Why Gen Z Is MUCH Different from Previous Generations

  • Опубліковано 30 вер 2024

КОМЕНТАРІ • 4,6 тис.

  • @The_Lord_has_it
    @The_Lord_has_it Рік тому +1487

    I think the internet, cell phones and social media were used to construct a virtual tower of Babel.

    • @phillipblades6784
      @phillipblades6784 Рік тому

      I literally thank God that I didn’t grow up with the internet or social media. Texting is nothing but a faster telegraph. I try to call my nephews and most of the time, no answer. If I text, I might get answered in a few hours. I don’t trust social media at all. Just a way for government and its enemies around the world to spy on me. All the internet should be is a way to shop and research. It turned into a crutch for the youngest generations. They cannot imagine living without it. No one of them can do face to face conversations anymore with each other!
      Give me back the days of calling a phone number and waiting 6-8 weeks for a COD order. I do a lot of online shopping and research, but the world was better before.

    • @conquistador2
      @conquistador2 Рік тому +36


    • @Silver77cyn
      @Silver77cyn Рік тому

      No, we live in the Information Age, the internet, cell phones, and social media are being used to deconstruct unsubstantiated claims made by religious zealots.

    • @mitchellschleidt7467
      @mitchellschleidt7467 Рік тому +3

      I think the internet has made information more accessible so now when a question about the world comes into play we can turn to science and experts for the truth and proof of the world. The Bible which has a lack of evidence to prove that the events that happen in the Bible are true.
      The gen Z’s just want answers and unfortunately the Bible has no proof of the claims it makes and we are just expected to believe it on faith alone

    • @arcguardian
      @arcguardian Рік тому +28

      I doubt that.

  • @tracywalsh1176
    @tracywalsh1176 Рік тому +221

    My children were homeschooled and taught solid Biblical foundations including apologetics. My two oldest sons left the church and abandoned our faith not due to a lack of a solid foundation, but because of church abuse from other peers, adults, and gaslighting from the pastoral staff who were too cowardly to deal with the abusers. The church failed my sons in their greatest hour of need. No one in the Church wants to acknowledge that the North American cultural church is corrupt from within. This movement in the Church of all grace and all mercy with no accountability and no justice is destroying the fragile souls of the abused victims. The rest of my family is fully intact with our faith, but my 2 oldest sons are still wounded because NO ONE would acknowledge the abuse or hold anyone accountable. The Church has turned a blind eye to the fact that members can be victims of other members and pastors.

    • @TrustinGodaydays
      @TrustinGodaydays Рік тому +13

      Dear Tracy Walsh this message is for you and your Children. - One of Satan's favorite tricks in around God's people in the Church is "Offence" and by this is hurt, insult, suspicion, misunderstanding, confusion, mistrust, and even disbelief is established in one's heart and a soft caring heart is the most vulnerable to this attack.

    • @iggyg1370
      @iggyg1370 Рік тому +10

      2 Thessalonians 2:1-3
      King James Version
      2 Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him,
      2 That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand.
      3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;

    • @fredflintstone8048
      @fredflintstone8048 Рік тому +2

      One must also consider a couple of other possibilities for them. They could be prodigal sons. Always sons (adopted children of God) who've strayed for a time. Or they could also be those NOT chosen by God, NOT Elect (names not written in the Lamb's book of life before the foundation of the world). Jesus said he came to bring a sword, to divide families, parents from children, children from parents. While it's nice to believe that a child will be a believer because their parents are, and because those children have had the training, that's never the deciding factor in matters of salvation. It's God's choice.
      Joh 1:12 But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God,
      Joh 1:13 who were born, not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but of God.

    • @dragonflydreamer7658
      @dragonflydreamer7658 Рік тому +16

      I can see the three stooges left you a message, God Bless you and keep the faith we left the church but still have our faith and the Bible this is all you need.

    • @fredflintstone8048
      @fredflintstone8048 Рік тому +5

      @@dragonflydreamer7658 The biblical translation to the word 'church' literally means 'the called out'. They are the collection of people that God has chosen to Himself down through time. It's not a denomination as per how the term is used in the bible even though we tend to mix the term up to mean both. It's not unusual to for God's elect to leave unbiblical organizations, denominations.
      We can't leave, 'the church' if we're His Elect, nor can we join the church if God doesn't call us and He's only calling a minority of the population. He calls those whose names He wrote in the Lamb's book of life made before the foundation of the world.

  • @zedrockiby
    @zedrockiby Рік тому +283

    i’m gen z and tbh i see christianity slowly coming back in at the fringes. gen z are seriously lost and i think we’re realising that religion is basically the only way out. it’s the only route towards some sort of order and normality

    • @zedrockiby
      @zedrockiby Рік тому +30

      @freeuserdata yeah i agree. i see way more angry atheist millennials than i do gen z. claiming the opposite seems out of touch from what i've observed

    • @beanboi789
      @beanboi789 Рік тому +5

      Answering that "why" question will tell you more about the true nature of Christianity than any UA-cam video.

    • @jakeschwartz2514
      @jakeschwartz2514 Рік тому +5

      This will become the normal perspective

    • @Yankees640live
      @Yankees640live Рік тому

      @freeuserdataecause we have realized evangelical talking heads like Ken Ham are intellectually dishonest, anti science and push propaganda onto vulnerable people

    • @pablostrongy8657
      @pablostrongy8657 Рік тому

      Ken Ham is likely descendant of Ham ??? Don't trust a man who speaks about God like marketer of medical products !!! This man isn't trustworthy,he cares only about himself !!!

  • @nancybaumgartner6774
    @nancybaumgartner6774 Рік тому +119

    Thank you , thank you , THANK YOU for this video ! I am a counselor and have many clients who have been part of churches who sing , sing , sing , sing , SING - but there is no mature discipleship , just programs and more programs. There is also a great deal of religious abuse that occurs- more common that one would think . Religious abuse sends people running into the new age in droves .
    Last Sunday my own pastor stopped in the middle of one of the endless rock- a-billy songs to literally order the congregation to put their hands in the air . The reliance on emotionalism and experiences is very frustrating, and totally off base . My 30 year old daughter stopped going to church because of endless music and the zeal to shove her into groups that protest abortion in front of clinics . Young people need to be mentored and taught God’s word and how to walk with the Lord , not shoved into the world to do battle in the flesh .

    • @louisem3969
      @louisem3969 Рік тому +17

      I’m a 21 year old who has stopped going to church because of the superabundance of songs during church service. We keep sitting down and getting up without ever being really fed the word of God. If there’s any message it comes from the experiences of the speaker & their feelings, then instead of using scripture they put a song to prove Gods love… Since when songs are a proof of Gods love/ faithfulness /etc ?
      If it’s not a song it’s a music video that sings “smile” to cheer us up during our difficult times… I’m speechless at this point.
      It’s very frustrating to wait for theology just to hear another song play again… this is not church, but a concert, a musical play,…
      I’m disappointed to leave but I can’t do this anymore it’s just ridiculous. I thought that maybe because it’s a baptist/ Protestant church theology would’ve been first

    • @nancybaumgartner6774
      @nancybaumgartner6774 Рік тому +12

      @@louisem3969 you are in good company , hon . There is great teaching available online . Ryle , Spurgeon , Mac Arthur , and some great UA-camrs who know scripture . Message for our Time , Lost Sheep But Now Found - there are quite a few . There are even online fellowships . I attend a local body for the fellowship , but get my teaching from reading scripture and praying with a prayer partner , as well as these other sources .

    • @nancybaumgartner6774
      @nancybaumgartner6774 Рік тому +1

      @@louisem3969 Andrew Murray is a wonderful Bible teacher - available online . No drum sets or Casios !!!

    • @philipmcniel4908
      @philipmcniel4908 Рік тому +9

      I would like to add something to this: I don't think it's entirely necessary to stop attending church entirely; you just need to start looking for a _smaller_ church. I'm not saying there aren't good churches that are large (there are some), but I am saying that the entertainment/performance-oriented churches and the churches that try to "evangelize" through emotional manipulation have a _strong_ tendency toward consolidation: They don't want to plant new congregations all over town; they want to make sure that these people are all coming to the same place (or the same few places) so they can take advantage of crowd psychology and so they only need to use a few "elite" musicians. Because of this, by attending a small church you cut out only some of the good ones, but nearly all of the ones with the problems you're looking to avoid. (The only caveat is that there are a number of small churches that teach liberal theology, so you do need to avoid those to get what you're looking for.)

    • @-living4jesus4ever-
      @-living4jesus4ever- Рік тому +5

      It can be hard to find a verse by verse Bible teaching church but faithful pursuit is worth it as the Lord LOVES the faithful, God honoring churches so much that He calls them His bride. Can you imagine how dark our world would be if everyone stayed home and worldwide everyone quit meeting together for exhortation and encouragement?? If we quit on the church because some are imperfect that’s like quitting on marriage because some people divorce. One of the greatest tactics of the enemy has always been to get Christians to isolate and “do it on our own.” The enemy knows how easily we become a coal that darkens when removed from the fanned flames of community. It’s not about “us,” and our cozy stay home devotions at home but the bigger picture of encouraging the body! The last couple Sundays I’ve been able to pray for people who greatly needed prayer, welcome new people who visited for the first time, and encourage my pastor with affirmation. There are 4 Types of “Churches.” *Note- #1&4 are NOT real churches! 😂😅
      1-Complicit, confirms to the world’s woke leftists standards.
      2-Complacent, passively takes no stand to appease the audience.
      3-Courageous, stands for Biblical truth no matter what.
      And of course, living a life of authentic, vibrant faith in community isn’t watching a screen at home with your comfies & coffee. 😂 So you could make a fourth and say…
      4-Comfies w/Coffees
      Keep looking, they’re out there! It took us 9 months of faithfully pursuing local churches. We’d listen online to to preview various ones during the week days and then on Sundays we’d visit ones that would actually teach verse by verse that we heard during the week. We have four kids all under nine, and it was a fabulous experience for us all to see various churches and cultures, and the Lord was faithful and honored our desire to pursue a church community faithfully. Calvary chapel often has verse by verse Bible focused churches if you look up “Calvary chapel.” Heb 10:25
      Do not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another-and all the more as you see the Day approaching.

  • @jacktravis7179
    @jacktravis7179 Рік тому +198

    I have always been skeptical about home schooling due to the lack of socializing but if I had kids in todays time ...... they wouldn't set foot in a public indoctrination school ! Like , I said , I USED to be skeptical !

    • @Cathy7167
      @Cathy7167 Рік тому +25

      I one hundred percent agree with you. As a teacher, we found it important that children socialize and have order and not just sleep at home, but homeschooling has gotten much more organized and is much better and safer for our children now so for all of you that are doing real home schooling…. You are making the right choice for your children as long as you are following a proper curriculum, and not isolating them. Homeschooling does take discipline and it does take a community and getting out of the house for educational and socialization purposes, but I have completely changed from being anti-homeschooling to being pro homeschooling in this generation that is destroying our country.

    • @pyrocolada
      @pyrocolada Рік тому +4

      The first commandment says that you should keep the name of God holy. That means that you should not misrepresent who He is. I believe that Ken Ham is violating that commandment when he throws stones. He makes many valid points, but he destroys more than he builds when he points fingers at those who preach tolerance, that other religions worship the same God. Don't make the same mistake. He is preaching his fears... and focusing on your fears bring them into reality,. The way to focus on your fears is to follow the example of Jesus. By focusing on what you know the solution is, and it's not to elevate your own hysteria, it's to keep quiet and UNDERSTAND before you speak. Unless you're asking questions.

    • @hymnsingingathome
      @hymnsingingathome Рік тому +19

      'Lack of socializing' is a huge generalisation. Homeschoolers cannot be lumped together in one group and labelled with that accusation. True, there may be some that lack socialisation, but there are many more who, it could be argued, are far better socialised than those who attend mainstream schools. Socialised across a far wider range of ages. Just my observation, but you get a group of homeschoolers together & there will be more playing together than different ages in a mainstream school who do not mix, because 'you're not in our class'. Ultimately, socialization is the responsibility of the parents, no matter where children go to school.

    • @IzzyGraceBeauty
      @IzzyGraceBeauty Рік тому +13

      Yes! We have a young child and fellow Christians don’t understand why my husband and I are hesitant to send her to a public or private school. People say “as long as you give them a good biblical foundation at home.” That’s the thing, they are at school more (awake) hours than at home. I know that at most “Christian” schools in my area the teachers tell the students that the Bible is just made up stories to make you be a decent person. Wouldn’t that be confusing for a 5 or 6 year old despite the biblical foundation they have at home?

    • @worldpeace1822
      @worldpeace1822 Рік тому

      So your answer is to keep them away from the world out there to not experience it? All you will end up with are very confused grownups once they hatch your egg.

