, so far away from the cultural influence of the Utah culture which is perhaps an advantage. In both sets of classes we often have discussion on focusing on Exaltation, on the Celestial kingdom as being the key message that we are now getting in every General Conference and throughout the Book of Mormon. Moroni 10, which we will be teaching soon in Sunday School is uncompromising that those who do not fully accept Christ's grace are damned, which doesn't mean that the Atonement doesn't cover them but it does mean that they will not be in the Celestial Kingdom.
President Holland in his last Conference address spoke of the comforting embrace Jesus offers us but there will also be the bitter cup. Give me the embrace but Ill pass on the cup we say.
The Prophet Joseph Smith taught that we will go from exaltation to exaltation which is a metaphor describing a journey of becoming godly in attribute and character [Lectures on Faith 7: 15-17] until we become "one" with God. "Behold, this I have given unto you as a parable, and it is even as I am. I say unto you, be one; and if ye are not one ye are not mine" (Doctrine and Covenants | Section 38:27).
The reason exaltation is being lost is 1) most people do not study (feast on) the scriptures like we should, especially the Book of Mormon. 2) real Exaltation is too hard, so we water it down to help us feel better about it. The adversary is alive and well.
When Joseph Smith appeared to Brigham Young his message was “Tell the brethren to get the Spirit with them.” We partake of the sacrament weekly in which we are promised the Spirit will always be with us as we follow Christ and keep his commandments. If we have the Spirit with us on any given day and die that night, we will be exalted. The Spirit is the key.
I saw a comment earlier that made me ponder about the doctrine of “exaltation”. It made me rather sad to read about a brother who was trying to live the gospel but said we should ignore the “deeper” doctrine of exaltation. I want to remind us all of another doctrine that we don’t talk about as much anymore: The Millennium. It is during this time that the Savior will reign personally upon the earth and we will receive the opportunity to fulfill ordnances that we have missed out on in this life. Temples will dot the earth more than they are now. We will have no influence of Satan. The key to remember is that we must be moving in the direction of Christ. Not damning ourselves by saying we cannot do it. If we are choosing Christ a little more everyday, keeping the covenants we have made, then one day we’ll get the chance to make all the covenants needed for exaltation
His “therapist” was His Father. In my many years as a priesthood leader, far too often, those needing/wanting help didn’t even approach The Father. Most often, they sought help, clarity, justification, etc. from others before even considering connecting with heaven via prayer, fasting, study, pondering, covenant keeping, etc. The natural man instinct is to turn from God, not toward Him.
A thought occurred to me when I was preparing my gospel doctrine lesson on Ether 12. When we think of "Weakness" the way that Paul and Moroni teach it I don't think the Lord is giving someone an addiction or bad habit when they come to the Lord. We all have mortal flaws, like various addictions. When we humble ourselves sufficiently and admit we can't overcome it on our own the Lord turns that flaw into a weakness. That's when we gain access to the Lord's strength/grace in overcoming it. Like with Paul we need to be perpetually weak, "because then are we strong". Then once you have received that grace and are armed with the Lord's strength the Lord expects you to use His grace and strength to serve others.
This seems to me like a really important thing to emphasize and remember. Perhaps we are made whole in the service and love of others. I really hope to see opportunities to be selfless this next week, month and year. I truly desire to be of service and to have Christ like love; there is joy and purpose in all kinds of charitable service and I hope to be aware of opportunities in coming days.
I don't believe that President Nelsons talk "think celestial" was coincidental. And I think this goes to your point, Greg. When we think celestial, we are remembering our ultimate goal, which is exaltation. It should be talked about more, and I'm going to make it a point to do my part in bringing it up in church and in other conversations. Well done as always.
Wards that emphasize "think celestial" are there. Wards, even Stakes, that can't handle it are " thinking Terrestrial". That's a good thing, right? It's still elevating. IDK. Somebody has to win silver.
I perked up when i saw Exaltation… bc the goal is encouraged in my PBlsg. We need more eternal perspectives and i see more “socializing” which seems to be more important! I believe some people are earth bound and some are heaven bound… I learned that from members i cared for (7 years)as their nurse during their last days. Exaltation became so important to me bc its part of the preparation to meet Jesus Christ when he comes. Jesus is both the Lion and the Lamb but so many don’t want to hear the Lion in Him!
Lessening the "emphasis" on exaltation in favor of emphasing forgiveness and being a deciple of Christ / returning to the presence of our Father in Heaven, will bring you more joy than focusing only on reaching exaltation (achieving the ultimate heavenly reward).
@@CwicShow Sorry, but I was under the impression that single people can go to the Celestial Kingdom (only requires Faith and Baptism and is where the Father and Son reside). The only reward they cant be given without being sealed to a spouse is the third degree of the Celestial Kingdom. I reread D&C 76 and that is still how I interpretated it. In any case, to me the most important thing is to help people stay hopeful and feeling happy / joy as they progress along their "covenant path" and goal of being a true deciple of Christ. That is something people can feel and experience now in this life. Anything else requires us to constantly worry about the judgement and whether or not we will make it. No wonder Evangelicals criticise us for that mentality. I appreciate your response to my earlier comment.
@@outsideview9052 There is a balance. We need both mercy and judgment. Both are essential. And the two sides of the coin offer us the greatest opportunity for faith, hope, and charity.
Sorry, but was I wrong in saying that single people can be in the Celestial Kingdom and be in the presence of both Christ and the Father? (I was curious what the D&C said about not having a "fulness of the Father". )
Thank you for speaking about this. This direction of “gospel therapy” is so uncomfortable. I’ve even had to distract my kids from listening to speakers when recommendations on anxiety and depression medication are mentioned over the pulpit. I don’t think it’s appropriate to discuss bipolar disorders in testimony meeting. Why are we so quick to search for a diagnosis among our children? How did we get here? We are doing no favors to the younger generation with this obsession.
Thank you for expressing your desire that we stop watering down exaltation. The Holy Ghost will not bear witness of a teddybear Jesus; neither will the temple teach of a teddybear Jesus. So if we want to have less watered down exaltation in our lives we must act on the post-baptism invitations to receive the Holy Ghost and to enter the temple regularly for further revelation of what exaltation is and how we can qualify for it.
Discerning between telestial and terrestrial behaviors, choices and world activities is key. Some say there’s telestial weaknesses that can’t possibly be overcome and God will make room for progression after death for decidedly telestial doing.
Charity is definitely a prerequisite for exaltation. The Book of Mormon makes this explicit: "And except ye have charity ye can in nowise be saved in the kingdom of God;" (Moroni 10:21).
When people make God in the image of their choice, instead of the other way around, all manner of justifications, doctrine, conclusions and understandings surface, as unstable as the waves of the ocean, like it talks about in James 1.
Not to worry, the millennium is at least 10 times longer than this life. Progression is eternal. Just keep striving to do your best and help others along the way. Jesus’ yoke is easy and his burden is light. We often make everything so complicated and legalistic that we forget this. He said, “For I am meek and lowly of heart.” Now we call all of this “teddy bear Jesus.” Just strive to keep the two great commandments as best you can. His grace is sufficient and he will lead us along. Brother Joseph taught that we have many levels to go after this life before we will attain exaltation. So don’t stress so much, Brother. This recurring focus seems to overly worry you. We’ll get there in due time. Every journey is where the Lord meets us and helps us go forward at our own paces and according to our own abilities, including your journey. Your journey is the only one you need to focus on. These teachings you offer are somewhat counter to the Savior’s invitations in that they mock other’s needs and paces…they alienate rather than inspire and invite. And there’s an undertone of anger and frustration in them. Jesus has no such undertones. So hey, chill. We will get there one by one in due time. It’s not a race. This incredible goal will be achieved in many different ways and lengths of time as the Lord guides each of us along his amazing covenant path.
