Improvements God could have made on the Bible. Justin Porter ex jw

  • Опубліковано 16 тра 2024


  • @brettcarter6189
    @brettcarter6189 12 днів тому +1

    “Do not answer a fool according to his folly, Lest you also be like him. Answer a fool as his folly deserves, Lest he be wise in his own eyes.” - Proverbs 26:4-5

    • @justinporter458
      @justinporter458  5 днів тому

      Mathew 5:22 Whoever calls he,s brother a fool is liable for the fiery hell .

  • @bradwhitsitt5721
    @bradwhitsitt5721 13 днів тому +1

    If you don't believe God, nothing in the Bible makes sense. If I fall to my knees in humility before God, that is when I begin to understand.

  • @bvswasgood2981
    @bvswasgood2981 16 днів тому +3

    This was recommended to me randomly, but glad it was. Gave me a good chuckle! Nicely done Justin.

    • @justinporter458
      @justinporter458  16 днів тому +1

      Glad you enjoyed it!

    • @TboneWTF
      @TboneWTF 15 днів тому

      LOL. I always laugh at bablical fables.

  • @Tailwhip
    @Tailwhip 15 днів тому +3

    I don't even know what to say, my youtube feed has brought me to a bunch of people who need so much help that I don't even know what to do. The improvements are already in there, if you interpret the Bible in such a manner.
    Man has dominion of earth therefore they should take care of it. But your taking care of the earth should not turn into worship of the Earth itself.
    Not molesting children is inferred from other instructions where we are to care for them.
    The blood transfusion thing, we don't eat it but does that mean we can't have transfusions? The instruction they received in the New Testament concerning blood was in relation to pagan worship.
    God physically appearing to the people wouldn't get them to keep his instructions. The Israelites already showed that even if a people see the miracles of God in person they still end up going their own way.
    Our language on the moon? We can see the universe and we can see our DNA. That in itself is already more than plenty. Some will just choose to disobey because they want to do what they want. Or they don't think they need a savior, that their way of life is already good enough to earn them whatever the afterlife has to offer.
    “Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor, and do all your work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the LORD your God. On it you shall not do any work, you, or your son, or your daughter, your male servant, or your female servant, or your livestock, or the sojourner who is within your gates. *For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested on the seventh day. Therefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy.*
    (Exodus 20:8-11) A rejection of that is a rejection of God as the creator. It's similar to having a rainbow(the sign he gave Noah after the flood) flag as the symbol of something God called an abomination.
    The ice caps melting is not a problem. God said another "global flood" will not happen when he put the rainbow in the sky. Localized floods and disasters will occur.
    Yeah, Christian denominations are all over the place, but that's why you shouldn't base your life on them. You follow Jesus not them. Your at odds with "christians" not God. Always go back to what God said. Would Jesus approve of that other baptist pushing the other baptist off the bridge? You know he wouldn't. Your problem isn't with him. See men's traditions/teachings as just that "man's" tradition/teachings. Your objection now will be with the divine source of the Bible. Fine, go study where we got the Bible. Now, it's easy for people to kill for what they believe. But would thousands be martyred for Jesus if they thought the resurrection was fake?
    A deception is coming and is here, and you will fall for it if you don't know and obey his word. In school we were taught evolution but we were never taught that there are scientists who don't believe that. Actual scientists with degrees that say that the evidence points to a global flood occurring in the past. Are they telling kids in school that we have soft dinosaur tissue? How do they explain multi-strata trees in school?(strata that are supposedly separated by millions of years) You're realizing you've been lied to in the JW's but I tell you the lies don't stop there.

    • @TboneWTF
      @TboneWTF 15 днів тому +2

      LOL. You're right, people that believe the babel to be true do need help.

    • @Tailwhip
      @Tailwhip 14 днів тому

      @TboneWTF It doesn't worry you that we're close to civil and world war? Along with a global government that is predicted in the Bible? The deception will be strong, actually it already is. Listen to the Bible while you can. Once war or the economic crash happens, things are going to move fast. There'll be little time to study. Look for patterns and themes.