  • @professor.persuade
    @professor.persuade Рік тому +234

    As a millennial, I really appreciate preachers who won't shy away from the truth. That's why growing up I left the church. It was the same sermon on repeat without acknowledging the world was changing and we needed to face it. I'm glad to see the church as a whole start to push back on the evils of society.

    • @Kitiwake
      @Kitiwake Рік тому +2

      ​@character what's your point, Mr. cut and paste guru?

    • @888WulfDog888
      @888WulfDog888 Рік тому +1

      ​@@Kitiwake he thinks not going to church is denying Jesus.

    • @johnpolitis9060
      @johnpolitis9060 Рік тому +1

      ​@character Fear made the gods. Matter is all there is.

    • @johnpolitis9060
      @johnpolitis9060 Рік тому +1

      Fear made the gods. Matter is all there is.

    • @davekearney1944
      @davekearney1944 Рік тому +1

      If you can convince all the various "churches" and their assorted creator gods to push back on the evils they created for mankind, you'll be off to a good start. I wish you well.

  • @waltermilliken6220
    @waltermilliken6220 Рік тому +6

    He is entitled to his view , however, he needs to respect the beliefs of others.

  • @gr82bloved43
    @gr82bloved43 Рік тому +173

    The bottom line : Parents need to do their job and instill this faith in your children. “Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.”

    • @harleygirl4life6
      @harleygirl4life6 Рік тому +10

      And that promise of God we can stand on & we will have children of faith who turn into adults of faith my ( kids) are in their early 30 s & both have always been strong in their faith both married strong Christians in the few years & both waited for marriage out of obedience to God, I trained them up & raised them in faith & tried to show them my faith in my own life. I’m very blessed both my Children have always been so strong in their faith as is their both their spouses & now my first grandchild is going to be home schooled they both plan that bcz of the severe culture change even in some Christian schools. I’m proud of that decision that they both made. I hope for generations after me they will be strong Christians bcz at 25 I was saved from the Catholic faith by reading the full Bible. Now I have an inheritance that God talks of in scripture, God does keep his promises & if we put in the time with our kids & do the work & live it in our own lives No Hypocrites, our children will be saved !!!

    • @jps101574
      @jps101574 Рік тому

      That's indoctrination! At that age, kids will believe in Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny. Why not wait until they arrive at the age of reason? I think you know why.

    • @blondequijote
      @blondequijote Рік тому +1

      Yup. I grew up reading all kinds of
      books like the Bible and I still read it. I'm actually working as PropheTranslator and writing The Holy Text on behalf of Good Wizard so it helps to be familiar with the Bible.

    • @jps101574
      @jps101574 Рік тому +1

      @@blondequijote Really? I have a question for you. According to the Bible, who is Jesus's grandfather?

    • @blondequijote
      @blondequijote Рік тому +3

      @jps101574 Are we going off the genealogy laid out for Jesus in the Gospels, or is this a trick question? Honestly it reads like a trick question because the whole origin story involves divine intervention while also insisting he's descended from David on Joseph's side (when we all know Joseph isn't his real father).

  • @MeatEatingVegan777
    @MeatEatingVegan777 Рік тому +43

    I have to say, I am still a baby Christian. I came to God less than a year ago. I saw the Bible as "metaphorical" initially. Now, I believe it all as truth. If I believe God can send his only son down to earth to die for our sins, I can believe all of it to be true. Literal truth. The Bible IS God's word.
    The way God can change a person's heart and life in a way the world can't, is enough to let me know that the Bible is truth. Because, God can do ANYTHING, even if our logic disagrees with it. Our human logic only knows of our experiences and everyday logic. God is outside of our logic and everyday experiences. We have to trust and understand that. We don't know better than God and never will.

    • @sunnyd4734
      @sunnyd4734 Рік тому

      @Google Sucks Ass 1 Corinthians 2:14

    • @thesuitablecommand
      @thesuitablecommand Рік тому

      @Google Sucks Ass probably with a lot of selective interpretation and double-think. That's how I'd do it, anyway

    • @franmorrison1080
      @franmorrison1080 Рік тому +1

      Luke 1: 26-35

    • @lauraw9657
      @lauraw9657 Рік тому

      @Google Sucks Ass Cultural and linguistic differences are a normal part of history. The inconsistencies actually lend themselves to authenticity rather than collusion.

  • @f2p122
    @f2p122 Рік тому +347

    I am a Taiwanese grown up in a very faithful Buddhism family. Before I attended a two day camp with a local old presbytery church at the town my college located far from my home, I didn’t take Christianity seriously. Until that night in camp I saw those church youth around my age sitting there chatting (I was in the chat too) through chatting I felt them very strong inside and have a lot of faith on their life achievement, really treating each other like real family. Compare to my family, though still not that bad, but pretty distanced. So i began attending sermons, gained curiosity toward Bible, actually acquired one bilingual Bible from one brother in the church, and now I still read it with my old friend at my hometown on the other side of my country online who I didn’t know was a Christian too, and now, I find myself slightly more mentally stronger. Thank Lord.
    But I do not know how my other relative may think about that though, almost my entire grant family and community are not Christian. So I haven’t tell anyone other than my parents that I had been to church.

    • @lawratify
      @lawratify Рік тому

      There is not a shred of evidence a god exists.
      Christianity is the biggest and most successful scam ever devised by some powerful men to
      1) Control the masses 2) Maintain their power and 3) Enrich themselves.

    • @giovanne2143
      @giovanne2143 Рік тому +35

      Yes! Its so good to hear that from you!
      Keep persuing Jesus and your actions and the change in your life will speak louder than any word ould speak tô your family. Your love will abound and soon your family will notice somethimg different in you than you tell then that its Jesus. I pray that He keeps your heart desiring Him and growing in Love and knowledge.

    • @milenaresources4244
      @milenaresources4244 Рік тому +13

      it is strange that I can spot someone carrying the faith. Somehow the faith shows in odd ways. It is like the story of faith being written on your heart. When I hear, say pretend Christian political figures, spout off I hear a difference. It is as if the burden of narcissism is growing within them and it helps their careers. They gather strength by "gaslighting" and telling half truths. The anger it generates seems "sticky", it binds and it blows up unpredictably I would say. The "gas" from "gaslighting", if I may continue the metaphor is kind of stinky and hangs around. As a rule the tendency to believe such gaseous stories may have something to do with "verbal intelligence"...maybe too much...maybe too little.
      Among Christian folks I find something else a strange interpersonal force. Their "verbal intelligence", if you will, is somehow different. Sometimes it lasts long enough to form a good connection sometimes not. But it is not explainable. If you wish...I call the Christian experience some kind of "quantum entanglement". It is not the same as normal "chemical"....uh binding...perhaps because normal sense of binding is usually based on an exchange of some kind...perhaps like in Chemistry when electrons are shared. In chemistry electrons can bind or separate. In Quantum physics...the medium is not the exchange of electrons or the binding of other atomic things one way or another...it is some kind of "quantification"....the process leads to spooky action at a distance and the regularization of certain things for reasons that really do not make sense. I draw attention the large number hypothesis and the issue of 1/137 if you will and the existence of certain "constants" that make no sense.
      Many set great stock in the opening words of Genesis, for example, and the notion of Creation. Note...many non-believers claim that Creation is merely a quantum fluctuation or that "evolution" explains everything. I beg to differ...and argue that quantum mechanics is an embarrassment to science and that "evolution" is sufficiently directed that we see a certain pattern to what should arguably be random. Pardon me but randomness is not progressive and without some kind of progressive tendency how would anything evolve at all? Can we ascribe some kind of "directed force" to explain the so called progressive tendency of most evolutionary stories...not really. Much of what passes for change over time is a consequence of geography. Evolution and extinction are linked...perhaps in a quantum fashion. In any case...evolution does happen but it is not the kind of children's story that is commonly taught in school. Otherwise....as biologists say...how come we keep seeing crabs develop from many phylogenetic lines?

    • @xxcelr8rs
      @xxcelr8rs Рік тому +30

      Friends, even family they come and go. You are born alone, die alone. Your best true companion is your Creator who loves you. Talk with God in the name of Jesus. Find the peace that surpasses all understanding.

    • @revelation7262
      @revelation7262 Рік тому +7

  • @kevingentry4659
    @kevingentry4659 Рік тому +307

    I was brought up in a secular family with what I would call Christian trimmings. Discovering Christian faith in my 50s has been a revelation and I now realise that by and large the western world has been fed a lie - I would go as far as to say that it has been re-paganized. The strange thing is that when I go to Bible groups with long serving Christians (we are talking Anglicans) I feel that I am looked at as some kind of twit for speaking about Genesis as though it were true. I had to explain myself the other day when I claimed that there is one Truth, there are not many truths as in, we cannot make it up for ourselves like some kind of pick n mix.
    My current daily go to is Epesians 6 10-20.

    • @oxybenzol9254
      @oxybenzol9254 Рік тому +9

      If a Bible group doesnt support your believes then there is no reason to stick with them. But there is also no reason to have different believes because people brought up differently and had different life experiences.

    • @spacelinx
      @spacelinx Рік тому +26

      @@oxybenzol9254 : Sometimes one has to or should walk away from a toxic situation. But if they’re all respectful, why not stay in such a group? What if you’re the only voice of true Christian ideas they’ll ever hear, and may at least convince some that there can only be that one truth, and not whatever a person wants to pick for their truth?

    • @quietstormvalley9010
      @quietstormvalley9010 Рік тому

      There are still many rock solid Christian groups-the problem is finding them! The church in the UK has been compromised and in apostacy for the last thirty odd years, hence many Christians meet in home churches. Best to walk closely with The Lord and listen to his guidance with who to fellowship with or not.

    • @brunomorais9526
      @brunomorais9526 Рік тому +18

      Challenge their beliefs. If someone replies with "You are letting the bible guide everything at your life", you found the heretic.

    • @marca.8081
      @marca.8081 Рік тому

      @Google Sucks Ass The "religion" classes at Yale and Harvard are taught by evangelical atheists whose mission is to discredit all religions but one, atheism.
      Atheists claims that a "Big Bang" created the Universe. The theory that matter and energy (of unexplained origin) caused a massive explosion (for unexplained reasons) which then created a Universe with uniform laws of physics from one end to another takes faith to believe.

  • @mamamememoo
    @mamamememoo Рік тому +167

    I am Singaporean and my kids grew up in a secular school but are deeply founded on the word through church. That worked out ok for us. The crucial thing is parents need to establish a strong foundation of biblical truths at home. Right believing leads to right living. As a man thinks so is he. We need to help them understand the battlefield takes place in the mind so they can discern. And pray over them for wisdom and discernment.

    • @dollytan1729
      @dollytan1729 Рік тому +1


    • @lynghee159
      @lynghee159 Рік тому +5

      Yes, & lead by example.

    • @pauldias3251
      @pauldias3251 Рік тому +13

      Are the schools in Singapore as bad as they are in the US? My two sons love the Lord and went to public school, but having been a teacher in the public school system for 27 years, I would not recommend anyone attend any public school in the US today. They are indoctrination camps.

    • @hisjoy333
      @hisjoy333 Рік тому +2

      Amen sister!

    • @alvinnlus
      @alvinnlus Рік тому +3

      Singaporean schools don't have any agenda except to provide the best possible education while supporting faith based education for all. Christian, Muslim etc.

  • @OurInspiredHomeschool
    @OurInspiredHomeschool Рік тому +211

    I think you hit the nail on the head. I was raised Christian but beyond bible stories I was not equipped to face the world with truth. I distanced myself from the church and God revealed a lot to me through reading his word.

    • @katielee4892
      @katielee4892 Рік тому +12

      Same here. Raised in a Pentecostal church and left.

    • @ashleychurchill9779
      @ashleychurchill9779 Рік тому +7

      I was raised Catholic I got saved in middle school. I didn’t change right away school didn’t affect my faith despite learning about evolution I didn’t really think about it very much. I was a baby Christian I didn’t think too much about things I learned in school except for learning about the weather in 7 grade and learning about the human body in biology.

    • @pyrocolada
      @pyrocolada Рік тому +3

      The first commandment says that you should keep the name of God holy. That means that you should not misrepresent who He is. I believe that Ken Ham is violating that commandment when he throws stones. He makes many valid points, but he destroys more than he builds when he points fingers at those who preach tolerance, that other religions worship the same God. Don't make the same mistake. He is preaching his fears... and focusing on your fears bring them into reality,. The way to focus on your fears is to follow the example of Jesus. By focusing on what you know the solution is, and it's not to elevate your own hysteria, it's to keep quiet and UNDERSTAND before you speak. Unless you're asking questions.