I watched Jacob Hanson debate some guy on UA-cam, and this guy debating him said that he doesn't need the Gospel(I'm paraphrasing) because he is becoming a good person without the Gospel, and I blurted out loud, "no!!". That is not what the Gospel does. The Gospel is there to make us like Jesus Christ. It RAISES us to his level. Becoming a good person(whatever that means) is incidental. It's like saying we want to be better at playing basketball rather than saying we want to BECOME Michael Jordan. Sorry if that parallel is blasphemy, LOL. But that's the idea.
I had a professor in Pearl of Great Price ask us, "Why do you want the Celestial Kingdom?" He told us to think hard because it's not for those that want to be happy all the time and never feel pain and sorrow. As a young 20 something, no one had ever put it that way to me before, and it completely changed my perception. Eternity for those that will become like God is real work - not sunshine and rainbows forever. If unlimited growth and growing pains doesn't sound how you want to spend eternity, there are other kingdoms that will be a better fit for you.
@@greentree_ I think God feels pain when He sees His children make choices He knows will lead them into situations where they will be miserable or where they will cause other people, who are also His children, pain and misery.
Joseph Smith describes living in the presence of the Father as “everlasting burnings”. Sounds like Hell! But it also makes sense that we would be continuously refined for eternity
Exaltation is a continuation of our posterity forever. It's the same risk that God makes by creating us and giving us the ability to learn, grow, and develop. Namely, this risk is that our posterity will choose not to join with us. To accept the "godhood" that comes with exaltation is to accept this.
Wow! This is a powerful question. Thanks for sharing! I'm at a point in my earthly progression where I'm hesitant to punch through a paper thin wall to reach righteous goals. I realize I can't just ask God to make the path easier but instead I need to exercise my faith and courage if I want to become just a slight degree more like my Savior. I can only embrace eternal refinement if I embrace it now, in this life. I do want to live in the Celestial Kingdom while a part of me fights to settle for much less. Your reply helps me see that it's urgent to stay in the fight. I know Heavenly Father would not have sent me unprepared to achieve Celestial glory. Knowing it's achievable really encourages me.
You are commanded to live yourself. Literally Christ said we must live our neighbor as ourself. The only way you can love them as yourself using you love yourself. That does not mean we love our sins or faults, but we accept what we cannot change and work on what we can and trust in the lord for what we cannot.
I like your car chats, some of your best so far. Go easy with your workouts. I used to train hard too but once you get over about 45 it is better to go light on the weights, at least that has been my experience.
I resonate with this videos message. I would add though that a lot of people are on different parts of the covenant path that have different actionable steps they're working towards, some of which could be seen as what this channel refers to as "therapy gospel". continuing from the idea, I think a hypothetical reason for the main observation in the video could be that the main "culture" base of the church is in a state of mind that would be striving to be worthy or in other words whole. Which could reflect where people as a general body view themselves on the covenant path. An effect of median if you will.
I served my mission in the bible belt. I came away with the opinion that the loss of religiosity in our culture actually started with the watering down of doctrine and a lack of expectations / commandments in the Christian churches. When they made religion easy, they made it irrelevant. We seem to be doing the same thing.
Over a decade ago the BBC made a documentary about the church. Included were many questions to Elder Holland, one was about the doctrine of exaltation and Holland said "that is not doctrine" I guess the brethren don't believe in exaltation, but I sure thought it was not ONE point of doctrine in the church, I thought it was THE point of our entire existence......I still do. I didn't leave the church....the church left me and left the true principles they once taught me
I don’t talk much to my kids or grandkids about exaltation Because there is a preemptive goal in my opinion And that goal is to come forth on the morning of the first resurrection or to be living in such a way that you are quickened at Christ coming so that you can live in the 1000 year millennial. And learn more and understand more and then hit the gas pedal with regards to preparation for exultation.
Almam 6:6 the church was concerned with their neighbors souls. Mormon 6:5 the church was concerned with their own souls. When was the last time we asked ourselves in sunday school how I personally can better repent of my sins? I invite my neighbors to point out my faults. How shall I hear without a preacher? Repentance is a word that is mentioned but never defined.
Very well said Greg. Have you ever heard of Ken Wilbur? The rejection of Christ reminds me of his Stage 6 of psychological development where hierarchy as a concept is rejected.
Christ will accept and love us where we are ... today. He will come to us wherever we are .... today. He came to Nicodemus. He came to the woman at the well. He came to all these people where they were. He came to the idolatrous woman. HOWEVER, He asked everybody to come up from where they were. To become joint heirs of Christ, (exaltation) much more is expected than just our repenting in a particular MOMENT. Romans 8:16-18
I have focused on the mindset of the people in the Bible and the Book of Mormon who were church members, and it seems like they all thought they were righteous when God told they were not. To me the safe way of thinking is to say what about me? Am I think I ng and acting like those same church members who thought they were righteous? I go throughout my day worried about taking care of my own self, rather than looking at the people around me w8th empathy.
Here is a very sincere question: I have been going through Job like trials for a very long time and am doing my best to keep my head above water. I feel like you are right but it's difficult to understand how "this is my work and my glory to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man" and yet with what you are stating, it feels like almost nobody will be exalted? I truly don't understand how in such a short life on earth we can be expected to become that perfect.
We don't become perfect here on earth. But our suffering here prepares us to humbly accept and embrace greater things after this life. Suffering is hard but if we endure in faith and joy, we will be exalted through Christ.
That's not what I am saying. Greg seems to be pushing a sort of works salvation... maybe he's not? What is difficult for most people to understand is the difference between what makes us fit for exaltation and what we have to do and what is Christ's. I have been tested beyond what anyone should have to experience (and not feel God's comfort) and yet I know it is only going to get worse. I won't kill myself but I sure wish it sometimes. Some people seem to be able to feel like God is holding their hands through their trials. I definitely don't feel like that. I'm not perfect. Does one need to be perfect to have a perfect parent give love and support to him?@@dixierepublican
I 😘 ve this topic ive been out of the church for 12 yrs recently came back close to a year. you are right this is not much talked about in my opinion it seems to complicated. It seems like if you don't go to the temple your not getting exaltation. I don't understand its also seems to depend on who is doing your interview. I know people who can go to the temple and don't keep the wow (drinks coffee) and it was because their bishop was graceful with them. Other cant go because they sliped on drinking coffee 🥴.,same with tithing. And then the whole marriage like you cant make it their with out it thing idk. I give up its must be a culture thing. Im just going to church and focusing on Christ basic teachings. But you should do more videos on this topic.
I don't think you can have this take if you're going to the temple. The presentation has amplified the concept and use of the word exaltation throughout.
Trust me. The temples are full of people who are not focused on exaltation. There are even sealers who are there primarily for social reasons. The key is whether they have fully internalized Section 132 as the absolute word and will of God.
@@cindlou7335 I have two sealers in my ward, two in my family and I employ another. I'm not saying that any ordinance performed by them is invalid. All I'm saying is that some of their lives are not lived and their conversation isn't primarily celestial. I can't see any of them walking back to Missouri. How are you on 132? Do you believe it is The Word?