    • @douglascutler1037
      @douglascutler1037 14 днів тому

      Right, Bible very clearly condones and permits slavery. Especially, full-on property ownership for life plus ownership of any children for non-Hebrew slaves.
      You said: "The ice caps melting is not a problem. God said another "global flood" will not happen when he put the rainbow in the sky. Localized floods and disasters will occur."
      What if you get to heaven and it turns out man-made climate change was real after all and God calls you on it? Did he not command us to love one another? Seven million people die every year around the world from air pollution from gas cars. So many Christians don't even seem to notice. Maybe God will not be so pleased.

    • @justinporter458
      @justinporter458  5 днів тому

      Creation teaches us about intelligent design and the Bible teaches us God is a psychopath.......a Intelligent psychopath.

    • @Tailwhip
      @Tailwhip 5 днів тому +1

      @justinporter458 so you do believe he exists. If you really believe he's a psychopath, maybe you should get on his good side. Just to clarify, I'm speaking of the God who created everything not the one who we know as the serpent/devil.

  • @AOH2008
    @AOH2008 14 днів тому

    How specifically do you know those are improvements that are not in the Bible already? How do you know there's any way to improve the Bible at all?

  • @matthew8054
    @matthew8054 14 днів тому

    God is not our good old buddy. He won't say "G'day mate...", and as an Aussie, I don't expect Him to say that.

  • @PInk77W1
    @PInk77W1 16 днів тому +3

    If I was God
    It would be 72 degrees year round.
    It would never be windy
    It would never rain
    It would never b cloudy.
    Junk food wouldn’t make u fat

    • @0rangecray0n
      @0rangecray0n 15 днів тому

      Life needs discipline you can't bake a cake without working for it

    • @0rangecray0n
      @0rangecray0n 15 днів тому

      If you don't believe in God you must believe in science but clearly you don't understand how nature works and why we need rain it's quite funny actually

    • @0rangecray0n
      @0rangecray0n 15 днів тому

      From your same logic you would make fire not burn you and water would not drown you

    • @PInk77W1
      @PInk77W1 15 днів тому

      @@0rangecray0n my comment mite have went over your head

    • @justinporter458
      @justinporter458  15 днів тому

      72 Degrees is nice ,Moslems only get 72 virgin's, I,d convert for a 100 , I,d also want to look like Elvis or Paul McCartney so it would be paradise for my harem of a 100 but hell for me if they all looked like Quasimodo,s twin sister.

  • @justinporter458
    @justinporter458  4 дні тому

    The book of Jonah teaches us that storms at sea are caused by God ,that you don't need scuba gear to swin under water just jump into the stomach of a giant fish you should be good for 3 days ,God can't speak for himself and just hovers over the Middle East with his favourite race of people .

  • @buckleysangel7019
    @buckleysangel7019 13 днів тому +2

    I’m praying for you ❤

    • @hmgrraarrpffrzz9763
      @hmgrraarrpffrzz9763 13 днів тому

      If praying would work, why are about 5 million Christians dying each year of cancer?

    • @justinporter458
      @justinporter458  5 днів тому +1

      Nothing fails like prayer .

    • @buckleysangel7019
      @buckleysangel7019 5 днів тому

      @@justinporter458 I’m sorry that’s been your experience. That’s not my experience. I talk to God and my guardian angels all day. They help me do things that are way beyond my intellect in my job as an acupuncturist. You should seek out a relationship with God while you still can.

  • @elainegoad9777
    @elainegoad9777 14 днів тому +1

    Men wrote the Bible ( a lot of plagerism from ancient Sumerian clay tablets and ancient Egypt) not a "god".

