@@joker1502 another note is just brain when drunk thus no filters you will learn a LOT about ya self when drunk self is recorded. So some slightly useful learning goings too. Btw my original comment. Probably most likes I have ever seen.
Hi max. I’m back in the hospital due to a medical condition, but I know your videos will help out. Please keep making amazing content Edit: Thanks for all the comments, i’m doing better now and haven’t been back in a month. I genuinely appreciate it
I love the fact that you can tell that max is like just a little more drunk than the rest of them and it’s hilarious 😂 thank you max, this was so funny pls more
Answer to Doug: Yes! Literally Max hitting everyone he sees with the shovel and just hearing the screams is funny. But one other thing, what’s the chances of the party eggs blowing up from dropping it once, or is that even possible?
I believe they explode based on location not number of times dropped. (i.e. if you drop an egg and it explodes you can drop any more you find in the same spot and they will also explode)
It's probably better this way considering how drunk they were by the end of this, but there was no mention of them taking a drink whenever they got a D Grade despite it being one of the conditions for a group drink
These types of videos are always a treat. Watching yall be unhinged normally is great, but drunk Max and crew is a different breed. Hope yall are having a lovely Mother's Day!
I didn't know I would laugh so hard when you guys are drunk too Doug: I thought I was ready, I don't think I was prepared, but I'm all for it I hope everyone is happy, safe and healthy
being in and out of the hospital for the past couple months, you’re videos have really made me smile everyday, thank u for blessing us with drunk company LOL
29:32 "Woah, I voice a squid in Another Crab's Treasure!" I've been watching you guys play Lethal for at least a month now, and I've beaten ACT, and I NEVER connected that Seigi voiced Inkerton. WHAT.
Hi max! Ive been using this video to help me with my ptsd of alcohol and drinking. Exposure therapy with positive environment. You help a lot every time, especially the turret part. I take a shot/drink each time you do lol Anyway, vik out lol
max is the best UA-camr and the lethal company series is one of the funniest stuff I've ever seen Every day I always watch his videos and it brings a smile to my face all the timethe We love you mithzan!❤ (no homo tho)
Shy guy in the thumb nail is just staring at the drunk Player and Bracken just confused. The player probably saw it’s face but he’s so drunk that the shy guy isn’t even mad, just confused. 😂
I have a new game for Lethal Company. it's a turned-base game in which there is one shovel. 1. everyone takes turns hitting someone of their choice ONE TIME. 2. if someone dies whoever killed them must get hit by another player. if that person kills the person who killed the person. the same rule applies. 3. you don't want to kill anyone but you want to stay alive. 4. last person alive wins. FYI: I made this on the fly. so mithzan, if you need to change the rules a little bit, that's totally fine with me
On tonight’s show we have a special video to show you! Drunk company! (You won’t definitely wanna drink after this. We are not responsible for your actions, if you die you die! :D)
Well now we know when Max is drunk he teeters on being a violent drunk or is a total lush. 25:34 On a side note. I willing to bet they're all were super embarrassed when they review this video after they silvered up.
Funniest shit I've seen so far! They're even more unhinged than normal but my god that was hilarious😂 Max's villain arc at the end with his turret of wrath then dying to the fucking spider was GOLD
The way I’m already laughing my ass off in this video from them betting that oh I don’t think it’s fake and Pookie just comes up open the door and dies 9:22
Max finally has the villain arc he deserves. No hiding behind Control Company, just face-front open murder
Drunk-X33n and Drunk-Dare are so unhinged and I love it.
just everyone drunk is FUNNY AS HELL because everything just goes unhindged. no filters
@@lechking941 Agreed! 😂
@@joker1502 another note is just brain when drunk thus no filters you will learn a LOT about ya self when drunk self is recorded. So some slightly useful learning goings too. Btw my original comment. Probably most likes I have ever seen.
Max's evil laugh while he's drunk is fucking great 😂😂😂
It really is😂😂
Especially during the turret incident towards the end. That fucking cackle was great
@@OmegaQuinn Exactly 😂😂
The kid named great: 😳
Max: Confesses love to JP
Also Max: Helps murder JP not five minutes later
He’s a Tsundere 🤭
@@short.cl0wn this classified as yandere now
He's a Tsundere 🤭
Sounds about right 😂😂
49:36 “This is my turret. There are many like it, but this one is mine!”
Full Metal Jacket reference, nice
W reference; I LOVE Full Metal Jacket! By far one of the best military movies.
Hi max. I’m back in the hospital due to a medical condition, but I know your videos will help out. Please keep making amazing content
Edit: Thanks for all the comments, i’m doing better now and haven’t been back in a month. I genuinely appreciate it
Get better!
I hope you get better dude
hope u are okay and feel alright ^^ get better !!
Hope you get better soon!
I hope you get better
I love the fact that you can tell that max is like just a little more drunk than the rest of them and it’s hilarious 😂 thank you max, this was so funny pls more
The thing is, max doesn't seem that different when drunk. He can also hold his alcohol pretty well.