    • @georgeburks3755
      @georgeburks3755 Рік тому +5

      I cannot find a church that teaches scripture. As for reading God's word, I agree. Romans 10:17 So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

    • @-living4jesus4ever-
      @-living4jesus4ever- Рік тому +1

      @@georgeburks3755 Keep looking, they’re out there! It took us 9 months of faithfully pursuing local churches. We’d listen online to to preview various ones during the week days and then on Sundays we’d visit ones that would actually teach verse by verse that we heard during the week. We have four kids all under nine, and it was a fabulous experience for us all to see various churches and cultures, and the Lord was faithful and honored our desire to pursue a church community faithfully. Calvary chapel often has verse by verse Bible focused churches if you look up “Calvary chapel.” Heb 10:25
      Do not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another-and all the more as you see the Day approaching.

  • @coolaa7
    @coolaa7 Рік тому +6

    I think Mr. HAM is putting his head in the sand as to why people are leaving the church, people are leaving the church because it no longer represents Christ and there is no Holy Spirit power. Thus, the goal now is to get the government to enforce the dictates of the church because the church has lost its power to convert hearts.

  • @christie140
    @christie140 Рік тому +25

    I think that Christianity is unattractive to so many people because so many Christians fail to demonstrate the love, power and conviction of Christ in their lives. They just argue about moral issues. If you pray for people and heal them, live from a place of authenticity and expect miracles, people can't argue with that. Don't worry so much about going to church, you need to BE the CHURCH.

    • @jacksquat4140
      @jacksquat4140 Рік тому +2

      I tend to agree, Christie, but I think Christianity is unattractive because it's unbelievable. For those who really delve deep, and avoid indoctrination, they stand a chance at seeing its fractures, fissures, faults, follies, and fabrications. Then again, church history is a depressing walk down memory lane, with far more people converted at the point of a sword than through preaching the gospel. For a good 1,500 years, the main mechanism of conversion, was force, not faith.

    • @GabrielleTollerson
      @GabrielleTollerson Рік тому +3

      that is false by a long mile.. It's "unattractive" to people because what I've noticed is no one wants to be held accountable for sickening behavior. They want to be able to get away with everything,no matter how vile or immoral,with no reprocussions so they can pretend that they won't be punished

    • @CommanderTexas
      @CommanderTexas Рік тому +1

      @@GabrielleTollerson That's why Islam is better. The boundaries are strong and there is no salvation for belief alone you actually have to be righteous. In Christianity you can commit all sins and excuse yourself with the "we're all sinners BS" and if you believe in Christ salvation before dying you still go to heaven which is also BS.

    • @jacksquat4140
      @jacksquat4140 Рік тому

      @@CommanderTexas: Islam is the illegitimate offspring of Judaism and Christianity.

    • @jacksquat4140
      @jacksquat4140 Рік тому

      @@CommanderTexas: I do agree with everything you have said here but religion is never the answer.

  • @filamcouple_teamalleiah8479
    @filamcouple_teamalleiah8479 Рік тому +4

    I'm a retired science teacher living in the Philippines primarily because it's cheap. People here, especially those in the province are Catholics although there are many other denominations here. It's amazing how little most people actually know about the BIBLE STORIES and yet they are all believers! So I'm not persuaded by this argument. Knowledge of the Bible actually drives many people away. Perhaps the reasons are largely socioeconomic. In Phil poverty is still crushing and the place reeks of death. The cultural practices assoc w/ death are a daily reminder of your mortality- the long caravans of mourners, posters, 2 week funeral activities, church services, etc...Accidental deaths or disability is also higher than in the west. Respect for the elderly is also part of the culture. If you want more attendees make life really hard then people will flock to the churches once again. Pay folks dirt wages, reduce health care, increase corruption to concrntrate wealth and power in the hands of a tiny minority, suppress education, and most of all burn all the science, math, and philosophy books. That should do it!

    • @switchie1987
      @switchie1987 2 місяці тому

      Just sucks that *that* seems to be so common amongst these groups..

  • @skyhamel6171
    @skyhamel6171 Рік тому +10

    As a person in the younger generation, here I am, and I’m in love with Jesus! I ain’t going no where !!

  • @andrewburtt
    @andrewburtt Рік тому +3

    As a church going gen z christian even I find most church services I go to generally boring and I’m only going to worship God in a corporate setting. Any further learning comes from my own research. Pastors are just saying the same things they been saying for years. Never talking about apologetics or about the culture or what modern day young adults and students are actually thinking about on a daily basis. The problem is that kids that grew up in church have a heard it all. They need spiritual meat and have only been getting milk for years.

  • @philipmcniel4908
    @philipmcniel4908 Рік тому +58

    I would say that there's another difference between Gen Z (and to some degree Millennials) and older generations when it comes to apologetics: To the younger generations, it's not primarily about science class anymore. What I mean is that when a non-Christian member of Gen Z is asked why he doesn't believe in Christianity, he's less likely to reach for intellectual-sounding explanations that draw upon his understanding of science, history, etc. In fact, he's less likely to appeal to evidence at all! Instead, his first instinct will be to reach for moral perceptions of Christianity and Christians, based on the horror stories he's been told about the kind of dystopian hellscape the Western world in general, and the United States in particular, were during the era when "religion" (read: Christianity) was a dominant force in our culture. Basically, they've been told that life in the West was an oppressive nightmare for so many people, and they've learned to associate Biblical conservatism (including in the areas of literal Genesis and sexual morality) with that.
    *_You can actually see this if you read the comments from non-Christians in this comment section._* They primarily concern the morality of Christianity as judged by the moral errors of its exponents throughout history, and/or bring up the fact that it isn't viewed as the default religion anymore for those who _are_ religious due to exposure to other cultures around the globe (which is also a moral objection, since it makes it seem as though Christians "decenter" other cultures and religions around the world while "centering" their own). Comparatively few of of the skeptics in this comment section instinctively raise questions of evidence or logic when objecting to the Christian worldview.
    Perhaps one way to understand this is that the Baby Boomers and older generations were from the Modernist era and needed an evidence-based defense in response to their evidence-based objections. The topic was the cold, hard scientific and historical evidence. Gen X, and to some degree the Millennials (especially the older ones) were from the Postmodern era, and needed a philosophical defense in response to their philosophical objections. Topics included the nature of truth, objectivity, and personal experience. Gen Z and the Millennials are from the era of Social Justice ideology and the mainstreaming of cancel culture, and need a moral defense in response to their moral objections.
    In fact, I would say that the youngest generations are probably the most Puritanical of any of them in terms of their zeal for following moral rules; they're simply trying to follow a set of rules that they and the last few generations sort of came up with on the fly when postmodern "anything-goes" amorality didn't stop people from victimizing others, and society went "Oh, shoot, now that Judeo-Christian morality is gone we need to come up with a replacement!"
    p.s. To be clear, I'm *not* saying that the Western Church needs to get away from its historic doctrinal teachings and switch completely over to social-gospel sermons. What I _am_ saying is that apologists need to give a bit more time and attention to explaining the Biblical system of morality and ethics and how it works, since people like the writers of The Handmaid's Tale are already making an effort to do it for them...and you do _not_ want people to turn away from hearing the message of the Gospel (starting from Genesis, of course) because they associate it with...that. And also because you not only need to introduce the Biblical concept of sin, but also deconstruct the association people have between the word "sin" and Victorian tongue-clucking.

    • @EckhartsAuspice
      @EckhartsAuspice Рік тому

      Very compelling thoughts

    • @stay_curious_BATS
      @stay_curious_BATS Рік тому +6

      Counterpoint. Evidence isn’t needed to dismiss a claim made without evidence. And, ethics can be better designed without religious influence.

    • @PaulStringini
      @PaulStringini Рік тому +3

      Ken Ham has one answer for every problem. The Earth is 6000 years old. All he cares about is clinging to his own interpretations.

    • @philipmcniel4908
      @philipmcniel4908 Рік тому +2

      @@stay_curious_BATS The problem with designing ethics without religious influence is that you're not actually doing it when you think you are. At least not in Western culture, where the influence of certain Judeo-Christian moral assumptions is so strong that it's basically seen as "default" to us. I suggest you read some of the writings of Tom Holland (the historian, not the actor) on this subject: Even supposedly-secular ethical movements such as the #MeToo movement would make no sense in an environment that was _completely_ free of religious influence on its assumptions.
      Now, if you're like any atheistic apologist worth his salt, you're probably thinking, "But only _monsters_ need an old book to tell them not to murder or sexually assault people!" However, my question isn't about whether that statement is true, but about what's wrong with being a monster (other than that other people don't like it, but then again if we built our moral code on what other people don't like, we would have a truly massive compendium of rules from various cultures and religious traditions).

    • @philipmcniel4908
      @philipmcniel4908 Рік тому +2

      @@PaulStringini To me, this isn't really a problem with "his own interpretations." Interpretation isn't supposed to be a personal thing; it's supposed to be a process of seeking _the_ objectively-correct interpretation (i.e. the meaning that was intended by the Author) rather than _my_ preferred interpretation.
      I would actually go so far as to say that the issue of creation vs. evolution is what gave rise to what I said in my original comment: To recap what I said earlier, contemporary culture basically threw out the Bible's moral precepts, thinking they were making themselves freer, and then said "Oh, shoot, now we have to make up a replacement!" as soon as things started to go south and they decided they didn't much like their amoral "utopia" anymore...
      But here's the thing: I would argue that evolutionary thinking played a major role in the first step of this process, where they threw out the Biblical moral principles in the first place: It was either the reason for throwing them out, or perhaps more accurately the _justification_ for throwing them out when the real motive was the desire to get rid of moral barriers to fulfilling the lusts of the flesh. After all, if you're just an animal, there are no higher expectations on your life than that you fulfill your animal urges. As one '90s rock song put it, "You and me baby ain't nothing but mammals, so let's do it like they do on the Discovery Channel."
      But it turns out that people don't _want_ to be treated the way animals treat each other on the Discovery Channel (which often is nonconsensual, or at least highly-pressured), and so we end up with the #MeToo movement, modern cancel culture, etc. This is why I see the Puritanical moral fervor of Gen Z as a _backlash_ against modern and postmodern amorality--and it explains why the younger generations don't even bother to pay lip service to the saying that "there are no absolutes" anymore. Granted, this has been Puritanical moral fervor for a set of principles that were kind of invented on the fly (with a collection of written and unwritten rules that often have gray areas around the edges), and which derive their authority from the mob rather than from a belief in a God who has a prior moral claim on our lives--all reasons why I do not think that they will ultimately make everyone happy.

  • @parispoet
    @parispoet Рік тому +20

    I have never heard this man speak. But he is spot on...great message with facts! 💯❤💯❤

  • @paulwilliams9232
    @paulwilliams9232 Рік тому +4

    Nothing makes me happier than children not being taught this.
    That you need children to believe this, is the problem.
    Adults would never absorb this.
    Children will.
    Dinosaurs really didn't live with humans.

  • @jeanfield8940
    @jeanfield8940 Рік тому +15

    Just because a person leaves a church does not mean they have left God

    • @roscius6204
      @roscius6204 Рік тому +2

      Just because a child stops believing in Santa doesn't make them an adult.
      Are we agreeing or not... it's hard to tell.

    • @roscius6204
      @roscius6204 Рік тому

      @IBZ I can't disagree with that though it's not really what this video is about.

    • @roscius6204
      @roscius6204 Рік тому

      @IBZ I think as a % it's in decline as there are other faiths on the rise and religion itself is in decline in many places previously christian.

  • @elizabethwales4088
    @elizabethwales4088 Рік тому +97

    I met Jesus as a young teenager, but in my 30's started to doubt my faith because of evolutionary teaching at school and from my mother, but a friend at church gave me some of your books and I signed up for Creation magazine. I was hungry for what you were writing about Ken, and I'm so grateful for your ministry because it saved me from falling away. God bless you ❤

    • @jm1733
      @jm1733 Рік тому

      The falling away is misunderstood in Babylon and its innumerable divided denominations and sects that oppose each other. The carnal church system, Babylon, is evidence of the falling away. People have been heaping teachers on themselves for millenia.
      As it is written, Christ is the stone the BUILDERS REJECTED.

    • @fleabaglane
      @fleabaglane Рік тому +11

      But evolution is fact

    • @geradbarkley2000
      @geradbarkley2000 Рік тому +4

      Amen. Gods word is the truth. Genesis 1 to 11 I will read again. Its all about a strong foundation. Ken makes sense.

    • @geradbarkley2000
      @geradbarkley2000 Рік тому

      Awesome! Good news!

    • @michellemorring8015
      @michellemorring8015 Рік тому +3

      I believe it's still called the "theory of evolution "

  • @Doxansq
    @Doxansq Рік тому +2

    Ppl such as Ken Ham cause the younger generation to leave their denominations

  • @ladyjade6446
    @ladyjade6446 Рік тому +34

    I grew up where hotels had bibles in their night stands. The good old days.