    • @DominikKoppensteiner
      @DominikKoppensteiner 14 днів тому

      Or maybe the Sumerians copied the Bible story while it was still transmitted orally, and later it was written down by the Hebrews. I'm gonna trust the Book, that accurately tells me about the future multiple times.
      Have you ever heard of Josiah Litch? He predicted the Ottoman Empire's loss of power based on Bible prophecy. And that's just one of the cases, in which the Bible accurately predicts the future. But many churches don't want to know about certain other prophecies, because these prophecies are politically incorrect and may offend some people, especially many Christians.

  • @marcdc6809
    @marcdc6809 16 днів тому +2

    the Exodus was all made up, so the event where god would have given the commandments in writing to mister Mozes didn't happen.
    to me that's a serious issue they have, the stories before that are obviously just fairy tales, but that one should have been based on real events, my opinion...

    • @justinporter458
      @justinporter458  15 днів тому

      I agree with you Marc , God parting the Sea so the Israelites could pass through and the Egyptians drowning could have been a Tsunami and they just added some fairy dust to the story ,or they just didn't understand low and high tides ?

    • @marcdc6809
      @marcdc6809 15 днів тому

      @@justinporter458 the entire story, there's no evidence of Hebrews kept as slaves in Egypt, the bible also doesn't tell us which of the Pharao's is involved, the trip through the desert would have taken a month maximum, especially with that many people, the entire story is just made up... there has been an enslavement and a serious ethnic cleansing by the Babylonians (500 BC) and with the conquest by the Roman empire there was the 'diaspora', Jews were basically chased away from their homeland by the Romans.

    • @TboneWTF
      @TboneWTF 15 днів тому +3

      Moses wasn't even an actual historical figure. The babel straight out lies!

    • @marcdc6809
      @marcdc6809 14 днів тому +1

      @@TboneWTF I think it's funny that they were bearing false witness about something their neighbours had no part in, and in the same story try to tell people that bearing false witness against your neighbour is not something god would ever allow...

    • @TboneWTF
      @TboneWTF 14 днів тому

      @@marcdc6809 LOL. Yes the babel is renown for lying, hypocrisy and contradictions.

  • @AllFirstHand
    @AllFirstHand 14 днів тому

    Thank you for asking the questions. There's no crime in asking questions. The one's who don't like question asking are the one's I wonder about.

  • @isaacvanderwaal4051
    @isaacvanderwaal4051 13 днів тому

    Weer een die denkt het beter te weten dan de schepper, echt een teken dat je de Bijbel NIET KEN OF TOTAAL NIET BEGRIJP.

  • @hmgrraarrpffrzz9763
    @hmgrraarrpffrzz9763 13 днів тому +1

    I mean, the entire concept of having a book created to spread your message is idiotic when you are omnipotent. Books can be messed with (we got a thousand different versions of the Bible too), and all books we know of were made by men and didn't originate from deities. Not to mention that books are static while mankind is ever-changing.
    But regarding things to improve: get rid of all the mistakes in the Bible. And then scrap those whole ten commandments, because those are also utter nonsense, and instead create useful ones.

    • @justinporter458
      @justinporter458  5 днів тому

      The Catholic Church picked the 66 books of the Bible and rejected the 1st ,2nd and 3rd book of Enoch ,the Gospel of Thomas, the Acts of Thomas, the Gospel of Phillip, the Gospel of Mary Magdalene and there's over 60 different gospels that they rejected .The Catholic Bible has the 1st and 2nd book of Macabees that the Protestant Bible rejects. Why not just reject any book that has primate fingerprints all over it. Fairy stories made for grown ups, as long as people are afraid of death there will always be religion and made up stories to sooth the pain of grief and primates coping with their mortality to give us a ,,...and they lived happily ever after, fairy tale ending.

  • @MariusVanWoerden
    @MariusVanWoerden 14 днів тому

    All in this world is for only one reason. Creation was not finished on the 6th day. It will be finished When the new Jeruzalem comes down from Heaven and God Create the new Heaven and the New earth. There will nolonger dead and no distance between heaven and earth. It is all God's wise plan. Jesus will be there forever with me. Ono day you will know, but then it is too late. Also there are No JW in heaven and no Baptist southern or any. We are all the Children of God the Lord.