I see it more as the covenant path is the journey, and Exaltation is the destination. But, you are certainly making a good point in that you can't have one without the other.
Your point is correct. I’m just wondering, as the church seems to be making language changes ( see “ invite” vs “ challenge” etc) do they see “ covenant path” as more accessible then “ exaltation”? And if members stick to the covenant path it will lead to exaltation - as you said ? I could be totally off base but since the whole point of the church is to lead us to exaltation, would they be lowering the standards ?
@@deborahgaebler966I notice the change in language too and I think it’s a good change, without lowering the standard. I think the church still teaches and encourages us to reach for the ideal.
@@stevehumble8865 I see absolutely no value in viewing exaltation as a destination. In every way possible, positioning salvation, exaltation or the celestial kingdom as a physical location betrays everything about it being a spiritual journey. This conception of salvation is precisely what got Jesus crucified by his own people. They expected a messiah to create a destination place for them, and Jesus came and preached the "inner path". His people didn't much care for this idea, they wanted the eternal country club.
I am starting seriously to think that a lot we are third-party authority-taught is incorrect. There is too much dictated down from scripture and prophets while we neglect our opportunities to a direct God contact and Holy Ghost experience. Everything is all about Agency. Continued Agency equals Exaltation. If you are faithful to Agency and progress with it and use it instead of snooze it, You will have conscious decision power. Married and children is all just a requisite. I believe we need to separate ourselves from third party authority and claim DIRECT CONTACT with God, using the gospel and ordinances as the stepping stone. Claim the Gods for yourself, especially Holy Ghost. On charity, sadly it’s just talked about and not applied. I know Jesus gave me perfect charity for 30 minutes. I can’t without Jesus and have chosen to put him before church. I am disappointed with church and high expectations I mistakenly had for decades.
We have taken God, the mystery, meaning the direct experience with divinity and replaced it with "Idols", forms of our own making, which have replaced the direct experience as we outsource our spiritual journey to, as you say, third-party authority.
Exaltation i believe cannot be obtained on this earthly life. I belive if it is our wiil to be exalted..we will obtain it after the 2nd coming. We will work towards it in the celestial kingdom.
Greg, please comment on the recent "undocumented people's" page on BYU's DEI homepage next to the "LGBT+ resources" tab. They argue that anyone who is treated dicurrently.Even including documented status, is being discriminated by society unjustly. They have violated the council of the 12 article of faith and the counsel in Roman's.
2 Nephi 28 is referring to us...the LDS as well as most of Christendom. We fit it on all accounts. We are the prosperous and rich as described in 4th Nephi 1:24-26. We have not only upheld secret combinations, but we are joining them and worshiping at their alters. Ether 8:22-25. Look at how we worship in politics in all parties. All are an abomination to the Lord because they are all culpable of the blood and sins of this generation. It has seemed that the 80's to early 2000's kids must not have been taught the warning as described in scripture, therefore, the warnings have ceased to be taught at all to the rising generations. It's almost taboo to talk about in Sunday School lessons, sacrament talks, etc.
so here's my own 2 cents (but maybe not even worth that. LOL) Whether we are talking Exaltation, or Lectures on Faith (the other half of the D&C that we have to study outside of Sunday School), and many other things, the thing we miss is that it is NOT the responsibility of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints to provide salvation and exaltation to it's members. It only provides 2 things necessary to either of those...The Sacrament (as only a reminder of our covenants) and the Temple, that sets forth a pattern of faith to be acted upon based on OUR best understanding of what we find there. I once had a Temple President tell me, when I came to him for understanding, that they were, in fact, commanded NOT to tell the members the meaning of the Temple ceremonies. We are responsible to find it for ourselves. So, if we don't find interest in the deeper things of the gospel in our church settings, that's not necessarily a bad thing. It's just that it's above most peoples heads. After all, how many people have gone to THEIR temple president for any answers at all to GET the response I got (mesa AZ Temple)? Not many, if any. I find comfort when Joseph Smith taught that "We cannot be condemned in ignorance". And we won't be. Honestly, that's a pretty deep concept because it doesn't mean that we sit around and do nothing "eating sleeping and being merry and then, if guilty, beaten a little and let in". But ignorance does tend to stymie faith and action. Again, it's deeper.
Reading scriptures about the temple is an entirely different experience when you are IN THE TEMPLE. Try me. Go into a celestial room and read 132. Then try reading it during Sunday school.
The doctrine of exaltation is true as ever but when we're encouraged to disregard dead prophets and give priority to teachings of living prophets it might appear the doctrine is no longer emphasized but there are too many contemporary doctrines to address while keeping all the eternal doctrines recently addressed.
Powerful insight. But notice: while many members try to detract from Joseph, Brigham etc. Church leaders never do. If and when any GA says "Brigham was uninspired", I will know they are the "elect" Jesus was talking about in the inspired translation of Matt 23.
We never had it in the first place but the difference are more stark now. We lost it in Kirkland. Joseph tried to restore but was eliminated for his trouble. Sad.
I don't have a problem with exaltation, I have a problem with a entire culture who think they can have it as a gift because they are in good standings with the church. I don't think you get it unless you earn it, and I don't see anyone doing what's actually required for it. Many will profess at a future day that they professed Him, they did miracles in His name but unfortunately He doesn't know you, why?? Your lawlessness
The Church has its place, of course, but I have started to think that I need to rely more and more on my relationship with God, and depend less and less on the Church and its leaders. Just my opinion.
Why does it sound bad to say: I do these things because I want exaltation. People should be more honest and direct. I do what I do for the blessings, blessings during life and exaltation in the next. If we talk more about exaltation, people will live a more hopeful life, a life of anticipation of a great prize.
There is no exaltation with oaths and forswearings to governments to get welfare that replaces the Ecclesia / Consecration / Charity. See Moses 6:29. 29 Wherefore, they have foresworn themselves, and, by their oaths, they have brought upon themselves death (debt slavery to mortals); and a hell (war, depopulation) I have prepared for them, if they repent not; Until we address political standing / servitudes like Jesus Christ did there is no salvation or exaltation. That requires living Consecration the way Jesus Christ did.
Exaltation? Ain’t that the same as salvation? Heaven? Paradise? The word exaltation isn’t in the Book of Mormon by the way. Have y’all really read the Book of Mormon? It’s the keystone of our religion. Why aren’t we following it and misinterpreting it to fit our agenda? LGBTQ which Greg likes to talk about for some reason… is the “ideas of men mingled with scriptures”.
In the show A Beautiful Mind, John Nash loses himself to a terrible mental illness. In that illness he makes connections that simply are not there. There is a scene when his wife goes into his office to see his walls covered with connections with string and such where his illness is in full display. I am sorry, but religion is like this. You are attempting to make connections to things that simple are not there. I spent 40 years in the Church, searching scriptures for connections and making those connections when reality they just are not real even though I DESPERATLEY wanted them to be real. It's all a lie, and that is the only real explanation and that is difficult to let go of after years of convincing yourself it is real.
@rolandsmith4394 I know someone who is following Greg's policies, but yet their comments repeatedly do not show up. From Google: "You can hide particular viewers from the rest of your channel's audience. Hiding someone means their comments won't show on your channel, including on your Comments page in UA-cam Studio." I think Greg is most likely employing this tactic.
@@Washingtontree maybe. I hope not. It's funny, I can't reply to you without clicking on tools. It's all screwed up. I hope neither of us disappear. Ruger is gone from view. I used to have great conversations with him.