    • @colinrichards8423
      @colinrichards8423 Рік тому +4

      When ever I go to a hotel with my wife we check for the bible in the draw, Gideon bible, we always take a bible with us we’re ever we go. Sad that you cannot find a bible in these hotels. 😮😮😮🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

    • @bradleymosman8325
      @bradleymosman8325 Рік тому +1

      This fellow Gideon must have been very absent-minded. Whenever he checked out of his hotel room, he always forgot to take his Bible with him. Wherever he is, though, we can be grateful to him.

    • @-living4jesus4ever-
      @-living4jesus4ever- Рік тому +5

      They still do! Whenever we find when we write our testimony in the front cover inside and leave it out for the next person to hopefully see. If they have Mormon books, I throw them in the trash. 😂

    • @australiantruckspotting8883
      @australiantruckspotting8883 Рік тому

      Most still do

    • @waggyquack974
      @waggyquack974 Рік тому

      And how many of them actually got read?

  • @tatijenee5796
    @tatijenee5796 Рік тому +3

    I think the church got so stuck in teaching the religion of Christ than relationship with Christ

  • @dirt007
    @dirt007 Рік тому +6

    All the friends I had who left the church left because the leaders or elders of that specific church harmed them and nobody stood up for them.

  • @chrisholland8843
    @chrisholland8843 Рік тому +2

    Cowardness Egorian Self-righteousness and no self responsibility is also part of the problem!!!

  • @theresabeville4420
    @theresabeville4420 Рік тому +28

    What a great sermon. Thank you.

  • @jpix96
    @jpix96 Рік тому +10

    Shalom brothers and sisters,
    Do not be afraid. if God could de-greekize Rome by the hands of Paul and some of his helpers. Than we can certainly bring this greek culture down and take that junk to the dump.
    God is with us so no one can stand against us!!! 🕊️♥️😇

  • @isaiahbucur
    @isaiahbucur Рік тому +22

    Very crazy, I'm 21 and that is literally how I explain the Gospel
    I explain to people the HISTORY and reason why we need a Savior, not just that we have One!

    • @keichan9661
      @keichan9661 Рік тому

      Savior for what?

    • @isaiahbucur
      @isaiahbucur Рік тому +7

      @keichan9661 A Savior from hell and sin. We've separated ourselves from God and His goodness, because of our sins and disobedience to Him/His ways
      Seperation from God is death, evil, and torture - because God Himself is good, perfection, and love
      The ONLY way to pay our pentality and reclaim the presence of God is somebody perfect has to our place of judgement
      Only person who was good enough and perfect was Jesus Christ
      Repent and trust in Him and you'll be saved 🙏🙏

    • @lawratify
      @lawratify Рік тому

      There is not a shred of evidence a god exists.
      Christianity is the biggest and most successful scam ever devised by some powerful men to
      1) Control the masses 2) Maintain their power and 3) Enrich themselves.

      @MBVXONIDE Рік тому

      Well don’t let the insipid deceive you.

  • @Vapememes
    @Vapememes Рік тому +7

    As someone who is in Gen Z and got DANGEROUSLY close to leaving my faith, I would say that Ken Ham's approach is honestly NOT the best way to reach people in Gen Z because it was exactly this strategy that almost caused me to leave the church. I grew up in a church that DID teach apologetics on young earth creationism (YEC) and they did so very extensively, bringing in plenty of speakers to discuss the topic and showing numerous documentaries on the subject. I found out later that these apologetics didn't stand up to scrutiny, and because I was under the belief that u had to be a creationist to be a Christian (since it was so heavily emphasized in the church) this got me close to leaving the faith altogether because I was given no credible evidence for the faith.
    I do believe apologetics is necessary but to focus one's apologetics on an issue like YEC, an issue that even the early church didn't agree about, it seems like a poor use of resources. If one wants to use apologetics y not provide evidence for the primary objections people in Gen Z have?
    Many in Gen Z do not believe in the supernatural, so y not show them the extensive evidence for the resurrection?
    Many in Gen Z do not believe the bible to be a reliable document at all, so y not provide them with the extensive archaeological and historical evidence that corroborates the various accounts in the Bible (like evidence for the Exodus, Joshua's Conquest, the reign of the Israelite kings, Jesus'ministry)? One can also provide them with plenty of data on the reliability of the Bible through textual criticism.
    Many in Gen Z say it is immoral to object to gay marriage, transgenderism, and abortions, so y not give them the resources they need to see that only a theistic worldview can provide a basis for objective morality?
    I recognize that because Ken Ham's career has centered around YEC this may seem to be the central issue to him but I really think he misses the mark here. I agree that today we live in an Acts 17 culture but I think it has a lot more to do with skepticism about the Bible in general moreso than because of evolution.

    • @deepblue8081
      @deepblue8081 Рік тому

      Yes, the scientific evidence for the antiquity of the earth is irrefutable.
      No matter what people believe about evolution.

    • @DavidBreneisen
      @DavidBreneisen Рік тому +1

      I completely agree. Scientifically literate people are never going to come to faith through YEC and reading Genesis like it's a scientific textbook when that clearly isn't the genre makes no sense to me. It all seems more like a way to one-up other christians by supposedly taking the Bible more seriously.

    • @journeytrials
      @journeytrials Рік тому

      Your gen is lost, that’s the fault of older generations. But you can’t reason with a generation like gen z, they are too gone. They would kill Christian’s like the shooter for gay rights than be told anything.

    • @marylennon9159
      @marylennon9159 Рік тому

      I also watch Answer in Genesis and find it helps to put Ken's teaching more in a way that it can be used to broaden it out and use that version as a tool to witness.

    • @user-zr6pl6nb6z
      @user-zr6pl6nb6z 7 місяців тому

      If you don't believe the Genesis account, there's no way you can believe in Jesus Christ.

  • @hanichay1163
    @hanichay1163 Рік тому +18

    Exactly. I had to realize I was a lost lamb before I needed Jesus.

    • @goyablackolivesmatter179
      @goyablackolivesmatter179 Рік тому +1

      Yes, and people who deny that sin is real are not going to understand the gospel news.

  • @pinkpigletparker8703
    @pinkpigletparker8703 Рік тому +18

    As an American, I really enjoyed this. Now I understand what happened to the American culture. I wasn't seeing the whole picture until now.

  • @AtamMardes
    @AtamMardes 8 місяців тому +3

    "The best cure for Christianity is reading the Bible."
    Mark Twain

  • @fearthekilt
    @fearthekilt Рік тому +18

    I'm 47 years old and was raised Christian. I strayed away for many, many years. I have very recently taken Jesus Christ to be my Lord and savior. I am able to really understand the word of God for the first time in my life. There is only one way to salvation and everlasting life and that is through our Lord and savior Jesus Christ.

    • @kelcritcarroll
      @kelcritcarroll Рік тому

      Oh boy! I think Jesus was a wonderful man but I think he was like some others in the past Ghandi for instance may have been a guy people would have said was the son of god for instance.. if he was from that time I understand the need for hope and all but I don’t think it is truth…no way

    • @aigkenham
      @aigkenham  Рік тому +1


  • @trukeesey8715
    @trukeesey8715 Рік тому +8

    "Church" is not a building, it is the folks of a gathering.

    • @-living4jesus4ever-
      @-living4jesus4ever- Рік тому

      It can be hard to find a verse by verse Bible teaching church but faithful pursuit is worth it as the Lord LOVES the faithful, God honoring churches so much that He calls them His bride. Can you imagine how dark our world would be if everyone stayed home and worldwide everyone quit meeting together for exhortation and encouragement?? If we quit on the church because some are imperfect that’s like quitting on marriage because some people divorce. There are 4 Types of “Churches.” *Note- #1&4 are NOT real churches! 😂😅
      1-Complicit, confirms to the world’s woke leftists standards.
      2-Complacent, passively takes no stand to appease the audience.
      3-Courageous, stands for Biblical truth no matter what.
      And of course, living a life of authentic, vibrant faith in community isn’t watching a screen at home with your comfies & coffee. 😂 So you could make a fourth and say…
      4-Comfies w/Coffees
      Keep looking, they’re out there! It took us 9 months of faithfully pursuing local churches. We’d listen online to to preview various ones during the week days and then on Sundays we’d visit ones that would actually teach verse by verse that we heard during the week. We have four kids all under nine, and it was a fabulous experience for us all to see various churches and cultures, and the Lord was faithful and honored our desire to pursue a church community faithfully. Calvary chapel often has verse by verse Bible focused churches if you look up “Calvary chapel.” Heb 10:25
      Do not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another-and all the more as you see the Day approaching.

  • @JasonWood100
    @JasonWood100 Рік тому +4

    I'm an atheist watching and it's quite interesting to hear your point of view. I used to be a christian and the reason I stopped believing was because I realized whenever I would disregard a piece of interesting research in favor of my christian world view, I realized I had to make more assumptions and conjecture. This to me made it a less credible world view. I'm not claiming to know everything but the christian worldview no longer aligns with reality the best to me anymore.

    • @dapperg9127
      @dapperg9127 Рік тому

      The Christian worldview is the only reliable evidence base reality. Atheist is based of fiction and need to have a Christian world view.

  • @alexbourdeau4438
    @alexbourdeau4438 8 місяців тому +3

    Yep, the Internet has made it abundantly clear to normal, rational people that we are all pretty much the same - regardless of where we were born. And where we were born nearly always determines the religious tradition we will adopt. If Ken Ham had been born in Pakistan, he'd be beating the Koran, not the Bible. And he'd still be wrong about nearly everything!

  • @franciscosfinewoodworking363
    @franciscosfinewoodworking363 Рік тому +15

    This was excellent, I have increasingly struggled with the desire to attend certain churches, due to a lack of conviction and deep teaching. It is hard to fine purpose in attending churches that do not keep with the word of God. I believe alot of people are leaving their churches but not necessary their faith.

    • @KimtheElder
      @KimtheElder Рік тому +2

      I completely agree. It ends up being a social gathering where no one's really talking about Jesus and dear Lord, don't talk about the Old Testament. when we've had major catastrophes and gone to church, and it's not even to be prayed for or reached out to, I knew it was not a congregation for me. or maybe I should've stayed trying to be a light. But I need to be filled too

    • @scottfw7169
      @scottfw7169 Рік тому +1

      @@KimtheElder Yep, that social gathering thing was noticed as far back as the mid 1970s in a few churches my parents tried after the Navy transferred Dad to a new community. If a school age child can see that a particular church is merely a social club ...

  • @johnnelligan7093
    @johnnelligan7093 Рік тому +16

    Ken Ham, God bless you
    Keep doing the works the Lord gave you!

  • @harleygirl4life6
    @harleygirl4life6 Рік тому +72

    I’m so blessed my kids who are 32 & 35 are active in their faith & love of God. They study the Bible even my daughter who got a masters degree fought in college to defend her faith with others & I did teach them Genesis & we would read scripture & I would answer their questions they Both waited for marriage & are so glad they did. They know all Gods laws are for their own good to protect them. Now I have my first grandchild & I read children Bible lessons ( age appropriate ) to him & I will help guide him too until God calls me home. God is SO faithful both my kids say they can’t understand how ANYONE makes it through this life with out faith in the One true God With redemption in the blood of his son Jesus Christ our savior.

    • @beautifulllstars
      @beautifulllstars Рік тому +6

      It's great to see your comments! I'm currently pursuing my master's and am also waiting for marriage. Your words give me hope. ❤

    • @abdiqanihashi484
      @abdiqanihashi484 Рік тому +1

      I'm glad to hear this as a Muslim.

    • @julietreagus7043
      @julietreagus7043 Рік тому +1

      Beautiful blessings

    • @martinoluoch8526
      @martinoluoch8526 Рік тому +2

      You're a blessed woman and your generation shall forever be blessed. I admire your Faith in God

    • @psalm2764
      @psalm2764 Рік тому

      Mankind has been conditioned to believe what his eyes cannot see, his ears cannot hear. That is the sad truth. Christians have always been persecuted for their faith, and laughed at. Consider the book of martyrs by Foxe or Martyrdom by Thieleman van Braght.

  • @gemguy6812
    @gemguy6812 Рік тому +3

    Teach your kids apologetics and polemics, if they know why they believe what they believe they are armed.
    My sons hand was up almost constantly in his science class challenging his naturalist teachers belief in evolution.
    His young peers took notice!

  • @paulgoodner5125
    @paulgoodner5125 11 місяців тому +2

    As a missionary I completely agree with Ken. One of the biggest problems in ministry is people are introducing The New Testament concept of the Gospel prior to explaining the human issue of sin and rebellion of men to God. You can not introduce the Gospel until a person understands our sinful human nature that is indeed rebellious against God and his Word that is explained in the Old Testament. Did you know God displays his grace and mercy in the Old Testament to rebellious mankind? That is paramount to explaining the entire process of God's lovingkindness to his creation. Why do you think that we learned the Old Testament stories of Moses, Daniel and Jonah when we were children? Only when a person understands their sinful nature, that is completely corrupt and hopeless, will they ever understand God wonderful provision of Christ and his death, burial and resurrection for their salvation and forgiveness of sins.