  • @Gabachazo
    @Gabachazo 13 днів тому

    The Buy-Bull was written by men!

  • @larryboysen5911
    @larryboysen5911 15 днів тому +2

    Copies of the Bible...should have rained down from Heaven, over each nation in the regional language...not written through mortal minds in one "privileged" region! The Catholic Church rewrote and deleted parts of the "original" texts, as well!

    • @justinporter458
      @justinporter458  15 днів тому

      I agree with you larryboysen the book of Enoch, the Gospel of Thomas and over 60 different Gospels were excluded from the Bible canon by the Catholic Church because according to them they weren't inspired by God . God was alive and well and living in the imaginations of the Bible writers .

    • @TboneWTF
      @TboneWTF 15 днів тому +2

      isn't it telling that an all powerful deity is unable to construct churches, raise money and spread his own words.

    • @larryboysen5911
      @larryboysen5911 14 днів тому

      God is in each one of us, as well as the entire "Creation"....not a three-in-one entity pulling the strings...beside "He" failed three times...Adam, the flood and potential second coming!

    • @DominikKoppensteiner
      @DominikKoppensteiner 14 днів тому

      And what exactly did they remove? Some apocryphal books, that were written by gnostic heretics and contradict the canonical books of the Bible?
      Or did they corrupt the text of the Gospel? That means, they went around all the parts of the Roman empire, gather all the manuscripts, that were spread before the Christianization of Rome, corrupt those manuscripts and bury them in the sand and hope, that 1500 years later, someone would find the manuscripts, that they corrupted. This idea is far fetched and nonsensical. We have so many manuscripts, and also early manuscripts, that claiming that the Bible is corrupted is the most absurd conspiracy theory ever.

    • @justinporter458
      @justinporter458  5 днів тому +1

      ​@@TboneWTF So true Tbone ,but God,s capable of drowning innocent little babies in Noah's flood and giving us tornadoes, earth quakes and brain tutors but always seems to be short of a dollar.

  • @burdoch1
    @burdoch1 13 днів тому

    You need to watch some near death experience videos weather meet Jesus. It will answer many of your questions

  • @innfield8836
    @innfield8836 13 днів тому

    The Bible is incapable of 'improvement'. No one - least of all some JW - can improve, edit, alter, add to, subtract from or in any other way alter God's word. Sorry, but there it is.

  • @hiltonchapman4844
    @hiltonchapman4844 13 днів тому

    Really great video!
    However, I have a sneaky feeling that your intention and objective (in making this video) will be grossly misunderstood.
    But, once again, well done!
    HC-JAIPUR (21/05/2024)

  • @douglascutler1037
    @douglascutler1037 14 днів тому

    Bible wish list, hmm . . . . a couple of hints about the germ theory of disease would have been nice. Would have saved a lot of lives along with maybe preventing all those wars where they blamed each other for plagues.

  • @TboneWTF
    @TboneWTF 15 днів тому

    LOL! How ridiculous pops!

    • @justinporter458
      @justinporter458  5 днів тому

      I hope Tbone in the 2070,s the younger generation will be calling you POP,s

    • @TboneWTF
      @TboneWTF 5 днів тому +1

      @@justinporter458 LOL. They call me pops now!

  • @kadeoldham2667
    @kadeoldham2667 13 днів тому

    Most of your arguments are based on personal incredulity
    If you can't imagine a good reason then there must not be one. God thought and ways are beyond us, we can only trust that He is good, not question His methods with our puny ignorant minds

    • @hmgrraarrpffrzz9763
      @hmgrraarrpffrzz9763 13 днів тому

      _"God thought and ways are beyond us, we can only trust that"_
      How would you differentiate between a deity that was made up by us humans and that makes no sense at all, and a deity that exists but makes no sense to us because it's "beyond us"?
      _"we can only trust that He is good, not question His methods"_
      Based on Gods actions that we can judge God is not good though. Also, if you don't doubt and don't question, you can be easily convinced to commit or allow any atrocity and just believe anything no matter what it is.
      Without doubt, you can't differentiate between falsehood and truth. And if you don't question somebody above you, well, that's how we got Nazi Germany for example.