I love how chill tye Segway voice over is at the start....right before everyone goes bonkers 😂
I just subscribed, and i couldn't stop laughing at 30:45. bro masked himself and got his neck snapped he got killed twice 😂
Answer to Doug: Yes!
Literally Max hitting everyone he sees with the shovel and just hearing the screams is funny. But one other thing, what’s the chances of the party eggs blowing up from dropping it once, or is that even possible?
I believe they explode based on location not number of times dropped. (i.e. if you drop an egg and it explodes you can drop any more you find in the same spot and they will also explode)
Ya I just mostly been paying more attention to them throwing it many times and hearing it explode.
Plot twist: the Masked aren't dangerous, just drunk as heck and vomit on you when they catch you.
Damn thats some deadly vomit💀 what the hell did they drink or eat
Lot of tummy acid
@@Reaper_77-x4w acid
@@Reaper_77-x4w 4 liter shots of pure vodka.
Doug's answer: I am ready Doug. I hope they all have fun and enjoy themselves.
I am not
Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers! Keep up the amazing work Max & all your friends.
the sheer panic in pookies voice when he made that noise and the snorting fest of max afterwards at 19:16 is hilarious XD
i love that this episode is just the normal chaos times ten
Imagine if he had control company while doing drunk company. That would be chaos
@@ClassyYellow nooo not the lethal control with lethal amouts of condrtol
I love how Max,JP, and Pjonk were playing with the egg and all of a sudden a big egg appeared out of nowhere and Max picked it up 😂😂😂
It's probably better this way considering how drunk they were by the end of this, but there was no mention of them taking a drink whenever they got a D Grade despite it being one of the conditions for a group drink
I think they forgot to look at their scores entirely, haha.
i was looking for a comment bout it lol
15:30 „twat waffle“ 😂 I’ve never heard that one before
26:24 mimics-featuring x33n sh!ting his pants
55:54 battle royale in lethal company
I’ve heard twat waffle before.
Doug’s question of the day.
“Are you ready for some drunk lethal company?”
it's a good thing that someone commented it so know the question
@@Just_call_me_MENACE tbh i never pay attention/read it when its on screen
50:00 I love the moment where Max felt himself as crazy redneck and crazy rednecked all over the place
Easy to see that Dare becomes the "incoherent drunk" archetype with how wild her topic changes get when she's buzzed
If you think about it too hard then it seemed like they were dancing drunk for nearly 24 hours
Btw Happy Mother’s Day Max!
These types of videos are always a treat. Watching yall be unhinged normally is great, but drunk Max and crew is a different breed. Hope yall are having a lovely Mother's Day!
I didn't know I would laugh so hard when you guys are drunk too
Doug: I thought I was ready, I don't think I was prepared, but I'm all for it
I hope everyone is happy, safe and healthy
This is the most chaotic Lethal Company video I've ever seen... _please do it again!_
Me when beginning says “please drink responsibly” NUH UH
They got a d in the third round and they were so drunk that they didn’t realize they got a d for drunk. lol.
Technically, Max didn't kill anybody, he just hit a turret which made people die. Oh wait no he smacked Seigi with a shovel
Drunk Max is more of a menace than sober max and I love it
being in and out of the hospital for the past couple months, you’re videos have really made me smile everyday, thank u for blessing us with drunk company LOL
I don't know if I just have an unheard of low alcohol tolerance or just the autism but I feel like I got drunk just watching this.
same help
24:44 The way JP said Tsundere had me in tears
Max being drunk is funny as hell tbh
I think the next video should be "Hungover Company"
33:50 damn krista really need to put that label to pooki and jerry😂
I really love how the algorithm has picked up the lethal company videos, they're my favs ❤
I love watching max and his friends be even more unhinged every second
pooki soundin like hes smiling the whole time lol, he do be cute
19:30 “You making fun of my laugh because I’m a snorter??” -Max 2024 🤣❤️
49:56 Max looses it
oh god, imagine drunk control company, I'm just imaging max being too drunk and accidentally outing himself as controlling the monster somehow
Max is such a violent drunk, and it's hilarious 😂 😂
Edit: he's violent in games where there's no consequence. Violent drunks irl are NOT fun
uhhh, what?
bud that sounds wrong... please rephrase
@@Mithzan my bad, didn't process how wrong that sounded 😅
I know you meant like demoman tf2 drunk but the way you said it sounds like wife beater drunk
Im still trying to find out hows that spinds wrong
I like how 11 minutes and 35 seconds into the video, the dead crewmates already sound drunk out of their minds
My lungs hurt from laughing so much after his whole turret fiasco it started at this time 48:45
9:30 dude this killed me!🤣
i enjoy watching your content so much and i think a big reason why is because i can tell that you’re all having a good time
Omg I can’t imagine how Drunk Company would have been if the company car was added into the mix.