  • @chefdave6596
    @chefdave6596 Рік тому +26

    Ƙen is speaking facts. As a chef I've had to train and work side by side tail end of millennial and Gen z. I soon figured out they are very bright and empathetic. They need things explained in detail almost over explaining. They demand respect, some unwarranted. But nonetheless I found when you met this criteria and created a positive environment, I'd get the best end results. It's a different approach then what we were brought up with. I'm tail end of Gen x. They like detail. They want to know why, how and who.

  • @chadkeil3952
    @chadkeil3952 Рік тому +49

    Do churches really reject Genesis? Wow. All the Bible is God's word.

    • @tory5325
      @tory5325 Рік тому +4

      Yes . Unbelievable. Small town Iowa.

    • @GodHelpUsNow777
      @GodHelpUsNow777 Рік тому

      I'm only 33 yrs old an seen all this..!!
      I've seen 2 people RAISE from the dead after prayer in Jesus name! the 1st one was a electrocuted utility worker that fell out the sky bucket.. the 2nd was my own mom ! God showed me all this cuz he knew I'd tell !! I've seen someone go into the ER their whole right side was totally paralyzed she couldn't sit up or move at all!! the Dr did mri the Dr told her she had 2 blood clots in her brain and 2 clots in her stomach !! The Dr told us the bad news then he said that I should make arrangements with a nursing home !!!! I told him no.. !!!! I've never felt so desperate in my life!!!! I looked at her.. I said listen.. IM GONNA PRAY FOR YOU AND YOU WILL BE HEALED! I PRAYED FOR HER QND I SAID God heal her now!! You said u wouldn't give us anything we can't handle!! IN Jesus name amen!!! I LOOKED DOWN TO PICK MY PHONE UP OFF THE CHAIR AND WHEN I GLANCED BACK UP I SAW HER SUTTING STRAIGHT UP!!!! I SAID YOUR SITTING UP!! SHE SAID HEYYYYY!!! I AM !!!!!! I RAN OUT TO GET THE DR.. THE DR WALKED IN THE ROOM NONCHALANTLY.. WHEN HE SAW WHAT I WAS WITNESSING HE SAID " this is impossible" and walked out backwards AND SHAKING HIS HEAD NO... he ordered another mri every clot was GONE !!.. that same Dr never returned to the room! My grandma had 3 different types of cancer at once in her body.. She got a call saying she was cancer free after prayer! I've seen STAGE 4 CANCER DISAPPEAR in Jesus name ! I've seen my 2 family members that was completely paralyzed walk !!! in Jesus name and they walked normally for the rest of their lives !!!
      I was baptized in the river in Jesus name and the holy spirit and I had a feeling that God wanted me to reach directly under my feet and grab a rock where I stood when I was being baptized.. and I pulled up the rock to look at it.. and it was a perfect fossil of a fish !!!! It had the eyes scales and all.. it's amazing that I was standing on top of a fossil rock fish while being baptized in water !!!! Absolutely amazing.. I'd love to show anyone if they wanted !
      This is the truth..
      aliens are demons..look up nephilim ! their the ones who built the prymids thats why they refuse to tell u how the pyramids was built! because if u knew the truth u would believe in Jesus! Fallen angel took alien knowledge from heaven to earth that's why u see alot of ancient technology artifacts on earth.. they were extremely smart.. brought amazing tech to earth.. the humans worshipped them as gods.. all the things u see around that's ancient formations around the world is made by fallen ones or the nephilim children..
      Jesus is coming fast!!! we don't have much time.. if u believe in Jesus u are born again.. the holy spirit will guide u and change u.. its a gift from God !!! in Jesus name !! What ever happens to not take a chip in ur brain or forehead.. DO not take a chip in ur arm or hand..!!! AND STAY AWAY FROM VEXEINNS they might be apart of the mark.. idk yet.. butthe vexeinns might be the number of his name.. the number of a man.. just be safe stop vexienns !!!!! and do not let any human or ALIEN=DEMON deceive you !!!! It is written biblically !! A time is coming very soon !!!
      WHEN YOU PRAY .. PRAY WITH KNOWING!!! PRAY WITH THE POWER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT BY KNOWING THAT YOUR PRAYER IS ANSWERED BECAUSE U BELIEVE AND GOD SAID HE WOULD DO IT !!!! AMEN !!! Love one another like Jesus said.. be aware of sin.. ask for God to send discernment and wisdom to you in the last days !! .

    • @Tessinentdecken
      @Tessinentdecken Рік тому +3

      Why do you call the Bible the Word of God?

    • @aigkenham
      @aigkenham  Рік тому +8


    • @dansaber4427
      @dansaber4427 Рік тому

      @@aigkenham you can be LGBT and Christian 👨‍❤️‍👨

  • @laurasmentek1395
    @laurasmentek1395 Рік тому +29

    Ken…back in the 90’s I lived in Vail, Colorado. I attended a conference you were a part of. It radically challenged my views at the time. I grew up in a Christian home. But… I was greatly influenced by the culture and science. When you began to teach on a young earth my mind was REALLY offended! I was believing the millions of years. I attended the entire conference. By the last day… you had won my heart. My mind was renewed and those strongholds were pulled down. We are now seeing the fruit of everything you were warning about 25 -30 years ago. I am grateful for your persistence. I am grateful that you offended my mind.

    • @wadecarter6318
      @wadecarter6318 Рік тому +4

      That's an awesome story!
      Oh, I wish more would take offense in the same way you did.

    • @nostalkingzone
      @nostalkingzone Рік тому +1

      What a beautiful testimony! May God bless you richly!
      I'm from near the tail end of the boomer generation; and although growing up our family (Protestant father and Catholic mother) never attended church, my father always communicated a respect for the Bible in our home. Even though he didn't know (or understand) very much of it during most of his adult life, his attitude alone spoke volumes to me! There was never a time that I ever felt the Bible contained fiction or falsehoods. I honestly just didn't understand how people could do that!
      After Dad experienced his heart attacks (I was about 16 at the time), he'd promised God that he'd get me into Sunday school and church. My attendance was a bit sporadic until about two years later, when I got saved through the ministry of a young woman in the CCF/Intervarsity group during a fall retreat at university (fortunately I never followed after those groups' liberal mindset).
      What was funny, though, is that my college friend (then in her mid-late 20's) gave me an RSV Bible (I'd already had a personal KJV at home, which I had read and took to church on occasion) to help me grow in my faith. A few weeks later, she asked me how I was coming along with my Bible study. I told her it was going well; but that I didn't understand Leviticus. Her advice? "Don't worry about that-just read the Gospel of John" (that's where my story relates to Ken's teachings here). I remember thinking (although I didn't think back then to ask out loud) why would someone read a book-*any* historical or narrative book--and start near the end? 😆(i.e., you begin at the beginning; get that Genesis 1 - 11 'foundation' Ken talks about here; and then the remainder makes much better sense). But I didn't realize any of that, then.Fortunately I had already read the four gospels along with some of the New Testament as a younger teenager-the Bible encyclopedia stories Dad had given me as a young child also helped-and so that didn't throw me off-kilter.
      My Dad, unfortunately at the time wasn't prepared for the level of zeal with which I'd thrown myself into my new found faith; and sided with my Catholic mother and her family in concluding that I was involved with a "cult". Those were some rough years. We argued about things such as holiday observances and politics (Dad being a lifelong, diehard Democrat) all through the mid-late 1980's. It was suggested that my Dad didn't really believe all the things he was so adamant about; and that he just liked to argue. It wasn't until after I'd tuned him out-not in faith, sadly, but frustration-and went in tears to his church's pastor (the church he attended occasionally by that time, at the encouragement of a friend), that a couple of elders went visiting my father one afternoon and led him safely to the Lord.
      I recount this because it was during that eighteen-month period (or maybe just prior to it)-between the time that my Dad got saved and the Lord had taken him home-that my Dad watched one of Ken Ham's earlier movies at a church meeting (I think it was back from when Ken was teaching biology classes). My dad's earlier indoctrination of old-earth geology's "millions of years" (mostly through PBS' "nature" programs he'd often watched) made him resistant to the message (just as Ken talks about here). I often wish he'd had more time to mature in his newly-committed faith before he'd passed on; but at least I am comforted by the fact that his faith was real (he'd witnessed to my aunt (his sister) shortly before his passing); and that we will one day be reunited in God's eternal Home. ✝📖♥

    • @kathykaura7219
      @kathykaura7219 15 днів тому

      Praise God!

  • @ryanbeard1119
    @ryanbeard1119 Рік тому +2

    Why is there a rainbow human symbol on the pulpet? Did Ken Cave in?

    • @anitar150
      @anitar150 Рік тому

      lol... the rainbow was hijacked by a certain group, and maybe he's trying to get it back...

  • @darin7369
    @darin7369 Рік тому +17

    Ken hit the nail on the head. The modern day church is all about entertainment and there is no real teaching going on there. When I was a kid there was a big emphasis on personal Bible study and pastors continually told the congregation to test his words against God's word. Now most pastors take the position "I'm the expert so just follow me and take my word for it." In other words, education has been replaced with indoctrination. The church has also become more liberal. There is no talk about sin; no talk about repentance; no talk about dying to yourself or taking up your cross. All they want to talk about is "grace". This is a systemic problem that has infiltrated every level of the (man made) church government. I personally believe that the only solution to this is for grassroots believers who are grounded in God's word (no college indoctrination needed) to take on the responsibility themselves. Start with a home church and see where it goes. I would also add that scripture charges parents with raising their children - not daycare centers, video games, secular movies and secular public schools. The church is supposed to be sanctified (separate from the world). While I don't agree with the Amish on everything, I believe that there is a lot we can learn from them.

    • @georgedavis1571
      @georgedavis1571 Рік тому

      I am curious that if you have children, did you do for them what you just espoused in your post? What you said is good, just wondering if you did it?

    • @TrustinGodaydays
      @TrustinGodaydays Рік тому

      @darin7369 - HI yes I totally agree with you there's been a graduation from believing and holding on to every wrd of the Bible- (Word of God) to let's focus on some of the Bible's teaching and avoid the rest . And take a look now how this is effectively undermining the Christian Churches every where evident in falling attendances.

    • @bruce8961
      @bruce8961 Рік тому

      Most Churches Today and The People in them are More Lost than The Lost and Believe They are Saved But Will Only Hear Depart from me You Workers of Iniquity . They are Headed to The Lake of Fire, Because They are few that Find The Narrow Road that Leads to Life

  • @Gfish17
    @Gfish17 11 місяців тому +3

    The Earth is Old, Gay people have human rights, Science is better for finding truth.

    • @us3rG
      @us3rG 4 місяці тому

      Science didn't say earth is old, scientists did, science proves single cell origin is impossible
      Gay is wrong

  • @DaughteroftheMostHighGod-h6c
    @DaughteroftheMostHighGod-h6c Рік тому +5

    Ken Ham speaks such simple truth. I’m learning to…”start in the beginning”.
    I have stopped saying “Bible stories” and have started Bible accounts. That is Holy Spirit directed.
    The Creation Museum is my favorite “attraction” (I’m sure there is a better word) in Greater Cincinnati. With The Ark Encounter a very close second. Such a powerful presence of the Holy Spirit at both places.

  • @tezz2698
    @tezz2698 Рік тому +2

    Because observation has consistently been destroying the Bible's legitimacy.

  • @beemer2869
    @beemer2869 Рік тому +38

    I live in England, and my Church's sermon and readings was on Genesis today. It is highly important, it is the Meaning of Life at it's bare roots, our Creator's creation. Our God is amazing. People need to be re educated, young and old alike, through Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour.
    Thank you for the interesting talk.
    God bless

    • @lawratify
      @lawratify Рік тому

      There is not a shred of evidence a god exists.
      Christianity is the biggest and most successful scam ever devised by some powerful men to
      1) Control the masses 2) Maintain their power and 3) Enrich themselves.

    • @djb5320
      @djb5320 Рік тому

      Michele, do you want your beliefs to be true? Have you ever reviewed your epistemology?

    • @beemer2869
      @beemer2869 Рік тому

      @@djb5320 I'm sorry, I'm not quite sure what you mean?

    • @djb5320
      @djb5320 Рік тому

      @@beemer2869 What methods do you use to determine what is true? Are they consistent for all claims which you accept?