@@Washingtontree sort of. He talked smack about his Bishop. I was actually a little uncomfortable. He is a little bitter about not finding a wife of faith. But I used to see him on other LDS sites, as well. It could be that he just got tired of social media, or this particular platform. IDK.
@@tsmithson1 Let's take a look, shall we? Ether 12:27 states, "And if men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness. I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them." The weak man makes a choice to humble himself and God makes him strong. Remaining in weakness is a choice. Thank you for proving my point so well. 💕
3erd nephi 12 32 verily verily I say unto you that whosoever shall put away his wife saving for the cause of fornication causes her to comit adultery and whoso shall mary her who is divorced committith adultery.... now Jesus says the same thing in Mathew 5 and the church is letting people remary in the temple that got a divorce just because they were board. Were not living the law of exaltation
You are taking a very judgemental position by assuming people only get divorced because they are bored. I will not say that never happens but divorce happens for many reasons. Either you believe in a modern prophet or you don't. If you are LDS (if you aren't then my statement here does not apply to you), then as a church member you need to trust that the leaders know what they are doing. Although all divorces should be discouraged, the Lord knows that there must be exceptions to the rule that you quoted in scripture. I think throwing out a blanket statement of condemnation on everyone who has divorced is unfair, especially since each circumstance is unique.
@@stevehumble8865I agree with you. Some people can't understand because they haven't experienced divorce. They don't know how blessed they are if they think divorce arises out of boredom.
@@stevehumble8865 where does it say that the Lord knows there must be exceptions to the law on divorce? I’m not saying it’s untrue. Maybe it is, maybe it isn’t. But what’s your source for that claim?
@OmahaAreaLoya First of all, let me ask you a question. This video was posted by someone who is a Latter-day Saint , just as most people who responded to this video are. In the LDS faith we believe in modern prophets who can add their own inspired views on scriptures. My question to you is, are you an LDS member or are you outside our faith. The way you stated your question appears as if you are not a member of the church and you are looking to pick a fight which I don't have the time or energy for. Let's be super real here for a moment and use some common sense...there would be dozens of justified reasons for a divorce besides adultery including physical and mental abuse, refusal of the husband to work and provide a living to support his family, constant fighting (both verbally and physically), inability to reconcile differences, addictions, etc... I can't imagine that our loving God would force 2 people to remain in a marriage that can't be repaired because of a lone scripture verse written in a book thousands of years ago. If you wish to base your life on that go ahead but the rest of us don't have to.
@@stevehumble8865 I am a member of the church. I’m not trying to pick a fight. I’m wondering if there is scriptural support for your statement. I think we often make statements as authoritative, assuming they’re true because we believe fairness demands it be true. You seem sensitive about this issue. I wasn’t even saying Jesus doesn’t “know there are exceptions.” Maybe He does, maybe He doesn’t. I’m just not aware of actual authority that would justify a definitive statement for the claim. People can divorce for whatever reason they want. I couldn’t care less.
Greg, It seems like we have swung from one extreme to the other. 35 years ago when I was a young mom, many mothers were feeling crushed by the weight of trying to be the perfect Mormon mom. In the mid to late 80s Chiecko Okazaki came on the scene teaching that Christ didnt intend the gospel to be something we used to beat ourselves ourselves up with. Back then, far to many believed that we had to perfect ourselves on our own before we were worthy enough to come to Christ. Now we have swung way too far to the point that Christ will embrace us just the way we are without us making any effort to change.
I'm a therapist and therapy can absolutely be bad.
The core of good therapy IMO and a fulfilling life is taking ownership of your attitude, view of the world, choices, and behaviors. What defines someone is not what happens to them but how they choose to live regardless. Forgiveness is hard. Repentance isn't easy. Values and virtues are not accidental behaviors but the result of intentional actions in moments of "refinement" in the furnace of affliction.
Interestingly, an effective antidote to depression is service to others.
Beautifully said.
Beautiful and so true!
As a therapy client (CPTSD), I absolutely agree.
“Come as you are,” a loving Father says to each of us, but He adds, “Don’t plan to stay as you are.” We smile and remember that God is determined to make of us more than we thought we could be.
- Jeffrey R. Holland
That was excellent Greg, thank you. Another thought I keep coming back to is "what lack I yet?" We can't simply coast and be satisfied with spiritual mediocrity in ourselves. What manner of men ought we to be? The Savior answers, "Verily I say unto you, even as I am." We don't get there by standing still in stagnant waters, spiritually speaking. Keep moving.
We don't have to lose exaltation. We are not perfect individuals that struggle in life. If we are striving for exaltation with our faith and trust in Christ we will be blessed. Exaltation is a family matter, but God will not deny anyone who is repentant. God will not deny the faithful even if their spouse is unfaithful or they are never married. Honestly there are probably many within the church that don't understand exaltation. Many are trying to live with one foot in the gospel and the other in Babylon. They want Christ to change the church to accommodate Babylon. I care so much about so many. All I can do is love and serve them, but I can't make them walk the path. My heart is broken!!
Well said.
I hear you. Here is the key: our loved ones will get a degree of glory. Even the Terrestrial Kingdom is a wonderful blessing from God. Be happy for them, even those who are wolves wearing sheep's clothing. I have many loved ones who reject exaltation.
@@confusedwhynot Im not confused! Jesus loved the Sadducees and Pharisees differently than He loved his disciples. What i see is people enabling the behavior not loving them. Like walking in the LGPTQ parade with them only condones their actions.
Thank you , you are correct, you know Christ.
I’m in priesthood meeting and Elder Neil L Anderson who is currently commenting (he’s in my ward) is quoting from Elder Oaks Task, Divine Love in the Father’s Plan. Made me think of your topic.
“The purpose of the doctrine and policies of this restored Church is to prepare God’s children for salvation in the celestial kingdom and for exaltation in its highest degree”
Therapy helped me a lot, but I was fortunate to have a therapist who supported and understood that my highest priority was to make and keep my covenants with God.
The best therapist (by far) I’ve had (out of 10!) is one who is herself a covenant keeper and who understands how to effect progress. And that’s therapy, NOT church. They are separate.
Lately i have noticed a lot more "Love yourself" projects in activities in church. Christ says lose yourself for my sake and you will find it. While it is fine to have activities to add variety to our life, happiness (joy) comes by losing ourselves in God's purpose for us. This means using our abilities to further exaltation of ourselves and our fellow man--to make our homes, our communities and our world a better place, Man's search for Meaning--is found in losing ourselvesfor Christ's sake.
Thought-provoking topic, Greg! You're right that there's more focus on developing our testimonies rather than on sacrifice, and I've interpreted that as meaning that people are struggling so much more in our amoral culture.
Your definition at 9:40 on the person with the single talent burying it/keeping it inside himself was the best I've ever heard. Thank you.
Loved your message. It was a great reminder to focus outside of myself and reach out to others. I often make excuses for why I don't do certain things, often because I struggle with my health. Thank you for this reminder. I definitely needed this reminder.
Im the same.
Thanks Greg, I agree with everything you said. The gospel helps us climb the ladder and become more like Christ. I know many people who are good people but that is not enough. It is becoming a new creature.
Thank you sir! I needed to hear this perspective. I must repent and focus more on Christ and others instead of trying to become whole myself. It’s never about “me” it about Christ and His children. Tend to forget this in my pride and selfishness.