    • @kadeoldham2667
      @kadeoldham2667 13 днів тому

      @@hmgrraarrpffrzz9763 I infer Gods existence because the universe needs an efficient cause to exist, the cause must be uncreated, transcend time and space and be powerful enough to create a universe - sounds like God
      The fall of mankind was knowledge of good and evil. I posit we never learnt to truly differentiate good and evil, we simply learned to put ourselves in the place of God and judge good and evil based on subjective ignorance. God is infinitely wise and good, everything He produces is good, and if we think it isn't it is because we lack the perspective, we need to trust Him, not our limitied, ignorant perspectives
      Edit: typo

    • @hmgrraarrpffrzz9763
      @hmgrraarrpffrzz9763 13 днів тому

      @@kadeoldham2667 Thanks for the explanation. But you seem to have answered a question I didn't ask and not answered the one I did ask.
      How would you differentiate between something that makes no sense to us because it makes no sense, and something that makes no sense to us because it's too complicated for us to understand?
      And you seem to suggest here blind faith and blind obedience: _"don't question, don't ask, don't think. Just hope that no matter what it looks like it's true regardless and no matter what it looks like it's good regardless."_
      Now blind faith and blind obedience are a common thing in religion. They are very convenient too. That's why you can make religious people do absolutely anything and they still believe it's good. Whether you talk about torturing people to death or killing infants or burning people alive or anything else. If you are obedient and don't think and hope that whoever you do something for is good and reasonable even though it looks like he isn't, then you can be made to commit any atrocity anyone can think of.
      Regarding the universe: we don't know whether it had a cause, and if it had a cause we don't know what it was. Saying "it must have" means nothing else but "based on my current state of knowledge I *assume* the following is correct", but the evidence is missing.
      Like when some remote tribe in the jungle sees a large plane for the first time. _"It must be a bird because only birds are big and fly. But it is no normal bird so it must be a god-bird"._
      Of course you can think that way. But the evidence that your assumptions are correct is just missing.
      If we look at the Bible as a source, then God surely doesn't seem wise at all. He seems angry and violent and prone to making mistakes.

    • @kadeoldham2667
      @kadeoldham2667 13 днів тому

      @@hmgrraarrpffrzz9763 The argument for God is a probabilistic one, right now to be a consistent atheist you need to be a nihilistic moral relativist who believes in infinite multiverses - trust that God must exist becomes easier and easier
      You believe nothing created everything?
      If nothings can create everythings, why do we not see nothings creating everything all the time?
      I don't suggest blind faith, more a recognition on how limited in perspective we are
      If I kill someone do you think it's bad?
      Now if I add the context that I killed him in defence of a little girl that he was in the process of murdering, then I become a hero
      God is all wise and all knowing, He knows intricately the process of life, death and everything inbetween. When he ends a life, He may be simply transporting a soul to where they belong. when we kill, they just dissapear to where? Heaven, hell, oblivion? It is our ignorance of the process that makes it evil to commit

    • @kadeoldham2667
      @kadeoldham2667 13 днів тому

      @@hmgrraarrpffrzz9763 Before we can address the morality and character of God, we need to know He must exist
      All things are contingent on other things, if you go back far enough there must be an efficient cause, the only alternative is there was no cause
      Do you think everything came from nothing, and if nothings create everythings, why do we not see everythings just popping into existence all the time?
      This argument only touches on the necessity of an efficient cause for the big bang where material science can start to make observations. If you want to get into the probability based necessity for God regarding the emergence of life, that is equally as in favour of design