    • @parabinda
      @parabinda Рік тому

      Please do a second reading of Genesis. You will find below truth:
      Genesis gives a clear picture of reality in theory, although the church does not speak about it as it will refute the substitutionary atonement theory.
      Read Genesis again and you will see how Genesis is talking about reincarnation.
      1) We saw in Genesis, Adam was given a dust body (and not a glorified imperishable body) which would return to dust
      2) So, this shows that Adam had fallen already from heaven and God simply brought him to Eden to banish him and Eve.
      3) The idea was to give a dust / material body to Adam and Eve so that by sexual union of them children will be born. And these children are the souls of other rebelling souls against God in heaven
      4) A little thought will confirm that God had planted the snake to cheat Adam and Eve and God knew that they will fall for the trick of being like God after eating the fruit. Why? Because Adam and Eve already desired to be like God in heaven.
      5) So, all souls we find on earth today, by above arguments were in front of God at some point of time long ago. And God simply facilitated a sexual union method of sending rebelling souls as children of human couples, so that He does not have to come to Eden every time and give a dust body to each rebelling soul.
      6) This is not your or my first life on earth, because we are so different. And we have made us what we are over life times and also in this life time through our - thought, speech and actions.

  • @icecoolguita
    @icecoolguita Рік тому +8

    This is completely true, I went to church for over 20 years believing I was saved. I knew in my head I was a sinner, but I didn't have the foundation I needed to TRULY understand. It was only until God led me to understand God's wrath and Holiness that the Gospel finally made sense to me-I eventually broke free from pornography because of having an actual relationship with Christ.
    I could finally understand what people were singing about "God's love", I could actually feel it.
    The younger generation does not have this foundation because of how messed up the world is. When we preach the gospel we need to be clear about sin-the wages of sin, the holiness and perfect justice of God. Then after they understand that, God's plan to save us/how Jesus sacrifice atones for the sins of those who believe in Him.

  • @horatiohornblower4123
    @horatiohornblower4123 Рік тому +357

    I’m an 11 year old Australian boy and my grandpa is a Canadian. We are both creationists and love listening to your work! You are right about evolution being taught everywhere even in Chinese at school the teacher is like, “Ok so you all know how we evolved from monkeys.” I don’t believe it, and to all the christians that believe in evolution, why did Jesus come? Why is there sin in this world if evolution is true? The bible doesn’t work without the story of Adam and Eve. Thanks Kem, my grandpa and I really enjoyed your talk.
    Edit: This comment was primarily to say I support ken hams work, I don’t what a war down in the comments. And I don’t want people telling me to change beliefs. Stop it.

    • @lilnoni671
      @lilnoni671 Рік тому +52

      The evolutionist have no answer for the question, "how come we still have monkeys and none ever turn to a person"? You are very wise young man. Stay close to Jesus.🙏💕

    • @horatiohornblower4123
      @horatiohornblower4123 Рік тому +15

      @@lilnoni671 I will! I just keep reminding myself that it’s not true. Thanks for your reply, god bless 🙏🙏

    • @darkshadow5035
      @darkshadow5035 Рік тому

      @@lilnoni671 that's not how evolution works at all lmao monkeys still around now aren't the same as they were millions of years ago. Every population goes through genetic mutations, which through competition and natural selection certain mutations will persist from generation to generation. We come from a a subpopulation within a subpopulation within a subpopulation and so on of monkeys that ended up being VERY desirable traits - namely our stamina and intellect capacity gave us a huge advantage, so that's why the human race is near 10 billion this day.
      Monkeys are still evolving even as we speak, but the process obviously is too slow for us to observe. Think about it on a micro scale: say you have a colony of cockroaches, and use a chemical that wipes out all the cockroaches except for a few - they had random genetics that allowed them to survive the chemical. These cockroaches then reproduce, and the new generation is more tolerant to this chemical. Over generations and generations, cockroaches that have mutations that give them closer to full immunity to the chemical will live longer and reproduce more, leading to a population of cockroaches that is genetically quite different than what we started with. Now repeat this for BILLIONS of years with very diverse environments, and you'll see some pretty incredible things. We actually have plenty of archaeological findings of these species - look at the sabretooth tiger for instance. Lots of cool stuff here.
      I encourage you to take some of your own time and really look into it, and be serious. If the bible truly is the book of truth, then it shouldn't matter anyway - let yourself look into it with an open mind.

    • @oxybenzol9254
      @oxybenzol9254 Рік тому +9

      How many people still believe in Zeus, Ra or Odin?

    • @horatiohornblower4123
      @horatiohornblower4123 Рік тому

      @@oxybenzol9254 about 100000-200000

  • @ManuelPinner
    @ManuelPinner Рік тому +2

    The consequence of generation z not being Rich, is because most of the congregation's today, has gone completely apostate!

  • @wjdyr6261
    @wjdyr6261 Рік тому +5

    They're leaving church because they're inundated with words and no Spirit. It's like building a wall without mortar or a house without nails

    • @E4439Qv5
      @E4439Qv5 Рік тому

      Interesting how that's reflected in modern construction practices, too. It's all drywall and screws.

  • @chockitkat3776
    @chockitkat3776 Рік тому +13

    My father is a different generation from me and back in their day it didn't matter which religion you stand, they would teach about Before Christ and After Death, and about Christianity even in secular schools. Its so sad that if you talk about religion nowadays people aren't even willing to discuss it and as a christian im afraid to be judged and abandoned for my belief. Thank you Ken Ham for the lesson 🙏

    • @josephlerz6889
      @josephlerz6889 Рік тому +1

      Remember the Bible says there's going to be times were you even will be against your family for your differences, but also that will only be a small flock of religious devoted people, My mother tells me not to act surprised that people are changing into secular atheist beliefs, The Bible also sais you have nothing in common with a believer and a un believer, I wanted to move to America for more religious fundamentalism but when looking at my generation and what's NOW it's not going to be a difference wither I stay home or live in the U.S.. I only have my mother as my religious buddy and want to avoid my generation socially

    • @Yamyatos
      @Yamyatos Рік тому

      "My father is a different generation from me". Tell me more xD

  • @lynghee159
    @lynghee159 Рік тому +13

    WORD!! My son (in his twenties) left his church after over a year of faithful attendence & fellowship. I've been at a loss to understand why until I heard your message today. Our young people are intelligent enough to understand the truth. Thank you sir!

    • @gailascari
      @gailascari Рік тому +6

      So he realized that the church had hollow teachings, contradict science and logic?

    • @waggyquack974
      @waggyquack974 Рік тому +2

      And the more educated they become , then more will desert the iron-age teachings of Ken and his ilk.

    • @debzest4life37
      @debzest4life37 Рік тому

      It is very tough as the universities are lying and teaching outdated untrue science with zeal and hatred to any that still believe in free speech....any are often mocked denigrated hated isolated and bullied and can fail for not fitting in....same in workplaces now....our young people need our support and we need to be on the uni front line ....Paul reasoned with people to influence them....and stopped heresies in the church...

    • @benyaeger4388
      @benyaeger4388 6 місяців тому

      Please explain how the Bible contradicts science.​@@gailascari

    • @GlynisWornham
      @GlynisWornham 5 місяців тому

      ​@@benyaeger4388talking Donkeys!!

  • @BeccaNiederkrom1
    @BeccaNiederkrom1 Рік тому +2

    I wonder if Gen Z looks at their parents and Churchianity and become puzzled by how they operate so well in the Babylonian world. They must get confused at what Christianity truly is. Their parents, grandparents (for the most part) serve the world, corporate jobs, 401K, consumerism, it just me so confusing on how to continue with the church. I hope Christians can find the narrow path, a simpler life of home school, home gardening, health sovereignty, right work, community and more

  • @ramonrendon2061
    @ramonrendon2061 Рік тому +24

    First time hearing Ken preach. I have to say, I’m very impressed how simple and clear it is. He has an anointing to preach and teach.

    • @brianperkins-lt1sn
      @brianperkins-lt1sn 11 місяців тому

      To think that God has a gender, is close to insanity. Home schooling with the Bible is abusive.

    • @marcelpenuelatraub2343
      @marcelpenuelatraub2343 11 місяців тому

      I happen to be a borderline Millenial/Gen Z autistic Briton. However I believe that only humans experience time in our way, so we can learn to love in a truly spiritual way. With a beginning (called birth, or creation), there always needs to be an ending- called death. There's no evidence that other living creatures experience time like us, so there's no evidence they're as spiritual as us. I believe that suffering originates from our experience of time.

  • @eminemstrash2021
    @eminemstrash2021 Рік тому +28

    "Man will no longer endure sound doctrine...."

    • @priscillajervey8345
      @priscillajervey8345 3 місяці тому

      You are absolutely right!!! Paul warned this centuries ago!

  • @j.bergland6887
    @j.bergland6887 Рік тому +9

    Thank you, Ken Ham. Hearing you share the truth is so refreshing ❤

  • @stephenberry8658
    @stephenberry8658 Рік тому +2

    The food chain was vegetarian before Adam sinned...???
    Vego T Rex.
    Vego sharks
    Vego lions, eagles, crocodiles..
    This is a bizzare denial of reality..

  • @MariAnKenobi
    @MariAnKenobi Рік тому +11

    I was born early 1980s-Xennial, technically. I went to church with Christian parents, went to Christian elementary and middle schools, Christian camp every summer, and Christian college. I can’t tell you how many of my friends and classmates with virtually identical experiences have either fallen away, converted to other religions, or gone so far as to become atheists.

    • @Zero20two
      @Zero20two Рік тому +3

      You should talk to those people. See what it is that made them leave.

    • @waggyquack974
      @waggyquack974 Рік тому

      Yes, Ken and his ilk have a lot to answer for!

    • @skylinefever
      @skylinefever Рік тому

      I'm one of those types. I just never could experience that stuff.

  • @chomnansaedan4788
    @chomnansaedan4788 Рік тому +5

    I have only heard the Good News in all of my Church sessions. This is the only Church I know of that teaches WHY you need salvation, not just that you need it.

  • @Gud2B_Blessed
    @Gud2B_Blessed Рік тому +3

    My only child my son is a Z...21 and I Thank God Almighty that he has the mind and heart of an Gen X and Baby boomer. Hes an old soul and has been seeded from the womb with the Word of the Lord. Never pushed "church". Took him as a child but allowed him to choose as he got older. However, even if he didnot want to go to church...my house was the church. My church lead the example. The Word was always present in my house. I also kept him from having a phone until 10th grade. And even then I didnt want to buy him one then. I monitored as best I could and stood firm on Gods expectations and mine as his mother. I lead by example in my Chrisitian walk but I did not force it. And he embraced on his own. 🙌🙏 Completely rejects this new generation. Loves Lord, recently baptised, and now praying for him to recieve the Holy Spirit. He living his life wanting the Father and his parents to be proud of his lifes choices, governed by the Word and Wisdom. Hallelujah.

    • @marylennon9159
      @marylennon9159 Рік тому +1

      So agree with all you are saying and may God bless you greatly for being such a great example and mentor to your son.

    • @Gud2B_Blessed
      @Gud2B_Blessed Рік тому +1

      @@marylennon9159 Bless your heart and May the Lord Keep you and your as well. To GOD BE ALL THE GLORY💕🙏🩸NOTHING BUT THE BLOOD OF JESUS.

    • @user-zr6pl6nb6z
      @user-zr6pl6nb6z 7 місяців тому

      An "old soul"??

  • @hologramhouse729
    @hologramhouse729 Рік тому +2

    It's not greatest gen. Its GRASSHOPPER (AS IN PLAGUE OF LOCUSTS) gen

  • @Alabastergirl
    @Alabastergirl Рік тому +9

    This was encouraging to listen to. It's so true. We have our marching orders.

  • @mruder8787
    @mruder8787 Рік тому +281

    As an older millennial who grew up in the church and public schools in America… I am so thankful for your explanation of the Bible. I have had questions and God lead me to Ken Ham recently and I couldn’t get enough of what I was hearing. I have been reading my Bible with better understanding. My mom always told me that God created the earth. No one in church ever explained it further than that and we go to school and learn about evolution. I always thought the earth was millions years old. I was trying to fit God in to evolution for many years! Thank God I now know the truth! I have three kids and I’m going to make sure they know to stand on the Bible.

    • @linak7155
      @linak7155 Рік тому +11

      Just a wonderful testimony about a young man who has chosen to turn his face toward His light. May the God of heaven n earth be with you n family!

    • @nerdyali4154
      @nerdyali4154 Рік тому +9

      I'd get four or five bibles. You never know when your indoctrinated kids might need to reach a book on the non-fiction shelf.