Greg, excellent and timely message. One of your very best, if not the most important message so far. (Rev 3:21)
Spot on, as usual. Years ago I had a bishop who talked about “the arrows pointing inward” and how we need to point those arrows outward more… just as you are stating here. If we are to become like the Savior, we need to embrace the fullness of His doctrine. He patiently calls us to follow Him!
Excellent message of truth that we need more of! Thank you!
Excellent discussion! Spot on! It is so easy to get distracted and lose our way.
As a church we’ve forgotten that suffering is supposed to be endured willingly, not shunned and seen as something to be avoided at all costs, thinking God doesn’t send us challenges to help us learn to rely on him and hope for his ultimate deliverance in Christ. Yes, healthcare is great, but self care gets carried away into self idolization
Now it all makes more sense! Someone i know seems very committed to Jesus Christ, but does not seem to grasp God's work and glory, to "bring to pass the immortality and eternal life" of His children! I'm been trying to put my finger on what is missing in this person's understanding of the Gospel!! I think you've really hit on it in this message!! Thank you!!
I think this is the best video that you've ever done. I don't think it's necessary for me to add any of my own thoughts or opinions to what you've already provided. Thank you.
We don't study the sins and the punishments along with the virtues and the rewards anymore. In Jan our RS is having an activity teaching about Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, which is centered on changing ourselves not wallowing in our misery which only makes us more miserable. There was a study done by a Japanese scientist that shows what happens when water is talked to then frozen. Positivity forms beautiful crystals. Negativity creates malformed shapes. As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he. We have to show charity and teach charity for the world to improve. It takes work. It takes discomfort and even pain to learn sympathy, compassion and empathy. Even the water has to be frozen to show what it has become. Coddling does not produce results if we never move past it. The crystals don't form if the water is lukewarm. If Jesus was a teddybear, we could never improve or grow. That is what the adversary wants.
I love that Japanese study on ice chrystals and positive and negative words, symphony and heavy metal music ect. Interesting study.
Thank you, Greg. Thought-provoking discussion as usual. Much to think about.
Excellent! I need to refocus on others more. I like what you said about sacrifice especially for others rather than ourselves.
Perhaps to give you a bit of hope, I am the Elder's Quorum teacher and my wife is the adult Sunday School teacher in our ward, first time this has ever happened but its interesting. We are in a ward in the interior of British Columbia, so far away from the cultural influence of the Utah culture which is perhaps an advantage. In both sets of classes we often have discussion on focusing on Exaltation, on the Celestial kingdom as being the key message that we are now getting in every General Conference and throughout the Book of Mormon. Moroni 10, which we will be teaching soon in Sunday School is uncompromising that those who do not fully accept Christ's grace are damned, which doesn't mean that the Atonement doesn't cover them but it does mean that they will not be in the Celestial Kingdom.
Preach nothing save it we’re repentance unto this generation!
🌟 Amen!
President Holland in his last Conference address spoke of the comforting embrace Jesus offers us but there will also be the bitter cup. Give me the embrace but Ill pass on the cup we say.
The Prophet Joseph Smith taught that we will go from exaltation to exaltation which is a metaphor describing a journey of becoming godly in attribute and character [Lectures on Faith 7: 15-17] until we become "one" with God. "Behold, this I have given unto you as a parable, and it is even as I am. I say unto you, be one; and if ye are not one ye are not mine"
(Doctrine and Covenants | Section 38:27).
The reason exaltation is being lost is 1) most people do not study (feast on) the scriptures like we should, especially the Book of Mormon. 2) real Exaltation is too hard, so we water it down to help us feel better about it. The adversary is alive and well.
People tend to show up to church to feel the vibes and not look or dig deeper than that.
When Joseph Smith appeared to Brigham Young his message was “Tell the brethren to get the Spirit with them.” We partake of the sacrament weekly in which we are promised the Spirit will always be with us as we follow Christ and keep his commandments. If we have the Spirit with us on any given day and die that night, we will be exalted. The Spirit is the key.
I saw a comment earlier that made me ponder about the doctrine of “exaltation”. It made me rather sad to read about a brother who was trying to live the gospel but said we should ignore the “deeper” doctrine of exaltation. I want to remind us all of another doctrine that we don’t talk about as much anymore: The Millennium. It is during this time that the Savior will reign personally upon the earth and we will receive the opportunity to fulfill ordnances that we have missed out on in this life. Temples will dot the earth more than they are now. We will have no influence of Satan.
The key to remember is that we must be moving in the direction of Christ. Not damning ourselves by saying we cannot do it. If we are choosing Christ a little more everyday, keeping the covenants we have made, then one day we’ll get the chance to make all the covenants needed for exaltation
I have a hard time envisioning Jesus sitting down with a therapist to dicuss his struggles.
His “therapist” was His Father. In my many years as a priesthood leader, far too often, those needing/wanting help didn’t even approach The Father. Most often, they sought help, clarity, justification, etc. from others before even considering connecting with heaven via prayer, fasting, study, pondering, covenant keeping, etc. The natural man instinct is to turn from God, not toward Him.
Thanks for the reminder
A thought occurred to me when I was preparing my gospel doctrine lesson on Ether 12. When we think of "Weakness" the way that Paul and Moroni teach it I don't think the Lord is giving someone an addiction or bad habit when they come to the Lord. We all have mortal flaws, like various addictions. When we humble ourselves sufficiently and admit we can't overcome it on our own the Lord turns that flaw into a weakness. That's when we gain access to the Lord's strength/grace in overcoming it. Like with Paul we need to be perpetually weak, "because then are we strong". Then once you have received that grace and are armed with the Lord's strength the Lord expects you to use His grace and strength to serve others.
This seems to me like a really important thing to emphasize and remember. Perhaps we are made whole in the service and love of others. I really hope to see opportunities to be selfless this next week, month and year. I truly desire to be of service and to have Christ like love; there is joy and purpose in all kinds of charitable service and I hope to be aware of opportunities in coming days.
I don't believe that President Nelsons talk "think celestial" was coincidental. And I think this goes to your point, Greg. When we think celestial, we are remembering our ultimate goal, which is exaltation. It should be talked about more, and I'm going to make it a point to do my part in bringing it up in church and in other conversations. Well done as always.
Wards that emphasize "think celestial" are there. Wards, even Stakes, that can't handle it are " thinking Terrestrial". That's a good thing, right? It's still elevating. IDK. Somebody has to win silver.
I perked up when i saw Exaltation… bc the goal is encouraged in my PBlsg. We need more eternal perspectives and i see more “socializing” which seems to be more important! I believe some people are earth bound and some are heaven bound… I learned that from members i cared for (7 years)as their nurse during their last days. Exaltation became so important to me bc its part of the preparation to meet Jesus Christ when he comes.
Jesus is both the Lion and the Lamb but so many don’t want to hear the Lion in Him!
Not sure what you mean by some people are earth bound and some are heaven bound, but it sounds a bit like a dig against "socializing", as you put it.
@ Worldliness vs being only in the world or having an eternal perspective! You cannot serve two masters.
You make sense….Thank you!
Lessening the "emphasis" on exaltation in favor of emphasing forgiveness and being a deciple of Christ / returning to the presence of our Father in Heaven, will bring you more joy than focusing only on reaching exaltation (achieving the ultimate heavenly reward).
Exaltation is returning to our heavenly father.
@@CwicShow Sorry, but I was under the impression that single people can go to the Celestial Kingdom (only requires Faith and Baptism and is where the Father and Son reside). The only reward they cant be given without being sealed to a spouse is the third degree of the Celestial Kingdom. I reread D&C 76 and that is still how I interpretated it.