51:10 max:” I am a pure angle”😂😂😂
29:32 "Woah, I voice a squid in Another Crab's Treasure!"
I've been watching you guys play Lethal for at least a month now, and I've beaten ACT, and I NEVER connected that Seigi voiced Inkerton. WHAT.
24:30 max love confession
And enter:
44:13 max calling jp cute
45:35 max and segi telling jp what a tsundere means
The true max is revealed
Description:mass genocide with a turret
Also mentaly insane while drunk
19:21 I also laugh like this sometimes and its hilarious to others because they think im shitting myself to the brim from taco bell🤣
To say I was *cackling* throughout the entire video would be an understatement. The pure chaos that ensued was beautiful 😂
25:13 Jp descended to hell- 🤣
I just look back old videos and realize I have been watching your videos for 7 years
6:12 man's hammered
Watching this brings me so much joy but it overwhelms me from all the constant talking LOL
Alcohol poisoning: _lethal_ company edition
at 25:36 Pookie just saying stop so aggressively made my actually cackle LOL
Hi max!
Ive been using this video to help me with my ptsd of alcohol and drinking. Exposure therapy with positive environment. You help a lot every time, especially the turret part. I take a shot/drink each time you do lol
Anyway, vik out lol
max is the best UA-camr and the lethal company series is one of the funniest stuff I've ever seen
Every day I always watch his videos and it brings a smile to my face all the timethe
We love you mithzan!❤ (no homo tho)
Patty cake bee hive, X33n's surprise mimic moment, Max vs bracken and spider wow 😂😂😂😂 too much 👌🤟
Shy guy in the thumb nail is just staring at the drunk Player and Bracken just confused. The player probably saw it’s face but he’s so drunk that the shy guy isn’t even mad, just confused. 😂
I have a new game for Lethal Company. it's a turned-base game in which there is one shovel.
1. everyone takes turns hitting someone of their choice ONE TIME.
2. if someone dies whoever killed them must get hit by another player. if that person kills the person who killed the person. the same rule applies.
3. you don't want to kill anyone but you want to stay alive.
4. last person alive wins.
FYI: I made this on the fly. so mithzan, if you need to change the rules a little bit, that's totally fine with me
Doug’s Question: Yes! I am ready for the drunken shenanigans 😂😂😂
For anyone curious, the song they were singing was "The Witch Doctor" by "The Cartoons"
Drunk Company = Everybody-lost-their-mind Company
On tonight’s show we have a special video to show you! Drunk company! (You won’t definitely wanna drink after this. We are not responsible for your actions, if you die you die! :D)
Max: I love you JP
Also Max 2 seconds later: Assisting in the murder of JP
7:06 makes me happy for some reason-
Max sounded drunk before he even had a drink
26:24 X33N screaming got me rolling😂
50:00, Max losses it completely, too much power for a drunk man
I think this might be the first and last drunk company we'll be seeing. They never drank this much in goose goose duck.
Hi max I have been a fan for a while and I wanna say I appreciate you for making me laugh, smile, and be a lot less bored!!!!!
I already enjoy watching you Max, now knowing your drink of choice is crown royal makes me appreciate you even more lol
Yall should do one of these but one person stays sober XD
y'all i think (semi?)drunk max is fearless, he said hello to the doggy
Answer to Doug's question: So very ready, lol
Well now we know when Max is drunk he teeters on being a violent drunk or is a total lush. 25:34
On a side note. I willing to bet they're all were super embarrassed when they review this video after they silvered up.
Drunk Max: random singing and UwU's
You know mans is drunk when he drops a good ol C-bomb. (UA-cam doesn’t like that word. It’s fine to say on Twitch though!)
Man, the video just started and he sounds like he’s tasting colors and smelling sounds
Doug's question: im definitely ready!! There's are always so cayotic
Doug’s question: Born ready.
Max saying hsia Tsundere is BEAUTIFUL, couldnt stop laughing
Omg please do more of this, I laughed the entire time 😂😂
1:39 i'm already concerned i might not be able to handle this
My life is having 2 spring heads and a thumpetlr, bracken :l and begging the dudes to teleport me back
I think Max just likes being drunk
Bro this just makes me laugh😂just this whole video makes me laugh so hard I’m crying😭
Funniest shit I've seen so far! They're even more unhinged than normal but my god that was hilarious😂 Max's villain arc at the end with his turret of wrath then dying to the fucking spider was GOLD
Max making good use of his friendship with SeigiVA in this intro :P
in this one yo can tell the alcohal is kicking in
holy shit he even confessed he's a tsundere!
7 minutes in, and max is already extremely drunk
The way I’m already laughing my ass off in this video from them betting that oh I don’t think it’s fake and Pookie just comes up open the door and dies 9:22
I will never get enough of these dudes
I feel like everyone got drunk beforehand
40:25 the hand for the interact sign turns into a middle finger 🖕🏼 Hahahaha