    • @thesondownstudio8429
      @thesondownstudio8429 Рік тому +6

      Dr Chuck Missler on UA-cam and Dr Gene Kim on UA-cam

    • @xxsaruman82xx87
      @xxsaruman82xx87 Рік тому +11

      Indoctrination at its finest

    • @MckensyLong
      @MckensyLong Рік тому +7

      Mine was almost exactly the same, but it was Kent Hovind. I was thinking about what Ken was saying and its so true. I was born in 1985, so I'm the middle group, the first "greek-izing." Grew up in church, and walked away in college because of "greekizing" in school. I only found my way back because of the EXACT things Ken is talking about. Hovind had a series on all of these "anti-greek" points, dinosaurs, evolution, light from the sun, fossils, etc etc. All of the things I didnt really believe, but had to learn to pass in school.
      He's 100% accurate in his assessment. If it was not for Kent Hovind and his "anti-greek" teachings, I would still be lost.

  • @schrodinger7265
    @schrodinger7265 Рік тому +8

    I a young boy 15 was lost but Christ Jesus found me and I have this joy so deep just thinking about him and my Heavenly Father makes me smile there are none like him and none above him he is are one and only Holy great King praise be to the Lord❤ to those young believers like me don’t lose hope or your joy or even you faith cause we all Christians will unit against this evil not by are selves but with God and we must wear his Holy Armor to withstand the Evil of the day love be to all my brothers and sisters and many fathers and mothers amen❤!

    • @ggpmf
      @ggpmf Рік тому

      This is wonderful ...keep i n the Word

  • @stephenberry1205
    @stephenberry1205 Рік тому +2

    It is not an atheistic generation.
    It is an informed generation that don't believe in Blind Faith...
    The Evidence is their authority....

  • @shouftas
    @shouftas Рік тому +4

    Before i was 12 I did not believe or care about the Christian life until one day the switch just changed. What changed it was going to Christian camp and seeing people my own age around me believing and acting out their faith. There are some good points here. From those seeking God from an intellectual angle it could be helpful to know to start from the beginning of the Bible. It totally makes sense that people have to know that they are lost in order to seek to be found.

  • @pedroviaud2633
    @pedroviaud2633 Рік тому +7

    Were I live, in El Salvador, people go to Church regularly and you can listen to christian music in public places, squares, busses and people are happy to hear the Gospel when you talk to them, seems to be that it’s in the English speaking countries, there is a problem

    • @spiritofdixie2389
      @spiritofdixie2389 Рік тому

      El Salvador is most likely an Acts 2 culture or thereabouts.

  • @AJTramberg
    @AJTramberg Рік тому +6

    I think one of the biggest reasons young people leave the church is because they were never truly converted in the first place. They never received the Spirit. Few churches teach repentance, and walking in holiness anymore. Most kids I believe get a watered down gospel, and they "walk away" because they've been taught 1) Asking Jesus into your heart by reciting some words saves you. 2) After you've done that, repentance isnt necessary, you have your heavenly passport, and can never lose it.
    Missing some mysterious "rewards" is the cost of living like a heathen. Easy choice for most. They'll take promiscuity, drunkeness, and debauchery. There is no chirch discipline. We GIVE young people licenses to sin.
    If you live in sin, AND inherit heaven, who wouldnt do that? Adults lead an antinomian lifestyle everyday, so why wouldnt teens who want to experiement with new adult freedoms?
    Its why I walked away at 16, and didnt return for 30 years after discovering the true gospel, and the doctrine of repentance. I was 46 before I finally was baptized of my own cognizance, TURNED FROM SIN, and experienced the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.
    Ken isnt wrong, but I dont think its the deepest root of the problem. Why? Because scientific facts alone are not enough to change a heart of stone. We need a heart of flesh.

    • @joyceburns2613
      @joyceburns2613 Рік тому

      I'm thankful you found the path, so very many will never find it. I recall the Bible telling us though, in Proverbs 22:6, train a child up in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it. Parents are adjured by God to teach their children about Him

    • @joyceburns2613
      @joyceburns2613 Рік тому +1

      I believe Jesus needs to be taught in the home first

    • @AnonymousC-lm6tc
      @AnonymousC-lm6tc Рік тому +1

      No True Scotsman logical fallacy.

  • @dreamwriter3792
    @dreamwriter3792 6 місяців тому +2

    Bruh, they dont know genesis??? Their going to walk circles around you.

  • @pieterheyneke7824
    @pieterheyneke7824 Рік тому +5

    Millennial here. Grew up in the evangelical sect of Christianity. During the 80s and 90s, only fire and brimstone were preached. As a kid, I had apocalypse themed nightmare upon nightmare. Renounced Christianity at 13 years, but forced to go to church until 18. Haven't set a foot in the church ever since. In the 2000s, my parents started telling me that God is now a God of love. I studied marketing and realized the church changed their tune from guilt/hate/fire and brimstone driven sermons in the 80s and 90s to love/inclusion sermon till present. Being in marketing, the Church had to change their message because they were losing people, because one can only carry so much guilt. Why would someone re-enter a place when you've been burnt already?

    • @-living4jesus4ever-
      @-living4jesus4ever- Рік тому +2

      It can be hard to find a verse by verse Bible teaching church but faithful pursuit is worth it as the Lord LOVES the faithful, God honoring churches so much that He calls them His bride. Can you imagine how dark our world would be if everyone stayed home and worldwide everyone quit meeting together for exhortation and encouragement?? If we quit on the church because some are imperfect that’s like quitting on marriage because some people divorce. There are 4 Types of “Churches.” *Note- #1&4 are NOT real churches! 😂😅
      1-Complicit, confirms to the world’s woke leftists standards.
      2-Complacent, passively takes no stand to appease the audience.
      3-Courageous, stands for Biblical truth no matter what.
      And of course, living a life of authentic, vibrant faith in community isn’t watching a screen at home with your comfies & coffee. 😂 So you could make a fourth and say…
      4-Comfies w/Coffees
      Keep looking, they’re out there! It took us 9 months of faithfully pursuing local churches. We’d listen online to to preview various ones during the week days and then on Sundays we’d visit ones that would actually teach verse by verse that we heard during the week. We have four kids all under nine, and it was a fabulous experience for us all to see various churches and cultures, and the Lord was faithful and honored our desire to pursue a church community faithfully. Calvary chapel often has verse by verse Bible focused churches if you look up “Calvary chapel.” Heb 10:25
      Do not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another-and all the more as you see the Day approaching.

  • @christopherclanton5961
    @christopherclanton5961 Рік тому +18

    Amen brother preach it! I am a millenial and i work with a lot of gen x and that is exactly the issue i have run into for years. I find that gen x r very interested in the truth and they feel lost and uncertain about everything. We need more pastors stepping up. God bless you and your minestry

    • @georgewagner7787
      @georgewagner7787 Рік тому

      C s Lewis had an article about how young people at his time didn't believe not for a reason but bc they weren't taught

    • @saraz9017
      @saraz9017 Рік тому +1

      I am a millennial and also have observed the same in the gen x. How interesting.

    • @lawratify
      @lawratify Рік тому

      There is not a shred of evidence a god exists.
      Christianity is the biggest and most successful scam ever devised by some powerful men to
      1) Control the masses 2) Maintain their power and 3) Enrich themselves.

    • @illbeyourmonster5752
      @illbeyourmonster5752 Рік тому +1

      As a member of Gen X, our problem with the church came from the over-the-top hypocrisy we saw when we went to church as kids. We could not stand it and millions of us chose to go a different direction with our lives.
      It's not that we don't believe in God and Jesus Christ, we do. but we are half lost and still very much extremely distrusting of what we are told God wants for us because what we are told he wants for us and what we see in our own lives are drastically different realities and the reality we have to operate in is so full of hypocrisy and worse it makes us sick.

    • @christopherclanton5961
      @christopherclanton5961 Рік тому +1

      @@illbeyourmonster5752 I do not see you as a monster nor do i disagree with you. Dont trust man trust God's testemony found in his word. That is part of the larger issue which ken is adressing. What ken is speaking about is just one aspect where men have perverted somthing by not keeping to what was written. But as you rightly pointed out that is not the only issue and there are many who know and are trying to change that. Just know that not all christians are the same, but all men can and will be hypocritical that's part of man's nature in our fallen state. Hiding our faults and sins always leads to issues. We are told to live honestly worts and all. Thankfully the truth about christianity does not lie or rely on those who call themselves christians but in Jesus Christ. Believe me, Jesus judges us, and is judging his church, because of our many sins. Yet that does not mean we give up, rather we admit our faults confess it and trun from it. Our sin is/was comitted before the world so our repentance should likewise be open and before the world. He calls us to repent and live in truth and rightiousness found in him and his true faith given by his spirit, this happens by the preaching of the word and not mans religion, nor in false religion and dead works...i can feel the pain you are in I was there once i hated religion and wanted nothing to do with the hypocrisy but then i realized that wasnt true religion at all. When i read the word i realized everything i assumed was "christianity" was not what it really was nor was what i had experienced what the faith is all about...anyway i know my simple reply might mean little, but i will say on behalf of those who call themselves christians who have done so much damage i am truely sorry. I can either be part of the issue or part of the solution, and i strive to be a solution. Yet i admit freely that Christ came to save sinners of whom i am chief and all men need that truth, not the religious clubs that call themselves churches and act like elite social clubs, but they need christ and his new birth not a religon that puts new clothes on the outside of a person but inwardly they are the most wicked of people...i pray God will be with you and show you the truth of who he really is, and not what man has made him out to be.

  • @lindapreston9117
    @lindapreston9117 Рік тому +7

    The saddest thing I saw introduced to the young people in the church was they started youth ministry and youth pastors and separated this from the main Church, but they only taught on the basis of their youth. The youth pastors were not using the wisdom of scripture. Rick Warren had the idea of gather the youth and feed them according to their likes and dislikes, and for sure entertain them. Now we have definitely lost as he is saying the biblical attitude in the youth.

  • @stephenberry8658
    @stephenberry8658 Рік тому +2

    When you were teaching Aboriginal kids as First Nations youth did you till then they are descended from Noah???
    Did you invalidate their 50,000 years of culture??

  • @ZombieXee
    @ZombieXee Рік тому +12

    It's pretty amazing how the flood organized the fossils. You have mammals in certain layers closer to the top and the dinosaurs are always found in deeper layers. You never find a bunny in the Jurassic period. Typically, during catastrophic floods everything is mixed together. Noah's flood was the only one that made strata and layers. Certain fossils are found in some layers but not others. Strange huh. Noah's flood was certainly different. It was able to sort all those fossils into different categories.

    • @Yamyatos
      @Yamyatos Рік тому +3

      It was supposed to make it look like the earth is actually old. I bet that's Satans fault, to sow doubt!
      What does it say about a god who is constantly having his clear messages ruined by the bad guy tho..

    • @Yamyatos
      @Yamyatos Рік тому +1

      @@theunknowngamer5477 Why do christians always feel persecuted tho?

    • @curious968
      @curious968 11 місяців тому +1

      @@Yamyatos So, Satan is more powerful than God then? I hear this line a lot and it really doesn't satisfy. . .believers. It doesn't satisfy Creationists, either.
      A God that isn't responsible for everything isn't God. Satan doesn't get God off the hook, because God created Satan and God lets Satan continue to exist.
      So, if the universe lies to us, if that's your explanation, those lies are on God.
      Unless, in the end, you believe your God to be less than what is claimed -- that God is no better than Zeus or Odin.

    • @Yamyatos
      @Yamyatos 11 місяців тому +2

      @@curious968 "So, if the universe lies to us [..] those lies are on God." - exactly my point. Everything points towards an old universe, old planet, no flood, evolution, and so on. Any rational brain that cares about believing as many true things as possibly and as few false things as possible must reach these conclusions. Thus is somebody argues that a creator exists and the universe and planet are young, a global flood happened and whatnot, despite the evidence to the contrary, then this creator deliberately fooled us and thus cannot possibly punish us for falling for it (considering it would have created our brains too), while also claiming to be moral.

    • @ingus5552
      @ingus5552 11 місяців тому

      ​@@Yamyatos except nothing exploded and created everything. Information that is encoded and decoded was self created just in primordial soup against every laws of physics, information and chemistry. First star originated from other first star which originated from other first star etc. Evolution and old earth theory are illogical. My faith that most powerful and absolute Being - the God created this Universe is logical and sane.

  • @geraldfireman9970
    @geraldfireman9970 Рік тому +4

    I agree gen z is just not really into seeing people ‘perform’ in any aspect. We get enough from the govt and if it comes from a place that is supposed to enrich us spiritually, we are definitely turned off.

  • @leoncardinal2035
    @leoncardinal2035 Рік тому +5

    Thank you, Brother Ken Ham. Your message has altered frustrations in my understanding of what IS GOING ON IN THIS CRAZY WORLD. I will go again through Genenis 1- 11 and have a more tentative grasp for my approach to being born again. The Light has shone. Thank you.