In any case, to me the most important thing is to help people stay hopeful and feeling happy / joy as they progress along their "covenant path" and goal of being a true deciple of Christ. That is something people can feel and experience now in this life. Anything else requires us to constantly worry about the judgement and whether or not we will make it. No wonder Evangelicals criticise us for that mentality.
I appreciate your response to my earlier comment.
@@outsideview9052 There is a balance. We need both mercy and judgment. Both are essential. And the two sides of the coin offer us the greatest opportunity for faith, hope, and charity.
Sorry, but was I wrong in saying that single people can be in the Celestial Kingdom and be in the presence of both Christ and the Father? (I was curious what the D&C said about not having a "fulness of the Father". )
Thank you for speaking about this. This direction of “gospel therapy” is so uncomfortable. I’ve even had to distract my kids from listening to speakers when recommendations on anxiety and depression medication are mentioned over the pulpit. I don’t think it’s appropriate to discuss bipolar disorders in testimony meeting. Why are we so quick to search for a diagnosis among our children? How did we get here? We are doing no favors to the younger generation with this obsession.
Thank you for expressing your desire that we stop watering down exaltation. The Holy Ghost will not bear witness of a teddybear Jesus; neither will the temple teach of a teddybear Jesus. So if we want to have less watered down exaltation in our lives we must act on the post-baptism invitations to receive the Holy Ghost and to enter the temple regularly for further revelation of what exaltation is and how we can qualify for it.
Discerning between telestial and terrestrial behaviors, choices and world activities is key. Some say there’s telestial weaknesses that can’t possibly be overcome and God will make room for progression after death for decidedly telestial doing.
Charity is definitely a prerequisite for exaltation. The Book of Mormon makes this explicit:
"And except ye have charity ye can in nowise be saved in the kingdom of God;"
(Moroni 10:21).
When people make God in the image of their choice, instead of the other way around, all manner of justifications, doctrine, conclusions and understandings surface, as unstable as the waves of the ocean, like it talks about in James 1.
Not to worry, the millennium is at least 10 times longer than this life. Progression is eternal. Just keep striving to do your best and help others along the way. Jesus’ yoke is easy and his burden is light. We often make everything so complicated and legalistic that we forget this. He said, “For I am meek and lowly of heart.” Now we call all of this “teddy bear Jesus.” Just strive to keep the two great commandments as best you can. His grace is sufficient and he will lead us along. Brother Joseph taught that we have many levels to go after this life before we will attain exaltation. So don’t stress so much, Brother. This recurring focus seems to overly worry you. We’ll get there in due time. Every journey is where the Lord meets us and helps us go forward at our own paces and according to our own abilities, including your journey. Your journey is the only one you need to focus on. These teachings you offer are somewhat counter to the Savior’s invitations in that they mock other’s needs and paces…they alienate rather than inspire and invite. And there’s an undertone of anger and frustration in them. Jesus has no such undertones. So hey, chill. We will get there one by one in due time. It’s not a race. This incredible goal will be achieved in many different ways and lengths of time as the Lord guides each of us along his amazing covenant path.
I watched Jacob Hanson debate some guy on UA-cam, and this guy debating him said that he doesn't need the Gospel(I'm paraphrasing) because he is becoming a good person without the Gospel, and I blurted out loud, "no!!". That is not what the Gospel does. The Gospel is there to make us like Jesus Christ. It RAISES us to his level. Becoming a good person(whatever that means) is incidental. It's like saying we want to be better at playing basketball rather than saying we want to BECOME Michael Jordan. Sorry if that parallel is blasphemy, LOL. But that's the idea.
I had a professor in Pearl of Great Price ask us, "Why do you want the Celestial Kingdom?" He told us to think hard because it's not for those that want to be happy all the time and never feel pain and sorrow. As a young 20 something, no one had ever put it that way to me before, and it completely changed my perception. Eternity for those that will become like God is real work - not sunshine and rainbows forever. If unlimited growth and growing pains doesn't sound how you want to spend eternity, there are other kingdoms that will be a better fit for you.
There isn’t any kind of pain in the celestial kingdom that I ever heard of. It’d make more sense if you said it here on earth.
@@greentree_ I think God feels pain when He sees His children make choices He knows will lead them into situations where they will be miserable or where they will cause other people, who are also His children, pain and misery.
Joseph Smith describes living in the presence of the Father as “everlasting burnings”. Sounds like Hell! But it also makes sense that we would be continuously refined for eternity
Exaltation is a continuation of our posterity forever. It's the same risk that God makes by creating us and giving us the ability to learn, grow, and develop. Namely, this risk is that our posterity will choose not to join with us. To accept the "godhood" that comes with exaltation is to accept this.
Wow! This is a powerful question. Thanks for sharing! I'm at a point in my earthly progression where I'm hesitant to punch through a paper thin wall to reach righteous goals. I realize I can't just ask God to make the path easier but instead I need to exercise my faith and courage if I want to become just a slight degree more like my Savior. I can only embrace eternal refinement if I embrace it now, in this life. I do want to live in the Celestial Kingdom while a part of me fights to settle for much less. Your reply helps me see that it's urgent to stay in the fight. I know Heavenly Father would not have sent me unprepared to achieve Celestial glory. Knowing it's achievable really encourages me.
You are commanded to live yourself. Literally Christ said we must live our neighbor as ourself. The only way you can love them as yourself using you love yourself. That does not mean we love our sins or faults, but we accept what we cannot change and work on what we can and trust in the lord for what we cannot.
I like your car chats, some of your best so far. Go easy with your workouts. I used to train hard too but once you get over about 45 it is better to go light on the weights, at least that has been my experience.
I resonate with this videos message. I would add though that a lot of people are on different parts of the covenant path that have different actionable steps they're working towards, some of which could be seen as what this channel refers to as "therapy gospel". continuing from the idea, I think a hypothetical reason for the main observation in the video could be that the main "culture" base of the church is in a state of mind that would be striving to be worthy or in other words whole. Which could reflect where people as a general body view themselves on the covenant path. An effect of median if you will.
I served my mission in the bible belt. I came away with the opinion that the loss of religiosity in our culture actually started with the watering down of doctrine and a lack of expectations / commandments in the Christian churches. When they made religion easy, they made it irrelevant. We seem to be doing the same thing.
Great incite, as usual
Thank you!
Are "incite" and "insight" different? Not sure "incite" is a compliment. Maybe?
@@rolandsmith4394 Lol. Yeah, we'll go with "insight".
@@rolandsmith4394 that’s what happens when you speak your response😊
Over a decade ago the BBC made a documentary about the church. Included were many questions to Elder Holland, one was about the doctrine of exaltation and Holland said "that is not doctrine" I guess the brethren don't believe in exaltation, but I sure thought it was not ONE point of doctrine in the church, I thought it was THE point of our entire existence......I still do. I didn't leave the church....the church left me and left the true principles they once taught me
I didn’t leave my local Walmart. My local Walmart left me.
What exactly did Elder Holland mean by what he said?
I don’t talk much to my kids or grandkids about exaltation
Because there is a preemptive goal in my opinion
And that goal is to come forth on the morning of the first resurrection or to be living in such a way that you are quickened at Christ coming so that you can live in the 1000 year millennial. And learn more and understand more and then hit the gas pedal with regards to preparation for exultation.
If you aren't living in a way to receive exaltation before the millennium, then you won't make it to the millennium.