  • @christopherjohnson188
    @christopherjohnson188 Рік тому +2

    People are leaving the Church in droves because the doctrine being taught by the existing ministry is a bunch of confused foolishness. No wonder the people are not flocking to the Church.... the shepherds are TERRIBLE !!! -across the board!

  • @shellyjensen609
    @shellyjensen609 Рік тому +4

    I’m a high school teacher, and I can confidently tell you that the youth are neither rational nor emotional: they are relational. If a young person today feels like you love them and want them to be part of your group, they will very likely believe what you teach them. It’s very important that you teach them the word in detail, but the time for that is after you have brought them into your family. If a person is dying of hunger, and you offer them a house, they will reject your offer because what they need is food. Once they are fed, they will be excited about the house. Young people today are starving for a family that loves them. Half the churches in America try to entertain young people and give them an emotional experience. The other half try to teach them truth and reach them through their minds. But very few actually invite young people into anything that remotely looks like family (probably because it means a huge sacrifice on the part of the whole church). They are starving for family. If you make kids a part of your family, they will believe what you tell them, and then it becomes very, very important what you teach. But if they don’t feel like they are really a part of your family, they won’t care how much truth (or emotionalism) you throw at them. Unfortunately, often our own children feel alienated from their parents, and if they don’t feel like they belong, no amount of truth will keep them there. They will find someplace to belong, no matter how bizarre and irrational that place might be. That’s why today’s politics are called “identity politics”: they get their beliefs from your identity, and no amount of logic or truth will talk them out of it.

  • @tadpolesoup
    @tadpolesoup Рік тому +9

    Awesome message! Sad to see so much social gospel in churches instead of foundational biblical gospel.

  • @MaryAnn_Pimentel
    @MaryAnn_Pimentel Рік тому +30

    As someone who is in Gen Z I 100% approve this message…the world doesn’t want stories THEY WANT FACTS…. Apologetics is the way to go!

    • @snaptrap5558
      @snaptrap5558 Рік тому

      The older generation didn't get taught why things were true. They also didn't get taught to think critically. That's probably why we have so many Flat Earth Boomers

    • @ZRBx4
      @ZRBx4 Рік тому

      The Bible is not a factual work of literature.

  • @snaptrap5558
    @snaptrap5558 Рік тому +2

    12:00 "When I grew up in Texas, the schools were required to read the Bible in class"
    "So they violated the First Amendment?

  • @megmorrill9600
    @megmorrill9600 Рік тому +61

    My goodness, Ken your dynamic presentation captures so accurately the parallel world in which the different generations live in! You absolutely "nailed it"! Indeed a generation that's no longer anchored in the "full council of God" , starting from the very beginning, is a generation suspended in thin air and left at the mercy of all the so rapidly drifting currents. The reformation must absolutely start in the family, then reinforced in the Church so that when our kids go out there in the world, they could engage their peers reasonably and effectively! May God bless your ministry as it's becoming ever more relevant within our present culture!

    • @MckensyLong
      @MckensyLong Рік тому


    • @lawratify
      @lawratify Рік тому

      There is not a shred of evidence a god exists.
      Christianity is the biggest and most successful scam ever devised by some powerful men to
      1) Control the masses 2) Maintain their power and 3) Enrich themselves.

    • @megmorrill9600
      @megmorrill9600 Рік тому

      @@lawratify What explanation do you have for the existence of space, time and matter? Moreover how can you explain the super complex structures exiting and their extreme fine-tuning? There has to be a 1st cause!

    • @Luxamor-8
      @Luxamor-8 Рік тому

      You fear that the mass free flowing of information age is shining a light on the pharisaic controlling spirit in sect-arian principalities, religion is just one of them. Like roaches in the light they run around and seek new cover again.

    • @MckensyLong
      @MckensyLong Рік тому

      @@Luxamor-8 i don't think so. It's the free flow of lies that seems to bother them.

  • @montyklaus7223
    @montyklaus7223 Рік тому +4

    The falling away is biblical and strong delusions will also be biblical

  • @fishosoficaldebaitsphiloso7760

    Eastern Orthodox does not have this probables. They keep the focus on repentance, our depravity and the need for Christ. The early church understood all of this, partly from their Jewish heritage. Orthodox has not strayed from this important backdrop to Christ arrival.

  • @mbooks5777
    @mbooks5777 Рік тому +2

    Lol it's not "theology" in the modern music it's SELFology

  • @sashtilalbachan4552
    @sashtilalbachan4552 Рік тому +8

    Oh this is an awesome radical idea! The Child Evangelism Fellowship teaches the gospel with that method. They preach in one lesson from Adam and Eve to Revelation to children. It is awesome! Children need to see the whole picture!

  • @MegUSN52
    @MegUSN52 Рік тому +17

    I am Gen X. My adoptive parents are part of the Boomer Generation. My adoptive parents went to church with us as kids, but stopped going by time I was in middle school though they still made us attend. By time I graduated high school they had stopped going altogether. My adoptive mom has started going back to church now that us kids are all adults. My adoptive father has not. I grew up So. Baptist where fire and brimstone was very much taught. In fact, I would say it was taught more than God's grace, love, and mercy. And I still struggle with seeing God as loving even as an adult because of how I was raised both in the church and with my sexually abusive adoptive parents. I have wanted to get back into church today because I have been struggling with unbelief and doubts (ultimately, I believe 100% in God and Jesus as my Lord and Savior, yet I still live in my willingness to sin). But, I have had a lot of issues with finding a church home here in Washington State. The churches are either too accepting of sin (heterosexual and homosexual), the music is too loud and too performance-based so much so that I feel like I'm at a mini-concert, and no apologetics is actually taught, and there is just so much finger pointing even within dominations...calling out wolves in sheep's clothing/false prophets seems to be quite the thing to do on UA-cam these days. So it's been so hard to find a church home that is a good healthy balance of consequences of sin, but also teaching us about God's love, grace, and mercy. I also miss churches that sing out of hymnals, as well, as a mix of contemporary Christian and Gospel. Everything is too happy, feel-good, and me-centered even within the church. I feel that Christians are the ones that hurt Christianity. There is a reason that Christianity is a million, even billion dollar industry today and I really don't believe money was what Jesus and his disciples were all about. Anyway, it's just my two cents worth of unsolicited comment. I don't think the Westernized version of Christianity looks anything remotely like the early Christians, yet we think we have it right and everyone else has it wrong.

    • @perfectpeace352
      @perfectpeace352 Рік тому

      Thank you for sharing. I truly believe God is calling people out of the church business/consumer based Christian life. If you want to draw near to God learning through reading, fasting, and prayer is the best way. The holy Spirit is powerful and will lead you and fully heal you. I recommend Rabbi Baruch Korman and 119ministries. The life of following God in righteousness is a lonely road and getting to be more so but the rewards are infinite.

    • @curlygigi7736
      @curlygigi7736 Рік тому +1

      Hi Meg, if you can find one, I suggest checking out an Orthodox Church in your area. From your description, I think it would align more with your views and it’s the religion that is passed down from the apostles. I pray God will guide you in the right direction 🤍

    • @jdwagman
      @jdwagman Рік тому

      But if your eyes only see the darkness, then your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light within you is darkness, how great is that darkness!"
      If you are seeking the true God then look within yourself first. First learn to let the light within you shine. Only then can you put that light on the lamp stand.
      "“I will put my law in their minds
      and write it on their hearts.
      I will be their God,
      and they will be my people."
      ~ Jeremiah 31:33
      May God's Love Smile Upon You Always

    • @anitaholst7671
      @anitaholst7671 Рік тому

      Keep looking. Also different services have different music (within same church)...

    • @marylennon9159
      @marylennon9159 Рік тому

      Hi Meg, Greetings all the way from Ireland and so agree with all the very valid remarks you are making about the so call Christian churches. In the days of Jesus and the early days of His church they met in each other's homes which I believe we should be doing in these days and sadly at the moment we know of no church or fellowship that we could with a good conscience be involved in but thanking God that by His Holy Spirit can now listen to both Ken Ham and also their other group Answers In Genesis as it wonderfully shows how we can with God's help use this as a new and Biblically correct way of witnessing thank God.

  • @urbanmobility9843
    @urbanmobility9843 Рік тому +11

    You can’t blame this generation really. This is the cause of poor parenting from earlier generations and we are starting to see the effects. The parents of this generation emphasising on worldly success and money. Not only they have put aside religious teachings but of moral values as well.

    • @captivedesk3168
      @captivedesk3168 Рік тому +3

      Ham has 100 million in assets. You mean people like ham?

    • @mordaidustom1451
      @mordaidustom1451 Рік тому +1

      @@captivedesk3168 what's that thing Jesus says,
      "Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.”

  • @danpoi1319
    @danpoi1319 Рік тому +2

    Lack of deep teaching and boring worship and toxic people. For me

  • @boxerchick702
    @boxerchick702 Рік тому +14

    A millennial myself and friend to many a Gen Z, have been pushed away from the church because of all the judgement and condemnation received from members of the church. There’s so much drama in churches. They turn into a high school like competition with cliques and outcasts. It’s quite draining.

    • @andrealmoseley6575
      @andrealmoseley6575 Рік тому


    • @briansimon8969
      @briansimon8969 Рік тому

      So sorry this happened to you and is happening everywhere every day.
      The good news is this-The Church is not the people who just weekly go into a building called a church, professing they are Christians only outwardly, and not inwardly believing and following the teachings and God’s rules to live by. If they believed God’s words inwardly they would not treat you like this.
      The Church is the scattered people in the entire world who believe in their thoughts and show with their words and deeds they are following the truth and wisdom of God’s words.
      You will find the Church everywhere. You will know it when you meet them. Some congregate in church buildings, but many more do not.
      Don’t fret, you are part of the Church. Welcome.

    • @randallsanchez3161
      @randallsanchez3161 Рік тому

      Can you point me to ANY institution where there isn't any drama or judgement? People do this everywhere and religion is no exception. People will try to gatekeep cliques for their own social status and benefit. I've always found it incredibly odd that people do this at their work, hobbies, and other groups but single it out in religion as a reason for their leaving it.

    • @reintaler6355
      @reintaler6355 Рік тому

      @@randallsanchez3161 Other organizations don't have a high bar of morality set as their identity, so there's no expectation that these things shouldn't happen.

    • @888WulfDog888
      @888WulfDog888 Рік тому

      Find a better church.

  • @cherylgrieten7517
    @cherylgrieten7517 Рік тому +6

    Your Ministry & message has been THE most powerful encouragement in my Spiritual life and Walk, for the past 25+ years. Thank you.

  • @michelelindseth8250
    @michelelindseth8250 Рік тому +22

    I no longer attend church at 75 age, but my years didn't stop me. I have multiple medical conditions that have made walking very difficult, made me legally blind, hard of hearing, and cognitively impaired. I was born 1947 so that makes me a boomer I guess. I love the Father, his Son Jesus and the Holy Spirit more than anyone else.
    I watch services on tv or this tablet definitely on Sunday, sometimes other days. I pray intercession
    and praise and love prayers. I have read the entire Bible over and over. I believe both the Apostles
    Creed and the Nicene Creed. Thank you for teaching what the world needs to hear. I do not trust the world, the flesh or the devil. But l do trust God Almighty and his Word.

    • @Call2TruthChannel
      @Call2TruthChannel Рік тому +1

      Please read the Quran. It teaches that God is a singular Creator being who created all things and sustains all things, and that He is qualified with all of the attributes of perfection. He has no partner and no son, and is the only one who is deserving of our worship. He has promised us never-ending bliss in the Garden if we believe in Him and act righteously. He has also warned us that if we worship someone other than Him, we will enter the Hellfire.
      I wish you all the best. May God guide us both to that which pleases our Creator.

    • @Trajacker
      @Trajacker Рік тому

      @@Call2TruthChannel you dont even know if your going to heaven i do so lets so who will end up going

    • @Call2TruthChannel
      @Call2TruthChannel Рік тому

      @@benswank Jesus is a human being, not an omniscient perfectly loving God. However, he is certainly a Prophet of God, and he therefore loves what God loves and hates what God hates. If I happen to be worthy of God’s love, then Jesus will love me if he sees me. I personally pray that God will allow me to walk with Jesus when he comes back.

    • @Call2TruthChannel
      @Call2TruthChannel Рік тому

      @@benswank I appreciate your good intentions. I have a short animated video that is titled "Why is believing in a 'Son of God' blasphemy". Please see it. I hope it benefits you.

  • @dreamwriter3792
    @dreamwriter3792 6 місяців тому +2

    Gen Z is doing alright. They can make their own decisions and they have their reasons. I have hope in them unlike how people from past gen perceive them. They are openminded and encouraging, and loving individuals unlike the some other generations. Church has too much fear and contradictions. Theyve seen it. It just means the Church has to keep up with all the questions they have. If they dont? To the dust.