Almam 6:6 the church was concerned with their neighbors souls. Mormon 6:5 the church was concerned with their own souls. When was the last time we asked ourselves in sunday school how I personally can better repent of my sins? I invite my neighbors to point out my faults. How shall I hear without a preacher? Repentance is a word that is mentioned but never defined.
Very well said Greg. Have you ever heard of Ken Wilbur? The rejection of Christ reminds me of his Stage 6 of psychological development where hierarchy as a concept is rejected.
Christ will accept and love us where we are ... today. He will come to us wherever we are .... today. He came to Nicodemus. He came to the woman at the well. He came to all these people where they were. He came to the idolatrous woman.
HOWEVER, He asked everybody to come up from where they were.
To become joint heirs of Christ, (exaltation) much more is expected than just our repenting in a particular MOMENT. Romans 8:16-18
I have focused on the mindset of the people in the Bible and the Book of Mormon who were church members, and it seems like they all thought they were righteous when God told they were not. To me the safe way of thinking is to say what about me? Am I think I ng and acting like those same church members who thought they were righteous? I go throughout my day worried about taking care of my own self, rather than looking at the people around me w8th empathy.
Here is a very sincere question: I have been going through Job like trials for a very long time and am doing my best to keep my head above water. I feel like you are right but it's difficult to understand how "this is my work and my glory to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man" and yet with what you are stating, it feels like almost nobody will be exalted? I truly don't understand how in such a short life on earth we can be expected to become that perfect.
We don't become perfect here on earth. But our suffering here prepares us to humbly accept and embrace greater things after this life. Suffering is hard but if we endure in faith and joy, we will be exalted through Christ.
That's not what I am saying. Greg seems to be pushing a sort of works salvation... maybe he's not? What is difficult for most people to understand is the difference between what makes us fit for exaltation and what we have to do and what is Christ's. I have been tested beyond what anyone should have to experience (and not feel God's comfort) and yet I know it is only going to get worse. I won't kill myself but I sure wish it sometimes. Some people seem to be able to feel like God is holding their hands through their trials. I definitely don't feel like that. I'm not perfect. Does one need to be perfect to have a perfect parent give love and support to him?@@dixierepublican
I 😘 ve this topic ive been out of the church for 12 yrs recently came back close to a year. you are right this is not much talked about in my opinion it seems to complicated. It seems like if you don't go to the temple your not getting exaltation. I don't understand its also seems to depend on who is doing your interview. I know people who can go to the temple and don't keep the wow (drinks coffee) and it was because their bishop was graceful with them. Other cant go because they sliped on drinking coffee 🥴.,same with tithing. And then the whole marriage like you cant make it their with out it thing idk. I give up its must be a culture thing. Im just going to church and focusing on Christ basic teachings. But you should do more videos on this topic.
I don't think you can have this take if you're going to the temple. The presentation has amplified the concept and use of the word exaltation throughout.
Trust me. The temples are full of people who are not focused on exaltation. There are even sealers who are there primarily for social reasons. The key is whether they have fully internalized Section 132 as the absolute word and will of God.
Roland Smith... that is a strong judgment based on what you think you're seeing.
@@cindlou7335 I have two sealers in my ward, two in my family and I employ another. I'm not saying that any ordinance performed by them is invalid. All I'm saying is that some of their lives are not lived and their conversation isn't primarily celestial. I can't see any of them walking back to Missouri. How are you on 132? Do you believe it is The Word?
Walking back to Missouri... oh boy.
@@cindlou7335 it's the kind of faith that built Zion. It's the level of faith necessary to prepare us for His coming.
Maybe “ the covenant path” is synonymous with “ exaltation”?
I see it more as the covenant path is the journey, and Exaltation is the destination.
But, you are certainly making a good point in that you can't have one without the other.
Your point is correct. I’m just wondering, as the church seems to be making language changes ( see “ invite” vs “ challenge” etc) do they see “ covenant path” as more accessible then “ exaltation”? And if members stick to the covenant path it will lead to exaltation - as you said ?
I could be totally off base but since the whole point of the church is to lead us to exaltation, would they be lowering the standards ?
@@deborahgaebler966I notice the change in language too and I think it’s a good change, without lowering the standard. I think the church still teaches and encourages us to reach for the ideal.
@@stevehumble8865 I see absolutely no value in viewing exaltation as a destination. In every way possible, positioning salvation, exaltation or the celestial kingdom as a physical location betrays everything about it being a spiritual journey. This conception of salvation is precisely what got Jesus crucified by his own people. They expected a messiah to create a destination place for them, and Jesus came and preached the "inner path". His people didn't much care for this idea, they wanted the eternal country club.
I am starting seriously to think that a lot we are third-party authority-taught is incorrect. There is too much dictated down from scripture and prophets while we neglect our opportunities to a direct God contact and Holy Ghost experience. Everything is all about Agency. Continued Agency equals Exaltation. If you are faithful to Agency and progress with it and use it instead of snooze it, You will have conscious decision power. Married and children is all just a requisite. I believe we need to separate ourselves from third party authority and claim DIRECT CONTACT with God, using the gospel and ordinances as the stepping stone. Claim the Gods for yourself, especially Holy Ghost.
On charity, sadly it’s just talked about and not applied. I know Jesus gave me perfect charity for 30 minutes. I can’t without Jesus and have chosen to put him before church. I am disappointed with church and high expectations I mistakenly had for decades.
We have taken God, the mystery, meaning the direct experience with divinity and replaced it with "Idols", forms of our own making, which have replaced the direct experience as we outsource our spiritual journey to, as you say, third-party authority.
Exaltation i believe cannot be obtained on this earthly life. I belive if it is our wiil to be exalted..we will obtain it after the 2nd coming. We will work towards it in the celestial kingdom.
Greg, please comment on the recent "undocumented people's" page on BYU's DEI homepage next to the "LGBT+ resources" tab.
They argue that anyone who is treated dicurrently.Even including documented status, is being discriminated by society unjustly.
They have violated the council of the 12 article of faith and the counsel in Roman's.
2 Nephi 28 is referring to us...the LDS as well as most of Christendom. We fit it on all accounts. We are the prosperous and rich as described in 4th Nephi 1:24-26.
We have not only upheld secret combinations, but we are joining them and worshiping at their alters. Ether 8:22-25. Look at how we worship in politics in all parties. All are an abomination to the Lord because they are all culpable of the blood and sins of this generation.
It has seemed that the 80's to early 2000's kids must not have been taught the warning as described in scripture, therefore, the warnings have ceased to be taught at all to the rising generations. It's almost taboo to talk about in Sunday School lessons, sacrament talks, etc.
There’s certainly not enough about the real virtue and sanctification required .
so here's my own 2 cents (but maybe not even worth that. LOL)
Whether we are talking Exaltation, or Lectures on Faith (the other half of the D&C that we have to study outside of Sunday School), and many other things, the thing we miss is that it is NOT the responsibility of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints to provide salvation and exaltation to it's members. It only provides 2 things necessary to either of those...The Sacrament (as only a reminder of our covenants) and the Temple, that sets forth a pattern of faith to be acted upon based on OUR best understanding of what we find there.
I once had a Temple President tell me, when I came to him for understanding, that they were, in fact, commanded NOT to tell the members the meaning of the Temple ceremonies. We are responsible to find it for ourselves.
So, if we don't find interest in the deeper things of the gospel in our church settings, that's not necessarily a bad thing. It's just that it's above most peoples heads. After all, how many people have gone to THEIR temple president for any answers at all to GET the response I got (mesa AZ Temple)? Not many, if any.
I find comfort when Joseph Smith taught that "We cannot be condemned in ignorance". And we won't be. Honestly, that's a pretty deep concept because it doesn't mean that we sit around and do nothing "eating sleeping and being merry and then, if guilty, beaten a little and let in". But ignorance does tend to stymie faith and action. Again, it's deeper.
Reading scriptures about the temple is an entirely different experience when you are IN THE TEMPLE. Try me. Go into a celestial room and read 132. Then try reading it during Sunday school.
The doctrine of exaltation is true as ever but when we're encouraged to disregard dead prophets and give priority to teachings of living prophets it might appear the doctrine is no longer emphasized but there are too many contemporary doctrines to address while keeping all the eternal doctrines recently addressed.
Powerful insight. But notice: while many members try to detract from Joseph, Brigham etc. Church leaders never do. If and when any GA says "Brigham was uninspired", I will know they are the "elect" Jesus was talking about in the inspired translation of Matt 23.
We never had it in the first place but the difference are more stark now. We lost it in Kirkland. Joseph tried to restore but was eliminated for his trouble. Sad.
I don't have a problem with exaltation, I have a problem with a entire culture who think they can have it as a gift because they are in good standings with the church. I don't think you get it unless you earn it, and I don't see anyone doing what's actually required for it. Many will profess at a future day that they professed Him, they did miracles in His name but unfortunately He doesn't know you, why?? Your lawlessness
Or Zion for that matter
We're also being told we won't have our own earth and become Gods.🤔
The Church has its place, of course, but I have started to think that I need to rely more and more on my relationship with God, and depend less and less on the Church and its leaders. Just my opinion.
Why does it sound bad to say: I do these things because I want exaltation. People should be more honest and direct. I do what I do for the blessings, blessings during life and exaltation in the next. If we talk more about exaltation, people will live a more hopeful life, a life of anticipation of a great prize.
is that what living a moral life is all about, getting a great prize?
@ LOTS of prizes (blessings, tender mercies), and the greatest one, eternal life with my family.
There is no exaltation with oaths and forswearings to governments to get welfare that replaces the Ecclesia / Consecration / Charity. See Moses 6:29.
29 Wherefore, they have foresworn themselves, and, by their oaths, they have brought upon themselves death (debt slavery to mortals); and a hell (war, depopulation) I have prepared for them, if they repent not;
Until we address political standing / servitudes like Jesus Christ did there is no salvation or exaltation. That requires living Consecration the way Jesus Christ did.
“Pop” is not a good thing 😮🥺
Nope it’s gotten worse.
Exaltation? Ain’t that the same as salvation? Heaven? Paradise? The word exaltation isn’t in the Book of Mormon by the way. Have y’all really read the Book of Mormon? It’s the keystone of our religion. Why aren’t we following it and misinterpreting it to fit our agenda?
LGBTQ which Greg likes to talk about for some reason… is the “ideas of men mingled with scriptures”.
In the show A Beautiful Mind, John Nash loses himself to a terrible mental illness. In that illness he makes connections that simply are not there. There is a scene when his wife goes into his office to see his walls covered with connections with string and such where his illness is in full display. I am sorry, but religion is like this. You are attempting to make connections to things that simple are not there. I spent 40 years in the Church, searching scriptures for connections and making those connections when reality they just are not real even though I DESPERATLEY wanted them to be real. It's all a lie, and that is the only real explanation and that is difficult to let go of after years of convincing yourself it is real.
It appears that Greg is censoring comments. That's unfortunate. Facts are important.
He says he doesn't if we are compliant with his policy. I believe him. I think it's usually the greater platform.
@rolandsmith4394 I know someone who is following Greg's policies, but yet their comments repeatedly do not show up.
From Google:
"You can hide particular viewers from the rest of your channel's audience. Hiding someone means their comments won't show on your channel, including on your Comments page in UA-cam Studio."
I think Greg is most likely employing this tactic.
@@Washingtontree maybe. I hope not. It's funny, I can't reply to you without clicking on tools. It's all screwed up. I hope neither of us disappear. Ruger is gone from view. I used to have great conversations with him.
@@rolandsmith4394 I'm curious, did Ruger challenge/disagree with Greg? It seems that those are the people who disappear.
@@Washingtontree sort of. He talked smack about his Bishop. I was actually a little uncomfortable. He is a little bitter about not finding a wife of faith. But I used to see him on other LDS sites, as well. It could be that he just got tired of social media, or this particular platform. IDK.
I guess the plan of salvation doesn't work out well for the weak
It depends on which way I’m facing and which direction I’m moving. Am I moving toward Christ or away from him?
Being weak is a choice, so I think you're right.
@@streamstriss Hmm, Ether 12:27 might have a disagreement with you on this comment.
@@tsmithson1 Let's take a look, shall we? Ether 12:27 states, "And if men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness. I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them."
The weak man makes a choice to humble himself and God makes him strong. Remaining in weakness is a choice. Thank you for proving my point so well.
3erd nephi 12 32 verily verily I say unto you that whosoever shall put away his wife saving for the cause of fornication causes her to comit adultery and whoso shall mary her who is divorced committith adultery.... now Jesus says the same thing in Mathew 5 and the church is letting people remary in the temple that got a divorce just because they were board. Were not living the law of exaltation
You are taking a very judgemental position by assuming people only get divorced because they are bored. I will not say that never happens but divorce happens for many reasons. Either you believe in a modern prophet or you don't. If you are LDS (if you aren't then my statement here does not apply to you), then as a church member you need to trust that the leaders know what they are doing.
Although all divorces should be discouraged, the Lord knows that there must be exceptions to the rule that you quoted in scripture.
I think throwing out a blanket statement of condemnation on everyone who has divorced is unfair, especially since each circumstance is unique.
@@stevehumble8865I agree with you. Some people can't understand because they haven't experienced divorce. They don't know how blessed they are if they think divorce arises out of boredom.
@@stevehumble8865 where does it say that the Lord knows there must be exceptions to the law on divorce? I’m not saying it’s untrue. Maybe it is, maybe it isn’t. But what’s your source for that claim?
@OmahaAreaLoya First of all, let me ask you a question. This video was posted by someone who is a Latter-day Saint , just as most people who responded to this video are. In the LDS faith we believe in modern prophets who can add their own inspired views on scriptures.
My question to you is, are you an LDS member or are you outside our faith. The way you stated your question appears as if you are not a member of the church and you are looking to pick a fight which I don't have the time or energy for.
Let's be super real here for a moment and use some common sense...there would be dozens of justified reasons for a divorce besides adultery including physical and mental abuse, refusal of the husband to work and provide a living to support his family, constant fighting (both verbally and physically), inability to reconcile differences, addictions, etc... I can't imagine that our loving God would force 2 people to remain in a marriage that can't be repaired because of a lone scripture verse written in a book thousands of years ago. If you wish to base your life on that go ahead but the rest of us don't have to.
@@stevehumble8865 I am a member of the church. I’m not trying to pick a fight. I’m wondering if there is scriptural support for your statement. I think we often make statements as authoritative, assuming they’re true because we believe fairness demands it be true. You seem sensitive about this issue. I wasn’t even saying Jesus doesn’t “know there are exceptions.” Maybe He does, maybe He doesn’t. I’m just not aware of actual authority that would justify a definitive statement for the claim. People can divorce for whatever reason they want. I couldn’t care less.